
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

2.10.2023 7:00:58 gen. leave litter насорить (Kevin was fined for leaving litter in the mall parking lot.)
2.10.2023 7:00:03 gen. leave litter сорить (I teach my kids never to leave litter on the beach.)
2.10.2023 6:04:16 gen. in years несколько лет (used with a negative verb form: I have not been to Lighthouse Park in years.)
2.10.2023 3:21:24 idiom. splash the cash бросаться деньгами (Some of the restaurants in Saint-Tropez have been accused of reserving space only for those that they expect – from a database of previous visits – to be big spenders and big tippers. A hospitality worker told the Nice-Matin newspaper: “It’s basically: are you likely to splash the cash, or are you small fry?” theguardian.com)
2.10.2023 3:05:57 gen. it makes you want to хочется (“There have always been rich people here,” says Géraldine, who works in a Saint-Tropez public library, tucked away near the Dior cafe that charges €12 (£10.30) for an ice tea and the White 1921 hotel, where rooms start at €600 a night. “But now there are so many of them, and everything is so ‘luxe’ it makes you want to throw up. -- от этого хочется theguardian.com)
2.10.2023 3:03:14 gen. move away permanently насовсем уехать (из города: The number of super-rich people – including Arnault, the world’s second-wealthiest person after Elon Musk – descending on the Côte d‘Azur resort has sent property prices soaring, forcing many local people to move away permanently. “People who have been here for generations are having to move miles inland, and drive back to work. The houses, the flats, the apartments – it has all been taken,” says Guerin. theguardian.com)
2.10.2023 2:55:56 gen. catch a glimpse of заметить (неожиданно: Ever since Brigitte Bardot started cavorting on its beaches in the 1950s, Saint-Tropez has been better known as a place to catch a glimpse of a celebrity than a fresh sea bass. theguardian.com)
2.10.2023 2:51:16 gen. giveaway отдам даром заголовок объявления (ненужную одежду, продукты, книги: Giveaway!)
2.10.2023 2:27:12 cliche. become famous приобрести известность (for – благодаря: hey have been spotted in Scotland for several years, he claimed, and the famous 'Falkirk Triangle' is a popular hunting ground for spotters. Bonnybridge near the town has become famous for unusual objects spotted in its skies, sparking calls for a government probe. -- приобрёл известность благодаря наблюдениям необычных объектов в небе mirror.co.uk)
2.10.2023 0:26:01 gen. hotspot зона повышенной активности (a place of significant activity (Oxford Dictionary): A sleepy Scottish village became known as hotspot for UFOs, an expert has claimed. mirror.co.uk)
2.10.2023 0:16:06 cliche. there has been a lot of controversy развернулась полемика (по поводу)
1.10.2023 7:57:58 gen. is there such a thing? разве такое бывает? ('I laughed hollowly. "Good news? Is there such a thing?" ' (P.G. Wodehouse))
1.10.2023 7:56:24 gen. falling-down shack развалюха ("The houses in Vancouver are irrelevant. People are buying for the land and they want to build something new, so absolutely beautiful houses go down the same as falling-down shacks, and the land is clear-cut." (Caroline Adderson, The Vancouver Sun))
1.10.2023 7:56:07 gen. dilapidated old home развалюха (There are so many lots in this city that are currently home to dilapidated old homes. Seriously, I used to rent in a house that should probably be condemned, right in the heart of Mount Pleasant.)
1.10.2023 6:34:25 gen. is that not right? разве не так? (уточняя у собеседника: "The following is confusing me: ... Is that not right?" "Good point. 180 degrees the opposite. Fixed. Thank you.")
1.10.2023 6:30:43 gen. for half price за полцены (All entrees are available in tapas size for half price.)
