
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Alex_Odeychuk: 131.407  << | >>

21.03.2023 17:38:54 AI. downstream learning task последующая задача обучения
21.03.2023 17:38:08 AI. unlabelled data неразмеченные данные
21.03.2023 17:36:45 AI. machine learning paradigm парадигма машинного обучения
21.03.2023 17:35:01 AI. self-supervised learning обучение с самоконтролем
21.03.2023 15:55:01 AI. prompt representation представление подсказки
21.03.2023 15:51:21 hist. system of gender-based discrimination система дискриминации по признаку пола (в крайней случае принимает форму апартеида по признаку пола: The legislation firmly established a system of gender-based discrimination that pervades numerous facets of family life, encompassing marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance matters.)
21.03.2023 14:11:04 PR project an image of tolerance формировать образ толерантности
21.03.2023 14:10:12 econ. oil export-dependent economy экономика, зависимая от экспорта нефти
21.03.2023 14:09:22 polit. cater to youth aspirations удовлетворять чаяния молодежи
21.03.2023 14:07:19 polit. far-reaching social reform масштабная социальная реформа
21.03.2023 14:06:33 polit. autocratic version авторитарная версия
21.03.2023 14:05:09 rel., islam head of the Islamic establishment глава ведомства по делам ислама (In Saudi Arabia, the head of the Islamic establishment is the ruler.)
21.03.2023 12:32:22 AI. prompt tuning настройка подсказок (для большой языковой модели)
21.03.2023 12:32:01 AI. prefix-tuning префиксная настройка
21.03.2023 12:31:32 AI. pretrained language model предобученная языковая модель
21.03.2023 12:30:22 AI. prompt-based learning обучение на основе подсказок
21.03.2023 12:30:22 AI. prompt learning обучение с подсказками
21.03.2023 12:30:22 AI. prompt-based learning обучение с подсказками
21.03.2023 12:29:44 AI. prompt-based dataset набор данных в виде подсказок
21.03.2023 12:29:21 AI. prompt engineering инженерия подсказок по цепочке рассуждений
21.03.2023 12:27:55 gen. as a question в виде вопроса
21.03.2023 2:11:53 gen. dicey topic скользкая тема
21.03.2023 1:35:54 bus.styl. holistic assessment комплексное оценивание
21.03.2023 0:59:20 AI. comp., net. machine learning service служба машинного обучения
20.03.2023 20:54:55 gen. range of capabilities спектр возможностей (dailymail.co.uk)
20.03.2023 20:52:59 softw. pared-down version урезанная версия (offer a pared-down version of ... — предлагать урезанную версию ... такого-то программного продукта dailymail.co.uk)
20.03.2023 20:32:10 AI. generative artificial intelligence tool инструмент с генеративным искусственным интеллектом (a tool with algorithms and neural networks, such as ChatGPT, that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos independent.co.uk)
20.03.2023 14:30:46 bus.styl. practical problem-solving решение практических задач
20.03.2023 14:28:50 OHS manual trade отрасль ручного труда (where workers work with their hands, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers)
20.03.2023 14:15:19 comp.sl. query кверюха
20.03.2023 5:18:02 AI. chain of thought exemplar пример цепочки мыслей (arxiv.org)
20.03.2023 5:16:00 AI. chain of thought prompting подсказка в виде цепочки мыслей (arxiv.org, nornickel.digital)
20.03.2023 5:15:11 AI. perform complex reasoning выполнять сложные рассуждения (arxiv.org)
20.03.2023 5:10:00 ling. AI. low-resource language редкий язык (such as Latvian, Welsh, and Swahili openai.com)
20.03.2023 5:02:14 AI. automated evaluation of artificial intelligence model performance автоматизированная оценка производительности модели искусственного интеллекта (Artificial intelligence model performance refers to the ability of an artificial intelligence model to accurately perform its intended task. The performance of an artificial intelligence model is typically evaluated using various metrics that measure its accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and other statistical measures openai.com)
20.03.2023 4:58:29 IT reliable scaling надёжное масштабирование (the process of expanding the capacity and capabilities of a software system to handle increased workloads without compromising performance or availability. It involves designing and implementing a system that can handle increased traffic or usage, while maintaining or improving its overall performance, reliability, and availability. When a software system is designed for reliable scaling, it can handle increased demand without experiencing downtime, performance degradation, or other issues that could negatively impact users.)
