
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

3.08.2023 3:32:37 gen. be out of touch with the public оторваться от народа (A 29 per cent raise? The nurses union is clearly out of touch with the public!)
2.08.2023 9:59:25 gen. be consistent with не расходиться с (... ensuring that employment standards are consistent with best practices)
2.08.2023 9:56:19 slang nut case ненормальный, -ая (о человеке: You know what? She's not all reserved and quiet but she's an actual nut case!)
2.08.2023 3:34:02 idiom. put a different spin on придать новую окраску (The phrase "putting a different spin on things" typically means to present something in a new or unique way, often in order to change the perception of it.: The new witness's account has put a completely different spin on the victim's death. -- Рассказ новой свидетельницы придал совершенно новую окраску смерти жертвы.)
2.08.2023 2:06:30 fig. freshen up освежить (You can freshen up the bathroom by replacing the cabinets and painting the walls.)
2.08.2023 2:05:33 inf. beat the heat освежиться (в жару: Police were called to a California home where a bear was discovered taking a dip in the backyard pool to beat the summer heat. The Burbank Police Department posted a video to Facebook showing the bear lounging in a resident's backyard pool amid 92-degree heat. upi.com)
2.08.2023 2:02:25 fig. dive into окунуться (great stories you can dive into)
2.08.2023 1:53:10 inf. swig глотать (обычно спиртное, но применимо даже к молоку: He was swigging brandy with his pals. • In a strange story out of Canada, a realtor has been fined a staggering $20,000 for secretly swigging milk from the refrigerator of a home that he was about to show. coasttocoastam.com)
2.08.2023 1:33:59 gen. proceedings происходящее (применимо в широком смысле: conspicuous by his absence from these proceedings)
2.08.2023 1:31:48 inf. top men руководители ("With the top men now dead, Harold believes his problem is solved." – "The Long Good Friday", Wikipedia)
2.08.2023 1:30:37 polit. people at the top руководители (Originally, there was going to be a congressional panel that was going to look into the JFK assassination, but people at the top, such as LBJ and Hoover, didn't want them digging into certain issues, so instead, the Warren Commission was formed, he detailed. -- люди в руководстве / руководители coasttocoastam.com)
2.08.2023 1:29:25 polit. people at the top верхушка (Originally, there was going to be a congressional panel that was going to look into the JFK assassination, but people at the top, such as LBJ and Hoover, didn't want them digging into certain issues, so instead, the Warren Commission was formed, he detailed. coasttocoastam.com)
2.08.2023 1:27:17 formal further ещё сильнее (To my shock, your son was already 15 feet down the cliff running like a hare. I've never seen anyone run that fast. (...) I proceeded down the cliff after your son but he kept running. Due to my professional SAR training, I stopped running after him out of fear he'd be further scared. So I went back topside and the crew hadn't found your son on the main road. • After JFK was killed, Hoover was pushing the Oswald acted alone theory, which didn't make sense to Kilgallen, especially after Jack Ruby shot him, Shaw recounted. Kilgallen then managed to interview Ruby around the time of his trial, which further enraged Hoover. mysteriousuniverse.org, coasttocoastam.com)
2.08.2023 1:18:24 gen. compile file on sb. собирать досье на кого-л. (He shared his latest research that shows that Dorothy was in extreme danger after learning about internal corruption at the Warren Commission. He reported that J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI had been watching Kilgallen since the 1950s, compiling files on her, and they were particularly concerned about her investigation into Marilyn Monroe's death in 1962. coasttocoastam.com)
2.08.2023 1:07:33 gen. stack up сложить в стопку (arrange a number of things in a pile, typically a neat one: "the books had been stacked up in three piles" (Oxford Dictionary): His Stacked Time theory looks at events in time all happening concurrently-- "You can take each of those moments like a photograph and stack them all up together. And that is your stack of time," he explained. -- складываете их все вместе в стопку coasttocoastam.com)
1.08.2023 10:42:01 busin. maintain a file вести учёт (responsibility to maintain a file containing all public information)
1.08.2023 10:15:21 weld. welded onto приваренный к (there's a steel ball welded onto that cable – приварен к этому кабелю)
1.08.2023 10:12:47 busin. waiver временная отмена условий (The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee may grant waivers to the Code.)
