
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

11.07.2023 6:51:49 cliche. our objective is нашей задачей является (+ infinitive: Our objective is to ensure the strictest quality standards possible for these products. )
11.07.2023 3:09:16 inf. you got it! точно (confirming info: 'You're in charge here?' 'You got it!' -- Точно!)
11.07.2023 3:08:08 gen. that's exactly it точно (confirming information)
11.07.2023 3:07:22 inf. spot on! точно! (Spot on! -- Точно! / Угадал!)
11.07.2023 3:01:12 inf. alright точно (Reminds me of my sighting 2002 on a tour boat. There is something in that pond alright. Heaven knows how its continued to elude us. (YouTube) -- точно что-то есть)
11.07.2023 0:48:50 cliche. I take it надо полагать (He was much moved by your gift, I take it? • "It sounded as if little Seabury was being murdered. No such luck, I take it?" (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.07.2023 23:32:59 cliche. I take it я так понимаю, что (I take it you've said your piece. – Я так понимаю, что вы сказали всё, что хотели / что вы высказались?)
10.07.2023 9:29:04 gen. yield a good harvest урожайный (требует замены конструкции, но смысл именно такой)
10.07.2023 9:24:13 formal suggest that указать на то, что (Apparently the Dallas office has suggested that we’ve got a number of typos in the report. – указал на то, что в нашём отчёте ... • However, the lack of work could change at any second, and I would suggest that September is typically a very busy time for us. – я хочу указать на тот факт / на то, что ...)
10.07.2023 9:00:36 gen. resign voluntarily уйти с должности по собственному желанию
10.07.2023 9:00:23 gen. leave voluntarily уйти с работы по собственному желанию (He wasn't fired, he left voluntarily.)
10.07.2023 8:54:56 lab.law. voluntarily по собственному желанию (He wasn't fired, he left voluntarily.)
10.07.2023 8:05:45 gen. sign up записываться (Sign up here for the Nevada County Kids Talent Show)
10.07.2023 5:25:29 gen. in perfect running order на ходу и в отличном состоянии (об автомобиле: My uncle owns a 1912 Reo. It's in perfect running order.)
10.07.2023 3:49:16 cliche. the only thing that единственное, что (Well, it’s cost-efficient for their annual budget. And the only thing that matters to North American politicians is whether they’re going to get re-elected (Twitter) -- единственное, что имеет значение)
10.07.2023 2:59:29 idiom. get under way отправляться (в экспедицию, в путь, в космос: In Schukze-Makuch's view, there's only one way to test the hypothesis that these compounds are native to Mars. "We need a new mission to Mars dedicated primarily to life detection," he argued. "I cannot wait for such a mission to get under way." coasttocoastam.com)
10.07.2023 2:53:50 cliche. on the topic of по вопросу (This week at a meeting of high-profile speakers on the topic of extraterrestrial life, astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch asserted that the compounds weren't necessarily stray Earth remnants. When the lander samples were discovered, he explained, water was added to them with the assumption that in a moistened environment, the microbes would become more energized and easier to examine. Instead, the hydration may have done the opposite, essentially drowning the samples. coasttocoastam.com)
9.07.2023 8:52:31 cliche. by all means necessary всеми способами
9.07.2023 8:52:14 cliche. by all means всеми способами
9.07.2023 8:50:03 gen. put across выдвинуть (идею: Having healthy people decide for unhealthy people how they can or can't be treated is one of the most atrocious notions you could possibly put across.)
9.07.2023 8:45:08 gen. quench one's thirst утолить жажду (Can you quench your thirst with hot tea?)
9.07.2023 8:25:51 gen. godless man безбожник (With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered. – King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.))
9.07.2023 7:32:29 gen. losing money нерентабельный (Which apartment buildings are losing the most money? – Какие из доходных домов самые нерентабельные?)
9.07.2023 7:30:27 gen. add to the list внести в список (Please add Dublin to the list. It can go after Amsterdam so it reads "Amsterdam, Dublin, Tokyo, and Wellington.")
9.07.2023 7:28:19 cliche. much to the horror of к ужасу (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. (coasttocoastam.com))
9.07.2023 7:27:03 gen. food кулинарный (food critic • food expert)
9.07.2023 7:19:05 gen. register to записать на (The land was registered to the new owner. – Участок записан на нового владельца.)
