
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

15.09.2023 8:00:46 cliche. prove deeply influential оказать глубокое влияние (The book has proved deeply influential in the West as well as the East.)
15.09.2023 7:59:21 gen. the story turned out to be untrue оказалось, что это неправда
15.09.2023 7:58:30 cliche. greatly influence оказать огромное влияние (Height and sexual development are not exclusively dependent on hormones, they are greatly influenced by inherited traits. – на них оказывают огромное / большое влияние)
15.09.2023 7:57:16 cliche. have a huge impact оказать огромное влияние (on – на)
15.09.2023 6:48:17 inf. tight fit тесноватое жильё (We decided to renovate rather than rebuild, it was a cost-effective option at that time. Although at 1,400 sq.ft, it still can be a tight fit for our family of four. – семье из четырёх человек приходится тесновато)
15.09.2023 6:47:34 gen. at the scheduled time в установленный срок (Your installments were not paid at the scheduled time.)
15.09.2023 6:39:30 cliche. broad term широкое понятие (Danger is a broad term that cannot be measured because it is undefined. Does is mean the amount of murders or the amount of robberies that happen yearly in a country? What about car accidents or flash floods? (adventurism.tv) • Это достаточно широкое понятие, включающее знание охотничьего оружия, снаряжения, повадок диких животных, тонкостей различных способов охоты. • Управление является более широким понятием по сравнению с регулированием.)
15.09.2023 5:45:33 idiom. elbow room возможность для манёвра (The government has a bit of elbow room here.)
15.09.2023 5:45:19 idiom. wriggle room возможность для манёвра (или возможности: The government doesn't have a lot of wriggle room on this.)
15.09.2023 5:41:43 formal opportunity to review возможность ознакомиться (I have had the opportunity to review these Signature Terms and this Agreement before signing it. -- У меня имелась возможность ознакомиться с ...)
15.09.2023 5:40:06 cliche. note that имейте в виду, что (Note that it will take a day or two for any data to show up.)
15.09.2023 4:37:46 law.enf. intentionally misleading намеренно недостоверный
15.09.2023 3:47:35 formal whereby по которому (a program whereby ... – программа, по которой ...)
15.09.2023 3:17:50 inf. put off отбивать желание (к чему-либо: Seeing that black beast in the water so close, has it put you off going back out on the lake at all? – у вас не пропало желание снова кататься по озеру?)
15.09.2023 2:56:51 gen. spout obscenities осыпать нецензурной бранью (At that point, two guards from a nearby convenience store intervened to help Watson, but he spouted obscenities and threats at them, even taking a swing at one.)
15.09.2023 2:55:57 cliche. tangible results осязаемые результаты
15.09.2023 2:27:07 uncom. crusty засохшая корочка (на теле ребёнка; plural: crusties: Babies sometimes get crusties in their neck, like if you dribble some milk down his neck.)
14.09.2023 9:20:13 gen. used to find раньше считал (I used to find chess boring. Then I discovered the 24-hour Topless Chess Channel. – Раньше я считал, что ...)
14.09.2023 9:16:10 idiom. bad beyond belief просто ужас (The house Mike and Lisa moved into was bad beyond belief – without a doubt, it was the worst house they ever rented, with critters, rat droppings, piles of garbage and used needles covering the entire property.)
14.09.2023 9:15:02 gen. seemingly simple простой на первый взгляд (a seemingly simple pattern)
14.09.2023 9:14:35 gen. that's just creepy просто жуть
14.09.2023 9:14:16 gen. very spooky! просто жуть! (Very spooky that you are watching The Medusa Touch and then your bed starts shaking!)
14.09.2023 8:52:19 gen. resign oneself to смириться с тем, что (noun/gerund)
14.09.2023 6:48:30 cliche. cannot be overstated нельзя переоценить (The significance of the piece cannot be overstated. -- Значение этой поэмы нельзя переоценить)
14.09.2023 6:43:23 inf. that urgent настолько срочно (Is it that urgent? – Неужели это настолько срочно?)
14.09.2023 6:41:24 idiom. bring back to the straight and narrow наставить на путь истинный (This child needs to be brought back to the straight and narrow or the parents are going to have even bigger problems down the road.)
