
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

6.06.2023 6:57:43 fig.of.sp. queenly appearance царственная внешность (о женщине: " (...) even now, when she has been married for upward of thirty years, she is still of a striking and queenly appearance." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.06.2023 6:54:15 mil. brother officers однополчане (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
6.06.2023 6:49:57 obs. retire лечь спать ("My wife had already gone upstairs, and the sound of the locking of the hall door some time before told me that the servants had also retired." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) -- слуги также легли спать)
6.06.2023 6:47:19 obs. hall door парадная дверь (также "дверь в парадном", говоря о многоквартирном доме: "My wife had already gone upstairs, and the sound of the locking of the hall door some time before told me that the servants had also retired." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.06.2023 6:12:33 gen. a stroke of genius on one's part гениальное решение со стороны кого-л. (Это гениальное решение со стороны Эпикура. Но, к сожалению, оно в лучшем случае спорно, а в худшем очевидно ошибочно. • "It was a stroke of positive genius on his part..." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ai-news.ru›2020)
6.06.2023 6:07:35 cliche. attach the importance to придавать значение (чему-л.: There can be no possible doubt as to the importance the minister attached to the report which has now gone missing.)
6.06.2023 5:45:10 idiom. to one's heart's content всласть (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now))
6.06.2023 5:45:10 idiom. to one's heart's content вдоволь (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now))
6.06.2023 5:45:10 idiom. to one's heart's content вволю (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now))
6.06.2023 5:45:10 idiom. to one's heart's content вдосталь (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now))
6.06.2023 5:45:10 idiom. to one's heart's content сколько душе угодно (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now))
6.06.2023 5:35:29 poetic quiet stroll прогулка в тишине (Don't like crowds? For a quiet stroll there's nothing like Elm Park.)
6.06.2023 5:27:03 poetic awed охваченный восторгом (No one can walk to the fence at the edge of the mountain and look out over the inlet, the snow-capped mountains, the city and the islands in a blue haze off in the distance without being awed by the majesty of the setting. -- чтобы его не охватил восторг от великолепного расположения)
6.06.2023 4:37:54 inf. have a bit of a look взглянуть (Can I have a bit of a look? – Можно взглянуть?)
6.06.2023 4:37:12 inf. have a bit of a look глянуть (Can I have a bit of a look? – Можно глянуть?)
6.06.2023 4:03:10 gen. profits компании выручка (от разных видов операций, обычно просто profit)
6.06.2023 3:19:24 gen. get one's life back on track вернуться к нормальной жизни (после банкротства, болезни, потрясения и т.п.: Wishing George a happy birthday next was author and financial commentator James Paris, who recounted how he became a multi-millionaire by age 30 and then went bankrupt by 40 after he was the victim of an embezzlement scheme perpetrated by his brother. After his economic downfall, Paris discovered that by praying to God and then listening for a response, he could receive solutions for getting his life back on track. One of the most effective types of prayer, he said, is to ask God "for wisdom and for his plan to put you in a situation where you're able to be self-sufficient." coasttocoastam.com)
6.06.2023 3:14:41 gen. crime boss главарь ОПГ (When JFK was killed, Bobby Kennedy told many people that crime boss Carlos Marcello was involved, but the Warren Commission never investigated him, Shaw added. coasttocoastam.com)
6.06.2023 3:14:30 gen. crime boss главарь криминальной группировки (When JFK was killed, Bobby Kennedy told many people that crime boss Carlos Marcello was involved, but the Warren Commission never investigated him, Shaw added. coasttocoastam.com)
6.06.2023 2:44:53 inf. cassette deck кассетник (I got an old Sanyo cassette deck from my brother. I think there is something wrong with the tape mechanism as it produces garbled sounds from all cassettes (old or new). Are there any reliable cassette deck repair centres in the Metro area? Thanks in advance! (Reddit))
6.06.2023 2:36:25 inf. trash раскритиковать (trash the idea – раскритиковать идею)
6.06.2023 2:34:45 inf. take a lot of flak критиковать (for sth. from someone: в страдат. залоге: Его сильно критиковали – Mayor Robertson took a lot of flak for that decision from local residents.)
