
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

21.10.2023 0:07:23 gen. on that subject на эту тему (Ah yes, we've just been having a word of two on that subject.)
20.10.2023 23:05:33 jarg. get the hell out of there драпать ("It was a really strange sensation. Every fiber of my being was screaming to get the hell out of there but I was, I don't know how to describe it, sort of transfixed, hypnotized, whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
20.10.2023 23:04:29 fig. drama драматический эффект
20.10.2023 20:43:27 traf. three lanes of traffic трёхрядное движение ("Truck was on the brakes and could have stopped. I still think the white car will be found 100% at fault." "Three lanes of traffic and a green light ... never turn blind." (Reddit) reddit.com)
20.10.2023 20:37:36 inf. run drugs доставлять наркотики (по городу: "That lady seems like it’s the passenger, and based on the car they use most likely is an Uber." "I wondered why she just grabbed her bag and ran away." "People use Uber to run drugs all of the time." (Reddit) reddit.com)
20.10.2023 8:54:45 idiom. change on a dime неожиданно измениться (Before the storm reaches the coast, things can change on a dime. – всё может неожиданно измениться)
20.10.2023 8:52:03 cliche. let it go не обострять (I know it hurts but I would let it go. – Я бы не обострял.)
20.10.2023 8:50:41 gen. singular occurrence необычное происшествие ("It is headed, 'Singular Occurrence at a Fashionable Wedding'. " – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
20.10.2023 8:40:58 idiom. not be on one's radar не обращать внимания (It wasn't really on anybody's radar until that happened.)
20.10.2023 8:37:37 coll. the unexplained необъяснимые случаи (Author and researcher X.Y. Zizzbaum investigates the paranormal and the unexplained.)
20.10.2023 8:14:00 gen. sincerely envy искренне завидовать (I envy you Russians. We in the US can't have a beautiful event like this because it would be artificial -- we don't have reason to celebrate the things our country stands for -- or its parasitic actions. And we have no statesmen. Just self-serving politicians. I sincerely envy you and am thrilled for your reunification. (YouTube))
20.10.2023 7:06:46 formal omission изъятие (term was used in a Russian document: без каких-либо изъятий – without any omissions)
20.10.2023 4:59:13 fig. visionary родоначальник (a visionary of the Romantic period – родоначальник английского романтизма)
20.10.2023 2:41:51 gen. extreme vastness бескрайняя ширь (Atwater has concluded that reincarnation is real and that we live many lives, at many levels. There is no ending to life, she added, and we are part of an extreme vastness that is awe-inspiring to contemplate. coasttocoastam.com)
20.10.2023 2:41:51 gen. extreme vastness необъятное пространство (Atwater has concluded that reincarnation is real and that we live many lives, at many levels. There is no ending to life, she added, and we are part of an extreme vastness that is awe-inspiring to contemplate. coasttocoastam.com)
20.10.2023 2:33:22 gen. cite some statistics привести статистику (в подтверждение своей аргументации: She also cited some interesting new statistics-- every day in the United States, 774 people have a near-death experience, and 98% of the population now believes in some form of life after death. -- привела интересную новую статистику coasttocoastam.com)
19.10.2023 9:37:21 inet. stand-alone webpage отдельная веб-страница (a stand-alone webpage on the internet – отдельная веб-страница в интернете)
19.10.2023 9:36:17 gen. disentangle fact from fiction отделить факты от вымысла (From her very birth the story of the woman called Mother Shipton has been steeped in so much myth and legend that it is often hard to disentangle fact from fiction. According to the tales, she was supposedly brought into the world in a cave in the Forest of Knaresborough in North Yorkshire, England in 1488, during a violent thunderstorm that mysteriously stopped as she let out not a cry, but a cackle. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.10.2023 9:34:50 cliche. tell what is fact and what is fiction отделить правду от вымысла (Breedlove thinks that "there is a lot of reality to the Bell Witch legend but it's hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction." coasttocoastam.com)
19.10.2023 9:16:09 gen. cheat someone on the weights обвешивать (No butcher dared twice to try to cheat my mother on the weights.)
