
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

31.05.2023 4:46:54 cliche. wasn't for nothing не прошло впустую (Though technically a failure, the Vivaldi brothers’ doomed journey wasn’t for nothing. The mistakes they made helped lay the foundation for more successful voyages down the road. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 4:46:32 cliche. wasn't for nothing было не напрасно (Though technically a failure, the Vivaldi brothers’ doomed journey wasn’t for nothing. The mistakes they made helped lay the foundation for more successful voyages down the road. • "... всё на свете было не зря, не напрасно было" (Леонид Дербенёв) mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 4:46:32 cliche. wasn't for nothing было не зря (Though technically a failure, the Vivaldi brothers’ doomed journey wasn’t for nothing. The mistakes they made helped lay the foundation for more successful voyages down the road. • "... всё на свете было не зря, не напрасно было" (Леонид Дербенёв) mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 4:29:57 cliche. it was for the best это было к лучшему (A third brother—Vasco Anes Corte-Real—was willing to launch a second search party to recover his lost siblings, but the king of Portugal denied his request. Based on the family’s track record, it was probably for the best. -- возможно, это было к лучшему / пожалуй, так было лучше mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 1:58:19 cliche. the fact that ... is common knowledge многим известно о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 1:58:19 cliche. the fact that ... is common knowledge многие знают о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 1:58:19 cliche. the fact that ... is common knowledge является общеизвестным фактом (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 1:54:03 cliche. go out on a journey отправиться в путешествие (History is full of intrepid individuals who went out on a journey, never to return. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 1:53:47 cliche. set off on a journey отправиться в путешествие (Realizing their lives were in a rut, in 2014 they decided to do something wild, putting away all of their possessions into storage, postponing their planned wedding, and setting off on a journey to tour Europe in their camper van. mysteriousuniverse.org)
30.05.2023 23:35:36 idiom. get to the bottom of this разобраться с проблемой ("I will never be ordering anything from Blue Bumblebee and Canada Post again! Can someone tell me why it takes an additional 18 days to deliver my package to my apartment, when it is already sitting in Calgary?" "Hi there, DM us your order # & we’ll get to the bottom of this.")
30.05.2023 8:14:03 idiom. practice what one preaches показывать пример не словами, а делами (You should practice what you preach. • Like every politician, he fails to practice what he preaches.)
30.05.2023 8:01:36 formal discuss further продолжить обсуждение (темы: In Vancouver, while the cancellation is still in place, Vancouver mayor Ken Sim tweeted, promising to work to restore the show for Canadians. “Fireworks have long been a part of Canada Day in Vancouver and we’re incredibly disappointed to see them cancelled this year,” he wrote. “We will be reaching out to the Port Authority to discuss this further and hope to see a return of Canada Day fireworks in the coming years,” he added. lifesitenews.com)
30.05.2023 7:47:35 inf. say hi поздороваться (Kevin will be here after four. You should stick around and say hi. – Задержись и поздоровайся с ним. • A lot of our clients keep on coming back even if they're not buying, just to say hi. – просто, чтобы поздороваться)
29.05.2023 23:29:24 idiom. laugh one's head off угорать ((жарг.) веселиться, смеяться | Phrases such as laugh your head off and scream your head off can be used to emphasize that someone is laughing or screaming a lot or very loudly (Collins Dictionary))
29.05.2023 8:59:28 ironic. rally the troops поднимать народ на борьбу ("Nigel Malkin is again rallying the troops, pressing the nature pedal: At the bottom of 31st Street, an achingly beautiful area that will be upheaved by construction of the pipe and stormwater outtake, he spotted "a pair of nesting eagles in a tree less than 100 metres from the blasting and tree-felling that would need to be done. This project must stop NOW." " (Trevor Lautens, The North Shore News))
29.05.2023 7:22:08 gram. clause деепричастный оборот (The word "clause" is also sometimes used for structures containing participles or infinitives (with no subject or conjunction): Not knowing what to do, I telephoned Robin. (Michael Swan))
29.05.2023 7:17:03 gram. a subject and a verb подлежащее вместе со сказуемым
29.05.2023 7:04:51 gram. passive sentence предложение в страдательном залоге
29.05.2023 6:53:32 gen. very many очень много (There are very many kinds of adverbs with different functions (Michael Swan))
29.05.2023 6:34:02 gen. craft поделка (do crafts – заниматься поделками (из глины, бумаги, дерева и т.д.))