6.06.2023 2:34:27 idiom. take shots критиковать (at)
6.06.2023 2:34:09 idiom. take a shot критиковать (at)
6.06.2023 2:30:01 inf. bash раскритиковать (I was ready to bash the nimbys but they make some surprisingly good points outside of the usual blanket opposition to high rises. The housing that’s gonna be built should be affordable or below market rental units instead of million dollar apartments for investors to snap up. reddit.com)
6.06.2023 1:56:54 gen. outdated устарел (It's outdated. – Он устарел.)
6.06.2023 0:57:20 gen. hang up the phone on sb. бросить трубку (оборвав разговор: Women’s shelters (one hung up the phone on me), transition houses, and BC Housing have all turned me away. (Burnaby Now))
5.06.2023 4:24:08 trav. viewpoint место, откуда открывается красивый вид (One place in Metro Vancouver I’ve never visited is Barnston Island – until now. Took the free ferry for an easy, safe and spectacular 10km bike ride. Several gorgeous viewpoints of the Mighty Fraser River and beyond. ⁦ twitter.com)
5.06.2023 3:10:17 context. as a tyke малышом (Wow has everything changed. Vaguely remember the Seven Seas restaurant as a tyke. -- (я был ещё) малышом reddit.com)
5.06.2023 3:02:05 parapsych. through telepathic communication телепатически (After undergoing hypnotic regression in an effort to find out what happened during the missing period of time, Godfrey recalled being moved to a strange room where he met a bearded man called Yosef who, along with two robots, interrogated him through telepathic communication. His story made headline news and became one of the UK's best known abduction cases. unexplained-mysteries.com)
5.06.2023 2:50:48 cliche. numerous cases множество случаев (Rumours of a large feline lurking in the Ceredigion area emerged as far back as the 1970s when a series of sheep were found eaten. There have been numerous cases since including the killing of 12 sheep in 1981 in the village of 'Bont' – giving name to the Beast of Bont – and the slaughter of 20 in 2012. mirror.co.uk)
5.06.2023 2:41:44 fig. become obsessed with помешаться на (некой идее, теме: A UFO hunter has claimed aliens butchered a number of sheep in Wales. Helena Worth, a self-described “amateur scientist”, became obsessed with aliens after she claimed to have spotted one flying over her home several years ago. mirror.co.uk)
5.06.2023 2:41:02 fig. become obsessed with пристраститься к (некой идее, теме)
4.06.2023 9:26:36 gen. a few days shy of оставалось несколько дней до (He was a few days shy of his 18th birthday when he raped and killed 7-year-old Marcia Dale. – Ему оставалось несколько дней до своего 18-летия)
4.06.2023 9:09:36 idiom. drop the ball подкачать (to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for (Cambridge Dictionary): The entire time I was there, not once was anything cleaned — not by janitorial staff or by nursing staff. Given that this is Fraser Health, I can’t say I’m surprised by these conditions in the slightest, but someone is clearly dropping the ball when it comes to our emergency rooms. (Burnaby Now) )
4.06.2023 8:29:50 inf. screwball ненормальный (a crazy or eccentric person (Oxford Dictionary) : "she was dating a real screwball" (Oxford Dictionary) • Another screwball. I've met three so far today. (Raymond Chandler) )
4.06.2023 8:27:00 inf. sick ненормальный (You're sick! She's your sister! How could you do that to her? • This sick bastard should be so ashamed!)
4.06.2023 8:23:12 cliche. need no introductions не нуждаться в представлении (Old friends need no flowery introductions. • Our next guest needs no introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Benny Hill!)