14.09.2023 6:39:49 gen. snatch a hurried breakfast наспех позавтракать ([Для Макарова: make – это приготовить еду, а не поесть]: "While a horse was being put into a trap at the local inn, we snatched a hurried breakfast." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
14.09.2023 4:45:04 gen. you couldn't not notice it нельзя не заметить (about an object: The yellow line was discovered this week on a 23-mile stretch of southbound Interstate 95, starting at the Acosta Bridge and ending at St. Johns County Road 210 in St. Augustine. "You couldn't not notice it," driver Richard Campbell told First Coast News. upi.com)
13.09.2023 7:42:57 idiom. on a shoestring budget за гроши (применимо не во всех случаях, напр., приемлемо говоря о недорогих поездках : I did all my globetrotting on a shoestring budget at that time, and Vancouver was the hub city that enabled my dirt-cheap travel fixes. (Reddit))
13.09.2023 7:37:02 idiom. up and about встал (с постели, после сна, не обязательно после болезни: 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse)) – Ты уже встал? )
13.09.2023 7:35:21 idiom. put in a word вставить словечко
13.09.2023 7:26:59 gen. get a sense of вникнуть в (As of January 1, user fees will be changing. Please visit our website to get a sense of what is going on.)
13.09.2023 7:26:01 gen. pore внимательно изучать (We spent hours poring over each manuscript, savouring every detail.)
13.09.2023 7:25:30 gen. look more closely внимательнее изучить (We need to look at this issue more closely.)
13.09.2023 7:21:22 abbr. NAD внешних признаков недомогания не наблюдается (= No apparent distress)
13.09.2023 7:20:02 gen. the way it looks внешний вид
13.09.2023 5:57:34 gen. put in an occasional appearance появляться время от времени (It is probably easier to come to terms with the ghost of a former owner, especially if he or she does nothing but put in an occasional appearance. -- Вероятно, легче примириться с призраком бывшего владельца дома, тем более если он или она всего лишь появляется время от времени. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.09.2023 5:48:55 gen. about to leave for собрался уходить (модель be about + infinitive: After hearing strange sounds for many months, in autumn 1976 they saw the ghost, an elderly man dressed in an Edwardian-style brown tweed suit, standing leaning against the mantelpiece. They also saw him wearing a bowler and carrying a cane or umbrella under his arm. Looking like a businessman about to leave for the office, he tipped his hat and walked through the closed door. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.09.2023 5:44:44 gen. lean against прислониться к (After hearing strange sounds for many months, in autumn 1976 they saw the ghost, an elderly man dressed in an Edwardian-style brown tweed suit, standing leaning against the mantelpiece. -- стоял, прислонившись к доске над камином (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") )
13.09.2023 5:33:35 gen. suggestion самовнушение (Some eerie experiences could certainly be imaginary, brought on by suggestion, by being in an allegedly haunted place, or alone in spooky surroundings. But when a child too young to understand about death and ghosts sees his dead mother, we must acknowledge that something other than imagination is at work. -- вызваны самовнушением (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.09.2023 5:16:47 cliche. there is nothing like ничто не сравнится с (Those people who have never seen a ghost or heard ghostly footsteps may be forgiven for wondering if it is 'all in the mind' -- but there is nothing like a personal brush with the supernatural for swiftly changing doubt to certainty. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.09.2023 4:48:53 gen. on the side of сбоку (сбоку бедра – on the side of the hip • сбоку головы – on the side of the head)
13.09.2023 4:47:14 gen. to the side сбоку (по ходу движения: The Boeing 737 was at 29,500 feet when the pilot saw a 'missile' heading straight for the jet. It passed to the side and slightly below, and the pilot saw a rocket-shaped object about 4 feet long, with fins. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.09.2023 4:42:19 gen. at a loss to explain не в состоянии объяснить (Everyone was at a loss to explain what happened.)
13.09.2023 4:40:12 gen. beyond man's grasp за гранью человеческого понимания (This is a concept beyond man's grasp.)
13.09.2023 3:18:47 contempt. useless scumbags никчёмные подонки (British Columbia has become a hotbed for junkies and criminals and these politicians have let it happen. I don’t know why people keep voting for these NDP useless scumbags! (Twitter))
13.09.2023 2:37:55 idiom. had never laid eyes on раньше и в глаза не видел (sb. – кого-л.: Англо-русский фразеологический словарь под ред. А.В. Кунина: "I tell you, my own brother hunted all through here, and he met a good many Indians who'd never laid eyes on a white man before!" (D. Carter, Fatherless Sons) -- "Я тебе говорю -- мой родной брат охотился в этих местах и сколько раз встречал индейцев, которые белых раньше и в глаза не видели!")