29.05.2023 5:53:21 industr. targets план сбыта (We've got tough month-end targets we can't meet. – не можем выполнить месячный план сбыта продукции)
29.05.2023 5:48:32 idiom. push through like a bully переть буром (I'm just protecting my family from the drivers that think they can push through like bullies. I know that bully drivers try to do sh1t like this all the time. I never back down from bully drivers and I will always take a stand against them.)
29.05.2023 5:47:09 gen. browse through пересмотреть (о товаре: While out for a walk in Marais, I happened upon a shop with interesting hats in the window. Intrigued, I browsed through hundreds of pieces and found a lovely hat for everyone in my family.)
29.05.2023 5:45:12 gen. shimmering переливающийся (о материале: the soft shimmering sensuality of silk)
29.05.2023 5:27:36 cliche. think creatively мыслить творчески (" "Grow up, not out". Metro Vancouver's rising land costs have forced city planners, developers, architects and engineers to think creatively by using this concept to maximize space for housing, services and community amenities to support surging population growth." (Anne McMullin, UDI))
29.05.2023 5:00:28 lgbt drag groomer гомовоспитатель (обрабатывающий детей в духе своей идеологии: This is utterly disgusting. Camps indoctrinating kids as young as 7 with gender ideology and sexual confusion are now being promoted and subsidized by all government levels and sponsored by the city of Vancouver. What kind of parent would send their kids to drag groomers? You don't have to be anti-gay to see how stupid this is. What father in his right mind wants to see his boy put on a dress and pretend to be a girl? Groomers facing pushback. No kidding. Keep sexual predators away from children. (Twitter))
29.05.2023 2:53:56 cliche. conduct an in-depth analysis глубоко проанализировать (The sandstone sculptures have been identified as two Roman gods and dated back to roughly 200 AD based on the age of the building where they were found. Since they were only recently pulled out of the ground, the team hasn’t had time to conduct an in-depth analysis of them. thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 2:53:56 cliche. conduct an in-depth analysis подвергнуть глубокому анализу (The sandstone sculptures have been identified as two Roman gods and dated back to roughly 200 AD based on the age of the building where they were found. Since they were only recently pulled out of the ground, the team hasn’t had time to conduct an in-depth analysis of them. thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 2:53:56 cliche. conduct an in-depth analysis подвергнуть всестороннему анализу (The sandstone sculptures have been identified as two Roman gods and dated back to roughly 200 AD based on the age of the building where they were found. Since they were only recently pulled out of the ground, the team hasn’t had time to conduct an in-depth analysis of them. thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 2:53:56 cliche. conduct an in-depth analysis подвергнуть тщательному анализу (The sandstone sculptures have been identified as two Roman gods and dated back to roughly 200 AD based on the age of the building where they were found. Since they were only recently pulled out of the ground, the team hasn’t had time to conduct an in-depth analysis of them. thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 2:46:26 road.surf. cobbled road мощёная дорога (Carlisle, England was once called Luguvalio, then Carleol, by the Roman occupants that called it home. Although the area is now a British town, it was home to the Romans stationed at one of their northern outposts, as shown by their proximity to Hadrian’s Wall and the discovery of a cobbled Roman road in the area. wikipedia.org, thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 2:46:26 road.surf. cobbled road мощёная булыжником дорога (Carlisle, England was once called Luguvalio, then Carleol, by the Roman occupants that called it home. Although the area is now a British town, it was home to the Romans stationed at one of their northern outposts, as shown by their proximity to Hadrian’s Wall and the discovery of a cobbled Roman road in the area. wikipedia.org, thevintagenews.com)
29.05.2023 1:52:22 prop.name Fable Cottage Сказочный домик (originally on Vancouver Island, later moved to Denman Island youtube.com)
28.05.2023 6:56:13 cliche. it may be worth noting that стоить отметить, что (It may be worth noting that Dr. Goodall waited until retirement to speak on the subject of cryptids, which is likely because there is an aura of conspiracy theory around bigfoot that makes it difficult for scientists or other experts to consider seriously, which can be a problem if actual evidence arises because it would be dismissed without study. exemplore.com)
28.05.2023 6:55:11 cliche. it is worthwhile noting that стоить отметить, что (While this method does have its advantages, it is worthwhile noting that it has a number of side effects.)
