
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

30.04.2023 3:26:22 confect. custom cake торт на заказ (Any recommendations for bakeries that can do custom cakes? Need a custom cake for my wedding. Having a hard time finding an affordable place (Lets say under $250 for a 6 inch cake). Any recommendations? (Reddit))
30.04.2023 2:57:14 gov. public acknowledgement публичное признание (He claimed that knowledge of extraterrestrial activity is extensive across the government—but official, public acknowledgement of it would be too embarrassing and risky. This is partly why, he added, that would-be whistleblowers are afraid to come forward. coasttocoastam.com)
30.04.2023 2:51:07 formal wherein в котором (в которой, в которых: Next, we highlight a fascinating program from August 28, 2004 wherein Art was joined by author Eric Brende, who recounted how he and his wife gave up their modern lifestyle for 18 months to live a more minimalist existence with an Anabaptist community which eschews any and all motorized or automated equipment to the point that even the Amish consider their way of living to be rather primitive. • Unlike most of his books, wherein he describes his own experiences with UFOs, Strieber explained that his new book Dreamland explores the US government's stonewalling on the subject. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
29.04.2023 8:03:57 fig. stretch out раскинуться ("with a golden-hour view of vines and valley stretching out beneath us" (BC Business Magazine) – с видом на виноградники и долину, раскинувшуюся под нами)
29.04.2023 7:34:33 gram. like похожий на (в составных прилагательных: This striking, almost fortress-like, home, pay homage to Frank Lloyd Wright. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) -- похожий на крепость)
29.04.2023 3:06:12 cliche. have always distinguished him он всегда отличался (Discretion and high integrity have always distinguished him. -- Он всегда отличался / Его всегда отличали ...)
29.04.2023 2:59:53 gen. market rumours биржевые слухи
29.04.2023 2:58:03 law, contr. reasonable достаточно разумный (в течение достаточно разумного срока – for a reasonable period of time)
29.04.2023 2:53:47 eng. run on alcohol работать на спирту (о двигателе: Regarding gasoline at the fuel pumps, he reported that E15 or 15% alcohol gas might become the norm, up from 10%. (...) Many vehicles can run on alcohol instead of gas, he added. coasttocoastam.com)
29.04.2023 2:45:52 gen. do exist на самом деле существовать (He told Cheryll that evidence from his personal experiences and career work with terminally ill patients had convinced him that God and life after death do exist. -- на самом деле существуют coasttocoastam.com)
29.04.2023 2:42:45 gen. do exist действительно существовать (He told Cheryll that evidence from his personal experiences and career work with terminally ill patients had convinced him that God and life after death do exist. -- действительно существуют coasttocoastam.com)
29.04.2023 2:35:15 gen. do предпринять (If something isn't done quickly, more communities will be affected by this disease. – Если немедленно не предпринять каких-то мер ...)