1.10.2023 6:30:27 gen. at half the price за полцены (I’ll bet that Harry and Meghan found something better at half the price in California. City Hall is so out of touch. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 6:30:27 gen. at half the price вдвое дешевле (I’ll bet that Harry and Meghan found something better at half the price in California. City Hall is so out of touch. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 6:19:17 disappr. all to no avail безрезультатно (We South-siders are even more put out and frustrated than you are, and we complain to the City daily, demanding parking enforcement and by-law enforcement on Point Grey Road all to no avail. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 6:17:00 disappr. uber-wealthy сверхбогатый (Those of us on the South side, homeowners and tenants, live in multiplexes of average value and are daily harassed by the uber-wealthy on the North side (water side) with their construction workers usurping the roadway, sidewalks and parking in order to tear down character and modern homes for ultra-luxurious mansions that are not lived in and do not pay the vacancy tax. -- сверхбогачи / сверхбогатые домовладельцы wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 6:09:15 disappr. pander to потакать (The closure to through-traffic of Point Grey Road in 2018 (again, under Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver) massively increased property values along this route. In effect, it is as if City Hall is pandering to the wealthiest residents north of the road. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 6:05:56 traf.contr. through-traffic проезд (The closure to through-traffic of Ocean Road in 2018 massively increased property values along this route. In effect, it is as if City Hall is pandering to the wealthiest residents.)
1.10.2023 5:58:25 gen. there were rumours that ходили слухи, что (Media were abuzz in December 2020 with the pricy sale of a luxury home at 3019 Point Grey Road. There were rumours that the British royal couple Meghan and Harry were considering buying the place in 2020, but they chose California instead. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 5:52:15 gen. sturdy timber прочная древесина (для строительства: Built in 1912, this house was (until yesterday) 111 years old this year, built with sturdy old-growth timber. The latest assessment as of July 2022 shows the land at 23.6 million and the building at $4.6 million. So here we now have a $4.6 million pile of rubble. wordpress.com)
1.10.2023 5:32:48 gen. swing back and forth раскачиваться взад-вперёд ("The place was very haunted and very creepy... we experienced a lot of things there," Mark said. He recalled one night they were walking the halls and chatting about exorcisms when they heard a loud crashing sound. They discovered a heavy piece of conduit hanging from the ceiling "angrily and violently just swinging back and forth." Mark believes their conversation, which mentioned the name Jesus, may have disturbed some entity in the building. coasttocoastam.com)
1.10.2023 5:26:29 fig. conduit средство (a conduit for mystical revelation – средство получения мистических откровений)
1.10.2023 5:21:20 gen. pay extra дополнительно заплатить (for – за: Do I have to pay extra for my carry-on bag?)
1.10.2023 4:58:15 gen. very much aware of хорошо осведомлённый (Archbishop Feyl-Enright recalled a life-changing event when he was 11 years old and a blinding bright light filled the bathroom. He shut his eyes and saw a vision of his future serving the church. "Ever since then I've been very much aware of the supernatural," he said. -- С той поры я очень хорошо осведомлён в сверхъестественных вещах. coasttocoastam.com)
1.10.2023 4:46:18 fig. experience spanning стаж насчитывает (Archbishop Ron Feyl-Enright is a Chief Exorcist with extensive experience spanning 46 years. Throughout his ministry he has conducted thousands of exorcism rituals, including case assessments for demonic infestation and possession. coasttocoastam.com)
1.10.2023 4:42:24 cliche. buy private покупать с рук ("I have been in Canada for 2 years and I am looking to buy a car now. I have no idea about the process. Can someone please explain how to go about it in a nutshell?" "If you are buying private I’d strongly suggest getting it inspected at a mechanic before buying. Most people selling should be open to this and if not then that’s usually a sign of an issue." (Reddit))
1.10.2023 4:42:24 cliche. buy private покупать у владельца ("I have been in Canada for 2 years and I am looking to buy a car now. I have no idea about the process. Can someone please explain how to go about it in a nutshell?" "If you are buying private I’d strongly suggest getting it inspected at a mechanic before buying. Most people selling should be open to this and if not then that’s usually a sign of an issue." (Reddit))
1.10.2023 4:42:24 cliche. buy private купить с рук ("I have been in Canada for 2 years and I am looking to buy a car now. I have no idea about the process. Can someone please explain how to go about it in a nutshell?" "If you are buying private I’d strongly suggest getting it inspected at a mechanic before buying. Most people selling should be open to this and if not then that’s usually a sign of an issue." (Reddit))
1.10.2023 4:42:24 cliche. buy private купить у владельца ("I have been in Canada for 2 years and I am looking to buy a car now. I have no idea about the process. Can someone please explain how to go about it in a nutshell?" "If you are buying private I’d strongly suggest getting it inspected at a mechanic before buying. Most people selling should be open to this and if not then that’s usually a sign of an issue." (Reddit))
30.09.2023 9:25:27 gen. can't cope with не под силу (If you can't cope with the madness of the Lemon Pie Eating Contest or the Drunken Zombie Carnival, take a stroll in the Japanese Gardens. You'll soon de-stress and relax. – Если вам не под силу ...)
