
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

2.09.2023 4:11:54 gen. share the benefits of совместно пользоваться благами (share the economic benefits of our project -- совместно пользоваться благами)
2.09.2023 4:09:39 gen. overlooking the ocean с видом на океан (La Casa Pacifica, Richard Nixon's retreat overlooking the ocean in San Clemente, California)
2.09.2023 4:02:46 gen. receive word that получить донесение о том, что ("In 1955, the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division chief was allegedly sent a secret memo from the acting station chief in Venezuela who had received word from one of his informants that Hitler had actually survived the war and was now living a secluded existence in Argentina." – которому поступило донесение о том, что ...)
2.09.2023 3:46:03 gen. get better acquainted получше познакомиться (You and I need to get better acquainted.)
2.09.2023 3:44:17 ocean. open water patch полынья (businessinsider.com)
1.09.2023 8:31:13 busin. for-profit business частное коммерческое предприятие (термин применяется в тех случаях, когда нужно подчеркнуть статус фирмы для внесения ясности)
1.09.2023 8:07:50 gen. display of fireworks фейерверк (A clamorous display of fireworks left some downtown residents angry and concerned for their pets on Tuesday night. The residents were not expecting the fireworks, and were left startled and annoyed.)
1.09.2023 8:06:27 gov. federal government agency федеральное казённое учреждение
1.09.2023 8:01:21 gen. small небольшого роста (A small, rumpled auto mechanic is the winner of last Saturday's $50-million jackpot.)
1.09.2023 7:54:02 gen. small-space небольшой по размеру
1.09.2023 7:53:31 gen. short vacation небольшой отпуск (We've got a short vacation in Cuba to look forward to.)
1.09.2023 3:27:00 formal vindication доказательство правоты (Mr Feltham said: "These are the most exciting surface pictures (of Nessie) I have seen. They are exactly the type of pictures I have been wanting to take for three decades. It is rare to see something so clear on the surface. They are vindication for all the people who believe there is something unexplained in Loch Ness. They are remarkable." dailyrecord.co.uk)
1.09.2023 2:53:36 formal have in one's possession иметься (Do you have a Canadian version in your possession, for reference purposes? – У вас имеется ...?)
1.09.2023 2:52:41 idiom. be at hand иметься (тж. переводится глаголом "есть": seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand -- когда имеется / есть простое)
1.09.2023 2:49:37 cliche. there have been имеется (мн.ч.: According to the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register, there have been a total of around 1,148 sightings of Nessie.)
1.09.2023 2:30:39 insur. vehicle owner владелец транспортного средства (possessor -- это вообще что-то с Марса или Юпитера ))))
31.08.2023 9:05:06 gen. care home дом престарелых (Nine seniors have died in a Victoria care home after an outbreak of a respiratory virus.)
31.08.2023 9:01:15 real.est. recreational home дом для загородного отдыха (The market has dropped a bit and my clients who mostly hail from the U.S., Singapore, Macao, Hong Kong, and other places in Asia, are taking advantage of the favourable exchange rates to purchase a recreational home in Whistler.)
31.08.2023 8:56:48 idiom. a piece of the pie доля (Giulio wanted his piece of the pie, so Roberto and Marco made sure he wasn't in the picture anymore.)
31.08.2023 8:55:18 cliche. as ... as ... should be должный (Thieves are going after people who aren't as careful as they should be. – не проявляют должной осторожности)
31.08.2023 8:54:37 law, contr. must be accompanied by должны быть приложены (from a Russian contract: "Ко всем Претензиям, направляемым Клиентом Банку, должны быть приложены...")
31.08.2023 8:49:34 archit. stairs лестница на второй этаж дома (внутри дома: She ran through the dining room and up the stairs.)
