
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

14.10.2023 9:00:34 trav. world time zones таблица часовых поясов мира
14.10.2023 9:00:05 trav. World Time Zone Chart Таблица поясного времени
14.10.2023 8:59:12 lit. plot сюжетная линия (This really moves the plot forward.)
14.10.2023 7:27:24 gen. with a humorous undertone с юмором (The letter to the Editor was written with a humorous undertone.)
14.10.2023 7:21:17 cloth. tailored сшитый на заказ (a tailored suit – костюм, пошитый на заказ)
14.10.2023 7:15:13 inf. well covered упитанный (He ain't fat, just well covered.)
14.10.2023 7:14:40 slang this is a total hoot! уписаться можно! (со смеху)
14.10.2023 6:59:38 gen. outweigh the defects перевешивать недостатки (The warehouse had one merit which outweighed all its defects for us: its location right on Vernon Drive leading up to the harbour. – одно достоинство, которое перевешивало все недостатки)
14.10.2023 6:58:31 gen. converting перевод (тепловозов: Among other benefits, converting our railways to electric would save over 3 billion litres of diesel a year.)
14.10.2023 6:47:33 gen. set up an appointment with a doctor записаться на приём к врачу
14.10.2023 6:46:35 gen. make an appointment записаться на приём (к врачу, мед. специалисту, нотариусу и т.д.:: Call our clinic at 604-123-4567 or visit our website to make an appointment.)
14.10.2023 5:08:46 gen. women's bathroom женский туалет (Amazingly, multiple people in attendance that evening later claimed to have also seen what they believed to have been a ghost in the women's bathroom. "I was washing my hands when I saw a little girl in the mirror," one witness to the suspected spirit said, "she didn't speak or make any threatening gestures, but I was very surprised. She looked like a normal girl, but she was in the mirror." coasttocoastam.com)
14.10.2023 4:40:09 inf. zip away умчаться (In a bizarre story out of Argentina, an odd disc-shaped object was filmed hovering in the sky over a nightclub before zipping away at an incredible speed. -- умчался с невероятной / невероятно высокой скоростью coasttocoastam.com)
14.10.2023 4:38:23 inf. zip away унестись (In a bizarre story out of Argentina, an odd disc-shaped object was filmed hovering in the sky over a nightclub before zipping away at an incredible speed. -- унёсся с невероятной / невероятно высокой скоростью coasttocoastam.com)
14.10.2023 4:25:26 med., dis. book one's appointment for the flu shot записаться на вакцинацию от гриппа (Dr. James wanted us to send a message letting you know that the flu shots have arrived in the clinic. You may book your appointment for the flu shot via the following link: ... )
14.10.2023 4:19:21 gen. go on sale поступить в продажу (Tickets will go on sale exactly one month from today. – Билеты поступят в продажу ровно через месяц. • There are long lineups of bleary-eyed shoppers across the U.S. as the new iPhone goes on sale today.)
14.10.2023 4:18:44 gen. arrive поступить в продажу (Chafer Beetle Nematodes Have Arrived! – поступили в продажу)
14.10.2023 0:29:30 money convert dollars to the local currency переводить доллары в местную валюту (Regarding the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and additional countries) changing from the dollar as their global currency reserve, it's not because they dislike America; it's because when they trade with each other, they don't want to pay fees to convert dollars to their local currency, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
14.10.2023 0:27:19 money move to a digital currency перейти на цифровую валюту (The BRICS nations plan to move to a digital currency, but it's not a form of cryptocurrency like Bitcion, it will be backed by their central banks, he specified. coasttocoastam.com)
13.10.2023 9:55:50 gen. utilise a special technique пользоваться особым методом (We utilise a special technique that involves ... – Мы пользуемся особым методом, при котором ...)
13.10.2023 9:54:16 idiom. take advantage пользоваться (We aim to stay positive and take advantage of fun activities with our amazing family and friends.)
13.10.2023 9:53:44 soc.med. social media users пользователи социальных сетей
13.10.2023 9:51:45 ed. learn a trade получить специальность (для Андрея Трухачёва: profession и trade сильно различаются, напр., стоматология и адвокатура относятся к категории профессий в отличие от множества рабочих специальностей (trades), напр., мастер по котлам, промышленный электрик или сварщик)
13.10.2023 9:44:28 tel. receive a phone message получить сообщение на автоответчик (I received the e-mail, and your phone message.)