30.09.2023 9:24:16 gen. signature неподражаемый (his signature style)
30.09.2023 9:19:33 inf. got one to spare? закурить не найдётся?
30.09.2023 7:23:37 gen. has no prior criminal record ранее судим не был (In sentencing Nguyen, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Deborah Kloegman found that the consumption of alcohol likely played a part in the cocky attitude of Nguyen, who had no prior criminal record and was unlikely to re-offend. (The Province))
30.09.2023 6:13:36 fig. vibe атмосфера, обстановка (в ресторане, баре, клубе, городском районе, музыкальном коллективе и т.п.: This new local bar mixes a classic New York vibe with a modern menu. • The new musicians that were part of The Raiders were green, had no studio experience, and did not have the band's vibe yet, Lindsay disclosed. -- не прониклись атмосферой, царившей в группе • You may also want to look at some of the neighborhoods in Northwood. Inglewood Village has a nice vibe to it and plenty of shops. -- там совсем неплохо coasttocoastam.com)
30.09.2023 6:03:28 inf. grab a snack перекусить (We're going to go grab a snack first. • We would like to have restaurants nearby in case we just wanna get out of the house and grab a snack.)
30.09.2023 6:01:20 idiom. get the most out of наилучшим образом использовать (Most people here do not speak any English, and I think that you will get the most out of your vacation in Costa del Lagarto if you invest in a local guide.)
30.09.2023 5:48:36 gen. have no regrets не жалеть (о принятом решении: I moved from London to Wallawoomba five years ago, and have no regrets. Great sandy beach, virtually zero crime, the local school is of a good standard. -- и не жалею)
30.09.2023 0:25:30 media. high-profile murder case громкое дело об убийстве (Dr. Spenser's name has been making news recently as he was an expert witness in the high-profile murder case of Phil Jones.)
29.09.2023 9:06:09 telegr. dispatch a telegram отправить телеграмму
29.09.2023 9:05:12 idiom. head out for a night on the town отправиться повеселиться вечером
29.09.2023 8:56:39 gen. get homesick скучать по дому (Your webcam picture is called up a lot of times when I get homesick. Each time I’m grateful for it. • А если я по дому загрущу... = And if I ever get homesick...)
29.09.2023 8:47:29 brit. smashing success оглушительный успех (It has been a smashing success.)
29.09.2023 8:46:10 ling. acquire language овладеть языком (There's a lot of research that shows that babies who are exposed to two languages from birth don't get them confused, they acquire language at pretty much the same rate as monolingual children.)
29.09.2023 8:45:42 ed. master math skills овладеть навыками математики (Our learning centre helps kids master math skills.)
29.09.2023 8:45:16 gen. master the technique of овладеть методом (Legrand eventually mastered the techniques of drypoint, etching, lithography engraving and woodcutting.)
