
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

25.08.2023 9:15:00 arts. artist's press ручной пресс для гравюр (It was in Paris that Duperrier gained access to an artist’s press and produced his first print.)
25.08.2023 8:27:17 gen. over capacity работающий с превышением запланированной нагрузки (According to the board, all existing schools in the downtown core are currently at or over capacity already while population around Long Bay is expected to grow.)
25.08.2023 8:15:14 meteorol. winds gusting up to ветер с порывами до (Up to 70 mm of rain and winds gusting up to 80 km/h are expected in Metro Vancouver as an atmospheric river hits the city later this week.)
25.08.2023 8:11:15 gen. scratchy throat першение в горле (Gargling with warm salt water won't magically fix your sore throat, however it can temporarily relieve a sore or scratchy throat.)
25.08.2023 8:02:08 inf. rip-off deal обдираловка (Hell no! This is a rip-off deal!)
25.08.2023 7:46:01 gen. sneer высмеять (at sb., sth.: Solovyov and other pundits sneered at Tory leadership candidates on chat show. • The propagandists also took aim at Tory leadership election contender Penny Mordaunt, a former defence secretary, laughing and sneering at her as as possible prime minister. dailymail.co.uk)
25.08.2023 7:32:25 formal honour the contract соблюдать условия контракта ("There are contracts for the provision of policing services and the RCMP provide those policing services in certain municipalities and it's the obligation of the municipalities to honour their contracts. They should not be, in any way, risking increased danger in their communities. That would be highly irresponsible." Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale)
25.08.2023 7:32:17 formal honour the contract соблюдать условия договора ("There are contracts for the provision of policing services and the RCMP provide those policing services in certain municipalities and it's the obligation of the municipalities to honour their contracts. They should not be, in any way, risking increased danger in their communities. That would be highly irresponsible." Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale)
25.08.2023 7:29:32 gen. carry out one's work выполнять свою работу (I feel confident that I will carry out my work without being intimidated by these individuals.)
25.08.2023 7:22:52 gen. do the best job one can выполнять свои обязанности как можно лучше (I try to do the best job I can. – Я стараюсь выполнять свои обязанности как можно лучше.)
25.08.2023 7:21:49 gen. give access to a unit обеспечить доступ в квартиру (You don't need to do anything except give us access to the unit on that day.)
25.08.2023 7:19:29 gen. exact measurements точные замеры (They are not performing any work on this day. They will be doing exact measurements of the windows only. -- производить точные замеры окон)
24.08.2023 7:33:18 idiom. patty-cake punishment лёгкое наказание (It's a total travesty of justice that most of the morons that trashed the stores and burned cars in the 2011 Stanlеy Cup riot have received patty-cake punishment. – всего лишь шлёпнули по попке)
24.08.2023 7:20:35 disappr. is grating коробит (irritating (Oxford Dictionary): The tone she chooses to talk to me is truly grating. -- Она разговаривает со мной таким тоном, что меня просто коробит. • “The number of people calling us about renovictions just fell off a cliff,” said Robert Patterson, a lawyer for TRAC. (...) “It’s the absurdity of these kinds of claims,” he said. “A wealthy person claiming that they’re going to move into a poor person’s home as an excuse to kick them out so they can rent it for more money – it’s grating.” -- это коробит ctvnews.ca)
24.08.2023 6:38:49 gen. a little bit more ещё чуть-чуть (Can you pull a little bit more? That'll do it. Thanks, buddy.)
24.08.2023 6:32:03 inf. stay tuned ждать новостей (I’ll have to see what else we can figure out – stay tuned.)
24.08.2023 6:31:53 inf. stay tuned не отвлекаться (Kids are fickle, they can't stay tuned all the time.)
24.08.2023 5:57:47 idiom. throw one's weight about наводить порядки (Mr. Simpson wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his wife calls him Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a husband hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it.)
24.08.2023 5:57:26 idiom. throw one's weight about наводить свои порядки (Mr. Simpson wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his wife calls him Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a husband hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it. (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.08.2023 5:26:13 cliche. be plain from the outset ясно с самого начала (It was plain from the outset that ... – С самого начала было ясно, что ...)
