
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

7.05.2023 2:26:47 gen. seek shelter from the rain укрыться от дождя ("I was just sitting there trying to seek shelter from the rain, and then the next thing, I saw a car drive directly past our boat straight into the harbor at a pretty decent speed," said local Christie Hutchinson who captured the footage. unexplained-mysteries.com)
7.05.2023 2:24:28 yacht. sailboat crew экипаж яхты (A video of the incident shows the hapless duo being rescued by a sailboat crew. unexplained-mysteries.com)
7.05.2023 2:17:28 gen. common sense seems to be missing entirely совершенно отсутствует здравый смысл (It is not unusual for a car satellite navigation system to offer questionable directions, but some degree of common sense should always be applied when deciding whether or not to actually follow them. Common sense, however, seemed to be missing entirely from this particular scenario which saw two tourists drive straight down a boat ramp and into a harbor in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii recently. unexplained-mysteries.com)
7.05.2023 2:17:28 gen. common sense seems to be missing entirely напрочь отсутствует здравый смысл (It is not unusual for a car satellite navigation system to offer questionable directions, but some degree of common sense should always be applied when deciding whether or not to actually follow them. Common sense, however, seemed to be missing entirely from this particular scenario which saw two tourists drive straight down a boat ramp and into a harbor in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii recently. unexplained-mysteries.com)
6.05.2023 8:08:41 gen. get in the car сесть в машину (I could see his face still peeking through the tree branches. At this point I didn't even want to go outside and get in my car to go to work, but I had to.)
6.05.2023 4:38:41 cliche. with all due respect to при всём моём уважении к (For some on council, including Couns. Betty Forbes, Lisa Muri and Jim Hanson, the plan was simply too big, too expensive, bringing too many people and cars to the area with too little benefit in exchange. “With all due respect to the designers, it reminds me of a U.S. prison work yard in the centre, so, needless to say, my comment is that I don’t like it,” Forbes said. nsnews.com)
6.05.2023 4:10:14 gen. with a knowing look со знающим видом (I spot Ray, my neighbour, on the path ahead of me. He turns around and smiles with a knowing look. We both know why we are here at this hour.)
6.05.2023 4:02:08 gen. important matters важные дела (Mr. Marshall had to leave. He has some important matters to attend to.)
6.05.2023 3:59:32 formal matter of importance важный вопрос (I have a matter of importance to discuss with you.)
6.05.2023 3:59:17 gen. important issue важный вопрос
6.05.2023 3:58:29 gen. important matter важный вопрос (The noise made it difficult to concentrate on the important matters the lawyer was explaining to us.)
6.05.2023 2:49:32 orthop. bear weight выдерживать вес (Inside a healthy joint, cartilage coats the surfaces of the bones and cushions them against impact, allowing the joint to smoothly flex and bear weight without any contact between the bones themselves. top5supplements.com)
5.05.2023 8:16:12 gen. carefully timed тщательно согласованный по времени (Whenever the Norwegian Bliss or other vessels of a similar or greater size visit Canada Place, their arrivals and departures are carefully timed around low tide periods, which is highly nonoptimal for operations. • Операция была тщательно выверена по времени и хорошо спланирована, когда танковые и пехотные командиры сообща обговорили детали. (mnogoslovs.ru) dailyhive.com)
5.05.2023 8:16:12 gen. carefully timed тщательно выверенный по времени (Whenever the Norwegian Bliss or other vessels of a similar or greater size visit Canada Place, their arrivals and departures are carefully timed around low tide periods, which is highly nonoptimal for operations. • Операция была тщательно выверена по времени и хорошо спланирована, когда танковые и пехотные командиры сообща обговорили детали. (mnogoslovs.ru) dailyhive.com)
5.05.2023 7:53:01 trav. top spots самые популярные туристические города (Are you planning on a quick getaway? Check out these top spots. These are the top in-demand destinations for travellers in 2023.)
