
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

5.07.2023 8:57:32 theatre. theatre designer художник-постановщик ("Theatre design or scenography is the design of the space in which a performance takes place. Theatre designers create stage pictures, that is to say, they design the space, costume and props that you see when you watch a performance." org.uk)
5.07.2023 8:45:43 gen. faithful recreation воссозданный в точном соответствии (с традициями стиля / с утраченным оригиналом)
5.07.2023 8:36:24 gov. sports and recreation спортивно-оздоровительный (Sports and Recreation Association)
5.07.2023 4:59:07 cliche. unwavering support непоколебимая поддержка (The Declaration condemns Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine & expresses unwavering support for its independence, sovereignty & territorial integrity.)
4.07.2023 9:30:19 gen. treat with an abundance of caution крайне осторожно подходить (к: That is something that we treat with an abundance of caution.)
4.07.2023 9:01:08 gen. practice умение (in some contexts: an ancient Japanese practice of decorating Buddhist artwork and objects with gold metal leaf – умение украшать)
4.07.2023 8:57:48 gen. headed под заголовком (in the column headed 'Available spares' – в колонке, озаглавленной "Имеющиеся запчасти")
4.07.2023 8:57:32 gen. titled под заголовком (a book titled "The Joy of Sex-Free Living")
4.07.2023 4:34:32 cliche. as a side note это так, к слову
4.07.2023 3:29:28 gen. run a few errands поехать по делам (“Roger's late.” “Oh, he's running a few errands after work.” -- Он поехал по делам после работы. )
4.07.2023 3:28:38 gen. run a few errands съездить в несколько мест (по делам: I've got to run a few errands. – Мне нужно съездить в несколько мест.)
4.07.2023 3:27:54 gen. run a few errands заехать в несколько мест (напр., почта, прачечная, аптека и т.д.: I've got to run a few errands. – Мне нужно заехать в несколько мест)
4.07.2023 3:20:49 law effective upon execution вступает в силу с момента подписания (This power of attorney is effective upon execution.)
4.07.2023 3:20:41 law shall take effect after the Parties have signed it вступает в силу с момента подписания
4.07.2023 3:17:45 fig.of.sp. a place to put one's head down пристанище (He was left without a place to put his head down.)
4.07.2023 3:15:45 gen. after __ is/are over по окончании (After the fireworks are over, expect very heavy traffic on Hastings and West 4th.)
4.07.2023 3:08:44 real.est. confirm one's credit worthiness подтвердить свою кредитоспособность (You will need to confirm your income, down payment amount and overall credit worthiness.)
4.07.2023 3:07:11 law by POA по доверенности (Документы, подписанные по доверенности: Documents Signed by POA ==– Land registration documents may be signed by a person holding a power of attorney on behalf of another person or company/entity.)
4.07.2023 3:05:13 busin. execution of tasks выполнение заданий (the execution of operational and management tasks in a deliberate and structured manner)
3.07.2023 4:52:54 disappr. lay on the horn сигналить (о нетерпеливом водителе: About 15-20 years ago, I was stopped on the Stanley Park causeway going Northbound by a family of geese crossing over towards Lost Lagoon. This was during the morning rush hour. The cars going the other way stopped too. The idiot directly behind me was laying on the horn like a madman, because I dared to stop for the baby birds. Apparently I should have just driven over them. So anyways, always look both ways when crossing the street, folks. That guy probably still has a license. reddit.com)
3.07.2023 4:38:38 gen. get a good night's rest хорошо отдохнуть за ночь (точный аналог: За ночь он хорошо отдохнул и с утра снова принялся за работу.)
