
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

27.09.2023 6:51:50 arts. bold colours глубокие тона (Bold colours are are vibrant bright colors, very loud, they are clear, stand out and are darker. You can notice them easily. There is pink, teal, fuchsia...)
27.09.2023 6:49:45 cliche. deeply moved глубоко взволнованный (He was deeply moved. – Он был глубоко взволнован.)
27.09.2023 6:47:36 cliche. come up with a solution найти решение (проблемы: Coming up with solutions in critical situations is a skill not every project manager has. • Greenville must rethink this mess and come up with a better solution to give people with disabilities, seniors and others easier access to launch their small water craft. We are not talking about a boat ramp, just a closer drop-off area.)
27.09.2023 6:44:24 gen. be appreciated найти признание (Sadly, Pupkinson's revolutionary creativity was not appreciated during his lifetime. – не нашло признания)
27.09.2023 6:31:39 fig. resonate with найти отклик у (It's just not an issue, it doesn't resonate with the general public. – не находит отклика в народе)
27.09.2023 6:31:05 idiom. strike a chord with глубоко взволновать (также in the heart of sb. / in sb.'s heart: “It’s disturbing to see anything like this,” an outraged West told CityNews. West, who has two young children, says this has really struck a chord with him. citynews.ca)
27.09.2023 6:30:49 idiom. strike a chord with найти отклик у (также in the heart of sb. / in sb.'s heart)
27.09.2023 6:30:49 idiom. strike a chord with вызвать глубокий отклик в душе у (также in the heart of sb. / in sb.'s heart)
27.09.2023 6:30:49 idiom. strike a chord with задеть чувствительную струнку (также in the heart of sb. / in sb.'s heart)
27.09.2023 6:12:01 idiom. game over песенка спета (And he never had any kids of his own, but he’s always felt a link to the boy in Deep Cove. “That little guy and me have a connection because it was game over for him,” he said. “In a sense, I kind of feel like, you know, he’s my kid.” nsnews.com)
27.09.2023 6:11:52 idiom. one's goose is cooked песенка спета (The premier of our province actually spent the night in jail in a foreign country, and a lot of people thought his goose was cooked on that one. – его песенка спета)
27.09.2023 6:10:13 gen. scratchy throat першит в горле (Gargling with warm salt water won't magically fix your sore throat, however, it can temporarily relieve a sore or scratchy throat.)
27.09.2023 6:07:55 gen. time of stress период перегрузки (During times of stress, some people tend to just break down. You need to learn some simple breathing techniques to relieve that stress.)
27.09.2023 6:04:53 formal print media органы печати
27.09.2023 6:04:34 formal print media периодическая печать
27.09.2023 6:03:19 formal print media органы периодической печати
27.09.2023 5:58:04 gen. be involved in one's child заниматься ребёнком (As a parent, I feel it's great to be involved and interested in paying attention to your child.)
27.09.2023 5:55:49 gen. do chores заниматься работой по дому (The philosophy behind doing chores is that in this rowboat, everyone has to lift an oar.)
27.09.2023 4:18:27 trav. a long plane flight длинный перелёт (during long plane flights)
27.09.2023 4:17:54 gen. long lineup длинная очередь (long lineups at the airports)
27.09.2023 4:13:09 inf. the boonies кулички (live in the boonies – жить на куличках: way out in the boonies • People live in the boonies but they expect transit service like they are in Kits or Coal Harbour. Haha! )
27.09.2023 4:09:30 slang high-brow заумный
27.09.2023 3:39:22 idiom. come a purler растянуться во весь рост ("Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse))
27.09.2023 3:39:08 idiom. come a purler шлёпнуться (головой вперёд, во весь рост: "Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse))
27.09.2023 3:37:53 idiom. come a purler грохнуться (головой вперёд, во весь рост: "Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse))
27.09.2023 3:31:25 contempt. much-ballyhooed громко разрекламированный ("Громко разрекламированный митинг оппозиции в Тбилиси оказался лишь пшиком." (news.rambler.ru))
27.09.2023 2:29:20 gen. scream for help звать на помощь (What followed was a wild 911 call wherein the man lamented to the operator that he had been lost in the forest for days and, while screaming for help, claimed that he had run afoul of some bears that were on the verge of attacking him. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2023 2:29:20 gen. scream for help громко звать на помощь (What followed was a wild 911 call wherein the man lamented to the operator that he had been lost in the forest for days and, while screaming for help, claimed that he had run afoul of some bears that were on the verge of attacking him. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2023 2:19:20 emerg.care emergency dispatcher диспетчер аварийно-спасательной службы (A man who got lost in the West Virginia wilderness came up with a rather ill-advised way to getting rescued when he called emergency dispatchers and desperately claimed that he was being attacked by a bear. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2023 2:09:30 gram. who by кем (In a passive sentence, the agent is the expression that says who (or what) an action is done by. -- кем совершается действие (Michael Swan, Practical English Usage))