28.05.2023 6:45:30 idiom. come face-to-face столкнуться лицом к лицу (with – с: She talked about coming face-to-face with spirits, including a man in a tan baseball hat and a homeless man with a dog. Often the spirits aren't seen, but are heard, felt, or even smelled instead, she added. coasttocoastam.com)
28.05.2023 6:40:48 fig. rampant буйным цветом расцвёл ((of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way; happening a lot or becoming worse, usually in a way that is out of control (Cambridge Dictionary): Open drug use is rampant these days. Visitors to our fair city are shocked to see scores of mentally ill, psychotic and homeless druggies roaming the streets of downtown Vancouver.)
28.05.2023 6:33:53 fig. rampant бьёт через край (Her intention at the time was to preserve a piece of history in the area. Unaware of the hauntings at first, Mattingly was shocked to learn that paranormal activity is rampant there. "It's like it's alive," she said about the property. coasttocoastam.com)
28.05.2023 6:33:38 fig. rampant бьёт ключом (Her intention at the time was to preserve a piece of history in the area. Unaware of the hauntings at first, Mattingly was shocked to learn that paranormal activity is rampant there. "It's like it's alive," she said about the property. coasttocoastam.com)
28.05.2023 5:53:49 cliche. on regular basis регулярно (For use of any illegal substance the minimum punishment is one year in prison while for repeat offenders it's two years (the maximum is ten). Drug traffickers get the death penalty on regular basis. vancouversun.com)
28.05.2023 5:50:18 cliche. significant differences существенные отличия (Eby acknowledged Friday that there are also significant differences between the South Asian city-state and British Columbia. vancouversun.com)
28.05.2023 5:45:13 cliche. discourage from отбить желание (Singapore has also taken some drastic action, taxation wise, to discourage its citizens from buying up housing for investment purposes. vancouversun.com)
28.05.2023 5:45:13 cliche. discourage from отбить охоту (Singapore has also taken some drastic action, taxation wise, to discourage its citizens from buying up housing for investment purposes. vancouversun.com)
28.05.2023 5:38:53 gen. run-of-the-mill типовой ("типовые квартиры, типовые замки, типовой приятный цвет, типовой кинотеатр "Ракета", типовой художественный фильм" (С))
28.05.2023 5:33:34 gen. common типично (My daughter has her dad, which is not very common in teenagers nowadays. I think that's awesome. – не очень типично)
28.05.2023 5:27:28 fig. uncouple отвязать (“It explains why these gateway cities have seen dramatic increases in residential real estate prices since the 1980s and describes how the globalization of real estate has rapidly inflated demand and uncoupled local housing prices from local wages, causing acute problems of affordability, availability, and inequality.” -- отвязала цены на жильё от заработной платы vancouversun.com)
28.05.2023 5:16:59 fig. is in sync with what созвучно с тем, что (“For us in B.C., the idea that a government sees housing as a central infrastructure for economic success, sees housing for middle income people as being essential to the growth and posterity of the whole society, is very much in sync with what we’re doing here in B.C., the steps that we’re taking,” Eby said. -- во многом созвучно с тем, что мы делаем в БК vancouversun.com)
29.05.2024 10:27:42 construct. constrained land area ограниченная площадь (под застройку: “They are a country with very constrained land area for building, huge population, and massive demand for housing, and their government made the decision, like our government is now, to be involved in ensuring there was housing for middle-income families in Singapore.” (vancouversun.com))
28.05.2023 3:12:27 polit. bike bullies велохулиганы (экоактивисты из велолобби, занимающиеся политической борьбой на муниципальном уровне и создающие проблемы для автомобилистов: The people who are blocking traffic on bridges are diverse groups of bike bullies & activists.)
27.05.2023 23:33:41 commer. at a fraction of the cost по самым низким ценам (designer shoes at a fraction of the cost – дизайнерская обувь по самым низким ценам)
27.05.2023 8:16:55 fig. dawn on осенить (Having travelled to UBC for a month with other bus riders squeezed in like sardines in a can, it dawned on me that I needed a car. – Меня осенило: ...)