5.05.2023 4:21:53 inf. guzzle выдуть (жадно выпить, допить до конца: We snacked on trail mix, granola bars and garden peas, and guzzled what was left of our water. (Tyler Hopson) -- выдули остатки воды)
5.05.2023 3:52:49 cliche. is of the essence играет существенную роль (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:52:49 cliche. is of the essence имеет решающее значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:52:49 cliche. is of the essence имеет немаловажное значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:45:18 cliche. is key to имеет первостепенное значение (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:44:58 cliche. is key to играет первостепенную роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:44:43 cliche. is key to отведена центральная роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:31:08 gen. foremost authority виднейший авторитет (в (некой сфере) – in: In her new book Connecting the Dots, she includes interviews with some of the foremost authorities in ufology, including Phil Corso, Corrado Balducci, Linda Moulton Howe, and others. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 3:31:08 gen. foremost authority пользующийся наибольшим авторитетом (в (некой сфере) – in: In her new book Connecting the Dots, she includes interviews with some of the foremost authorities in ufology, including Phil Corso, Corrado Balducci, Linda Moulton Howe, and others. coasttocoastam.com)
5.05.2023 2:59:01 inf. geared towards рассчитанный на (какую-либо категорию населения, потребителей и т.п.: I’m putting together a downloadable booklet for adults to go with our 10-Year Banking Plan. Currently, the only booklet we have is geared towards new parents, so we’d like to get this second version up as soon as possible. -- рассчитан на молодых родителей • The new rental building is geared towards households earning low to moderate incomes, the rents are set up such that households are not paying more than a third of their income on rent. -- рассчитано на семьи с доходом ...)
5.05.2023 2:55:58 inf. geared toward рассчитанный на (Those difficulty ratings in trail guidebooks are not jokes. Nor are they strictly geared toward 75-year-old grandmothers. They mean you. -- они рассчитаны на тебя (Tyler Hopson, A Most Unnecessary Hike))
5.05.2023 2:45:41 urol. reduced drive пониженное либидо (suffering from reduced drive in the bedroom)
4.05.2023 4:06:49 idiom. along the same lines в том же духе (There was a guy that I went to school with that has now disappeared! I have the strongest memory of him hanging out with our whole group back in the early 2000s, and then, gone! He’s not in any yearbooks. I haven’t confused him with someone else. He’s just...gone! (...) Along the same lines is the rather odd report from Redditor “Thunder_54,” who was baffled by a class he took in which several people seem to have just flickered out of existence without explanation. mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 4:00:05 cliche. on any given day как правило (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 4:00:05 cliche. on any given day обычно (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 3:48:23 cliche. it was one's mind playing tricks почудилось (on sb. -- кому-л.: I often wonder what I actually saw and if there is some family out there wondering whatever happened to their daughter. I don't know. Was this someone vanishing? Was it a ghost? Was it just my mind playing tricks on me? I have no idea, but I believe it is at around that point that I developed a keen interest in mysterious disappearances. -- Или мне это просто почудилось / привиделось? mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 3:42:17 cliche. a short span of time короткое время (Thinking that she may have fallen down the ridge, I looked down and there was nothing, no sign of her, and even if she had fallen the creek was not fast flowing enough for her to have been totally swept away in such a short span of time. Looking back towards the meadow also showed me that she was nowhere, even though if she had somehow changed course and returned she had only been out of sight for a split second and I should have seen her doing so. -- за такое короткое время mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 3:28:06 topogr. drop-off обрыв ("The north side of the mountain is quite a hazard. There's lots of steep drop-offs, and some of them are in the region of 200 to 300 feet," Lt. Jeff Lyle told the NOW." (Burnaby Now newspaper) • Near this picnic area there was a creek that meandered by and pushed against a rather steep drop, and I remember thinking that this was sort of dangerous considering how many people were milling about not too far away and how many kids were running around the general area. We were sitting quite near this drop off, practically right next to it, and I couldn’t even really enjoy my lunch because sometimes a kid would run past and I was worried that eventually someone was going to go over. mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 3:27:44 topogr. sheer drop обрыв (on a mountain side: "It looks like bush and it looks like it's not sloped, but there are actually sheer drops." (Burnaby Now newspaper))
4.05.2023 3:16:37 book. delve into заняться (дискуссией, обсуждением некой темы или изучением некой темы: "At this stage of the game, council isn't going to be able to delve into a discussion about this specific property," said Mayor Robinson. "Land issues are delicate issues where sometimes things are dealt with in private sessions to accommodate all stakeholders, not just in public discourse." • These are those instances when people have just seemed to have spontaneously been wiped from existence at a moment's notice, and I don't mean that they have just vanished, but that they have just evaporated on the spot. It is something I have delved into ever since I had my own experience with what I call "deleted people." mysteriousuniverse.org)
4.05.2023 0:52:04 gen. scan шарить (A mesmerizing video captured by a tourist in Florida shows a rare and rather wondrous weather phenomenon, known as a crown flash, wherein a peculiar beam of light appears moving among the clouds in the sky. In the video, the puzzling illumination can be seen seemingly scanning the sky from within the clouds in a manner some have likened to a searchlight. -- шарил по небу, как прожектор coasttocoastam.com)
3.05.2023 5:47:03 gen. last в последнюю очередь (We usually paint this area last, after the hallways and the living areas are done.)