24.08.2023 5:21:33 lit. character arc эволюция персонажа (A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. (Wikipedia): The story of Les Miserables follows many character arcs. – в романе прослеживается эволюция множества персонажей)
24.08.2023 4:26:26 inf. hob-nob водить знакомство (to spend time being friendly with someone who is important or famous: "hobnobbing with the rich and famous / with royalty" (Cambridge Dictionary) | to associate familiarly (Merriam-Webster Dictionary): She is a large, genial soul, with whom it is a pleasure to hob-nob. (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.08.2023 4:19:30 food.ind. rancid butter ёлкое масло (Butter will go rancid if exposed to light, heat or air.)
24.08.2023 3:14:35 cliche. be set to должен (о назначенном сроке чего-л.: Just days before a massive search for the creature is set to commence, the fourth Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2023 has been added to the official register of reports. -- Всего за несколько дней до назначенной даты начала масштабных поисковых работ ... coasttocoastam.com)
23.08.2023 10:00:34 publ.transp. offer sb. one's seat уступить место (Ummm for the first time, without me asking, a young girl on the bus, looked up at me, stood up and offered me her seat. I’m still too young for a senior’s discount though!!)
23.08.2023 9:57:09 gen. give up one's seat to a senior уступить место пожилому человеку (on public transit: What I hate about taking SkyTrain is watching young, able-bodied people not give up their seats to seniors.)
23.08.2023 9:21:20 gen. stay out of не вмешиваться (I stay out of that kind of stuff. – Я в такое / в такие дела не вмешиваюсь.)
23.08.2023 9:06:35 idiom. leave holding the bag оставить в дураках ("Take your hand off me!" "Sure, just relax," Wade said. "I have a good idea, Doctor. Why don't you see a good doctor?" Somebody laughed loudly. Loring tensed like an animal all set to spring. Wade sensed it and neatly turned his back and moved away. Which left Dr. Loring holding the bag. If he went after Wade, he would look sillier than he looked now. (Raymond Chandler))
22.08.2023 8:12:04 gen. environmental researcher эколог (Environmental researcher Paul Aspholm works for NIBIO, a research institute based in the Pasvik valley that used to collaborate with Russian scientists. time.com)
22.08.2023 8:09:50 gen. annual tradition ежегодная традиция (Ulvar is from Trondheim, in central Norway, and stationed at a military base in Sør-Varanger. He says that one annual tradition for young border soldiers is to jump in the Barents Sea, which they did after an Easter church service at the King Oscar chapel in Grense Jakobselv. time.com)
22.08.2023 6:44:54 cliche. I'll do just this я так и сделаю ("You should ask around the Fishermen's Wharf (foot of West 1st Ave)." "Thanks a lot, I’ll do just this." (Twitter))
22.08.2023 4:35:15 gen. build a friendship строить дружеские отношения (In the three decades since the end of the Cold War, Norwegians and Russians have become real neighbors here: Russian fishing vessels ported in Norway for repairs, while locals traveled back and forth across the border to shop, find work, and build friendships. time.com)
22.08.2023 4:34:29 gen. build a friendship дружить (In the three decades since the end of the Cold War, Norwegians and Russians have become real neighbors here: Russian fishing vessels ported in Norway for repairs, while locals traveled back and forth across the border to shop, find work, and build friendships. -- дружили time.com)
22.08.2023 4:29:33 trav. travel back and forth across the border ездить через границу туда-сюда (In the three decades since the end of the Cold War, Norwegians and Russians have become real neighbors here: Russian fishing vessels ported in Norway for repairs, while locals traveled back and forth across the border to shop, find work, and build friendships. time.com)
