
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

18.07.2023 5:02:33 gen. derive satisfaction получать удовлетворение ("If you want to derive real satisfaction from blackmail, you have to be at the right end of it." (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all решить вопрос раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all покончить с вопросом раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all закрыть вопрос раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)
18.07.2023 4:51:19 gen. the worst part хуже всего (In any hostage situation, waiting is the worst part.)
18.07.2023 4:50:07 fin. default on a payment нарушить платёжные обязательства (заемщика перед кредитором: In 2007, Gold Star Air defaulted on their payments to Boeing Commercial Aircraft, who sent representatives to Abijan to repossess the aircraft.)
18.07.2023 4:47:58 idiom. feel equal to it по силам (Do you feel equal to it? – Это вам по силам?)
18.07.2023 3:15:58 agric. yoked oxen запряжённые волы ("a wide swath cut through the forest down which loggers skidded their trees with the assistance of yoked oxen" (Chuck Davis))
18.07.2023 1:43:39 inf. feisty боевитый (active, forceful, and determined (Cambridge Dictionary) : She’s a feisty kid who is not afraid to challenge authority. (Cambridge Dictionary) • I know I'm not a spring chicken. I'm a feisty little lady who can kick anyone's butt!)
17.07.2023 8:19:00 cliche. be keen to do something не терпится (Todd had been at the Harding party and had driven a friend home; he was keen to get home and sleep. -- не терпелось приехать домой и лечь спать)
17.07.2023 8:02:59 humor. jingle in your jeans деньжата (There'll be more jingle in your jeans next year when the provincial government's plans to increase tax credits for families with two or more children come into effect.)
17.07.2023 4:44:29 gen. pay attention to what you're doing будь внимателен (ребёнку: Pay attention to what you're doing, please!)
17.07.2023 4:43:18 gen. give a little bit of water немного полить (растения, цветы: No, we're not watering the tree 'cos it's going to rain. We're just going to give these plants a little bit of water.)
17.07.2023 3:04:50 gen. there's no point comparing нет смысла сравнивать (All the regular yacht owners, who pay a million euro in mooring fees every year, had to take their “piddling little yachts”, and anchor them out in the bay to make room for the superyachts. Nugent took a deeper meaning from the whole display: there’s no point comparing yourself to anybody else. “It doesn’t matter how big your yacht is. Some fecker is going to have a better one.” irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 2:50:52 gen. setting for a book место действия книги (“I did a book tour of the whole country and at a talk in a library in Wellington, an audience member asked if I’d consider using New Zealand as a setting for one of my books.” She rose to the challenge. irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 2:48:13 gen. setting for место действия сценария или кинофильма (также книги: “I did a book tour of the whole country and at a talk in a library in Wellington, an audience member asked if I’d consider using New Zealand as a setting for one of my books.” She rose to the challenge. irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 2:42:54 gen. serve one's sentence отбывать срок заключения (For instance, white-collar criminals are often allowed to serve their sentences at the weekends only, so that they don’t lose their jobs, whereas ordinary foreign criminals such as drug dealers and thieves are sent to the prison in Nice, which is said to be one of the worst prisons in France. irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 2:25:31 gen. provide with предоставить (что-л.: It wasn’t all nose-to-the-grindstone, though. As part of the residency, she was provided with a beautiful apartment just over the border in the French town of Beausoleil. She would have dinner there in the evenings, while enjoying the stunning view over the Mediterranean, or else meet up with newfound friends. -- ей предоставили квартиру irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 2:19:04 fig. toil упорно трудиться (After years of toiling in obscurity, the impoverished young artist became an overnight sensation. – Годы упорного труда оправдались ... • While their first tour of America in 1964 was wildly successful, the band was not an overnight success as they had been toiling in Britain for several years prior, he pointed out. coasttocoastam.com)
17.07.2023 2:17:40 cliche. work hard упорно работать (The staff work hard to make sure everything runs smoothly. – чтобы всё прошло гладко)
17.07.2023 2:17:28 cliche. work hard упорно трудиться (on: “When you’re awarded a bursary, it makes you work harder than you normally would,” she says. “I’m not going to waste any time when I’ve got that concentrated period of time.” irishtimes.com)
17.07.2023 1:53:43 gen. set действие которого происходит (a novel set on the French Riviera -- роман, действие которого происходит на французской Ривьере • Set in a dystopian future – what isn't these days? – the film tells a love story of three bisexual robots stranded in an Antarctic camp.)