20.03.2023 4:56:31 AI. deep learning stack набор технологий машинного обучения (a collection of software tools, frameworks, and libraries that are used to build and deploy deep learning models. It typically includes tools for data pre-processing, model training, and model deployment: e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Caffe, and MXNet openai.com)
20.03.2023 2:08:27 data.prot. network intrusion prevention system система предотвращения попыток вторжения в сеть (A security solution designed to safeguard an organization's network from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities. It actively monitors, analyzes, and controls network traffic in real-time. By detecting and blocking suspicious or malicious behavior, it prevents intrusions and attacks from causing harm to the network or its resources before they have the chance to inflict damage)
20.03.2023 2:04:30 data.prot. intrusion detection and prevention обнаружение и предотвращение попыток вторжения (actively monitoring, analyzing, and controlling network traffic, identifying and blocking suspicious or malicious activities in real-time to safeguard a network from potential threats, unauthorized access, and attacks)
20.03.2023 1:54:13 data.prot. host intrusion prevention автономное предотвращение попыток вторжения в сеть (Protecting individual hosts or devices, such as servers, workstations, and other endpoints within a network, involves safeguarding them from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities. This is achieved by monitoring and controlling activities on a host, preventing intrusions and attacks through the detection and blocking of suspicious or malicious behavior)
20.03.2023 1:53:28 data.prot. host intrusion prevention system система автономного предотвращения попыток вторжения в сеть (a security solution designed to protect individual hosts or devices, such as servers, workstations, and other endpoints within a network, from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities by monitoring and controlling activities on the host, preventing intrusions and attacks through the detection and blocking of suspicious or malicious behavior)
20.03.2023 1:49:51 data.prot. host-based intrusion detection system система автономного обнаружения попыток вторжения в сеть (software for monitoring activity on individual hosts or devices within the network in order to identify and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or attacks on a computer network)
20.03.2023 1:46:02 data.prot. network intrusion detection system система обнаружения попыток вторжения в сеть (specialized software designed to detect suspicious activity, potential threats, and intrusions in real-time, helping to safeguard an organization's network infrastructure and resources)
20.03.2023 1:42:06 data.prot. network intrusion detection обнаружение попыток вторжения в сеть (the process of monitoring and analyzing network traffic to identify and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or attacks on a computer network)
20.03.2023 1:41:07 data.prot. network intrusion detection and prevention device устройство обнаружения и предотвращения попыток проникновения в сеть (a security solution that combines the functionalities of both detection and prevention systems to protect a network from potential threats and attacks. It actively monitors, analyzes, and controls network traffic in real-time, identifying and blocking suspicious or malicious activities to safeguard the network and its resources)
20.03.2023 1:38:50 data.prot. password guessing подбор пароля
20.03.2023 1:34:24 data.prot. security incident response and management реагирование и управление инцидентами безопасности (the process of identifying, investigating, containing, and resolving security incidents or breaches in a systematic and timely manner. It involves coordinating resources, developing action plans, and implementing effective strategies to mitigate the impact of security threats and restore normal operations within an organization)
20.03.2023 1:33:22 data.prot. real-time alerting оповещение о тревоге в реальном времени
20.03.2023 1:28:29 data.prot. log collection and normalization сбор и нормализация журнальных сообщений (collecting logs from various sources, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, servers, and applications, and normalize them into a consistent format for analysis)
20.03.2023 1:27:48 data.prot. Security Event Management управление событиями безопасности (analyzing the collected data in real-time, identifying patterns and correlations that may indicate a security incident or potential threat by using rules, policies, and heuristics to detect anomalies, flagging them for further investigation and generating alerts for security personnel)
20.03.2023 1:25:10 data.prot. security-related information информация по вопросам обеспечения безопасности
20.03.2023 1:24:32 data.prot. log data журнальные данные
20.03.2023 1:24:01 data.prot. security information management управление информацией о безопасности (collecting and storing log data generated by various devices, applications, and systems within the organization. This data includes event logs, system logs, network logs, and other security-related information)
20.03.2023 1:18:22 comp., net. network hardware сетевые устройства
20.03.2023 1:14:48 data.prot. security information and event management управление информацией о безопасности и событиями безопасности (a set of tools and practices aimed at collecting, aggregating, analyzing, and correlating security-related data from various sources in an organization's IT environment in order to provide real-time monitoring, detection, and alerting of security events or incidents, helping security teams to identify and respond to potential threats effectively)
20.03.2023 1:06:14 progr. software testing team команда тестирования программного обеспечения
20.03.2023 1:05:11 progr. test case prioritization назначение приоритетов для тестовых примеров (a technique used in software testing to determine the order in which test cases should be executed. The main goal is to maximize the effectiveness of the testing process by prioritizing the most important or high-impact test cases. This can lead to faster detection of faults, better utilization of testing resources, and improved overall test efficiency.)