22.08.2023 4:23:56 cliche. that's the case так обстоят дела (At least, that’s the case in Kirkenes, an Arctic town of some 3,500 people about four miles from the Russian border, known for a snow hotel and breathtaking views of the Northern Lights. -- По крайней мере, так обстоят дела ... time.com)
22.08.2023 4:19:50 gen. calm relationship спокойные отношения (between – между: The Arctic climate can be harsh, but Norwegian leaders have often used the saying “High North, low tension” to describe the relatively calm relationship between Norway and its neighbor, Russia, in these frigid parts. time.com)
22.08.2023 4:16:49 law.enf. turn oneself in to border guards сдаться пограничникам (Norwegian border guards monitor the Pasvik River, which marks the border between Norway and Russia. In January, Andrey Medvedev, a former commander for Russia’s Wagner Group, defected and crossed the frozen river a few miles away from this watchtower before turning himself in to Norwegian border guards. -- сдался норвежским пограничникам time.com)
22.08.2023 4:05:45 phys. scientific research organization научно-исследовательская организация (A member of UAP X, a civilian scientific research organization that collects, analyzes, and studies data related to the UFO phenomenon, Knuth said that one theory around UAP is that they may use a warp drive or warp bubble to stretch and contract space around their ship. This might explain how they could survive the accompanying g-forces that would normally tear apart living creatures traveling at such high accelerations. -- член гражданской научно-исследовательской организации coasttocoastam.com)
22.08.2023 4:00:04 phys. top speed measured максимальная зарегистрированная скорость (Radar data was recently analyzed from a 1986 JAL flight over Alaska, in which the pilot described the UFO as three times the size of a 747. "That's basically the size of an aircraft carrier," Knuth pointed out. "And the radar data shows that this thing is accelerating at about 10,000 times the acceleration of gravity. And the top speed measured was just on the order of 250,000 miles an hour. That means you can get to the moon in less than an hour at this speed." he marveled. coasttocoastam.com)
21.08.2023 9:40:07 gen. make one's way to work добираться на работу (If B.C. goes ahead with the switch to permanent daylight time, the sun won't rise until after 9 a.m. for a full month in Vancouver during the winter. Some parts of the province won't see the sun until 10 a.m. That means millions more British Columbians will wake up, eat breakfast and make their way to work before natural light fills the sky. cbc.ca)
21.08.2023 9:07:05 fig. feeding frenzy разорвать на части (Shut up! If they find out that you've got the money it'll be a feeding frenzy! – тебя разорвут на части / на куски)
21.08.2023 7:27:14 cliche. create a buzz online взорвать интернет (или Сеть: Other skeptical viewers have also speculated that perhaps the video is a well-crafted hoax that the model shared on social media in the hopes of creating a buzz online. coasttocoastam.com)
21.08.2023 7:25:43 gen. bristling hair взъерошенные волосы (насчёт "ёжика" неверная догадка *для Душки*: 'But some amazing experience had disturbed his native composure and left its traces in his bristling hair, his flushed, angry cheeks, and his flurried, excited manner.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
21.08.2023 7:21:13 med. take a blood sample взять кровь на анализ (A blood sample is taken from your finger as soon as possible after the injury. • The glucose in the blood can be measured by taking a blood sample from the patient.)
21.08.2023 6:55:54 amer. check a book out at the library взять книгу в библиотеке (A chicken checks a book out at the library and offers it to a frog. Chicken says: "Bok?" The frog replies "Red-it"!)
21.08.2023 4:45:38 cliche. I don't know why you have to yell like that зачем так кричать?