28.04.2023 8:35:36 gen. anyway, down to business ладно, теперь займёмся делом
28.04.2023 8:10:20 gen. about a month ago с месяц тому назад (About a month ago, I noticed some garbage was dumped at the side of the road on Ridgway Avenue a little north of East Third Street. I drive by there almost every day. It irritated me every time I dove by, so last Sunday I took a bag and some gloves and stopped on my way home to clean it up. Among the garbage were some papers associated with your son Derek, including a Christmas card from you with the enclosed cheque for $10,000. I am assuming your son is not the litterer, so I decided to return the cheque to you. I thought you and maybe Derek might be interested in finding out what happened to it. (Twitter))
28.04.2023 8:09:51 gen. about a month ago примерно месяц тому назад (About a month ago, I noticed some garbage was dumped at the side of the road on Ridgway Avenue a little north of East Third Street. I drive by there almost every day. It irritated me every time I dove by, so last Sunday I took a bag and some gloves and stopped on my way home to clean it up. Among the garbage were some papers associated with your son Derek, including a Christmas card from you with the enclosed cheque for $10,000. I am assuming your son is not the litterer, so I decided to return the cheque to you. I thought you and maybe Derek might be interested in finding out what happened to it. (Twitter))
28.04.2023 8:08:21 gen. at the side of the road у обочины дороги (About a month ago, I noticed some garbage was dumped at the side of the road on Hendry Avenue a little north of East 7th Street. I drive by there almost every day. It irritated me every time I dove by, so last Sunday I took a bag and some gloves and stopped on my way home to clean it up. Among the garbage were some papers associated with your son Danny, including a Christmas card from you with the enclosed cheque for $20,000. I am assuming your son is not the litterer, so I decided to return the cheque to you. I thought you and maybe Danny might be interested in finding out what happened to it. (Twitter))
28.04.2023 7:50:00 gen. there are a number of reasons why есть ряд причин, по которым (There are a number of reasons why a physician or surgeon may choose to limit a prescription, including the nature of the drug, side effects, toxic effects, or the need for follow-up based on the patient. cpsbc.ca)
28.04.2023 6:31:56 gen. poke holes проделать отверстия (A Nova Scotia man who tricked his girlfriend into becoming pregnant by poking holes in his condoms with a pin to save their relationship was sentenced to 18 month in jail after the Supreme Court of Canada had unanimously upheld the sexual assault conviction.)
28.04.2023 6:11:00 construct. redevelopment строительство нового объекта (предполагающее снос старого, не всегда ветхого: The first project is the proposed redevelopment of the non-profit-owned Louis Brier Home & Hospital property at the northwest corner of Oak and 41st streets, which has for decades provided seniors care and assisted living housing... vancouversun.com)
28.04.2023 6:03:59 idiom. green-light дать зелёный свет (Vancouver city council this week green-lit mixed-use developments significantly bigger that what local zoning would normally allow, again signalling to city staff — and the city at large — their desire to go bigger and faster on housing. vancouversun.com)
28.04.2023 6:00:41 idiom. pick up the pace убыстрить темп (The city council is pushing ahead major mixed-use developments that don't quite fit with all established policies. And they want to pick up the pace. Naturally, not everyone is happy about it.)
28.04.2023 6:00:26 idiom. pick up the pace ускорить темпы (The city council is pushing ahead major mixed-use developments that don't quite fit with all established policies. And they want to pick up the pace. Naturally, not everyone is happy about it.)
28.04.2023 5:19:57 gen. devote one's life to посвятить жизнь (to – чему-л.: Darwin devoted his life to scientific research. • "It just showed how one ought never to underestimate a man simply because he devotes his life to shoving oars into rivers and pulling them out again, this being about as silly a way of passing the time as could be hit upon." (P.G. Wodehouse) )
28.04.2023 4:35:37 inf. snap up расхватать (обычно дефицитный товар:: The best spots were snapped up fast so we had to drive around before we found one. – расхватали)
28.04.2023 4:26:58 inf. hang-up сдвиг (по фазе: "(...) It has been seven months since the wedding, and we have yet to consummate our marriage. We sleep in twin beds, and when I ask (jokingly) if she would like me to "visit" her, she says, "I am not ready for company yet." And that is the end of it. When we were dating, I thought she was a woman who had unusually high moral standards, but now I believe she has a serious hang-up, and I don't know what to do about it. (...)" [from the Ann Landers column] – "заскок" тоже отлично подходит)
28.04.2023 2:48:20 gen. by yourself самому (How to create a beautiful site by yourself? -- Как самому построить ...)
