
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

29.07.2023 8:24:35 cliche. up-to-date на основании последних данных (We intend to bring our readers an up-to-date picture of these ongoing events. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- картину этих далёких от завершения событий, составленную на основании последних данных)
29.07.2023 8:21:33 gen. up-to-date самый свежий (Call us for an up-to-date product listing)
29.07.2023 8:20:05 gen. make the bend выехать из-за поворота ('We made the bend and around this big downfall tree, here this thing stood by the creek, just stood.' (Bob Gimlin in an interview with The Seattle Post Intelligencer) -- Мы выехали из-за поворота ...)
29.07.2023 7:37:09 gen. outdoor toilet уборная во дворе (Also in Indiana, two miles south of Spraytown, an 8-foot, dark-haired creature was seen standing outside a house on the snowy night of 16 April 1981. The witness had got up to visit the outdoor toilet, at about 11 p.m., and saw the creature standing about 25 feet away. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") – сходить в уборную во дворе)
29.07.2023 7:34:40 gen. be on one's way to work идти на работу (On 6 February 1981, a 7-8 foot, big, bulky creature was seen behind a restaurant near Rocks State Park (Maryland). It was sorting through rubbish, which included very smelly catfish. Witness Michael Green was on his way to work at 2.30 a.m., and stopped to watch the creature for ten minutes. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- шёл на работу)
29.07.2023 7:33:35 cliche. earn plenty of money заработать большие деньги на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 7:33:10 cliche. earn plenty of money заработать хорошие деньги на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 7:32:57 cliche. earn plenty of money заработать много денег на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 7:20:51 busin. recognized as effective признан результативным (it is generally recognized as safe and effective)
29.07.2023 7:03:47 gen. hold accountable привлекать к ответственности (What is the name of the city hall bureaucrat who okayed this? Gotta start holding people accountable. -- Пора уже привлекать виновных к ответственности.)
29.07.2023 7:00:04 inf. tickle one's fancy привлекать (Sorry, that doesn't tickle my fancy. – Извини, меня это не привлекает.)
29.07.2023 6:42:35 crim. gather evidence заниматься сбором улик (Судмедэксперт — это судебный медицинский эксперт. Занимается сбором улик, проведением исследований, помогающих «распутать» уголовное дело, найти виновных в совершении преступления. • Eoghan Byrne and a friend were crossing West 4th Avenue at Arbutus Street around 11:30 p.m. on June 19, 2022, when he was struck and killed. Const. Tania Visintin said at the time that the Vancouver Police Department spent months gathering evidence in Byrne’s death. restarmenia.ru, nsnews.com)
29.07.2023 6:34:16 gen. I've been in touch with someone who я нашёл человека, который (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time.)
29.07.2023 6:20:55 fire. engine company пожарный расчёт (Public works staff driving by noticed the fire and tried to put it out but had no luck, according to fire chief Dave Williams. "When the crews got on this one, it was actually a lot larger than we were anticipating," he said. "It grew to approximately 500 feet by 500 feet and it started catching on the trees. We had two engine companies there for probably about an hour.")
29.07.2023 4:49:12 rel., christ. Father in Heaven Отец Небесный (The "Heavenly Father" is also widely used: The Amazing Lord's Prayer — Our Father in Heaven)
29.07.2023 4:13:13 law through the pre-trial process в досудебном порядке (Through the pre-trial process, trial management orders and directions may be obtained so that the trial will proceed more efficiently. gov.on.ca)
29.07.2023 2:54:27 gen. house fire пожар (в здании, квартире: a house fire on the corner of Broadway and Prince Edward)
29.07.2023 2:37:27 gen. for awhile одно время (I knew a guy who lived in a train tunnel for awhile. -- одно время жил)
29.07.2023 2:37:11 gen. for some time одно время (For some time they had one retail location on East Broadway at Knight. Now they have seven throughout the city. -- У них одно время был магазинчик на Ист-Бродвее рядом с Найт, теперь у них семь магазинов по городу.)
