
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

23.07.2023 7:32:39 humor. a wee bit early ещё рановато ("My pumpkins? Well, it’s a wee bit early. Might have to plant more if you want some for October. (Twitter))
23.07.2023 2:36:34 gen. credible eyewitness заслуживающий доверия свидетель (We know there are objects performing impossible aeronautic feats in our airspace, he continued, noting the ample evidence and credible eyewitness reports in support of the phenomena. coasttocoastam.com)
22.07.2023 11:00:11 idiom. go out of one's way приложить все силы (“We’re asking everyone to go out of their way to conserve water to the greatest extent possible, including minimizing lawn watering,” Montgomery said. Other suggested ways to reduce water consumption is taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of laundry. nsnews.com)
22.07.2023 11:00:11 idiom. go out of one's way приложить все усилия (“We’re asking everyone to go out of their way to conserve water to the greatest extent possible, including minimizing lawn watering,” Montgomery said. Other suggested ways to reduce water consumption is taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of laundry. nsnews.com)
22.07.2023 10:53:02 water.suppl. supply with drinkable water обеспечивать питьевой водой (Those three bodies of water supply the entire regional district with drinkable water. nsnews.com)
22.07.2023 9:38:17 relig. sacrifice sb. to a divinity принести в жертву божеству (Lower down the valley they found a large fissure or gorge in the rocks adapted to the performance of their religious rites, and to sacrifice their prisoners to their divinities. Here amidst the most diabolical yells and contortions they tortured and killed their prisoners amidst the praises of Thor, their great god, more like madmen than human beings endowed with reason. This rent or gorge is now called Ludd Church, in remembrance of the horrid scenes there enacted at that time. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:35:11 relig. offer up human sacrifices совершать человеческие жертвоприношения (to: They plundered the country around but found little spoil; some of the poor natives they took prisoners, as the time for holding their yearly festival was at hand, to offer up human sacrifices to Thor and Woden. As they passed along they came upon the trace of a boar. They hunted it around Wildboarclough, but with what success is not known. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:21:56 rude over-gorge oneself обожраться (After a successful foray they decided to have a feast, which with killing and eating lasted over a week. The bones and refuse of their feast was great, and the place so filthy, that Nab from the opposite hillside called it Glutton. Thirkil, a stout trencherman, over-gorged himself, was sick and died. The gang was delayed some time in making a barrow over his grave; it is amongst the hills, and is now called Thirkelow. -- После удачного набега саксы решили устроить пир ...... обожрался wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:17:59 old.fash. trencherman чревоугодник ("a hearty trencherman, and particularly fond of his five o'clock couple of cups and bite of muffin" (P.G. Wodehouse) – завзятый чревоугодник • After a successful foray they decided to have a feast, which with killing and eating lasted over a week. The bones and refuse of their feast was great, and the place so filthy, that Nab from the opposite hillside called it Glutton. Thirkil, a stout trencherman, over-gorged himself, was sick and died. The gang was delayed some time in making a barrow over his grave; it is amongst the hills, and is now called Thirkelow. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:14:34 hist. foray of the Saxons. набег саксов (During the same time period, the Romans (or Romano-British) had already begun to set up coastal defenses to protect their shores from the forays of the independent Anglo-Saxon tribes. • In marching forward they found old Cronth grinning in his cote; with much persuading and more threatening they learned where the Thane of Crongstone herded his cattle. After a successful foray they decided to have a feast, which with killing and eating lasted over a week. The bones and refuse of their feast was great, and the place so filthy, that Nab from the opposite hillside called it Glutton. realmofhistory.com, wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:06:23 gen. a copious supply of water обильные запасы воды (***в ед.ч.***: In the Dowve Valley, they found a copious supply of water, at which they refreshed themselves and called it Ludwell. Pill would settle there, and built a fortified house, which was called Pilsbury, some remains of what still exist. