
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.10.2023 8:21:11 inf. honkin' big здоровенный (It’s a pretty honkin’ big house. – здоровенный домина)
17.10.2023 8:20:03 cliche. no one here by that name здесь таких нет
17.10.2023 7:46:07 gen. call for one's dog звать собаку (An off-duty police officer was riding his bike with his dog in the forested area near Campbell River when he passed a man walking his dog toward a parking lot. When the officer arrived in the parking lot, he could hear the man calling for his dog. When the officer offered his help, the man pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the officer. When the RCMP searched the home of Tony Green, they seized more than 100 guns, hand guns, shotguns, assault style rifles, high-powered explosives and detonators.)
17.10.2023 7:18:20 gen. skim through the pages просматривать (He opened his copy of The Times and started to skim through the pages.)
17.10.2023 7:14:06 gen. past due charges просроченный платёж (напр., от электрической компании: Your bill amount of $200.28 includes charges which are now past due. If you have already paid your past due balance, thank you.)
17.10.2023 7:13:16 gen. overdue amount просроченный платёж (If making a payment after this date, refer to your current bill for any new overdue amount.)
17.10.2023 7:10:43 polygr. retired издававшийся в прошлом (напр., о журнале)
17.10.2023 7:07:29 elect. tight результаты которого трудно предугадать (о напряжённой борьбе на выборах: After three tight rounds of voting, by a margin of just two votes, the winner is ...)
17.10.2023 7:05:50 elect. by a margin of just с перевесом всего в (After three tight rounds of voting, by a margin of just two votes, the winner is ...)
17.10.2023 6:59:17 gen. special event праздничное мероприятие (We are already hard at work on the next special event in our year-long celebration.)
17.10.2023 6:38:28 ed. career goals цели профессионального развития (accomplishments in your education and career goals – достигнутые цели в учёбе и в профессиональном развитии)
17.10.2023 5:55:58 inf. bad wreck сильная авария (There's a bad wreck on Moody Avenue near East 3rd Street)
17.10.2023 5:51:05 lit. in the meantime меж тем ("Меж тем погода улучшилась (...)" – А.С. Грин)
17.10.2023 5:49:58 cliche. that's exactly right совершенно верно
17.10.2023 5:49:44 cliche. that's right совершенно верно
17.10.2023 5:47:04 gen. today's date сегодняшнее число (Find today’s date and fill in the first entry.)
17.10.2023 5:42:42 idiom. take a closer look приглядеться повнимательнее (at sth. – к чему-л.)
17.10.2023 5:41:57 idiom. take a closer look разобраться подробнее (at sth. – в чём-л.)
17.10.2023 5:40:20 idiom. take a closer look подробнее разобраться (at sth. – в чём-л.)
17.10.2023 5:33:57 fig. left scratching one's head в недоумении ("Despite a thorough ground and air search of the area, investigators are left scratching their heads and wondering what may have happened to the person or people who created the SOS sign in the bush hundreds of miles away from the nearest settlement. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.10.2023 5:32:20 fig. spotlight рассказывать (журналистский стиль: On the blog we are spotlighting the people, ideas and stories of our 25 years of business success. -- рассказываем о ... / знакомим с ...)
17.10.2023 5:20:34 gen. one's response was as follows ответил следующее (I talked to Robyn about your concerns. Her responses are as follows: "...." -- Она ответила следующее: ...)