19.10.2023 9:13:47 gen. accused of cheating обвинённый в мошенничестве
19.10.2023 9:13:47 gen. accused of cheating обвиняемый в мошенничестве
19.10.2023 9:10:14 idiom. write oneself off махнуть на себя рукой ("He must have known how it would end. So he had written himself off and didn't care." – Raymond Chandler)
19.10.2023 9:09:30 traf. wrecked car машина, изуродованная в автокатастрофе (Timothy claimed to have clearly observed a wrecked car in a ditch and an injured girl standing on the shoulder of the road waving her hands. When he stopped and ran back to help, "the car and the girl were gone," he remembered.)
19.10.2023 9:09:30 traf. wrecked car машина, разбитая в результате аварии (Timothy claimed to have clearly observed a wrecked car in a ditch and an injured girl standing on the shoulder of the road waving her hands. When he stopped and ran back to help, "the car and the girl were gone," he remembered.)
19.10.2023 9:06:18 scient. time travel device машина времени (The 27-year-old Bryant Johnson claimed he was from the year 2048 and was in Wyoming to warn of an impending 2018 alien invasion. He was drunk because that’s the only way the aliens’ time travel device would transport him back in time.)
19.10.2023 9:02:28 arts. personal style манера письма (художника, писателя или поэта: It was here in Vienna that he developed his personal style and rose to prominence. – Именно здесь, в Вене, сложилась его манера письма)
19.10.2023 9:01:44 inf. teeniest, weeniest малюсенький ("Oh, that? That was nothing. Just the teeniest, weeniest little misunderstanding." (P.G. Wodehouse) – малюсенькое-малюпусенькое недоразумение)
19.10.2023 8:57:55 fig. beckon манить (The wilderness seems to beckon people to join it at times. Here we see some of the most mysterious vanishings there are, with people who have just gone off into the trees to evaporate into thin air. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.10.2023 8:53:57 disappr. unscrupulous people нечистоплотные люди (When there's a loophole, there are always unscrupulous people who will use it.)
19.10.2023 8:38:37 bible.term. a man reaps what he sows что посеешь, то и пожнёшь (A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:7–9). === Что посеет человек, то и пожнёт: сеющий в плоть свою от плоти пожнёт тление, а сеющий в дух от духа пожнёт жизнь вечную. Делая добро, да не унываем, ибо в свое время пожнём, если не ослабеем. (Послание к Галатам, гл.6:7-9))
19.10.2023 8:32:17 proverb you will reap what you sow что посеешь, то и пожнёшь (существует много вариантов, почти все неточно цитируют Библию, вот ещё один: You will reap what you sow. You deserve to get screwed over!)
19.10.2023 8:21:02 cliche. hand over the money отдать деньги (за аренду жилья, услугу и пр.: The tenancy agreement officially comes into effect when you hand over the money and the landlord hands over the keys. If you give them the money with neither the keys nor a signed contract, there's nothing stopping them from just taking your money and running. (Reddit) -- как только ты отдал хозяйке деньги, а она тебе ключи)
19.10.2023 8:14:39 idiom. get cold feet не хватить духа (часто в прошедшем или в будущем времени: When it was time for you to leave, I got cold feet and didn't ask for your number. Now I'm regretting that decision, and I can't get you out of my head. If you see this, I would like to get in touch with you. (Reddit) -- у меня не хватило духа)
19.10.2023 7:10:57 gen. haul off силой тащить (кого-л.)
19.10.2023 7:09:13 gen. haul off вывозить обломки (Garbage and pieces of old furniture were scattered over the backyard, about to be hauled off. – перед погрузкой и вывозом на свалку.)
19.10.2023 7:09:05 gen. haul off вывозить мусор (Garbage and pieces of old furniture were scattered over the backyard, about to be hauled off. – перед погрузкой и вывозом на свалку.)
