
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

21.04.2023 7:36:04 formal submissions подаваемые документы (Submissions should include ... – Список подаваемых документов: ...)
21.04.2023 5:22:22 formal for the purposes of с целью (for the purposes of securing these opportunities)
21.04.2023 4:30:41 context. naughty непослушание (Only in #Vancouver would the city shut down streets and public facilities because of an unapproved, unsanctioned event where thousands of losers get together to smoke pot. News flash to 4/20 partiers: smoking pot isn't "naughty" anymore. Get over yourselves. (Twitter))
21.04.2023 4:30:41 context. naughty шалость (Only in #Vancouver would the city shut down streets and public facilities because of an unapproved, unsanctioned event where thousands of losers get together to smoke pot. News flash to 4/20 partiers: smoking pot isn't "naughty" anymore. Get over yourselves. (Twitter))
21.04.2023 4:22:50 gen. be equivalent to roughly примерно равняться (The amount of new land created will amount to about 450 acres — equivalent to roughly half the size of Stanley Park. dailyhive.com)
21.04.2023 4:12:27 ufol. flap всплеск активности (НЛО или паранормальных явлений в определённом районе: As in many such media hyped flaps, there were a few hoaxers making false reports over the following months and even one case of a fake UFO being released by what many have chalked up to school kids, drunks or both. (...) Nevertheless, it should come as no surprise that professional "debunkers" have used this incident to dismiss the entire flap. • The rather 'classic' cattle mutilation case has now turned into something of a flap as, they revealed, "while looking into the longhorn-cross’ death, five other similar occurrences involving four adult cows and one yearling were reported." coasttocoastam.com)
21.04.2023 3:59:21 gen. blinding flash ослепительная вспышка (Blinding flash over Kyiv was probably meteor, says Ukraine space agency. A mysterious flash which lit up skies over Ukraine's capital on Wednesday night generated much speculation. Officials in Kyiv initially suspected it was a Nasa satellite falling to Earth but the US space agency told the BBC it was still in orbit. bbc.com)
21.04.2023 3:52:08 gen. huge lineup огромная очередь (45 minutes later and still a huge lineup. Cannot believe how frustrating it must be for all these people. (Twitter))
21.04.2023 3:02:55 gen. the city was drenched with rain на город обрушился ливень (As Istanbul became enveloped in darkness, the city was also drenched with rain and the incident proved to be so unnerving that many people online mused that perhaps the apocalypse was occurring. coasttocoastam.com)
21.04.2023 2:59:56 gen. cast it into total darkness погрузить в полную темноту (Residents of Istanbul were understandably left unsettled when a massive black cloud swept over the Turkish city and cast it into total darkness for five minutes. -- город погрузился в полную темноту coasttocoastam.com)
21.04.2023 2:54:44 emph. staggering целых (An angler from England made a monstrous catch in the form of an enormous goldfish that weighed a whopping 67 pounds and, until now, had managed to avoid being captured for a staggering 20 years. • Residents of Istanbul were understandably left unsettled when a massive black cloud swept over the Turkish city and cast it into total darkness for five minutes. (...) Sharing one such piece of footage on social media, a Turkish meteorological group marveled that "the day turned into night" when the city was covered by a monstrous cloud measuring a staggering seven kilometers thick. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
21.04.2023 2:52:22 psychol. unsettled выбитый из душевного равновесия (What wasn’t normal, he said, was the feeling of dread while he hid and listened as Russian attack helicopters strafed the position his team of tank hunters had just fled. That moment, he said, “was quite honestly the most unsettled I had been the entire time.” • Residents of Istanbul were understandably left unsettled when a massive black cloud swept over the Turkish city and cast it into total darkness for five minutes. (...) As Istanbul became enveloped in darkness, the city was also drenched with rain and the incident proved to be so unnerving that many people online mused that perhaps the apocalypse was occurring. washingtonpost.com, coasttocoastam.com)
20.04.2023 7:54:40 busin. service excellence превосходное качество обслуживания (потребителей: We are committed to providing our clients with reliable network performance and service excellence.)
20.04.2023 7:48:52 inf. buzzed оживлённо обсуждаемый (The infidelity story was the most "buzzed" entry on Yahoo! Sports yesterday.)
20.04.2023 6:12:17 gen. it was in this way дело было так (предваряя рассказ: It was in this way, sir. ..........)