29.07.2023 2:22:46 gen. lack of attention to detail невнимательность к деталям (Part of the difficulty in identifying the mystery's cause might have been a lack of attention to detail during the initial discovery, since the tracks may not have all come from a single source. singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 2:18:31 cliche. mundane explanation прозаическое объяснение (By March, armed posses were patrolling in Dawlish to find whatever creature caused the footprints. These hunting parties turned up nothing, and more mundane explanations were bandied about to calm the frightened locals. singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 2:16:38 gen. ordinary будничный (people transforming the ordinary into beautiful things – создающие прекрасное из будничного)
29.07.2023 2:15:48 gen. mundane будничный (mundane everyday life – будничная жизнь)
29.07.2023 1:58:59 gen. overnight в течение ночи (The wind is expected to calm down overnight. • The tracks appeared overnight after a large snowfall, and immediately caused concern among the local populace due to their odd appearance and location. singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 1:49:08 gen. large snowfall обильный снегопад (The tracks appeared overnight after a large snowfall, and immediately caused concern among the local populace due to their odd appearance and location. They ran for 40 miles "on the tops of houses and narrow walls, in gardens and courtyards, enclosed by high walls and palings, as well as in open fields," even sometimes approaching houses before retreating; although no one was able to discover any standing or resting points for the mysterious visitor. singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 1:39:18 cliche. I am hopeful that я надеюсь, что (“I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency," he said. singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 1:37:25 cliche. went on to say that далее заявил, что (In the interview, the retired general who is now an esteemed professor told a reporter that the United States and Israel have been in contact with ETs for quite some time. Eshed went on to say that "there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here." Part of that unsettling pact, he said, includes a secret underground base on Mars which is staffed by a team of ETs and Americans. • He went on to say under questioning that he had knowledge of "people who have been harmed or injured" as part of government efforts to conceal information on UFOs, and that he had feared for his life as a result. -- Отвечая на вопросы, далее он заявил, что ... coasttocoastam.com, singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 1:32:47 gen. brutal retaliation жестокая месть (Grusch, who has since turned whistleblower, said that information regarding the recovered craft has been illegally withheld from Congress and he has filed a complaint alleging that he has been the victim of illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures. He described the retaliation as “very brutal.” singularfortean.com)
29.07.2023 1:30:40 neol. whistleblower свистодуй (Свистодуи – последние защитники демократии • Что же будет со Сноуденом дальше? Россия, на территории которой он находится в данный момент, помогать "свистодую" явно не спешит. • Grusch, who has since turned whistleblower, said that information regarding the recovered craft has been illegally withheld from Congress and he has filed a complaint alleging that he has been the victim of illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures. idelo.ru, newsland.com, singularfortean.com)
28.07.2023 10:02:21 gen. feel drained ощущать потерю энергии ("An extrovert who loves to be surrounded by people and doesn't mind constant chatter may love an open office, but an introvert who feels drained by social interaction is likely to loathe this type of office design. Jeffrey James of Inc. magazine reports that some employees get so stressed out by working in open offices they have panic attacks or develop stress-related illnesses." (BC Business Magazine))
28.07.2023 10:02:11 gen. feel drained чувствовать себя разбитым ("An extrovert who loves to be surrounded by people and doesn't mind constant chatter may love an open office, but an introvert who feels drained by social interaction is likely to loathe this type of office design. Jeffrey James of Inc. magazine reports that some employees get so stressed out by working in open offices they have panic attacks or develop stress-related illnesses." (BC Business Magazine))
28.07.2023 10:01:11 gen. feel drained чувствовать себя выжатым ("An extrovert who loves to be surrounded by people and doesn't mind constant chatter may love an open office, but an introvert who feels drained by social interaction is likely to loathe this type of office design. Jeffrey James of Inc. magazine reports that some employees get so stressed out by working in open offices they have panic attacks or develop stress-related illnesses." (BC Business Magazine))
28.07.2023 10:00:51 gen. feel burned out чувствовать себя выжатым (Do you feel burned out at the end of the week?)
27.07.2023 5:40:12 bus.styl. higher-than-normal необычный (о количестве: Please note we are currently experiencing higher-than-normal volumes of calls and emails. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to reply to those affected as quickly as possible.)
