
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

19.09.2023 7:25:48 gen. poor sportsmanship недостойно (It's very poor sportsmanship to kick a man when he's down.)
19.09.2023 7:24:57 idiom. fall short of a goal не достичь цели (The film falls short of a goal set by Baz Luhrmann, as all this 3D glitz and glamour ultimately oveshadow the heart and soul of Gatsby's story.)
19.09.2023 7:23:18 market. inconspicuous ненавязчивый (for the purposes of the inconspicuous promotion of such product or service)
19.09.2023 7:13:09 gen. a little bit немножко ("Are you afraid?" "A little bit.")
19.09.2023 7:12:46 gen. come as a bit of a shock немного шокировать (Here's another revelation that might come as a bit of a shock to our listeners...)
19.09.2023 7:11:09 cliche. get carried away немного увлечься (I got carried away a little bit, my apologies. (в изложении темы, лекции) -- Прошу прощения, я немного увлёкся.)
19.09.2023 7:04:22 cliche. never mind не говоря уже о (*stealing examples is not nice*: Sovereignty is a dead issue for Quebecers, never mind the rest of the country • Ukrainian families are being put in brand new residential detached properties costing 245,000. There's not enough housing for the Scots, never mind anyone else. Congolians, Afghanistans as well. Charity begins at home. dailymail.co.uk)
19.09.2023 6:59:19 idiom. be up in arms негодовать (about – по поводу: protesting vigorously about something "teachers are up in arms about new school tests"(Oxford Dictionary); to be very angry (Cambridge Dictionary): In the months following Shen’s murder, homicide investigators took the unusual step of asking hundreds of men of Middle Eastern descent to voluntarily submit their DNA. (...) “The dragnet had a lot of people who were up in arms about it,” said Caitlin. “It’s a very contentious way they went about getting their evidence. So I think, to me, that’s what stood out.” ctvnews.ca)
19.09.2023 6:52:07 gen. ill-fated trip злополучная поездка (Neville says he has constantly felt nervous since visiting the ruins of Craggley Manor, and when recently all the photographs of his ill-fated trip containing ghostly images mysteriously vanished off his phone, he decided "enough was enough".)
19.09.2023 6:49:56 gen. deadbeat parent злостный неплательщик (алиментов: "Life just got tougher for deadbeat parents. Changes to the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP) came into effect today. The amendments, introduced in April 2018, benefit families needing support by allowing the FMEP to instruct ICBC to now cancel, as well as refuse to renew, the driver's licence of someone with more than $3,000 in arrears for child or spousal support payments." (Glacier Community Media))
19.09.2023 6:45:41 idiom. he surely knows his onions when he speaks about он знает, о чём говорит (Coun. Steve Hayes is another councillor whose words are weighty when it comes to Birkenhead's situation. He was taken to the town at age two and he surely knows his onions when he speaks about the town. (YouTube))
19.09.2023 4:59:51 fig. sprawled раскинувшийся (a custom home sprawled on five wooded acres)
19.09.2023 4:57:29 cliche. tell her I hope she's feeling better скажи ей, чтоб поправлялась
19.09.2023 4:52:08 coll. lilacs сирень ("My favourite spring flower! Growing up, I'd pick them from our backyard every year to fill up a vase. The scent is amazing!" "Ohmygoodness, me too and my Mom loved them! Growing up 11th and Fraser area, back alleys had lilacs blooming everywhere! Happy May!" (Twitter) – Я рвала сирень... повсюду цвела сирень (Twitter))
19.09.2023 4:49:14 fig. byword синоним (Canary Wharf used to be a byword for top jobs and high earnings.)
19.09.2023 4:48:37 mus. chart-topping single сингл, занявший первое место в хит-парадах
19.09.2023 4:48:21 mus. chart-topping single сингл, вышедший на первое место в хит-парадах
19.09.2023 4:46:29 gen. cartoon-cute симпатяга (The kids fed the cartoon-cute alpacas.)
19.09.2023 4:45:00 econ. heavy decline сильный спад (a heavy decline in full-time positions)
19.09.2023 4:01:58 idiom. stir things up баламутить воду (cause trouble, challenge the status quo, complain, disagree, disturb (Oxford Dictionary))
19.09.2023 4:00:32 gen. yarn байка (spin yarns = рассказывать байки)
19.09.2023 3:53:04 gen. trifling sum пустяковая сумма (a trifling sum not worth discussing)
19.09.2023 3:32:54 inf. all good не беспокойтесь (в ответ на извинение: "Sorry, I used to know a young man in Burnaby who had the same name, and his younger sister but we lost touch years ago. My apologies." "All good.")