28.04.2023 1:42:09 disappr. shenanigans мошенничество ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com)
28.04.2023 1:41:35 disappr. shenanigans жульничество ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com)
28.04.2023 1:40:18 disappr. shenanigans махинации ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com)
27.04.2023 7:03:36 law, contr. in "as is" condition, without warranty of any kind как есть, без какой-либо гарантии (provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied • sell the property in "as is" condition)
27.04.2023 6:12:20 fig. climb the slopes карабкаться по склонам (white villas relentlessly climbing the slopes of Turtle Peak to the 1,200-foot elevation limit of permitted development)
27.04.2023 6:08:53 gen. rugged natural setting гористая местность
27.04.2023 6:08:53 gen. rugged area гористая местность
27.04.2023 6:01:28 cliche. as one в качестве единого целого (Well-planned indoor/outdoor circulation in the public areas allow study of the exhibits and the river as one. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
27.04.2023 5:55:13 fig. espouse взять на вооружение (adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life) (Oxford Dictionary): One of several fourplex units designed in the energetic modernism espoused by local architects during the postwar years, this block shows the influence through horizontal massing and overhung eaves of the Frank Lloyd Wright prairie style. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward))
27.04.2023 5:48:06 idiom. the proof will be in the pudding поживём – увидим (This is a step in the right direction but the proof will be in the pudding.)
27.04.2023 5:46:24 cliche. we'll have to see поживём – увидим ("Do you think this strategy will work?" "Well, we'll have to see.")
27.04.2023 4:13:50 insur. cause extensive damage повлечь значительные повреждения (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. nsnews.com)
27.04.2023 4:09:20 inf. take a big bite out of нанести значительный ущерб (Police in Kamloops are hoping they have taken a big bite out of that city's drug trade.)
27.04.2023 4:08:49 insur. cause extensive damage нанести значительный ущерб (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. nsnews.com)
27.04.2023 4:03:44 gen. not something to take lightly относиться со всей серьёзностью (Explosion due to ignition of grain dust is a well-known major hazard of grain elevators. Here in North Van there have been several such disasters in the past, including one that rained chunks of concrete on Moodyville, and a huge blast and fire in 1975 that killed 5 workers. So, as the other commenters note, "overheating" at a grain elevator is not something to take lightly. -- к этому следует относиться со всей серьёзностью nsnews.com)
27.04.2023 3:19:49 gen. doesn't quite add up не выдерживает критики (However, he noted that this theory doesn't quite add up as "if that had happened you wouldn't expect it to explode and he’d already drank half the drink so the glass was clearly cold." coasttocoastam.com)
27.04.2023 3:19:49 gen. doesn't quite add up никуда не годится (However, he noted that this theory doesn't quite add up as "if that had happened you wouldn't expect it to explode and he’d already drank half the drink so the glass was clearly cold." coasttocoastam.com)
27.04.2023 1:45:08 disappr. handiwork проделки (Patrons at a pub in Wales were understandably shaken when a pint glass on their table suddenly exploded and the proprietors of the establishment suspect that it could have been the handiwork of the building's resident ghost. The spooky scene was reportedly captured by a security camera at the Coniston Tavern in the community of Nuneaton. coasttocoastam.com)
27.04.2023 1:23:07 humor. is your department это по вашей части ("Now, Watson, the fair sex is your department", said Holmes, with a smile, when the dwindling frou-frou of skirts had ended in the slam of the front door. – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
27.04.2023 1:19:39 disappr. this is getting ridiculous это уже переходит все границы (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit))
27.04.2023 1:19:39 disappr. this is getting ridiculous это слишком далеко зашло (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit))
27.04.2023 1:19:39 disappr. this is getting ridiculous это ни на что не похоже (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit))
27.04.2023 1:14:52 inf. this am сегодня утром (I saw a white Siamese kitten with a horrible eye infection…so I am going there this am to try and save it from that place.)