19.10.2023 6:57:14 gen. I didn't realize я не отдавал себе отчёта (I didn't realize I had the famous ghost in the photo. When I got home and put it on my big monitor and blew it up it looked amazing. • I didn't realize I was breaking the law. I'm deeply sorry.)
19.10.2023 6:50:34 gen. pick out details различить подробности (A variety of details can be picked out in the image.)
19.10.2023 6:41:56 gen. shimmering lights мерцающие огни (К слову, мерцающие огни в небе можно увидеть над обоими полюсами, а не только в Северном полушарии. • The most obvious feature in the photo, and the reason Rasmussen set up his camera, are the massive, bright green northern lights in the sky. The shot, (a 1.6-second exposure) is filled with the shimmering phenomenon. vancouverisawesome.com)
19.10.2023 6:36:36 trav. camp поставить палатку (Along the way, they stopped at Hurricane Ridge above Port Angeles to camp and caught the stunning photo without even realizing it. vancouverisawesome.com)
19.10.2023 6:01:25 gen. tend to be able как правило, способен (+ infinitive: regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic (Oxford Dictionary): Sci-fi writers tend to be able to see into the future...)
19.10.2023 6:01:25 gen. tend to be able обычно способен (+ infinitive: regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic (Oxford Dictionary): Sci-fi writers tend to be able to see into the future...)
19.10.2023 5:37:52 gen. completely drenched насквозь промокший (A gloomy, wet, and misty day with horizontal rain. Completely drenched while filming this brief clip. twitter.com)
19.10.2023 5:35:39 gen. completely drenched промокший до нитки (A gloomy, wet, and misty day with horizontal rain. Completely drenched while filming this brief clip. twitter.com)
18.10.2023 9:36:36 gov. multi-agency investigative panel межведомственная комиссия (для выяснения причин, расследования аварии и пр.)
18.10.2023 9:25:16 gen. international appreciation международное признание (Tibetan craftspeople have continued to develop this art form over time and have raised it to a level of international appreciation. – на уровень международного признания)
18.10.2023 9:24:33 ling. International English международный стандарт английского языка ("International English is the concept of the English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement towards an international standard for the language. It is also referred to as Global English, World English, Common English, Continental English, or General English." – Wikipedia)
18.10.2023 9:24:16 ling. General English международный стандарт английского языка ("International English is the concept of the English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement towards an international standard for the language. It is also referred to as Global English, World English, Common English, Continental English, or General English." – Wikipedia)
18.10.2023 9:21:14 arts. moody меланхоличный (He is best known for his moody, expressionistic renderings of boats, birds and animals.)
18.10.2023 8:49:50 meteorol. stormy clouds грозовые тучи
18.10.2023 8:26:40 cook. scoop out выскоблить (scoop the cooked pumpkin out of the skin • scoop out the cooked pumpkin)
18.10.2023 8:13:48 bot. sprout new leaves выпускать новые листья (I transplanted my mini rosebush last year that I got for Mother's Day. It still is sprouting new leaves. How long does it take for buds to come and bloom?)
18.10.2023 7:18:19 org.crime. shakedown of an illegal business вымогательство у владельца теневого бизнеса (The Yaletown killing looks like a protection-money "shakedown" of an illegal business. )
18.10.2023 7:12:06 cliche. can you relate? вы меня понимаете? (All these clothes and I cannot decide what to wear! Can you relate?)
18.10.2023 7:11:50 cliche. you know what I mean? вы меня понимаете? (There are other things we have to take into account in a multi-ethnic work environment – you know what I mean? • )
18.10.2023 7:09:37 gen. get oneself well вылечиться (After these specialists basically said, You have six months to live, good luck, I had to figure out how to make myself well using herbal and natural remedies.)
18.10.2023 6:46:29 gen. take a quick look быстренько посмотреть (I can take a quick look and let you know my initial thoughts, if you like.)