20.04.2023 6:10:47 saying. the old age is a pretty sad stage старость -- не радость
20.04.2023 6:07:52 derog. cronies дружки (Marked with OFTEN DEROGATORY in the Oxford Dictionary: the president and his cronies – президент и его дружки)
20.04.2023 6:03:45 gen. old acquaintance старый знакомый (an old acquaintance of mine -- мой старый знакомый)
20.04.2023 6:01:57 gen. feelings towards sb. чувства к (кому-л.) ("(...), which had completely altered her feelings towards him." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
20.04.2023 5:59:08 idiom. save sb. trouble облегчить кому-либо задачу (" 'That must have saved them trouble,' said Holmes thoughtfully." – "Должно быть, это облегчило их задачу," задумчиво произнёс Холмс. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
20.04.2023 5:00:08 inf. buzz оживлённо обсуждать (to talk in an excited way about something (Cambridge Dictionary) -- about / over sth.: Everyone was buzzing about how cool this place was. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Political bloggers buzzed over this unexpected turn of events. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Her latest movie has got everyone buzzing. (Cambridge Dictionary) • During the Apollo 11 mission, Ken Johnston, who worked at NASA, told Bara that within 30 minutes of the craft landing on the moon at Tranquility Base, the employees were buzzing about the news that the astronauts had seen three UFOs parked on the crater rim. -- сотрудники оживлённо обсуждали новость coasttocoastam.com)
20.04.2023 4:40:28 inf. buzz off! дуй отсюда!
20.04.2023 4:34:03 inf. buzz off уматывать (Buzz off! – Вали отсюда! Уматывай!)
20.04.2023 4:33:46 inf. buzz off! мотай отсюда! (go away (Oxford Dictionary) : "We know what we're doing, so buzz off!" (Oxford Dictionary))
20.04.2023 4:08:51 polit. overstep превысить свои полномочия ("It is unprecedented, and every citizen in B.C. should be concerned about this," Grant told Glacier Media, noting the widespread opposition to the housing project, which included a retired judge and university professor. "[Premier] David Eby and the NDP are overstepping here. What they're doing is they're shutting down the voice of the community." castanet.net)
20.04.2023 4:05:41 real.est. city property земельный участок, принадлежащий городу (In July 2022, Vancouver council voted 8-3 to approve a 13-storey, 129-unit social housing tower on a piece of city property in Kitsilano that will cost $64 million to build. castanet.net)
20.04.2023 3:44:06 abbr. TBA будет объявлено позже (The new 354-passenger catamarans are expected to offer up to seven daily round-trip sailings. The exact starting date and cost is still TBA.)
20.04.2023 3:44:06 abbr. TBA будет объявлено дополнительно (The new 354-passenger catamarans are expected to offer up to seven daily round-trip sailings. The exact starting date and cost is still TBA.)
20.04.2023 3:34:39 gen. push hard for настаивать на (чём-л.) (о требовании, при переговорах или выработке документа: One certainty, however, is that the benefit will be indexed to inflation, something people with disabilities pushed hard for and Morrice successfully introduced as an amendment in December. vancouverisawesome.com)
20.04.2023 3:28:28 police violation ticket штрафной талон (выдаётся сотрудником дорожной полиции нарушителю twitter.com)
20.04.2023 2:24:50 gov. citizen engagement участие граждан (в разработке законодательства, обсуждении общественных проблем и т.п.: a vast and complex citizen engagement)
19.04.2023 6:47:09 gen. for whatever reason по неизвестной причине (Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the victim did not come forward. • The image became synonymous with the notion that the 'spaceman' was an alien visitor that, for whatever reason, was invisible in person but which showed up in the photograph.' unexplained-mysteries.com)
19.04.2023 6:13:24 gen. hack to death with an axe зарубить топором (Twenty years ago Saturday, Stephen Arnold Ford hacked his parents to death with an axe in their home north of Calgary. He was 17 on Aug. 1, 1989, when, in a rage, he killed his dad Steve, 38, and mom Kathleen, 37, inside their Airdrie bedroom. He hacked them more than 20 times.)
19.04.2023 5:42:06 soc.med. social media friends друзья в соцсетях ("It's always the same story: every time you sit down to your laptop to try and actually get some work done, your cat promptly plops down on your keyboard. Does this mean that your cat is jealous of your clients and social media friends?" (The Modern Cat Magazine))
19.04.2023 5:35:54 gen. auspicious occasion благоприятный случай ("I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Perhaps you would rather save the champagne for some more auspicious occasion." "It's only two bottles," I said. "A really auspicious occasion would call for a dozen." (Raymond Chandler))
19.04.2023 5:12:42 railw. diesel service пассажирские перевозки с использованием тепловозов
19.04.2023 5:05:50 gen. densely forested заросший густым лесом (a patio overlooking a densely forested ravine)
19.04.2023 5:01:58 gen. before а то (on a moving bus: "Have a seat before you fall down." – Садитесь, а то упадёте.)
