
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

24.09.2023 6:40:22 gen. drone footage видео с беспилотника (также a piece of drone footage – фрагмент видеозаписи: A peculiar piece of drone footage from Bolivia shows what appears to be a bipedal creature lurking in a field of crops and some suspect that the oddity could be the infamous chupacabra. coasttocoastam.com)
24.09.2023 6:36:57 law videos видеоматериалы (в обобщающем смысле: hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive videos)
24.09.2023 6:19:53 gen. vibration-resistant виброзащищённый (Rugged shock and vibration resistant design • Two year warranty)
24.09.2023 6:16:01 fig. feel дух (captured the look and feel of the Art Deco era – уловил облик и дух эпохи ар-деко (перевод по просьбе пользователя SirReal) • In the boom period of 1905-12, Grandview filled in rapidly and many substantial homes were built, but the area has always had a working-class feel with most development occurring as comfortable tradesmen's houses on small lots. (Ron Phillips) -- в этом районе всегда ощущался рабочий дух)
24.09.2023 6:11:38 gen. that's nonsense! ерунда! (("You take the controls." "I don't know how to fly an airplane!" "That's nonsense! Anybody can fly a plane." "Ерунда! Любой человек может управлять самолётом." ("It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", 1963))
24.09.2023 6:10:19 brit. rubbish! ерунда!
24.09.2023 6:03:48 busin. oil producers нефтяники (ranked the top 10 oil producers in the U.S. by market capitalization)
24.09.2023 5:33:11 formal preserving the integrity сохранение целостности (of)
24.09.2023 5:31:05 busin. make a balance sheet составить баланс (To make a balance sheet you must identify and value your company's assets and liabilities, then compare the two columns to get the "balance.")
24.09.2023 5:29:25 corp.gov. team members состав (компании, может включать всю цепочку управления – CEO, President, Vice President, Marketing Director, Accountant, Client Services, etc.)
24.09.2023 5:20:49 HR expertise in working опыт работы (with – с: a speech-language pathologist with particular expertise in working with infants and very young children with hearing loss – конкретный опыт работы с ...)
24.09.2023 5:19:08 busin. experience of doing business опыт работы (with – c: experience of doing business with emerging Chinese startups / South African wine makers)
24.09.2023 5:03:53 O&G, oilfield. oil-and-gas extraction нефте- и газодобыча
24.09.2023 5:00:41 O&G, oilfield. oil industry нефтяная сфера (Canada's oil industry is unlikely to rebound to previous heights any time soon, according to a new report.)
24.09.2023 4:51:59 busin. over the duration of за период действия (over the duration of a contract)
24.09.2023 4:18:55 gen. rich in богат на (Kent in rich in orchids.)
24.09.2023 3:33:01 cliche. but for all the но несмотря на все (усилия: But for all the places that claim connections with the outlaw, for all the ballads and broadsheets, plays and proverbs, mimes and rhymes, historians have found Robin Hood and his merry men as hard to track down as any Sheriff of Nottingham ever did. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
24.09.2023 2:56:48 cliche. make public сделать достоянием гласности (In all, Heseltine related, seventeen encounter incidents took place over a few consecutive nights, all of which were initially denied or ignored in official accounts. Through a five-year deep dive into the data relating to the event, he uncovered evidence that had not been previously made public. coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2023 6:04:35 cliche. I'm fine со мной всё в порядке ("Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." – «С тобой всё в порядке?» «Да, всё в порядке / всё нормально.» )
23.09.2023 6:01:09 gen. regular folks простые обыватели
23.09.2023 5:32:37 gen. final point завершающий тезис (речи, обзора, лекции: This is the final point I want to make. -- Это мой завершающий тезис.)
23.09.2023 2:18:51 brit. rummy goings-on странные дела (Rummy goings-on are in progress here, I dare say. – Cтранные дела здесь творятся...)
23.09.2023 2:18:26 gen. strange goings-on странные дела (творятся: We now cross the Pacific Ocean to the Americas, where some very strange goings-on have been reported. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
23.09.2023 2:07:47 gen. dubious source сомнительный источник информации (As a media company of impeccable repute, we do not use material from sources known to us to be dubious.)
23.09.2023 2:03:18 gen. further north дальше на север (Pemberton would be a bit further north.)
