
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

14.08.2023 3:30:17 fig. nuisance головная боль (to someone -- для кого-л.: There’s a lot of old narrow roads, not a lot of streetlight at night, and you have idiots that are going more than 60km along these side streets, as if pedestrians don’t exist. They meet at intersections with other drivers and don’t pay attention to stop signs. And what results is a symphony of steady car horns, blaring at each other. Only it’s a nuisance to everyone who lives within proximity. (Reddit.com))
14.08.2023 3:25:24 gen. blare one's horn сигналить как ненормальный (Stop blaring your horns and speeding through residential zones! Sick and tired of obnoxious drivers sitting on their car horns, at all times during the day and sometimes night. You’re taking out your frustrations on neighbourhood dwellers trying to live peacefully. (Reddit))
14.08.2023 3:12:29 rude schmuck дебил (Schmuck, or shmuck, is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish (Yiddish: שמאָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its literal meaning is a vulgar term for a penis: What you have here is a garden-variety asshole. What a schmuck. (видео в ссылке) reddit.com)
14.08.2023 3:03:15 inf. deal drugs продавать наркотики (A friend of mine used to deal drugs. But instead of spending it on flashy clothes and cars he saved the money he made. He used the money for a down payment on a house in Colwood. He then got out of the game and got a job at City Hall.)
14.08.2023 2:56:59 real.est. qualify for a mortgage получить одобрение на ипотеку (A couple earning 200K HHI would only qualify for 800K mortgage.)
14.08.2023 2:50:00 inf. what blows my mind is that меня поражает то, что (What blows my mind with the $1.5mil condo/townhouse is that the strata fees make it like a $1.7mil property. (Reddit))
14.08.2023 2:21:55 real.est. downsize купить квартиру в счёт суммы с продажи дома (The Hampton Square development adds an opportunity for seniors to downsize without leaving their communities. • A land assembly agent told me that when old homes in Vancouver worth $2m get sold in land assembly, the owners get paid out $4-6 million. It's all tax free. They downsize and pay cash for condos. And then give more money to their kids who pay cash for their $1.5m condos. (Reddit))
14.08.2023 2:12:27 gen. obviously ясное дело ("He's building a house in Langley, a three-story mansion with a pool and a stable." "How about a tennis court?" "Obviously.")
14.08.2023 2:11:58 cliche. it makes sense ясное дело ("I was talking to a mortgage broker and the first thing he asked us is if we’re getting money from our parents to buy. I only know two couples that didn’t get any money from parents to buy their properties. So my answer is parents." "It makes sense. A lot of parents will have owned a home here and are probably at the age of downsizing. Rather than hold their profits, many parents will give a loan or an 'advance' on the kids inheritance to help them get a start in this ridiculous market." (Reddit))
14.08.2023 2:11:58 cliche. it makes sense конечно ("I was talking to a mortgage broker and the first thing he asked us is if we’re getting money from our parents to buy. I only know two couples that didn’t get any money from parents to buy their properties. So my answer is parents." "It makes sense. A lot of parents will have owned a home here and are probably at the age of downsizing. Rather than hold their profits, many parents will give a loan or an 'advance' on the kids inheritance to help them get a start in this ridiculous market." (Reddit))
14.08.2023 1:55:27 hist. civic upheaval смута (Howe joined Ian Punnett to discuss the last of these eras, the fourth turning, which he describes as a period of civic upheaval and national mobilization as traumatic and transformative as the New Deal and World War II, the Civil War, or the American Revolution. coasttocoastam.com)
14.08.2023 1:52:53 gen. move in cycles двигаться циклично (Twenty-five years ago, Neil Howe suggested a provocative new theory of American history. Looking back at the last 500 years, he uncovered a distinct pattern: modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras, or "turnings," that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. coasttocoastam.com)
14.08.2023 1:48:18 cliche. be coming along продвигаться (Note: used in the progressive tense: How's the kitchen renovation coming along? – Как там ремонт кухни, продвигается понемногу? • How's the blog coming along? – Как там (продвигается) твой блог? • How's the project coming along? – Как продвигается работа над проектом?)
14.08.2023 0:06:48 gen. well-observed неизменно соблюдаемый (The visitor driving north from Ronaldsway Airport should remember to salute the 'little people' when crossing the tiny Ballaglanner Bridge near Douglas. It is a well-observed local custom. (The AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
13.08.2023 10:13:20 gen. bold taste крепкий вкус (This honey is known for its bold taste.)