17.10.2023 5:16:45 gen. without any earnings никакого заработка (For Jim, it was a grim 5 months without any earnings, October to March...horrible." – никакого заработка / ничего не заработал)
17.10.2023 4:45:06 real.est. room and board стоимость проживания и питания (в случае полного пансиона)
17.10.2023 4:44:26 real.est. room and board проживание и питание (на съёмной квартире, за одну цену)
17.10.2023 4:41:47 real.est. room and board комната с полным пансионом
17.10.2023 3:35:03 gen. shoot at выстрелить в (Lang stated that it's a bad idea to shoot at a craft because you're dealing with an entity that's much more technologically advanced than we are, though there have been exchanges of fire in military situations, he noted. coasttocoastam.com)
17.10.2023 3:35:03 gen. shoot at стрелять в (Lang stated that it's a bad idea to shoot at a craft because you're dealing with an entity that's much more technologically advanced than we are, though there have been exchanges of fire in military situations, he noted. coasttocoastam.com)
17.10.2023 3:31:03 magn. emit an electromagnetic field являться источником электромагнитного поля (Источником электромагнитного поля служат ускоренно движущиеся электрические заряды. • In terms of a personal UFO encounter, he said that it's best to never stand directly underneath a hovering craft, as it may emit electromagnetic fields that can burn skin or cause tissue damage. Staying inside a vehicle will offer more protection than being outside, he added. -- может излучать электромагнитные поля / быть источником электромагнитного излучения coasttocoastam.com)
17.10.2023 3:13:10 inf. boomer гром во время грозы (thunderboomer = thunder + boomer (something that makes a booming sound); a large or dramatic thunderstorm (Wiki): Very heavy rain here in Aldergrove the past few minutes. No boomers. Haven't been able to watch the radar today because of a busy work day. (Twitter) -- сильный дождь, но без грома)
16.10.2023 7:58:37 cliche. it was widely thought that широкое распространение получила версия / точка зрения, что (It was widely thought that the anomalous sounds perhaps came from some broken pipeline or leak, but when this was checked out it was found that the sounds did not really match this audio signature.)
16.10.2023 7:57:18 gen. of multiple types широкого профиля (of + noun: станочник широкого профиля – operator of multiple types of equipment)
16.10.2023 7:51:16 textile silks шёлковые ткани (the luminosity and look of silks from this classic era)
16.10.2023 7:49:46 polit. mudslinging шельмование (информационное шельмование)
16.10.2023 7:26:27 gen. for reasons far beyond our understanding по причинам, неподвластным нашему пониманию
16.10.2023 7:24:48 cliche. clear up one's position прояснить чью-либо позицию (on – по вопросу: I want to clear up your position on this issue.)
16.10.2023 6:59:14 gen. two weeks from today через две недели (The election is two weeks from today.)
16.10.2023 6:56:41 cliche. well, I'll be getting along ну, я пошёл
16.10.2023 6:56:26 cliche. I'll be on my way now ну, я пошёл (прощаясь: Okay, I'll be on my way now. -- Ну ладно, я пошёл.)
16.10.2023 6:52:54 industr. conduct independent operations самостоятельно выполнить работы
16.10.2023 6:49:43 bank. withdraw снять со счёта (сумму: You can't withdraw it today. The processing time is three to five business days.)
16.10.2023 6:48:10 bank. withdraw funds снять средства (со счёта: Once confirmed, funds are immediately withdrawn from your account. -- снимаются с вашего счёта)
16.10.2023 6:43:08 gen. make a determination on определиться по ("After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about (...). "But before we make that determination...it's very important, we are going to secure our border." – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes.")
16.10.2023 6:28:47 gen. should last должно хватить (I told her to make 6 payments which should last through next year. – перечислить шесть платежей, которых должно хватить до конца следующего года)
16.10.2023 5:48:02 gen. make payments перечислить платежи (I told her to make 6 payments which should last through next year. – перечислить шесть платежей, которых должно хватить до конца следующего года)
16.10.2023 5:41:53 cliche. it's got a long way to go до этого ещё далеко ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes.")
16.10.2023 5:41:38 cliche. that's a long ways off до этого ещё далеко (The long-range forecast does include some rain but that's a long ways off.)
16.10.2023 5:41:17 cliche. it's a long way off до этого ещё далеко
16.10.2023 5:39:10 inet. rack up потреблять (о загрузке: I average 1 to 3 gigabytes per month. Nowhere near 60 GB I'm hearing some people are racking up.)