23.09.2023 1:23:38 gen. favourable conditions for observations благоприятные условия для наблюдения (On this particular morning, conditions were not favourable for observations.)
23.09.2023 1:18:32 gen. this particular тот (Ships from the British Royal Navy North Atlantic Fleet were engaged in exercises, and on this particular morning, the witness was in charge of the radar-sonar room on a frigate.(Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- в то утро)
23.09.2023 1:14:20 gen. this particular именно этот (This particular design comes from a collection of French fabrics.)
23.09.2023 1:12:40 gen. splashing noise плеск (также splashing noises: Somewhat significantly, the very same employee recalled hearing a loud splashing noise in the immediate aftermath of the sighting, which suggested strongly that the creature had actually propelled itself deep into the heart of those very same, darkened waters. – громкий плеск • Another witness was across the fjord, and he saw nothing strange, but heard splashing noises. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") mysteriousuniverse.org)
23.09.2023 1:04:50 gen. splashing noise всплеск (Somewhat significantly, the very same employee recalled hearing a loud splashing noise in the immediate aftermath of the sighting, which suggested strongly that the creature had actually propelled itself deep into the heart of those very same, darkened waters. – громкий плеск mysteriousuniverse.org)
23.09.2023 1:01:06 idiom. by no stretch of the imagination никоим образом (нельзя как-л. назвать / охарактеризовать: In the Baltic Sea in 1959, soldiers near Kolobrzeg on the Polish coast saw the sea become agitated and then a triangular object with sides about 12 feet long came up out of the water, circled over the barracks, and flew away. By no stretch of the imagination could this have been a terrestrial submarine. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
23.09.2023 1:01:06 idiom. by no stretch of the imagination никак (нельзя как-л. назвать / охарактеризовать: In the Baltic Sea in 1959, soldiers near Kolobrzeg on the Polish coast saw the sea become agitated and then a triangular object with sides about 12 feet long came up out of the water, circled over the barracks, and flew away. By no stretch of the imagination could this have been a terrestrial submarine. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
22.09.2023 8:55:46 cliche. who cares as long as какая разница? Всё равно (A 45-storey tower or a 54-storey tower – who cares as long as many of us could not afford or dream living in it.)
22.09.2023 8:52:55 gen. as if deliberately как будто бы нарочно (Things started to go awry even during Hill's return trip. On one otherwise unremarkable stretch of road, kangaroos started inexplicably hurling themselves at his vehicle, as if deliberately.)
22.09.2023 8:26:12 gen. engage in a conversation завязать разговор (someone – с кем-либо:: Allan was at the search headquarters near the trailhead and engaged one of the sheriff's officials in a conversation.)
22.09.2023 8:17:09 gen. caught fire, then burst into flames загорелся, затем вспыхнул (A tour bus on Cambie near West 12th caught fire, then burst into flames.)
22.09.2023 8:03:00 inf. fake ID поддельные документы (live under a false identity – жить по поддельным документам)
22.09.2023 7:59:02 welln. maintain good health поддерживать хорошее здоровье (the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that our bodies need to maintain good health -- для поддержания хорошего здоровья)
22.09.2023 7:46:51 cliche. it makes zero sense просто нелепо (It makes zero sense to re-elect a councillor who has lied to us in the past.)
22.09.2023 6:19:39 cliche. it makes zero sense полная глупость (It makes zero sense to have a house that big for just two people and pay $20,000 in property tax.)
22.09.2023 6:11:22 gen. stocky плотный (Took Mr. Boots for a walk tonight! I had to buy him a dog harness as he is a stocky fella, and grew out of his cat harness! 😂 -- плотненький парниша (шутл.))
22.09.2023 6:05:38 gen. the wedding's off. свадьбы не будет
22.09.2023 6:03:55 gen. is off отменяется (The wedding's off. – Свадьба отменяется.)
22.09.2023 6:02:32 inf. be off уезжать (to – в / на: Randy and I are off to Europe from June 15 to July 5th. – уезжаем в Европу • "Off to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow. Can't wait to hike the trail to Smuggler Cove!" "I grew up near Sechelt." "That’s where I’m headed for the first few days." "Nice. Enjoy your trip!"-- Завтра уезжаю на Солнечный берег.)
