
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

6.09.2023 6:28:45 cliche. in this case в данном случае (The longest, most important journeys begin with little steps, or, in this case, little notes.)
6.09.2023 6:27:00 idiom. down the road в дальнейшем
6.09.2023 6:26:51 cliche. as we go along в дальнейшем (At the moment this feels like the right fit for our family, but we will continue to re-evaluate as we go along.)
6.09.2023 6:24:34 law in print format на бумажном носителе ("All application for leave to appeal documents must be filed in print format. Appeal documents must be filed in print and electronic formats." (Guidelines for Preparing Documents to be Filed with the Supreme Court of Canada))
6.09.2023 6:24:12 law, contr. as a hard copy на бумажном носителе (as a hard copy via courier or by e-mail)
6.09.2023 6:22:39 gen. pointer наводка
6.09.2023 6:22:10 gen. pointer наводящий вопрос
6.09.2023 6:11:20 gen. at a party на вечеринке (I had two glasses of red wine at a party a few days ago.)
6.09.2023 5:54:21 inf. just in case авось (I'm giving you all these names and numbers, just in case you might need them. – Я даю тебе все эти имена и номера телефонов, авось пригодятся.)
6.09.2023 5:53:22 cliche. what about ...? а как же ... ? (What about our plans for the weekend? – А как же наши планы на выходные? • What about me? – А как же я?)
6.09.2023 5:51:27 gen. bully driver автохам (I know that bully drivers try to do sh1t like this all the time. I never back down from bully drivers and I will always take a stand against them. -- я никогда не уступаю автохамам)
6.09.2023 5:49:23 gen. back down from уступать кому-л. (стороне конфликта: I know that bully drivers try to do sh1t like this all the time. I never back down from bully drivers and I will always take a stand against them. -- я никогда не уступаю автохамам)
6.09.2023 5:43:34 gen. get older подрасти (о детях: You may also find as your little ones start to get older that they become more focused and engaged in whatever they're doing.)
6.09.2023 5:43:09 gen. sprout up подрасти (In the approximately 50 years since the tower was established, the surrounding trees have sprouted up a significant amount, and many now block the radar’s line of sight to its coverage area. -- значительно подросли bowenislandundercurrent.com)
6.09.2023 5:37:57 gen. be responsive откликнуться (I don't think the government is going to be responsive on this one. – не откликнется / не отреагирует на этот вопрос)
6.09.2023 5:37:01 gen. swerve off the course отклониться от курса ("There was a tree standing at roadside and, suddenly swerving off the course, he made for it and hoisted himself into its branches." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.09.2023 5:29:04 email delay receiving отсрочить получение (With this new tool, you can also delay receiving your messages until a more convenient viewing time.)
6.09.2023 5:28:14 gen. be behind on sth. отставать в чём-либо (The biggest challenge is finding a place to set up this shop. The municipalities are really behind on this. The movement is huge, young people want to do it in a safe environment, and municipalities don't have a clue.)
6.09.2023 5:06:15 inf. gut вычистить (помещение: We found a spot on West 5th near Cambie. We gutted the place, gave it a new concrete floor and repainted the walls. – всё выбросили / вычистили)
6.09.2023 5:05:18 inf. gut внутренний голос (Go with your gut, always go with your gut. – Прислушивайся к своему внутреннему голосу.)
6.09.2023 5:03:35 gen. gut уничтожить внутреннюю часть здания/дома (о пожаре, можно применить слово "выгореть" ("выгорел"): Friday’s fire gutted an old home and sent two elderly people to hospital with smoke inhalation.)
6.09.2023 4:58:28 gen. by the window у окна (a table by the window • sit by the window)
6.09.2023 4:57:45 gen. decline in morals упадок нравов (In our time we have seen a shocking decline in public morals.)
6.09.2023 4:54:04 gen. when not in the office в свободное от работы время (When not in the office Lynda spends most of her time pursuing a convivial interest in sharing good wine with friends and family.)