27.09.2023 2:06:01 cliche. to the profound surprise of everyone к всеобщему глубочайшему изумлению (Assessing the situation, cops gathered around the well and shouted down to the woman, asking for her name. In response, they heard her cry out "Juanita," which seemingly confirmed the concerned resident's report of someone being stuck, though they could see no sign of the woman with their flashlights. Eventually the fire department arrived with special equipment that allowed a rescuer to descend to the bottom of the well. However, to the profound surprise of everyone on the scene, Juanita was no where to be found as the pit was completely empty. A subsequent search of the area, including another well nearby, turned up nothing, which has led many to theorize that the woman crying out from the well was, in fact, a ghost. -- к глубочайшему изумлению всех присутствующих coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2023 1:55:21 slang rat sb. out to доносить на кого-л. (("It seems as though educators want to train our children to rat heretical parents out to the state." (Twitter))
27.09.2023 1:55:03 slang rat sb. out to донести на кого-л. ("It seems as though educators want to train our children to rat heretical parents out to the state." (Twitter))
27.09.2023 1:29:59 gen. unnerving пугающий (an unnerving sense of the gruesome throughout his poetry • Describing the experience of finally seeing the phenomenon, Randall mused that "it's very surreal and was a little unnerving," no doubt due in part to his being out on the misty mountaintop all by himself. • Police ultimately wound up scratching their heads over how the unnerving event unfolded. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2023 1:20:56 gen. be a failure потерпеть неудачу (In 1841 Robert Owen, the social reformer, founded a socialist community at West Tytherley, 2 1/2 miles south, but it was a failure. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
27.09.2023 1:20:56 gen. be a failure закончиться неудачей (In 1841 Robert Owen, the social reformer, founded a socialist community at West Tytherley, 2 1/2 miles south, but it was a failure. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
26.09.2023 11:22:33 gen. on several scores по нескольким вопросам (translation suggested by ART Vancouver; example provided by 'More: When we last discussed the matter, I expressed considerable anxiety on several scores. T)
26.09.2023 10:18:20 rude slang dork урод (It's a quite accurate translation. Here's a good example:: "Mr. Big....huh...you are a dork, dude... Go crawl under your rock and disappear." (expressing disgust))
26.09.2023 8:58:39 gen. that's not what it's about дело совсем не в этом
26.09.2023 8:54:32 gen. over the years за эти годы (Hawaii has changed over the years.)
26.09.2023 8:22:28 gen. afford по карману (He can say he wants it but can he really afford it?)
26.09.2023 6:56:10 idiom. no Johnny-come-lately не новичок (He's no Johnny-come-lately to the Liberal bandwagon. – не новичок)
26.09.2023 6:48:12 gen. bring up вспоминать (I can't keep telling you how sorry I am. Are you going to bring it up for the rest of our lives? – Ты будешь это вспоминать до конца жизни?)
26.09.2023 6:46:36 fig. surge in interest всплеск интереса
26.09.2023 6:43:18 cliche. make allowance for проявить снисхождение к ("You must make allowance for this poor girl, placed in so unprecedented a position.' 'I will make no allowance. I am very angry indeed, and I have been shamefully used." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – «Проявите снисхождение ...» «Никакого снисхождения.»)
26.09.2023 6:43:01 cliche. make allowance for снисходительно отнестись к ("You must make allowance for this poor girl, placed in so unprecedented a position.' 'I will make no allowance. I am very angry indeed, and I have been shamefully used." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – «Проявите снисхождение ...» «Никакого снисхождения.»)
26.09.2023 6:31:26 fire. flicked cigarette брошенный окурок (из машины: There has been an increase in small fires in the bark mulch and gardens along medians, ditches and parking lots in recent weeks, almost all of which are caused by "smoking material" – flicked cigarettes, the fire chief said.)
