
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.09.2023 4:25:48 gen. while incarcerated отбывая срок (Discovery revealed the case was based on the hearsay of one individual – a career criminal and an informant who had been paid by corrupt officers to testify against Hicks. They were hoping Hicks would either get killed while incarcerated or take a plea deal, but he decided to go to trial. Hicks was ultimately acquitted of all charges. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:25:18 gen. while incarcerated находясь в заключении (Discovery revealed the case was based on the hearsay of one individual – a career criminal and an informant who had been paid by corrupt officers to testify against Hicks. They were hoping Hicks would either get killed while incarcerated or take a plea deal, but he decided to go to trial. Hicks was ultimately acquitted of all charges. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:21:05 cliche. mind one's own business не лезть не в свои дела (After witnessing the large-scale corruption around him, Hicks went to his sergeant about the matter. "He told me to mind my business... so I took it to the lieutenant," Hicks disclosed, adding the lieutenant essentially ignored him and told him they were going to put him back in a detention role. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked нечистый на руку (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked нечистоплотный (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked подкупленный (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked подкупный (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked корыстный (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 3:52:15 law.enf. boot camp исправительная колония (для несовершеннолетних преступников; мера применяется в качестве замены заключения: In 1994, Hicks was asked to complete special training to become a drill sergeant at a boot camp for troubled youth where completion of the program would keep them out of jail. "I was really hard on them but they knew I loved them," he admitted. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 3:26:42 formal as per на основании (No smoking within 3 meters of entrance ways, windows and intake vents as per Tobacco Control Act.)
10.09.2023 3:24:34 org.crime. drug sting operation операция по внедрению в наркоторговлю под прикрытием (In 1990, he was pulled from the jail and used in drug sting operations. "This is the time when the Broward Sheriff's office would manufacture their own drugs and give it to us to be sold on the street which is entrapment," he explained, pointing out the drugs were produced on the 7th floor of the courthouse building. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 3:07:28 gen. acquit of all charges оправдать во всем пунктам обвинения (After witnessing and reporting corruption in his agency, he was falsely charged with trafficking 350 kilos of cocaine and spent over 16 months behind bars, waiting for his day in court. Hicks joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to tell his story of how he fought these charges before a jury that only had to deliberate for 30 minutes before acquitting him of all charges. -- был оправдан во всем пунктам обвинения coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 3:04:28 gen. falsely charged ложно обвинённый (with sth. – в чём-л.: Raymond Hicks is a highly-decorated Broward County Sheriff's deputy with 15 years of service. After witnessing and reporting corruption in his agency, he was falsely charged with trafficking 350 kilos of cocaine and spent over 16 months behind bars, waiting for his day in court. -- был ложно обвинён в транспортировке наркотических средств coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 2:47:58 cinema trash movie сортирный фильм (-- тж. "сортирная комедия" *** The term ‘Trash' or Exploitation movies, as they are sometime called, refers to movies that exploits or dabbles in poor taste for purely commercial reasons. Whereas other movies are centered around a story, Exploitation movies only use their stories as a thinly disguised pretense for exploiting or dabbling in sex, violence or other things. quora.com)
9.09.2023 8:04:20 idiom. send away with a flea in one's ear дать под зад коленом (("What did you do?" the ancestor asked, all agog, and the McCorkadale gave that sniffing snort of hers. (...)"I sent him away with a flea in his ear. I pride myself on being a fair fighter, and his proposition revolted me." (P.G. Wodehouse) )
9.09.2023 7:46:00 polit. make huge inroads into глубоко вмешиваться в дела (In his native Canada, the Chinese "have made huge inroads into our economy and political system," he said, adding that citizens are starting to object. coasttocoastam.com, interfax.ru)
9.09.2023 7:40:54 gen. care deeply глубоко волновать (We care deeply about these issues. – Нас глубоко волнуют эти вопросы.)
9.09.2023 7:40:14 gen. profound significance глубокое значение (At the time, not many pundits saw the profound significance of that move.)