6.09.2023 4:17:31 neol. whistle-blower свистодуй (прошу больше не стирать мою статью, т.к. примеры взяты из российских источников, я этот неологизм не выдумал: Свистодуи – последние защитники демократии • Что же будет со Сноуденом дальше? Россия, на территории которой он находится в данный момент, помогать "свистодую" явно не спешит. • Grusch, who has since turned whistleblower, said that information regarding the recovered craft has been illegally withheld from Congress and he has filed a complaint alleging that he has been the victim of illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures. (idelo.ru, newsland.com, singularfortean.com) )
6.09.2023 3:52:00 gen. have a certain effect on one's health отразиться на состоянии здоровья (He was affected by that sting or bite which had such a serious effect on his health causing night-time states of fever. – что серьёзно отразилось на состоянии его здоровья)
6.09.2023 3:39:58 gen. what kind of какого рода (Threats? What kind of threats?)
6.09.2023 3:30:51 gen. put some clarity into it внести ясность (Thanks for putting some clarity into it.)
6.09.2023 2:58:24 gen. interchangeably как взаимозаменяемые синонимы (Healthcare providers often use the words sodium and salt interchangeably. • В данной работе термины «общение» и «коммуникация» используются как взаимозаменяемые синонимы. – ... interchangeably.)
6.09.2023 2:32:35 gen. make an adjustment внести изменение (в установленный порядок, не в парламентском смысле; часто во множ. числе: Making adjustments to your diet can help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. -- внесение изменений)
6.09.2023 2:32:35 gen. make an adjustment внести поправку (в установленный порядок, не в парламентском смысле; часто во множ. числе: Making adjustments to your diet can help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. -- внесение поправок)
6.09.2023 2:26:43 gen. it made me shudder to think меня бросило в дрожь при мысли о (What sort of a married life would I have had with the little woman perpetually going on protest marches and expecting me to be at her side throwing bottles at the constabulary? It made me shudder to think what I might have let myself in for if I had been a shade more fascinating. – P.G. Wodehouse )
6.09.2023 2:23:35 gen. burst into one's home вломиться в дом (An 87-year-old woman in Maine managed to thwart an intruder who burst into her home when she fed him some snacks after he complained of being hungry. (coasttocoastam.com) )
6.09.2023 2:14:16 police forcibly enter a home ворваться в дом (The home invasion occurred just before midnight on August 24, when two people forcibly entered a home on Rupert and East Second Avenue in East Vancouver. Investigators believe the pair may have targeted the wrong home or were looking for someone who wasn’t there. dailyhive.com)
6.09.2023 2:14:16 police forcibly enter a home вломиться в дом (The home invasion occurred just before midnight on August 24, when two people forcibly entered a home on Rupert and East Second Avenue in East Vancouver. Investigators believe the pair may have targeted the wrong home or were looking for someone who wasn’t there. dailyhive.com)
6.09.2023 0:33:58 inf. on one's free time в свободное время (I work nights and on my off days I’m up until 6-7 am. I do a lot of carpentry and fabrication on my free time, but the noise of cutting wood or grinding metal restricts me to daylight hours as I don’t have a workshop (small apartment, I do everything outside). (Reddit))
6.09.2023 0:19:56 gen. topple off свалиться с (Barber estimates about 20 of the 40 hives being transported toppled off the trailer as the truck swerved to avoid a deer in the road, per CNN’s Zenebou Sylla. smithsonianmag.com)
6.09.2023 0:19:56 gen. topple off упасть с (Barber estimates about 20 of the 40 hives being transported toppled off the trailer as the truck swerved to avoid a deer in the road, per CNN’s Zenebou Sylla. smithsonianmag.com)
6.09.2023 0:15:25 food.ind. treated with обработанный (Buying organic food is another step, he continued, as produce treated with pesticides tends to have more heavy metals, which come up from the soil. -- овощи и фрукты, обработанные пестицидами coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2023 0:10:00 gen. make a little thing out to be a big thing из мелочи раздуть большую перебранку (His essay explores how negative emotional energies affect us when we're on the internet, and how these emotions can be amplified by other living people, as well as negative spirits and demonic spirits. The result of this is that we get angrier and angrier at our fellow human beings, he said. Demonic spirits could be thought as the "counterpart of angels, and they can put huge amounts of emotional energy" into our body's fields by throwing their rage and anger at us... and making a little thing out to be a big thing," he detailed. coasttocoastam.com)
5.09.2023 10:00:39 inf. I'm good меня всё устраивает (People on the Seabus were complaining about the dirty windows. ME I am like "I'm good! I like these more than a clean window." (Twitter))
5.09.2023 7:55:11 idiom. sing sb's praises расхваливать (Aunt Lizzie didn't want to move to that nursing home in Sechelt, but now she sings its praises every day, she really does.)