26.09.2023 6:29:39 gen. sharp-looking advertisement броская реклама (Photoshop is not the only software that can help you create a sharp-looking advertisement.)
26.09.2023 6:25:28 inf. chuck the job бросить работу (т.е. послать всё подальше)
26.09.2023 6:25:05 gen. quit the job бросить работу (если известно, о какой идёт речь)
26.09.2023 5:26:38 gen. smoke billowing валит дым (клубами: In a series of 9-1-1 calls, neighbours reported flames and smoke billowing from the second storey of an East Third Street duplex.)
26.09.2023 5:26:11 gen. bowl of fruit ваза с фруктами (She was carrying a bowl of fruit to the lawn.)
26.09.2023 5:25:24 inf. hunky dory в ажуре (So your new lawyer's saying, Pay me $20,000 and everything will be hunky dory, right?)
26.09.2023 5:22:05 disappr. monstrosity чудовищное сооружение
26.09.2023 5:19:44 gen. narrowly escape death чудом остаться в живых ("I was born in South Africa in 1961 and left the country in 1996. My wife and I had been attacked twice and both times narrowly escaped death. It left us severely traumatized. Our last gesture before leaving was to drive down the coast, dismantle parts of our pistols and throw them in the ocean, vowing to find a place in the world where guns weren't needed." (True story of an immigrant to Canada, Maclean's Magazine))
26.09.2023 5:16:10 gen. wonder of nature чудо природы (Flying fish are a wonder of nature.)
26.09.2023 5:13:21 gen. outspoken не скрывающий своих убеждений (Rudyard Kipling was quite politically outspoken during his lifetime.)
26.09.2023 5:08:41 cliche. not + verb + any time soon не скоро (With the vaccine shortages, pharmacists won't be giving you the jab any time soon.)
26.09.2023 4:27:47 polygr. gilt-embellished украшенный позолотой (the gilt-embellished bindings of the Renaissance era)
26.09.2023 4:26:24 polygr. gilt-embossed с золотым тиснением (gilt-embossed leather binding)
26.09.2023 4:26:09 polygr. gilt-embossed украшенный золотым тиснением (о переплёте: a gilt-embossed leather binding)
26.09.2023 4:24:42 gen. belatedly с запозданием (After the first-quarter fiasco, the board belatedly hired a consultancy.)
26.09.2023 4:23:35 poetic fall season осенняя пора (archetypal symbols connected with the fall season)
26.09.2023 4:03:38 gen. re-word переставить слова (The text is basically an abbreviated version of the text you translated earlier, with a bit of re-wording here and there. – кое-где немного переставлены слова)
26.09.2023 4:01:55 gen. move over переставить (машину: Not a problem, pal. My car won't be there during the day. I'll move Randy's car over too. – Я машину Рэнди тоже переставлю.)
26.09.2023 4:00:50 gen. go through stuff пересматривать вещи (Hi Jim, I'm going through stuff I want to give away. Do you need any coffee cups or a toaster?)
26.09.2023 3:58:04 trav. connecting flight пересадочный рейс (missed the connecting flight – опоздал на пересадочный рейс)
26.09.2023 3:56:41 garden. repot пересадить (в другой вазон)
25.09.2023 8:44:46 gen. approach about обратиться по поводу (When we first approached Jean-Paul about including his collection in our annual chefs issue, it quickly became clear he wasn't interested.)
25.09.2023 8:41:49 gen. get a second opinion обратиться за консультацией к другому специалисту (обычно о враче или ветеринаре, после получения от первого специалиста неудовлетворительного мнения, сомнительного или вызывающего подозрения в его нечестности: We are sorry to hear this is happening to your cat. We encourage you to contact another vet ASAP to get a second opinion.)
25.09.2023 8:37:57 law non-public не предназначенный для доступа посторонних лиц (non-public phone numbers or non-public email addresses)
25.09.2023 8:18:02 econ. established price сложившаяся цена (adjustments based on established prices in the industry)
25.09.2023 8:16:21 busin. competitive assessment оценка конкурентов (A competitive assessment or competitive analysis is a business-planning tool that attempts to account for the presence of competitors and their potential impact on business decisions.)