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:01:33 gen. be difficult to make out трудно понять (The Saxon chronicles, among many others, relate the exploits of King Ludd, a Danish Viking, and we shall endeavour to trace the career of this noted freebooter. As the Saxon chronicles are difficult to make out we will make no further use of them, but follow him by the traditionary marks he has left behind him, and supply the rest from whence is derived the great supply of modern literature – the imagination. -- Поскольку саксонские хроники трудно понять ... wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 9:00:54 gen. be difficult to make out трудно разобраться (The Saxon chronicles, among many others, relate the exploits of King Ludd, a Danish Viking, and we shall endeavour to trace the career of this noted freebooter. As the Saxon chronicles are difficult to make out we will make no further use of them, but follow him by the traditionary marks he has left behind him, and supply the rest from whence is derived the great supply of modern literature – the imagination. -- Поскольку в саксонских хрониках трудно разобраться ... wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:54:09 hist. settle on the land селиться на земле (The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. Following them, large gangs of ferocious plunderers, from the North of Europe, called Danes, found there way to Britain, under their respective chieftains, called Vikings. Their object at first was plunder, but they soon took to settling on the land, and kept up a continual warfare with the Saxons for possession of the country. -- начали селиться на земле, не прекращая воевать с саксонцами wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:49:48 cliche. take possession of the land захватить чью-л. землю (England, after being ruled by the Romans was evacuated by them about the year 450 A.D, after a dominion of 500 years. The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:49:48 cliche. take possession of the land завладеть чьей-л. землёй (England, after being ruled by the Romans was evacuated by them about the year 450 A.D, after a dominion of 500 years. The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:46:52 cliche. left without protection оставшись беззащитной (England, after being ruled by the Romans was evacuated by them about the year 450 A.D, after a dominion of 500 years. The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:37:09 fig. gloomy aspect сумрачный вид (места или здания: Ludchurch, with its gloomy aspect, is not a place to induce a traveller to linger, its beauty is of the savage order, the lineaments cold and harsh, and besides “the weird spell of silence most oppressive reigns,” so that in quitting its precincts and emerging to light and freedom a feeling of relief steals over the mind of the explorer. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:24:08 gen. rough hewn steps грубо обтёсанные каменные ступени (A little distance inwards, down some rough hewn steps, in a rocky niche is the figure of a “woman in white” placed there many years ago to commemorate the old legend of the meetings held in the comparatively unexplored cave at the further entrance, which extends a considerable distance, with a supposed outlet not far from the River Dane, and where the remains of a sort of Druidical altar is still to be found. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 8:01:29 gen. fare badly не поздоровиться (Here then we gather, three warriors met some fourteen hundred years ago. There were two from Cheddleton, which was a Celtic colony, and one from the British colony at Abbey Green, or vice versa. Celt met Briton on horseback, and as it was on Ladderedge when a Stanlow of Stanlow, fought, on coming home from a fair with a neighbour, so it was on the Cheddleton road, still earlier. All three were killed, the horses fairing badly in the battle. The neighbours laid them side by side where they fell, covered them with stones, and set a cross over them, for they were, perhaps just Christians – only just both in time and temper. The horror of the battle could not be forgotten; it still clings to this spot. -- коням не поздоровилось в бою wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 7:48:56 fig. haunt не оставлять (The Bahia coast has haunted me with impossibly beautiful memories since I first went there two years ago. -- Воспоминания о побережье Баия не оставляют меня ...)
22.07.2023 7:07:25 cliche. the spot where место, где (что-то случилось: But there are ancient associations much nearer Little Birchall. This stone is said to be the spot where country farmers met Leek buyers in the time of the plague. Here they did their market traffic outside the town. But the associations of the place are much older than the time of the plague. wordpress.com)
22.07.2023 7:01:58 cliche. it is said that говорят, что (It's said that the heritage 1911 Century House bank building on Richards Street has a resident ghost – or a few. • An extreme windstorm took place back in 1743. It is said that it caused the collapse of the Dreaghmuir bridge with carriages and pedestrians, no one survived in the icy waters beneath.)