3.07.2023 4:36:19 gen. get a good night's sleep хорошо выспаться (Wang finally reached the parking lot around 9:15 p.m., where she saw her parents waiting for her. “The medics cleared me to go home and I was finally able to get a good night’s sleep in my bed,” Wang writes. ctvnews.ca)
3.07.2023 4:25:09 gen. tell from the other ones отличать от остальных (I have a lot of squirrels around here and this one always peeks in my front window for some peanuts. I named her Maggie and I can tell her from the other ones because of the little notch in her right ear. coasttocoastam.com)
3.07.2023 2:55:25 crim.law. homicide investigator следователь по расследованию убийств (Detective Gil Carrillo worked as a homicide investigator for 21 years in Los Angeles, where he was called upon to investigate all types of murders, including serial killings and officer-involved shootings. vuzlit.com, coasttocoastam.com)
3.07.2023 2:07:41 trav. lookout tower смотровая башня (для туристов: смотровая башня на горе Ахун в Сочи • Lookout tower on Mount Constitution)
2.07.2023 8:51:50 gen. tote bag хозяйственная сумка (playbillstore.com)
2.07.2023 8:50:18 gen. tote хозяйственная сумка (от tote bag, часто холщовая или из грубой материи wooop.com)
2.07.2023 2:35:58 gen. scoop up взять на руки (животное, ребёнка: I especially have issues with owners with small dogs who think just scooping their dog up is the solution instead of trying to train them. Is it just me or does anyone else have these experiences? (Reddit))
2.07.2023 2:13:44 gen. cause to lose internet access отключить интернет (Brendan in Austin, Texas, commented on remarks from NASA about an upcoming solar storm that could cause people to lose internet access for months or even years. He said the space agency is working on AI models of solar storm data in order to develop an early warning system that could potentially give the planet 30 minutes notice before being struck by a devastating solar storm. coasttocoastam.com)
2.07.2023 2:13:44 gen. cause to lose internet access вывести из строя интернет (Brendan in Austin, Texas, commented on remarks from NASA about an upcoming solar storm that could cause people to lose internet access for months or even years. He said the space agency is working on AI models of solar storm data in order to develop an early warning system that could potentially give the planet 30 minutes notice before being struck by a devastating solar storm. coasttocoastam.com)
2.07.2023 2:06:17 gen. go missing отсутствовать (где-либо: Schreiber recounted a strange story about Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Mullis claimed to have had a bizarre experience the same year he invented PCR. One night as he was going to his outhouse he was confronted by a glowing English-speaking raccoon that abducted him into a spaceship, Schreiber explained, adding Mullis went missing for four hours. -- отсутствовал четыре часа coasttocoastam.com)
2.07.2023 2:04:35 gen. go missing пропадать ("For decades, people who vacationed in central Maine's North Pond area were puzzled by items that would go missing. Batteries and food from cabins, flashlights from camping tents." – пропадали mentalfloss.com)
2.07.2023 2:01:17 gen. massive deposit крупное месторождение (a massive nickel deposit in Voisey's Bay, Newfoundland -- крупное месторождение никелевой руды)
2.07.2023 2:00:05 gen. massive deposit обширные залежи (a massive nickel deposit in Voisey's Bay, Newfoundland -- обширные залежи никелевой руды)
1.07.2023 9:28:37 hist. Salt Act Закон о соляной монополии (Mahatma Gandhi symbolically broke the Salt Act, thereby ushering in a new era of civil rights for minorities.)
1.07.2023 8:40:09 idiom. make heavy weather переусердствовать (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь А.В. Кунина, М., 1984: "All that any of us wished to say was, weren't we making too heavy weather of it?" (C.P. Snow) -- Все члены дисциплинарной комиссии задавали себе вопрос: а не переусердствовали ли они?)
1.07.2023 8:36:33 idiom. make heavy weather усложнять (вопрос: Англо-русский фразеологический словарь А.В. Кунина, М., 1984 : We needn't make heavy weather of it. (Iris Murdoch, "The Bell") -- Не стоит усложнять вопрос.)
1.07.2023 8:22:11 law open carrying of firearms открытое ношение оружия (Kansas law doesn't expressly forbid the open carrying of firearms.)