9.09.2023 7:35:51 gen. dramatically impact глубоко отразиться на
9.09.2023 7:35:42 gen. dramatically impact сильнейшим образом повлиять на (This fire should serve as a reminder for those without renters/tenants insurance. Doesn't matter how careful or responsible you are, the people living above, below and beside you can impact your living situation pretty dramatically. (Reddit))
9.09.2023 7:29:56 Russia the Emergency Ministry of the Russian Federation МЧС России (источник: журнал The Economist)
9.09.2023 7:25:19 humor. billowy portions филейные части ("So, what I mean to say, although the providence which watches over good men saw to it that I was enabled to complete the homeward journey unscathed except in the billowy portions, removing from my path all goats, elephants and owls that looked like my Aunt Agatha, it was frowning and jaundiced Bertram who finally came to anchor at the Brinkley Court front door." (P.G. Wodehouse))
9.09.2023 7:25:08 humor. billowy portions мягкие места ("So, what I mean to say, although the providence which watches over good men saw to it that I was enabled to complete the homeward journey unscathed except in the billowy portions, removing from my path all goats, elephants and owls that looked like my Aunt Agatha, it was frowning and jaundiced Bertram who finally came to anchor at the Brinkley Court front door." (P.G. Wodehouse))
9.09.2023 7:21:29 gen. feature фигурировать (о явлении: Some of the reports include strange features of a paranormal nature, like telepathic communication between Bigfoot and human, or that Bigfoot is invulnerable to gunfire and can dematerialize, or that they are somehow associated with UFOs. As these only feature in a small proportion of reports we do not propose to cover them here, but further discussion of these aspects can be found in our books 'Bigfoot Casebook' and 'The Evidence for Bigfoot and Other Man-beasts' (Janet and Colin Bord) -- поскольку они фигурируют лишь в небольшой части свидетельств)
9.09.2023 4:42:50 gen. tarnish one's image запятнать облик (The reason our chief of police didn't want to use any force on the rioters is that he's just a political puppet of our mayor who was afraid that would tarnish his granola-eating image.)
9.09.2023 4:37:45 formal thank for having the confidence in sb поблагодарить за оказанное доверие ("By renewing my deal with Premiere Networks, I'll be around when astronauts land on Mars," George said. "I want to thank Premiere and Clear Channel Media and Entertainment for having the confidence in me and our amazing team to take Coast to Coast AM into the future. I look forward to many more years of bringing riveting programs during the late-night hours to our millions of listeners around the world." coasttocoastam.com)
9.09.2023 4:34:30 adv. to_suit your needs по вашим потребностям (We offer a wide range of financial options to suit your needs.)
9.09.2023 4:32:12 idiom. is your department по вашей части (“Now, Watson, the fair sex is your department.” – «Прекрасный пол – это по вашей части, Ватсон.» (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
9.09.2023 4:29:01 idiom. is more in your line по вашей части (This case is more in your line than that of anyone in the office. -- Это скорее по вашей части.)
9.09.2023 4:26:05 idiom. right down your alley по вашей части (This would be right down your alley. – Это по вашей части.)
9.09.2023 4:25:30 idiom. right down your alley по твоей части (This would be right down your alley. – Это по твоей части.)
9.09.2023 4:24:02 fig. drag to потащить на (He dragged me to a baseball game. – потащил меня на бейсбольный матч)
9.09.2023 4:22:13 gen. promiscuous brat потаскуха ("By all the rules you ought to be the same sort of shallow spoiled promiscuous brat your sister was. By some miracle you're not. You've got all the honesty and a large part of the guts in your family." (Raymond Chandler))
9.09.2023 4:01:44 gen. well, such is the case именно так обстоят дела
9.09.2023 3:57:28 gen. might have better luck больше повезёт (I think you might have better luck if you had a credit card you can give to them in advance to pay for the services.)
