
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

7.05.2024 10:16:08 law, contr. entertainment Развлекательные материалы (из контракта с Ютубом: Branded Entertainment)
7.05.2024 10:15:21 show.biz. offer up entertainment развлекать гостей (о музыкантах: The Tin Pan Trio offered up entertainment.)
7.05.2024 9:56:05 formal make a convincing case привести убедительные аргументы (Even though it was strange to hear someone not want sidewalks, Fernando makes a convincing case. It seems like something that will greatly upset this sleepy neighbourhood. (burnabynow.com))
7.05.2024 9:47:26 trav. take home as a souvenir привезти сувенир (When Alfie Holborne visited the aboriginal landmark during his trip to their spiritual heartland last year, he didn't think anything of picking up a small chunk of the sacred volcanic rock to take home as a souvenir. Little did he know what landslide of unfortunate events that would unleash...)
7.05.2024 9:46:19 med. bring to the emergency room привезти в "скорую помощь" (She stuck her baby in a suitcase and brought it to the emergency room.)
7.05.2024 9:29:25 gen. full details подробные сведения (full details on your intended course of study)
7.05.2024 7:51:51 gen. share details подробности сходятся (напр., о рассказах очевидцев: This unsettling story is not unique. There are dozens of similar accounts of so-called dark watchers by hikers in the Santa Lucia Mountains near Big Sur, California. The stories often share details: The figure stands seven to 10 feet tall and has a walking stick and hat, for example. No one has ever been able to interact with the looming figures—they always disappear once the hiker acknowledges them. (atlasobscura.com) • Некоторые подробности сходятся, но и некоторые расходятся с тем, что мы знаем. (litprichal.ru))
7.05.2024 7:33:11 cliche. muster up the courage набраться храбрости (также muster the courage, без up: I had never been able to muster up the courage to pop the question until now. • As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching. Mustering the courage, the hiker steps toward the figure. As he does, the mysterious being quickly vanishes into the surrounding fog, leaving the hiker with a sense of dread. Нe has just encountered a notorious “dark watcher.” (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 7:28:32 fig. nest устроиться (A nomad from birth who bounced from coast to coast and from foster home to apartment to hotel, Marilyn Monroe at age 35 finally found in Brentwood a place where she could cozily nest after three failed marriages. The Latin inscription on tiles embedded in the front stoop served notice that Monroe felt she had succeeded in her quest for a safe haven: “Cursum Perficio,” or “I have completed my journey.” -- смогла уютно устроиться (latimes.com))
7.05.2024 7:25:10 trav. solo одинокий (As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching... -- одинокий путник (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 7:24:29 trav. solo одиночка (As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching... -- путник-одиночка (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 6:46:06 gen. get worse усиливаться (в негативном контексте, также о болевых ощущениях: She started feeling really anxious about her mental health, and it just started getting worse. • Her symptoms might include a pain in her shoulder blade that gets worse over time and turns into a burning spasm, she said. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.05.2024 6:36:44 geophys. Earth's electromagnetic field электромагнитное поле Земли (Charlotte King, a pioneer of biological earthquake forecasting, has been predicting earthquakes, volcanoes, and solar flares since 1979. The tests conducted on her revealed that she can hear extremely low frequencies in the two to seven Hertz range and below, and pick up minute changes in the Earth's electromagnetic field. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.05.2024 6:31:25 trav. draw visitors привлечь туристов (To that end, Higashishirakawa is not the only village in Japan to have embraced the curious cryptid as the town of Shimokitayama has also adopted the tsuchinoko as something of a mascot in the hopes of drawing visitors to the struggling community. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.05.2024 6:30:38 trav. woo tourists привлечь туристов (шутл. оттенок: It's a marketing tool to woo tourists. – для привлечения туристов)