19.04.2023 4:58:04 cliche. for that matter а также (Данное выражение следует понимать и переводить, основываясь по меньшей мере на следующих двух толкованиях: 1) Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus: used to show that a statement is true in another situation: "Ming's never been to Spain, or to any European country for that matter." – "не бывал в Испании, а также ни в одной другой европейской стране"; 2) Collins English Dictionary: You can use for that matter to emphasize that the remark you are making is true in the same way as your previous, similar remark. "The irony was that Shawn had not seen her. Nor for that matter had anyone else." – "не видел её, а также кого-либо другого". Очевидно, что весь смысл в равноценности/равнозначности. Мой пример, подтверждающий мою точку зрения: "Coming from Toronto we were mystified why pedestrians did not raise their arms at crosswalks in Victoria, or for that matter, the whole of B.C." (The Province) )
19.04.2023 3:27:42 humor. pooch пёсик (As you can see, our love of dogs shines through in our home with photos of Grady, our family pooch, who was rescued on the mean streets of San Juan and brought home to Manhattan.)
19.04.2023 3:24:04 gen. show some influence заметно влияние (This postmodern design shows some Scottish influence in the crow-stepped gable on 8th Street. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
19.04.2023 3:20:38 context. shows согласно (Согласно ежегодному опросу, ... – Americans have been adding significantly to their waistlines over the past year, with obesity rates rising in almost half of the 50 states, and falling in none, an annual survey released Wednesday shows.)
19.04.2023 3:17:31 gen. excesses излишества (The Godfather mirrors the excesses and brilliance of the American society that produced these mobsters.)
19.04.2023 3:04:00 archit. frills излишества (William Bow, who later went on to work on the Lions Gate Bridge, was instructed by the hospital board to provide 'little in the manner of frills' for their new hospital. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) academic.ru)
19.04.2023 3:04:00 archit. frills архитектурные излишества (William Bow, who later went on to work on the Lions Gate Bridge, was instructed by the hospital board to provide 'little in the manner of frills' for their new hospital. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) academic.ru)
19.04.2023 2:48:49 ufol. crop formations зерновые узоры (Though there is some evidence that crop formations may have appeared in earlier times, the modern phenomenon kicked off in the 1980s, and in some cases, orbs appeared in fields above where the patterns formed, he reported. coasttocoastam.com)
19.04.2023 2:46:27 ufol. crop circle зерновой круг (In explaining the crop circle phenomenon to viewers, the program asserts that only five percent of the formations are "genuine" and offered the odd explanation that "their occurrence is usually associated with explosions in space." • In the first half, author, lecturer, and filmmaker L. A. Marzulli discussed his latest work researching the phenomenon of crop circles – the mysterious images in fields depicting aliens, serpents, mathematical formulas, astronomical secrets, precise architectural drawings, and peculiar messages. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
19.04.2023 2:43:54 gen. inexplicable не поддающийся объяснению (While Marzulli conceded there are some hoaxes, many formations are inexplicable, and no footprints are found near the designs. -- не поддаются объяснению coasttocoastam.com)
19.04.2023 2:40:26 gen. pattern характерная модель (The criminals were using the same pattern again and again. • identify property crime patterns)
19.04.2023 2:32:27 law, copyr. cite the source указать источник (видео, статью: If you want to use this video, go ahead. Please cite the source and put a link that takes them directly back to my channel. coasttocoastam.com)
19.04.2023 2:32:27 law, copyr. cite the source сослаться на источник (видео, статью: If you want to use this video, go ahead. Please cite the source and put a link that takes them directly back to my channel. coasttocoastam.com)
19.04.2023 2:23:55 gen. unharmed благополучно (A man driving a black BMW followed a teenage girl walking home from school in Norgate. Luckily, the girl was able to make it home unharmed. -- смогла благополучно добраться домой)
19.04.2023 2:19:57 gen. float past проплыть мимо (на водной поверхности, в воздухе или в космосе: A peculiar piece of footage circulating online shows an odd glowing orb mysteriously floating past the International Space Station. coasttocoastam.com)
18.04.2023 8:43:58 gen. according to согласно результатам (опроса: According to a 2015 survey by private mortgage insurer Apollo Financial, ...)