22.07.2023 3:55:13 TV anchor weekend news вести программу новостей по выходным дням (Krop has had a career in journalism spanning almost 35 years, with 23 of those years at Global News. (...) She anchored weekend news and News Hour Final at Global BC, and also hosted the daily talk show Unfiltered on Global News' all-news channel BC1. straight.com)
22.07.2023 3:42:32 gen. shipbuilders корабелы (Building on its meteoric popularity in recent years, Friday Night Markets will be back at Shipbuilders' Square in 2015.)
22.07.2023 3:35:20 fig. take a big load on взвалить на себя груз (someone: I took a big load on me expecting I can handle it by myself. – Я взвалила на себя большой груз, расчитывая, что справлюсь сама.)
22.07.2023 2:11:22 inet. amass millions of views набрать миллионы просмотров (Since being posted online, the video has spread like wildfire and amassed millions of views as people debate what exactly is unfolding in the footage. coasttocoastam.com)
22.07.2023 2:09:33 gen. odd video необычное видео (Little is known about the circumstances surrounding the odd video, which was reportedly shared on TikTok last week by a user believed to be in the United Kingdom. coasttocoastam.com)
22.07.2023 2:07:20 phys. time glitch сбой во времени (Since being posted online, the video has spread like wildfire and amassed millions of views as people debate what exactly is unfolding in the footage. Noting the way in which the woman's hair even seems to be frozen, many people have suggested that she somehow got caught in some kind of time glitch. coasttocoastam.com)
21.07.2023 12:35:52 coll. offspring детёныши (A scorpion that turned up in a Vancouver resident's home last month following a recent trip to Cuba has now given birth. Staff at the Victoria Bug Zoo confirm in an online post that the scorpion has produced about 20 offspring, and the whole family is doing well. (...) They say Gail is doing a fine job of raising the babies, which are currently clustered on her back. When the offspring get a little bigger, zoo officials say they will be removed from Gail's cage in case she mistakes them for prey and devours them. (News 1130))
21.07.2023 9:31:45 inf. smarten up взяться за ум (to become more intelligent or aware (Merriam-Webster): He'd better smarten up or he'll get fired.)
21.07.2023 9:30:58 gen. grasp a hold of взяться рукой за (... and then you just grasp a hold of the toes and roll)
21.07.2023 9:28:07 gen. take on взяться за (a job or project: You are looking at 20,000 words which breaks down to $0.10/word, which unfortunately, no one I know will be willing to take on such a project. • Could you let me know if you'd be available to take this on? – Сообщи, возьмёшься ли ты за такую работу? )
21.07.2023 9:21:48 idiom. slip through one's fingers ускользнуть
21.07.2023 9:20:43 idiom. let sb. slip through one's fingers упустить (He was an absolute fool to let her slip through his fingers.)
21.07.2023 8:54:21 gen. go up возрастать (The cost is going to go up by 10%. -- возрастёт на 10%)
21.07.2023 8:51:47 gen. keep out of it не вмешивайся ('Anything I can do?' 'Yes, keep out of it.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.07.2023 8:49:16 cliche. take a hands-off approach не вмешиваться (The company takes a hands-off approach when it comes to the hours an employee works.)
21.07.2023 8:32:17 cliche. have a clear picture чётко представлять себе (have a clearER picture – чётЧЕ представлять себе: There's a perception that larger companies offer more job security, but I think in a smaller company, you have a clearer picture.)
21.07.2023 4:04:29 cliche. have a clear picture ясно представлять себе (have a clearER picture – яснEE представлять себе: There's a perception that larger companies offer more job security, but I think in a smaller company, you have a clearer picture.)
21.07.2023 4:01:33 gen. give towards пожертвовать на (In 2005, an anonymous donor gave $10 million towards a new Institute of Mental Health at UBC.)
21.07.2023 3:54:51 gen. go off pretty well пройти неплохо (The family reunion? I think it went off pretty well. – Я считаю, он неплохо прошёл.)