9.09.2023 3:33:46 sec.sys. tamper with нарушить систему безопасности ("Police say they received word from Scotia Bank that several bank machines had been tampered with to temporarily disable security features. Four people were arrested last week (...). Two people, both from Romania, have been charged with fraud." (News 1130))
9.09.2023 3:31:31 sec.sys. tampered with подвергнувшийся взлому ("Police say they received word from Scotia Bank that several bank machines had been tampered with to temporarily disable security features. They believe people were setting it all up at night, including a discreet camera to record people's PINs. A cover was placed over the card readers to prevent the card from ejecting at the end of a transaction." News 1130)
9.09.2023 3:27:01 gen. tranquil lifestyle спокойная жизнь (Once again let's destroy the tranquil life style to a metropolitan chaos. A ton of broken bricks to the governing council for a cash flow from increased property value and development permit fees. (North Shore News))
8.09.2023 7:19:17 gen. give out awards вручать награды (In all, Xitus Awards were given out in 28 categories ranging from construction and design to marketing and energy efficiency.)
8.09.2023 7:19:09 gen. hand out the awards вручать награды (The awards were handed out at the Hyatt Regency Richmond.)
8.09.2023 7:16:00 idiom. scared witless перепуганный до потери сознания ("At first I thought it was someone messing about, but then he glided away and walked straight through a solid wall at a dead end." Garry had to be carried away from the pit on a stretcher in a hysterical state, and later declared himself 'scared witless' by the encounter. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
8.09.2023 7:13:08 cliche. just as important что не менее важно (I have the benefit of an economic background and, just as important, some degree of experience managing a medium-sized company.)
8.09.2023 7:11:41 inf. mighty fine что надо (Yeah, I remember Luigi. Good friend of mine... You know, I never understood a single word he said, but he always had some mighty fine wine. -- вино у него было что надо twitter.com)
8.09.2023 7:10:33 gen. what was I to do? что мне оставалось делать? ("Put yourself in my position, Mr. Holmes. What was I to do?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Что я должна был делать? / Что мне оставалось делать?)
8.09.2023 7:01:15 Canada Indigenous man представитель коренного населения (Канады: A Vancouver man who hit another man in the head causing him to fall over and later die has been given a 27-month jail sentence. According to Vancouver Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Steve Addison, on Aug. 6, 2021 Jeff Arnie Lincoln, 41, struck 60-year-old Gilles Herbert in Grandview Park near Commercial Drive and Charles Street. Lincoln, who is an Indigenous man, punched Herbert in the head at which point he fell to the ground and stuck his head. vancouversun.com)
8.09.2023 6:45:53 ed. drop out of high school бросить школу (She dropped out of high school and became a vagabond, "going around singing and playing the guitar," she told The Los Angeles Times in 1986.)
8.09.2023 6:34:27 gen. types of products виды продукции (in manufacturing: these types of products)
8.09.2023 6:32:18 busin. item вид продукции (new item – новый вид продукции)
8.09.2023 6:27:51 gen. hold against обвинять (Don't worry, I won't hold that against you.)
8.09.2023 6:27:20 gen. hold against винить (Please don't hold that against me.)
8.09.2023 4:58:00 inf. tell me about it! ещё бы!
8.09.2023 4:56:16 gen. still further ещё больше (I have no quarrel with charging ports for electric vehicles being put in city-owned lots. But private builders shouldn't be forced by the city council to spend $1,500 apiece to install these plug-ins as mandating the plug-ins is going to increase the cost of buying a condo still further. -- ещё больше увеличат стоимость покупки квартиры)
8.09.2023 4:55:33 formal further ещё больше (To my shock, your son was already 15 feet down the cliff running like a hare. I've never seen anyone run that fast. (...) I proceeded down the cliff after your son but he kept running. Due to my professional SAR training, I stopped running after him out of fear he'd be further scared. So I went back topside and the crew hadn't found your son on the main road. – из опасения, что он ещё больше испугается mysteriousuniverse.org)
8.09.2023 4:42:09 gen. had once been некогда был (был / была / было / были: The old tub, pieces of broken furniture and empty beer bottles were scattered over what had once been a pretty flower garden with irises, lilacs and hydrangea bushes.)
8.09.2023 4:40:08 inf. big fat liar неисправимый лгун
8.09.2023 4:36:46 idiom. not be on one's radar не интересоваться (It's not really on my radar. -- Я этим не интересуюсь. / Меня это не интересует.)