1.07.2023 8:19:43 busin. publicly-traded company открытое акционерное общество (A company issuing stocks, which are traded on the open market, either on a stock exchange or on the over-the-counter market. thefreedictionary.com)
1.07.2023 7:55:13 idiom. take to the cleaners оставить без копейки денег (I like smooth shiny girls, hard-boiled and loaded with sin.' 'They take you to the cleaners,' Randall said indifferently." (Raymond Chandler))
1.07.2023 7:54:39 idiom. take to the cleaners оставить без гроша ('I like smooth shiny girls, hard-boiled and loaded with sin.' 'They take you to the cleaners,' Randall said indifferently." (Raymond Chandler))
1.07.2023 6:48:25 gen. famous for sth. прославившийся чем-л. (The City of Ottawa, which is famous for shutting down children’s lemonade stands that lack business licences, is now pursuing a crackdown on “tiny libraries,” the trend of homeowners installing boxes of free-to-take books in their front yard. -- прославившийся тем, что nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:51:30 formal most в наибольшей степени (Properties immediately adjacent to the festival site will be most affected by these road closures. – будут затронуты в наибольшей степени • The EIU uses 40 individual metrics to gauge a city’s livability, all of which are given relatively equal weight in calculating a city’s final score. As such, affordability, the phenomenon of “stranger attacks” and the worsening addiction crisis — the three issues that most defined Vancouver’s 2022 mayoral race — are given roughly the same attention as more arbitrary factors such as “social or religious restrictions” or “quality of water provision.” -- три проблемы, в наибольшей степени определившие ход предвыборной борьбы за должность мэра nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:46:13 surv. use metrics использовать параметры (для -- infinitive: The EIU uses 40 individual metrics to gauge a city’s livability, all of which are given relatively equal weight in calculating a city’s final score. nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:43:07 surv. livability уровень качества жизни (The EIU uses 40 individual metrics to gauge a city’s livability, all of which are given relatively equal weight in calculating a city’s final score. nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:31:35 cliche. conspicuous example наглядный пример (It’s not the first time Vancouver has ranked near the top of an international city ranking, and the B.C. city actually ranked first place in the index for eight consecutive years between 2002 and 2010. But it’s one of the more conspicuous examples of how city-ranking indices have a weakness for overlooking the fundamentals of how a place is actually experienced by its average residents. nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:27:04 surv. rank near the top of a ranking войти в число лидеров (в рейтинге: It’s not the first time Vancouver has ranked near the top of an international city ranking, and the B.C. city actually ranked first place in the index for eight consecutive years between 2002 and 2010. nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:24:05 surv. rank first place занять первое место в рейтинге (It’s not the first time Vancouver has ranked near the top of an international city ranking, and the B.C. city actually ranked first place in the index for eight consecutive years between 2002 and 2010. nationalpost.com)
1.07.2023 5:23:10 surv. score first place занять первое место в рейтинге (Last week, Copenhagen scored first place on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Index, followed by Sydney, Melbourne and Vienna.)
1.07.2023 3:42:20 formal fully liable несущий ответственность в полном объёме (example by ART Vancouver: "Minors are normally fully liable for their torts, but they may escape liability in some instances." – несут ответственность в полном объеме – S. B. Marsh, ‎J. Soulsby "Business Law" p. 74")
1.07.2023 3:37:30 cliche. no sense in не стоит (+ gerund: 'Let's finish the job. No sense in being bitter. We are all trying to do the right thing.' – Raymond Chandler )
1.07.2023 3:18:44 gen. leave unsupervised оставить без присмотра (The river runs quickly, so children shouldn’t be left unsupervised.)
1.07.2023 2:23:54 cliche. walk down the road идти по дороге (One of her most terrifying encounters was when she saw a cloud of smoke take a human form and then walk down the road. She saw the figure move through an invisible door, and then it appeared in the window of a neighboring apartment building. coasttocoastam.com)
1.07.2023 2:21:38 esot. conjure spirits вызывать духов (Selene revealed how some people use "taunting" to conjure spirits at different supposedly haunted sites, and this can sometimes inadvertently create a negative egregore or thought form that did not previously exist there. coasttocoastam.com)
30.06.2023 5:23:56 gen. due for пора́ (действие, ожидаемое от кого-л.: This is a reminder that Reginald Q. Simpkins is due for a dental check-up and cleaning on or after Thursday August 18, 2016. To make an appointment, please call the office at (123) 456-7890 or email dates and times that you are available.)
30.06.2023 5:22:12 gen. it is time that + simple past пора́ ("I think it is time now that we took our friend Lestrade into our confidence." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.06.2023 5:21:48 gen. it is time that + past continuous пора́ ("I think, Mr. Holmes, it is time that we were leaving for Euston." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – нам пора ехать)
30.06.2023 5:12:14 busin. contact with a request обратиться с запросом (+ infinitive: Our users have the ability to close, but not delete, their accounts. You can contact our Help Center team with a request to have your account permanently deleted from our platform. )
30.06.2023 5:03:05 inf. tap обратиться за помощью (Country-rock pioneer Bob Halston was tapped to lend a hand and helped tremendously with the release of the band's first album.)