20.03.2023 0:27:49 progr. test case management управление тестовыми примерами (the process of creating, organizing, and tracking test cases for a software system. Test cases are specific scenarios or situations that are designed to test the functionality, performance, and behavior of a software system. Test case management involves creating and managing a set of test cases that cover all aspects of the system, from basic functionality to more complex features and interactions. Test case management typically involves the use of specialized software tools that allow software testing teams to create and organize test cases, assign them to team members, and track their progress and results. Effective test case management is critical to ensuring that a software system meets the desired quality standards and functions correctly. By organizing and managing test cases, software testing teams can ensure that all aspects of the system are thoroughly tested and that any issues or errors are identified and addressed before the system is released to end users perforce.com)
20.03.2023 0:26:25 IT test automation tool инструмент автоматизации тестирования (software application that is used to automate the execution of software tests. It is designed to simplify the process of creating, executing, and analyzing software tests, and it can help improve the speed and efficiency of the testing process while reducing errors and improving the accuracy of test results. It can support a variety of testing types, such as functional testing, regression testing, load testing. It can also automate the testing of user interfaces, APIs, databases, and other components of a software system: e.g., Selenium, Appium, TestComplete, JMeter, and SoapUI)
20.03.2023 0:22:15 progr. test dataset тестовый набор данных (a set of test data that is used to test a software system or application. A test dataset is usually a subset of the actual data that the system will be processing in production. It is designed to simulate realistic scenarios and user interactions, as well as to uncover any potential issues or errors in the system. The data may be generated manually or automatically, depending on the needs of the testing process. Test datasets may also be created based on specific test cases, which define the input values and expected outputs for a particular feature or function of the system. By testing with different datasets, software testers can identify and address issues such as data corruption, incorrect formatting, missing or incomplete data)
20.03.2023 0:18:43 progr. test data management управление тестовыми данными (the process of creating and managing test data used in software testing processes. Test data is the data that is used to test the functionality, performance, and behavior of a software system, and it can include inputs, outputs, and other information that is required for testing purposes. It includes tasks such as creating and maintaining test datasets, managing data dependencies, identifying data conflicts, and ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive data.)
20.03.2023 0:14:49 progr. automated testing framework инфраструктура автоматизированного тестирования (a set of automation tools, guidelines, and coding standards that are used to develop and execute software tests automatically. It provides a standardized way of creating and running automated tests, which allows software testers to perform testing more efficiently and consistently. Automated testing frameworks can include a variety of tools and features, such as test case management, test automation tools, test data management, and reporting and analysis capabilities: e.g., Selenium, Appium, TestComplete, JUnit, NUnit)
20.03.2023 0:09:37 progr. code under development разрабатываемый код (code that is currently being written or created to meet new requirements or to add new features to an existing software system, or code that is being modified or updated to fix bugs or improve its functionality. Typically, the code under development is not yet ready for release or deployment and is still in the testing and development phase. As such, it may undergo various iterations and revisions before it is considered stable and ready for use by end-users)
20.03.2023 0:07:53 progr. code under maintenance сопровождаемый код (code that is currently being updated, modified, or fixed to meet new requirements or to fix bugs, or being reviewed or refactored to improve its quality or performance)
19.03.2023 17:44:07 softw. optimal performance оптимальная производительность (the seamless and proficient operation that ensures minimal resource usage, rapid response times, and extensive scalability. This is achieved by providing the best possible user experience while maintaining a balance between system resources, reliability, and stability.)
