
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.08.2023 10:03:44 formal by circumstance по стечению обстоятельств ("sustain major damage by chance or circumstance")
17.08.2023 10:02:46 gen. hand wash постирать руками (Be sure to hand wash you sheepskin gently.)
17.08.2023 9:24:57 cliche. draw on expertise and experience опираться на знания и опыт (Johnston Homes draws on expertise and extensive experience of its entire team of architects, designers and building professionals.)
17.08.2023 9:24:13 cliche. draw on one's years of experience опираться на многолетний опыт (drawing on our years of experience in art book design)
17.08.2023 4:07:20 cliche. hard to tell from the picture трудно сказать по фотографии (Hard to tell from the pictures, but does it look like smoke or a cloud? Fingers crossed it's a massive, fast developing cloud... (Reddit))
17.08.2023 3:54:21 gen. prepare step-by-step постепенно готовить (Rollins pondered why so much focus has been on UFO and UAP revelations recently. He thinks the government might be preparing us, step-by-step, for the release of some astounding news down the line. coasttocoastam.com)
17.08.2023 3:54:21 gen. prepare step-by-step постепенно подготавливать (Rollins pondered why so much focus has been on UFO and UAP revelations recently. He thinks the government might be preparing us, step-by-step, for the release of some astounding news down the line. coasttocoastam.com)
17.08.2023 3:47:31 fig. backed by опирающийся на (The idea that octopuses may have had a non-terrestrial evolutionary pathway is also explored in his book. Such a concept is backed by a research paper proposing the theory that octopuses, squid, and other related creatures could have evolved from the cosmic seeding of our planet by extraterrestrial retroviruses during the Cambrian Explosion over 500 million years ago. -- опирается на ... coasttocoastam.com)
17.08.2023 3:11:53 gen. sell at auction продать на аукционе (Despite being told the painting would sell for up to $1m or more at auction, Mr Nickl and the family have decided to donate the piece to the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra in honour of grandparents Joe and Josie. • Everything You Need To Know About Selling At Auction • How to sell at auction – Selling at auction can be a great way to get the best value. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 3:04:17 cliche. have second thoughts засомневаться (to start having doubts about a decision you have made (Longman Dictionary): While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. The award-winning pastry chef from the NSW Southern Highlands originally planned to give away the paintings to charity. But he had second thoughts and approached his neighbour, leading Australian artist Ben Quilty, who 'begrudgingly' agreed to look at the collection. -- засомневался, стоит ли это делать и обратился к соседу dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 3:02:36 cliche. have second thoughts вовремя одуматься (While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. The award-winning pastry chef from the NSW Southern Highlands originally planned to give away the paintings to charity. But he had second thoughts and approached his neighbour, leading Australian artist Ben Quilty, who 'begrudgingly' agreed to look at the collection. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 3:02:36 cliche. have second thoughts вовремя опомниться (While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. The award-winning pastry chef from the NSW Southern Highlands originally planned to give away the paintings to charity. But he had second thoughts and approached his neighbour, leading Australian artist Ben Quilty, who 'begrudgingly' agreed to look at the collection. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 2:56:52 gen. clean out the property избавляться от хлама (While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 2:56:52 gen. clean out the property выбрасывать старые вещи (While cleaning out the property following the recent death of his father, Mr Nickl came across his grandparents' beloved art collection. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 2:51:19 fig. lay the foundation заложить основу (for sth. – чего-л.: The video game industry in this city has laid the foundation for a thriving VR / AR industry.)
17.08.2023 2:50:38 gen. form the basis заложить основу (Darwin’s theories formed the basis for modern scientific thought.)
17.08.2023 2:49:03 fig. pioneering положивший начало (Mr Nickl had no idea of the well-known painting's significance or that it was a lost gem by pioneering Australian artist Freda Robertshaw from the 1940s. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 2:49:03 fig. pioneering заложивший основы (Mr Nickl had no idea of the well-known painting's significance or that it was a lost gem by pioneering Australian artist Freda Robertshaw from the 1940s. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 2:05:56 gen. be hung up висеть (о картине: A national treasure of a painting that was unknowingly hung up in a family home for decades will be donated to a museum for all Australians to enjoy. dailymail.co.uk)
17.08.2023 1:59:22 gen. begrudgingly без особого желания (The award-winning pastry chef from the NSW Southern Highlands originally planned to give away the paintings to charity. But he had second thoughts and approached his neighbour, leading Australian artist Ben Quilty, who 'begrudgingly' agreed to look at the collection. -- без особого желания / неохотно согласился dailymail.co.uk)
16.08.2023 9:01:53 idiom. set one's hair on fire паниковать (Don't set your hair on fire over this.)