13.08.2023 9:39:09 invest. majority of shares большинство акций (in a company – компании: A majority shareholder doesn't own the company, he only owns a majority of shares in that company.)
13.08.2023 9:24:09 polygr. stitching сшивание (метод)
13.08.2023 3:46:54 modern network знакомые (Myself and most of my network are from here. We’re able to stay in Vancouver due to a combination of family wealth and well-paying jobs. I can't imagine how tight money would be having to raise kids or pay rent in this city. -- Я и большинство моих знакомых (Reddit))
13.08.2023 3:41:14 gen. from here местный (I'm from here. My family has been in Ontario since 1911 on my dad's side and 1890’s from my moms' side. -- Я местный.)
13.08.2023 3:33:51 rude suck вызывать отвращение (US usage, informal, rude: be very bad, disagreeable, or disgusting (Oxford Dictionary): Sickening, just fleeing and leaving her there to possibly die alone on the road. I hope they are caught and put away for the maximum time allowed under the law! Car culture sucks. The enablers of car culture need to pay for their arrogance. (Twitter) – отвратительна • "Live in East Van now. Beautiful city but the people suck. Looking forward to moving away." "Why do the people suck?" (Reddit) -- но люди тут отвратительные • I love Vancouver but the weather sucks. -- погода здесь отвратительная)
13.08.2023 2:22:26 inf. cheesy потешный (US usage; напр., о фильме -- из-за низкого качества постановки, наивности сюжета и пр.: Mr. Lobo described his favorite kind of films as "late night misunderstood movies," such as Invasion of the Saucer Men or the classic Godzilla franchise. "I love a good cheesy sci-fi movie... anything with guys in monster suits or model flying saucers," he said. coasttocoastam.com)
13.08.2023 2:12:43 inf. cheesy приевшийся (Are you going to wear the Elvis costume? Oh man, that's cheesy! Can't you think of something else? – Это так всем уже приелось! Больше ничего придумать не можешь?)
12.08.2023 10:02:03 gen. unmistakably вне всякого сомнения ("Not only was he devastatingly handsome, he had a style all his own. The way he walked and talked and moved was unmistakably Cary Grant. (Carrie Dolan, the Wall Street Journal))
12.08.2023 8:34:19 gen. get around перемещаться (по городу, местности: False Creek Ferries is a great way to get around in Vancouver.)
12.08.2023 8:06:18 gen. got caught in a downpour застал ливень (I had planned a nice bike ride to work. Sure, it was cloudy when I left home, but then I got caught in a downpour just as I rode into downtown!)
12.08.2023 5:26:25 account. up from the year prior больше по сравнению с предыдущим годом (обычно в процентном выражении: Earlier this year, the company said it had remitted more than $67 million in tax to the province last year, up about 70 per cent from the year prior. globalnews.ca)
12.08.2023 5:19:56 busin. highly profitable высокоприбыльный (Tom Davidoff, an associate professor of economics at UBC’s Sauder School of Business, said it’s unsurprising that property owners are drawn to the short-term rental business model, which can be highly profitable. globalnews.ca)
12.08.2023 4:45:32 gen. unmistakably неоспоримо ("Not only was he devastatingly handsome, he had a style all his own. The way he walked and talked and moved was unmistakably Cary Grant. (Carrie Dolan, the Wall Street Journal))
12.08.2023 4:05:12 cliche. be assigned получить задание (A few years ago, Carrie Dolan, a bright young reporter for the Wall Street Journal, was assigned to interview Carrie Grant, who was in the San Francisco area for one of his rare lecture appearances. (Abigail Van Buren) -- получила задание взять интервью)
12.08.2023 4:01:08 cliche. bright young person способный молодой человек или девушка (a bright young reporter for the Wall Street Journal)
12.08.2023 3:23:36 gen. for the purposes of keeping it simple для простоты дальнейшего изложения материала (For the purposes of keeping it simple, we've broken down all of those vehicle choices into nine major categories covering all of the basic types of vehicles from coupes to full-size sedans to crossover SUVs. caranddriver.com)
12.08.2023 3:16:41 cliche. it's easy to see why легко понять, почему (It’s easy to see why this waterfront lot is valued so highly.)