9.07.2023 7:02:43 gen. make sure следить за тем, чтобы (Make sure the cats have plenty of water throughout the day. • When you have such a lovely hardwood floor, you want to make sure that it doesn't get deep scratches or dents, at least in the first few years. -- Вам нужно следить за тем, чтобы ...)
9.07.2023 7:02:05 gen. take care to ensure следить за тем, чтобы (We take care to ensure that working conditions exceed all international standards. -- Мы следим за тем, чтобы ...)
9.07.2023 6:55:17 idiom. keep one's eyes on следить за (Keep your eyes on the road, keep your hands on the wheel.)
9.07.2023 6:48:36 idiom. jump right into the thick of it заняться вплотную (It's a great story and when I come back, we'll jump right into the thick of it. -- У тебя отличный сценарий. Когда я вернусь, мы займёмся им вплотную.)
9.07.2023 6:24:15 gen. swing set качели (для двора)
9.07.2023 6:19:22 Canada public transit общественный транспорт
9.07.2023 6:17:20 Canada transit общественный транспорт (используется наравне с public transit: We're working to expand transit south of the Fraser.)
9.07.2023 5:42:19 gen. there was no hesitation in one's response не задумываясь ответили (When we asked Yoko and Airi, two shoppers we met on Alberni Street, what they liked best about shopping in Vancouver, there was no hesitation in their response: "Low prices!" – не задумываясь ответили)
9.07.2023 5:33:28 traf. strike and kill сбить пешехода насмерть (A woman was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver as she walked down an Abbotsford road with her husband Monday evening.)
9.07.2023 5:25:10 idiom. on second thought я всё обдумал и решил, что (On second thought, I will do that.)
9.07.2023 5:25:10 idiom. on second thought я поразмыслил и решил, что (On second thought, I will do that.)
9.07.2023 5:22:50 gen. for way less money гораздо дешевле (You can buy it from my broker for way less money.)
9.07.2023 5:21:42 law deadline срок сдачи работы
9.07.2023 5:11:34 gen. summarize обобщить (summarize or eliminate important information)
9.07.2023 5:04:07 idiom. have the gall обнаглеть (+ infinitive: Only municipal politicians would have the gall to vote themselves a 25 per cent pay increase two weeks before an election. – иметь такую наглость / так обнаглеть )
9.07.2023 5:00:28 mil., avia. pass облёт (of an aircraft, while intercepting: For more than half an hour, two Russian jets made a total of 19 passes on the unarmed drone, popping up in front to blast it with their jet exhaust and trying to drench it with fuel. On the final pass, the Russian pilot missed his approach. (CBS Evening News, March 14, 2023))
9.07.2023 4:57:48 euph. take a "number two" облегчиться (= defecate: Langley (News 1130) – "A woman has been arrested after she was caught on video apparently taking a ‘number two' on the floor of a Tim Hortons in Langley. She's seen defecating in front of the counter following some sort of verbal confrontation with staff. Surveillance video of what happened, posted to the internet, then shows her throwing the feces at Tim Hortons workers before running out of frame.")
9.07.2023 4:56:49 gen. make it easier облегчить ("Neptune Terminals is soon to begin a massive dredging project that will make it easier for much larger ships to dock at the coal and potash export facility." – Glacier Community Media)
9.07.2023 4:55:58 gen. make one's life easier облегчить кому-либо жизнь (We're always pleased to make your life easier.)
9.07.2023 4:54:33 inf. drugged-up обколотый (He looks like a drugged-up Justin Bieber.)
9.07.2023 4:51:26 idiom. pull a fast one облапошить (to successfully deceive someone: "You paid too much – I think he pulled a fast one on you." (Cambridge Dictionary))
9.07.2023 4:44:18 cliche. have dealings with иметь дело с (This search is limited to records in the custody or control of our police department. If you have had dealings with any other agency, you must contact that agency directly for access to their information.)
9.07.2023 4:42:15 idiom. have pull иметь блат (He told me he had pull with several of the city councillors.)