31.08.2023 8:41:38 cliche. it has taken a long time for потребовалось немало времени, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
31.08.2023 8:41:38 cliche. it has taken a long time for понадобилось немалое время, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
31.08.2023 8:38:32 gen. report on record документальное свидетельство (о происшествии: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
31.08.2023 8:33:16 cliche. there is no question of a mistake ошибка исключена (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
31.08.2023 8:33:16 cliche. there is no question of a mistake ошибки быть не может (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
31.08.2023 7:27:50 gen. information obtained полученные сведения (There is considerable uncertainty as to the reliability of information obtained in this way. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- относительно сведений, полученных таким образом)
31.08.2023 7:16:52 gen. get all one's clothes off раздеть догола ("I succeeded in getting all her clothes off, but that was as far as Jill was prepared to go. I had a major tantrum and stormed out of the flat." – Michael Winner)
31.08.2023 7:14:04 gen. be off-putting отталкивать (своим запахом или внешне: Fish-based fertilizers can be off-putting for cats. – может отталкивать)
31.08.2023 7:13:01 gen. vacant expression отсутствующее выражение ("a dreamy, vacant expression in his eyes" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
31.08.2023 7:03:05 gen. is released from a ...-year stint in prison отсидел ... лет в тюрьме (Max Dembo, played by Dustin Hoffman, a lifelong thief, is released from a six-year stint in prison and forced to report to a boorish and condescending parole officer. – отсидев шесть лет)
31.08.2023 7:00:53 gen. spend time in jail отсидеть в тюрьме (срок: A drunk 34-year-old driver who greeted Quebec police at the door of her home naked should spend up to 60 days in jail, the Crown argued Friday.)
31.08.2023 6:58:24 tech. see-through просвечиваемость (minimize the see-through)
31.08.2023 6:47:58 busin. meet one's targets выполнить намеченные задачи
31.08.2023 6:46:34 cliche. do everything we possibly can сделать всё, что в наших силах (We're going to do everything we possibly can in this situation.)
31.08.2023 6:44:49 cliche. have sth. done сделать (Ключевое отличие от русского употребления: если подразумевается НЕ самостоятельное действие, а действие по заказу или по просьбе, в английском используется данная модель; в русском языке такого отличия нет: мы говорим "сделать перевод", подразумевая работу переводчика по заказу: Molecular testing is a must but it's going to cost you some money to have that done in the States.)
31.08.2023 6:36:17 gen. take a nice deep breath сделать глубокий вдох (Now, you're getting really tight – relax! Take a nice deep breath!)
31.08.2023 6:33:52 gen. what do you think? как вы считаете? (после высказывания: ... What do you think?)
31.08.2023 6:22:43 gen. as can be seen как видно (in the image -- на фотографии: The intriguing image was captured this past Sunday by a chartered vessel captained by Scott Thurber. Sharing the fantastic photo on Facebook, he marveled that "we had the pleasure of seeing this image appear on our Garmin Eco Map UHD this afternoon while fishing lake trout," which he indicated were "on the bottom of the screen as this Champy image cruises above." As can be seen in the image, the sonar return appears to show a creature with a sizeable body, a set of fins, a long neck, and a possible tail. coasttocoastam.com)
31.08.2023 5:39:49 cliche. as everyone is well aware как всем хорошо известно (As everyone is well aware, Highway 1 is basically in gridlock all the time heading east towards the IMB. Is there any plan to address this in the longer run?)
31.08.2023 4:18:30 hockey. lead обыгрывать (Canada leading Sweden by a score of two.)
31.08.2023 4:13:00 law compliance with the contract's terms and conditions соблюдение условий контракта (a business partner's compliance with the contract's terms and conditions)
31.08.2023 4:12:29 law compliance with the agreement соблюдение договора (I hereby guarantee the compliance with, and performance of, this Agreement)
31.08.2023 4:11:31 formal adhere to rules соблюдать правила (In total, 82 partygoers were issued tickets for not adhering to COVID-19 distancing rules.)
31.08.2023 4:08:59 idiom. play nice соблюдать нормы поведения (It means to follow the rules and be kind and courteous when you're doing whatever it is you're "playing nice" in; to behave oneself in interaction with others, in particular refraining from instigating trouble, teasing or being cruel; it means to get along with and be nice to whoever you're supposed to "play nice" with.)
31.08.2023 4:08:07 formal comply with the ... laws соблюдать ... законодательство (comply with all applicable environmental laws)
31.08.2023 4:06:22 gen. pick some grapes собирать виноград (Hi Theresa, I'm just picking some grapes over here.)
31.08.2023 4:02:55 gen. provide for one's family обеспечить семью (As the grim reality sinks in that he'll never be able to provide for his family translating Russian birth certificates and Ukrainian driver's licences, he begins robbing banks wearing a Santa Claus costume.)