29.09.2023 8:36:40 cliche. take it easy не спешите (на дороге, в знач. "не разгоняйтесь, следите за скоростью": Definitely take it easy with your cycling or driving across the Cambie Bridge today as you pass crews in the cone zone. • Take it easy, the rain's coming down hard.)
29.09.2023 7:38:37 polygr. page edge край страницы
29.09.2023 7:31:24 idiom. throw a roadblock чинить препятствия (And you could feel the roadblock they were throwing. – они явно чинили мне препятствия)
29.09.2023 7:29:19 gen. minutes of meetings of the committee протокол заседания комитета (Minutes of meetings of the Safety and Accident Prevention Committee are to be kept and a copy of such minutes shall be sent to the Inspection Branch of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources, as required by law.)
29.09.2023 7:20:02 inf. pancake a hobo задавить бродягу (She wasn't speeding when she pancaked that hobo on Hastings at Abbott who suddenly ran in front of her SUV.)
29.09.2023 7:07:50 gen. ultimate незаменимый (For every girl on my street, these trendy pieces of footwear were the ultimate accessory. • Umberto told me about the ultimate cooking wine, Marsala, and how versatile it is in the kitchen.)
29.09.2023 5:54:46 gen. piece of mail письмо (I was driving to work last Monday when I found a piece of mail in the middle of the street. Then I came upon another. And another. In all, there were dozens of letters strewn about the street. Then I realized that our communal mailbox had been busted open, again.)
29.09.2023 5:53:54 formal letter regarding письмо по поводу (I have received a letter from ICBC regarding a refund for past overcharges.)
29.09.2023 5:53:02 publ.util. drinking water at the tap питьевая вода из крана (Our drinking water at the tap is generally very safe.)
29.09.2023 5:52:24 gen. live off of питаться одними (Would you live off of chocolate chip cookies if you could, Mike?)
29.09.2023 5:50:48 entomol. feed on пожирать (Grub worms are young Scarab beetles or European chafer beetles that lay eggs in the earth and feed on grass roots, rendering sections of a lawn dead. One sign that you may have grub worms hiding in your lawn is brown patches. To check if you have them, simply grab the patch of brown grass and if it comes off easy with no roots, you got your culprit.(News 1130))
29.09.2023 5:50:37 zool. feed on питаться (чем-либо: All of the whales and other marine mammals here feed on Arctic cod.)
29.09.2023 5:46:45 gen. run-of-the-mill типичный (He never was one of the run-of-the-mill prisoners, he was a leader. • As a result, nine out of 10 citizens of Singapore own a dwelling, said Ley. Nearly all are apartments, ranging from run-of-the-mill to elegant. vancouversun.com)
29.09.2023 5:38:52 fig. staples то, без чего не обойдётся ни один (Sharp scissors, glue brushes, a hammer and a mallet are staples of every bookbinding workshop.)
29.09.2023 4:59:38 gen. over the course of one's life на протяжении своей жизни (He had unprotected sex with over five hundred Canadian men and women over the course of his life infecting almost all of them with the AIDS virus.)
29.09.2023 4:57:50 gen. opposite one another напротив друг друга (The shelters sit opposite one another across an alley under the Granville Street Bridge.)