8.09.2023 4:35:52 gen. take no interest не интересоваться (My husband takes no interest in my social life.)
8.09.2023 3:46:35 gen. poorly constructed некачественный (о доме: I live in a poorly constructed / poorly maintained wood frame studio built in 1967. It’s less than 350sq but no matter how many times I vacuum, dust, spray, wipe, etc. it’s ALWAYS dusty and dirty. (Reddit))
8.09.2023 3:46:35 gen. poorly constructed некачественно построенный (о доме: I live in a poorly constructed / poorly maintained wood frame studio built in 1967. It’s less than 350sq but no matter how many times I vacuum, dust, spray, wipe, etc. it’s ALWAYS dusty and dirty. (Reddit))
7.09.2023 8:48:12 gen. without notice неожиданно (appropriate in some contexts: "In some showers the water temperature can change quite quickly without notice.")
7.09.2023 8:47:32 crim.law. repeat offender неоднократно судимый
7.09.2023 8:44:33 lit. publish numerous later editions неоднократно переиздаваться (Over the years this work continues to be celebrated by admirers of French poetry, and numerous later editions have also been published. – книга неоднократно переиздавалась)
7.09.2023 8:44:21 lit. see countless reprints неоднократно переиздаваться ("Poetical Remains" by Henry Kirke White has seen countless reprints. – неоднократно переиздавалась)
7.09.2023 8:00:22 disappr. snooty элитный (в смысле "относящийся свысока, высокомерный, барственный": Jericho isn't some snooty private yacht club; it's a non-profit, largely run by volunteers, that operates on a massive scale, allowing many thousands of Vancouverites to get out on the water at shockingly affordable prices. -- это не какой-то элитный клуб (Reddit))
7.09.2023 7:40:33 gen. as sth. progresses по ходу чего-л. (The answer to this question may become clear as this chapter progresses. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- по ходу этой главы)
7.09.2023 7:32:54 fig.of.sp. have no quarrel with ничего не иметь против (I have no quarrel with charging ports for electric vehicles being put in city-owned lots. But private builders shouldn't be forced by the city council to spend $1,500 apiece to install these plug-ins as mandating the plug-ins is going to increase the cost of buying a condo still further.)
7.09.2023 7:32:30 formal have no objection to ничего не иметь против ("My friend turned to the country inspector. "I suppose that you have no objection to my collaborating with you, Mr. Baynes?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Полагаю, вы ничего не будете иметь против / вы не будете возражать против ...)
7.09.2023 7:31:57 cliche. I have no problem with that ничего не имею против
7.09.2023 7:31:25 cliche. I have no problem with that лично я нормально к этому отношусь
7.09.2023 7:31:06 cliche. I have no problem with that лично я ничего не имею против этого
7.09.2023 7:29:15 notar. the identity of the individual signing the document has been determined, his/her competence has been verified личность установлена, дееспособность проверена
7.09.2023 6:55:54 gen. date from брать начало в (The unusual ritual dates from the 14th c. -- берёт начало в XIV в. • История дворцово-паркового ансамбля Шёнбрунн берет начало в XIV веке, когда на его территории находились земли монастыря)
7.09.2023 6:50:16 gen. high media profile известность (благодаря публикациям в прессе, о личности или происшествии)
7.09.2023 6:47:13 cliche. as far as I'm concerned на мой взгляд ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century")
7.09.2023 6:45:05 cliche. as far as I'm concerned лично я считаю, что (West examined the images of the Malibu underwater object. "My first reaction – knowing that it was 2,000 feet under the water – was that, under no circumstances could it, in fact, be artificial, manmade. And I have enough experience, looking at geology and distinguishing between what could perhaps be artificial, and then there's sort of a gray area in-between. As far as I'm concerned, there's no gray area." huffingtonpost.ca)
7.09.2023 6:44:46 cliche. as far as I'm concerned что касается лично меня, я считаю, что ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
7.09.2023 5:59:06 formal relatable уместный (stories full of personal introspections and relatable anecdotes)
7.09.2023 5:56:27 gen. be right подходить (for someone – кому-л., для кого-л.: To be sure this product is right for you, always read the label.)