4.06.2023 6:43:30 inf. look up поискать, посмотреть в интернете информацию о чём-л. ("A lot of people have some guesses out there, though" "I looked up a sea slug. It didn't look anything like a sea slug. And then one of the people said it could be a cuttlefish. I looked that up too. Didn't look much like that. I mean, to me it looks like a bird flapping its wings underwater." coasttocoastam.com)
4.06.2023 3:15:14 neuropsychol. cognizant осознающий действительность (Scott in Costa Mesa, California, recommended listeners play music for their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia, noting the music should be from their era. "There's something about the music and the synapses... they become cognizant again," Scott said. You may be able to briefly converse with them, he added. coasttocoastam.com)
4.06.2023 3:07:38 fig. resonate находить отклик в сердцах читателей, слушателей (with: Kubernik spoke about the enduring popularity of Classic Rock and why the music and artists from that time continue to resonate. "People made selections of dating, or relationships, or maybe taking a job, or going to a college because concerts were available in the area," he explained, noting the same fans who saw artists like Stevie Nicks and Billy Joel in their twenties now want to see them as seniors. That music had durability, he added. coasttocoastam.com)
4.06.2023 1:04:40 gen. in one's charge подведомственный (addressing the employees in his charge)
4.06.2023 1:04:40 gen. in one's charge подчинённый (addressing the employees in his charge)
3.06.2023 10:42:08 account. questionable expenses сомнительные расходы (при ревизии, аудите налогов: The UK trip cited by Kwan was flagged by auditors for questionable expenses, including a hotel room that cost $884 per night and a $65 charge for flowers on the hotel invoice. The Bristol trip Kwan cited included a hotel room worth $777 per night, $46 worth of flowers, as well as alcohol and spa services, according to the audit. vancouversun.com)
3.06.2023 10:41:25 account. questionable expenses необоснованные расходы (при ревизии, аудите налогов: The UK trip cited by Kwan was flagged by auditors for questionable expenses, including a hotel room that cost $884 per night and a $65 charge for flowers on the hotel invoice. The Bristol trip Kwan cited included a hotel room worth $777 per night, $46 worth of flowers, as well as alcohol and spa services, according to the audit. vancouversun.com)
3.06.2023 9:09:58 inf. whip up приготовить на скорую руку (whip up a couple of sandwiches • whip up a gourmet lunch)
3.06.2023 8:28:23 gen. dismiss as пренебрежительно отзываться (Before his run of bad luck, Steve had dismissed the Uluru curse as "new-age mumbo jumbo" but now he's convinced he has fallen victim to the curse.)
3.06.2023 6:19:28 gen. privacy rights право на неприкосновенность частной жизни (Giving out personal health status of any of our employees is a violation of their privacy rights.)
3.06.2023 6:18:15 gen. right to privacy право на частную жизнь ("семья Ельчина попросила уважать их право на частную жизнь")
3.06.2023 6:12:54 cliche. it sounds like похоже, что (It sounds like your fuse box needs to be replaced with a breaker box.)
3.06.2023 6:12:36 cliche. it looks like похоже, что (It looks like the accountant has reattached this amount to the new cheque.)
3.06.2023 5:34:04 inf. dump запущенный район города ("That’s my old neighbourhood, but I like it more now. A better place to walk and be. Back then it was much more industrial and not nearly as nice. In reality it was a complete dump and nothing like it is today." "You're not wrong. I remember my older sister took guitar lessons in what's now the Brewery District. I remember seeing needles, used condoms and such in the parking lots there." (Reddit))
3.06.2023 4:36:44 cliche. by some miracle каким-то чудом ("By all the rules you ought to be the same sort of shallow spoiled promiscuous brat your sister was. By some miracle you're not. You've got all the honesty and a large part of the guts in your family. You don't need anyone to be kind to you." (Raymond Chandler) )
3.06.2023 4:27:22 ed. enrol поступить учиться (She enrolled in anthropology courses at New York University. )
3.06.2023 4:20:46 ed. enroll at поступить учиться в
3.06.2023 4:20:31 ed. enroll at поступить на учёбу в (She enrolled at the Highland School of Art in 1933.)
3.06.2023 4:08:43 idiom. give it one's best shot постараться ("I don't know how to explain that." "Come on, give it your best shot." – Ну, постарайся.)