22.09.2023 6:00:10 inf. head to уезжать в (I am heading to Portland this morning with Griffin for a hockey tournament, so I cannot get someone to come look at the washer until I get back. -- Мы с Гриффином уезжаем в Портланд сегодня утром ...)
22.09.2023 5:59:31 inf. be off to уезжать в (Randy and I are off to Europe from June 17 to July 9th. – уезжаем в Европу • "Off to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow. Can't wait to hike the trail to Smuggler Cove!" "I grew up near Sechelt." "That’s where I’m headed for the first few days." "Nice. Enjoy your trip!"-- Завтра уезжаю на Солнечный берег.)
22.09.2023 4:44:46 inf. blown away потрясающе (The Aurora came out to play last night :) First time seeing the Aurora. Blown away!)
22.09.2023 4:32:47 law.enf. complete the investigation завершить расследование (into: Members of the Salt Spring RCMP along with Vancouver Island GIS have completed the investigation that culminated in the execution of a search warrant on a residence on August 23 2022. • Whitehorse RCMP have completed their investigation into the use of holds and isolation spaces at Jack Hulland Elementary School, but are offering no details on their findings. • О завершении расследования уголовного дела о гибели мотоциклиста в результате ДТП сообщает пресс-служба УМВД. rcmp-grc.gc.ca, cbc.ca)
22.09.2023 4:19:36 gen. have some recollection припоминать (I have some recollection that she was born in New Brunswick and not in Nova Scotia. – Я припоминаю, что ...)
22.09.2023 4:18:24 idiom. that rings a bell припоминаю такое ("I vaguely remember that passage now, thanks for the memory! Wasn’t there a Serena dress shop close by too? My mom was a big fan of Serena’s." "Yeah, that rings a bell. The big long fountains at Oakridge are a core childhood memory too." (Reddit))
22.09.2023 4:04:01 build.struct. subterranean passage подземный переход (There was a subterranean passage that connected Eatons to Pacific Centre that was entirely tiled in brown, had lots of plants planted in volcanic rock pebbles, and had a news agent with candy bars and gum displayed out front. Lots of childhood memories there. reddit.com)
22.09.2023 3:57:28 video. dash cam video автовидео (также dashcam footage -- с видеорегистратора)
22.09.2023 3:57:15 video. dash cam footage автовидео (с видеорегистратора)
21.09.2023 23:38:04 gen. tastes better вкуснее (чем что-л.: The Coca-Cola Workers Strike is hitting businesses up here in SW BC. A Pepsi Can, a Coca Cola Glass. I don't care. Pepsi tastes better anyways! (Twitter))
21.09.2023 23:38:04 gen. tastes better лучше на вкус (чем что-л.: The Coca-Cola Workers Strike is hitting businesses up here in SW BC. A Pepsi Can, a Coca Cola Glass. I don't care. Pepsi tastes better anyways! (Twitter))
21.09.2023 9:40:16 idiom. have one's pick of выбирать (‘I think that landlords shouldn't be able to say "no pets" in a time like this. Honestly, I think it would really help our mental health.’ ‘Should landlords be able to say that anyways?’ ‘Well, they do when you look at places on Craigslist. They have their pick of tenants so they get away with it.’ ‘So unfair, pets are family.’ (Twitter) – выбирают себе жильцов)
21.09.2023 9:36:18 formal correct information актуальная информация (All information stated in the brochure is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice. All prices may vary depending on product specifications. /// Русский аналог: "Сведения, отражённые в настоящей справке, являются актуальными на момент её выдачи.")
21.09.2023 9:33:16 gen. neatly trimmed hedge аккуратно подстриженная живая изгородь (A simple low wall and a neatly trimmed hedge show off this two-storey family home very nicely.)