19.09.2023 3:32:54 inf. all good ничего страшного (в ответ на извинение: "Sorry, I used to know a young man in Burnaby who had the same name, and his younger sister but we lost touch years ago. My apologies." "All good.")
19.09.2023 3:32:54 inf. all good пустяки (в ответ на извинение: "Sorry, I used to know a young man in Burnaby who had the same name, and his younger sister but we lost touch years ago. My apologies." "All good.")
19.09.2023 2:53:18 gen. big swell сильный накат (о движении волн: Сильный накат 15 февраля 2018 года напротив урочища Аван на юге Чукотского полуострова • The swell was big today and police are examining if he died hitting his head. An average 8 rock fishermen die across NSW every year. -- Сегодня был сильный накат (7 News Sydney))
19.09.2023 2:52:14 gen. swell накат (о движении волн: Сильный накат 15 февраля 2018 года напротив урочища Аван на юге Чукотского полуострова • The swell was big today and police are examining if he died hitting his head. An average 8 rock fishermen die across NSW every year. -- Сегодня был сильный накат (7 News Sydney))
18.09.2023 9:28:50 cliche. by pure accident совершенно случайно (This is an interesting case from 1974, I stumbled onto it by pure accident. – наткнулся на него совершенно случайно)
18.09.2023 9:25:24 inf. total fluke совершенно случайно (For me it was a total fluke, I wasn't trying to break into it. – совершенно случайно удалось)
18.09.2023 9:24:16 gen. exactly correct совершенно точный ("I did some simple arithmetic calculations on that, got an exact answer, and then went back and measured my reconstruction. It was exactly correct. That was enough for me to be absolutely sure that those feet were made by a living creature." mysteriousuniverse.org)
18.09.2023 9:21:24 cliche. for a very good reason совершенно справедливо (In my opinion, Linda's book 'Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena' is her most ambitious and thought-provoking. Section 4 of her book is titled "Creatures of Shadows, Mists, and Lights." And it has that title for a very good reason. As Linda demonstrates on many occasions, where Dogmen are often seen, so are strange and usually small balls of light and mysterious mist. mysteriousuniverse.org)
18.09.2023 8:26:05 cliche. get sb's attention насторожить (That got my attention. – Это меня насторожило.)
18.09.2023 2:40:01 gen. double вдвое выше (Both men and women can get kidney stones, but men's chances of getting them are about double that of women's. • In Australia & NZ the inflation rate is literally double what it is here, we have significantly more monopolisation of industries, wages are far lower when compared to the cost of goods & housing. NZ in particular has vastly less opportunities, many of the occupations in Auckland pay literally double or triple here. (Reddit))
18.09.2023 2:37:16 gen. double вдвое больше (' "Apparently longevity – this shop being here for over 40 years – doesn't count for much. This corner will probably become a Starbucks under another tower." Coutts agreed, and suggested the rent they all pay now is far better than even directly across the street at newly opened eateries such as Meat and Bread. "They're probably paying double what we are," Coutts said.' – платят вдвое больше vancourier.com)
18.09.2023 2:36:42 gen. double в два раза выше (Britain's teen pregnancy rate is double Canada's.)
17.09.2023 9:40:05 gen. refreshed подкрепившись ('Some half-hour later, refreshed and strengthened, I opened the envelope' (P.G. Wodehouse) – покрепившись [завтраком] и набравшись сил)
17.09.2023 9:34:28 gen. toward the end of под конец (toward the end of the winter -- под конец зимы)
17.09.2023 9:34:06 gen. near the end под конец (near the end of the film -- под конец фильма)
17.09.2023 9:29:34 med. sanatorium лечебница для алкоголиков (*Ложный друг переводчика: упоминание о санатории в контексте советского/российского быта, как правило, вызывает веселье у носителей языка, которые связывают пребывание в санатории (в их понимании) с чрезмерным употреблением русской водки)
17.09.2023 9:25:12 med. rehabilitation exercises лечебная физкультура (распространённое сокращение: ЛФК – for example: rehabilitation and strengthening exercises)
17.09.2023 9:24:29 gen. in about ... years from now лет через (in about 10 years from now – лет через десять)
17.09.2023 9:15:09 gen. lie-on-the-beach type бездельник (Randy was never the lie-on-the-beach type, so after leaving the RCMP he started working in the private sector. -- никогда не был бездельником)
17.09.2023 9:11:27 slang hack бездарный писатель (If you call someone a hack, you mean they're not great at what they do — especially writing. A mediocre writer is called a hack. Once upon a time hack was short for "an ordinary horse," and now it's an insult for writers. No one wants to be a hack! (www.vocabulary.com))
17.09.2023 9:10:37 gen. limitless imagination безграничное воображение (At the center of his art is a sense of untapped potential and limitless imagination.)