16.10.2023 5:07:07 gen. dupe investors обманывать инвесторов (Stewardson duped investors with misleading statements.)
16.10.2023 5:05:49 gov. impose a levy on обложить налогом (The new provincial government has imposed a twenty-five percent levy on all alcoholic beverages.)
16.10.2023 5:04:49 inf. consumer rip-off обман потребителей
16.10.2023 3:13:34 inf. cock-up неудача (British/Canadian: something done badly or inefficiently; a result of incompetence or inefficiency: "we've made a total cock-up of it" (Oxford Dictionary): Whenever politicians want a news story to disappear they announce a task force, one which will spend an undetermined period of time with the result being a report which, in the unlikely event it is decipherable, will avoid holding anyone involved accountable for the cock-up. nsnews.com)
16.10.2023 3:13:34 inf. cock-up облом (British/Canadian: something done badly or inefficiently; a result of incompetence or inefficiency: "we've made a total cock-up of it" (Oxford Dictionary): Whenever politicians want a news story to disappear they announce a task force, one which will spend an undetermined period of time with the result being a report which, in the unlikely event it is decipherable, will avoid holding anyone involved accountable for the cock-up. nsnews.com)
16.10.2023 3:06:15 emph. I've had enough of it! с меня довольно! (I'm clearing out of here. I've had enough of you all.)
16.10.2023 3:05:17 emph. enough already! с меня довольно! (Enough already! I don’t know how many of us living in Central and Lower Lonsdale are woken up each night with the sound of street racers and cars with turbos, but I’ll bet it’s in the hundreds. nsnews.com)
16.10.2023 3:05:17 emph. enough already! с меня хватит! (Enough already! I don’t know how many of us living in Central and Lower Lonsdale are woken up each night with the sound of street racers and cars with turbos, but I’ll bet it’s in the hundreds. nsnews.com)
16.10.2023 3:02:50 gen. engage in a conversation вступить в разговор (“Please do not engage in conversations with him, and most importantly, please do not send him money as he was requesting.” -- не вступайте с ним в разговор nsnews.com)
16.10.2023 1:19:48 gen. be infamous приобрести дурную славу (for sth. – благодаря чему-л.: Schexnayder delved into the history of the plantation, dating back to 1796 when General Bradford built it. The plantation is infamous for over 10 murders that have occurred on the property. coasttocoastam.com)
16.10.2023 1:19:48 gen. become infamous приобрести дурную славу (for sth. – благодаря чему-л.: Schexnayder delved into the history of the plantation, dating back to 1796 when General Bradford built it. The plantation is infamous for over 10 murders that have occurred on the property. coasttocoastam.com)
15.10.2023 9:57:03 gen. not anywhere near enough в недостаточной степени (использовать что-л.: Water taxis would be a great way to get around. I don't think we use our waterways anywhere near enough.)
15.10.2023 9:56:03 gen. accordingly с учётом этого (It's snowing on most of the mountain passes east of the city. Make sure you plan your trip accordingly.)
15.10.2023 9:49:39 gen. judging by what судя по тому, что (... And, judging by what the transportation committee spokespeople told me, there's no big official hang-up.)
15.10.2023 9:44:00 gov. plasticized подвергнувшийся пластификации (о документе: Not valid if plasticized.)
15.10.2023 9:33:37 idiom. come clean открыть карты (The government must come clean on true Olympic costs, demands the opposition.)
15.10.2023 9:30:17 intell. closely guarded secret тщательно скрываемый секрет (our specific techniques are a closely guarded secret)
15.10.2023 9:18:26 gen. with a hint of не лишённый (with a hint of charm – не лишённый обаяния)
15.10.2023 9:11:00 gen. has one's own unique appeal по-своему привлекателен (Spread across the world's second-largest country (by landmass), each of the three Canadian cities has their own unique appeal. We talked to residents in each place to find out what keeps them living in and loving their respective cities. -- каждый по-своему привлекателен bbc.com)
15.10.2023 7:05:40 fig. rave about быть в восторге от (The critics are raving about the new Tim Burton's movie with Johnny Depp.)