7.05.2024 5:25:58 commer. outdoor patio летняя площадка (перед кафе, рестораном, также summer patio: How to Add an Outdoor Patio to Your Restaurant – Outdoor dining has blossomed into a common and profitable style of restaurant service. (katom.com) • On December 12, 2022, Council approved a new outdoor patio program to allow sidewalk seating and patios, as well as patios on private property. • If you are planning to apply for a new summer patio location for your restaurant, email us now to get information on how to apply. • Севастопольские кафе и рестораны вновь освободили от арендной платы за летние площадки – до конца 2024 года. Соответствующие изменения в региональное законодательство были приняты городским правительством 2 мая. (sevastopol.su))
6.05.2024 10:58:36 gen. get frustrated испытывать обиду или раздражение (предполагает ситуативный перевод: "We're hard workers," says McDonnell. "Alex is a plumber doing manual labour all day here on the North Shore. I work full-time at my family's contracting fi rm. We make good money, and we save. But we haven't reached the point of being able to put a down payment on the type of starter home we want. And every time we pay rent, we get frustrated that we're making money but doing nothing to help build our future." – И каждый раз, когда мы платим арендную плату, нам становится обидно ... (nsnews.com))
6.05.2024 10:50:15 gen. get frustrated потерять терпение (feeling annoyed and *impatient* because you are prevented from achieving something (MacMillan Dictionary): So I'm sitting on a street in Burnaby behind a guy who is parallel parking on the right hand side of the road and he's looking over his left shoulder while he's doing this and people wonder why I get frustrated with how people drive. (Twitter))
6.05.2024 10:39:00 gen. take the elevator подняться на лифте (Take the elevator to the 6th floor, proceed through the double doors marked Waiting Area and check in at the second desk to your right. -- Поднимайтесь на лифте на шестой этаж ...)
6.05.2024 10:37:21 gen. make one's way to the top подняться на вершину (For the best view, make your way to the top of Grouse Mountain. Below you, the city and the sparkling harbour will be your reward after two hours of hiking.)
6.05.2024 9:43:09 med. personal health information персональные данные о состоянии здоровья
6.05.2024 9:34:05 gen. just before перед этим ("I wasn't talking about that." ''Yeah, but you were just before." (Raymond Chandler))
6.05.2024 9:32:02 inf. rip off передрать (бесцеремонно скопировать содержание: a new musical ripped off from the motion picture )
6.05.2024 9:17:33 elect. delegate obligations передавать обязательства
6.05.2024 9:09:42 gov. direct отдать указание (Vancouver City Council directs city staff to explore taller buildings for the West End. (dailyhive.com))
6.05.2024 8:52:16 formal challenge a misconception оспорить заблуждение (Dennett talked about the phenomenon of UFO swarms, where large numbers of UFOs are observed simultaneously. He mentioned cases where astronomers have witnessed UFOs, including through telescopes, and emphasized that sightings by credible professionals challenge misconceptions about UFOs being seen only by the uninformed. (coasttocoastam.com))
6.05.2024 8:47:13 cliche. political and social views общественно-политические взгляды (His work greatly reflected his changing political and social views.)
6.05.2024 8:46:17 Canada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными (благотворительная организация с отделениями в разных провинциях, напр.: the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA))
6.05.2024 8:45:41 gen. mutual acquaintances общие знакомые (We have mutual acquaintances who think the world of you, Betty.)
6.05.2024 8:35:47 fig. organic органичный (... highly structured yet perfectly organic relationships)
6.05.2024 8:35:03 gen. organic биологически чистый
6.05.2024 8:01:38 cliche. cheer up! не горюй!