16.08.2023 8:45:36 gen. cluster очаг ("Paulides has identified 59 clusters of people missing on federal wildlands in the U.S. and southern Canada. To qualify as a cluster, there must be at least four cases (...)" "How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace", by Jon Billman)
16.08.2023 8:35:24 gen. prey on охотиться на (Coyotes prey on domestic cats and small dogs.)
16.08.2023 3:52:56 idiom. have a rocky start не заладиться с самого начала (Hullo Ferries is having a rocky start. The new private ferry company started its service just this Monday but has already cancelled all of its sailings on Tuesday due to strong wind warnings from Environment Canada. • Саммит ЕС-CELAC не заладился с самого начала ... дело у Брюсселя с самого начала не заладилось. twitter.com, pravda.ru)
16.08.2023 3:47:09 inf. breeze through customs быстро пройти таможенный досмотр (Do you know how to breeze through customs at airports across Canada? (Twitter))
16.08.2023 3:12:48 abbr. LL хозяин (дома/квартиры, сдаваемого в аренду = Landlord: LL wants to replace floor but refuses to pay for move or replacement accommodations)
16.08.2023 2:54:13 trav. sweeping views панорамные виды (The trees, the picnic area, the Horizons restaurant, the totem poles, the sweeping views over the city. There's much to love about Eagle Mountain. • The $12m lot on the western edge of Bellevue Avenue has steep sections that lead to Salmon Creek and Bear Lake and offers sweeping views of the Rocky Mountains. -- с него открываются панорамные виды на Скалистые горы)
16.08.2023 2:46:27 trav. sweeping views широкая панорама (The trees, the picnic area, the Horizons restaurant, the totem poles, the sweeping views over the city. There's much to love about Eagle Mountain. -- открывается широкая панорама)
16.08.2023 2:32:49 cliche. be on the hunt for охотиться за (Wildlife officials in Oklahoma are on the hunt for a mysterious creature that they believe to be an out-of-place coatimundi that somehow found its way into the state. coasttocoastam.com)
16.08.2023 2:30:35 fig. stir up разворошить (With that in mind, Halliday went on to warn that the extensive event, which could see hundreds of people plant themselves around the iconic site looking for the famed cryptid that weekend, may "be stirring up a whirlpool of evil," though what form that might take is anyone's guess. coasttocoastam.com)
16.08.2023 2:29:16 fig. stir up разжигать
16.08.2023 2:15:47 cliche. try and sentence судить и приговорить (Lancaster Castle: Ten witches were tried and sentenced here in 1612, then imprisoned in the dungeons until the day appointed for their execution on the nearby Gallows Hill. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.08.2023 2:04:30 gen. favourite spot излюбленное место (for someone – кого-л.: The huge pool beneath the bridge is full of salmon and a favourite spot for aqualung divers. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.08.2023 2:01:35 gen. aqualung diver аквалангист (The huge pool beneath the bridge is full of salmon and a favourite spot for aqualung divers. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
15.08.2023 10:55:39 gen. digest food переваривать пищу (You need cholesterol to digest food. It's so important, your body makes up to 80 per cent of the cholesterol it needs.)
15.08.2023 10:54:23 cook. overcook переварить (It is very important not to overcook collard greens.)
15.08.2023 10:53:08 contempt. let him eat cake обойдётся
15.08.2023 10:45:01 cliche. you can't get there from here ничего не выйдет (Sorry, you can't get there from here. – Ничего у вас не выйдет.)
15.08.2023 9:53:59 cliche. for a while какое-то время (I think I'll stay with Hiroshi and Julia for a while. –- какое-то время поживу у … • I think I'll try a different toothpaste for a while. -- какое-то время буду пользоваться ...)
15.08.2023 8:53:02 cliche. stay the exact same нисколько не измениться (How has Vancouver changed over the past 10-20 years? It's stayed the exact same. I still can't afford the things I couldn't afford 10 years ago, despite 10 years worth of wage increases.)
15.08.2023 8:45:02 idiom. drive up the wall вывести из себя
15.08.2023 8:44:40 gen. jar вывести из себя (to make someone unstable or loose: She was trying to jar me, make me mad. – она старалась вывести меня из себя, разозлить меня)
15.08.2023 8:42:22 idiom. get under someone's skin вывести из себя (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 8:42:22 idiom. get under someone's skin досадить кому-л. (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 8:42:22 idiom. get under someone's skin разозлить (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 8:42:22 idiom. get under someone's skin обозлить (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 8:42:22 idiom. get under someone's skin рассердить (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 8:25:17 idiom. on a shoestring budget при минимальном бюджете (I did all my globetrotting on a shoestring budget at that time.)