13.10.2023 9:43:39 formal obtain someone's consent that получить согласие на (+ verb)
13.10.2023 9:39:44 gen. consult someone professionally получить профессиональную консультацию
13.10.2023 9:37:30 gen. come about by accident получиться случайно (The award-winning algae-based food substitute came about by accident, when Phil was stranded for two weeks on a tiny island in the Gulf of Alaska.)
13.10.2023 9:32:16 cliche. come across a problem столкнуться с проблемой
13.10.2023 9:29:25 gen. go into detail describing подробно описывать (The book goes into detail describing the major events in Canadian history as well as significant people.)
13.10.2023 9:25:30 mil. under heavy fire под плотным огнём (a continuous or destructive cannonading, or discharge of small arms.)
13.10.2023 9:20:34 gen. sign a deal подписать соглашение (The long-anticipated free-trade deal between Papua New Guinea and Greenland has finally been signed. – соглашение наконец было подписано)
13.10.2023 9:17:39 gen. around here у нас (местность: Showers and 15 degrees around here. • Nothing exciting happening around here.)
13.10.2023 8:44:34 inf. score free drinks выпить за чужой счёт
13.10.2023 8:43:12 formal provide upon request предоставить по запросу (References and any additional information will be | can be provided upon request.)
13.10.2023 8:42:20 cliche. provide with support предоставить поддержку (We took the necessary steps to provide our daughter with the needed support. – приняли необходимые меры, чтобы предоставить нашей дочери поддержку, в которой она нуждалась)
13.10.2023 8:31:19 formal misrepresent oneself предоставить ложную информацию о себе (immigrants accused of misrepresenting themselves to get into the country)
13.10.2023 7:15:42 gen. provide financial support предоставлять финансовую помощь (We have provided financial support to a number of charities both locally and in other countries.)
13.10.2023 7:15:34 gen. provide financial support предоставлять материальную помощь
13.10.2023 7:13:38 cliche. provide information предоставлять сведения (on sb., sth. – о ком-л, чём-л.)
13.10.2023 7:13:38 cliche. provide information предоставить сведения (on sb., sth. – о ком-л, чём-л.)
13.10.2023 7:10:02 welf. pay a lump sum предоставить единовременную выплату ("Mosaic has proposed paying displaced residents a lump sum based on the duration of their tenancy. A one-year tenant would pocket $240, while a 15-year tenant would receive $3,500." (North Shore News))
13.10.2023 7:07:54 formal misrepresent oneself предоставить ложные сведения о себе (immigrants accused of misrepresenting themselves to get into the country)
13.10.2023 7:06:53 gen. in a merry mood весело (напр., праздновать)
13.10.2023 6:27:20 gen. take advantage of fun activities весело отдохнуть (We aim to stay positive and take advantage of fun activities with our amazing family and friends.)
13.10.2023 6:23:53 cliche. is in the works ведётся (о работе: It's in the works, it takes a little while to be built. – Работа ведётся ... • The changes and upgrades to Hillcrest and Riley parks designed to add more green space and cycling infrastructure have been in the works since the home of the Vancouver Curling Club was torn down. – Работа над ... ведётся ...)
13.10.2023 6:17:43 cliche. be in the works вестись (о работе: It's in the works, it takes a little while to be built. – Работа идёт / ведётся ... • The changes and upgrades to Hillcrest and Riley parks designed to add more green space and cycling infrastructure have been in the works since the home of the Vancouver Curling Club was torn down. – Работа над ... ведётся ... )
13.10.2023 6:13:48 gen. much astounded весьма поражён (I was very much astounded by this position of affairs and needed some time to think.)
13.10.2023 6:13:48 gen. much astounded весьма потрясён (I was very much astounded by this position of affairs and needed some time to think.)
13.10.2023 6:13:09 cliche. it is quite likely that весьма может статься, что
13.10.2023 6:10:37 gen. live a secluded existence вести уединённый образ жизни ("In 1955, the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division chief was allegedly sent a secret memo from the acting station chief in Venezuela who had received word from one of his informants that Hitler had actually survived the war and was now living a secluded existence in Argentina." unexplained-mysteries.com)
13.10.2023 6:08:02 idiom. watch one's step very carefully вести себя очень осторожно (You must watch your step very carefully now. When your secretary steps into your office, keep your door open and your voice down if you want to avoid office gossip.)
13.10.2023 5:58:16 gen. make polite conversation вежливо обратиться (She stared at me blankly and then turned away as if I didn't exist when I tried to make polite conversation.)