19.03.2023 15:55:54 data.prot. cybersecurity threat landscape картина угроз информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетях (the ever-evolving set of risks, vulnerabilities, and potential attacks that organizations face in the digital realm. It encompasses various types of threats, such as malware, ransomware, phishing, and advanced persistent threats, as well as emerging trends and technologies that could impact the security posture of organizations and their digital assets)
18.03.2023 22:48:33 ling. retain the original meaning сохранить первоначальный смысл (говоря о смысле предложения)
18.03.2023 22:18:26 ling. African American Vernacular English афроамериканский разговорный английский язык
18.03.2023 5:09:56 black.sl. holler at выйди на ("Holler at me" is a Black English expression that means "get in touch with me" or "contact me." It is often used casually between friends or acquaintances to indicate a willingness to help or communicate further.)
18.03.2023 5:09:56 black.sl. holler at свяжись с ("Holler at me" is a Black English expression that means "get in touch with me" or "contact me." It is often used casually between friends or acquaintances to indicate a willingness to help or communicate further.)
18.03.2023 4:30:06 gram. when it's clear from context what is being referred to когда из контекста понятно о чём идёт речь
18.03.2023 4:10:04 gram. indicate a cause-and-effect relationship выражать причинно-следственное отношение
18.03.2023 3:49:48 stylist. maintain the meaning of the original text сохранить смысл первоначального текста (The sentence is rephrased to remove repetition of thoughts. I have tried to improve the style of the sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original text.)
18.03.2023 3:48:52 psycholing. sound natural to the ear звучать естественно
17.03.2023 22:46:50 math. zeroed-out обнулённый
17.03.2023 22:40:47 R&D. as shown как показано на рисунке
17.03.2023 22:09:40 sec.sys. door controller network switch сетевой коммутатор дверного контроллера
17.03.2023 18:04:05 dat.proc. data sets collected from the internet наборы данных, собранные из интернета
17.03.2023 17:57:59 comp., MS sign-in credentials учётные данные (username and password)
17.03.2023 17:47:07 Cloud. with cloud integration облачный
17.03.2023 17:40:55 Cloud. cloud-enabled облачный
17.03.2023 17:40:55 Cloud. cloud-powered облачный
17.03.2023 17:40:55 Cloud. cloud-driven облачный
17.03.2023 17:40:55 Cloud. cloud-supported облачный
17.03.2023 17:38:56 softw. cloud-based logo design tool облачный инструмент для создания логотипов
17.03.2023 17:14:43 softw. designed to be accessed over the internet разработанный для доступа через интернет
17.03.2023 17:10:07 data.prot. access sensitive information получить доступ к конфиденциальной информации (The system is accessed over the internet using login credentials, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information. – Система доступна через интернет при использовании учётных данных, гарантируя, что только авторизованные пользователи могут получить доступ к конфиденциальной информации.)
17.03.2023 17:08:04 data.prot. access critical data доступ к важным данным (Our database can be accessed over the internet, making it simple for remote workers to access critical data. – Наша база данных может быть доступна через интернет, что упрощает доступ к важным данным для дистанционных работников.)
17.03.2023 17:07:27 market. flexibility to use гибкость использования (The software is designed to be accessed over the internet, providing users with the flexibility to use it on any device. — Программное обеспечение разработано для доступа через интернет, обеспечивая пользователям гибкость использования на любом устройстве.)
17.03.2023 17:06:50 comp., net. access over the internet доступ в интернет
17.03.2023 17:05:02 geogr. from anywhere из любой точки мира (The platform is accessed over the internet, allowing users to work from anywhere with an internet connection. — Платформа доступна через интернет, что позволяет пользователям работать из любой точки мира, где есть доступ в интернет.)
17.03.2023 17:04:15 comp., net. with an internet connection с доступом в интернет
17.03.2023 17:03:19 comp., net. accessed over the internet доступный через интернет
17.03.2023 16:59:35 comp., net. hosted on remote servers размещённый на удаленных серверах
17.03.2023 16:56:55 AI. cloud-based text-to-speech platform облачная платформа преобразования текста в речь
17.03.2023 16:41:28 progr. user input analysis анализ пользовательского ввода (rb.ru)
17.03.2023 16:40:42 AI. natural language processing algorithm алгоритм обработки естественного языка (rb.ru)
17.03.2023 16:33:54 AI. user input visualization визуализация пользовательского ввода
17.03.2023 16:26:54 softw. interactive в формате диалогового окна (rb.ru)
17.03.2023 16:22:09 AI. reinforcement learning with human feedback обучение с подкреплением и обратной связью от человека (rb.ru)

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