7.09.2023 5:54:33 cliche. just right подходит (It's a sleek piece that offers a nod to Art Deco. And it doesn't set you back US$3,000. It's just right for any space in your home. – подойдёт для любого места у вас дома)
7.09.2023 4:43:21 polygr. handstitching ручная прошивка
7.09.2023 4:42:21 ed. Spoken Russian русская речь (предмет)
7.09.2023 4:38:59 gen. just a short walk from рукой подать до (Crystal Cornthwaite eats on a coffee table in her living room. There's no space for a dinner table in her cramped basement apartment in Vancouver's Kitsilano neighbourhood. Still, she cherishes the home on Balsam Street, just a short walk from the beach. “I love living here,” Cornthwaite said. “I frequent all the neighbouring businesses and shops. I’m happy here.” ctvnews.ca)
7.09.2023 4:36:04 formal be motivated by руководствоваться (We are not motivated by political considerations. – Мы руководствуемся не политическими соображениями.)
7.09.2023 4:30:33 NGO community leaders руководители местных сообществ (общественых организаций в конкретном городе или районе)
7.09.2023 3:51:48 cliche. by the same token руководствуясь тем же принципом
7.09.2023 3:51:41 cliche. by the same token руководствуясь той же логикой
7.09.2023 3:03:31 idiom. pony up the cash платить (Pony up means to pay money, to pay what one owes, to make good a debt. The term pony up is said to date back to the sixteenth century. It is said to be a corruption of the Latin phrase "legem pone": Due to worsening storms and worsening damage, it's not feasible to keep fixing it every time it gets wrecked. It could be replaced with a new structure built for future storms, but nobody wants to pony up the cash. -- никто не хочет платить (Reddit))
7.09.2023 2:23:42 idiom. have the peace of mind of knowing спокойно на душе оттого, что кто-л. знает (Many families will now have the peace of mind of knowing that their kids are learning in a new facility that also has child care spaces next door. (Premier David Eby))
7.09.2023 2:11:35 contempt. exceptional bastard редкостный ублюдок (What an exceptional bastard...)
6.09.2023 7:27:25 gen. fell silent наступила тишина (The forest fell eerily silent, and the two men experienced a feeling of calm mixed with apathy, he explained. Within the span of an hour the craft had positioned itself directly overhead and, despite the remarkable display before them, Lovelace and Tobias felt compelled to go to sleep. – В лесу наступила странная тишина coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2023 7:21:20 gen. in no welcoming mood настроенный отнюдь не гостеприимно (The owners of the next house we tried were in no welcoming mood. – были настроены отнюдь не гостеприимно)
6.09.2023 7:20:17 gen. set up the expectation настраивать (кого-л на что-л.: The new bylaw sets up the expectation that service will be available in both English and French, which may not be the case.)
6.09.2023 7:19:13 gen. meditative настраивающий на созерцательный лад
6.09.2023 7:12:01 gen. genuine masterpiece настоящий шедевр ("That poem – what a gem! A genuine masterpiece. Pure tabasco." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.09.2023 7:11:33 gen. manly man настоящий мужчина (The 35-yearl-old heartthrob and millionaire doesn't fit the society stereotype of a manly man who is supposed to indulge in red meat and drive a black Hummer to the woods to hunt deer with his buddies.)
6.09.2023 7:09:21 gen. true wealth настоящее богатство (People are our Company's true wealth.)
6.09.2023 7:08:07 formal urge настоятельно рекомендовать ("Police say they received word from Scotia Bank that several bank machines had been tampered with to temporarily disable security features. (...) If you've fallen victim to this scam, you're urged to contact your bank and file a report with police." (News 1130) – настоятельно рекомендуем вам)
6.09.2023 7:04:46 gen. proper winter настоящая зима (After weeks of rain, finally feeling like a proper winter this week.)
6.09.2023 6:57:01 cliche. you've had enough на сегодня хватит (пить: "You've had enough!")
6.09.2023 6:51:45 gen. out of the corner of my eye saw боковым зрением увидел (Out of the corner of my eye I saw something reflecting in the moonlight. )

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