27.05.2023 8:16:37 idiom. come in a flash осенить (The thing's perfectly clear. It came to me in a flash, as we were talking. – Меня осенило)
27.05.2023 8:15:59 lit. in the shadow of осенённый ("большой каменный дом, выстроенный по-старинному и осененный высокими липами" (А.К. Толстой))
27.05.2023 7:53:57 radio take one's calls отвечать на звонки (We're going to come back in the next hour and take your calls.)
27.05.2023 4:33:50 cliche. covered extensively получивший широкое освещение (two items covered extensively by the social and mainstream media -- два момента, получившие широкое освещение в сетях и в СМИ)
27.05.2023 2:49:24 esot. manifest вызвать явление (Tapping into this "universal information field," some can bring forth unusual manifestations, she continued. For instance, the shaman Frank Fools Crow demonstrated to his biographer a literal raining down of golden eagle feathers in his teepee, manifesting them out of thin air, she cited. coasttocoastam.com)
27.05.2023 2:49:24 esot. manifest заставить появиться (Tapping into this "universal information field," some can bring forth unusual manifestations, she continued. For instance, the shaman Frank Fools Crow demonstrated to his biographer a literal raining down of golden eagle feathers in his teepee, manifesting them out of thin air, she cited. coasttocoastam.com)
27.05.2023 2:39:24 esot. tap into подключиться к (Using a meditative visualization, individuals can be guided to have a dialogue with their higher or wiser self, and they may receive valuable information that wouldn't otherwise be available to them, she revealed. Tapping into this "universal information field," some can bring forth unusual manifestations, she continued. coasttocoastam.com)
27.05.2023 2:35:17 gen. mainstream medicine ортодоксальная медицина (Physician and shamanic healer Dr. Sharon Martin has a graduate degree in physiology and a medical degree in internal medicine. In the first half, she talked about how she blends the worlds of traditional Western medicine with ancient mystical teachings. Coming from the world of mainstream medicine, she realized that approach wasn't sufficient for her practice and began to incorporate shamanistic techniques. coasttocoastam.com)
27.05.2023 2:35:17 gen. mainstream medicine научная медицина (Physician and shamanic healer Dr. Sharon Martin has a graduate degree in physiology and a medical degree in internal medicine. In the first half, she talked about how she blends the worlds of traditional Western medicine with ancient mystical teachings. Coming from the world of mainstream medicine, she realized that approach wasn't sufficient for her practice and began to incorporate shamanistic techniques. coasttocoastam.com)
27.05.2023 2:29:58 univer. graduate degree учёная степень магистра или доктора наук (НЕ диплом (диплом -- это *документ*, подтверждающий образование) -- общий термин, требующий конкретизации, см.: What is a graduate degree, exactly? It's defined as an advanced academic degree in a specialized field of study, pursued after one has already obtained a bachelor's degree. These degree programs lay the foundation for a number of high-paying careers across thousands of industries. Master's degrees are the most common type of graduate degree, but they are generally given in three realms — the Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MS), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). tallo.com)
26.05.2023 8:00:56 fig.of.sp. outshine утереть нос
26.05.2023 7:59:48 idiom. put someone to shame утереть нос (In this 1969 film, British gangsters are trying hard to put the Italian organized crime to shame.)
26.05.2023 6:23:38 gen. fighting разборки (used in a broader sense, not just gang fighting)
26.05.2023 5:53:18 emph. really caught me off guard я не ожидал этого ("Yaletown had the warehouses, things sure have changed, eh." "Yaletown really caught me off guard! The transformations I've witnessed are mind-blowing, but I've learned to adapt and go with the flow." (Twitter))
26.05.2023 2:32:41 gen. unsophisticated approach плоский подход (как критика мнения: I think this is an unsophisticated approach to a problem which is a lot more complex.)