21.07.2023 3:31:59 inf. shotgun пить залпом из банки обычно пиво (consume a canned drink in one go by puncturing the can, putting one's mouth over the resulting hole, and then opening the can by means of the ring pull to produce a rapid flow. "shotgunning beers" (Oxford Dictionary): Video of Vancouver mayor shotgunning beer at street party draws online cheers, jeers: To whoops and cheers, Ken Sim shotgunned beer as an announcer could be heard saying: "Shotgun city! Who says Vancouver's no fun?" vancouversun.com)
20.07.2023 9:39:47 cliche. would do no harm не повредит (" ... he looks as if a little good Berkshire beef would do him no harm." – ему не повредит (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
20.07.2023 9:39:04 cliche. none the worse for не повредит (.: "I should be none the worse for a quiet, peaceful day in the country (...)." – Мне не повредит ... (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ))
20.07.2023 8:49:08 cliche. went well прошло хорошо (I hope your dental appointment went well.)
20.07.2023 8:46:56 gen. scour for разыскивать ("After opening a file with the Vancouver Police Department the couple borrowed a car from a friend and spent until 1 a.m. scouring the West End for the Chevy, knowing if they didn't find their passports by the time the plane left the next evening they would be out $2,000 – the cost of their airfare." (North Shore News))
20.07.2023 8:46:30 gen. scour for прочёсывать ... в поисках ("After opening a file with the Vancouver Police Department the couple borrowed a car from a friend and spent until 1 a.m. scouring the West End for the Chevy, knowing if they didn't find their passports by the time the plane left the next evening they would be out $2,000 – the cost of their airfare." (North Shore News))
20.07.2023 8:41:46 gen. play cards разыграть в карты (for someone, something – кого-либо, что-либо, e.g. женщину: "We played cards for her on the voyage. He won." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Мы разыграли её в карты.)
20.07.2023 8:38:20 media. opportunities such as this are rare такая возможность редко представляется / выпадает редко (Beachside homes starting at $900,000 – opportunities such as these are rare.)
20.07.2023 8:35:35 fig. blustery продуваемый ветром ("Chapter 1. Plunging Into Things -- From the minute I got off a C.P.R. train in Vancouver on a cold and blustery January evening I felt anything could happen. And it mostly did. Not all of it pleasant either." (Gwen Cash, 1938))
20.07.2023 8:15:08 cliche. this leads one to conclude that на основании этого можно сделать вывод, что (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine))
20.07.2023 8:15:08 cliche. this leads one to conclude that на основании этого можно прийти к заключению, что (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine))
20.07.2023 8:02:58 gen. establish a pattern установить закономерность (Surface behaviour is so obviously uncharacteristic that no real pattern can be established. (Adrian Shine))
20.07.2023 2:44:13 cliche. in any way, shape or form никоим образом (usually in the negative: No kids should be bullied in any way, shape or form.)
20.07.2023 1:59:54 gen. drive by проезжать мимо (I drove by 12th and Cambie the other day and saw that billboard, too.)
20.07.2023 1:59:39 cliche. pass by there проезжать мимо этого места (Yeah I passed by there earlier and it’s a mess for sure. The cars are totaled, the truck flipped and stopped against a lamp pole with its rear wheels up under the hood in front of the Chinese restaurant there on the south side. -- я проезжал мимо этого места reddit.com)
20.07.2023 1:20:21 cliche. let me get this straight давайте разберёмся (So let me get this straight! If you damage a LGBQ flag you get charged for hate crime but if you're a Christian-hating freak and kill 6 Christians it's not! (Twitter))
20.07.2023 1:08:33 cliche. did not make this decision lightly нелегко далось это решение ("I know that this is an extraordinary use of my powers under the Police Act and I did not make this decision lightly," Farnworth said in a Wednesday afternoon news conference. -- мне нелегко далось это решение cbc.ca)
19.07.2023 10:43:04 cliche. halfway through до середины ("Did you watch the movies?' 'Not all yet. Half way through the first one with Ryan Reynolds." • The forecast calls for higher temperatures and lower precipitation than last summer's, and we're not even halfway through yet. -- а ещё половины лета не пройдено)
19.07.2023 8:46:39 gen. come to visit приехать погостить (You never come to visit us, Terry. What's wrong with you?)