16.07.2023 9:58:31 idiom. under one's belt на счету которого (RCMP Sergeant Pete Cross is the lead investigator in the case. He’s had a lot of experience in homicide, with 11 years in the detail and more than 100 investigations under his belt. Some of his cases are well known—the David Snow murders, the Heather Thomas disappearance, the so-called “crack house of horrors.” vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:47:06 police pass a lie detector test пройти проверку на полиграфе (успешно: After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair's story never wavered. wlox.com)
16.07.2023 9:45:47 police take a lie detector test пройти проверку на детекторе лжи (He finally called his father Randy to come pick him up at the police station on Bowen. “He was pretty shaken up,” Randy Arnott remembered. “They’d accused him of killing her. He was asked to take a lie detector test, but the lawyer we hired recommended against taking the test, and we relied on his advice.” vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:45:39 police take a lie detector test пройти проверку на полиграфе (He finally called his father Randy to come pick him up at the police station on Bowen. “He was pretty shaken up,” Randy Arnott remembered. “They’d accused him of killing her. He was asked to take a lie detector test, but the lawyer we hired recommended against taking the test, and we relied on his advice.” vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:32:48 cliche. troubled past нелады с законом (имелись у кого-л. в прошлом: A few days later, in an interview with CBC, Randy Arnott said, “It feels that we’re being looked at and accused, and we’ve been held up in our own house, not wanting to go out in public. People are looking at you, that your son’s the bad guy, which I don’t believe he is.” Bad guy or not, Gavin has a troubled past. In early 2009, after a conflict with his mother (who’d separated from his father a decade earlier), he poured lighter fluid on himself and tried to set himself on fire. This led to a stay in a psychiatric ward. What of the assault on Jodi that resulted in the restraining order? Gavin said that he called her a pig because she was eating too much of their dinner. “She threw a motorcycle helmet at me. I grabbed her and threw her out of the house, and she went to the police.” vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:28:08 idiom. keep an open mind допускать различные толкования (случившегося: Rob-James described his sister as “high energy, bubbly.” A female friend on Bowen calls Jodi “very spontaneous. She would sometimes do unexpected things-she could take off with someone she’d just met.” “I didn’t think it was likely that she’d run away,” Rob-James recalled not long ago, in an office on the UBC campus. He’s in his fourth year of Biochemistry, and hoping to go on to graduate school. “But I was trying to keep an open mind in those first weeks.” vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:14:24 gen. business in the city дела в городе (запланированные: Todd Braraten saw Jodi and Gavin walking along the road by the elementary school, holding hands. It was 4:30 a.m., just getting light; he remembered looking at the clock in his truck. Todd had been at the Harding party and had driven a friend home; he was keen to get home and sleep. Gavin asked him if he and Jodi could get a lift to Leroyville. Todd said no; he was too tired and had business in the city later that morning. vanmag.com)
16.07.2023 9:05:48 cliche. be keen to do something не мог дождаться, чтобы (in the simple past: Todd had been at the Harding party and had driven a friend home; he was keen to get home and sleep.)
16.07.2023 8:59:09 idiom. in full swing дым коромыслом (When Jodi arrived at the Harding place, the party was already in full swing. Gavin remembered that he was “super drunk.” – в доме дым стоял коромыслом vanmag.com, fb.ru)
16.07.2023 8:03:09 inf. haul off and poke sb. in the teeth размахнуться и врезать по зубам, в зубы (I guess it's always a mistake to interfere with a drunk. Even if he knows and likes you he is always liable to haul off and poke you in the teeth. I got him under the arms and got him up on his feet. (Raymond Chandler))
16.07.2023 7:56:42 gen. haul off увезти с применением силы (to take someone away to a place they do not want to go (Macmillan): The most rowdy protesters were hauled off to the police station.)
16.07.2023 7:05:58 cinema cast a film подбирать актёров для фильма ("I met Geraldine when I was casting my very first film, a 20-minute short called The Square. She'd turned up a day late to audition for a part, but I'd agreed to see her anyway. In walked the most beautiful 18-year-old girl. I gave her a part in the film and we were soon having an affair." – Michael Winner)
16.07.2023 7:00:38 gen. do for a living заниматься в жизни (What do you do for a living?)