25.05.2023 9:05:20 gen. providing services оказание услуг ("Often, providing services for seniors necessitates wearing more than one hat at a time. Be flexible and willing to shift gears at a moment's notice." entrepreneur.com)
25.05.2023 8:57:57 cliche. one of whom один из которых (A pooped-out pooch got some special attention from North Shore Rescue and helicopter ride home Tuesday (Aug. 16) afternoon after getting into trouble on the North Shore’s Mount Seymour. The rescue team got the call from North Vancouver RCMP after being contacted by two hikers, one of whom was the dog’s owner. -- одним из которых был хозяин пса • I saw two men one of whom I already knew. -- один из которых был мне уже знаком nsnews.com)
25.05.2023 8:11:27 gen. design a route разработать маршрут (Following a set route designed by Beckermann, the crew escape from Turin with the gold, and rendezvous with a modified coach to collect the Minis before they reach the Alps. wikipedia.org)
25.05.2023 6:49:13 inf. folks граждане (addressing a number of people: "Move to the back, folks!" – Граждане, проходите в конец салона (не скапливайтесь в дверях). • "You get peace of mind for $29.99 a month. It's just that easy, folks!")
25.05.2023 5:43:04 arts. star-shaped в форме звезды (beautiful star-shaped patterns – узоры в виде звёзд / в форме звёзд)
25.05.2023 3:01:04 cliche. after careful consideration всё тщательно обдумав (A former British soldier has been killed fighting for the Ukrainian armed forces, his family has said. (...) He had gone to Ukraine to help "after careful consideration", he said. bbc.com)
25.05.2023 3:00:04 cliche. after careful consideration тщательно взвесив все за и против (“After careful consideration, we decided in 2022 to permanently discontinue the evening fireworks display for July 1 at Canada Place primarily due to rising costs,” Alex Munro, a spokesperson for the port authority, told Daily Hive Listed. dailyhive.com)
25.05.2023 2:54:03 gen. put a permanent end to окончательно прекратить (In 2022, the Canada Day at Canada Place fireworks were also cancelled, with the port authority stating at the time that although health safety restrictions had been lifted, the fireworks were cancelled due to rising costs for events, safety, and security. And now, the Canada Day fireworks for downtown Vancouver will not be making a return for 2023 either, as the port authority has decided to put a permanent end to it moving forward for the same reasons. -- окончательно прекратить проведение праздничных фейерверков dailyhive.com)
25.05.2023 2:51:01 gen. gathering of large crowds большое скопление людей (The longtime tradition of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority staging a fireworks show in Coal Harbour to commemorate Canada Day has ended. This follows the pandemic-time cancellations of 2020 and 2021 when health safety restrictions prevented the gathering of large crowds. dailyhive.com)
25.05.2023 2:27:12 gen. sleepwalk спать на ходу (после того, как ребёнок упал и заплакал: "You're sleepwalking. I told you you're going to cry when we get home. You're sleepwalking." -- Ты спишь на ходу.)
24.05.2023 9:25:40 transp. commute ездить на работу / с работы (Commuting into Vancouver from Surrey is possible if you live a short walk from a Skytrain station. Otherwise you could end up sitting in traffic for hours.)
24.05.2023 8:49:14 psychol. stressed находящийся в напряжённом состоянии (I'm always stressed. – Я постоянно нахожусь в напряжении / в напряженном состоянии.)
24.05.2023 8:46:17 formal stay at an address проживать по адресу (Including yourself, how many persons are staying at this address on May 10, 2016?)
24.05.2023 8:33:34 sp.dis. subserve отвечать за (the areas of the child's brain that subserve language -- области мозга, отвечающие за речевую деятельность ребёнка)
24.05.2023 8:27:05 inf. be cheap with недоплачивать (об оплате сотрудников: B.C. Ferries lacks an ability to hire and retain employees. They pay low wages and have a laughable approach to hiring people, they still decide to blame all their failed sailings on one person. They are so cheap with their staff that they caused such travel disruption. They should have enough spare staff so that this sort of disruption can't happen. -- Они до такой степени недоплачивают / экономят на персонале ... (Reddit))
24.05.2023 8:26:35 inf. be cheap with экономить на (об оплате сотрудников: B.C. Ferries lacks an ability to hire and retain employees. They pay low wages and have a laughable approach to hiring people, they still decide to blame all their failed sailings on one person. They are so cheap with their staff that they caused such travel disruption. They should have enough spare staff so that this sort of disruption can't happen. -- Они до такой степени недоплачивают / экономят на персонале ... (Reddit))
24.05.2023 7:42:14 gen. highly-prized представляющий большую ценность (a highly-prized airfield)
24.05.2023 7:40:37 gen. highly-prized получивший высокую оценку (Colombia, a source of highly-prized coffee • The Great Gatsby, one of modern American literature's most highly prized works – "Великий Гэтсби" относится к числу произведений современной американской литературы, получивших высокую оценку критиков • a highly-prized title)
24.05.2023 5:59:06 inf. fine нормально (Traffic is moving fine through that area once again after an earlier accident. • I cleaned out my email recently so this came through fine. – прошло нормально)
24.05.2023 5:58:31 inf. just fine нормально (Traffic's moving just fine in that area.)