13.09.2023 2:32:25 idiom. had never laid eyes on никогда раньше в глаза не видел (sb. – кого-л.: Intriguingly, this shared-death phenomenon does not occur only to loved ones of the dying. "Several years ago, my wife and I got a call from an ER doctor who had been called to the ER to resuscitate a patient he had never laid eyes on. And as this guy was dying, the physician saw that the patient's life springing up around him," Moody marveled. coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2023 5:17:33 gen. natural-born наделённый даром от рождения (Natasha Venter is a natural-born psychic, and has been described as a bridge between worlds, using her gifts as an inter-dimensional guide, animal communicator, and reader of energies. coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2023 5:17:33 gen. natural-born одарённый от рождения чем-л. (Natasha Venter is a natural-born psychic, and has been described as a bridge between worlds, using her gifts as an inter-dimensional guide, animal communicator, and reader of energies. coasttocoastam.com)
11.09.2023 8:29:41 cliche. can't / should not be underestimated нельзя недооценивать (As much as "location, location, location" remains the number one mantra in the real-estate game, presentation can't be underestimated when it comes to holding a successful open house.)
11.09.2023 8:27:53 gen. not legally excusable неоправданный с правовой точки зрения ("Regarding Nguyen's claim that Ball had touched his partner's rear end, the judge agreed with the defence that there was a "form of provocation" in the attack, not in the legal sense but in the everyday use of the term. "In other words, Mr. Nguyen's conduct is not legally excusable, but given the circumstances it is morally understandable to a certain degree", she said in her reasons for judgment." (The Province) -- нельзя оправдать с правовой точки зрения)
11.09.2023 8:26:44 cliche. one can't help but to wonder нельзя не задаться вопросом (At some point during this sighting, the couple — and other unnamed eyewitnesses — stated that the UFO emitted a series of “fireballs” as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described “fireballs,” one can’t help but to wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope.)
11.09.2023 7:59:16 gen. career criminal матёрый рецидивист (Discovery revealed the case was based on the hearsay of one individual – a career criminal and an informant who had been paid by corrupt officers to testify against Hicks. They were hoping Hicks would either get killed while incarcerated or take a plea deal, but he decided to go to trial. Hicks was ultimately acquitted of all charges. coasttocoastam.com)
11.09.2023 7:56:21 ling. vocabulary learning накопление словарного запаса (We're interested in how babies' early language development might influence later language development, in particular, their vocabulary learning and their reading abilities.)
11.09.2023 7:52:40 law, contr. subject to на основании (Subject to Section 4(A), the parties acknowledge and agree ... )
11.09.2023 6:45:40 jarg. get buff накачаться (накачать мускулатуру: One of my best friends for so long only wanted a family. Then he got buff and attracted hot chicks. Got his heart broken. Boned more hot chicks. Now he's middle-aged and childless and he probably won't have kids. One of the best guys I know otherwise.)
11.09.2023 5:52:22 gen. have a word беседовать (That Audi first speeded past a fully marked police car. When I drove by a few minutes later, it looked like the cop was having a word with the Audi driver. – о чём-то беседовал с водителем)
11.09.2023 5:51:08 idiom. till the cows come home бесконечно (We can debate this till the cows come home. – Мы можем эту тему обсуждать бесконечно.)
11.09.2023 5:25:47 gen. go wrong случиться (об опасной ситуации: Если что-то случится … = I once lived on the 30th floor of an apartment building and I never felt comfortable there. When you’re that high up and something goes wrong, it’s a loooooong way down to get to safety.)
11.09.2023 5:25:22 gen. go wrong сделать не так как надо (Where did I go wrong? – Что я сделал не так?)
11.09.2023 5:25:01 gen. go wrong получаться не так, как надо ("My experience has been that whenever I try to do a bit of burgling something always goes wrong." (P.G.Wodehouse))
11.09.2023 4:20:22 gen. almost had it чуть-чуть не получилось (напр., попасть мячом в корзину: Oh, you almost had it! Pretty good!)
11.09.2023 3:26:19 cliche. cozy coffee shop уютное кафе (My favourites? The Seabus, where for a brief 15 minutes of the day a commute can feel like a holiday. Turning back the first page of a fresh novel while sitting in one of Vancouver’s many rustic and cozy coffee shops. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 3:19:30 cliche. without a single shred of guilt без малейшего зазрения совести (Sun-drenched mornings that turn into typical raincouver afternoons, so I can hike for a bit and then abandon all plans in favour of lying on the sofa and watching "Harry Potter" without a single shred of guilt. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 3:15:34 inf. bump into случайно встретиться (I bumped into Ryan Reynolds in the 7-Eleven on Dollarton Highway last night. He was with Seth Rogen. We chatted for a bit.)