3.05.2023 5:37:29 gen. a small amount of немного (add a small amount of milk)
3.05.2023 5:36:33 inf. for a bit немного (The bus stopped off in Burlington, where Tedford ran into an old friend. The two spoke for a bit before Tedford continued on. When the bus reached its destination in Bennington, Tedford was nowhere to be found. His belongings remained, along with a bus schedule. -- немного поболтали mentalfloss.com)
3.05.2023 5:25:12 gen. don jeans надеть джинсы (It was about 2:45 p.m. (Another account has Paula leaving before Johnson returned to their room.) She donned jeans, a red parka with a fur collar, and what a newspaper would later describe as “a pair of light shoes known as sneakers.” It would be subfreezing by nightfall. The clothes hinted that Welden expected to be back well before then. mentalfloss.com)
3.05.2023 5:21:43 idiom. by all accounts судя по всему (Welden, 18, was a sophomore at Bennington College who came from an affluent Stamford, Connecticut, family. By all accounts she was a typical young adult, possessed of neither a mischievous streak nor any interpersonal drama that could boil over into something troubling. mentalfloss.com)
3.05.2023 4:59:32 gen. give an opinion высказать мнение (I don't know enough about that to be able to give a qualified opinion.)
3.05.2023 4:54:23 gen. be sworn to secrecy дать подписку о неразглашении (государственной тайны и проч.: Harary's father worked for the military for 45 years, and in 1951 he told his wife he was taken deep into a top-secret vault at Fort Monmouth Army Base. His father appeared visibly shaken but would not reveal more as he was sworn to secrecy. coasttocoastam.com)
3.05.2023 3:38:27 inf. be almost out of juice подсесть (о батарее: My aged phone’s battery was almost out of juice and they let me borrow a charger to help me get through the day. (Twitter))
2.05.2023 9:31:19 inf. be out of juice сесть (о батарее: My aged phone’s battery was almost out of juice and they let me borrow a charger to help me get through the day. (Twitter))
2.05.2023 9:04:53 wine.gr. vintage урожай (вина, с указанием года: The 1994 vintage was the first Australian wine to sell for $100 a bottle and, unfortunately, it hasn't gotten any cheaper. blogspot.com)
2.05.2023 9:03:22 ironic. vintage классический образец ("Though she is promoting the book in her persona of Mrs. Ted Turner (...), it is vintage Fonda." (Vanity Fair))
2.05.2023 4:25:03 real.est. prime land дорогой земельный участок (под застройку: The bowling alley sits on 4.3 acres of prime land that has been sold for $94 million to a developer with plans to rezone it for condo towers vancouversun.com)
2.05.2023 4:12:04 real.est. prime land ценная земля (под застройку: The bowling alley sits on 4.3 acres of prime land that has been sold for $94 million to a developer with plans to rezone it for condo towers • Методика оценки градостроительной ценности земель под жилую застройку. ..... исходя из полученных взвешенных значений показателей проводится объединение земельных участков в три ценовые зоны: очень ценные земли, ценные земли, малоценные земли ....... (cyberleninka.ru›article/n/metodika…pod…zastroyku) vancouversun.com)
2.05.2023 3:55:27 energ.distr. take the peak strain off the power grid снизить потребление электроэнергии в часы пиковой нагрузки (In effect, BC Hydro would charge five cents less per kilowatt-hour for any power used in the overnight hours — 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. — and five cents more for what is used during peak hours — from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. The idea is to take the peak strain off the power grid, take advantage of cheaper times to produce and transmit electricity, and allow customers who are able to charge their car or use appliances like a dishwasher or laundry overnight to save money. reddit.com)
2.05.2023 3:15:40 gen. aside from если не считать (Aside from my own carelessness in falling, I had nothing to complain about. • Aside from the negatives listed above, the advantages of this model aren't that great.)