9.07.2023 4:39:55 gen. has no conscience whatsoever совершенно бессовестный ("There isn't anything to which that man won't stoop. He has no conscience whatsoever." (P.G. Wodehouse))
9.07.2023 4:38:55 bank. conduct transactions совершать операции (tips for conducting online financial transactions)
9.07.2023 4:29:48 gen. in his own hand собственноручно (Between 1975 and 1979, Ronald Reagan wrote more than 600 radio addresses in his own hand as he was carefully preparing his presidential platform.)
9.07.2023 4:24:15 gen. home is cramped дома тесно (This manual treadmill is a lightweight (75 pounds) and portable option, ideal for those whose home is already cramped. – у кого дома и без того тесно)
9.07.2023 4:16:45 gen. provoke дразнить (I didn't want to provoke anyone)
9.07.2023 4:13:46 gen. get what one deserved получить по заслугам (Too bad the kid died but he got what he deserved. – получил по заслугам / он это заслужил)
9.07.2023 3:28:36 cliche. let that sink in вдумайтесь, что это значит (75k a year income can't get you a rental here at today's rate. Let that sink in.)
9.07.2023 3:17:43 law settlement соглашение о выплате некой суммы (***Коллеги, многие предложенные варианты не отражают суть термина. Прошу обратить внимание: речь идёт НЕ ПРОСТО об урегулировании иска, а о связанной с этим ВЫПЛАТЕ некой суммы в качестве компенсации: the sum, estate, or income secured to one by such a settlement (Merriam-Webster): She accepted a [an out-of-court] settlement of £15,000. – согласилась с решением о выплате ей 15 тыс. фунтов [во внесудебном порядке])
9.07.2023 1:19:57 gov. secure funding получить финансирование (The Pentagon's UFO office has secured another full year of funding === Concerns had been raised about the amount of money available to keep the office running, but now it seems as though the financial side of things has been sorted out, at least for now, with additional funding being included in the Senate Armed Services Committee's markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2024. unexplained-mysteries.com)
9.07.2023 1:10:47 gen. upkeep of the big house содержание большого дома ("During the McRae years," it tells us, "Hycroft was the centre of a lively social life. Here Gen. and Mrs. McRae and their three daughters entertained royalty, including Edward, the Prince of Wales." The Duke of Kent popped in, too, and so did the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. But after 30 years of so, the upkeep of the big house was getting costly, even for someone as well-heeled as Senator A.D. McRae. (Chuck Davis) -- содержание большого дома обходилось недёшево)
9.07.2023 0:32:50 gen. down a tree повалить дерево (Charles described the angel as appearing like a moth with a veiled face, and credited it with protecting his house during a severe storm that downed several trees on his property. coasttocoastam.com)
8.07.2023 9:00:58 idiom. throw sb. under the bus пожертвовать кем-л. (in politics or corporate life)
8.07.2023 8:48:39 mob.com. carrier оператор мобильной связи (Looking for a better carrier and plan?)
8.07.2023 8:40:43 gen. as one piece целиком (bought land as one piece, as it was)
8.07.2023 8:18:44 inf. hang out with проводить время с (The boys like to hang out with their dad. • Megan? She usually hangs out with Stu and Chico at Papa Joe's, it's on Hastings near Willingdon.)
8.07.2023 7:37:57 disappr. hack writer продажный писака ("Продажный писака" Он чает видеть на земли Всевышнего щедроты, И не лишиться николи Правительства доброты. (М. В. Ломоносов))
8.07.2023 7:10:19 traf. traffic транспортный поток (просто traffic, без flow; flow применяется как глагол: транспортные потоки, идущие по Рязанскому шоссе • Traffic on the Port Mann Bridge is steady.)