5.09.2023 7:52:15 police descend on прибыть на место происшествия (“I thought it was bombs going off,” she told the NOW. “It was so loud, and then there was just smoke all over the place, and all of a sudden, through the smoke, there’s like 15 cops. It was crazy.” About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs. – Burnaby Now))
5.09.2023 7:48:23 gen. a shipment came in прибыл груз (Last week a large shipment came in that had to be delivered to Moncton the same day and no one was available, so I had to do it.)
5.09.2023 7:47:47 gen. tidy one's room прибраться у себя в комнате
5.09.2023 5:11:52 gen. make automatic автоматизировать (Hey, City of Greenwood, now that there's a new apartment complex at Howard & Fulton, are you going to make the pedestrian walk signals automatic?)
5.09.2023 5:09:21 gen. not a ... in sight а вокруг ни одного (A gang of teens went on the rampage at the train station and there wasn't a police officer in sight. – а вокруг ни одного полицейского)
5.09.2023 5:07:20 gen. automated tracking автоматизированное слежение (information that is derived through automated tracking mechanisms)
5.09.2023 3:40:25 trav. air travel авиасообщение (There has been continuous extensive air travel disruption across large parts of Europe since the second eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano.)
5.09.2023 3:39:29 cliche. what do you care? вам-то какая разница? ("Too many people who don’t belong here, foreign born.... Hong Kong, India, China, Iran, Taiwan, Korea, Africa..... and they keep coming. We were never asked." "What do you care where somebody is born?")
5.09.2023 3:35:59 market. branded products брендовые товары (branded products or services)
5.09.2023 3:32:51 gen. take along взять с собой в дорогу (When you leave home this weekend, do us all a favour – take your common sense with you. If you're drinking, don't drive.)
5.09.2023 3:22:44 formal it has been the honour of my life для меня было честью всей моей жизни (+ infinitive: While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Sim. It has been the honour of my life to serve as your mayor.)
5.09.2023 2:36:43 gen. huffed обиженно ('"Oh, just as you like," said she a little huffed.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
5.09.2023 2:35:57 gen. quick to become offended обидчивый (He is quick to become offended and will let you know in no uncertain terms.)
5.09.2023 2:34:16 gen. disheartening обидно (It is disheartening ...: "I get it. It's the guy's building. He owns it and obviously he didn't want the painting on there. But it's still kind of disheartening to see all these hours of work, just painted over," he said. cbc.ca)
5.09.2023 2:33:56 gen. frustrating обидно (Hi Dan, we had a change of plans this weekend due to the new regulations made by the health officials for the next two weeks. Frustrating, but we're following the rules. – Обидно, но ...)
5.09.2023 2:31:15 gen. frustrating досадно (You're right...that's very frustrating.)
5.09.2023 1:28:38 formal be aware известно (We are aware of the alleged incidents involving children. The police chief is also aware. -- Нам известно о случаях ... также в курсе дела • I was part of the SAR team that searched for Brian Braumberger, I was not aware that there was more than one. I do remember that it was as you described; the car was parked at George Derby Centre with the lights on, doors open and I had heard that the engine was running. (Reddit))
4.09.2023 8:44:58 gen. be fluent in English бегло говорить по-английски (I am fluent in English and Cantonese.)
4.09.2023 8:44:50 gen. be fluent in English свободно говорить по-английски (I am fluent in English and Spanish.)
