
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

27.04.2024 2:40:04 gen. roughly translates переводится примерно (as / to – как: The two-year-old calf, known as kʷiisaḥiʔis (pronounced kwee-sahay-is) – a name that roughly translates to Brave Little Hunter – became trapped with her mother in shallow waters of the Little Espinosa inlet in the north-western reaches of Vancouver Island in late March. theguardian.com)
26.04.2024 9:54:40 inf. a big hit очень популярный (with sb.: Cooking demonstrations are a big hit and everyone is invited.)
26.04.2024 9:53:19 gen. be very helpful очень помочь (The way you've set up the folders should be very helpful.)
26.04.2024 9:15:02 disappr. be out of touch оторваться от действительности ("There's nothing wacky about it! B.C.'s housing minister is slamming the opposition leader for making light of renting during the debate over the budget and gives the NDP some easy political points. "What we heard yesterday really demonstrates how the BC Liberals are out of touch," said Selina Robinson." (News 1130) – насколько они оторваны от действительности / от реальной жизни • I’ll bet that Harry and Meghan found something better at half the price in California. City Hall is so out of touch. wordpress.com)
26.04.2024 9:14:41 disappr. lose touch with reality оторваться от действительности
26.04.2024 9:12:51 gen. celebrate one's anniversary отмечать юбилей (The Vancouver Art Gallery is celebrating its 75th anniversary. – отмечает свой семидесятипятилетний юбилей)
26.04.2024 8:59:08 busin. recognize отметить наградой (Some of our products have been recogized at international competitions. – отмечены наградами)
26.04.2024 8:58:40 busin. recognize отметить призом (Some of our products have been recogized at international competitions. – отмечены призами)
26.04.2024 8:54:34 gen. hand deliver отдать лично в руки ("Karen, I'm expecting a letter from Klein & Associates. I want it on my desk as soon as you get it." "No problem. When it comes I will hand deliver it to you.")
26.04.2024 8:45:46 fig.of.sp. come to a halt for a red light остановиться на красный свет
26.04.2024 8:32:39 gen. leave a wake оставить за собой след (на воде: "The object appeared on the surface before submerging. It was gone for five seconds – then up again going in another direction, turning about and leaving a wake and splashes," he told a local media outlet, "I couldn't believe my eyes. It had some power underneath it." (coasttocoastam.com))
26.04.2024 7:36:34 disappr. a pumpkin-headed oaf олух царя небесного
26.04.2024 6:43:59 gen. from the line с фронта (Canadian soldier writing home from the line. May, 1917 (подпись к архивному фото))
26.04.2024 6:43:07 gen. pick up on схватывать (Babies are so interested in language that they just pick up on all of it. – Детей настолько интересует язык, что они схватывают всё в нём.)
26.04.2024 6:42:36 inf. catch a hockey game сходить на хоккей (Josh came down from Castlegar to catch a hockey game at GM Place tonight.)
26.04.2024 6:41:42 gen. use the washroom сходить в туалет (также a washroom)
26.04.2024 6:39:38 inf. scam схема обмана (В Сочи мошенники придумали оригинальную схему обмана и научились продавать одну и ту же машину бесконечное количество раз.)
26.04.2024 6:38:46 gen. drain сходить (The bathroom sink is a bit slow to drain. – В умывальнике в ванной комнате немного медленно сходит вода.)
26.04.2024 5:56:50 inf. nab схватить преступника (One imagines that, should authorities nab the phantom motorcyclist, they will likely throw the proverbial book at them for all of the annoyance and embarrassment that they have caused the department. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.04.2024 5:52:22 gen. curb consumption сократить потребление (to control or limit something that is not wanted (cambridge.org): ... his coffee consumption, something his wife was trying to get him to curb with little success (coasttocoastam.com))
26.04.2024 5:39:30 gen. wander забрести (into – в/на: Officials say a large alligator that made its way onto the runway at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa has been captured and moved to a nearby river. According to wildlife officials, alligators become more likely to wander into unfamiliar territory in April as they search for mates. (abcnews.go.com))
26.04.2024 3:25:13 gen. become spooked испугаться (также *be spooked*: especially of an animal: take fright suddenly. (Oxford Dictionary): For instance, in 1973, a rancher reported that as he moved his cows to pasture, they suddenly became spooked and refused to move. It was strange since they had never acted this way before. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • "Poor horses. Clearly very unhappy and scared. I hope they were able to treat the horses too, glad the rider is okay, I guess the horses were spooked." "I've read they were spooked by builders moving concrete, I'm guessing dropping concrete down one of the tubes/chute they use would be noisy." youtube.com)
26.04.2024 3:18:29 gen. there's a bad omen if ever I've seen one не к добру это ("Five Household Cavalry horses, including one soaked with blood, have run loose in central London after throwing their military riders during their morning exercise." "Well, there's a bad omen if ever I've seen one." youtube.com)
25.04.2024 11:52:20 inf. a great big thank-you огромное спасибо (передать кому-л.)