18.04.2023 5:58:22 idiom. on second thought по раздумье (Я тут, сударь, сел да начал раздумывать: что ж он, скитающийся человек, много ль помехи мне сделает? И вышло, по раздумье, что немногого будет стоить помеха. (Ф.М. Достоевский))
18.04.2023 5:40:30 gen. rent out отдать внаём (— Вот я, сударь, к вам, — начала она вдруг, — вы бы отдали внаём каморку. — Какую каморку? — Да вот что подле кухни. Известно какую. (Ф.М. Достоевский))
18.04.2023 5:36:22 obs. go to the office идти в должность (Однажды утром, когда я уже совсем собрался идти в должность, вошла ко мне Аграфена, моя кухарка, прачка и домоводка, и, к удивлению моему, вступила со мной в разговор. (Ф.М. Достоевский))
18.04.2023 5:19:22 archit. prominent landmark заметное издалека здание (St. Andrews (1912) is a vigorous exercise in the Gothic revival style. Located at the top of a hill where the streets change their orientation, its tall spire makes it a prominent local landmark. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
18.04.2023 5:19:22 archit. prominent landmark издалека заметное здание (St. Andrews (1912) is a vigorous exercise in the Gothic revival style. Located at the top of a hill where the streets change their orientation, its tall spire makes it a prominent local landmark. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
18.04.2023 5:11:50 archit. Gothic revival style неоготический стиль архитектуры (St. Andrews (1912) is a vigorous exercise in the Gothic revival style. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
18.04.2023 5:07:34 construct. development of an area, street застройка района, улицы (Development of Grand Boulevard was interrupted by the First World War. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
18.04.2023 4:56:36 construct. exclusive residential district элитный район
18.04.2023 4:52:44 archit. addition пристройка к дому (The porch is a later addition, not unsympathetic to the original Italianate design. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
18.04.2023 4:48:43 archit. annex дополнительный корпус (может находиться на значительном расстоянии от основного здания, напр., школы)
18.04.2023 4:30:11 gen. make the difficult decision принять трудное решение (We have made the difficult decision to remain closed this evening, due to the snow load on the very tall trees that are part of the park. Safety is our first priority for our team members and guests.)
18.04.2023 4:01:31 archit. cast-iron light чугунный фонарь (на фасаде здания)
18.04.2023 3:15:43 cliche. face challenges перед (кем-л.) стоят трудности (также facing challenges (in the progressive))
18.04.2023 3:14:27 cliche. face challenges сталкиваться с трудностями (Electricity has been restored to a neighbourhood in Vancouver after an eagle collided with the power line Monday morning. BC Hydro confirmed that it happened in the Kitsilano area just after 8 am and resulted in a power outage for about 1,600 customers. “…We sometimes face challenges with wildlife and birds coming into contact with our power lines, and wherever possible we try to prevent it,” a spokesperson for BC Hydro told Daily Hive. “I can tell you it’s rare for an eagle to make contact with our infrastructure.” dailyhive.com)
18.04.2023 2:24:13 gen. be well within one's rights to do sth. иметь полное право сделать (что-л.) (To that end, his family reportedly lamented to police that he acquired the cash by draining their shared bank account and, as such, they were now penniless. To his loved ones' chagrin, cops explained that since McCarthy had legal access to the money, he was well within his rights to distribute it by way of the bizarre drive along the highway. coasttocoastam.com)
18.04.2023 2:21:21 gen. do a thorough job of самым тщательным образом сделать (что-л.) (+ gerund: When police returned to the scene the following day, there was no sign of the cash, which led the Oregon State Police to marvel that "motorists did a thorough job of gathering the loose money as troopers were unable to locate any further currency after the incident." coasttocoastam.com)
18.04.2023 2:13:38 cliche. to the profound surprise of к крайнему удивлению (The very weird incident reportedly occurred last Tuesday evening as Colin Davis McCarthy was cruising down the road in the city of Eugene and, to the profound surprise of the other motorists, he suddenly began tossing handfuls of $100 bills from his vehicle. -- к крайнему удивлению / изумлению coasttocoastam.com)
18.04.2023 2:07:46 gen. cause chaos устроить хаос (A strangely generous man in Oregon caused chaos on a highway when he threw what is believed to be $200,000 in cash out of the window of his car. coasttocoastam.com)
17.04.2023 8:18:44 gen. wave over попросить жестом приблизиться (кого-либо: It was then that Kendall silently waved her superior over to catch a glimpse of this astonishing vehicle, and its' ostensibly unearthly occupants, before they disappeared. mysteriousuniverse.org)
17.04.2023 8:18:32 gen. wave over поманить жестом (It was then that Kendall silently waved her superior over to catch a glimpse of this astonishing vehicle, and its' ostensibly unearthly occupants, before they disappeared. mysteriousuniverse.org)
17.04.2023 8:18:13 gen. wave over подозвать жестом (It was then that Kendall silently waved her superior over to catch a glimpse of this astonishing vehicle, and its' ostensibly unearthly occupants, before they disappeared. mysteriousuniverse.org)
17.04.2023 8:13:02 lit. revisions поправки (Balzac’s scribbled revisions create a tortuous mass atop his Eugénie Grandet manuscript)
17.04.2023 8:12:49 busin. edits поправки (в тексте: Do those edits meet with your approval? – Вы одобряете эти поправки?; все же правильнее "правки", а не "поправки" SirReal)
17.04.2023 7:54:11 cliche. be difficult упираться (‘Now don't be difficult, Bertie. You'll enjoy it,' said Bobbie, though where she got that idea I was at a loss to understand. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Не упирайся.)