30.06.2023 5:02:27 gen. ask for help обратиться за помощью (He understands that he can always ask for help if and when he needs it. – сможет всегда обратиться за помощью)
30.06.2023 4:32:53 gen. be out for a walk прогуливаться (*Couple spots 'bus-sized' creature in Loch Ness* Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water. "I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. -- прогуливались unexplained-mysteries.com)
30.06.2023 4:32:35 gen. be out for a walk гулять (*Couple spots 'bus-sized' creature in Loch Ness* Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water. "I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. -- гуляли unexplained-mysteries.com)
30.06.2023 4:21:44 gen. neighbouring suite соседняя квартира (A kitchen fire on the 43rd floor of a Toronto high-rise at 2131 Dick Rd. sent two people to hospital with smoke inhalation. When fire fighters arrived, the sprinkler had activated and put out most of the fire, explained assistant fire chief Barry Masiuk. There was some water damage to neighbouring suites, he added.)
30.06.2023 4:21:35 gen. adjacent unit соседняя квартира (The shooter fired a bullet that nearly hit a man in adjacent Unit 25. The bullet tore through the wall and a mirror.)
30.06.2023 4:16:11 disappr. disgusting mess грязища (A couple in the Burquitlam area (...) put out some planters on their condo patio. One day their upstairs neighbour hosed down his patio and all of his cigarette butts ran down to their patio, creating a disgusting mess. burnabynow.com )
30.06.2023 2:05:38 traf. collide with совершить столкновение с («24-летний водитель автомобиля «Лада Приора» выехал на полосу, предназначенную для встречного движения, где совершил столкновение с двигающимся во встречном направлении автомобилем «Мазда» под управлением 36-летнего водителя», – сообщили в пресс-службе УМВД. • RCMP said a vehicle travelling southbound on Highway 99 crossed the centre line inside the tunnel, colliding with an oncoming vehicle.)
30.06.2023 1:54:47 gen. full of lies сплошное враньё (He claimed the CBC documentary featuring indigenous women's stories of violence was full of lies and only contributed to the problem.)
30.06.2023 1:47:29 gen. go down a steep embankment сорваться с крутого склона (A vehicle went down a steep embankment in unincorporated Santa Clara County this morning.)
30.06.2023 1:39:22 gen. hike ходить пешком (в горах, лесу, за городом – to go for a long walk in the countryside, in the mountains or in the woods)
30.06.2023 1:38:55 gen. hike прогулка по горам (Приятная прогулка по горам в районе Судака закончилась травмой и вызовом спасателей для 53-летнего мужчины.)
29.06.2023 9:18:43 gen. outlaw bikers байкеры-бандиты ("A network of outlaw bikers – primarily Hells Angels – were also moving his cocaine overland and selling it to retail dealers throughout the country." ('Hunting El Chapo' by Andrew Hogan))
29.06.2023 9:11:46 lit. shed bitter tears проливать горькие слёзы (No bitter tears for thee be shed, Blossom of being! seen and gone!)
29.06.2023 9:10:04 busin. custom специально разработанный (custom graphics)
29.06.2023 9:09:50 adv. custom-tailored специально разработанный (custom-tailored nutrition plans for athletes)
29.06.2023 7:07:22 humor. sneaky boy хитрюга (*** For everyone here who has suggested "cheeky", here's what it really means: boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way" (Merriam-Webster): a cheeky swimsuit...a cheeky joke...a white lace set featuring a bra and a cheeky bottom...revealing her cheeky underwear underneath***: You sneaky boy!)
29.06.2023 1:59:13 idiom. I'm not going to beat around the bush here перейду сразу к делу (Guys, I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I'm extremely disappointed. This kind of performance is not what I had expected.)
28.06.2023 8:45:21 gen. efforts are being made предпринимаются усилия с целью (+ infinitive: Owing to oversupply, efforts are being made to convert glycerol to synthetic precursors, such as acrolein and epichlorohydrin. wikipedia.org)
28.06.2023 4:47:39 gen. understand the subject in more detail подробно разобраться в теме (For those who would like to understand the subject in more detail, the following explanation was developed in response to the concerns that came up frequently on the NAC patient support forum.)