4.09.2023 8:38:23 fin. keep cash flow coming обеспечить непрерывное движение денежных средств (At Strand Development, Mike Mackay and his team make a point of trying to keep properties rented out. “It’s just good corporate citizenship to maintain some vibrancy on the street,” says Mackay, whose company has been building a lot of new rental around the city, along with commercial/industrial in the Mount Pleasant industrial zone. “It’s a brand risk for us if we don’t.” Plus, he says, it only makes sense to keep cash flow coming. bcbusiness.ca)
4.09.2023 8:37:53 fin. keep cash flow coming обеспечить непрерывное поступление денежного потока (At Strand Development, Mike Mackay and his team make a point of trying to keep properties rented out. “It’s just good corporate citizenship to maintain some vibrancy on the street,” says Mackay, whose company has been building a lot of new rental around the city, along with commercial/industrial in the Mount Pleasant industrial zone. “It’s a brand risk for us if we don’t.” Plus, he says, it only makes sense to keep cash flow coming. bcbusiness.ca)
4.09.2023 8:28:25 cliche. keep one's mouth firmly shut не болтать языком (The two men told Wilson – in stern and creepy fashion – that all he had seen in the skies above was a Soviet satellite orbiting the Earth; specifically Cosmos 408. And, that he had better keep his mouth firmly shut. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
4.09.2023 8:06:03 gen. with a focus on с упором на (a course with a focus on world art & culture – с упором на искусство и культуру народов мира)
4.09.2023 8:05:38 polit. pre-emptively с упреждающей целью
4.09.2023 8:03:06 gen. extend for many miles тянуться на много миль (From this point, the beach extends for several / many / five miles in each direction.)
4.09.2023 8:00:53 cliche. stressful day тяжёлый день (There was a lot of boozing going on in the training camp before the accident. Apparently, the team managed to finish six to eight cases of beer every day. They even nicknamed the more stressful days, "ten-case days" to refer to the stress they used to numb after the practicing.)
4.09.2023 7:59:55 book. treading heavily тяжело ступая ('Presently the landlady appeared with the tray, laid it down upon a chair beside the closed door, and then, treading heavily, departed.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.09.2023 7:55:57 traf. four-lane traffic четырёхполосное движение ("Дорожное полотно на Камышовом шоссе в Севастополе полностью закончено. Четырёхполосное движение открыто на всём протяжении трассы." • After four months of construction, the repaving of that section of the Trans Canada Highway is now complete, and four-lane traffic will reopen on Friday. leaderpost.com)
4.09.2023 6:40:35 real.est. hold out for a better deal выжидать более выгодной сделки (Because the issue might not be a landowner who is holding out for a better deal or getting tangled up in city permits. The issue could be a landowner who isn’t making the best decisions. bcbusiness.ca)
4.09.2023 5:29:20 cliche. get one's shoes wet замочить ноги (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see.)
4.09.2023 5:29:20 cliche. get one's shoes wet замочить обувь (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see.)
3.09.2023 10:28:09 cliche. not merely ... but не просто..., а (Don McMillan, president of the Urban Development Institute Pacific Region, which represents virtually all the major residential, commercial and industrial developers in B.C., says that municipalities should adopt community plans designating clearly the land uses and densities for each area. He says these plans should not be merely guidelines but formal documents and that all land within the community should be officially zoned in accordance with the plan. (BC Business Week))
3.09.2023 10:18:05 cliche. full knowledge всестороннее представление (In a meeting with Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Vander Zalm, McMillan said: "Community plans, with firm zoning densities would provide every property owner with full knowledge, right from from the start, about municipal intentions for all areas of the municipality." (BC Business Week) -- обеспечить всестороннее представление)
3.09.2023 10:17:27 cliche. full knowledge всестороннее понимание (In a meeting with Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Vander Zalm, McMillan said: "Community plans, with firm zoning densities would provide every property owner with full knowledge, right from from the start, about municipal intentions for all areas of the municipality." (BC Business Week) -- обеспечить всестороннее понимание)
3.09.2023 10:13:10 cliche. more than не просто ("You speak as if you knew this man." "I do more than know him. I employ him. He's my valet." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Я не просто с ним знаком. Он мой слуга.)