8.07.2023 7:09:40 traf. vehicle traffic volume транспортный поток (Over that time, both the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge and Lions Gate Bridge are also seeing growing strain from vehicle traffic volumes to the Sea to Sky corridor — Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton — and BC Ferries’ Horseshoe Ferry Terminal linking Metro Vancouver with Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. dailyhive.com)
8.07.2023 6:43:23 gen. the average worker средний рабочий (And over the last 30 years, American companies have managed to lower their manufacturing costs by 80% by shipping their jobs over to China, though salaries have gone down for the average American worker, he noted. -- если брать среднего / усреднённого американского рабочего coasttocoastam.com)
8.07.2023 3:19:02 inf. barrel through нестись, не останавливаясь на перекрёстке (Confusing situation between the gas station, one way, and Maple Street being closed off to 4th Avenue due to plaza. So many near accidents with cyclists barreling through. (Twitter))
8.07.2023 3:15:21 inf. barrel лететь на большой скорости (to travel somewhere very quickly (Cambridge Dictionary): We were barrelling along the autobahn at 180 kph. (Cambridge Dictionary))
8.07.2023 2:36:40 polit. make huge inroads into вмешиваться в огромной степени в дела (In his native Canada, the Chinese "have made huge inroads into our economy and political system," he said, adding that citizens are starting to object. • "22 марта ЕС ввел односторонние санкции против китайских лиц и организаций, ссылаясь на так называемые нарушения прав человека в Синьцзяне. Этот шаг, основанный лишь на лжи и дезинформации, игнорирует и искажает факты, в огромной степени вмешивается во внутренние дела Китая, явственно нарушает международное право и базовые нормы, управляющие международными отношениями, и серьезно подрывает отношения Китая и ЕС", – указано в документе. coasttocoastam.com, interfax.ru)
8.07.2023 2:16:22 busin. lower one's manufacturing costs снизить себестоимость продукции (And over the last 30 years, American companies have managed to lower their manufacturing costs by 80% by shipping their jobs over to China, though salaries have gone down for the average American worker, he noted. coasttocoastam.com)
7.07.2023 10:52:04 formal complaint letter жалоба (в письменном виде: The female shopper said the store employee had then told her a joke of a sexual nature. The incident sparked a complaint letter to Schiffman Foods Inc., which owns the store.)
7.07.2023 10:45:15 idiom. pick sb.'s brains выведывать (обычно для своей выгоды : "Don't let any woman pick your brain, son – ever", he told me once. • In a situation like that a man like me tries to pick the smart man's brains.)
7.07.2023 10:42:27 real.est. generously sized просторный (generously sized balconies)
7.07.2023 10:42:14 real.est. generous просторный (the dining and living areas open up to a generous balcony)
7.07.2023 9:13:15 cliche. a man by the name of человек по имени (Moving back over to the United States, on September 4, 1965 a man by the name of A.F. Salsbury Renton was out hunting at the Green River Gorge, in Washington, when he was confronted by an alien spaceship, and he would say of his bizarre experience: "Then a voice came from out of the craft which sounded like it came from a loud speaker and said in a distinct, but loudly amplified tone, ‘Don’t be afraid little Earthman, we are not going to hurt you – put down that gun and we will come out and see you.’ " mysteriousuniverse.org)
7.07.2023 9:01:28 gen. go around ходить по кругу (going around, like you're going around a clock)
7.07.2023 8:23:53 inf. you folks вы (The one stood by the craft and the other came within about five feet of Cox, saying ‘Do not be alarmed. We have spoken to earth people before. We come from what you folks call Mars.’ Cox said he thought it was a joke someone was pulling on him and tried to laugh it off, but the men appeared dead serious, and he didn’t know what to make of it. The men said they were interested in fertilizers and soils and asked why Cox was spreading manure. -- которую вы называете Марс / которая у вас зовётся Марсом mysteriousuniverse.org)
7.07.2023 7:17:34 idiom. nothing but просто (You're nothing but a barbarian! – Ты просто варвар!)
7.07.2023 7:16:51 idiom. cut and dry просто (реакция на высказанное мнение: "It’s not as cut and dry as that – the process of assessment and subsequent treatment and how much coverage you get for how long can sometimes be settled by someone that really shouldn’t be making those kinds of decisions. It’s not a bad system, but it’s far from perfect and there are lots of gaps and drawbacks." (Reddit) -- здесь не всё так просто)
7.07.2023 4:08:55 cliche. it's all about perspective это с какой стороны посмотреть
7.07.2023 4:08:55 cliche. it's all about perspective у каждого свой взгляд на эти вещи
7.07.2023 4:05:32 cliche. should have жалею, что не сделал что-л. раньше (+ verb in present perfect: No regrets. Moved in 2021. I wish I did it sooner. Should have moved when I first started thinking about it in the early 2000s. Ce la vie. Better weather year-round, more options for everything, improved quality of life. (Reddit))
7.07.2023 3:34:03 gen. I haven't found that у меня сложилось иное впечатление (People say the people aren’t as nice here or it’s hard to make friends. But I haven’t found that. Maybe it’s because of where I live but I feel much more comfortable and welcome in the community than I did in Alberta. (Reddit))
7.07.2023 3:31:49 inf. hang out проводить время (He likes hanging out at his Penticton home with his wife and kids. • You can easily enjoy time in this city for very cheap by walking on the sea wall. Hanging out on the beaches. Going for a hike.)