12.08.2023 2:55:49 cliche. in short supply в недостаточном количестве (обычно в сочетании с be: Kim Grout, CEO at the provincial Agricultural Land Commission, said that she understands the need for more industrial land, but acknowledged that agricultural land is also in short supply. -- имеется в недостаточном количестве castanet.net)
12.08.2023 2:42:33 cliche. easy fix простое решение (проблемы:: There's an easy fix, which is ensuring that there's adequate funding.)
12.08.2023 2:42:12 cliche. simple fix простое решение (проблемы: Metro Vancouver’s industrial land squeeze is no secret, but the pain it is expected to cause is becoming harder to manage. With no simple fixes in sight, the stakes are rising for Canada’s largest port – and the local and national economies it supports. castanet.net)
12.08.2023 1:19:44 fig. untangle the entire criminal chain разматывать всю преступную цепочку (Не верю что подобные махинации как у этой женщины обошлись без взяток. Надо разматывать всю цепочку. Кому заносила, сколько, кто покрывал. sevastopol.su)
12.08.2023 0:50:27 yacht. motorboat operator водитель моторной лодки (MOCC – Motorboat Operator Certification Course COURSE SESSION NOTE: The Motorboat Operator Certification Course is scheduled through the Regional Watercraft Safety Coordinators. • Водитель моторной лодки насмерть сбил ныряльщика в море у берегов Крыма. Трагический случай произошёл в районе одного из пляжей Евпатории: моторная лодка наехала на мужчину, плававшего на глубине с маской. fws.gov, sevastopol.su)
12.08.2023 0:43:25 law legal counsel юридический советник ("legal counsel" means any person qualified, in accordance with the laws of a province, to give legal advice; [Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 2, S.C. 2004, c. 25, s. 7(7).] justice.gc.ca)
11.08.2023 9:02:52 gen. commission charged взимаемые комиссионные
11.08.2023 7:59:34 cliche. go on the rampage громить (A gang of teens went on the rampage at the mall and there wasn't a police officer in sight. – стали громить)
11.08.2023 7:57:29 inf. playing around измены ("I wasn't faithful to Jenny: she knew this yet she stayed with me. Funnily enough, it was only when I stopped all the playing around that she left me.." (Michael Winner) – когда я перестал ей изменять)
11.08.2023 7:56:48 cliche. fool around on one's wife изменять жене ("Look, Ted is a very high-maintenance guy," says a long-time girlfriend of Fonda's from Los Angeles. "He is known for loving-the-one-you're-with syndrome, and fooling around on his wives." (Vanity Fair))
11.08.2023 7:52:44 media. hit обрушиться (New Brunswick was hit with over 40 mm of rain last night. – обрушилось. • It was a major disaster: many people lost their lives, winds of more than 145 miles per hour were recorded, and there was massive, widespread damage across the region. It was one of the worst disasters to hit the country in centuries. – обрушилось на страну)
11.08.2023 7:48:11 cliche. what do you care? а вам какая разница? ("Too many people who don’t belong here, foreign born.... Hong Kong, India, China, Iran, Taiwan, Korea, Africa..... and they keep coming. We were never asked." "What do you care where somebody is born?")
11.08.2023 7:47:48 cliche. what do you care? а вам-то что за дело? ("Too many people who don’t belong here, foreign born.... Hong Kong, India, China, Iran, Taiwan, Korea, Africa..... and they keep coming. We were never asked." "What do you care where somebody is born?" )
11.08.2023 2:39:12 gen. pummel громить (The artillery pummeled the fleet. ... Meanwhile, the other ships were being pummeled. (Wikipedia))
11.08.2023 2:33:54 gen. pummel колотить (to hit someone or something repeatedly, esp. with your fists: The yam is boiled, and, when cooled, pummeled into a mush to be eaten.(Wikipedia) • She hates watching boxers pummel and be pummeled in the ring. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- как боксёры колотят друг друга • The matted fabric was pummeled and boiled repeatedly, resulting in a shrunken and thickened felt. (Wikipedia))
10.08.2023 11:46:01 cliche. see? that wasn't too bad, was it? вот видишь, ничего страшного (после благополучного завершения чего-л. рискованного)
10.08.2023 11:38:01 gen. sprinkled припорошённый (Have you seen Paris sprinkled with a light dusting of snow? It's pure magic. -- чуть припорошённый снежком)
10.08.2023 11:26:25 gen. take the weight off one's feet дать ногам отдохнуть (Now I'm going to add my one negative comment about Venice, and it's the thing we found out as we wandered through the city: there doesn't appear to be any public benches, anywhere you can just sit down, take in the view, or just take the weight off your feet. (YouTube))
10.08.2023 11:20:02 gen. give one's feet a rest дать ногам отдохнуть (Those who want to give their feet a rest can take in the sights by catching a tram offering a free tour of the city.)