15.08.2023 7:32:56 cliche. I get why я понимаю, почему (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:32:04 cliche. I get why мне понятно, почему (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:27:25 gen. working-class people трудящиеся (Depends on your definition of worse. Crime and social disorder was worse in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Biggest differences are especially outside of downtown. Working-class people could afford to live here though. Sense of community is destroyed and lots of people would be homeless if it weren't for the few co-ops and subsidized housing left in the city. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:27:25 gen. working-class people трудовой люд (Depends on your definition of worse. Crime and social disorder was worse in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Biggest differences are especially outside of downtown. Working-class people could afford to live here though. Sense of community is destroyed and lots of people would be homeless if it weren't for the few co-ops and subsidized housing left in the city. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:27:25 gen. working-class people пролетариат (Depends on your definition of worse. Crime and social disorder was worse in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Biggest differences are especially outside of downtown. Working-class people could afford to live here though. Sense of community is destroyed and lots of people would be homeless if it weren't for the few co-ops and subsidized housing left in the city. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:16:51 gen. working-class пролетарский (It really was a working class city. Now it’s just insanely expensive. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 7:14:08 gen. hard-core alcoholic запойный пьяница (My uncle was a hard core alcoholic who was divorced and lived in a cheap rooming house. I remember going with my mom to check on him and take him food. He lived in some pretty scary places. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 4:24:25 cliche. take it away! твоя очередь! (сигнал музыкантам: Take it away guys! – Начинайте, ребята! • передавая микрофон другому ведущему на радио: Now the sports with John Fitzgerald -- take it away, Johnny!)
15.08.2023 4:20:41 cliche. run the household заниматься домом (о неработающей женщине: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 4:18:57 cliche. work a blue-collar job работать на заводе, фабрике, лесопилке и т.п. (Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 4:17:13 cliche. work a blue-collar job работать на промышленном предприятии (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 4:14:52 cliche. work a blue-collar job работать на производстве (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:38:05 inf. beat the crap out of someone отметелить (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:38:05 inf. beat the crap out of someone отколошматить (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:38:05 inf. beat the crap out of someone навешать тумаков (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone отлупить (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone навалять (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone навешать люлей (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone отрихтовать (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone пересчитать зубы (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:35:02 inf. beat the crap out of someone отмордовать (Everyone's dad worked a blue collar job and had a drinking problem in the 60's and 70's, so kids would avoid going home and hang out in parks. Not doing nice things like playing volleyball. Nope, beating the crap out of anyone crazy enough to enter the park! (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:18:34 real.est. today's rates ставки по ипотеке на данный момент (Do you have a huge down-payment? A $1000 a month mortgage payment would only get you about $160,000 for a 30 year mortgage at today's rates. Add on condo fees, taxes, expenses. Unless you have more than $350,000 to put down you will not come anywhere near breaking even renting out an investment property. -- при нынешним ставкам по ипотеке / по ипотечным кредитам (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:18:34 real.est. today's rates процентные ставки по ипотечным кредитам на данный момент (Do you have a huge down-payment? A $1000 a month mortgage payment would only get you about $160,000 for a 30 year mortgage at today's rates. Add on condo fees, taxes, expenses. Unless you have more than $350,000 to put down you will not come anywhere near breaking even renting out an investment property. -- при нынешним ставкам по ипотеке / по ипотечным кредитам (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:07:20 gen. on top вдобавок ещё что-л. (At $1000/m, your home is likely in the $200-300k range. Where exactly in Мetro Vancouver would you find that? Then there's strata fees and property tax on top. So your break even is $1500 or so on rent. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:05:11 cliche. is that even worth it? стоит ли оно того? (I don't know if I would want to buy outright, but maybe put enough of a downpayment to have a mortgage somewhere around 1,000/month....but again, with the rates, is that even worth it? -- Вообще, стоит ли оно того? (Reddit))
15.08.2023 3:01:02 inf. get bashed ополчиться (против кого-л. (требует замены конструкции): I'm looking at buying an investment property, and I was just wondering where other people started. ... Before I get bashed, I am not looking to take advantage of people. I have a 2 bedroom suite that I currently rent out for 1,500/month. (Reddit) -- Прежде чем все против меня ополчатся ...)