11.09.2023 3:07:44 inf. gorge on объедаться (*предлог обязателен*: The entire month of October. Driving around with no aim other than to look at all the glorious Halloween displays. Gorging on the 2800 pumpkin flavoured things. Watching classics at a drive-in movie with the perfect blanket.(nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 3:05:13 idiom. stuff one's face with объедаться (Some people argue that if you tax fast food, maybe that'll stop people from stuffing their face with Big Macs. – перестанут объедаться)
11.09.2023 2:55:22 humor. slosh around a pool плескаться в бассейне (о детях, животных: Bears sloshing around in North Shore backyard pools. Baby bears crossing roads. Whales doing whale things. Hummingbirds flitting around the garden. Raccoons running around the Seabus station. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 2:51:35 fig.of.sp. boundless selection неограниченный ассортимент (Timbits. I am obsessed with Timbits. So cute. So moreish. So Canadian. doughnuts in general. Vancouver’s dedication to the deep fried treat is something else, there’s a boundless selection on the North Shore alone. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 2:51:35 fig.of.sp. boundless selection бесконечный ассортимент (Timbits. I am obsessed with Timbits. So cute. So moreish. So Canadian. doughnuts in general. Vancouver’s dedication to the deep fried treat is something else, there’s a boundless selection on the North Shore alone. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 2:46:44 inf. moreish хочется ещё и ещё (о еде, сладости: Timbits. I am obsessed with Timbits. So cute. So moreish. So Canadian. I don’t have to leave my car to stuff my face with them. Looking for the perfect ‘Happy one year Canadaversary’ gift? Timbits. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 2:44:16 cliche. more so if особенно если (My favourite thing about my new home in Green Bay is running along the Green Bay Trail. There is not a single stressful situation or crappy day that can’t be remedied by a run along Green Bay's iconic trail, more so if it begins and ends at Lighthouse Point.)
11.09.2023 2:37:20 fig. come with сопровождать (что-л.: The columns, which unpack my experience settling into a new country and all the blunders and comical situations that come with it, have been churned out at least once a month since. (nsnews.com))
11.09.2023 1:44:04 commer. come with поставляться вместе с (The Large Countertop model comes with a turntable that allows for viewing from all angles.)
11.09.2023 1:26:46 gen. marked исполнилось (говоря о датах: Tuesday, March 19 marked five years since Kellen McElwee went missing after having dinner with friends at the Keg in Langley. – исполнилось пять лет с тех пор, как ... • Last month marked one whole year since I packed up my life and moved to Canada from New Zealand, where I had lived as a British expat since 2016. (nsnews.com) -- В прошлом месяце исполнился один год с того момента, как ...)
11.09.2023 0:19:14 gen. lend support обосновывать (Landis, now 88 years old, shared his recollection with the New York Times nearly 60 years after the tragic event. This discovery challenges the long-held belief that the 'magic bullet' was found on Texas Governor John Connally's stretcher and suggests it may have rolled from Kennedy's stretcher, potentially undermining the theory and lending support to the idea that Lee Harvey Oswald may not have acted alone in the assassination. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 8:31:26 idiom. luck of the Irish ирландская удачливость ("Eoin O'Faodhagain of Ireland made news last month when he was one of two people to report seeing Nessie over the span of just five days. (...) "To see Nessie once is unbelievable but twice in a month is fantastic," he marveled, "it's the luck of the Irish, I suppose." To that end, O'Faodhagain just might be the most prolific Nessie spotter in history." – coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 8:24:44 gen. refined интеллигентный ("You are both men and you must know that nothing shocks a man quite so much as to hear a supposedly refined woman use the language of the gutter and the public urinal." – интеллигентная женщина (Raymond Chandler))
10.09.2023 8:07:09 gen. loved aunt любимая тётушка ("(…) So snap into it, my lad. I can't see what you're making all this heavy weather about. It doesn't seem to me much to do for a loved aunt." (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.09.2023 8:04:55 gen. fond of drinking любитель выпить (be ~: Michelle was quite fond of drinking, and Jim admitted that he had no idea just how much she was drinking until he found over a hundred empty vodka bottles in the woodshed. It turns out that she would spike her morning coffee and her soft drinks with vodka, and until they got married he was not fully aware of the extent to which she drank. -- любила выпить)
10.09.2023 7:56:32 idiom. have in stitches лопнешь со смеху (Have you seen Jerry and Toots at the Blue Rabbit? No? You should check them out. They'll have you in stitches!)