10.08.2023 11:15:39 cliche. did you know that ...? известно ли вам, что ...? ("that" is often left out in informal speech: "Did you know there are only four bridges that cross the Grand Canal in Venice?" "Interesting.")
10.08.2023 11:05:41 cliche. get busy заполняться (людьми или машинами: Now this beautiful beach does get a little busy at times, so head out early with your towel and pick your spot. • The Oak Street Bridge is getting busier due to an earlier crash at Sea Island Way, so take the Knight Street Bridge instead if you're heading south. • "Isn't it crowded?" "Well yes, it can get busy, especially in and around St Mark's Square." -- многолюдно)
10.08.2023 10:12:49 law, contr. Second Party с другой стороны (... and BB, herein referred to as the "Second Party"...)
10.08.2023 10:08:58 gen. opposite с другой стороны (With your right hand, reach towards the opposite foot, that is your left foot.)
10.08.2023 10:01:14 neol. whistle-blower служащий, сообщающий о нарушениях или злоупотреблениях (в фирме или в государственном учреждении)
10.08.2023 9:58:32 gen. make a derogatory remark пренебрежительно высказаться (about – по поводу)
10.08.2023 9:48:24 cliche. go about it действовать (We support the goal of ending speculation in the real estate market, but are not sure the government is going about it the right way. – не уверены, что власти действуют правильно в этом направлении)
10.08.2023 9:18:02 gen. file продвигаться (The line slowly filed inside the first government cannabis store. – Очередь медленно продвигалась ...)
10.08.2023 9:15:54 gen. file личное дело (The client number shown on the front of this document is your personal identification number. This number provides access to the information on your file. – доступ к информации в Вашем личном деле)
10.08.2023 9:11:34 law null and void лишённый юридической силы
10.08.2023 8:59:15 busin. conduct business заниматься коммерческой деятельностью (I just finished an article on The Atlantic that discussed the migration away from coastal cities to cheaper real estate because telecommunications and COVID have/will revolutionize the way business, and thus work itself, is conducted. (Twitter))
10.08.2023 8:51:48 formal raise awareness вести разъяснительную работу (of – по поводу)
10.08.2023 8:39:03 inf. pickle заковыка (a pronunciation pickle)
10.08.2023 8:38:19 inf. pickle закавыка (a pronunciation pickle)
10.08.2023 8:33:11 busin. externally для внешнего пользования
10.08.2023 7:22:39 idiom. late in the game поздно (It just seems a bit late in the game to raise this issue. You should have told us before the project was launched. – уже поздно об этом заводить разговор)
10.08.2023 7:18:36 formal not in compliance with не соответствующий ("The Department shall replace donated foods received by distributing or recipient agencies that are stale, spoiled, out of condition, or not in compliance with specifications when: ....." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13 )
10.08.2023 7:17:04 formal be not in compliance with не соответствовать ("The Department shall replace donated foods received by distributing or recipient agencies that are stale, spoiled, out of condition, or not in compliance with specifications when: ....." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13)
10.08.2023 3:07:48 gen. scrub sth. clean отчистить (модель [scrub + obj + adj ] -- от грязи, накипи и т.п.: He scrubbed the old saucepan clean, and it looked as good as new. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- отчистил кастрюлю)
10.08.2023 2:56:22 gen. harsh environment негостеприимная природа (The plants they harvested were suited to Australia’s harsh environment; drought- and pest-resistant, bush foods typically don’t require the amount of land, fertilizers or irrigation that introduced foods do. • Низкорослый, большей частью темноволосый кельт с пылающими внутренним огнем глазами сильно отличается от пришлых саксов. Но негостеприимная природа и история, полная бурь, придали его чертам своеобразное выражение мрачности и страдания. vk.com, smithsonianmag.com)
10.08.2023 2:48:53 gen. hone one's knowledge совершенствовать свои знания (Aboriginal people have honed this knowledge over the roughly 65,000 years that they have occupied the mainland. According to Bruce Pascoe’s book Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the Birth of Agriculture, they didn’t just hunt and gather; by the time British colonists arrived, Indigenous people were “in the early stages of an agricultural society” that included farming and aquaculture. smithsonianmag.com)
10.08.2023 2:45:34 gen. pluck a piece of fruit from a tree сорвать плод с дерева (As Locock explains, harvesting bush foods isn’t a simple case of plucking a piece of fruit from a tree. In addition to necessitating an understanding of seasonality and growth cycles, bush foods may require unique processing and preparation, such as wild yams and cycad seeds, both of which are toxic unless first leached in water. smithsonianmag.com)
9.08.2023 10:02:22 humor. pack a hefty punch способный заехать изо всей силы (A pang of pity for the stricken officer passed through me. Orlo, as I have said, was well nourished, and Vanessa was one of those large girls who pack a hefty punch. A cop socked by both of them would have entertained no doubt as to his having been in a fight. (P.G. Wodehouse) • ...во время съёмки заехать изо всей силы прикладом винтовки... (vaschilin.blogspot.com))
9.08.2023 9:57:24 vulg. a load of BS полное фуфло (His book is a load of BS!)