17.09.2023 9:09:35 adv. obsessive adherence безграничная приверженность (obsessive adherence to craftsmanship and quality – безграничная приверженность традициям мастерства и качества)
17.09.2023 9:01:05 inf. grind down изматывать (Driving a heavy truck through a thick, dark night eventually grinds you down.)
17.09.2023 9:00:55 inf. grind down выматывать (Driving a heavy truck through a thick, dark night eventually grinds you down.)
17.09.2023 8:57:49 idiom. come clean выложить начистоту
17.09.2023 8:50:17 gov. whistle-blower mechanism каналы, используемые для конфиденциальных сообщений о нарушениях и злоупотреблениях (в фирме или в государственном учреждении)
17.09.2023 8:49:24 industr. recyclable cardboard картон, пригодный для повторного использования (crafted from recyclable corrugated cardboard)
17.09.2023 8:47:29 gen. doodle каракульный (т.е. в виде каракуль)
17.09.2023 8:43:24 gen. scratch поскрести (Scratch a judge and you'll find a politician. – Если поскрести ...)
17.09.2023 8:42:33 inf. fire off an email послать емелю (fire off a quick email – послать короткую емелю)
17.09.2023 8:25:55 gen. get perkier чувствовать себя поживее (I haven't been feeling too well but now I'm getting a little bit perkier.)
17.09.2023 7:08:20 gen. ride away уехать на велосипеде, мотоцикле
17.09.2023 4:40:18 gen. move out уехать (из города: Marcy from San Diego told Ian about a Michael Moore film she watched in which he interviewed a Native American leader in Arizona who predicted what she thinks was 9-11. According to March, the man warned "any of the tribe that have any relatives or know anybody in New York City to move out... because of massive fires and ashes falling and explosions, and everybody was going to die." -- уезжать оттуда coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2023 4:32:58 fig. reach its zenith достичь своего расцвета (Stained glass art is an ancient craft that reached its zenith in mediaeval Europe. – достигшее своего расцвета)
17.09.2023 4:31:00 fig. reach the pinnacle достичь высшей точки (или one's pinnacle -- своей высшей точки / своей вершины / своего пика: reached the pinnacle of æsthetic expression – достиг высшей точки эстетического выражения)
17.09.2023 4:23:48 fig. pinnacle высшая точка (reached the pinnacle of æsthetic expression – достиг высшей точки эстетического выражения • He also spoke about the band's embrace of progressive rock which hit its pinnacle with their album The Grand Illusion. Young estimated sales for The Grand Illusion at 7 million units. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2023 4:19:19 gen. appear on the album войти в альбом (According to Young, the song "Lady," which appears on the album Styx II, "got onto the charts but it didn't really get high up" because the band's original record company did not get behind it. The song was re-released a year later and attained "number one in every city," Young noted. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2023 4:12:53 gen. gain popularity стать популярной (о рок-группе, песне, программе, канале: The first "real city" Styx played outside of Illinois was Little Rock, Arkansas. It took some time to gain popularity as a touring act and on the charts, he revealed. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2023 3:53:05 idiom. come aboard присоединиться (к группе: James 'JY' Young is the lead guitarist for the American rock band Styx, having served as the only continuous original member of the band during the group's fifty-year run. The members of the founding line-up of Styx include twin brothers Chuck and John Panozzo, Dennis DeYoung who lived across the street from them, John Curulewski who they met at college, and Young who was last to come aboard. coasttocoastam.com)
16.09.2023 23:04:12 cliche. according to legend согласно легенде (The forest has beds of lilies of the valley; according to legend they sprang from the drops of blood shed by St Leonard after fighting a mighty dragon. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.09.2023 9:18:18 law enforcement of obligations применение мер по принудительному исполнению стороной своих обязательств (the enforcement of ABC's obligations under this Agreement)
16.09.2023 9:15:37 inf. snatch a wink of sleep прикорнуть на пять минут (snatch a wink of sleep after lunch)
16.09.2023 9:15:13 gen. catch a little sleep прикорнуть
16.09.2023 9:14:52 inf. catch some shut-eye прикорнуть (She was able to catch some shut-eye on the bus to Richmond.)
16.09.2023 9:10:47 gen. live at home жить с родителями (обычно о студентах: He's living at home.)