18.10.2023 6:42:29 cliche. do a quick scan быстро просмотреть (Given that we’ve already produced eight different versions, I feel quite confident that the base information being pulled from the database should be correct, and all that the descriptive copy should require is a quick scan. – требуется лишь быстро просмотреть текст)
18.10.2023 5:38:00 fig. tip over into скатываться в (It's a sleek piece that offers a nod to Art Deco without tipping over into kitsch. And it doesn't set you back US$3,000.)
18.10.2023 5:35:14 cliche. why should I? с какой стати? ("You don't have anybody tailing me around in a grey Plymouth sedan, do you?" His eyes widened sharply. He looked jarred. 'Hell, no. Why should I?' -- «С какой стати я бы это делал?» (Raymond Chandler))
18.10.2023 5:32:59 cliche. turn fiction into reality сказку сделать былью (Scientists at NASA are working to turn fiction into reality. )
18.10.2023 5:30:48 idiom. send a few choice words one's way сказать пару ласковых слов (кому-либо: "He got pretty irate and sent a few choice words my way. And I thought at first it was a prank," Hawkins said. cbc.ca)
18.10.2023 5:27:43 amer. take on a real risk сильно рисковать ("When I married Jane Fonda, I mean, I was taking on a real risk there." (Ted Turner) – я сильно рисковал)
18.10.2023 5:26:46 gen. greatly exaggerated сильно преувеличенный (According to some economists, these rosy figures are greatly exaggerated. – сильно преувеличены)
18.10.2023 5:26:22 inf. affect big time сильно отразиться на (... and that will affect our economy big time.)
18.10.2023 5:25:28 gen. heavily impact сильно отразиться (отрицательно: "The PC government, elected last year, has made a series of funding cuts and policy decisions that have heavily impacted their popularity." (News 1130))
18.10.2023 5:05:07 arts. powerful feeling сильное чувство (The 1935 painting suggests a powerful feeling of both the exotic and the melancholy. – вызывает сильные чувства)
18.10.2023 5:04:39 arts. moving effect сильное воздействие (The interior of the book combined poetry and illustration to moving effect. – оказывало на читателя сильное воздействие)
18.10.2023 5:04:09 gen. much modified сильно видоизменённый (be much modified -- подвергнуться сильным видоизменениям: Built to attract a National Hockey League franchise to the city, the original, simple ring of white panels has been much modified since the arena opened in 1967. (Ron Phillips))
18.10.2023 5:00:51 cliche. the best ... I have ever seen самый ..., какой мне приходилось видеть (лучший образец для популярной модели в англ. яз. ; ever *вообще* не требуется переводить на русский, эта манера уже прочно утвердилась в практике переводчиков с появлением видеофильмов: "самое великолепное парусное судно, какое мне приходилось видеть (...)" – А.С. Грин)
18.10.2023 4:17:23 fig. clean bill of health отсутствие заболеваний (Frank the Tank still needs a clean bill of health before he can be put up for adoption. cbc.ca)
18.10.2023 4:13:09 gen. reach five times the size вырасти в пять раз (Is this your giant tortoise? The male juvenile sulcata tortoise weighs close to 35 pounds, but could reach 5 times the size when grown. cbc.ca)
18.10.2023 4:09:42 cliche. take the time and effort не пожалеть сил и времени ("Sulcatas are one of the largest tortoises that we have. And the reason that we call them tanks is because of their incredible ability to dig through, well, most people's houses," said Walton, who works at Dewdney Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, about 45 kilometres east of Vancouver. "These can be wonderful pets if you take the time and effort, and have long-term planning and family members who are willing to take on this animal after you die," he said. cbc.ca)
18.10.2023 4:02:41 cliche. that's a big sth.! вот это что-л.! (говоря о размере: The aptly named Shelley Smith helped wrangle the tortoise after spotting workers looking at what she thought was a rock in the field beside her Gilbert Street home in Richmond, south of Vancouver. "I looked again and saw ... it was moving. Ever so slowly — but moving," said Smith. "I walked over and we were all looking at it and saying 'jeez!' That's a big turtle! And he was just looking around at us like 'Hey, help me.'" -- Вот это черепаха! cbc.ca)
18.10.2023 3:35:08 gen. capture total control полностью подчинить себе (of: Host of the Saturday Food Chain Radio talk show, Michael Olson has been farming since the age of six, and has produced feature-length news for various media. In the first half, he discussed how China is leading the way to capture total control of food production and distribution as a means of controlling the behavior of its population. coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2023 3:32:31 gen. farm работать на ферме (Host of the Saturday Food Chain Radio talk show, Michael Olson has been farming since the age of six, and has produced feature-length news for various media. coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2023 3:27:55 journ. feature документальный репортаж (Host of the Saturday Food Chain Radio talk show, Michael Olson has been farming since the age of six, and has produced feature-length news for various media. In the first half, he discussed how China is leading the way to capture total control of food production and distribution as a means of controlling the behavior of its population. coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2023 0:36:29 gen. meet several conditions выполнить несколько условий (After city council approves a rezoning, the developer has to meet several conditions before the zoning bylaw is finalized. If the conditions are not met, including the fee payment within 24 months, the rezoning approval could be revoked.)