17.04.2023 7:52:38 cliche. be difficult мотать нервы (After a long time she pulled her head back but kept her arms around my neck. She was starry-eyed. "I meant to all the time," she said. "I just had to be difficult. I don't know why. Just nerves perhaps." (Raymond Chandler)-- Мне просто хотелось помотать тебе нервы.)
17.04.2023 7:49:55 cliche. I would say по-моему (I would say, at the end of the day, just love your child. Nothing else matters.)
17.04.2023 7:49:17 gen. help out around the house помогать по дому (...) Trina Gray and her daughters Sierra and Sasha. Now 17 and 10, the girls have been helping out around the house since they were very small.)
17.04.2023 7:49:07 gen. help with the housework помогать по дому (Swedish and Norwegian men might make the most attractive husbands as they'll help with the housework while Australian men, renowned for their love of sport and beer, came last in a British study on roles in the home.)
17.04.2023 7:47:12 genet. duplication on one's 15th chromosome дупликация 15-ой хромосомы (Amy was born with a duplication on her 15th chromosome which affected her vision, motor skills, hearing and feeding.)
17.04.2023 7:43:59 formal to*whom которому (any person to whom the Supplier has provided Confidential Information. • This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential information and is intent only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. – которому оно адресовано)
17.04.2023 7:40:47 fash. sweater кофта (allfreeknitting.com)
17.04.2023 7:37:12 gen. feline friends кошачьи друзья (примеры из русского интернета: Скрытый мир кошек: что делают наши кошачьи друзья... • Наши кошачьи друзья, безусловно, поражают нас своим умом)
17.04.2023 6:59:46 gen. acclaimed получивший известность
17.04.2023 6:59:36 gen. renowned получивший известность (for – благодаря: Hatsumura is renowned for his multidimensional, kaleidoscopic digital art.)
17.04.2023 6:47:19 idiom. speak for yourself! по себе не суди (something you say to someone to say that the opinion that they have just expressed is not the same as your opinion (Cambridge Dictionary): "We had a really boring trip." "Speak for yourself! I had a wonderful time!" (Cambridge Dictionary))
17.04.2023 6:47:19 idiom. speak for yourself! не суди по себе (something you say to someone to say that the opinion that they have just expressed is not the same as your opinion (Cambridge Dictionary): "We had a really boring trip." "Speak for yourself! I had a wonderful time!" (Cambridge Dictionary))
17.04.2023 6:38:28 law, contr. mutually agree достигнуть взаимной договорённости (upon – по: ... that the parties may mutually agree upon -- ..., по которым сторонами может быть достигнута взаимная договорённость)
17.04.2023 6:27:50 gen. meet познакомиться с (When I was skiing in Whistler I met a wonderful guy. His name is Patrick. – я познакомилась с замечательным парнем)
17.04.2023 6:26:41 inf. fix sb. up with sb. познакомить с (I have a friend who wants to fix me up with his 280-pound sister.)
17.04.2023 6:25:13 amer. fix up познакомить (= to arrange a meeting or date for a single person:: Marilyn fixed me up with her sister Emily.)
17.04.2023 6:24:29 gen. get to know each other познакомиться (после встречи: Knowing that two’s company and three’s a crowd, I went back to the house leaving the two guests on the patio to get to know each other.)
17.04.2023 5:48:15 idiom. find oneself in hot water нажить себе неприятности (A group of people in England found themselves in hot water with the law when they defied the country's coronavirus lockdown in order to make a late night visit to Stonehenge. coasttocoastam.com)
17.04.2023 5:36:07 gen. in the present circumstances в данных обстоятельствах
17.04.2023 5:35:45 gen. in the present circumstances в сложившейся обстановке
17.04.2023 5:35:33 gen. in the present circumstances в сложившихся обстоятельствах (He believes that Putin is capable of using tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict but doesn't think he would launch them in the present circumstances, as they don't offer much battlefield advantage, and the price of international isolation would be too high. coasttocoastam.com)
17.04.2023 5:30:59 gen. as it stands в сложившейся обстановке

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267