9.08.2023 7:28:41 cliche. have a sense of character разбираться в людях (As an insurance fraud investigator, you must have a sense of character. -- хорошо разбираться в людях )
9.08.2023 2:38:51 UK rented home съёмный дом (Tony Garnett, 30, claims he has thrown out Sofiia Karkadym, 22, after accusing her of not being able to handle alcohol and using a knife to damage a wall at their rented home. dailymail.co.uk)
11.06.2024 3:03:19 real.est. home квартира (применяется в этом значении, если речь идёт о многоквартирном проекте / здании: The federal government has announced it will fund the construction of 422 rental homes in three projects in Vancouver, including a six-storey multi-use apartment building by Wesgroup.)
9.08.2023 1:58:37 build.struct. fierce competition for developable land жёсткая конкуренция за землю под строительство (***нужно изменить название категории на Residential (construction)***: I’d agree but put more of the blame on municipal zoning than on developers in this case. When there is comparatively little land zoned for development, competition for developable land is fierce, and it makes financial sense for developers to build as tall as they possibly can to recoup the costs of outbidding other developers for that land. (Reddit))
9.08.2023 1:47:31 soc.med. flurry of social media posts буря в соцсетях (шаблон, описывающий реакцию в социальных сетях: Flaming debris was seen blazing across the night sky in Melbourne on Monday, sparking a flurry of social media posts questioning if it was a meteor. -- вызвали бурю в соцсетях bbc.com)
9.08.2023 1:28:34 cliche. reach the conclusion прийти к заключению (that ... – что ...: This becomes more evident when listened to at a slower speed, Nelson pointed out, noting that there are distinct inflections at certain junctures, as in a question and answer. He reached the conclusion that the recordings were not hoaxed, as the sounds, at times, were both above and below the capability of the human vocal range. -- пришёл к заключению, что coasttocoastam.com)
9.08.2023 1:24:56 morph. conversational characteristics речевые характеристики (When Nelson first heard the Sierra Sounds (listen to one labeled "Fast Talk"), he immediately recognized them as language, as they had many of the conversational characteristics of human dialogue, with various sounds articulated like syllables, sentences, and utterances. This becomes more evident when listened to at a slower speed, Nelson pointed out, noting that there are distinct inflections at certain junctures, as in a question and answer. coasttocoastam.com)
8.08.2023 9:49:41 cliche. make all the difference иметь решающее значение (During periods of bad weather, when a late spring or early fall snow covers flowering plants and stops insect activity, and when a vagrant hummingbird shows up in winter at a nectar feeder, a clean feeder filled with fresh nectar can make all the difference for a bird’s survival. – имеет решающее значение для выживания птички)
8.08.2023 9:41:37 adv. on the market имеющийся в продаже (We have always sought to offer the highest-quality and most unique products on the market.)
8.08.2023 9:36:31 gen. tie into иметь отношение к (And how does the victim's criminal record tie into that? – А как с этим связано уголовное прошлое жертвы? А какое к этому имеет отношение уголовное прошлое жертвы?)
8.08.2023 8:14:18 trav. face cloth полотенце для лица (I need a face cloth and a towel, please.)