25.09.2023 7:29:57 busin. low-efficiency малоэффективный (The usual definition of a "low-efficiency" furnace is one that is less than 75% efficient.)
25.09.2023 7:25:12 gen. take a fundamental approach подойти к делу основательно
25.09.2023 7:19:47 tech. characteristics показатели (technological characteristics – технологические показатели)
25.09.2023 7:11:33 polit. runner-up ближайший соперник
25.09.2023 7:08:52 inf. go with остановиться на (Thanks for the detailed response, I think I'll go with your suggestion and see where it leads. -- остановлюсь на вашем предложении)
25.09.2023 7:04:19 gen. have not advanced past остановились на (have not advanced past pilot testing – остановились на опытно-промышленных испытаниях)
25.09.2023 7:03:06 cliche. special significance особое значение ("According to a city staff report to council, it should be "enhanced as a street of special significance". It should be a "Great Street", states the report written by city planner Kevin McNaney. As a street of such significance, Broadway has to feature a "series of unique and vibrant places to live, work, visit and play"." straight.com)
25.09.2023 7:02:53 gen. of special significance особого значения ("According to a city staff report to council, it should be "enhanced as a street of special significance". It should be a "Great Street", states the report written by city planner Kevin McNaney. As a street of such significance, Broadway has to feature a "series of unique and vibrant places to live, work, visit and play"." straight.com)
25.09.2023 7:01:01 gen. main shortcoming основной недостаток (The main shortcoming of these security systems is their price.)
25.09.2023 6:59:20 account. expenditure items статьи расходов
25.09.2023 6:54:54 fin. principal on the loan основная доля кредита (You take out a loan to buy some business equipment. The cost of the equipment is $10,000, but you are contributing $2,000 in a down payment, so the principal on the loan will be $8,000. thebalance.com)
25.09.2023 6:49:36 gen. by more than three times более чем в три раза (напр., "превышает более чем в 3 раза")
25.09.2023 6:45:07 tech. robustness against устойчивость к (*предлог !*)
25.09.2023 6:21:21 gen. relevance of the Crown целесообразность монархии (With King Charles's coronation days away, many are questioning the relevance of the Crown. )
25.09.2023 6:14:56 cliche. as if on cue как по сигналу
25.09.2023 6:09:30 flow. oil flow volume объём прокачки нефти (the maximum oil flow volume of 432 million bbl/yr)
25.09.2023 6:08:07 cliche. a fair amount of time немало времени (I'll be in Vancouver next week and am planning to spend a fair amount of time in Stanley Park, Gastown and Chinatown, and I've got some shopping to do.)
25.09.2023 6:06:03 gen. important distinction немаловажное отличие
24.09.2023 8:22:18 gen. show an increased interest in проявлять повышенный интерес к
24.09.2023 8:17:05 gen. as sympathetic as I am to при всём сочувствии к (As sympathetic as I am to the concerns of Councillor Burnett, her plan is sloppy and poorly thought-out.)
24.09.2023 8:12:23 disappr. poorly thought-out плохо продуманный (As sympathetic as I am to the concerns of Councillor Cadman, the plan is sloppy and poorly thought-out.)
24.09.2023 6:48:21 gen. mail in прислать по почте (mail in a cheque)
24.09.2023 6:47:39 poetic wield words in defense of силой слова защищать (He wielded words and art in defense of those less fortunate. – он силой слова и искусства защищал)
24.09.2023 6:40:22 gen. drone footage видео с беспилотника (также a piece of drone footage – фрагмент видеозаписи: A peculiar piece of drone footage from Bolivia shows what appears to be a bipedal creature lurking in a field of crops and some suspect that the oddity could be the infamous chupacabra. coasttocoastam.com)
24.09.2023 6:36:57 law videos видеоматериалы (в обобщающем смысле: hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive videos)
24.09.2023 6:19:53 gen. vibration-resistant виброзащищённый (Rugged shock and vibration resistant design • Two year warranty)
24.09.2023 6:16:01 fig. feel дух (captured the look and feel of the Art Deco era – уловил облик и дух эпохи ар-деко (перевод по просьбе пользователя SirReal) • In the boom period of 1905-12, Grandview filled in rapidly and many substantial homes were built, but the area has always had a working-class feel with most development occurring as comfortable tradesmen's houses on small lots. (Ron Phillips) -- в этом районе всегда ощущался рабочий дух)

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