29.09.2023 4:52:41 cliche. you couldn't pay me я ни за какие деньги не согласился бы (+ infinitive: You couldn't pay me to move back to Alberta. The housing here is more expensive by a lot but everything else kinda makes up for it. Glad I moved, wouldn't go back.(Reddit))
29.09.2023 4:26:01 inf. barn mate друг или подруга, также увлекающаяся конным спортом (My sweet friend and barn mate is missing. She is an ER doctor, a specialist in clinical forensic medicine and was due to testify in a murder trial. Please share this. (Twitter))
29.09.2023 4:01:08 cliche. get into a rage выйти из себя (Whatever happens on the road, it's not worth getting into a rage. -- не стоит выходить из себя)
29.09.2023 3:45:39 idiom. spring into action энергично взяться за дело (Authorities immediately sprung into action to get to the bottom of the astounding turn of events and quickly determined that the downing of the tree was the work of a truly misguided individual with a chainsaw. coasttocoastam.com)
29.09.2023 3:34:22 cliche. live to regret sth. пожалеть (о своём поступке: Brin announced that he is working on a new series of novels for young adults; one has the premise that aliens kidnap a California high school and live to regret it. coasttocoastam.com)
29.09.2023 3:30:35 cliche. innocuous reason безобидная причина (for sth., напр., для визита: The visitors in question, one of whom was knocking on the door, were two men wearing suits and dark sunglasses. The mysterious strangers combined with the curious-looking UFO have led many to wonder if perhaps they were Men in Black or perhaps even aliens visiting the woman's home for reasons unexplained. Of course, more skeptical viewers argue that the two men probably had an innocuous reason for the house call and that the 'UFO' in the background is a balloon or some other prosaic object that just so happened to film at the 'perfect' time. coasttocoastam.com)
29.09.2023 3:02:02 video. doorbell camera видеокамера дверного звонка (A peculiar video captured by doorbell camera in California shows two mysterious suit-clad individuals knocking on the front door a home as what appears to be a UFO hovers in the sky outside and some suspect that the puzzling pair could be the infamous Men in Black. coasttocoastam.com)
29.09.2023 3:02:02 video. doorbell camera видеоглазок входной двери (A peculiar video captured by doorbell camera in California shows two mysterious suit-clad individuals knocking on the front door a home as what appears to be a UFO hovers in the sky outside and some suspect that the puzzling pair could be the infamous Men in Black. coasttocoastam.com)
28.09.2023 9:37:31 gen. about на улицах (On this day, a Mr. and Mrs. Margolis and their 11-year-old son were taking a leisurely stroll along the riverside on an otherwise normal day when they were suddenly and inexplicably overcome with a sense of deep uneasiness. They then realized that the village had fallen completely silent and there was no sign of anyone about, despite the fact that it had been a typical day bustling with activity. • They set off home quite late in the evening, and it was already dark, there wasn't much on the roads, and it was pretty cold so not many pedestrians about. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 9:32:20 inf. call it quits с меня хватит (After the encounter with the town and this woman, we had enough and called it quits. We turned on the interstate as soon as we found it, and headed north and home. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 8:54:43 gen. casually saunter не спеша прогуливаться (He casually sauntered down the street.)
28.09.2023 8:52:40 gen. take a leisurely walk не спеша пройтись (down to – до: If you take transit there are stops located just outside your door, or you can take a leisurely walk down to Kingsway and can go anywhere!)
28.09.2023 7:54:27 fig. pit against противопоставлять (His artwork pitted good against evil in the 1940s Germany.)
28.09.2023 7:46:04 esot. time slip спонтанное путешествие во времени (Fanthorpe recounted the 1901 time travel incident reported by Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, who claimed to have experienced a time slip into pre-revolutionary France. "It's one of the most likely episodes to have been real time travel," he noted. • It has been speculated that these witnesses experienced what is called a “time slip.” These are instances in which individuals or even whole groups of people have seemed to pass through some veil between time and space, to find themselves flung back far back into the past to witness events there before being catapulted right back into the present, often confused and with no idea what has happened to them. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 7:38:37 cliche. along one's route по пути (о движении: Considering that it was a clear, sunny day, it was more or less a pleasant walk through the picturesque countryside, and at first that’s precisely what it was, but things were about to take a turn into the weird. Along their route, the men passed the small hamlet of Kersey, a charming little village of only a few hundred people known for its rustic streets and historical medieval buildings. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 7:36:08 cliche. considering that если учесть то, что (This seems ludicrous considering that there were three additional witnesses who were present to confirm the reality of the flying saucer whizzing around the hospital. • On this day, the cadets, named William Laing, Michael Crowley and Ray Baker, had the objective to simply to follow a route through the scenic area, observe several assigned locations, map a route to a waypoint, make notes of what they found, and then return to report to their superiors. Considering that it was a clear, sunny day, it was more or less a pleasant walk through the picturesque countryside, and at first that’s precisely what it was, but things were about to take a turn into the weird. mysteriousuniverse.org, mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 7:23:56 sport. map reading training exercise тренировка по ориентированию на местности по карте (It was the fall of 1957, when in October of that year, three cadets with the British Royal Navy went out into the English countryside at Suffolk for a simple map reading training exercise. On this day, the cadets, named William Laing, Michael Crowley and Ray Baker, had the objective to simply to follow a route through the scenic area, observe several assigned locations, map a route to a waypoint, make notes of what they found, and then return to report to their superiors. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.09.2023 3:19:28 gen. send by courier отослать с курьером (While regular mail can be rather costly, it is generally less expensive than sending a package by courier.)