31.08.2023 3:58:04 formal ensure обеспечить условия (ensure that ... – обеспечить такие условия, при которых ...)
31.08.2023 3:57:18 tech. ensuring благодаря чему
31.08.2023 3:55:09 gen. bang one's head against биться головой обо (что-либо: I spent $33,000 on a world cruise. While aboard, I found out that I paid $450 a night for my room while people boarding in England and Australia were paying only $95 a night. I felt like banging my head against a lifeboat. Painful.)
31.08.2023 3:43:09 coll. agenda задачи (в обобщающем смысле, как часть некоего плана: Meyer said that aliens have different agendas, and we would perceive some as beneficial and others as negative. -- перед пришельцами стоят различные задачи coasttocoastam.com)
31.08.2023 2:05:59 gen. give lips a fuller appearance сделать губы пухлыми (For a caller wondering why her lips had thinned as she aged, he advised using collagen peptides to give them a fuller appearance. coasttocoastam.com)
30.08.2023 6:52:10 book. injustices проявления несправедливости (After witnessing many injustices firsthand ... – лично столкнулся с проявлениями несправедливости)
30.08.2023 6:43:00 gen. naturally-occurring, major catastrophic events природные катастрофы крупного масштаба (these are all naturally-occurring, major catastrophic events)
30.08.2023 6:41:24 gen. pocket one's cash присвоить чьи-либо деньги (In the wake of the Haiti earthquake, beware of bogus charities. They don't issue tax receipts and just want to pocket your hard-earned cash.)
30.08.2023 6:34:45 inf. old buddy кореш (Hey Carl, old buddy, how're you doing?)
30.08.2023 6:33:01 sl., drug. bud марихуана (It's one year into Canada's experiment in legal marijuana. Many residents remain proud of Canada for bucking prohibition, but a lot still buy cannabis on the sly. Access is limited and taxes and other issues mean high-quality bud can cost nearly twice what it did before legalization. news957.com)
30.08.2023 6:29:33 gen. massive data масса информации (look at the massive data that has already been published)
30.08.2023 6:22:54 gen. jewel heist кража драгоценностей (Thieves with a taste for high-end shiny valuables broke into a home in the 3000 block of Massey Avenue March 3 and made off with luxury jewels including an 18-karat white gold ring with a 2.5-carat round yellow diamond worth about $800,000, a $500,000 Tiffany sapphire and diamond ring as well as a Cartier Pasha Seatimer watch and two Vacheron Constantin gold watches. Const. Jeff Richter, spokesman for the West Lake Police Department, called the jewel heist “very substantial.” )
30.08.2023 6:17:37 gen. nuanced которому свойственны тонкости ("The Japanese language is highly nuanced and fraught with endless, diplomatic shadings of politeness and intent." (The New Yorker, Aug 16, 1999))
30.08.2023 6:16:58 gen. nuanced отличающийся оттенками смысла
30.08.2023 6:10:49 welf. income earner кормилец (при назначении пенсии: The deceased was the sole income earner for a family of four. – являлся единственным кормильцем)
30.08.2023 6:02:49 gov. proof of competency квалификационное удостоверение (If you are operating a motorized boat, carry proof of competency on board at all times. Your proof of competency is your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (Carte de conducteur d'embarcation de plaisance).)
30.08.2023 5:59:15 gen. to a good quality качественно (The work was done to a good quality. – Работа выполнялась качественно.)
30.08.2023 5:16:06 adv. quality workmanship качественная работа (Our focus is on quality workmanship and reasonable price for our clients.)
30.08.2023 4:43:33 real.est. presale предварительная продажа (buying a condominium before construction begins)
30.08.2023 4:40:25 gen. barely use почти не пользоваться (Michelle and Paul moved to Greenwood a decade ago after downsizing from a large old West Bay home with lots of rooms, some of which were barely used.)
30.08.2023 4:15:11 HR human-resource policies правила отбора и найма персонала
30.08.2023 4:10:25 gen. real challenge серьёзная трудность (Driving becomes a real challenge during Vancouver's darkest and rainiest months.)