15.08.2023 2:42:21 real.est. buy outright купить недвижимость за наличные (Genuinely wondering if investment properties are worth it any more. With interest rates being what they are, unless you buy outright would you not be be taking a pretty big hit each month? This is what's happening in the UK right now, buy to let landlords are selling up and leaving the market in droves. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 2:42:21 real.est. buy outright купить недвижимость полностью за наличный расчет (Genuinely wondering if investment properties are worth it any more. With interest rates being what they are, unless you buy outright would you not be be taking a pretty big hit each month? This is what's happening in the UK right now, buy to let landlords are selling up and leaving the market in droves. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 2:31:06 emph. that is horrific! какой ужас! (реакция на информацию: "Took a seven year old swimming two weeks ago. Within about ten hours she was fevered with a stiff neck. I immediately thought of meningitis but, after three (!) visits to the ER over the course of a week it was diagnosed as “swimmer’s ear”. By that time pus was actually coming out of her ear." "Well, that is horrific! Constant e-coli spikes, algae blooms and dangerous levels of bacteria and pollutants. Never worth it. Stay out of the water." (Reddit))
15.08.2023 2:24:44 cliche. definitely won't be doing that again больше никогда не буду так поступать (I usually shower right after I get home from swimming, but I went out directly from the beach this time. Definitely won’t be doing that again. (Reddit))
15.08.2023 0:51:25 cliche. might be a long shot, but вероятность невелика, но (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit))
15.08.2023 0:32:18 gen. scientific instruments приборы (After hearing Sedona described decades ago as the place where "the Earth speaks," Lonetree was initially skeptical, but he noticed that his scientific instruments always registered elevated energy levels there. What he discovered, Lonetree continued, was remarkable. The naturally occurring magnetic energy coming from the ground at Sedona "was spinning like a tornado" in a vortex pattern. coasttocoastam.com)
15.08.2023 0:26:26 gen. sophisticated equipment высокоточное измерительное оборудование (Armed with an array of very sophisticated equipment, Lonetree set out to investigate Sedona's Schumann resonance: the degree to which the area's electromagnetic frequencies matched those of the human brain. coasttocoastam.com)
14.08.2023 9:26:13 law dual agency двойное посредничество (In most cases where a business is being sold and bought, both the Purchaser and the Vendor are often represented by a single Broker and Company.)
14.08.2023 9:22:43 gen. in a unanimous vote единогласно (adopted / approved / passed in a unanimous vote)
14.08.2023 9:20:27 gen. one-of-a-kind единственная (о любимой женщине: A one-of-a-kind diamond for your one-of-a-kind person. (a radio ad))
14.08.2023 9:03:00 gen. go the wrong way двигаться навстречу идущему транспорту (You've been going the wrong way for at least three blocks.)
14.08.2023 9:01:29 humor. one of those "голубой" ("There's Jenny and Betsy and Lizzie and Rose and Annie and Johnny -- he is one of those!" (a British TV Christmas Special))
14.08.2023 8:50:00 idiom. make some headway продвинуться (in something)
14.08.2023 8:49:37 gen. make progress продвинуться (в лечении, расследовании: "Have you made any progress?" "None.")
14.08.2023 8:48:51 idiom. get traction продвинуться (on an issue:: The White House hopes to get traction on other issues, such as Iran and non-proliferation.)
14.08.2023 8:26:58 gen. be shaped by some influences сформироваться под влиянием (... was shaped by Indo-Persian influences)
14.08.2023 8:18:06 O&G gas supply industry сфера газоснабжения (Термины и определения в сфере газоснабжения и газификации odingaz.ru)
14.08.2023 7:16:03 gen. domain of the supernatural сфера сверхъестественного (For Warren, there was nothing wrong with his mind at all. It was the domain of the supernatural that had him very much concerned.)
14.08.2023 7:15:51 gen. domain of the supernatural мир сверхъестественного (For Warren, there was nothing wrong with his mind at all. It was the domain of the supernatural that had him very much concerned.)
14.08.2023 7:15:38 gen. domain of the supernatural сфера сверхъестественных явлений (the domain of the supernatural)
14.08.2023 7:14:34 lit. mysterious мистический (Poe's mysterious poetry and prose)
14.08.2023 7:04:30 gen. I have a dinner engagement меня пригласили на ужин (Tomorrow? I'm sorry, I can't. I have a dinner engagement.)
14.08.2023 7:00:58 gen. purchase from купить в (магазине (внимание, предлог!): She purchased the winning ticket from Thrifty Foods in Tsawwassen.)
14.08.2023 3:41:33 gen. often think of часто думать о (I often think of that guy who legally changed his name to Harry Hairball to win some dry cat food for his cat and I’m wondering what Mr. Hairball is up to these days.)
14.08.2023 3:38:54 cliche. not everything's about you мир не вращается вокруг вас (Sick and tired of obnoxious drivers sitting on their car horns, at all times during the day and sometimes night. You’re taking out your frustrations on neighbourhood dwellers trying to live peacefully. ... Just drive at regular speeds in residential areas, don’t be stupid, and grow up. If you need to use your horn, just hit it once and be done with it. Not everything’s about you. reddit.com)
14.08.2023 3:38:43 cliche. not everything's about you мир не крутится вокруг тебя (Sick and tired of obnoxious drivers sitting on their car horns, at all times during the day and sometimes night. You’re taking out your frustrations on neighbourhood dwellers trying to live peacefully. ... Just drive at regular speeds in residential areas, don’t be stupid, and grow up. If you need to use your horn, just hit it once and be done with it. Not everything’s about you. reddit.com)

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