25.04.2024 11:49:29 gen. have an obligation to быть обязанным (+ gerund: Both Christians and Muslims have an obligation to spread the Word.)
25.04.2024 11:29:30 gen. break news объявить новость (break some news)
25.04.2024 11:25:11 disappr. dumbing-down оболванивание (The media is responsible for the gradual dumbing-down of the population. • The dumbing-down of America has never stopped.)
25.04.2024 11:20:06 gen. present нынешний (*the ~*)
25.04.2024 11:17:04 cliche. Well, you hang in there Ну, держись, не вешай нос (encouraging someone to be strong)
25.04.2024 11:15:15 polygr. board cutter нож для резки картона
25.04.2024 11:11:19 brit. rubbish никудышный (She always told everyone I was a rubbish father, even in front of the kids.)
25.04.2024 8:43:58 gen. do a movie снять фильм (How come he hasn't done another movie after "Groovy Train"?)
25.04.2024 8:42:31 gen. hearer собеседник ('Actually' can suggest either that the hearer's expectations were wrong (...), or that they were correct (especially in British English). -- Michael Swan's "Practical English Usage" -- 'Actually' может означать, что ожидания собеседника не оправдались ...)
25.04.2024 8:38:00 gen. caterpillar tread marks следы гусениц (caterpillar tread marks from an armoured vehicle)
25.04.2024 7:57:04 fig. kiss goodbye распрощаться (с чем-л.: Veteran national women's soccer team player Kristina Kiss has kissed her playing days goodbye. pressreader.com)
25.04.2024 7:55:50 sarcast. bid good riddance распрощаться (You know the pot-smoking couple in the next unit? Those are the neighbours that I would happily bid good riddance. – Я бы с удовольствием распрощался с такими соседями.)
25.04.2024 6:07:45 hobby seed mix зерновая смесь (What is the best seed mix for garden birds? • За прилавком виднелись ларьки, где сохло конопляное семя, разная зерновая смесь, фисташки, японские бобы и прочие блюда птичьего ресторана; пахло пером и нашатырем. (Александр Грин "Волшебное безобразие"))
25.04.2024 6:07:19 hobby wild bird seed mix зерновая смесь (Wild Bird Seed Mix • За прилавком виднелись ларьки, где сохло конопляное семя, разная зерновая смесь, фисташки, японские бобы и прочие блюда птичьего ресторана; пахло пером и нашатырем. (Александр Грин "Волшебное безобразие"))
25.04.2024 5:05:33 formal exercise one's right пользоваться своим правом (as to/to sth. – на что-л.: I am simply exercising my right to freedom of expression.)
25.04.2024 5:04:01 law, contr. exercise rights пользоваться правами (... to grant the rights and licenses herein to ABC Inc. and for ABC Inc. to exercise such rights and licenses without being liable to any third party in any way)
25.04.2024 5:01:03 formal avail oneself of sb.'s kindness воспользоваться чьей-л. добротой (Jeeves sighed apologetically. ‘I am very sorry, m'lord, but I fear I cannot avail myself of your kindness. Indeed, I fear I am compelled to hand in my notice.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.04.2024 5:00:56 formal avail oneself of sb.'s kindness пользоваться чьей-л. добротой (Jeeves sighed apologetically. ‘I am very sorry, m'lord, but I fear I cannot avail myself of your kindness. Indeed, I fear I am compelled to hand in my notice.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.04.2024 4:58:21 commer. take advantage of a bargain воспользоваться выгодным предложением (Consumers are still planning to travel this summer but they are savvier in their choices and taking advantage of bargains, according to a new poll.)