16.07.2023 7:00:18 gen. do заниматься в жизни (What do you do?)
16.07.2023 3:23:21 fig. align сложиться так, как надо (об условиях для успеха чего-л, об обстоятельствах: Bergen agreed, saying that a huge number of variables are at play at any given audition: casting people can be looking for something very specific, or maybe they're just having a bad day, for example. The best actors can go to dozens of auditions without any luck before landing a part, and it's just a matter of the right conditions aligning in that moment, he noted. -- если условия сложатся именно так, как надо в этот момент coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 3:18:54 cinema do the casting подбирать на роль (к фильму, спектаклю: Calling from Indiana, Eric observed that in an industry like voice acting, it seems that even very talented actors can be passed over for parts; it's more about the individual people doing the casting, in his view. Bergen agreed, saying that a huge number of variables are at play at any given audition: casting people can be looking for something very specific, or maybe they're just having a bad day, for example. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 3:18:54 cinema do the casting отбирать на роль (к фильму, спектаклю: Calling from Indiana, Eric observed that in an industry like voice acting, it seems that even very talented actors can be passed over for parts; it's more about the individual people doing the casting, in his view. Bergen agreed, saying that a huge number of variables are at play at any given audition: casting people can be looking for something very specific, or maybe they're just having a bad day, for example. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 3:18:54 cinema do the casting подбирать актёров (к фильму, спектаклю: Calling from Indiana, Eric observed that in an industry like voice acting, it seems that even very talented actors can be passed over for parts; it's more about the individual people doing the casting, in his view. Bergen agreed, saying that a huge number of variables are at play at any given audition: casting people can be looking for something very specific, or maybe they're just having a bad day, for example. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 2:56:03 cliche. the key самое главное ("There is no such thing as a great voice; there's only good actors and bad actors," he explained. The key, he continued, is to study acting first —particularly improv acting— and then to focus on voiceover. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 1:54:25 formal pursue выбрать карьеру (в жизни: Looking back, Bergen offered his advice to those who want to pursue voice acting. "There is no such thing as a great voice; there's only good actors and bad actors," he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 1:51:07 formal pursue заниматься в жизни (т.е. выбрать для себя профессиональную карьеру: I began to wonder, "Is this something I'd want to pursue?")
16.07.2023 1:47:03 show.biz. secure an agent обзавестись агентом (в Голливуде, мире шоу-бизнеса: Following his dream to someday voice his favorite cartoon character, Porky Pig, he tirelessly tracked down Porky's voice, the legendary Mel Blanc, at his home in California. The star graciously offered the teen advice on how to succeed in the industry, which resulted in the young man's securing a Hollywood agent for himself soon after. coasttocoastam.com)
16.07.2023 1:44:09 gen. secure a lawyer обзавестись адвокатом
16.07.2023 1:39:23 gen. three-time nominee трижды выдвигавшийся (на должность, ради получения приза и пр.: three-time Emmy nominee Bob Bergen)
16.07.2023 1:37:14 gen. on three occasions трижды (I have visited your beautiful country on three occasions and have spent a total of two months there.)
15.07.2023 9:18:16 formal it is my desire to я желаю (It is my desire to run a practice providing a comprehensive consultation to my patients.)
15.07.2023 9:16:14 med. run a practice заниматься медицинской деятельностью (It is my desire to run a practice providing a comprehensive consultation to my patients.)
15.07.2023 9:15:45 med. run a practice заниматься врачебной деятельностью (It is my desire to run a practice providing a comprehensive consultation to my patients.)
15.07.2023 9:11:28 gen. concerns вопросы, вызывающие беспокойство (This will allow me to see a smaller number of patients on a daily basis but provide you with a complete and thorough examination addressing all your concerns. – рассмотреть все вопросы, вызывающие у вас беспокойство)
15.07.2023 9:07:23 formal address concerns рассмотреть вопросы, вызывающие беспокойство (This will allow me to see a smaller number of patients on a daily basis but provide you with a complete and thorough examination addressing all your concerns. – рассмотреть все вопросы, вызывающие у вас беспокойство)
15.07.2023 9:07:03 formal current climate сложившаяся обстановка (In the current climate of health care, governments find themselves trying to work with a limited budget to provide a wide range of services while the cost of health care continues to escalate. – В сложившейся обстановке ... / В сложившихся условиях ...)