6.05.2024 7:51:42 formal ecclesiastic духовного содержания (ecclesiastic book – книга духовного содержания)
6.05.2024 5:31:59 gen. run up the legal bills обойтись в крупную сумму (*только о расходах на юристов*: Meanwhile, B.C. ran up the legal bills with mostly embarrassing results. In an early foray in Federal Court, the judge said the Horgan government “does not appear to understand the basic ground rules of the complex proceeding it is seeking to enter.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:25:23 elect. win the election победить на выборах (This was supposedly tied in with the 1980 "October surprise," in which Iran allegedly held back American hostages to help Reagan win the election. (coasttocoastam.com) • The stakes were much higher for Notley than for Horgan. He was trying to save face over a promise he couldn’t keep. She needed to deliver the pipeline to have any chance of winning the next election. She lost to Jason Kenney. -- победить на следующих выборах (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 fig. fire back опровергнуть (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 fig. fire back отпарировать (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 fig. fire back парировать (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:08:04 bible.term. benefits воздаяния ("Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits..." = "... и не забывай всех воздаяний Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 5:00:46 bible.term. sins беззакония ("Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases ..." = "... очищающаго вся беззакония твоя" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:58:52 bible.term. praise благословить ("Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion." = "Благословите Господа все дела Его, на всяком месте владычества Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:55:01 bible.term. in heaven на Небеси ("The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all." = "Господь на Небеси уготова Престол Свой, и Царство Его всеми обладает." (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:51:48 bible.term. keep the covenant хранить завет ("... and his righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts" = "... хранящих завет Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:37:22 bible.term. have compassion on ущедрить ("As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him ..." (Psalm 103) = "Якоже щедрит отец сыны, ущедри Господь боящихся Его" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:37:22 bible.term. have compassion on щедрить ("As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him ..." (Psalm 103) = "Якоже щедрит отец сыны, ущедри Господь боящихся Его" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:11:47 bible.term. compassionate щедрый ("The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." (Psalm 103) = "Щедр и милостив Господь, долготерпелив и многомилостив." (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:02:07 bible.term. ways пути ("He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel" (Psalm 103) = "Сказа пути Своя Моисеови, сыновом Израилевым хотения Своя" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 3:20:22 disappr. indeed! этого ещё не хватало! (возмущённо: “How do you do, Mrs. Wigg,” said Jane politely. “Mrs. Wigg!” said the thin lady angrily. “How dare you call me Mrs. Wigg? No, thank you! I am plain Miss Persimmon and I am proud of it! Mrs. Wigg, indeed! Go upstairs and to the first door on the landing.” She seemed to be quite upset. -- Миссис Уигг, этого ещё не хватало! (Pamela Travers))
6.05.2024 3:10:31 polit. block shipment заблокировать поставки (сырья, материалов; в качестве санкции: When Heyman threatened to block the movement of bitumen through the pipeline, Notley threatened her province would boycott B.C. wine. Horgan, fearing a trade war, backed off. Later, Alberta fired back with a law that would block shipment of refined gasoline and other petroleum products to British Columbia. B.C. protested, threatening legal action. (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 2:33:47 cliche. suffice to say достаточно лишь сказать, что (Suffice to say, the idea didn't catch on.)
5.05.2024 10:38:35 idiom. back off дать задний ход (The New Democrats shifted their focus to trying to regulate the bitumen (heavy oil) that would be carried from Alberta. It triggered a bitter showdown with Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, leader of the country’s other NDP government. When Heyman threatened to block the movement of bitumen through the pipeline, Notley threatened her province would boycott B.C. wine. Horgan, fearing a trade war, backed off. -- дал задний ход (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 9:41:50 elect. make election promises обещать перед выборами (The new attorney general, David Eby, further confirmed that the province could not unreasonably stall or reject any permits on the project. To do so would invite a lawsuit of ruinous proportions from Kinder Morgan, builder of the expansion project. “We’ll end up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to an oil company that should be going to schools and hospitals,” said Eby. He may have known that limitation before his party began making election promises it couldn’t keep. Still the promises had been made. So Horgan and his government carried on with an effort that was to be as expensive as it was futile. (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 9:41:50 elect. make election promises раздавать предвыборные обещания (The new attorney general, David Eby, further confirmed that the province could not unreasonably stall or reject any permits on the project. To do so would invite a lawsuit of ruinous proportions from Kinder Morgan, builder of the expansion project. “We’ll end up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to an oil company that should be going to schools and hospitals,” said Eby. He may have known that limitation before his party began making election promises it couldn’t keep. Still the promises had been made. So Horgan and his government carried on with an effort that was to be as expensive as it was futile. (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 8:57:41 law beyond the jurisdiction of не входящий в юрисдикцию (“The premier had been given the legal advice that stopping the project was beyond the jurisdiction of B.C. and frame our actions around doing it would be inappropriate and unlawful,” said Heyman. “He advised me not to do that.” (vancouversun.com) -- остановка проекта не входит в юрисдикцию провинции)
5.05.2024 8:52:10 gen. stop from going ahead не допустить (чего-л.: When crude oil finally started flowing through the much delayed and wildly overbudget Trans Mountain pipeline expansion this week, it confirmed a final defeat for the B.C. New Democrats. They campaigned against it in 2017, vowing to “use every tool in the tool box to stop the project from going ahead.” The promise was reinforced in the power-sharing agreement with the Green party that brought them into office: “Immediately employ every tool available to the new government to stop the expansion of the pipeline.” (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 8:48:16 auto. keep the engine running не глушить мотор
5.05.2024 6:37:07 sarcast. way to go, guys! молодцы! (Thanks Mr Mayor! So you’re going to have a city exclusively for filthy rich Chinese immigrants and old white folks so young low-income Canadian workers can come here from Surrey and PoCo to serve them hot food, walk their dogs and take away their garbage? Way to go guys! – Ну вы и молодцы!)