30.08.2023 3:42:04 demogr. mass extinction event массовая гибель населения (Should the Yellowstone supervolcano explode, that would be a mass extinction event, at least for people living in the Northern Hemisphere, he reported, due to the amount of ash and poisonous gas transported into the atmosphere. coasttocoastam.com)
30.08.2023 3:34:30 earth.sc. precursors предвестники бедствия, катастрофы ("You don't need to go through life thinking that there's going to be an extinction-level event tomorrow," he remarked. "But there can certainly be the precursors taking place that could have a devastating effect on all of our lives." coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 6:43:44 idiom. all over the map всё что угодно (If you look at the categories of people who disappear in our national parks, it's not just strong, healthy adults, men and women – it's everyone from little kids to old folks – it's all over the map.)
29.08.2023 6:42:39 gen. everything of value всё ценное ("I was in psychosis because of the drug use," he said, adding he sold everything he had of value on him at the time, to buy more drugs.)
29.08.2023 6:40:40 gen. multiple bodies всевозможные инстанции (обращаться во всевозможные инстанции – She went to multiple bodies, including the Ministry of Justice, the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission and even the Prime-Minister's office.)
29.08.2023 6:40:11 gen. go to multiple bodies обращаться во всевозможные инстанции (She went to multiple bodies, including the Ministry of Justice, the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission and even the Prime-Minister's office.)
29.08.2023 6:39:10 inf. stick out обращать на себя внимание (... One particular case that sticks out is that of a Jamaican drug dealer who overstayed for more than 8 years.)
29.08.2023 6:37:19 gen. an analysis revealed that согласно произведённому анализу (When Joe returned with a filled jug he saw that one of the entities was cooking cakes or biscuits on a griddle and he indicated that he would like one. He was given four. Later Joe tried one and told UFO investigators that it tasted like cardboard. An analysis of another revealed that the ingredients were ordinary corn and wheat flours and other unexceptional substances. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:35:37 gen. there is good evidence that существуют надёжные доказательства того, что (There is now good evidence that turtles, octopus and squid can all grow to huge sizes. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь строить предположения (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь высказывать догадки (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь строить домыслы (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 5:32:50 gen. samples of soil образцы грунта (The three occupants wearing silvery jumpsuits were seen obtaining samples of soil near Mrs. Hatton's house for about an hour, then they entered their craft and left.)
29.08.2023 5:14:53 gen. perch oneself примоститься ("Presently she came to a halt, and hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. (...) This begins to look genuine, I thought, and having seen her safely inside, I perched myself behind. That's an art which every detective should be an expert at."(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – примостился сзади)
29.08.2023 5:07:13 commer. online ordering онлайновые заказы (Currently online ordering is not available. – На данный момент онлайновые заказы не принимаются.)
29.08.2023 5:05:16 gen. numbed fingers онемевшие пальцы
29.08.2023 4:55:37 gen. shaped like в форме (an object shaped like a pear hovering above the village)
29.08.2023 4:43:15 cliche. if sth. is anything to go by если судить по (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству )
29.08.2023 2:58:58 fig. inundated with calls поступило огромное количество звонков (was/were ~: As one might imagine, the Upper Macungie Township police department were inundated with calls from concerned residents wondering what had just happened. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:45:12 cliche. touch on коснуться темы (Robinson also touched on an odd photograph of a "winged creature" or fairy, the Green Lady apparition at a Scottish castle, and haunting phenomena at Chingle Hall in Lancashire. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:36:33 gen. frustratingly к всеобщей досаде (или "к чьей-либо досаде": Yet, frustratingly, when they went to check the video footage, none of the magical lights were picked up. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife обитатели моря
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife обитатели морей и океанов
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife морские обитатели
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife морские животные
29.08.2023 1:53:47 formal organize an event in conjunction with организовать мероприятие совместно с (The cleanup event was organized by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission in conjunction with the citizens' group Deer Lake Protection Society.)
29.08.2023 1:53:47 formal organize an event in conjunction with организовать мероприятие при участии (The cleanup event was organized by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission in conjunction with the citizens' group Deer Lake Protection Society.)
28.08.2023 8:52:17 econ. rising cost подорожание (the rising cost of post-secondary school)
28.08.2023 8:50:58 idiom. rub the right way подойти с правильной стороны ("Actually, he's not so bad, if you rub him the right way." – если знать, с какой стороны к нему подойти (P.G. Wodehouse))

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