8.08.2023 8:11:08 fin. deposit cash into one's bank account положить наличные в банк (depositing $90,000 cash into your bank account)
8.08.2023 8:09:37 invest. financial performance положительный финансовый результат деятельности (предприятия: Rex Mining won't agree to the deal because investors are looking for some financial performance and the margins are still quite low. • Целью коммерческой организации является извлечение прибыли, то есть получение положительного финансового результата деятельности предприятия. glavkniga.ru)
8.08.2023 8:08:14 invest. financial performance положительный финансовый результат деятельности (предприятия: Целью коммерческой организации является извлечение прибыли, то есть получение положительного финансового результата деятельности предприятия. glavkniga.ru)
8.08.2023 7:23:33 gen. take a series of photos сделать несколько фотоснимков (... However after taking a series of photos at the entrance to the cave and viewing them on my computer I found on the last shot a strange mist that I could not see when I took the photo. My friend told this could be ectoplasm. No doubt there must be some spirits around, in his view.)
8.08.2023 5:29:46 gen. grow profusely густо разростись (о кустарнике: Because of the vegetation which grows profusely along the edge of the precipice and overhangs it, it makes it difficult to see where the edge of the drop starts. Luckily the squire must have been near to one of the narrower sections of the chasm and was able to leap across the intervening gap on his horse, unfortunately his hounds were not so lucky and many of them fell to their deaths on the rocky floor of the chasm fifty feet below. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 5:29:46 gen. grow profusely обильно разростись (о кустарнике: Because of the vegetation which grows profusely along the edge of the precipice and overhangs it, it makes it difficult to see where the edge of the drop starts. Luckily the squire must have been near to one of the narrower sections of the chasm and was able to leap across the intervening gap on his horse, unfortunately his hounds were not so lucky and many of them fell to their deaths on the rocky floor of the chasm fifty feet below. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 4:55:01 hunt. be out hunting on horseback with one's pack of hounds охотиться верхом с собаками (Ludchurch in the past has been known locally as Trafford’s Leap, the reason it acquired this name was due to the fact that the old Squire of Swythamley, Sir Philip Trafford, was out hunting on horseback with his pack of hounds when to his dismay he strayed too close to the edge of Ludchurch. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 4:48:31 gen. one who has an imaginative mind одарённый богатым воображением (In fact the statue was actually the figure head off a ship he owned, the H.M.S Swythamley, it seems that Sir Philip was not only an astute business man but also was blessed with an imaginative mind. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 4:04:59 gen. gain one's name брать своё название (from – от: This ancient road ends at a place called Castle cliffs, which gains its name from the fact that the rocks when viewed from a certain angle resemble the fortifications of a castle. -- берёт своё название от ... wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 4:01:46 gen. that was a weak one! слабенько! (in competition sports)
8.08.2023 4:00:35 inf. wishy-washy слабенький (критически о неодушевлённых сущ.: a wishy-washy movie, a wishy-washy article)
8.08.2023 3:58:22 gen. charge an entrance fee взимать плату за вход (Sir Philip Brocklehurst who owned nearby Swythamley hall and also the land that Ludchurch can be found on exploited this natural landmark by turning it into a famous tourist attraction in the late 1800s. He had a gate fitted to the entrance of Ludchurch where a member of his staff would charge visitors a halfpenny entrance fee, in fact this was quite beneficial to the local community as farmers decked out their horse drawn wagons with their best linen and collected tourists from Leek railway station bringing them up through a purpose made road which even today can still be seen. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 3:58:09 gen. charge an entrance fee брать плату за вход (Sir Philip Brocklehurst who owned nearby Swythamley hall and also the land that Ludchurch can be found on exploited this natural landmark by turning it into a famous tourist attraction in the late 1800s. He had a gate fitted to the entrance of Ludchurch where a member of his staff would charge visitors a halfpenny entrance fee, in fact this was quite beneficial to the local community as farmers decked out their horse drawn wagons with their best linen and collected tourists from Leek railway station bringing them up through a purpose made road which even today can still be seen. wordpress.com)
8.08.2023 3:46:16 rude who gives a shit? никого не волнует (about sth.: Another driver raised his fists above his head while yelling, “Who gives a shit about climate change?” adding, “You’ve made your picture, you’ve made your point. Now get the f*** out of here.” -- Всем на***ть на изменение климата! • Who gives a shit? nsnews.com)

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