27.07.2023 5:25:54 formal yours very truly Ваш покорный слуга (формула, завершающая официальное письмо)
27.07.2023 5:25:54 formal yours very truly имею честь быть Ваш покорный слуга (формула, завершающая официальное письмо)
27.07.2023 5:25:54 formal yours very truly остаюсь с совершенным к Вам почтением (формула, завершающая официальное письмо)
27.07.2023 5:25:54 formal yours very truly с совершенным почтением (формула, завершающая официальное письмо)
27.07.2023 5:16:59 gen. sole heir to the estate единственный наследник состояния (Kindly communicate with Joseph King of Frankston and inform him that he is the sole heir to the estate of Mr Henry King, his uncle, who died in Chicago last week.)
27.07.2023 4:28:29 gen. that is suggestive это говорит о многом
27.07.2023 4:23:31 cliche. that speaks volumes это говорит о многом (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour.)
27.07.2023 4:23:31 cliche. that speaks volumes это о многом говорит (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour.)
27.07.2023 4:12:12 cliche. you have no idea вы не представляете себе (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it!)
27.07.2023 4:03:24 formal address управиться (I am confused as to why you would allow your place to look so terrible and to bring down the general appearance of the entire neighbourhood with having such an incredibly unkept yard. I can only guess you are renters and have zero pride or care about anyone else in the neighbourhood. Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. -- С вашими одуванчиками можно управиться всего за полчаса)
27.07.2023 3:54:13 gen. I am confused as to why я не могу понять, почему (I am confused as to why you would allow your place to look so terrible and to bring down the general appearance of the entire neighbourhood with having such an incredibly unkept yard.)
27.07.2023 3:52:47 gen. I am confused as to why я не понимаю, почему (I am confused as to why you would allow your place to look so terrible and to bring down the general appearance of the entire neighbourhood with having such an incredibly unkept yard.)
27.07.2023 3:10:19 gen. we've been swamped отбоя нет от посетителей, заказчиков (Hi Lauren, I'm mailing a sample of the product today. Sorry about the delay but Fresh&Clean has been doing such great business we've been swamped.)
27.07.2023 3:10:19 gen. we've been swamped от посетителей отбоя нет (Hi Lauren, I'm mailing a sample of the product today. Sorry about the delay but Fresh&Clean has been doing such great business we've been swamped.)
27.07.2023 3:10:19 gen. we've been swamped от заказчиков отбоя нет (Hi Lauren, I'm mailing a sample of the product today. Sorry about the delay but Fresh&Clean has been doing such great business we've been swamped.)
26.07.2023 9:23:52 idiom. push it переоценить свои силы (You may have dodged the storm this time but don't push it – her attorneys are coming after you eventually.)
26.07.2023 9:18:34 gen. complex game сложная игра (Apparently, disclosure is a very complex chess game, there's so much going on.)
26.07.2023 8:55:51 cliche. a pretty state of things! ну и ну! (возмущённо)
26.07.2023 8:55:26 cliche. holy moly! ну и ну! (an expression of great surprise or admiration)
26.07.2023 8:55:02 cliche. well, well! ну и ну! (expressing amazement)
26.07.2023 6:53:34 gen. chances вероятность (What are the chances of that? – Какова вероятность этого?)
26.07.2023 6:34:40 idiom. the odds are вероятно (something is likely to happen (Merriam-Webster): The odds are we'll see a quarter point hike.)
26.07.2023 6:34:40 idiom. the odds are по всей вероятности (something is likely to happen (Merriam-Webster): The odds are we'll see a quarter point hike.)
26.07.2023 5:03:30 cliche. subject of controversy острая тема (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants.)
26.07.2023 5:03:30 cliche. subject of controversy тема, вызывающая ожесточённые споры (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants.)
26.07.2023 5:03:30 cliche. subject of controversy тема, вызывающая жаркие споры (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants.)
26.07.2023 5:03:30 cliche. subject of controversy тема, вызывающая противоречивые мнения (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants.)
26.07.2023 3:58:40 fig. price tag стоимость (проекта: I don't think it would be worth the cost. The price tag of the earthworks would almost certainly be more the value of the newly created real estate. (Reddit))
25.07.2023 8:57:24 inf. burn someone out вымотать (Within smaller companies, each employee plays a much more pivotal role that in a big corporation, so the last thing you want to do is burn someone out at a small company.)
25.07.2023 8:56:42 gen. get exhausted вымотаться
25.07.2023 8:54:41 gen. a long wait долго придётся ждать (I think it will be a long wait. – долго ждать придётся • "Jerry ordered a pizza from Puzzo's Pizza on 22nd Street." "Poor guy! He's in for a long wait." – Ему долго придётся ждать.)