5.05.2024 6:14:29 sarcast. great work молодцы (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter))
5.05.2024 6:14:29 sarcast. great work молодец (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter))
5.05.2024 4:38:12 insur. worth of damage убыток на сумму (сумма проставляется в англ. варианте спереди ($... worth of damage), а в рус. в конце: It took three separate extractions to remove the entire hive and all its occupants. In total, around 60,000 bees and 45kg of honeycomb was removed from the house. The bees had also managed to cause around $20,000 worth of damage to the property. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
5.05.2024 4:29:41 busin. lost revenues убытки (Many local business are reporting lost revenues due to these measures.)
5.05.2024 4:27:38 gen. overactive imagination слишком живое воображение (Usually when a young child claims that there is a monster in their closet in the dead of night, it is fair to assume that it is little more than a case of an overactive imagination. This was certainly the first thing that the parents of one 3-year-old girl thought when she began complaining of 'monsters' in the walls of her bedroom in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. But as time went on and the young girl continued to express concern about monsters in her closet, her mother began to suspect that she might not actually be making things up. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
5.05.2024 4:27:38 gen. overactive imagination чересчур богатое воображение (Usually when a young child claims that there is a monster in their closet in the dead of night, it is fair to assume that it is little more than a case of an overactive imagination. This was certainly the first thing that the parents of one 3-year-old girl thought when she began complaining of 'monsters' in the walls of her bedroom in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. But as time went on and the young girl continued to express concern about monsters in her closet, her mother began to suspect that she might not actually be making things up. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
5.05.2024 2:49:38 gen. caution against предостеречь от опасности (Joe in Monterey, California, emphasized the symbolism behind the program having technical difficulties, suggesting there may be some who wish to suppress the truth, and cautioned against discussing certain topics to avoid interference with the show. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.05.2024 2:49:38 gen. caution against предупредить об опасности. (Joe in Monterey, California, emphasized the symbolism behind the program having technical difficulties, suggesting there may be some who wish to suppress the truth, and cautioned against discussing certain topics to avoid interference with the show. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.05.2024 2:40:59 cliche. due to technical difficulties вследствие технических неполадок (Due to technical difficulties, the show was live for only the final 90 minutes of the program. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.05.2024 2:40:15 cliche. due to technical difficulties по техническим причинам (We are sorry, but due to technical difficulties we are unable to process your request at this time.)
4.05.2024 9:51:10 cliche. watch one's step осторожно ходить (It's snail season. I need to watch my step on my way to the car to avoid the unpleasant crunch of stepping on one in the dark. (Twitter))
4.05.2024 9:50:55 cliche. watch one's step ходить осторожно (It's snail season. I need to watch my step on my way to the car to avoid the unpleasant crunch of stepping on one in the dark. (Twitter))
4.05.2024 9:38:44 legal.th. overreach превышение полномочий (He was critical of what he considers the overreach of state governors, with their edicts and decrees shutting down various businesses, and mandating curfews because of COVID concerns. Regarding the closure of restaurants, "the government," he said, "is depriving people of both their liberty and their property rights without due process," as they haven't proven that specific establishments are a causative factor in the spread of the virus. (coasttocoastam.com) • Mayor Hurley agreed, saying “And make no mistake, this whole Bill 47, and the other bills that they’ve brought out, is a great overreach by the provincial government into the work that should be done and should be planned by municipalities and the residents working together.” -- является в огромной степени превышением полномочий (burnabynow.com))