15.07.2023 9:03:50 formal remittance внесение платы (I hope you can understand and support my decision of charging an annual fee. Remittance of this fee is certainly not a necessity at this time.)
15.07.2023 8:46:33 obs. I beg of you умоляю вас (Not a word, I beg of you!)
15.07.2023 8:45:06 gen. respectable establishment приличное заведение (This had been a respectable establishment until it was sold to a new Vietnamese owner who has now turned it into a striptease club.)
15.07.2023 8:41:49 gen. lurched and jolted трясло ("The country roads seem to be not very good in that part of the world, for we lurched and jolted terribly." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – ужасно трясло)
15.07.2023 8:39:26 gen. plainly furnished просто обставленный (a little, plainly furnished room)
15.07.2023 8:26:57 gen. with the deepest interest с глубочайшим интересом (I read the news with the deepest interest.)
15.07.2023 5:09:49 gen. aristocratic pauper обедневший аристократ ("living the horrible life of an aristocratic pauper" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 4:09:11 gen. considerable sum of money значительная денежная сумма ("She had a considerable sum of money – not less than £1000 a year – and this she bequeathed to Dr. Roylott entirely while we resided with him, with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 4:07:50 gen. with a provision that с условием, что ("She had a considerable sum of money – not less than £1000 a year – and this she bequeathed to Dr. Roylott entirely while we resided with him, with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 4:03:55 gen. bequeath to someone entirely целиком завещать ("She had a considerable sum of money – not less than £1000 a year – and this she bequeathed to Dr. Roylott entirely while we resided with him, with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 3:58:41 real.est. open out upon выходить на (BrE: "The window of the three bedrooms open out upon the lawn and some old nut trees." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 3:58:13 real.est. look out onto выходить на (The villas have two bedrooms, a gourmet kitchen and look out onto the 17th fairway.)
15.07.2023 3:55:50 gen. intimacy тесная дружба (напр., между сёстрами:: "during the years of our intimacy" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle • "их связывала тесная дружба")
15.07.2023 3:50:21 contempt. he can manage it перебьётся
15.07.2023 3:50:02 contempt. let him eat cake перебьётся
15.07.2023 3:46:00 idiom. dig the pit for another рыть яму другому ("Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.07.2023 3:09:10 fig. bridge the gap осуществлять синтез ("уметь осуществлять синтез как составление целого из частей" • This collection of stories bridges the gap between history and fiction. (Cambridge Dictionary) • In addition, increasingly powerful databases can help bridge the gap between current AI models and more advanced and evolving deep learning capacity. (Forbes, 11 Oct. 2022))
15.07.2023 0:38:21 gen. by chance stumble случайно наткнуться (on: I by chance stumbled on your site, very interesting.)
15.07.2023 0:27:39 gen. accomplish what one set out to do осуществить задуманное (The architects’ plans called for a tallest, grandest, most impressive high rise office tower in the city. I’d say they accomplished what they set out to do. The splendor, craftsmanship and elaborate details are amazing.)
15.07.2023 0:27:39 gen. accomplish what one set out to do осуществить свои намерения (The architects’ plans called for a tallest, grandest, most impressive high rise office tower in the city. I’d say they accomplished what they set out to do. The splendor, craftsmanship and elaborate details are amazing.)
14.07.2023 9:16:09 gen. shoddy goods некачественный товар (Rules for Shoddy Goods: Don't pay for anything until you've seen it and feel satisfied that is worth the price. As well, don't purchase products that come with conditions.)
14.07.2023 9:15:03 gen. be skilled in the art of мастерски владеть искусством (Most telemarketers are skilled in the art of persuasion. Even people who consider themselves savvy are vulnerable, especially aging people.)
14.07.2023 9:05:31 gen. go through an intermediary действовать через посредника (Beware of middlemen: If you want to give money to a charitable organization, give it directly. Don't go through an intermediary.)
14.07.2023 8:54:12 busin. company stock акции компании (The workers have agreed to take company stock as part of the deal.)
14.07.2023 8:46:00 gen. go up like a match box загореться как порох (Most of these old apartment houses in Strathcona and Mount Pleasant are fire traps that go up like a match box.)