25.07.2023 8:10:23 gen. not going to have + subject + verb не позволить (I'm not going to have you ruin her life. – Я не позволю тебе поломать ей жизнь.)
25.07.2023 7:01:33 gen. get sb. sth. for Christmas подарить на Рождество (What did you get your mother for Christmas?)
25.07.2023 6:54:51 cliche. before you know it не успеешь оглянуться, как (It's early August but before you know it, kids will head back to school. – не успеешь оглянуться, как дети снова пойдут в школу)
25.07.2023 6:54:31 cliche. before you know не успеешь оглянуться, как (Before you know, the kids will grow up.)
25.07.2023 6:35:21 formal except in instances where за исключением тех случаев, когда ("A former North Vancouver couple have been ordered to pay $37,000 to the people who bought their house on Cloverley Street after a judge determined they deliberately concealed knowledge of a buried oil tank on their property. (...) The Phinneys indicated they didn't know about a tank or soil contamination in both a property disclosure form and in written responses to further questions from the buyers' insurance broker. They argued the tank was a case of buyer beware. That is usually the case, [B.C. Supreme Court Justice Murray] Blok stated in his judgment, except in instances where sellers of property have actively concealed or misrepresented a defect." (NS News))
25.07.2023 5:17:15 cliche. it just didn't occur to me мне это не пришло в голову
25.07.2023 5:17:15 cliche. it just didn't occur to me я не подумал об этом
25.07.2023 5:08:27 gen. perfect drivel полная чушь (This is all perfect drivel!)
25.07.2023 5:08:11 contempt. load of crap полная чушь (What a load of crap.)
25.07.2023 5:06:17 diet. fiber-rich богатый клетчаткой (К продуктам, богатым клетчаткой, относятся ... (rospotrebnadzor.ru) • 20+ продуктов, богатых клетчаткой ... (kp.ru) • Kiwi fruit. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to peel these fuzzy, brown fruits. But to avoid the skin, slice one in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon for an easy, fiber-rich, sweet snack.)
25.07.2023 4:09:51 gen. unaffected естественная девушка (This story is written for and dedicated to the 10,000 people who will approach me in the next couple of weeks and ask, "What is Marilyn Monroe really like?" She is a sweet, unaffected, smooth-talking, sloe-eyed American girl with a 37-inch bust and a sense of humor, believe it or not. (Jack Wasserman, the Vancouver Sun staff reporter, 1953))
24.07.2023 11:26:21 gen. when commanded to do so по приказанию (The Lollards went to seize their weapons, but stopped when commanded to do so by Walter, all obeyed with the exception of Heinrich Montair the head Forester, who was a giant of a man, he grabbed the first soldier and threw him with such force into the other soldiers that they were forced back towards the entrance. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:23:01 obs. yield сдавайтесь (The soldiers rushed through the entrance of the chasm shouting, “Yield in the name of the blessed church, and his most gracious King Henry”. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:17:26 cliche. not look one's age выглядеть моложе своих лет (It was one summers afternoon when Walter and his followers were assembled in Ludchurch to perform a service, Walter, who was now seventy years old, and although white haired, did not look his age, stood straight and impressive as he delivered his sermon on an elevated mound in the upper part of Ludchurch. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:14:52 obs. Head Forester старший лесничий (Sometimes Walter and his followers would actually live in Ludchurch during the summer months using it as a base to spread their doctrines among the local people, while food would have been brought to them by Henrich Montair the Head Forester, and also a believer in Walter’s doctrines. Though many searches were made for them, the forest was so dense in those days, and so large, that the chasm remained well concealed and undetected so they were able to continue worshiping for many years. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:12:09 cliche. well away from prying eyes подальше от любопытных глаз (In this time gone by it would have been illegal not to attend established church services, and to perform your own church service would have been strictly illegal, this is probably why this isolated spot would have been chosen, well away from prying eyes and the authorities. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:10:25 gen. worship God in one's own way молиться по-своему (... a man called Walter de Lud Auk, who was a Lollard, this meant that he wanted to worship God in his own way, free from the restrictions of the established church. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 11:02:59 gen. keep in remembrance сохранить память о (The monks found the Danes at the ford in the act of crossing the river. A furious battle took place. The monks and their allies fought with desperation, and having the advantage of numbers drove the invaders back into the river; some were wounded and some were drowned, and the monks were masters of both field and flood. A bridge afterwards erected at this place was, and is, called Hug Bridge, to keep in remembrance this celebrated battle of the monks and Danes. wordpress.com)
24.07.2023 10:56:13 gen. limited grasp of English ограниченное знание английского языка (He argued his limited grasp of English and his willingness to co-operate with DFO investigators should have been considered, and that it was an honest mistake for him to use his anglicized name on the traps. Instead of the $18,000 in fines, Zhang said he should only have to pay $575 for each of his convictions. nsnews.com)
24.07.2023 8:34:50 formal it is of the utmost importance that чрезвычайно важно, чтобы (It is of the utmost importance that all temporary personnel should know these safety rules.)