15.10.2023 7:05:29 fig. rave about восторженно отзываться о (For those that prefer calmer adventures, the food scene is one that's hard to beat. "From fancy restaurants to cool food trucks and farmers' markets, you'll never run out of tasty treats," said Stoller. Residents especially rave about Vancouver's sushi, which she says is the best and cheapest selection of sushi restaurants outside Japan. bbc.com)
15.10.2023 7:03:43 cliche. hard to beat трудно превзойти (For those that prefer calmer adventures, the food scene is one that's hard to beat. "From fancy restaurants to cool food trucks and farmers' markets, you'll never run out of tasty treats," said Stoller. bbc.com)
15.10.2023 7:03:43 cliche. hard to beat нелегко превзойти (For those that prefer calmer adventures, the food scene is one that's hard to beat. "From fancy restaurants to cool food trucks and farmers' markets, you'll never run out of tasty treats," said Stoller. bbc.com)
15.10.2023 7:01:55 inf. soak in the view насладиться видом ("Have a coffee or a glass of wine at the mountain-top restaurant and soak in the view – and take the gondola down." bbc.com)
15.10.2023 6:54:53 gov. get one's driver's licence получить водительские права (Falk, who has also lived in Montreal, Calgary and Toronto, didn't get her driver's licence until she was 24, and a friend of hers is finally getting his at 53, simply because they haven't needed a car to get around. bbc.com)
15.10.2023 6:51:37 gen. outrank обогнать (по популярности или по критериям отбора: Located on the country's scenic west coast, Vancouver inched out as Canada's most liveable city thanks to sky-high scores in the culture and environment subindex, outranked only by Auckland in the top 10. -- который обогнал только Окленд bbc.com)
15.10.2023 6:47:17 gen. scenic coast живописное побережье (San Francisco is located on the country's scenic west coast.)
15.10.2023 6:01:54 formal as the law permits в рамках действующего законодательства (Collected information may be used for research, with your consent or as the law permits.)
15.10.2023 5:57:44 gen. harmful to your health вредный для здоровья ("Negative attitude can be harmful to your health." (a headline))
15.10.2023 5:52:41 gen. forces силовики (Iraqi forces took control of the al-Hurriyah bridge leading to the historic part of western Mosul. — Иракские силовики взяли под контроль мост аль-Хуррия, ведущий к исторической части западного Мосула.)
15.10.2023 5:51:59 gen. featuring с изображением (A large billboard at the site of the future strip club location featuring three scantily clad women has some Marpole residents fuming while others are indifferent to it.)
15.10.2023 5:49:21 gen. be very much unlike сильно отличаться от (A law enforcement officer in northern California claims to have recently spotted what he believes was a Bigfoot resting on the side of a road. Although the figure seemed to be shaped like a human, Bates was certain that it was not a person and observed that it sported broad shoulders, considerable musculature, and a coat of fur that was "chocolate brown and very coarse," which he said was very much unlike that of a bear. -- по его словам, его мех сильно отличался от меха медведя coasttocoastam.com)
15.10.2023 5:43:50 cliche. you want more? ещё?
15.10.2023 5:41:18 horticult. potbound в небольшом вазоне (of a plant) having roots that fill the flowerpot, leaving no room for them to expand: "Flowering plant fertilizers are higher in phosphorous and help promote bloom. Keeping the plant slightly potbound will also help encourage flowering.")