16.09.2023 9:06:33 inf. pull a fast one разыграть (It is the pub manager's belief that the source of the spilled drinks just might be the ghost of young lad as "it would make sense that a 17-year-old boy might find it quite funny to wind people up and have a bit of fun." What do you think of the weird video? Was Edward pulling a fast one on the patrons at the bar or was the spill merely a natural occurrence? coasttocoastam.com)
16.09.2023 9:05:07 inf. pull a hoax разыграть
16.09.2023 9:03:48 gen. miss each other разминуться (We missed each other by a few minutes. – Мы разминулись на несколько минут.)
16.09.2023 9:01:56 inf. okay, now I'm getting it теперь ясно
16.09.2023 9:01:38 gen. well, that explains it теперь ясно
16.09.2023 7:02:30 gen. take the top spot занять первое место (также в спорте)
16.09.2023 7:00:51 polit. unseat занять место (нынешнего депутата или советника:: The former NDP MP announced Tuesday he will be running in Burnaby North–Seymour in the Oct. 21, 2019 federal election. He will be trying to unseat incumbent Liberal Terry Beech.)
16.09.2023 6:58:48 disappr. hoard two seats занять два места сразу (в обществ. транпорте)
16.09.2023 6:58:22 disappr. hoard two seats захватить два сиденья (He's one of those guys who always hoards two seats on the bus, one for his butt and the other for his backpack.)
16.09.2023 6:55:53 mil. be released from the military демобилизоваться (21-year-old Grant Cox, just released from the military, went skiing at Sugar Bowl Ski Lodge in California and vanished without a trace. A second search was done after the snow melted, and there was no sign of his ski poles or any of his equipment. )
16.09.2023 6:55:11 mil. complete one's military service демобилизоваться
16.09.2023 6:51:06 inf. money was often tight денег часто не хватало
16.09.2023 6:49:25 inet. appearance демонстрация (he appearance of a branded product or service within the Video Content)
16.09.2023 6:49:07 inet. appearance показ (the appearance of a branded product or service within the Video Content)
16.09.2023 6:42:55 inf. make a heavy play in one's direction усиленно приударять за (кем-либо)
16.09.2023 6:42:08 fig. highlight акцентировать
16.09.2023 6:41:08 civ.law. spousal and child support алименты на жену и детей (seeking spousal and child support)
16.09.2023 6:36:19 gen. emphasis on упор на (With its emphasis on the military, law and order, and the British monarchy, this document has affirmed Canada's new conservative way.)
16.09.2023 6:36:04 adv. emphasis on особое внимание (чему-л., уделать: Our emphasis is on creating a product that we can all feel good about.)
16.09.2023 6:34:42 fig.of.sp. emphasis on акцент на
16.09.2023 6:26:44 tech. well-appointed оснащённый всем необходимым (All models come very well appointed. – оснащены всем необходимым)
16.09.2023 6:25:42 gen. fitted out with оснащённый (чем-л.: "I was dashed if I could see why a dog of his size should have been fitted out with the jaws and teeth of a crocodile." (P.G. Wodehouse) – снабжён / оснащён челюстями и зубами крокодила )
16.09.2023 6:13:12 gen. keen hearing острый слух (exceptionally keen hearing – исключительно острый слух)
16.09.2023 4:04:25 gen. trim a beard подстричь бороду (Best premium beard trim in the city? My birthday is coming up, and I want to treat myself to a great beard trim for my medium length beard. Price is not really a consideration as this is a special occasion. (Reddit))
16.09.2023 1:30:47 gen. indefinitely невесть сколько (for an unlimited or unspecified period of time (Oxford Dictionary))
16.09.2023 1:26:59 gen. possessing advanced science and technology научно-технически развитый
15.09.2023 8:27:12 cultur. lacemaking кружевное рукоделие
15.09.2023 8:25:48 gen. lacemaking кружевное рукоделие
15.09.2023 8:23:47 fig. shred крупица (usually in the negative: not have a shred of decency • not have a shred of evidence)
15.09.2023 8:22:21 gen. be aglow светиться (уютно или не очень ярко: Downtown office building cubicles are aglow into early evening as workers toil in hopes of Christmas bonuses. (Al Harvey) -- светятся (HE пылают и HE сияют – для Макарова))
15.09.2023 8:20:28 gen. get back свести счёты (to gain revenge, retaliate (Merriam-Webster) -- at sb. = с кем-л.)
15.09.2023 8:12:25 law, contr. release from all obligations освободить от всех обязательств (перед кем-л. – to someone: ABC Inc. shall be deemed to be released from any and all further obligations to You under this Agreement)

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