28.06.2023 4:45:53 gen. understand the subject in more detail разобраться в деталях (For those who would like to understand the subject in more detail, the following explanation was developed in response to the concerns that came up frequently on the NAC patient support forum.)
27.06.2023 11:05:41 gen. beachside community купальный посёлок (купальный посёлок Уч-Кую в имении Е.И. Бялыницкой-Бируля близ Севастополя, ныне известный как пляжный пригород Учкуевка • Kelowna's most walkable beachside community with lake views)
27.06.2023 9:24:09 gen. take power into one's own hands взять власть в свои руки (In October 1917, Russian workers and farmers took power into their own hands.)
27.06.2023 4:47:11 inf. play hookey from work отлынивать от работы (This is me playing hookey from work. The beach was beautiful this afternoon. I hope the weather holds for the long weekend! (Twitter))
27.06.2023 4:47:11 inf. play hookey from work сачковать (This is me playing hookey from work. The beach was beautiful this afternoon. I hope the weather holds for the long weekend! (Twitter))
27.06.2023 4:47:11 inf. play hookey from work увиливать от работы (This is me playing hookey from work. The beach was beautiful this afternoon. I hope the weather holds for the long weekend! (Twitter))
27.06.2023 4:29:40 inf. gouge ломить цены (We are being gouged by the oil companies. • Не надо ломить цены на заурядный сервис. И люди к вам потянутся, даже местные и небогатые.)
27.06.2023 2:29:58 cliche. let's give credit where credit's due. как-никак (But let's give credit where credit's due. (The Sun) • They outscrapped us in every department and you have to give credit where credit's due. (Sunday Times))
27.06.2023 2:26:25 cliche. there's no denying как-никак ("Как-никак – целый президент типа независимой страны попросил и гарантировал." (И.И.С.))
26.06.2023 13:01:10 humor. naughty boy шалунишка (Stop it, you naughty boy! You can kiss me when I say it's okay.)
26.06.2023 11:06:55 cultur. heritage language язык своей этнической группы (In a situation like this, the only possibility for the child to get the heritage language is from her parents. • It is extremely challenging in immigrant families to ensure that the child maintains the heritage language.)
26.06.2023 11:06:45 cultur. heritage language язык своих предков (In a situation like this, the only possibility for the child to get the heritage language is from her parents. • It is extremely challenging in immigrant families to ensure that the child maintains the heritage language.)
26.06.2023 11:01:22 hobby storm-chaser грозоискатель (охотники за грозами -- особенно с молниями,торнадо, радугой и пр., проезжающие по суше большие расстояния в надежде оказаться в центре грозы; напр., https://twitter.com/wheeler244)
26.06.2023 10:35:56 elect. showing явка (избирателей: Last night's showing was abysmal!)
26.06.2023 10:16:40 gen. not quite right in the head с головой не всё в порядке (Did he really say that? The guy's not quite right in the head. – у него не всё в порядке с головой)
26.06.2023 10:02:30 inf. went crazy с ума посходили (The confusion seemed to persist – many didn't know where the line was, while others decided there was no line or order. "It's like you throw a bunch of stuff out in the open and originally there was a line and then within 30 seconds everybody went crazy." – все с ума посходили)
26.06.2023 10:01:42 inf. out to lunch с головой не всё в порядке (This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit))
26.06.2023 10:00:31 inf. out to lunch с ума посходили (This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) -- Они там в отделе городской планировки с ума посходили )
26.06.2023 9:57:36 inf. out to lunch не всё в порядке с головой (She's out to lunch. – У неё не все в порядке с головой.)
26.06.2023 9:47:09 emph. ..., of all bizarre ideas! это же нужно выдумать такое! (He said he wanted to marry a male Thai cocktail server, of all bizarre ideas!)
26.06.2023 9:43:38 econ. economically viable экономически целесообразный (These buildings are at the end of their life cycle. Full or partial retention of these apartments is not technically possible or economically viable. )
26.06.2023 8:52:58 econ. economically viable экономичный (экономичное решение – economically viable solution)

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