13.10.2023 5:57:57 formal further to this topic в продолжение этой темы (Further to this important topic, I would like to share a few thoughts.)
13.10.2023 5:55:13 formal prepared in any format he she chooses to use в произвольной форме
13.10.2023 5:53:49 gen. in popular parlance called в просторечии именуемый (I don't know what the politically correct euphemism for such a statement is, but in popular parlance it is called a shameless lie.)
13.10.2023 5:40:00 gen. native наделённый от природы (о качестве человеческого характера: 'But some amazing experience had disturbed his native composure and left its traces in his bristling hair, his flushed, angry cheeks, and his flurried, excited manner.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) -- самообладание, которым он был наделён от природы)
13.10.2023 5:35:27 law endowed with rights наделённый правами (The assertion that people are endowed with certain unalienable rights is the basic premise on which American law and government are built.)
13.10.2023 4:54:42 disappr. crowd of gawkers толпа зевак (I'm sitting snug in my Jaguar XKR observing the crowd of gawkers that has gathered. – собралась толпа зевак)
13.10.2023 4:54:27 gen. group of idlers толпа зевак (A large group of idlers occupied the front lawn outside the yellow tape.)
13.10.2023 4:52:37 fig. boost толчок (Most of the students we see at our tutoring centre are the middle of the road students who just need a boost. – нужно только подтолкнуть)
13.10.2023 4:51:39 tech. micrometer caliper толщиномер индикаторный ручной (The dial caliper is used for measuring paper thickness; a digital caliper is used for measuring inside and outside widths.)
13.10.2023 3:51:02 cliche. not unless только в том случае, если (модель not + verb + unless: We do not accept medical files unless you have a family doctor within our clinic. -- Мы принимаем медицинские документы только в том случае, если вы приписаны к одному из семейных врачей в нашей клинике.)
13.10.2023 3:48:21 gen. for the sheer sake of appearance только для вида (Let's be clear: the government is doing this for the sheer sake of appearance.)
13.10.2023 3:46:50 gen. not until after the weekend только на следующей неделе (I'm right in the middle of prepping for the annual Rhododendron Festival this coming Sunday, so I won't have a chance to spend the right amount of time on the website until after the weekend. – Я смогу только на следующей неделе уделить столько, сколько нужно времени ...)
13.10.2023 3:43:58 gen. last year alone только за прошлый год (Last year alone, our engineers designed over 2,000 distinct kinds of software.)
12.10.2023 10:09:54 gen. in a pretty decent shape в довольно приличном состоянии (The team is in a pretty decent shape after the semi-finals.)
12.10.2023 10:00:17 real.est. commuting distance расстояние от дома до работы (Joe is looking for somewhere affordable and within commuting distance of London despite the fact no such place exists. -- чтобы дорога до Лондона не занимала слишком много времени twitter.com)
12.10.2023 9:46:39 gen. feeble film слабый фильм (The final, feeble film of the Marx Brothers was enough to make fans weep.)
12.10.2023 9:46:05 gen. midnight tonight сегодня в полночь (Bonus cash deadline: midnight tonight.)
12.10.2023 9:43:59 media. today's realities сегодняшние реалии (today's political realities)
12.10.2023 9:39:25 gen. I know ... when I see one сразу могу отличить (I'm a New Yorker and I know a crook when I see one.)
12.10.2023 7:51:39 disappr. trashiness пошлятина (This term one student of mine wore a loose fitting top sharply cut away at the sides that revealed most of the side of her bare breasts. Another wore small lacy short pants that provided no coverage of the lower part of her buttocks. Her shorts looked more like lingerie than outerwear. The students in many so-called Third World nations are proud to wear their school uniforms; in Canada, however, students seem to want to "celebrate" trashiness and mediocrity. [Online comment to a newspaper story] )
12.10.2023 7:51:39 disappr. trashiness пошлость (This term one student of mine wore a loose fitting top sharply cut away at the sides that revealed most of the side of her bare breasts. Another wore small lacy short pants that provided no coverage of the lower part of her buttocks. Her shorts looked more like lingerie than outerwear. The students in many so-called Third World nations are proud to wear their school uniforms; in Canada, however, students seem to want to "celebrate" trashiness and mediocrity. [Online comment to a newspaper story] )
12.10.2023 7:51:39 disappr. trashiness безвкусица (This term one student of mine wore a loose fitting top sharply cut away at the sides that revealed most of the side of her bare breasts. Another wore small lacy short pants that provided no coverage of the lower part of her buttocks. Her shorts looked more like lingerie than outerwear. The students in many so-called Third World nations are proud to wear their school uniforms; in Canada, however, students seem to want to "celebrate" trashiness and mediocrity. [Online comment to a newspaper story] )
12.10.2023 7:20:40 gen. take a ride from a stranger садиться в машину к незнакомому человеку (Look, sweetie, you don't want to take a ride from a stranger if you want to get home safe, trust me.)