19.07.2023 8:44:27 gen. cuddle up to прижаться к ("She cuddled up to him as he stroked her hips and her bell, the softness of her skin exciting him as always." Ivan Klíma, "Divorce")
19.07.2023 8:35:09 gen. carefully plan тщательно спланировать (a carefully planned, triumphantly executed 150-million-dollar robbery – тщательно спланированное)
19.07.2023 7:25:39 cliche. it wasn't meant to be не судьба (It is a fatalistic expression. To say that something (for example, an event) "wasn't meant to be" means that the thing was not destined to happen (or that it was destined to not happen). It attributes the thing's not happening to fate or destiny. It has roughly the same meaning as the idiom it just wasn't in the cards. stackexchange.com)
19.07.2023 7:24:26 cliche. it wasn't meant to be этому не суждено было сбыться (So, I returned to the Marine Corps, and did my best to disappear into obscurity. It wasn’t meant to be. Within a few months of my new assignment, I was visited by a CIA team, who briefed me on growing concerns that Iraq was hiding weapons and seeking my advice on how they should go about organizing to uncover evidence of their existence. swentr.site)
19.07.2023 7:08:38 rude bitch about скулить по поводу (U.S. media outlet KOMO News reported the witness who took the photos alleged the man filled three black garbage bags with gasoline, then put those bags in a vehicle bearing B.C. licence plates. But Bill said there were jerry cans inside the garbage bags. "I was putting gas in my jerry cans," said Bill. "They were already kind of bitching about Canadians shopping down in the States, and now this.")
19.07.2023 4:38:26 gen. damage cost размер ущерба (The damage cost was estimated to be over one million dollars. youtube.com)
19.07.2023 4:38:26 gen. damage cost сумма ущерба (The damage cost was estimated to be over one million dollars. youtube.com)
19.07.2023 4:24:41 gen. suffer significant damage получить значительные повреждения (The Queen of Victoria suffered significant damage while the Sergey Yesenin only suffered minor damage. -- Парому был нанесён значительный ущерб / Паром получил значительные повреждения youtube.com)
19.07.2023 4:02:40 eng. wear and tear степень износа (при оценке состояния объекта: There's no chance it's part of MH370. It's not any part of a Boeing 777, and the fact is MH370 was lost nine and a half years ago, so it would show a great deal more wear and tear on the debris. youtube.com)
19.07.2023 1:58:53 idiom. play into the hands of the enemy играть на руку врагу (Merriam-Webster)
19.07.2023 1:17:16 law perpetrate an act of sabotage осуществить диверсию
18.07.2023 9:29:40 gen. award winner удостоенный награды (This super knife is a Red Dot Product Design Award winner from 2008. – был удостоен награды за 2008 г.)
18.07.2023 9:22:09 cliche. meet someone's needs удовлетворять чьи-либо потребности (After acquiring property for a permanent monastery the monks went about establishing a premium coffee company as a means of supporting the monastery's building program and meeting the monks' modest financial needs. vashonmonks.com)
18.07.2023 9:20:44 formal attend to one's needs удовлетворять чьи-либо потребности (As Boomers (now aged 56-75) grow older, the health care field will need to greatly expand to attend to this aging population's needs, he cited. Gronbach talked about the problems countries like Japan, China, and South Korea face as their communities grow older, with fewer young people around to help them. coasttocoastam.com)
18.07.2023 9:20:06 cliche. meet the needs удовлетворять чьи-либо потребности (of someone: “Given the age of the existing buildings and the extensive, ongoing maintenance and repairs necessary to keep these facilities in an acceptable condition, BC Housing approached the City to determine how to best meet the needs of current and future tenants,” the Skeena Terrace Policy Statement reads.-- наилучшим образом удовлетворять потребности нынешних и будущих жильцов storeys.com)
18.07.2023 9:14:14 cliche. dress modestly скромно одеваться (We ask that all visitors dress modestly. Men should wear long sleeved shirts and pants. Women should wear long sleeved blouses, long skirts or dresses. Additionally, women are asked to wear scarves when attending services. vashonmonks.com)
18.07.2023 9:10:41 gen. meet at the home of a friend познакомиться у друзей (I met her at the home of a friend at a luncheon. – Мы познакомились у друзей)
18.07.2023 8:34:36 gen. widely celebrated популярнейший (widely celebrated artists such as ...)