21.08.2023 3:39:09 cliche. get to work добраться до работы (My wife and I have two cars, in case one breaks down, so we can still get to work. BC ferries, should try something, along those lines. (Twitter))
21.08.2023 3:35:18 cliche. not harmful невредный (все остальные варианты неверны)
21.08.2023 2:29:16 cliche. no stranger to не в первый раз сталкиваться (с каким-л. явлением, проблемой и т.п.: The former Navy pilot and UFO witness has started to publish the testimonies of other pilots who have had UFO encounters. Graves, who is certainly no stranger to UFOs having witnessed a mysterious object with no visible means of propulsion around 10 years ago during his time with the US Navy, has now started to publish the testimonies of other (anonymous) pilot witnesses on his Twitter account. unexplained-mysteries.com)
21.08.2023 2:11:13 gen. delve into what happened разобраться в том, что произошло (to sb. -- с кем-л.: The date was October 11th, 1973, at the Pascagoula River, Mississippi. Two shipyard workers, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, decided to go fishing on the river after work. That night their lives were changed forever. UFO researchers Philip Mantle and Irena Scott have detailed this encounter in their new book and joined host George Knapp for a 4-hour extravaganza to delve into what happened to Calvin Parker, who claims he was abducted that night. coasttocoastam.com)
21.08.2023 0:37:40 gov. multi-agency investigative panel специальная межведомственная комиссия (В Роскосмосе подчеркнули, что специальная межведомственная комиссия займется выяснением причин потери автоматической станции «Луна-25».)
21.08.2023 0:23:22 gen. have a scratchy throat першить в горле (As Denver continues to rank among the top cities for poor air quality, some people who live in Colorado are experiencing adverse effects of the wildfire smoke billowing from fires burning in Canada. Some of those include a sore or scratchy throat, dry and itchy eyes, difficulty breathing and a runny nose. cbsnews.com)
20.08.2023 7:13:59 fig. set things in motion запустить
20.08.2023 6:23:17 gen. famously said известно высказывание (The writer Jonathan Swift famously said: "It was a brave man who first ate an oyster.")
19.08.2023 9:59:16 gen. dawn was beginning to appear занималась заря ("The first faint winter's dawn was beginning to appear, and we could dimly see the occasional figure of an early workman as he passed us, blurred and indictinct in the opalescent London reek." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
19.08.2023 9:55:17 inf. that's the baby вот-вот, он самый ("Is that your jacket?" "That's the baby!" -- "Вот-вот, она самая!")
19.08.2023 9:50:22 gen. pressed for time мало времени (у кого-либо:: If you're pressed for time we can discuss this over the phone. – если у вас мало времени)
19.08.2023 9:50:01 inf. short notice мало времени (осталось до ...: I know this is short notice, but can you get the translation done by tomorrow instead of Monday?)
19.08.2023 9:46:33 rus.usg. rich boy мажор (A Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a homeless woman.)
19.08.2023 9:44:06 furn. lighting fixture люстра (Large open spaces with high ceilings are perfect for using large, dramatic lighting fixtures.)
19.08.2023 9:34:20 gen. fascinating любопытнейший (extremely interesting (Oxford Dictionary): Rococo is an 18th-century manifestation of abundance and adornment, rich in complexity and fascinating in detail.)
19.08.2023 9:03:56 formal exercise ownership of владеть ("Mute swans were claimed by the King of England in the 12th century – presumably to keep commoners from boiling up what was a favourite royal banquet dish, according to a BBC report. The Queen of England still exercises ownership of swans on and around the River Thames." (North Shore News))
19.08.2023 9:02:15 gen. self-employed хозяин собственного бизнеса (также a self-employed person / individual)
19.08.2023 9:01:59 gen. self-employed хозяин собственного дела (также a self-employed person / individual)
19.08.2023 9:01:48 gen. self-employed мелкий предприниматель (также a self-employed person / individual)
19.08.2023 9:01:34 gen. self-employed владелец собственного бизнеса (также a self-employed person / individual)
19.08.2023 8:52:45 gen. universal единый (a Universal Payment Card – "Единая расчётная карта")
19.08.2023 5:16:59 inf. get slammed наброситься на (кого-л., требует замены конструкции: I get slammed every time I say this but it would actually be great if the people who really hate living here moved away. Pretty-well all the major problems facing the city come down to the number of people wanting to live here – real estate/rent prices, stressed medical system, lack of good jobs, homelessness, overcrowded parks and trails, traffic, etc... – I'd be very happy if fewer people wanted to live here. -- на меня все обычно набрасываются, когда я это говорю (Reddit))
19.08.2023 3:55:43 real.est. title to land документ, подтверждающий право на владение недвижимостью (несколько длинное название, но наиболее точно передаёт смысл, т.к. оговаривает различные виды недвижимости -- отдельный дом, квартиру в многоквартирном комплексе, загородный дом для отдыха (cabin), земли сельскохозяйственного назначения и пр. Напр., Title to Land: Freehold Strata (при покупке квартиры в высотном здании, полностью переходит в собственность))
19.08.2023 3:13:51 gen. travel for work ездить в командировки ("I remember visiting friends who had moved to Anaheim for business advantages. They had a beautiful, big house and a pool and all the fancy stuff but – my goodness, I found it a gross place to actually live. Nothing but strip malls, the hills were brown, the sky was brown, there was a big awful dusty freeway that cut through any possibly nice views, etc... and it was so dry. I got home to Vancouver when it was raining and have never been more glad to be home." "This is me every time I travel for work. I love coming back at night and having that first refreshing step out of the arrivals door into the misty Vancouver air... Perfection."-- езжу в командировки / по командировкам (Reddit))
18.08.2023 10:41:29 gen. glowing излучавший сияние
18.08.2023 10:39:28 fig. radiant излучавший сияние (He was an absolutely radiant person, always ready to help, share and spread love.)