21.09.2023 9:31:47 fig. flurry активность (The following days witnessed an unusual flurry of law enforcement and military activity in the area, complete with road closures and restrictions that prevented farmers from tending to their nearby fields. Official police records were frustratingly tight-lipped, stating merely that nothing extraordinary had occurred that fateful night. -- Последующие дни были отмечены необычной активностью полиции и военных в этом районе higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 7:15:19 gen. eventful насыщенный событиями (The year 1977 was an exceptionally eventful one in the realm of Welsh UFO sightings. The phenomena were so concentrated around Pembrokeshire that the locale earned the nickname of "the Welsh Triangle." higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 7:05:39 gen. whisk away to срочно доставить в (This whistleblower claimed that a special military unit had been dispatched to the nearby village. Their classified mission? To recover "two large, oblong boxes" and whisk them away to Porton Down, a government science park in Wiltshire noted for its long history of chemical weapons research. higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 7:00:12 gen. privy to classified information имеющий допуск к секретным сведениям (Чтобы оформить допуск к секретным сведениям, эти мероприятия не нужны. (journal.tinkoff.ru) • UFO researcher Tony Dodd later alleged that he'd been contacted by an anonymous informant privy to classified information. This whistleblower claimed that a special military unit had been dispatched to the nearby village. Their classified mission? To recover "two large, oblong boxes" and whisk them away to Porton Down, a government science park in Wiltshire noted for its long history of chemical weapons research. higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 6:21:24 book. delve into разобраться в (to make a careful or detailed search for information; to examine a subject in detail (Merriam-Webster) | to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something (Cambridge Dictionary): Author Mark Dawidziak joined guest host Richard Syrett to delve into the mystery of Poe's final days and death, and the haunting work of this most iconic of American writers. -- чтобы разобраться в тайне • In the latter half, author Nick Redfern delved into the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe, and whether it was a murder made to look like an accident or a suicide. -- разбирался в таинственной гибели ММ • This exploration delves into various incidents across the decades, each worthy of a chapter in what could only be described as the Welsh X-Files. -- разбирается в различных происшествиях coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com, higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 6:06:41 gen. weirdness странные события (They explained that it began when a rancher found one of their cows lying dead on the ground and, upon closer inspection, discovered that the animal's tongue had been removed and it had sustained cuts around the mouth that were described as being done "with apparent precision." However, this was just the start of the weirdness unfolding in Madison County. -- было всего лишь началом странных событий, развернувшихся в округе Мэдисон coasttocoastam.com)
21.09.2023 6:05:27 gen. strange occurrences странные события (From the strange occurrences in the Berwyn Mountains to the compelling observations that rendered Pembrokeshire the so-called "Welsh Triangle," Wales has become a fertile ground for tales of the unexplained. higgypop.com)
21.09.2023 2:58:28 gen. count as считаться (The Old Age Security pension and Canada Pension Plan benefits count as income and are taxable. – считаются статьями дохода)
21.09.2023 2:53:27 gen. is believed считается (+ infinitive: to be, to work, to have, to own, etc.: Jones is believed to be an MI6 agent. -- считается кадровым разведчиком)
21.09.2023 2:11:00 gen. seemingly как будто бы (Moody recalled the case of one physician who was resuscitating a patient and "memories of this man's life just sprang up around him." (...) He says that witnesses have also seen rooms seemingly light up at the moment of death, or a dying person's soul apparently leaving their bodies. – комната как будто бы осветилась • Among the tales shared during the evening were a nurse who recalled a hospital elevator which could inexplicably send people to different time periods, a man who attempted to explain the mechanics of time travel, and a listener who recounted an experience wherein he was driving and seemingly wound up in some other era. -- как будто бы / как ему показалось, очутился в другом времени coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
21.09.2023 2:03:11 welln. sugar intake потребление сахара (Although we are often warned about the dangers of cholesterol, for example, he said that it's actually vital to proper brain health. Being careful about sugar intake can help with high cholesterol, however, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2023 7:46:27 gen. claim to be выдавать себя за (The Yale police department has received three complaints of harassing phone calls from somebody claiming to be from Skull and Bones. The secret society at Yale University is warning of an impostor who has called some students purporting to recruit them, the AP reports.)
20.09.2023 7:45:48 police claim to be представиться (One of the suspects, Aaron Contreras, knocked on the apartment door of Ethan Rodriguez on Saturday evening and claimed to be a maintenance worker there to check on the filters in his air conditioner, according to doorbell camera footage and an affidavit obtained by Fox Dallas. youtube.com)
20.09.2023 7:16:04 gen. the more reason why тем более ("The matter is a very private one." "The more reason why you should avoid a public investigation." "I will tell you, then." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – тем более вам следует его избежать)
20.09.2023 7:13:14 cliche. well, there you are тем более (подтверждая чей-либо вывод: "He's not going to be reformed any time soon." "Yes, he's no stranger to the justice system. He had served two sentences in the past, one of them for armed robbery." "Well, there you are.")