4.05.2024 9:24:31 ornit. hatchlings птенцы (This is especially important during spring and summer when large quantities of insects are necessary to feed hungry hatchlings. – кормить голодных птенцов • a mother Mallard duck and her flock of 10 hatchlings)
4.05.2024 9:14:24 humor. doggie doo собачье пу-пу (FIVE GUYS stood and watched a robot mow the lawn. My job as a teenager has been replaced by a robot." "Didn't know there was such a device. You are right, used to be a job for teens." "Ok… So I gotta ask… did it do a doggie doo check first?" (Twitter))
4.05.2024 9:03:11 slang tough cookie молодчина (уважительно: "Did Princess Anne show up?" "She’s by far and has always been the hardest working Royal. She is certainly one tough cookie!" (Twitter))
4.05.2024 9:03:11 slang tough cookie молодец (уважительно: "Did Princess Anne show up?" "She’s by far and has always been the hardest working Royal. She is certainly one tough cookie!" (Twitter))
4.05.2024 9:00:26 gen. have a new respect зауважать (for sb.: "As a Brit I witnessed the hard worker that she is. She is by far one of the better Royals and keeps her private life private! Love her." "Her schedule really surprised me. Doing all this yesterday and coming here today. I have a new respect for her." (Twitter))
4.05.2024 8:47:41 gen. tenfold десятикратно (“And you can probably say, ‘Well, it’s a tenfold increase in the assets that they have to be able to meet that risk criteria.' “Those dollars are pretty costly, and would probably mean that the cost for chlorine would go up tenfold,” McCutcheon said. “My bet is that they would not do that.” -- возрастёт десятикратно (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 8:40:05 railw. tanker car цистерна железнодорожная (Цистерны железнодорожные БУ в России • Жд ёмкость, резервуар 85 m3 (пропан-бутан) суг • In 2005, a rail collision in downtown Graniteville, South Carolina, ruptured a tanker car carrying 81 tonnes of chlorine gas, killing nine and injuring 550 people, per local reports. (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 8:40:05 railw. tanker car железнодорожная ёмкость (Цистерны железнодорожные БУ в России • Жд ёмкость, резервуар 85 m3 (пропан-бутан) суг • In 2005, a rail collision in downtown Graniteville, South Carolina, ruptured a tanker car carrying 81 tonnes of chlorine gas, killing nine and injuring 550 people, per local reports. (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 8:26:24 gen. likely по-видимому (Smoking materials likely caused the Elephant Hill wildfire in 2017, according to the BC Wildfire Service. It eventually burned 191,865 hectares in the south-central Interior region. (citynews1130.com) • “Obviously people were very concerned about a chlorine plant being close to residential development,” he said. Now, Little said he’s open to hear what Chemtrade will propose for the next round of negotiations. After that, the matter will likely go through a public process at council. (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 8:24:33 gen. it's likely по-видимому (It's likely your IP address has changed – please go to whatismyip.com and let me know what your IP is.)
4.05.2024 8:24:22 gen. it looks like по-видимому
4.05.2024 8:20:28 gen. very concerned очень обеспокоенный (about sth. – в связи с чем-л.: “Obviously people were very concerned about a chlorine plant being close to residential development,” said DNV Mayor Mike Little. (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 7:42:29 formal public engagement взаимодействие с общественностью (по какому-л. вопросу, затрагивающему население района, напр., опасное для здоровье жителей производство: Community consultation has always been part of Chemtrade’s plan, said Amy Jonsson, senior manager of corporate communications. “But multiple steps, and decisions, are required before we can begin public engagement,” she said. (nsnews.com))
4.05.2024 7:32:54 gen. alert to привлечь внимание кого-л. к чему-л. (The rather fantastic tale reportedly came to light on Monday when Alex Schaal took to TikTok to recount the eerie occurrence. He explained that weirdness began when the security system alerted him to an intruder on the property, which is five hours from where he lives. coasttocoastam.com)
4.05.2024 7:24:32 gen. well-crafted ловкий (That said, not everyone is convinced that the tale is on the level as more skeptical observers suggest that the story is simply a well-crafted hoax on Schaal's part. -- ловкая мистификация coasttocoastam.com)
4.05.2024 5:49:21 rude bust one's ass не жалеть сил и времени (doing sth.: Nick busted his ass investigating this shady deal. Great article. Do give it a read.)