14.07.2023 7:31:40 idiom. negative + coming down the pipes не намечается (I don't see any more work coming down the pipes at present. – Никакой работы на данный момент не намечается.)
14.07.2023 7:26:23 cliche. I really like мне очень нравится (It's only my first day here, but I really like this town.)
14.07.2023 5:03:17 idiom. keep a sharp eye on зорко следить за (It seems that vandals marking their names or other messages on the rock don't get to appreciate their names for long; city staffers keep a sharp eye on the famous landmark, and the instant anyone soils its pristine whiteness, it is immediately repainted. (Chuck Davis))
14.07.2023 5:02:08 gen. be on fire загореться (She detailed how she would hear a voice in her head that would warn of certain events, such as when the family barn was on fire. -- когда загорелся амбар coasttocoastam.com)
14.07.2023 5:01:10 gen. not the real one ненастоящий ("I have seen the Savannah, it's a fine boat." He shook his head in mild distaste. "That's not the real one, that's a pseudo-replica." (Chuck Davis))
14.07.2023 4:59:09 cliche. I'm looking forward to мне не терпится (+ gerund: Coun. Jessica McIlroy said she was “very excited” to see how the project progresses. “I know there has been a lot of demand on Lonsdale as a corridor and the region itself … I’m looking forward to hearing what all of the different types of community consultation brings forward,” she said. nsnews.com)
14.07.2023 3:29:42 slang dope круто (= very good (Oxford Dictionary): This is so dope, but really sad it’s getting to this, even sadder that this is only going to get worse over time. reddit.com)
14.07.2023 0:43:09 st.exch. shares rose акции выросли (Disney's shares rose by 1.2 per cent.)
14.07.2023 0:42:24 st.exch. stock is up акции выросли (Their stock is up 11% following the news of the acquisition.)
14.07.2023 0:40:44 gen. at the pharmacist's discretion на усмотрение фармацевта (Prescriptions available at the pharmacist's discretion.)
14.07.2023 0:37:28 fig. the links гольф (Over to the links ... -- А теперь о гольфе ... (в новостях спорта))
12.07.2023 10:03:57 nonstand. mess гендель (устроили гендель)
12.07.2023 9:17:35 gen. references to упоминания по поводу (Note that the FTR-D345 model isn't being sold in Europe at this time, so any references to it can just be ignored.)
12.07.2023 8:58:36 cliche. for the next little while в ближайшее время (I'm still going to be largely absent for the next little while.)
12.07.2023 8:58:19 cliche. in the next little while в ближайшее время
12.07.2023 8:58:07 cliche. in the next while в ближайшее время (I'd normally be working but this was the only time we could get all 3 kids to Santa in the next while.)
12.07.2023 8:52:20 law, contr. grant of a license or right предоставление лицензии или права ("the grant to you by XYZ of a license or right to use certain products or services of XYZ")
12.07.2023 2:24:15 cliche. no action is required от вас не требуется предпринимать никаких действий (Effective August 1, 2023, the maximum shelter allowance for recipients of income assistance, hardship assistance, and disability assistance will increase by $125 per family unit. If your shelter expenses have not changed, you will not need to contact the ministry and no action is required.)
11.07.2023 23:53:38 fig. train spotter педант (an odd or boring person interested in knowing everything about a particular subject, even very small, unimportant details (Collins Dictionary))
11.07.2023 23:53:38 fig. train spotter зануда (an odd or boring person interested in knowing everything about a particular subject, even very small, unimportant details (Collins Dictionary))
11.07.2023 23:50:03 hobby train spotter железнодорожный фанат (A trainspotter is someone who is very interested in trains and spends time going to stations and recording the numbers of the trains that they see. Collins Dictionary) I также применяются русские варианты "железнодорожный наблюдатель", "наблюдатель поездов", "любитель поездов" и "учётчик поездов": My Dad's an old English train spotter. He came to visit me this week. This morning he was off hunting for train activity. He said they are all parked and backed up to the prairies due to the port strike. This port strike has a long reach around Canada. (Twitter) dzen.ru)
11.07.2023 23:33:33 cliche. is sure наверняка (+ infinitive: Napoleon barbecue is sure to satisfy the most discerning barbecuer.)

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