25.04.2024 4:57:40 police act on opportunity воспользоваться возможностью (со злым умыслом: "Police Sgt. Pam Till says it's difficult to answer whether it was a random or targeted attack, but they believe the killer acted on opportunity." – воспользовался предоставившейся возможностью)
25.04.2024 4:55:43 busin. capitalize воспользоваться (capitalize on the relatively low rent)
25.04.2024 4:54:47 el. compensate for by восполняться ("Surely your medical experience would tell you, Watson, that weakness in one limb is often compensated for by exceptional strength in the others." – слабость в одной из конечностей восполняется за счёт исключительной силы в других (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
25.04.2024 4:49:40 med. follow-up повторные процедуры
25.04.2024 4:47:24 busin. follow up вернуться к теме (I hadn’t heard back from you for a while so I thought I would follow up to see if you had any further information as per my e-mail below. – ... я решила вернуться к этой теме, чтобы выяснить, есть ли у вас дополнительная информация по моему запросу по эл. почте, см. ниже. )
25.04.2024 4:45:17 busin. follow up вернуться к вопросу (I hadn’t heard back from you for a while so I thought I would follow up to see if you had any further information as per my e-mail below. – ... я решила вернуться к этому вопросу, чтобы выяснить, есть ли у вас дополнительная информация по моему запросу по эл. почте, см. ниже.)
25.04.2024 4:43:36 gen. be back to normal вернуться в нормальное состояние (Once traffic patterns are fully back to normal, we can do a full investigation of those sites. – полностью вернутся в нормальное состояние)
25.04.2024 4:28:45 slang run with a tough crowd якшаться с бандитами (Actor George Raft ran with a tough crowd. He was childhood friends with Bugsy Siegel. youtube.com)
25.04.2024 3:47:40 org.crime. mob hangout место сбора гангстеров (Raft was in Cuba working at the Capri Hotel, a famous mob hangout, during an uprising when Castro's revolutionaries took over the hotel. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.04.2024 3:40:03 gen. pay back вернуть долг (When Bugsy Siegel came to Hollywood in the early 1930s, he immediately struck up an association with Raft, and they went to racetracks and nightclubs, and became close friends. At one point, Raft lent Siegel $100,000, which he was never paid back after Siegel was killed. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.04.2024 3:39:02 gen. pay off a debt вернуть долг (Prior to the theft, the accused was overheard discussing with his neighbour how he was going to get money to pay off a debt.)
25.04.2024 3:20:59 gen. real-life настоящий (He spoke about the career of actor George Raft, who played one of the screen's toughest and most convincing movie mobsters, and also befriended the real-life gangster Bugsy Siegel. -- подружился с настоящим гангстером (coasttocoastam.com))
24.04.2024 8:09:31 gen. obsessive interest неотвязный интерес (an ~: An obsessive interest, also known as an obsession, refers to an intense preoccupation or fixation on a particular subject, activity, or object. (Quora) • — Заколоченный дом Берхгольца, — продолжал он, когда особое пиво подействовало и когда я выразил к этому дому неотвязный интерес, — известен мне довольно давно. (Александр Грин "Заколоченный дом"))
24.04.2024 6:50:01 formal establishment ресторан (Cops in Canada are investigating a strange burglary case wherein thieves broke into a restaurant and made off with thousands of dollars worth of tropical fish from the establishment's aquarium. ... Тhe owners of the establishment could not believe their eyes when they came to work one morning and discovered that their prized collection had been plucked from the tank. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.04.2024 6:23:41 gen. stick оставаться на некоторое время (They used a sprayer on an aircraft carrier that released microscopic sea salt particles into the atmosphere. Eventually, the experimenters may proclaim that salt doesn't stick in the sky as well as aluminum and some other chemicals associated with chemtrails, he continued, as a further normalization of weather modification. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.04.2024 5:57:08 met. molecular grid молекулярная решётка (Strieber also recalled a conversation with metallurgist Robert Sarbacher in the 1980s about the metals recovered at Roswell. He told him that he could see a molecular grid under an electron microscope. "In other words, the molecules were arrayed in an artificially designed grid, which was what gave the metal its incredible tensile strength," Strieber explained. (coasttocoastam.com) • Молекулярными называют решётки, в узлах которых находятся молекулы, связанные слабым межмолекулярным взаимодействием. (из рус. источников))