15.10.2023 4:59:45 cliche. legend says that по легенде (There was once a Benedictine nunnery on the site. Legend says that when St Bega, an Irish princess, asked the lord of the manor for land on which to build it, she was mockingly offered all the land covered by snow on mid-summer's day. When St Bega awoke that day, there was snow covering a 3-mile stretch of land, which was then given to her for the nunnery. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain))
15.10.2023 4:59:45 cliche. legend says that согласно легенде (There was once a Benedictine nunnery on the site. Legend says that when St Bega, an Irish princess, asked the lord of the manor for land on which to build it, she was mockingly offered all the land covered by snow on mid-summer's day. When St Bega awoke that day, there was snow covering a 3-mile stretch of land, which was then given to her for the nunnery. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain))
15.10.2023 4:52:27 cliche. there is a view over открывается вид на (There are two golf courses and from Compton Acres gardens there is a superb view over the harbour. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) -- открывается великолепный вид на гавань)
15.10.2023 4:31:57 gen. pose a question задать вопрос (to someone: I have never asked anyone, ever, what they had for dinner the night before last and I certainly would not dream of flying half way round the world to pose such a question • Rosa posed a question about fate and destiny, to which Ian responded by distinguishing between the two concepts, emphasizing destiny involves shaping one's life rather than it being predetermined. coasttocoastam.com)
15.10.2023 4:16:32 cliche. it really is так и есть ('My overall impression of CBC has always been that it is a liberal propaganda tool.' 'It really is.' (Twitter))
15.10.2023 4:16:32 cliche. it really is так оно и есть ('My overall impression of CBC has always been that it is a liberal propaganda tool.' 'It really is.' (Twitter))
15.10.2023 3:19:12 philos. shape one's destiny строить свою судьбу (Rosa posed a question about fate and destiny, to which Ian responded by distinguishing between the two concepts, emphasizing destiny involves shaping one's life rather than it being predetermined. Perception and learning from mistakes play crucial roles in shaping one's destiny, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
15.10.2023 3:17:20 philos. shape one's destiny создавать свою собственную судьбу (Rosa posed a question about fate and destiny, to which Ian responded by distinguishing between the two concepts, emphasizing destiny involves shaping one's life rather than it being predetermined. Perception and learning from mistakes play crucial roles in shaping one's destiny, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
11.06.2024 9:48:57 gen. meaningful наполненный особым смыслом (Synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, link an objective experience with a subjective response, and the more this occurs, the more we take notice, Jones noted. (coasttocoastam.com) • In addition, Anthony highlighted the intentional limitations on the number of colonies to align with the number 13, stating, "13 Freemasons signed the Constitution for the 13 original colonies." He implied a deliberate connection, suggesting the choice of having 13 colonies was meaningful and symbolic in the founding of the United States. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.10.2023 1:29:27 esot. communication with spirits общение с духами (Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," is a psychic medium who specializes in communication with spirits. • ... вера в реальность загробной жизни и возможность общения с духами умерших посредством медиумов. (Википедия) coasttocoastam.com)
14.10.2023 9:47:55 gen. reproduce by seed размножаться семенами (It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. -- размножается семенами)
14.10.2023 9:41:24 inf. plant one залепить (кому-либо: Give me your paintball gun, Larry, I want to plant one on that guy's large rear end over there! -- я ему сейчас как залеплю)
14.10.2023 9:40:25 road.wrk. pave заливать асфальтом
14.10.2023 9:39:10 cliche. yeah, right! заливай больше! (reaction of disbelief: Yeah, right! = Ага, заливай больше!)
14.10.2023 9:33:12 gen. flood затапливать участок, территорию (A small grassy area in Jones Park continually floods when raining. City tried to fix it once years ago & failed. So they just let it grow and put up a sign saying it’s natural vegetation & habitat and it’s good for climate change. (Twitter) -- затапливает / подтопляет)
14.10.2023 9:29:43 inf. dazed заторможенный (I'm feeling dazed after taking these antibiotics.)
14.10.2023 9:01:36 fig. hold таить в себе (holds endless possibilities – таит в себе бесконечные возможности)

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