10.09.2023 7:56:00 gen. be uncomfortable испытывать неприятное ощущение (In case of a bad rash, the baby may be quite uncomfortable in warm water. – Тёплая вода может доставлять ребёнку неприятные ощущения)
10.09.2023 7:55:37 gen. have some discomfort испытывать беспокойство (напр., о грудных детях: For some reason, she was having some discomfort and she just wouldn't stop screaming. – её что-то беспокоило)
10.09.2023 7:55:06 formal experience a shortage / shortages испытывать нехватку ("Vancouver isn't the only city that has experienced school shortages in growing communities. Surrey has seen rapid population growth with many students housed in portables as a result." (Anne McMullin, UDI))
10.09.2023 7:54:47 gen. french fry ломтик жареного картофеля (This latest heath food fad will last as long as this french fry.)
10.09.2023 7:54:23 inf. flop лопнуть (о новом частном предприятии, новой форме услуг и т.п.: "The newest private passenger ferry service Hullo Ferries releases price & schedule info." "If it can get you back from an event like hockey or a concert without having to stay the night then it’s worth it. Otherwise it will flop. How quickly will these get sold to the lowest bidder?" "That’s too much. This will flop. If the price point was 25 bucks, this would be great. 60 dollars for a passenger-only ferry? Forget it." (Twitter))
10.09.2023 6:47:02 media. iconic всем известный (An iconic black-and-white photograph of Salvador Dalí, in all his mustachioed glory, is reproduced on the front cover.)
10.09.2023 6:46:17 gen. it's common knowledge that всем известно, что (It's common knowledge that he made his money selling drugs online, so for you to compare him to Mahatma Gandhi is slightly inappropriate.)
10.09.2023 6:45:32 gen. it's common knowledge that общеизвестно, что
10.09.2023 6:30:00 formal established by the legislation установленный законодательством (источник: justice.gc.ca)
10.09.2023 6:13:20 commer. upsell продать товар за более высокую цену (persuade a customer to buy something additional or more expensive: "how to upsell without turning off your customer" (Oxford Dictionary) – когда есть возможность продать дешевле: People sometimes think that a salesman just wants to upsell you, but I assure you this is not the case.)
10.09.2023 6:04:35 gen. trick into обманом добиться (A Nova Scotia man who tricked his girlfriend into becoming pregnant by poking holes in his condoms with a pin to save their relationship was sentenced to 18 month in jail after the Supreme Court of Canada had unanimously upheld the sexual assault conviction. )
10.09.2023 5:48:19 gen. excel добиться выдающихся результатов (at sth. – в чём-л.; обычно в учёбе или в спорте: Hicks provided background details about his life before law enforcement, including his difficult upbringing, college years where he excelled at football, and why he gave it all up to marry the woman he loved to start a family. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 5:47:55 gen. excel добиться выдающихся успехов (at sth. – в чём-л.; обычно в учёбе или в спорте: Hicks provided background details about his life before law enforcement, including his difficult upbringing, college years where he excelled at football, and why he gave it all up to marry the woman he loved to start a family. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 5:16:36 inf. chock full до отказа забитый (filled to overflowing; of sth. – чем-л.: I love Seaside Square, one of the city's top tourist spots. The fact it's not car-free blows me away! On a busy day like today, the Square is chock full of slow moving traffic circling around busy market streets.)
10.09.2023 4:25:48 gen. while incarcerated отбывая срок (Discovery revealed the case was based on the hearsay of one individual – a career criminal and an informant who had been paid by corrupt officers to testify against Hicks. They were hoping Hicks would either get killed while incarcerated or take a plea deal, but he decided to go to trial. Hicks was ultimately acquitted of all charges. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:25:18 gen. while incarcerated находясь в заключении (Discovery revealed the case was based on the hearsay of one individual – a career criminal and an informant who had been paid by corrupt officers to testify against Hicks. They were hoping Hicks would either get killed while incarcerated or take a plea deal, but he decided to go to trial. Hicks was ultimately acquitted of all charges. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:21:05 cliche. mind one's own business не лезть не в свои дела (After witnessing the large-scale corruption around him, Hicks went to his sergeant about the matter. "He told me to mind my business... so I took it to the lieutenant," Hicks disclosed, adding the lieutenant essentially ignored him and told him they were going to put him back in a detention role. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2023 4:10:14 law.enf. crooked нечистый на руку (о полицейском: Hicks described them as crooks "no different than the ones we just arrested," and estimated about 70 percent of the officers in his orbit were crooked. coasttocoastam.com)

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