3.06.2023 4:00:56 fin. from по сравнению с (In terms of sales revenue, all the numbers are up from last year. -- по сравнению с прошлым годом • Tourist numbers in June are down 5% from last year. -- по сравнению с прошлым годом)
3.06.2023 3:59:39 gen. compared with по сравнению с (Port Coquitlam's population is growing more rapidly compared with other municipalities in the region.)
3.06.2023 2:17:08 adv. dining рестораны (With mountain, ocean and downtown views, the most extensive and luxurious amenities, convenient transportation, rich and eclectic shops and dining, parks and bike routes at your feet, The Queens Gardens represent a prestigious West Side address, at incredible value.)
2.06.2023 7:03:21 fig. no scope негде развернуться ("There hasn't been a burglary in Steeple Bumpleigh for centuries. Stilton was complaining about it only the other day. He said the place gave an ambitious young copper no scope." (P.G. Wodehouse))
2.06.2023 5:58:29 formal untenable не выдерживающий критики (If a theory or argument is untenable, it cannot be supported or defended against criticism. (Cambridge Dictionary) E.g., But scholars are citizens, too, and if it is wrongheaded to demand political payoff from basic research, it would be equally untenable to demand that research be quarantined from the real-world considerations that weigh so heavily upon us. — Henry Louis Gates, Jr., New York Times, 4 Apr. 1998: Lastly, the complainants argued the trustee shouldn’t have blindly accepted the developer’s certifications, but [Justice David] Crerar found it would be untenable to require trustees to investigate the validity and veracity of the developer's documentation. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:48:24 formal there is no legal obligation по закону не обязан (for sb. to do sth.: [Justice David] Crerar conceded it may have been prudent for the trustee to apply to have the deposits sent to the courts, but he found there was no legal obligation for him to do so. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:41:04 formal without ambiguity без всякой двусмысленности (о тексте контракта: [Justice David] Crerar rejected that logic. Under B.C.’s Interpretation Act, “must” is to be construed as imperative, he noted. “Without ambiguity, hypothetical absurdities cannot contort the plain language of the statute,” Crerar wrote, adding that developers who violate the act are subject to criminal, civil, and regulatory punishments. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:41:04 formal without ambiguity недвусмысленно (о тексте контракта: [Justice David] Crerar rejected that logic. Under B.C.’s Interpretation Act, “must” is to be construed as imperative, he noted. “Without ambiguity, hypothetical absurdities cannot contort the plain language of the statute,” Crerar wrote, adding that developers who violate the act are subject to criminal, civil, and regulatory punishments. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:41:04 formal without ambiguity ясно (о тексте контракта: [Justice David] Crerar rejected that logic. Under B.C.’s Interpretation Act, “must” is to be construed as imperative, he noted. “Without ambiguity, hypothetical absurdities cannot contort the plain language of the statute,” Crerar wrote, adding that developers who violate the act are subject to criminal, civil, and regulatory punishments. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:41:04 formal without ambiguity чётко (о тексте контракта: [Justice David] Crerar rejected that logic. Under B.C.’s Interpretation Act, “must” is to be construed as imperative, he noted. “Without ambiguity, hypothetical absurdities cannot contort the plain language of the statute,” Crerar wrote, adding that developers who violate the act are subject to criminal, civil, and regulatory punishments. nsnews.com)
2.06.2023 5:23:48 ed. upon graduation from high school по окончании школы (Upon graduation from high school, she was undecided whether to become a microbiologist or a chemical engineer.)
2.06.2023 4:56:34 scient. multigenerational повторяющийся из поколения в поколение (процесс, повторяющийся из поколения в поколение – It's multi-generational, that's how these practices are transmitted.)
2.06.2023 3:42:51 water.suppl. water main break авария на водопроводе (A water main break is currently affecting homes in the 600 block of Greendale Road. Crews are working hard to restore water service as soon as possible. Once the water is back on, run a cold water tap for 30 minutes)
2.06.2023 3:40:40 water.suppl. water main break поврежденный водопровод (A water main break is currently affecting homes in the 600 block of Greendale Road. Crews are working hard to restore water service as soon as possible. Once the water is back on, run a cold water tap for 30 minutes.)