26.04.2023 6:14:57 welf. poverty industry индустрия бедности (организации, паразитирующие на малоимущих гражданах и существующие за счёт налогоплательщиков: How can you fight back against the harm reduction and poverty industry destroying Vancouver? The people advocating for the anarchy we are seeing are paid and embedded in non profits, our health authorities, civic and provincial governments. It's their livelihood. (Twitter))
26.04.2023 4:27:04 parapsych. emanations токи (исходящие от предмета, принадлежащему кому-л.: Welch also explained the practice of psychometry, such as holding an item in your hand, like a ring or watch, and sensing the emanations of the owner. People don't realize that clothes especially can retain a person's energy, she shared, and garments at thrift stores may contain such energies even after they're washed. coasttocoastam.com)
26.04.2023 4:27:04 parapsych. emanations флюиды (исходящие от предмета, принадлежащему кому-л.: Welch also explained the practice of psychometry, such as holding an item in your hand, like a ring or watch, and sensing the emanations of the owner. People don't realize that clothes especially can retain a person's energy, she shared, and garments at thrift stores may contain such energies even after they're washed. coasttocoastam.com)
26.04.2023 3:50:18 space space-faring покоряющий космос (While as a general principle, he thinks we should become a space-faring civilization, one reason he wants us to travel to Mars is to see the destruction firsthand, which can serve as a warning of what might happen to our planet. -- цивилизация покорителей космоса / космических путешественников coasttocoastam.com)
26.04.2023 3:46:39 biol. residual life остаточные живые организмы (According to Brandenburg, the Martian atmosphere contains the chemical element xenon 129, indicating a massive nuclear explosion took place, which he estimates occurred around 500,000 years ago. He believes a nuclear device was detonated from space, and after the event, the planet went into a deep nuclear winter, changing from an Earth-like environment to its current state, though it still maintains some residual life. coasttocoastam.com)
26.04.2023 3:35:31 fig. long-gone канувший в небытие (Studying the Cydonia region on the Red Planet, he and researchers such as Richard C. Hoagland, looked at the "Face on Mars" and nearby pyramids, and concluded that a long-gone humanoid civilization once inhabited the area. coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 9:14:57 fig. write off махнуть рукой (на кого-либо: "This is going to sound pretty blunt, I'm afraid. Father had written my sister off long ago. When they met he barely spoke to her." (Raymond Chandler) – отец давно махнул на неё рукой)
25.04.2023 8:34:11 inf. e-mail емеля (сообщение: fire off a quick email – послать короткую емелю)
25.04.2023 6:52:10 formal in which event в этом случае (Claims received after the deadline are not reviewed, in which event no compensation is paid. – в этом случае)
25.04.2023 4:42:12 gen. damage нанести вред (A preliminary raid on a small building on the property heightened the sense of paranoia among the Davidians, which damaged the negotiations between Koresh and the government. -- что нанесло вред переговорам coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 4:39:23 gen. position oneself in a defensive position занять места и приготовиться к обороне (Tipped off that the siege was imminent, the Davidians were able to prepare by fortifying the compound, positioning themselves in defensive positions, and convincing their ranks that a biblical prophecy was about to be fulfilled. coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 4:36:07 context. followers верующие (Religious works, in particular, were easily imparted to followers in this manner.)
25.04.2023 4:32:52 cults obscure religious group малоизвестная секта (Born Vernon Howell, Jr., Koresh endured an unhappy and abusive childhood before discovering the Branch Davidians, an obscure religious group in Waco. coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 4:28:40 space alien visitation посещение Земли инопланетянами (1947 was a key year in UFO history, he noted, with the Kenneth Arnold case and the beginning of the US military's focus on the question of alien visitation. Consistent with the Cold War tension of the day, officials initially suspected that UFO cases were actually Soviet military craft, and some in leadership were not convinced by the suggestion that the craft were extraterrestrial, Orzechowski added.)
25.04.2023 4:24:54 gen. educate the public разъяснять населению (Entitled Estimate of the Situation, the series is intended to educate the public on what the two say is a broad and rich past full of UFO sightings and encounters. coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 4:22:03 gen. gone в отъезде (he man explained that he had just returned from vacation and discovered that a sizeable school of goldfish living in a pond on his property had inexplicably vanished while he was gone. -- пока он был в отъезде coasttocoastam.com)
25.04.2023 4:21:22 gen. be away в отъезде (Willis will stay with my brother when we are away. – когда мы уедем)
25.04.2023 3:14:48 gen. original самородок (о человеке: Watch this spectacular tribute to Normal Rockwell, an American original, Sunday at 6 PM.)