24.05.2023 2:12:21 gen. swap with подменить на (He later pieced together that JFK's brain and body had been swapped with the murdered police officer J.D. Tippit. coasttocoastam.com)
23.05.2023 6:09:51 disappr. full of lies лживый (He claimed the CBC documentary featuring indigenous women's stories of violence was full of lies and only contributed to the problem.)
23.05.2023 6:09:51 disappr. full of lies насквозь лживый (He claimed the CBC documentary featuring indigenous women's stories of violence was full of lies and only contributed to the problem.)
23.05.2023 2:52:31 adv. have a proven track record of успешно доказать (Omega Properties has a proven track record of bringing iconic residential towers and world-class communities to upcoming addresses with proven value appreciation.)
23.05.2023 2:52:31 adv. have a proven track record of доказать на деле (Omega Properties has a proven track record of bringing iconic residential towers and world-class communities to upcoming addresses with proven value appreciation.)
22.05.2023 5:12:34 cliche. just in time for как нельзя более вовремя (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm!)
22.05.2023 5:12:34 cliche. just in time for как нельзя более кстати (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm!)
22.05.2023 5:03:53 fig.of.sp. zoom off in a flash исчезнуть в мгновение ока (A pretty female Anna's Hummingbird resting on a branch. She looks so calm and peaceful. Moments later she zoomed off in a flash! (Twitter)))
22.05.2023 4:31:19 fig.of.sp. zoom off in a flash исчезнуть с быстротой молнии (A pretty female Anna's Hummingbird resting on a branch. She looks so calm and peaceful. Moments later she zoomed off in a flash! (Twitter))
22.05.2023 4:09:43 gen. I cannot see any point in + sth. / gerund не вижу смысла (I cannot see any point in keeping my profile and I am not sure how to delete it.)
22.05.2023 4:07:20 disappr. it doesn't really make sense + infinitive нет никакого смысла делать что-л. (“We’re still growing in Surrey by 1,200 to 1,400 people a month, in the Metro Vancouver region we’re expecting another 1.3 million people — it doesn’t really make sense to replace a four-lane bridge with another four-lane bridge,” SBoT president and CEO Anita Huberman told Global News. globalnews.ca)
22.05.2023 4:07:20 disappr. it doesn't really make sense + infinitive нецелесообразно делать что-л. (“We’re still growing in Surrey by 1,200 to 1,400 people a month, in the Metro Vancouver region we’re expecting another 1.3 million people — it doesn’t really make sense to replace a four-lane bridge with another four-lane bridge,” SBoT president and CEO Anita Huberman told Global News. globalnews.ca)
22.05.2023 4:07:20 disappr. it doesn't really make sense + infinitive не вижу смысла делать что-л. (“We’re still growing in Surrey by 1,200 to 1,400 people a month, in the Metro Vancouver region we’re expecting another 1.3 million people — it doesn’t really make sense to replace a four-lane bridge with another four-lane bridge,” SBoT president and CEO Anita Huberman told Global News. globalnews.ca)
22.05.2023 4:07:20 disappr. it doesn't really make sense + infinitive нерационально делать что-л. (“We’re still growing in Surrey by 1,200 to 1,400 people a month, in the Metro Vancouver region we’re expecting another 1.3 million people — it doesn’t really make sense to replace a four-lane bridge with another four-lane bridge,” SBoT president and CEO Anita Huberman told Global News. globalnews.ca)

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