4.05.2024 4:35:54 cinema rendered передан (The mayhem of the ancient Pompeii being whacked by Mt. Vesuvius unleashing its historical fury is convincingly rendered in this loud and messy movie.- убедительно передан)
4.05.2024 4:34:45 gen. pass on to передать (о запросе, жалобе, эл. письме – для дальнейшего разбирательства: Hi Chris, thanks for your report! We've passed this on to our legal team to investigate. -- мы передали)
4.05.2024 4:31:00 gen. pass on to переслать (о запросе, жалобе, эл. письме: Hi Chris, thanks for your report! We've passed this on to our legal team to investigate.)
4.05.2024 4:06:17 gen. resist удержаться от (чего-л.: This move would protect these properties from being forced out by the new higher property taxes. However, sooner or later some owners may not be able resist the money being offered by the speculators and land assemblers who have already been circling like vultures, knocking on doors and sending us junk mail. (burnabynow.com))
4.05.2024 4:01:16 real.est. single-family home односемейный дом (SFH, SF home: "Why would someone buy a home for that amount when you can get a single-family home on a huge lot for the same price? Lower the prices and they will sell." • Every address west of Wellington Road is a SF home with a driveway either in the front or through the back lane. • The single family home is on the endangered species list. Your rising property taxes, water taxes, sewage taxes, taxes and fees, taxes and fees, taxes will force you out. OR The shadow of high-rise towers all around you will have you enjoying a nice day picking up garbage tossed from your high-rise neighbors onto your roof, lawn and driveway. (burnabynow.com))
3.05.2024 9:51:14 gen. slightly farther away чуть дальше
3.05.2024 9:50:36 gen. a little farther чуть дальше (The Executive Inn? It's a little farther up Douglas Road.)
3.05.2024 9:38:49 idiom. soar to new heights достичь новых высот (Joie Henney has thousands of social media users following his pages devoted to Wally, the cold-blooded companion that he calls his emotional support alligator. He has posted photos and videos online of people petting the 5 1/2-foot (1.7 meter) alligator like a dog or hugging it like a teddy bear. Wally’s popularity soared to new heights last year when the gator was denied entry to a Philadelphia Phillies game. apnews.com)
3.05.2024 9:34:12 disappr. wicked deed злодеяние ("You have at least the satisfaction of knowing that for thirty years of his life his conscience bitterly reproached him for his wicked deed." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • Authorities in England have charged two men for the felling of an iconic centuries-old tree known as Sycamore Gap. The shocking destruction of the natural landmark, which is located along Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, sparked understandable outrage when it occurred last September. ... Should they ultimately be found guilty of taking down the legendary tree, Graham and Carruthers will like face a considerable punishment as well as 'earning' a place in British infamy for the wicked deed. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.05.2024 9:31:26 law.enf. unauthorized visitor посторонний (We were alerted by our security team that an unauthorized visitor had been seen on campus.)
3.05.2024 9:29:25 soc.med. online chatter обмен новостями в соцсетях (An Ohio school district briefly entered into a lockdown after a misguided prankster dressed as Bigfoot was spotted roaming around on campus. Although a social media announcement about the situation simply stated that buildings had been locked down due to "an unknown visitor," online chatter quickly revealed that the interloper was of the 'cryptozoological' variety as several students captured video of what appeared to be Sasquatch outside. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.05.2024 10:09:57 gen. depressed mood подавленное настроение (также состояние: Monroe began making $320-a-month mortgage payments in March 1962. Five months later, the Los Angeles Times blared the headline: “Marilyn Monroe Found Dead. Sleeping Pill Overdose Blamed.” “It was learned that medical authorities believed Miss Monroe had been in a depressed mood recently,” the Times reported. -- в подавленном настроении (latimes.com))
2.05.2024 6:24:33 fig. nest угнездиться (A nomad from birth who bounced from coast to coast and from foster home to apartment to hotel, Marilyn Monroe at age 35 finally found in Brentwood a place where she could cozily nest after three failed marriages. The red-tile-topped, stuccoed “hacienda” stood behind tall gates at the end of a shady cul-de-sac on more than half an acre of wooded grounds. The Latin inscription on tiles embedded in the front stoop served notice that Monroe felt she had succeeded in her quest for a safe haven: “Cursum Perficio,” or “I have completed my journey.” -- смогла уютно угнездиться (latimes.com))
2.05.2024 4:32:36 gen. is thought to have предположительно (+ past participle: A natural gas leak is thought to have caused the blast. -- Предположительно, причиной взрыва стала утечка природного газа.)

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