20.09.2023 6:49:08 publ.transp. shop цех по ремонту автотранспорта (Wow, sure looks like a big hit! Soon I will see this bus in my shop. I feel bad for the drivers and passengers that were injured.)
20.09.2023 6:44:10 law legally binding имеющий юридически обязывающий характер (взято из русского источника: "Референдум не носит юридически обязывающего характера, то есть правительство и премьер-министр вправе проигнорировать его результаты.")
20.09.2023 6:41:10 gen. run amock носиться сломя голову (running amock like a raging hippopotamus)
20.09.2023 6:40:34 gen. carry around носить с собой (The lightweight, slim designs make the books ideal for carrying around all day.)
20.09.2023 6:39:06 inf. whiz носиться (past)
20.09.2023 6:38:11 inf. tear up and down носиться (о лихачах, по улице: Her biggest concern was speeding. "The way people tear up and down Victoria Drive is just astonishing," she said. "This is a family neighbourhood after all.")
20.09.2023 6:36:18 gen. haul water носить воду (от колонки или из реки домой: Elaine, Jenny and Karen hauled water from the creek up to the house so their mother could wash clothes.)
20.09.2023 5:50:45 formal obtain one's consent заручиться согласием
20.09.2023 5:48:31 gram. agree with согласовываться с (An adjective agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies. – согласуется в роде и числе с существительным)
20.09.2023 5:46:52 bus.styl. discuss and get one's approval согласовать (Обсудив, выработать единое мнение о чём-н., получить согласие на что-н. С. вопрос с дирекцией. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова "Толковый словарь русского языка")
20.09.2023 5:38:02 gen. stand clear of не становиться ногами на (Stand clear of the ramp, folks, while the engine is running. – Граждане, не становитесь на платформу.)
20.09.2023 5:33:03 cliche. everyone knows всем известно, что (that: Everyone knows diamonds are a time-tested way to launder money and hide that money from IRS agents. (Twitter))
20.09.2023 5:14:58 busin. raise the issue озвучить вопрос (Я озвучила вопрос на планёрке.)
20.09.2023 5:10:04 idiom. take in stride спокойно подходить (к жизненным трудностям)
20.09.2023 5:09:51 idiom. take in stride спокойно относиться (к жизненным трудностям)
20.09.2023 4:55:33 gen. check with уточнить у (You should check with your employer to make sure the transit pass program applies to you.)
20.09.2023 4:54:13 bank. lending conditions условия выдачи кредита
20.09.2023 4:54:13 fin. lending conditions условия выдачи займа
20.09.2023 4:25:05 gen. while away evenings коротать вечера ("(...) how to while away these bleak autumnal evenings" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
20.09.2023 4:23:16 law non-disparagement корректность высказываний (статья договора)
20.09.2023 4:21:00 gen. soon to be которому скоро исполнится (My soon to be two-year-old boy just learnt how to say the word "pumpkin".)
19.09.2023 8:03:29 gen. a year in advance на год вперёд (We started calling venues in and around NYC to find any that could accommodate 200 people and a ceremony on little notice, but many venues are often booked up more than a year in advance. – забронированы более, чем на год вперёд)
19.09.2023 8:00:38 commer. visual index наглядный перечень (продукции, с иллюстрациями, в каталоге)
19.09.2023 7:57:18 fig. eminent figure яркая фигура (Eminent people are very successful at their jobs. Every field has eminent — impressive, famous, or accomplished — people. (vocabulary.com))
19.09.2023 7:38:03 polite I am delighted to hear it я рад это слышать
19.09.2023 7:28:31 idiom. out of reach недоступный
19.09.2023 7:26:42 formal unbecoming conduct недостойное поведение (The Real Estate Council will look into allegations that Paul Gainsborough of Bibberson & Associates Realty Ltd. committed conduct unbecoming of a licensee allegedly allowing a buyer to excavate for soil tests on a Seaview Avenue lot without the consent or knowledge of the property owner. – поведение, недостойное лицензиата)

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