7.07.2023 3:02:42 inf. zero regrets совершенно не жалею (что сделал что-л.: "People who have moved here from the prairies… Worth it? Regrets? Should have done it sooner?" "Moved out in 2005, zero regrets, don’t miss Alberta at all (except family/friends). Housing situation is a nightmare but our preference is still to live here." (Reddit))
6.07.2023 8:53:58 commer. sticker рекламная наклейка (Double-sided Sticker for Window Display – Двусторонняя наклейка для витрины)
6.07.2023 8:46:34 cliche. you should be the ones это вы должны (+ gerund (мн.ч.): In the wake of yet another unprovoked pitbull attack when a five-month-old puppy was torn to bits, I am addressing all irresponsible fellow dog owners: you should be the ones championing stricter laws on this breed, you should be the ones writing this letter!)
6.07.2023 8:14:21 inf. tear off удрать (что было мочи: Right after he saw this UFO he noticed two beings over six feet tall, with light hair and huge eyes, which were carrying “luminous objects” on their foreheads, with which they made signals for the car to halt. The doctor did not halt, instead tearing off into the night in a panic, as most people in their right minds probably would. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 8:11:46 fig. gravitate towards притягивать (She gravitates towards professions that would allow her to travel and meet new people. – Её притягивают ...)
6.07.2023 7:59:20 gen. in the glow of one's headlights в свете фар (In July of that same year, a 17-year- old youth by the name of Ricardo Limeres was riding his motorcycle along a lonely rural dirt road at night in the vicinity of Parana, Argentina, when out of the gloom a strange looking figure appeared in the glow of his headlight. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 7:53:07 formal depart улетать (The woman’s husband apparently witnessed the disc depart as well, and the woman was supposedly so traumatized by the incident that she was taken to a mental institution for treatment. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 7:50:55 poetic shoot off into the sky взвиться в небо (The robot apparently seemed to be collecting samples of soil, and when it realized it was being watched it apparently stared at the woman with an inscrutable gaze for some time before entering its craft and shooting off into the sky. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 7:06:00 cliche. hold a special place of being занимать особое место, поскольку (Although there had been many UFO sightings before then, and of course after, the 1960s holds a special place of being a time of some very bizarre encounters with these crafts and their occupants, and here we will look at a selection of some of the stranger of these. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 7:03:44 gen. it would be akin to saying это всё равно что сказать (Sailors could sail into the unknown, but not into the vast. It would be akin to saying they could sail into the large. It wouldn't make sense in English. thefreedictionary.com)
6.07.2023 7:02:02 poetic the vast unknown бескрайняя неизвестность (The 1960s were a weird decade for UFOs. It was an era when science fiction dealing with the subject was just taking off, mankind was taking aim at the moon, and there was a lot of talk about what lies out there in the vast unknown. mysteriousuniverse.org)
6.07.2023 3:13:15 gen. pool some money устроить складчину (на что-л.: Jeff discussed his idea with two colleagues and the three pooled some money and started a new company.)
6.07.2023 3:10:10 inf. pitch in скинуться (to join in and help with an activity, by doing some of the work or by giving money, advice, etc. | to give a particular amount of money in order to help with something (Oxford Learner's Dictionary): Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour. (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) • We all pitched in $10 to buy her a gift. (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) • «Питьевые фонтанчики раньше были часто установлены во всех курортных городах Крыма и в Симферополе, а сейчас их практически не осталось. К примеру, в Семидворье под Алуштой в кооперативе эллингов жители скинулись и установили такой питьевой фонтан не только для себя, но и всех желающих»)

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