25.04.2023 2:27:03 obs. original природной (т.е. первоначальный: "... обещаем свято и непоколебимо за Себя и Преемников Престола Нашего, содержать их наравне с природнЫми Нашими подданными, охранять и защищать их лица, имущество, храмы и природнУю веру" (из Крымского манифеста Императрицы Екатерины II))
25.04.2023 2:16:24 gen. backlog накопившиеся документы (жалобы, заявления: The commission is dealing with a backlog of more than 40,000 complaints from passengers.)
25.04.2023 2:13:47 fig. backlog завалы (нерассмотренных, необработанных заявлений и пр.: We are taking action to clear our permit backlog and speed up processing times.)
24.04.2023 8:08:38 gen. matey приятельский (His demeanour was not matey.)
24.04.2023 6:14:09 mun.plan. leafy suburb зелёный район (When the government offered flats for sale in 2009 before construction began, subsidized prices for four-room units started from S$373,000. When the minimum ownership period expired this year, four-room flats were being listed for more than S$800,000. Bigger apartments in the development, with balconies looking out across the leafy suburb of Dempsey Hill and its streets of billionaires’ villas and ambassadors homes, are already over the S$1 million mark. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 6:01:07 mun.plan. seaside promenade приморская набережная (One of the best-known estates the HDB built is Marine Parade, named after a seaside promenade that has long gone. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 6:01:07 mun.plan. seaside promenade набережная вдоль моря (One of the best-known estates the HDB built is Marine Parade, named after a seaside promenade that has long gone. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 5:44:01 context. is home to в нём проживают (What was once a sleepy Kampong, or village, of attap-roofed houses among coconut trees, strung along a sandy beach is now home to about 21,600 residents in more than 7,800 apartments. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 5:40:14 gen. health clinic поликлиника (The blocks were built in neighborhood clusters – miniature new towns with playgrounds, food centers and local shops. The larger ones, like Queenstown, had a health clinic, a community center and a library. -- В самых крупных микрорайонах имелись поликлиника, клуб и библиотека. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 5:16:19 gen. house обеспечить жильём (Four people died and 16,000 were made homeless. Within a year the HDB had managed to rehouse the survivors, winning over a skeptical public. By the middle of the decade it had housed 400,000 people. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 5:12:24 gen. fail to keep up не справляться с потребностями (или возросшим спросом: In 1959, the newly self-governing city faced a major crisis. The success of the port over a century and a half had drawn hundreds of thousands of immigrants from China, Malaysia, India and other parts of Asia, but government and private housing construction had failed to keep up. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 5:02:16 gen. direct stake непосредственное участие (The answer stems from a decision made more than half a century ago that gave Singaporeans, rich and poor, a direct stake in the country’s prosperity, one that led to a nation with one of the highest rates of home ownership in the world and yet where more than 80% of the population live in government-built flats. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 4:59:48 book. stem from зиждиться на (stems from this tradition – зиждется на этой традиции)
24.04.2023 4:55:56 gen. newlywed young couple молодожёны (How then did a nation with the world’s highest concentration of millionaires and one of the most expensive housing markets in Asia—luxury penthouses sell for as much as S$74 million ($54 million)—become able to offer every newlywed young couple a home they can afford? bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 4:52:48 construct. high-rise housing estate высотный микрорайон (In the movie “Crazy Rich Asians,” the main characters move between opulent mansions and colonial-era hotels in Singapore. But the reality is the vast majority of families live in modestly-sized apartments built by the government—concentrated, high-rise housing estates that elsewhere in the world might, to some, conjure images of low-income urban blight. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 4:48:12 cliche. opulent mansion роскошный особняк (In the movie “Crazy Rich Asians,” the main characters move between opulent mansions and colonial-era hotels in Singapore. But the reality is the vast majority of families live in modestly-sized apartments built by the government—concentrated, high-rise housing estates that elsewhere in the world might, to some, conjure images of low-income urban blight. bloomberg.com)
24.04.2023 4:22:06 gen. sway back and forth раскачиваться взад-вперёд (Fun thing about highrise living; you know there's been a minor earthquake because vertical blinds will start swaying back and forth in perfect unison.... it's a bit creepy actually. -- начинают раскачиваться взад-вперёд = взад и вперёд (Reddit))
24.04.2023 3:38:14 gen. penniless нищий (But when French tailors discovered they were about to be replaced by a machine, they burnt Thimonnier's factory to the ground…while he was in it. Thimonnier survived the carnage and rebuilt another factory, but an angry mob attacked again and destroyed his second factory. Thimonnier died penniless in a poor house. medium.com)
23.04.2023 4:24:21 gen. complete imbecile непроходимый кретин
23.04.2023 3:59:26 inf. chockablock забит до предела (streets chockablock with cars – улицы, до предела забитые машинами)
23.04.2023 1:39:58 gen. be facetious неудачно пошутить (usually in the progressive: Sorry, I was being facetious. -- Извините, я неудачно пошутил.)