2.06.2023 3:40:40 water.suppl. water main break поврежденная магистраль водоснабжения (A water main break is currently affecting homes in the 600 block of Greendale Road. Crews are working hard to restore water service as soon as possible. Once the water is back on, run a cold water tap for 30 minutes.)
2.06.2023 3:20:14 gen. the water feels really cold вода очень холодная (зайдя в воду: It's sunny but the water feels really cold.)
1.06.2023 8:40:42 prop.&figur. keep away помешать (Neither land nor water can keep the hovercraft away. – не помешают)
1.06.2023 8:34:39 gen. by standards по меркам ("The Korshaks lived in luxury fabulous even by Bel Air standards. Chagalls and Renoirs adorned their walls. Their wine cellar was considered one of the finest in Los Angeles." (Vanity Fair) • Even by October standards, it's been unseasonably wet and windy.)
1.06.2023 8:12:04 gen. hone one's skills отрабатывать навыки (Luigi has been honing his pizza making skills at the Edgewood location of Pizza Uno and is now opening his own pizza place on E.15th St.)
1.06.2023 8:11:43 gen. practice отрабатывать навыки (напр., методы/приёмы спасения пострадавших: These rescues require a high level of expertise, so our firefighters spend hundreds of hours every year practicing and training.)
1.06.2023 7:18:06 gen. oversight недочёт (a mistake made because of a failure to notice something (Cambridge Dictionary): Извините, это недочёт с нашей стороны.)
1.06.2023 3:04:55 cliche. profusely apologize рассыпаться в извинениях (On Friday, May 26 at around 3 a.m. a man broke into Sweet Something bakery. After cleaning up the glass from the door he broke to get in, he only took a half-dozen chocolate cupcakes (well, he took a few selfies on the store phone, but those stayed at the store). (...) But early this week it took another odd turn when the thief called the store. "He profusely apologized," says bakery owner Emma Irvine in a new video. "You could tell it was really sincere and he's offered to pay for the door and for the cupcakes." vancouverisawesome.com)
1.06.2023 2:32:41 cliche. pause and think остановиться и задуматься (над чем-л.: “It’s kind of cool in the way it’s sort of a mystery of energy and people that were here,” he said. “If something was said, it would make you pause and think about it.” -- заставит вас остановиться и задуматься sfgate.com)
1.06.2023 2:28:27 formal in a humble manner с почтением (“Me, personally, that’s where I’m from and my people are from. That’s their spirit and their ancestors right there,” he said. “Whether you’re Indigenous or non-Indigenous, you’ve got to be respectful. They are watching whether you’re carrying yourself in a humble manner. Somebody or something is always watching you.” -- Они наблюдают, ведёте ли вы себя почтительно / с почтением. sfgate.com)
1.06.2023 2:27:48 formal in a humble manner почтительно (“Me, personally, that’s where I’m from and my people are from. That’s their spirit and their ancestors right there,” he said. “Whether you’re Indigenous or non-Indigenous, you’ve got to be respectful. They are watching whether you’re carrying yourself in a humble manner. Somebody or something is always watching you.” -- Они наблюдают, ведёте ли вы себя почтительно / с почтением. sfgate.com)
1.06.2023 2:09:17 zool. do a bluff charge пугать (о животном: имитировать нападение: Bakery worker Maureen Williams said she initially tried to scare the bear away by yelling. "It turned around, and came towards me, and he did what DEEP [Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection] calls a 'bluff charge,' where he made kind of a huffing noise, and then he came at me a little quicker," Williams told WTNH-TV. "At that point, I knew I wasn't going to shut the door. He was too close. So, I backed myself out and ran." upi.com)
1.06.2023 2:06:25 idiom. come one's way появиться ("I hope that more clients will come my way eventually." – появится больше клиентов)
1.06.2023 2:04:05 gen. is going to come along появится (She would say to me, "Don't worry, darling, someone wonderful is going to come along and take care of you." What a nice fairy tale.)