1.08.2023 10:09:29 formal grant предоставить (официальное разрешение, документ, права, лицензию, визу и проч. официальные привилегии)
1.08.2023 10:09:17 formal grant выдать (официальное разрешение, документ, права, лицензию, визу и проч. официальные привилегии)
1.08.2023 10:02:14 gen. involved in business состоящий в деловых отношениях (with – с)
1.08.2023 10:00:19 law covered person затрагиваемое лицо (Сovered Persons – Затрагиваемые лица (- лица, располагающие определённого рода информацией, на которых распространяется действие контракта или корпоративных правил))
1.08.2023 9:55:44 busin. investor relations officer сотрудник по связям с инвесторами
1.08.2023 9:32:15 formal publicly disclosed публично разглашённый (with knowledge of material information that has not been publicly disclosed – располагая публично не разглашённой существенной информацией)
1.08.2023 9:29:58 gen. wish sth. on sb. пожелать кому-л. что-л. (I wouldn't wish that on anyone. – Я такого никому не пожелал бы.)
31.07.2023 10:03:12 fig. go haywire сойти с ума (For between five and eight minutes the instruments and controls went haywire, until the light moved away and disappeared at speed. -- сошли с ума / взбесились (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century")) )
31.07.2023 9:47:29 inf. pull level with поравняться с
31.07.2023 9:44:12 cliche. get a better look at получше разглядеть (The puzzling anomaly presumably went unnoticed when the video was filmed as, unfortunately, the UAV makes no attempt at getting a better look at the mysterious creature in the field. • The group first saw the silently spinning, apparently ring-shaped UFO through the window of the grammar School. According to Beiling: "We saw it through a window from inside the school at first, then we rushed outside to get a better look. We were all pretty excited, and I think there was one who was even quite frightened. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.07.2023 9:31:49 cliche. take a good look хорошо рассмотреть (Four jets went up to investigate 'an ice cream cone topped with red', and one pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, radioed back: 'I'm closing in now to take a good look.' ... (Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") )
31.07.2023 9:20:51 cliche. of that I am positive в этом я совершенно уверен ('It was definitely not an aircraft, of that I am positive. None of us had ever seen anything like it before.' (Anthony Colin, First Officer, British Airways jumbo jet, 22 Apr 1987))
31.07.2023 9:14:32 gen. bring traffic to a standstill остановить движение (The crowd brought traffic to a standstill.)
31.07.2023 8:57:46 real.est. rental demand спрос на арендное жильё (Basement rent nowadays is $2,300, can be as high as $2,500. Rental demand is high. (Reddit))
31.07.2023 8:47:11 gen. is just ... away ехать всего (Sunridge Shopping Centre is just three minutes away by car. – До ... ехать всего три минуты на машине.)
31.07.2023 8:46:37 gen. have a lot to be proud of есть чем гордиться (Two years after he took over as the city's top cop, Supt. Nick Greer has a lot to be proud of.)
31.07.2023 8:43:21 fig. site of pilgrimage место паломничества (Abbey Road is a site of pilgrimage for Beatles fans.)
31.07.2023 8:31:39 formal with knowledge of располагающий информацией (with knowledge of material information – располагая / располагающий существенной информацией)
31.07.2023 7:15:48 poetic out in the freedom of the wild на воле (speaking of animals: This photo was taken in a zoo rather than out in the freedom of the wild.)
31.07.2023 7:01:50 rude stuff one's pie-hole обжираться (with – чем-л.)
31.07.2023 7:00:33 inf. gorge обжираться ("And I think it's simply disgusting, the way he gorges all the time. (...) I found him in the larder at one o'clock this morning, absolutely wallowing in a steak-and-kidney pie. There was hardly any of it left." (P.G. Wodehouse) – как он постоянно обжирается • I always gorge after hockey practice. Can't help it.)
31.07.2023 6:38:43 inf. I feel so bad мне так неудобно (feeling guilty, regretful, or ashamed: I feel so bad!)
31.07.2023 6:38:00 inf. you make me feel bad мне так неудобно ("You make me feel bad." "Why? You're just doing what you have to do, Selma. It's no problem. It's cool." (Straight Time, 1978))
31.07.2023 6:32:07 gen. hurt one's feelings обидеть кого-л. (кого́-л.: You can't do that! You'll hurt her feelings. – Так нельзя делать, ты же ее обидишь.)
31.07.2023 6:30:50 gen. hurt one's feelings обижать кого-л. ("Now Max, I don't want to hurt your feelings but your being around here right now is kind of a bad timing for us." (Straight Time, 1978) -- Макс, не хотелось бы тебя обижать ...)
31.07.2023 6:23:13 inf. hurt страдать (... a study to get a sense of how much our tourism industry is hurting because of the wildfires – насколько сильно пострадала наша туриндустрия)
31.07.2023 4:42:21 gen. is there anything at all? хоть что-нибудь есть? ("I'm sorry to be a problem... I can't drive a car without permission, that's the parole restrictions... I can't handle money... I'm limited in terms of what they allow me to do... Is there anything at all?" (Straight Time, 1978))
31.07.2023 4:29:53 amer. got that? записал? (leaving a message with someone)
31.07.2023 4:28:50 inf. jot down записать (jot down an important phone number)
31.07.2023 4:26:10 amer. I got that записал (принимая сообщение по телефону)
31.07.2023 4:26:10 amer. I got that записала (принимая сообщение по телефону)
31.07.2023 4:14:31 cliche. at one point в какой-то момент (At one point I remember just sort of saying to myself, I have to stop taking drugs but I need support.)