24.04.2024 5:29:31 econ. industry направление экономики (Distribution of gross domestic product by industry: *Construction *Manufacturing *Finance and insurance *Retail trade *Wholesale trade *Transportation and warehousing *Educational services *Real estate and rental and leasing *Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction *Accommodation and food services *Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting • Одним из ведущих направлений экономики российского Крыма является сельское хозяйство. За последние 10 лет Крым вышел на новые показатели производства зерновых и плодовых культур. (из рус. источников))
24.04.2024 1:34:11 agric. farming сельское хозяйство (The farming ranges from hops and cider apples to pigs and sheep. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
24.04.2024 1:29:01 gen. boarded-up house заколоченный дом (The city is reluctant to trap and relocate the marmot, so it’s hoped Morty will move to the city-owned lot right next door, where a boarded-up house still stands, and a fence will keep the dogs away. ctvnews.ca)
24.04.2024 1:25:40 gen. get добраться до (добычи: The adventurous marmot likely went unnoticed until the city cleared heavy underbrush on the vacant lot, exposing the animal’s deep burrow. “So once we knew that this was the case, the project was shut down immediately and I’ve been monitoring it since,” said Negenman. Now that the lot has been cleared, Morty’s burrow is easer for dogs to spot, and sniff. “The concern is that a dog or coyote may get the marmot, and we don’t want that to happen,” she added. ctvnews.ca)
24.04.2024 1:21:48 traf. commuter hub транспортный узел (Yellow-bellied marmots are known to live in the B.C. Interior. But it’s incredibly rare for one to turn up in Metro Vancouver, let alone in the middle of a busy commuter hub like Lower Lonsdale. -- не говоря уж таком оживлённом транспортном узле, как Нижняя Лонсдэйл ctvnews.ca)
24.04.2024 1:17:01 idiom. do a double take присмотреться повнимательнее (a rapid or surprised second look: It took a millisecond for it to register what I was seeing and a little longer for me to do a double take to make sure that I was seeing what I was seeing. • When Robert was walking home from the gym three days ago, he did a double take. Standing near a tree near East 1st Street and Cook Avenue was an 8 foot tall hairy creature with glowing red eyes.)
24.04.2024 1:16:02 idiom. do a double take взглянуть ещё раз (a rapid or surprised second look: I saw a grey figure standing next to my car. I did a double take and it wasn't there anymore.)
24.04.2024 1:12:55 inet. post to social media опубликовать в соцсетях (документ или видео: He pulled out his cellphone and shot video of the mysterious creature, and a friend posted it to social media.)
24.04.2024 1:12:55 inet. post to social media опубликовать в соцсети (документ или видео: He pulled out his cellphone and shot video of the mysterious creature, and a friend posted it to social media.)
23.04.2024 9:58:59 gen. testify подтвердить ("Search efforts underway for two missing kayakers off the coast" --.I wrote a letter to the Green Bay Record about why kayaks are not for open ocean long ago. I can testify that a sudden windstorm blew up near Silver Beach yesterday afternoon. -- Я могу подтвердить, что ... (Twitter))
23.04.2024 9:29:01 gen. how prevalent this is насколько это распространено (A luxury home sold for $2.435m below assessed value after a decade. I'm wondering how prevalent this is. The government introduced an anti-flip tax on top of existing taxes like the foreign buyer tax and the school tax. Looks like we're seeing the impact. (Twitter))
23.04.2024 9:02:24 cliche. tend + verb в основном (I tend to live in the imagination world. Unfortunately, I find it hard to come out of it.)
23.04.2024 9:00:05 humor. I don't mind telling you that не скрою, что (I don't mind telling ya all that I am totally entertained just looking at nature. It's better than Netflix most days :) Lock me on a rusty old dock anytime and I will be entertained for hours. I can't get enough of marine life -- sea stars, ducks, cormorants, gulls and salt water! (Twitter))
23.04.2024 7:55:55 fig.of.sp. pop up like dandelions расти как грибы (*in the progressive*: Tall buildings are popping up like dandelions in Coquitlam, too. -- Многоэтажки растут как грибы и в Коквитламе. (Twitter))
23.04.2024 7:51:34 cliche. that never occurred to me мне это никогда не приходило в голову (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this.)
23.04.2024 7:51:34 cliche. that never occurred to me я никогда не задумывался об этом (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this.)