1.06.2023 2:02:34 formal make oneself available явиться (по официальному приглашению: "As you are aware, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is conducting a bipartisan inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. As part of that inquiry, the Committee requests that you make yourself available for a closed interview with bipartisan Committee staff at a mutually agreeable time and location.")
1.06.2023 2:01:16 humor. make one's appearance явиться (Taste by Spellbound in Avon posted a video to Facebook showing the bear enter through an open garage door and drag a box containing 60 cupcakes into the parking lot, where it took a few minutes to feast on the pilfered confections. Bakery employees said they had been in the process of loading the cupcakes into a van for a delivery when the bear made its appearance.-- и в этот момент и появился / явился косолапый upi.com)
1.06.2023 2:01:16 humor. make one's appearance появиться (Taste by Spellbound in Avon posted a video to Facebook showing the bear enter through an open garage door and drag a box containing 60 cupcakes into the parking lot, where it took a few minutes to feast on the pilfered confections. Bakery employees said they had been in the process of loading the cupcakes into a van for a delivery when the bear made its appearance.-- и в этот момент и появился / явился косолапый upi.com)
1.06.2023 1:58:18 food.serv. confections сладости (Taste by Spellbound in Avon posted a video to Facebook showing the bear enter through an open garage door and drag a box containing 60 cupcakes into the parking lot, where it took a few minutes to feast on the pilfered confections. upi.com)
1.06.2023 1:57:56 food.serv. sweet treats сладости
1.06.2023 1:48:30 cliche. within a relatively short period of time за сравнительно короткий период времени (If the petroglyphs were made within a relatively short period of time, they may tell a story, said James Dodd, a researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark and the Tanums Hällristningsmuseum's Rock Art Research Centre Underslös in Sweden. livescience.com)
1.06.2023 1:37:14 polit. launch a bid выдвинуть свою кандидатуру (на пост / должность (выражение применяется в СМИ): The former governor will launch a bid on Tuesday.)
1.06.2023 1:37:14 polit. launch a bid выставить свою кандидатуру (на пост / должность (выражение применяется в СМИ): The former governor will launch a bid on Tuesday.)
31.05.2023 8:27:00 ed. accept into the university принять в университет (She was accepted into the university in 1988. • Ronnie has been accepted into university for this coming fall, he's so excited. • He has been accepted into university. – Его приняли в университет.)
31.05.2023 7:20:18 cliche. this raises a lot of questions возникает масса вопросов
31.05.2023 6:37:29 cliche. hardly едва ли можно назвать (Uemura was hardly an amateur explorer. A thrill-seeker from a young age, he was part of the first Japanese expedition to summit Mount Everest in 1970. He also completed the first solo expedition to the North Pole and the first solo raft trip down the Amazon River. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 6:37:29 cliche. hardly с трудом можно назвать (Uemura was hardly an amateur explorer. A thrill-seeker from a young age, he was part of the first Japanese expedition to summit Mount Everest in 1970. He also completed the first solo expedition to the North Pole and the first solo raft trip down the Amazon River. mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 5:09:35 trav. raft trip сплав на плоту (A thrill-seeker from a young age, he was part of the first Japanese expedition to summit Mount Everest in 1970. He also completed the first solo expedition to the North Pole and the first solo raft trip down the Amazon River. -- сплав на плоту по Амазонке mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 5:03:58 cliche. known as известный под названием (In 1984, 43-year-old Japanese adventurer Naomi Uemura vanished while climbing Alaska’s Denali—formerly known as Mount McKinley. -- при восхождении вершины Денали на Аляске, в прошлом известной под названием гора Мак-Кинли mentalfloss.com)
31.05.2023 4:51:27 fig. set sail устремиться (In 1821, brothers Givi and Gogi Kavtaradze likely became the first Georgian migrants to set sail in search of a prosperous life in North America. -- устремились на поиски)

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