28.09.2023 3:19:28 gen. send by courier переслать с курьером (While regular mail can be rather costly, it is generally less expensive than sending a package by courier.)
28.09.2023 3:19:28 gen. send by courier отправить с курьером (While regular mail can be rather costly, it is generally less expensive than sending a package by courier.)
28.09.2023 3:15:29 gen. via courier с курьером (The package / The cheque has been sent to you via courier.)
28.09.2023 2:53:13 gen. wondering задавшись вопросом (Wondering if these peculiar rings could also appear elsewhere in the world, researchers reportedly developed an AI model which recognizes fairy circles based on known pictures of the phenomenon and then set the technology loose on a slew of satellite images to see what it might uncover. coasttocoastam.com)
28.09.2023 2:47:57 fig. be originally believed to be ранее считалось, что (+ past participle: The curious formations were originally believed to be found only in Africa's Namib Desert until scientists discovered a patch of the rings in a particularly arid part of Australia. coasttocoastam.com)
28.09.2023 2:45:03 fig. comb through просеивать (обработать значительный объём чего-либо с целью отбора требуемых или удаления нежелательных элементов: A remarkable study wherein artificial intelligence was used to comb through thousands of satellite images in search of natural resources in Africa.)
27.09.2023 8:29:11 gen. after all всё же ('Was it possible that it was Barrymore, after all, whom we had seen in the cab in Regent Street?' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – всё-таки / всё же был Бэрримор • I expected to fail the exam, but I passed after all. (Michael Swan's PEU) – всё-таки сдал / всё же сдал • I had hoped it would be dry, but it rained after all.)
27.09.2023 8:25:55 idiom. change the whole ballgame изменить положение дел (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame.)
27.09.2023 8:25:47 idiom. change the whole ballgame всё изменить (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет)
27.09.2023 8:25:27 idiom. change the whole ballgame изменить всю ситуацию (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет)
27.09.2023 8:25:09 idiom. change the whole ballgame изменить весь расклад (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет)
27.09.2023 8:15:12 gen. changing light изменения в освещении (respond with extraordinary subtlety to changing light – реагируют на изменения в освещении)
27.09.2023 7:07:36 cliche. on medical leave на больничном (I'm on a medical leave (all is going to be good) I hope to be back very soon.)
27.09.2023 7:05:39 busin. market surveillance наблюдение за рынком (We provide copies of news release to the market surveillance department.- отдел по наблюдению за рынком)
27.09.2023 7:02:00 inf. get snotty зазнаться ("I think a man ought to get drunk at least twice a year just on principle, so he won't let himself get snotty about it." (Raymond Chandler) – чтобы не зазнаваться)
27.09.2023 7:01:52 inf. get snotty задирать нос ("I think a man ought to get drunk at least twice a year just on principle, so he won't let himself get snotty about it." (Raymond Chandler) – чтобы не зазнаваться)
27.09.2023 6:53:35 build.mat. tilework глазурованный кафель (об отделке)

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