24.07.2023 7:44:44 idiom. put to shame заткнуть за пояс (He said Newt would put Obama to shame.)
24.07.2023 7:03:30 cliche. highly sought-after пользующийся большим спросом
24.07.2023 7:03:09 cliche. much sought after пользующийся большим спросом (His works were much sought after as they showed a unique flair for lightness and vivacity of design.)
24.07.2023 7:02:39 cliche. be highly sought-after пользоваться большим спросом (Most suites enjoy this outlook of greenery, which is highly sought-after in this part of Yaletown. – вид на зелёный парк, что само по себе уже пользуется большим спросом)
24.07.2023 5:57:14 gen. one's characteristic attention to отличает внимание к (Isabelle's initial career as a dance teacher at a private school may account for her characteristic attention to line and internal rhythm in her artwork.)
24.07.2023 5:44:47 gen. fast flowing river быстрая река ("They were close to a fast flowing river deep inside thick bush near Gillam, Manitoba. It is believed the two got stuck between the river and an embankment they had climbed down." (North Shore News))
24.07.2023 3:33:05 idiom. give someone the works обрабатывать (пытаясь убедить: I fortified myself with a swig of whatever the stuff was in the bottle and prepared to give her the works. (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.07.2023 3:26:04 inf. rough stuff рукоприкладство ("I am in a position to slip it across the man in no uncertain fashion. If he attempts any rough stuff, I will give him the works." (P.G. Wodehouse) -- Если он прибегнет к рукоприкладству, я ему задам трёпку.)
24.07.2023 3:21:22 gen. violence рукоприкладство (domestic violence – рукоприкладство в семье)
24.07.2023 2:33:34 inf. mad scramble столпотворение (*не только при стечении народа, но относится и к движению толпы*: О бестолковом шуме, беспорядке при большом скоплении народа: "Вниз по улице валил народ, сущее столпотворение, лица, лица и лица, зимние пальто на вате и барашковые шапки, старики, курсистки и дети, путейцы в форме, рабочие… гимназисты и студенты" (Паст.).: Hard to tell from the angle, but I hope that dude [kayaker] is close to shore. Last time I was out there it was absolute chaos at the end, mad scramble to get to dock, motorboats whirring around each other. Not a chance he gets seen with no light. (Reddit))
24.07.2023 2:15:59 inf. Aussies австралийцы (I don’t think there’s much cultural exchange except sending bus loads of Aussies to Whistler. (Reddit))
23.07.2023 10:19:41 idiom. go off one's onion спятить
23.07.2023 10:14:42 idiom. go bananas свихнуться (о животных; в прош. вр.: 'We were on one side of the creek, the creature on the other and our horses went crazy. Roger's little horse just went bananas.' (Bob Gimlin in an interview to Seattle Post, 1985) -- Лошадка Роджера точно свихнулась)
23.07.2023 10:14:21 idiom. go bananas сбрендить (о животных; в прош. вр.: 'We were on one side of the creek, the creature on the other and our horses went crazy. Roger's little horse just went bananas.' (Bob Gimlin in an interview to Seattle Post, 1985) -- Лошадка Роджера как будто сбрендила)
23.07.2023 10:13:56 idiom. go bananas рехнуться (о животных; в прош. вр.: 'We were on one side of the creek, the creature on the other and our horses went crazy. Roger's little horse just went bananas.' (Bob Gimlin in an interview to Seattle Post, 1985) -- Лошадка Роджера как будто рехнулась)

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