2.05.2023 2:50:47 gen. size up mentally мысленно оценить (противника, незнакомого человека и т.п.: "There was one lady who specialised in determining medical conditions," Knapp added. "She could size you up mentally and figure out what's going on with you physically. "And she was pretty right-on with me, I'm not going to go into details on that but there are some things you can look at me and figure out without being a psychic but she got some stuff that she shouldn't have known." mirror.co.uk)
2.05.2023 2:35:22 parapsych. psychic abilities экстрасенсорное восприятие (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk)
2.05.2023 2:35:08 parapsych. psychic abilities экстрасенсорные способности (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk)
2.05.2023 1:58:47 hist.fig. under one's reign под властью (Initially, Sobekneferu ruled with her brother Amenemhat IV and may have been involved in killing him off in a dispute over the borders of the country being too open under his reign, Collins shared. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:54:25 relig. drive out demons изгонять бесов (Author Danny Frigulti is a deliverance minister who has encountered over 100 demon-possession situations and slept in a haunted house to drive out demons. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:54:14 relig. drive out demons изгнать бесов (Author Danny Frigulti is a deliverance minister who has encountered over 100 demon-possession situations and slept in a haunted house to drive out demons. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:52:59 relig. expelled demons изгнанные бесы (Frigulti stated that he conducts a prayer in advance so that the expelled demons cannot return to a household or family members. The audio he presented of the possessed included a bizarre set of multiple voices said to simultaneously emerge from a single person who was unconscious and a woman who produced growling savage sounds reminiscent of a big cat. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:47:29 relig. expulsion of demons изгнание бесов (He described witnessing the expulsion of demons, which can take different forms and shapes. These include very small people perhaps a foot and a half tall, an expanding cloud, a funnel of dark gray air coming out of the mouth, and a wide and flat entity that exploded out of the bottom of a leg. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:44:18 relig. conduct a prayer совершить молитву (Frigulti stated that he conducts a prayer in advance so that the expelled demons cannot return to a household or family members. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:21:34 relig. demonic activity бесовщина (But what is necessary for him is that when he goes into a situation with demonic activity, he has authority in the name of Jesus to pray for the afflicted person and drive out the evil spirit. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:19:32 relig. drive out the evil spirit изгонять злой дух (But what is necessary for him is that when he goes into a situation with demonic activity, he has authority in the name of Jesus to pray for the afflicted person and drive out the evil spirit. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:19:16 relig. drive out the evil spirit изгонять нечистую силу (But what is necessary for him is that when he goes into a situation with demonic activity, he has authority in the name of Jesus to pray for the afflicted person and drive out the evil spirit. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 1:06:33 gen. contrary to how вопреки тому, как (Recalling his conversation with the ET that brought him aboard the craft by removing him from his truck, the man asserted that "he said he’s not there to harm me. He wanted to do an examination." Nelson also stressed that, contrary to how they are sometimes depicted in the media, the aliens that he encountered were gray and not green. coasttocoastam.com)
2.05.2023 0:09:46 inf. monotonous нуднообразный
1.05.2023 6:25:07 idiom. make a good point указать на важную деталь
1.05.2023 6:24:36 idiom. make a good point отметить важный момент (That's a really good point you're making.)
1.05.2023 6:21:48 auto. parkability удобство при парковке (more agility, manoeuvrability and parkability)
1.05.2023 5:26:27 fig. give way to смениться ("His genius for telling stories dispels the suspicion of the class, and by the end of the fall term the muffled witticisms in the back row have given way to awe." – Lewis H. Lapham – сменились восхищением)
1.05.2023 4:29:41 inf. put pressure on someone прессовать (bully, intimidate, try to influence someone's behavior to do something they may not want to do)
1.05.2023 2:12:49 USA drive-in movie theater кинотеатр для автомобилистов (В центре Москвы открылся кинотеатр для автомобилистов. Он разместился напротив бывшего троллейбусного парка неподалеку от площади трех вокзалов. • He'll share documented cases of UFO encounters at local drive-in movie theaters. coasttocoastam.com)
1.05.2023 2:11:27 USA drive-in movie theater автокинотеатр (Автокинотеатры в Москве с адресами, телефонами, ценами, отзывами посетителей и фото. • He'll share documented cases of UFO encounters at local drive-in movie theaters. coasttocoastam.com)
1.05.2023 1:36:10 slang get wise понять (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло)
1.05.2023 1:35:54 slang get wise смекнуть (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло)
1.05.2023 1:35:24 slang get wise раскусить (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло)
1.05.2023 1:34:51 slang get wise уразуметь (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло)
1.05.2023 1:34:30 slang get wise сообразить (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло)
30.04.2023 8:04:06 formal step this way, if you please сюда, пожалуйста
30.04.2023 8:03:45 formal this way, if you please сюда, пожалуйста
30.04.2023 7:53:59 gen. meticulous attention to detail тщательное внимание к мелочам (crafted with meticulous attention to detail)
30.04.2023 7:39:27 formal please be advised извещаем Вас (Please be advised that we have no records matching the description on your authorization form.)