23.04.2023 1:35:20 adv. won't be beat самые низкие цены (No Frills won't be beat!)
22.04.2023 8:52:16 gen. small-town life провинциальная жизнь (в смысле "захолустная, консервативная, однообразная" и т.п.: "Raised in a traditional Punjabi family that upheld conservative values of female subservience, the sisters learned that silent obedience was expected. (...) Early on we hear of the racism and insulation that informed the girls' small-town life, and how this impacted their family." montecristomagazine.com)
22.04.2023 8:33:18 archit. rooftop deck площадка на крыше (обустроенная для сидения: The rooftop deck, with its view over Mud Bay and the oil refinery, is a favourite place to start and end the day.)
22.04.2023 8:26:13 gen. better way лучше (There's got to be a better way, there's got to be a smarter way. (Anthony Furey) -- Должен быть способ делать это лучше и умнее.)
22.04.2023 2:01:36 gen. the comparison is well made сравнение вполне обосновано ("The Rendlesham Forest incident has often been referred to as 'Britain's Roswell', and in terms of its significance in UFO history the comparison is well made," he wrote. unexplained-mysteries.com)
22.04.2023 1:51:18 gen. deep in the countryside в сельской глуши (Situated deep in the Suffolk countryside, the forest – which has become synonymous with the UFO phenomenon in the UK – will soon be hosting guided tours headed up by veteran UFO researcher Gary Heseltine unexplained-mysteries.com)
22.04.2023 1:47:14 esot. love charm приворотный амулет ("(...) But another interpretation is that it could've been included due to its status in ancient Egypt as a magical material, and we know from previous research that lead was used in the protection of mummified remains as well as in love charms and curses." livescience.com)
22.04.2023 1:47:14 esot. love charm приворотный талисман ("(...) But another interpretation is that it could've been included due to its status in ancient Egypt as a magical material, and we know from previous research that lead was used in the protection of mummified remains as well as in love charms and curses." livescience.com)
22.04.2023 1:32:54 space extraterrestrial intelligence инопланетный разум (The SETI program, which has looked for radio signals from different parts of the sky that might indicate an extraterrestrial intelligence, has given mainstream scientific credibility to the subject, she opined. coasttocoastam.com)
22.04.2023 1:29:18 gen. on the fringe с краю (They also spoke about ways to deal with mass shootings, such as when in a crowd, remain on the fringe rather than the center, watch out for suspicious persons, and always have an exit strategy. coasttocoastam.com)
22.04.2023 0:26:49 gen. be overwhelmed не справляться с нагрузкой (также с навалившимися делами или стрессом: In the first half, they discussed disaster preparedness and how to treat common injuries that might occur in a calamity when the medical infrastructure is overwhelmed. Everyone should know first-aid, but also how to handle such things as trauma, bleeding, and infections, Joseph said. coasttocoastam.com)
22.04.2023 0:23:53 gen. overwhelmed не справляющийся (с нагрузкой, с навалившимися делами или стрессом: In the first half, they discussed disaster preparedness and how to treat common injuries that might occur in a calamity when the medical infrastructure is overwhelmed. Everyone should know first-aid, but also how to handle such things as trauma, bleeding, and infections, Joseph said. coasttocoastam.com)

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