18.08.2023 10:35:30 cliche. with every passing day с каждым днём (With every passing day, I love you more in every way!)
18.08.2023 10:32:34 humor. cudster бурёнка ("a decent, self-respecting cudster (...) loading grass into itself in the nearest meadow." (P.G.Wodehouse))
18.08.2023 10:29:45 cliche. be assured будьте уверены (If we ever have need of any additional translations, be assured that we will turn to you first.)
18.08.2023 10:23:46 arts. artistic masterpiece шедевр искусства (a pantheon of artistic masterpieces created by Michelangelo Buonarroti)
18.08.2023 8:27:15 navig. dock job швартовка (Rookie dock job. -- Неумело пришвартовался, явно новичок. (Twitter))
18.08.2023 7:23:34 gen. left оставшийся в живых (According to Robert Louis Stevenson's poem 'Heather Ale, a Galloway, Legend', the last Picts left were a father and son, who refused to tell the Scots invaders the secret of heather ale, the fabled Picts' drink. Rather than reveal it, the old man let the Scots hurl his son over the cliff, then threw himself over. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- последними оставшимися в живых пиктами были отец с сыном)
18.08.2023 4:10:16 cliche. this sounds exactly right именно так всё обстоит ("Work for it, and earn it, it's not a hand out. Some days won't be easy. Strive and push, and you will find its a rewarding career." "Yep. All of this. I work in a civil construction company and this sounds exactly right. I started way down low at the company, and they have gladly trained me up. As long as you are willing and competent, you can go far." (Reddit))
18.08.2023 4:10:16 cliche. this sounds exactly right именно так всё и есть ("Work for it, and earn it, it's not a hand out. Some days won't be easy. Strive and push, and you will find its a rewarding career." "Yep. All of this. I work in a civil construction company and this sounds exactly right. I started way down low at the company, and they have gladly trained me up. As long as you are willing and competent, you can go far." (Reddit))
18.08.2023 4:08:24 HR start way down low at the company поступить на самую низкооплачиваемую должность ("Work for it, and earn it, it's not a hand out. Some days won't be easy. Strive and push, and you will find its a rewarding career." "Yep. All of this. I work in a civil construction company and this sounds exactly right. I started way down low at the company, and they have gladly trained me up. As long as you are willing and competent, you can go far." (Reddit))
18.08.2023 4:05:03 inf. make 6 figures зарабатывать больше 100,000 в год (Starting wages with no experience, $25+/- as a civil laborer. Get experience, learn the grades and surveying with onsite training, $30-$40/hr throughout your career growth. I took this route. With no training in post secondary, and I make 6 figures as a Foreman in a private civil company as opposed to a Union. There is further career growth available still for me. (Reddit))
18.08.2023 4:01:26 gen. tech school техникум (I believe it requires a 2 year course at a tech school (BCIT for example). (Reddit))
18.08.2023 3:14:03 gen. apply обратиться за разрешением (+ infinitive: Douglas Park Academy has operated since last year in the ground-floor of a family house across from the namesake public park, with spaces for eight kids, with no complaints to city hall and glowing reviews from parents. With 30 families on the wait-list, the operators applied this year to open a second eight-kid daycare in the building’s upper floor. vancouversun.com)
18.08.2023 3:13:15 gen. ask for permission обратиться за разрешением (The company originally asked the National Energy Board for permission last August, but was denied.)