30.04.2023 7:27:36 univer. final year internship производственная практика на последнем курсе (students undertaking their final year internship – студенты, проходящие производственную практику на последнем курсе)
30.04.2023 7:11:52 gen. become mistress to стать чьей-л. любовницей (someone: Donna returned to Montreal, where she became mistress to the married Bergeron.)
30.04.2023 7:09:40 idiom. it came to light that стало известно, что (The curious spate of incidents reached its current crescendo on Sunday when it came to light that yet another object had been shot down that day. coasttocoastam.com)
30.04.2023 5:11:13 fig. eat one's ass off сожрать ("I don't want no trouble," he growled. "Had a guy break from me once. They ate my ass off. Let's go, boy." – сожрали Raymond Chandler) • "(…) Either way they eat your ass off. It's a tough town. No respect." – сожрут (Raymond Chandler))
30.04.2023 4:47:58 gen. eagerly await с нетерпением дожидаться (We eagerly await Sunday mornings when we can lounge in bed and read your weekly column.)
30.04.2023 4:47:47 gen. eagerly await ждать с нетерпением (We eagerly await Sunday mornings when we can lounge in bed and read your weekly column.)
30.04.2023 4:47:31 gen. eagerly await с нетерпением ждать (As we eagerly awaited the arrival of our second daughter, we had no reason to suspect she wouldn't be another healthy baby like our first.)
30.04.2023 4:46:13 gen. at a salary of с окладом (("Barbra Streisand would make her Broadway debut in a topflight production at a salary of $150 a week. "Oh, goody!" she exclaimed. "Now I can get a telephone." (Vanity Fair)))
30.04.2023 4:44:50 gen. at a salary of с жалованьем ("Barbra Streisand would make her Broadway debut in a topflight production at a salary of $150 a week. "Oh, goody!" she exclaimed. "Now I can get a telephone." (Vanity Fair))
30.04.2023 4:32:54 gen. destroy oneself самоуничтожиться (Another California listener, Joe, explained why people who fear the outright slaughter of the human race by invading aliens are wrong. What's happening instead, he said, is that aliens have introduced to us the technology to create transhuman borgs, which will ensure that we eventually destroy ourselves. coasttocoastam.com)
30.04.2023 4:26:39 cliche. use your own judgement решай сам (‘Should I invest in this business?’ ‘Use your own judgement.’ )
30.04.2023 4:26:07 cliche. decide for yourself решай сам (Is this type of financing the right choice for you? Decide for yourself.)
30.04.2023 4:21:47 gen. let them пускай себе (So many Greenville residents agree with you but don’t speak up. Mayor Michael Schoenbaum’s idea of government is to disappear and don’t get in the way. If they want to build bigger houses, let them. If they want to build houses that take up the whole lot, let them. – пускай себе строят)
30.04.2023 4:19:48 pets Poppet Пупсик (кличка животного: "He wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his name's Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a dog hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it." (P.G. Wodehouse))
30.04.2023 4:14:37 gen. let go пукнуть ("Dave had a gas problem," says [Bob] Saget. "He'd let go right in front of the little Olsen twins. Mary-Kate would hold her nose and yell, 'Dave made a stinky!' " (People Magazine) – испортил воздух)
30.04.2023 3:26:22 confect. custom cake торт на заказ (Any recommendations for bakeries that can do custom cakes? Need a custom cake for my wedding. Having a hard time finding an affordable place (Lets say under $250 for a 6 inch cake). Any recommendations? (Reddit))
30.04.2023 2:57:14 gov. public acknowledgement публичное признание (He claimed that knowledge of extraterrestrial activity is extensive across the government—but official, public acknowledgement of it would be too embarrassing and risky. This is partly why, he added, that would-be whistleblowers are afraid to come forward. coasttocoastam.com)
30.04.2023 2:51:07 formal wherein в котором (в которой, в которых: Next, we highlight a fascinating program from August 28, 2004 wherein Art was joined by author Eric Brende, who recounted how he and his wife gave up their modern lifestyle for 18 months to live a more minimalist existence with an Anabaptist community which eschews any and all motorized or automated equipment to the point that even the Amish consider their way of living to be rather primitive. • Unlike most of his books, wherein he describes his own experiences with UFOs, Strieber explained that his new book Dreamland explores the US government's stonewalling on the subject. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
29.04.2023 8:03:57 fig. stretch out раскинуться ("with a golden-hour view of vines and valley stretching out beneath us" (BC Business Magazine) – с видом на виноградники и долину, раскинувшуюся под нами)

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