31.07.2023 4:14:09 cliche. at one time or another в какой-то момент (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another.)
31.07.2023 4:13:55 cliche. at one stage в какой-то момент (I confess that at one stage I just gave up. Frankly, I wanted to die. Then I heard my baby's voice and I thought, "I can't do this. I need to live.")
31.07.2023 4:11:31 gen. from the early morning с раннего утра (Diehard fans were here from the early morning waiting to catch a glimpse of their idols.)
31.07.2023 4:09:49 gen. shaggy-looking обросший (He's got shaggy-looking hair.)
31.07.2023 4:09:38 gen. scruffy обросший (A bearded man who says he was arrested by police for looking too scruffy has won an out-of-court settlement from the force after winning a civil suit in September.)
31.07.2023 4:08:13 media. launch a lawsuit подать в суд исковое заявление (against – на: A Hamilton man who says he was injured after stepping onto a rotten stair on a public beach access trail has launched a lawsuit against the municipality.)
31.07.2023 3:47:37 gen. file a suit against sb. подать в суд на кого-л.
31.07.2023 3:47:13 gen. take to court подать в суд на кого-л. (sb. over sth. – на кого-л. за что-л.: An employee of a skilled nursing and rehab center in Illinois is taking his employer to court over mandatory fingerprint scans.)
31.07.2023 3:36:11 law bring a lawsuit against sb. подать в суд на кого-л. (Phil, the young driver has a duty of care to Ellen, the injured pedestrian (and the public) which he breaches by his negligence, and therefore has liability for the pedestrian's injuries, and gives Ellen the right to bring a lawsuit against him.)
31.07.2023 3:12:40 law have liability to sb. for sth. нести ответственность перед кем-л. за что-л. (Phil, the young driver has a duty of care to Ellen, the injured pedestrian (and the public) which he breaches by his negligence, and therefore has liability for the pedestrian's injuries, and gives Ellen the right to bring a lawsuit against him. However, Phil's mother owns the vehicle and she, too, may have liability to Ellen based on a statute which makes a car owner liable for any damages caused by the vehicle he or she owns. -- несёт ответственность за травмы, причинённые пешеходу)
31.07.2023 3:08:17 gen. be responsible to sb. for sth. нести ответственность перед кем-л. за что-л.
31.07.2023 2:54:41 inf. take a shine to приглянуться (She took a shine to this diamond ring. -- Ей приглянулось это кольцо с бриллиантом. • She really took a shine to her new neighbor. (example by Merriam-Webster))
31.07.2023 2:49:29 gen. mushroom gatherer грибник (Even experienced mushroom gatherers can make deadly mistakes.)
31.07.2023 2:40:32 gen. written reprimand выговор в письменной форме (The officer received a written reprimand and had to review the policies surrounding gun use.)
30.07.2023 10:00:20 gen. as strong as getting fired вплоть до увольнения (Under the new policy, nurses refusing vaccinations will face disciplinary actions as strong as getting fired.)
30.07.2023 10:00:09 gen. up to and including discharge вплоть до увольнения (disciplinary actions up to and including discharge)
30.07.2023 9:55:41 idiom. in blunt terms без обиняков (Obama declared in blunt terms that ...)
30.07.2023 9:54:48 gen. safe workplace безопасные условия на рабочем месте (safe workplace free from hazards)
30.07.2023 9:48:07 cliche. spare time найти время ("I think, Watson, that we must spare time to run down together on Saturday morning and make sure that this curious and inclusive investigation has no untoward ending." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
30.07.2023 9:47:39 cliche. make time найти время (I really appreciate you made time for me. – нашли для меня время)
30.07.2023 9:35:25 gen. slanting rays косые лучи (Her hair looked golden in the slanting rays of the setting sun.)
30.07.2023 9:35:05 gen. setting sun заходящее солнце (Her hair looked golden in the slanting rays of the setting sun.)
30.07.2023 9:17:42 fig. dig oneself out of this hole выкарабкаться (из неприятной, сложной ситуации)
30.07.2023 9:15:29 fig. dig oneself out of this hole выбраться из этой ямы (Even if we dig ourselves out of this hole, we will still have a trillion dollar debt and no change in the political climate.)
30.07.2023 9:09:10 commer. top-selling самый раскупаемый (The top-selling brands are are Anna Spinato, Villa Teresa and Lamarca.)