23.04.2024 7:47:41 idiom. keep an eye on наблюдать за (состоянием чего-л., возможными изменениями в обстановке: "Got 4 condos being built around my house & 3 more waiting to go up. The house has been cracking like a new house settling. I go to close my yard gate & it won’t close cuz it’s shifted. The VW on Marine Drive had to redo their foundations after the building went up across the street. I am seeing the first clues now. Early stages at this point. Putting clues together. It’s something to keep an eye on." -- Нужно наблюдать. (Twitter))
23.04.2024 6:08:51 gen. editing редактирование текста
23.04.2024 6:08:35 gen. editing орфографическая правка
23.04.2024 5:52:45 gen. suspended временно приостановленный (suspend: temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect (Oxford Dictionary))
22.04.2024 7:15:01 inf. sweet! красота! (Antifa attacks an American patriot and finds out. Watched it on loop for about 15 minutes. It’s Beautiful. Sweeeet! This is better than porn. (Twitter) twitter.com)
22.04.2024 6:10:22 gen. unusual appearance необычный вид (The Baltic Sea Anomaly, a mysterious object discovered by Swedish explorers in 2011, has sparked speculation and intrigue for years due to its unusual appearance and location on the ocean floor. Initially thought to be a potential UFO or ancient artifact, the object's true nature has been a subject of debate. Despite claims of it being a unique structure made of metal and causing disruptions to electronic equipment, further investigation and analysis by scientists, including geologists and marine archaeologists, suggest that it is likely a natural geological formation formed during the Ice Age. (coasttocoastam.com))
21.04.2024 7:55:23 gen. it is frustrating that огорчает то, что (It is frustrating for us that despite all these efforts, there is still no clear evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.)
21.04.2024 7:55:23 gen. it is frustrating that обидно, что (It is frustrating for us that despite all these efforts, there is still no clear evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.)
21.04.2024 7:55:23 gen. it is frustrating that обидно то, что (It is frustrating for us that despite all these efforts, there is still no clear evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.)
21.04.2024 7:51:40 gen. invulnerable to gunfire пуля не берёт (As you are probably aware, spirits and ghosts are invulnerable to gunfire.)
21.04.2024 7:47:22 gen. heavily built могучего телосложения
21.04.2024 7:45:39 gen. family tensions напряжённые отношения между членами семьи (Family tensions have built up.)
21.04.2024 7:43:41 police clear evidence чёткие доказательства (We need clear evidence to convict him. • There is clear evidence that corruption in Ottawa is a much greater problem than we were led to believe.)
21.04.2024 7:38:17 police give a lie-detector test проверить на детекторе лжи (Edward was given a lie-detector test. The result was that there was no evidence of lying when he answered questions on his involvement.)
21.04.2024 7:33:03 gen. dull family routine нудная семейная жизнь (For him it was a welcome break in his dull family routine.)
21.04.2024 7:33:03 gen. dull family routine однообразная семейная жизнь (For him it was a welcome break in his dull family routine.)
21.04.2024 7:30:28 police compile a list of suspects составить список подозреваемых
21.04.2024 7:28:39 gen. exactly alike похожий во всём (No two cases are exactly alike.)
21.04.2024 7:25:23 gen. make tracks оставить следы (на грунте или на снегу: 14 1/2-inch casts from tracks made by the Bluff Creek Bigfoot)
21.04.2024 7:09:37 gen. end up in попадать в (о движении, перемещении и т.п.: Anisakids enter the food web when they are eaten by krill, which in turn are eaten by larger species. This is how they end up in the salmon, and eventually, the intestines of marine mammals, where the worms complete their life cycle by reproducing. Their eggs are excreted into the ocean by the mammal, and the cycle begins again. (sciencealert.com))
21.04.2024 6:59:25 gen. snippets of speech обрывки речи (snippets of speech heard in an archaic form of the Ojibwe language)
21.04.2024 5:56:01 gen. thermal signature тепловой след (в тепловизоре, см. ссылку: On that return, Kruse noted, her colleague not only saw red eyes, but they both saw “the heat signature of somebody standing there.” A somebody, she said, who was human shaped, but didn’t appear to be wearing any clothes based on the thermal signature they could see. (coasttocoastam.com) • Тепловой след, остающийся на клавишах после нажатия, можно использовать для определения пароля или другой последовательности символов, которую вводил человек, выяснили исследователи из Калифорнийского университета в Ирвайне. (из рус. источников) adme.media)
21.04.2024 5:48:37 gen. correct one правильный (She didn’t believe the house she’d found could be the correct one.)
21.04.2024 5:48:37 gen. correct one тот, который нужен (She didn’t believe the house she’d found could be the correct one.)
21.04.2024 5:48:37 gen. correct one тот, что нужен (She didn’t believe the house she’d found could be the correct one.)

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