18.07.2023 8:34:04 gen. most popular популярнейший (in our most popular colours)
18.07.2023 8:26:00 gen. give oneself lots of time выехать заранее (Give yourself lots of time if you're heading towards the airport, they're doing some roadwork just before the bridge.)
18.07.2023 8:25:49 gen. give oneself extra travel time выехать заранее (Expect delays on Hwy 1 between Sprott and Kensington due to roadwork, so be sure to give yourself extra time if you're travelling east.)
18.07.2023 8:24:45 traf. crossing into oncoming traffic выезд на полосу встречного движения (Police say the 26-year-old Gloria Huang, of Richmond, was driving a 1997 Honda Accord when she crossed the center line into oncoming traffic and collided with a 2016 KIA Sportage, driven by a 49-year-old Langley man.)
18.07.2023 8:24:03 fig.of.sp. wiped out "выжатый" (Have you ever felt exhausted, wiped out after spending some time with someone? Even your friends can be psychic vampires. – чувствуете себя "выжатым")
18.07.2023 8:19:10 formal vehicle congestion скопление транспорта (Vehicle congestion has increased exponentially in the past ten years, it is quite severe in the neighbourhood. I personally witnessed two firetrucks that could not get to a burning apartment building due to parked tour buses and gridlock at the top of Seaview Avenue.)
18.07.2023 8:17:05 gen. drinking problem склонность к спиртному ("It might well have happened, if not for the discovery of a Soviet spy inside the directorate of operatons of the C.I.A., a career officer with a drinking problem named Aldrich Ames." Thomas Powers, NYT Magazine)
18.07.2023 8:11:22 neuropsychol. attachment environment закреплённая среда (for newborn babies: "The attachment environment can include grandmother, or anybody who's going to be the committed, constant caregiver." Dr Nils Bergman)
18.07.2023 7:52:37 cliche. fall into a pattern складывается закономерность (The reports of lake monsters in North America fall into a curious pattern. Nearly all are from mountain lakes, or from the rivers and lakes connected directly with them, which include the Great Lakes. (Peter Costello))
18.07.2023 7:48:52 gen. curious pattern любопытная закономерность (The reports of lake monsters in North America fall into a curious pattern. Nearly all are from mountain lakes, or from the rivers and lakes connected directly with them, which include the Great Lakes. (Peter Costello))
18.07.2023 7:33:27 gen. marksmanship умение метко стрелять (In 1819 the animal was seen again, 'and described to be of copper colour, with bright eyes, and 60 feet (18 metres) long'. Shooting at it seemed to have no effect: whether because it was protected by scales or because the marksmanship was poor. (Peter Costello))
18.07.2023 5:44:01 gen. do a bit of gardening немного поработать в саду (I just wanted to do a bit of gardening.)
18.07.2023 5:42:39 gen. do a bit of fishing немного порыбачить (I just wanted to do a bit of fishing. )
18.07.2023 5:39:13 gen. unwinkingly не мигая (gaze at someone unwinkingly – смотреть не мигая)
18.07.2023 5:36:11 gen. a bit of a novelty немного необычно (A sunset over the ocean is a bit of a novelty for us Brisbane folk. -- немного необычно видеть)
18.07.2023 5:34:22 inf. a bit of a небольшой (a bit of a problem – небольшая проблема • a bit of a rough start – небольшие трудности при запуске)
18.07.2023 5:03:50 cliche. have a good time получать удовольствие (Q: Why do women close their eyes during sex? A: Because they can't stand seeing a man have a good time.)
18.07.2023 5:02:33 gen. derive satisfaction получать удовлетворение ("If you want to derive real satisfaction from blackmail, you have to be at the right end of it." (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all решить вопрос раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all покончить с вопросом раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)
18.07.2023 4:53:01 idiom. settle the matter once and for all закрыть вопрос раз и навсегда (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)

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