30.07.2023 9:00:27 gen. hold up загораживать проход (Am I holding you up? – Я вам мешаю пройти?)
30.07.2023 8:56:48 law on the basis of Article на основании статьи (Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 (2) (c) of the Treaty on European Union ........)
30.07.2023 8:56:39 law under Article на основании статьи (under Article 11.8 – на основании cтатьи 11.8)
30.07.2023 8:28:24 gen. scratched up поцарапанный (He had basically got off the trail and he just kept moving and thrashing through the bush. The man was in rough shape. He was all scratched up on his legs and his arms. – поцарапаны / расцарапаны руки и ноги)
30.07.2023 8:22:44 cosmet. slim down похудеть ("If you're overweight or obese – and according to national surveys, close to 70 percent of Americans are – you must make the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to slim down." www.livestrong.com)
30.07.2023 8:20:04 gen. make a home feel cozy создавать в доме уют (Curved edges, warm colours and soft fabrics make a home feel cozy.)
30.07.2023 8:19:50 gen. make one's house a home создавать в доме уют (Make your house a home: Adopt a homeless cat from your local SPCA branch.)
30.07.2023 8:19:15 gen. handmade создаваемый вручную (handmade prototypes)
30.07.2023 4:00:56 pets cover загребать (cats: All kitties have to satisfy a need to dig and cover. – загребать за собой)
30.07.2023 3:59:28 disappr. beyond my comprehension уму непостижимо ("Everything is known, Colonel Walter," said Sherlock Holmes. "How an English gentleman could behave in such a manner is beyond my comprehension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.07.2023 3:59:15 disappr. beyond my comprehension за гранью понимания ("Everything is known, Colonel Walter," said Sherlock Holmes. "How an English gentleman could behave in such a manner is beyond my comprehension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.07.2023 3:58:32 sarcast. got all his brains in his face ум на лице у него написан (У него весь ум на лице написан. – He's got all his brains in his face.)
30.07.2023 3:33:32 gen. horticulture crew бригада работников "Горзеленхоза" (аналог муниципальной службы: Rain or shine, our horticulture crew is hard at work keeping the City looking beautiful.)
30.07.2023 3:26:41 gen. be sceptical of скептически относиться к (This behaviour is not typical: Bigfoot has rarely been reported attacking humans, and some researchers are sceptical of the men's claims. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
30.07.2023 3:23:22 gen. construction team бригада строителей (The 8-foot tall bipedal creature was seen by a five-man construction team building a foot bridge over Bear Creek.)
30.07.2023 3:10:28 gen. rip the door off its hinges сорвать дверь с петель (There had already been some unusual activity by an unknown creature, with doors ripped off their hinges, grain barrels interfered with, fences damaged, and screaming heard. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
30.07.2023 3:06:31 gen. dive to the ground упасть на землю (в случае опасности: All three boys are seasoned hunters, but were scared by what they saw, and dived to the ground to watch from there. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
30.07.2023 3:01:35 gen. the nice way по-хорошему (This is not the nice way. But you are not listening. --По-хорошему ты не понимаешь, пришлось по-плохому. Ты же не слушаешь меня.)
29.07.2023 9:24:17 cliche. of that there can be no doubt в этом не может быть сомнений (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 9:21:13 gen. towards в сторону (a view towards downtown -- вид в сторону центра • The creature ran off towards a large swamp after a few moments. -- побежало в сторону / в направлении топи)
29.07.2023 9:11:35 idiom. make one's hair stand up волосы встали дыбом ('Long legs, long arms. It was just like, I would say, like a gorilla, but this here wasn't a gorilla. I'm tellin' ya, it would make your hair stand up.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 9:05:55 gen. shaken up потрясённый (shocked and upset, and unable to think calmly or clearly (Collins Dictionary): 'They appeared to be very shaken up,' said Sheriff Moseley. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- Он были глубоко потрясены / У них был глубоко потрясённый вид)
29.07.2023 8:55:37 gen. block one's way загораживать проезд (Two men on a back road near New Alexandria on 16 May saw a Bigfoot standing near an old bridge, blocking their way. Shouts did not bother it, so one of the men fired twice over its head, and it walked slowly away into the woods. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.07.2023 8:35:09 emph. I would have been better off лучше бы я сделал что-л. (''I'd have been better off if I said long ago that I believe it was a man in a fur suit because I took so much ridicule about it.' (Bob Gimlin in an interview with The Seattle Post Intelligencer, 1985))
29.07.2023 8:29:56 cliche. ongoing далёкий от завершения (We intend to bring our readers an up-to-date picture of these ongoing events. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- познакомить вас с картиной этих далёких от завершения событий, составленную на основании последних данных)

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