17.10.2023 9:29:16 cliche. be in for a long time долго ждать (Try ordering a meal in this restaurant and you may be in for a long time. – придётся долго ждать)
17.10.2023 9:27:36 meteorol. extended outlook долгосрочный прогноз погоды (As for the extended outlook, it will be cool in the long range as the arctic air begins to retreat.)
17.10.2023 9:26:06 cliche. a must-have + noun должен быть у каждого (It's a must-have financial guide for every Canadian.)
17.10.2023 9:22:58 real.est. delinquent renter должник арендной платы (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com)
17.10.2023 9:22:43 real.est. delinquent renter арендатор-неплательщик (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com)
17.10.2023 9:22:30 real.est. delinquent renter арендатор-должник (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com)
17.10.2023 9:22:16 real.est. delinquent renter неплательщик арендной платы (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com)
17.10.2023 9:21:14 gen. one's argument isn't convincing аргумент неубедителен (While we support efforts to safeguard individual privacy, your argument isn't convincing.)
17.10.2023 9:20:50 gen. and because а поскольку (... and because we recognize that ... – ..., а поскольку мы осознаём, что ...)
17.10.2023 9:20:11 gen. mystery анонимный (a mystery benefactor • a mystery donor • a mystery caller to the studio)
17.10.2023 9:07:10 gen. extreme несоразмерный (These efforts may seem extreme ...)
17.10.2023 9:06:43 gen. does not get reported не сообщается (It doesn't get reported. – Об этом не сообщается.)
17.10.2023 9:06:02 gen. be opposed to не соглашаться с (As a small-business owner, I am opposed to this policy. – не согласен с этим политическим курсом)
17.10.2023 9:05:28 coll. dissenters несогласные (с политикой, мнением, принятым решением)
17.10.2023 9:04:49 idiom. be not quite up to snuff не совсем устраивать (We realised the existing options just weren't quite up to snuff. – не совсем нас устраивали)
17.10.2023 8:26:33 inf. it's really a hassle замучился (I got a new smartphone today, and you have to update so many things, you have to change so many things – it's really a hassle. – я просто замучился)
17.10.2023 8:24:09 gen. has a rich heritage of издавна славится (The Lyon region of France has a rich heritage of silk production.)
17.10.2023 8:21:11 inf. honkin' big здоровенный (It’s a pretty honkin’ big house. – здоровенный домина)
17.10.2023 8:20:03 cliche. no one here by that name здесь таких нет
17.10.2023 7:46:07 gen. call for one's dog звать собаку (An off-duty police officer was riding his bike with his dog in the forested area near Campbell River when he passed a man walking his dog toward a parking lot. When the officer arrived in the parking lot, he could hear the man calling for his dog. When the officer offered his help, the man pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the officer. When the RCMP searched the home of Tony Green, they seized more than 100 guns, hand guns, shotguns, assault style rifles, high-powered explosives and detonators.)
17.10.2023 7:18:20 gen. skim through the pages просматривать (He opened his copy of The Times and started to skim through the pages.)

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