3.09.2023 10:12:36 cliche. not just a не просто (It's not just a pen, it's the revolutionary self-writing, autocorrecting pen. • "That's not just any baby, that's the baby." "The baby? What do you mean -- the baby?" "Muriel's baby, of course." (Jeeves And Wooster — Introduction on Broadway))
3.09.2023 9:57:38 gen. eliminate uncertainty избавиться от неопределённости (over – в отношении, по поводу: "It would be a big step toward eliminating uncertainty over future direction and density of growth." (BC Business Week))
3.09.2023 9:55:15 cliche. in clear and precise terms чётко и ясно ("If zoning bylaws were laid out in clear and precise terms stating all site requirements, a developer could budget accurately at the outset of a project," Calder says. (BC Business Week))
3.09.2023 9:45:50 cliche. find it tough трудно делать что-л. (+ infinitive: Property developers are finding it tough to operate in this province because of the lack of uniformity in zoning laws. -- трудно работать)
3.09.2023 6:53:07 ed. trade рабочая специальность (I have a trade and make decent money, but I work a lot of overtime to make that money. • Trades…you’ll be making 6 figures in under 10yrs dude. (Reddit))
3.09.2023 1:47:39 relig. sign from above знак свыше (Al-Fayed died on August 30, 2023, nearly 26 years to the day since his son Dodi was killed in a car crash with Princess Diana (August 31, 1997). Geller suggested (...) it could be a sign from above. coasttocoastam.com)
3.09.2023 1:44:55 gen. love to laugh любить посмеяться (обычно в прошедшем времени: He also spoke about his friendship with Frank Sinatra and being asked to deliver a eulogy at his funeral. "He loved to laugh," Schlatter recalled. -- Он любил посмеяться. coasttocoastam.com)
3.09.2023 1:42:32 inf. have a few laughs посмеяться (We had a few beers, played some pool, had a few laughs...)
3.09.2023 1:39:19 cliche. successful career успешная карьера (Throughout his long and successful career as a producer, director and writer, George Schlatter has been responsible for hundreds of hours of television series and specials. -- На протяжении своей долгой и успешной карьеры в качестве продюсера ... coasttocoastam.com)
2.09.2023 8:55:29 gen. be extra careful проявлять крайнюю осторожность (The province is warning campers to be extra careful.)
2.09.2023 8:15:45 law, contr. written consent of the other Party письменное согласие другой Стороны (The Parties agree not to disclose Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party. – без письменного согласия на то другой Стороны)
2.09.2023 7:22:16 gen. do banking осуществлять банковские операции
2.09.2023 7:19:58 fig. influential весомый (One of the most influential characters in literary history, Alice set the standard for the majority of children's book genres.)
2.09.2023 6:52:59 fig. remarkable similarity поразительное сходство (In Saturday’s election, voters were given a choice: believe radical activists and their political allies, or trust the eyes and ears of fellow citizens begging for safety. They made their choice clear and overwhelmingly embraced the pro-police ABC party. In making this choice, Vancouver’s trajectory has shown a remarkable similarity to San Francisco’s political evolution. dailyhive.com)
2.09.2023 6:47:32 gen. take a negative view of плохо относиться к (поведению, образу жизни и т.п.)
2.09.2023 6:45:17 gen. not know much плохо разбираться (about sth. – в чём-л.: Pink Lady? Is that a cocktail? Sorry, I don't know much about cocktails.)
2.09.2023 6:41:30 inf. out there существующий (So those are the two main types of this technology out there.)
2.09.2023 6:33:57 disappr. that's a bit rich это уже чересчур (о нахальном поступке, высказывании)
2.09.2023 6:33:43 disappr. this seems a bit rich это уже чересчур
2.09.2023 4:11:54 gen. share the benefits of совместно пользоваться благами (share the economic benefits of our project -- совместно пользоваться благами)
2.09.2023 4:09:39 gen. overlooking the ocean с видом на океан (La Casa Pacifica, Richard Nixon's retreat overlooking the ocean in San Clemente, California)
2.09.2023 4:02:46 gen. receive word that получить донесение о том, что ("In 1955, the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division chief was allegedly sent a secret memo from the acting station chief in Venezuela who had received word from one of his informants that Hitler had actually survived the war and was now living a secluded existence in Argentina." – которому поступило донесение о том, что ...)
2.09.2023 3:46:03 gen. get better acquainted получше познакомиться (You and I need to get better acquainted.)

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