12.10.2023 7:07:00 formal I am to thank you very much once again for позвольте мне ещё раз поблагодарить Вас за (The Queen greatly appreciates your thoughtfulness in writing as you did, and I am to thank you very much once again for your letter. (Philippa de Pass, Lady-in-Waiting of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II))
12.10.2023 7:04:35 inf. keep it snappy! поживее! (Keep it snappy! – Поживее!)
12.10.2023 7:03:02 inf. make it snappy! поживее! (Bring me a coffee, and make it snappy!)
12.10.2023 7:01:19 gen. wish well пожелать выздоровления (Wish her well. – Пусть поправляется. / Передай ей, пусть выздоравливает.)
12.10.2023 7:00:17 gen. if you wish по желанию (You can tape it down, if you wish.)
12.10.2023 5:00:14 cliche. feel free пожалуйста (в ответ на просьбу разрешить что-л.: "Hi Becky, this is a great video! Can our channel share your video on air and online with full credit to you?" "Feel free to share it." (Twitter))
11.10.2023 10:10:38 arts. Rococo-inspired в стиле рококо (Rococo-inspired print – набивная ткань в стиле рококо)
11.10.2023 10:10:18 arts. Art Deco-inspired в стиле ар-деко (Art Deco-inspired fixtures in every room – лампы в стиле ар-деко в каждом номере)
11.10.2023 10:09:51 arts. in a ... style в стиле (Contemporary art in a Renaissance style -- современная художественная работа в стиле эпохи Возрождения)
11.10.2023 10:08:32 gen. during an average month в среднем за месяц ("24 hours did some digging and discovered that during an average month, more than 120 passengers on TransLink's buses are likely to get injured – or four injuries per day." (24 Hours))
11.10.2023 10:07:30 gen. residue налёт на (чём-либо) (a white residue on your dishes left after this new detergent )
11.10.2023 9:59:49 gen. insincere наигранный (insincere laughter • insincere smile)
11.10.2023 9:57:57 med. addiction treatment provider врач-нарколог
11.10.2023 9:57:38 med. addiction care specialist врач-нарколог
11.10.2023 9:57:23 med. addiction care provider врач-нарколог
11.10.2023 9:54:33 tel. fax an invoice at the number отправить счёт по факсу по номеру (Please fax an invoice at the number below.)
11.10.2023 9:42:29 wood. saw off отпилить
11.10.2023 6:30:36 busin. accurate assessment of the situation точная оценка ситуации (The experts provided an accurate assessment of the current situation.)
11.10.2023 4:34:48 gen. ask to have a drink with пригласить выпить (someone: "I met this man Brownwell on Vine Street and he asked me to have a drink with him." Raymond Chandler – пригласил меня выпить с ним)
11.10.2023 4:19:52 gen. be of great interest представлять огромный интерес ("These details are all of great interest." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Все эти подробности представляют огромный интерес.)
11.10.2023 3:54:00 disappr. fail to mention ни словом не обмолвиться о (He failed to mention that he was divorced. – Он ни словом не обмолвился о том, что он в разводе.)
11.10.2023 2:59:35 ed. charter school независимая школа с государственным финансированием (A charter school is a school that receives government funding but operates independently of the established state school system in which it is located. (Wikipedia))
11.10.2023 2:56:43 gen. have in mind представлять себе (The troubling incident reportedly occurred last Monday at the Academy of Innovative Education in the city of Miami Springs. While the name of the school may seem to suggest that they take an outside-the-box approach to learning, one imagines that the unorthodox screening was not what parents had in mind when they enrolled their children at the charter school. -- не то, что родители себе представляли, записывая своих детей в независимую школу с государственным финансированием coasttocoastam.com)
11.10.2023 2:52:01 gen. screen показывать кинофильм (аудитории; отсюда screening = показ кинофильма: A teacher in Florida is under fire for screening an unsettling horror film featuring Winnie the Pooh to his class of fourth graders. coasttocoastam.com)
11.10.2023 2:45:11 gen. screen москитная сетка (The four-year-old climbed onto a couch below an open window and pushed out a screen, falling out to the ground.)

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