18.08.2023 3:10:38 fig. glowing восхищённый (Douglas Park Academy has operated since last year in the ground-floor of a family house across from the namesake public park, with spaces for eight kids, with no complaints to city hall and glowing reviews from parents. -- восхищённые / восторженные отзывы vancouversun.com)
18.08.2023 3:10:17 fig. glowing восторженный (Douglas Park Academy has operated since last year in the ground-floor of a family house across from the namesake public park, with spaces for eight kids, with no complaints to city hall and glowing reviews from parents. -- восхищённые / восторженные отзывы vancouversun.com)
18.08.2023 2:29:52 cliche. fingers crossed that будем надеяться, что (Awesome, thank you! Fingers crossed, it works this time. • Everything is blooming now !! Yay !! Honeybees coming this week, fingers crossed 🤞🏻 🐝 (Twitter) • There are tons of these homeless encampments (both active and abandoned) throughout the forested areas around Burnaby. The City of Burnaby and Metro Vancouver knows this, but has no interest in cleaning them up. Fingers crossed that none of them go up in flames, which could lead to some precarious situations involving residential and commercial developments in the municipality. burnabynow.com)
18.08.2023 0:59:35 gov. Health областной отдел здравоохранения (в официальных названиях государственных органов по здравоохранению, всегда пишется с заглавной буквы: ... Health: Fraser Health is responsible for the delivery of hospital and community-based health services to over 1.9 million people in 20 diverse communities.)
18.08.2023 0:58:26 gov. Health региональный отдел здравоохранения (в официальных названиях государственных органов по здравоохранению, всегда пишется с заглавной буквы: ... Health: Fraser Health is responsible for the delivery of hospital and community-based health services to over 1.9 million people in 20 diverse communities.)
18.08.2023 0:55:44 gov. Health департамент здравоохранения (в официальных названиях государственных органов по здравоохранению, всегда пишется с заглавной буквы: ... Health:: Fraser Health is responsible for the delivery of hospital and community-based health services to over 1.9 million people in 20 diverse communities.)
17.08.2023 10:36:01 gov. colour-blind не оказывающий предпочтения какой-либо из рас (adopt color-blind hiring practices)
17.08.2023 10:35:47 gov. colour-blind без предвзятости относящийся к любой из рас (Judicial decision-making process is not always objective and colour-blind. • adopt color-blind hiring practices)
17.08.2023 10:32:03 gen. unannounced без предупреждения (His mom is always dropping in on us unannounced, it gets so frustrating at times. She never calls first. – приходит к нам без предупреждения, это так раздражает порой, она никогда заранее не звонит)
17.08.2023 10:27:39 gen. without any prompting без подсказки ("She was there all right. And Lavery met her there. The hop who gave me the dope brought Lavery into it himself, without any prompting from me. He had dinner with her and went with her in a cab to the railroad station." (Raymond Chandler) -- без какой-либо подсказки с моей стороны)
17.08.2023 10:08:32 gen. book design книжно-оформительское искусство (the rich European history of book design)
17.08.2023 10:03:44 formal by circumstance по стечению обстоятельств ("sustain major damage by chance or circumstance")
17.08.2023 10:02:46 gen. hand wash постирать руками (Be sure to hand wash you sheepskin gently.)
17.08.2023 9:24:57 cliche. draw on expertise and experience опираться на знания и опыт (Johnston Homes draws on expertise and extensive experience of its entire team of architects, designers and building professionals.)
17.08.2023 9:24:13 cliche. draw on one's years of experience опираться на многолетний опыт (drawing on our years of experience in art book design)

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