
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.11.2023 4:34:12 pwr.lines. power pole электроопора (***для Artemie***: есть огромная разница между обычной электроопорой, т.е. столбом (power pole = utility pole) и опорой ЛЭП (high-power electrical transmission tower = high-voltage power line tower). Посмотрите на картинку по ссылке: Машина врезалась в электроопору... Один спешащий автолюбитель не вписался в поворот на улице Чернореченской и врезался в столб, держащий электрокабель в 6 КВт. • Have you wondered about the equipment on a power pole? jacksonemc.com)
10.11.2023 4:09:19 port.facil. deep-sea anchorage якорная стоянка на внешнем рейде (The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority manages 28 deep-sea anchorages within the Port of Vancouver, located in English Bay, the Inner Harbour and Indian Arm. • Внешний рейд — обычно открытый или частично защищённый от волнения естественными преградами (выступами берега, островами, скалами). На внешних рейдах суда отстаиваются перед заходом в порт или канал. portvancouver.com, wikipedia.org)
10.11.2023 3:59:24 publ.transp. HOV lane выделенная полоса для общественного транспорта (High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for high occupancy vehicles in B.C. HOV lanes move more people in fewer vehicles than regular lanes. This uses less energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. • Одним из инструментов организации дорожного движения являются выделенные полосы движения — они обеспечивают приоритетное движение общественного транспорта, сохраняют временные интервалы между остановками и в целом уменьшают заторы на дорогах. О необходимости выделенных полос для общественного транспорта в Севастополе говорят давно. gov.bc.ca, sevastopol.su)
9.11.2023 12:18:14 jarg. freakin' awesome потрясный (молодёжный жаргон: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit))
9.11.2023 12:18:01 jarg. freakin' awesome клёвый (молодёжный жаргон: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit))
9.11.2023 12:17:40 jarg. freakin' awesome офигительный (молодёжный жаргон: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit))
9.11.2023 12:17:23 jarg. freakin' awesome офигенный (молодёжный жаргон: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit))
9.11.2023 12:17:10 jarg. freakin' awesome обалденный (молодёжный жаргон: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit))
9.11.2023 12:05:04 emph. glorious шикарный (об ощущениях, о чём-л., доставившем удовольствие: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit) -- это было шикарно)
9.11.2023 11:51:14 gov. suite of government measures пакет государственных мероприятий (When Canada issued a two-year ban on foreign buyers on January 1 this year as part of a suite of government measures designed to make housing “more affordable for Canadians”, Vancouver ranked as the country’s most unaffordable city. ft.com)
9.11.2023 11:39:24 account. funding ассигнования (David considers the collapse of the Arecibo space telescope in Puerto Rico to be unfortunate and wonders if it might have been saved had it been better maintained over the years. Yet, the island had undergone hurricanes and earthquakes in recent times, and some of Arecibo's funding had been cut. coasttocoastam.com)
9.11.2023 11:38:05 account. cut funding сократить ассигнования (David considers the collapse of the Arecibo space telescope in Puerto Rico to be unfortunate and wonders if it might have been saved had it been better maintained over the years. Yet, the island had undergone hurricanes and earthquakes in recent times, and some of Arecibo's funding had been cut. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2023 11:25:37 gen. keep it the way it is оставить так, как есть (Let's keep it the way it is. – Давайте оставим всё так, как есть.)
8.11.2023 11:25:22 gen. leave the way it is/they are оставить так, как есть (At the district's request, Metro has agreed to leave traffic controls the way they are for now. – пока оставить всё так, как есть)
8.11.2023 7:39:00 gen. worth billions of dollars стоимостью в несколько миллиардов долларов. (The San Jose galleon that sank near the port of Cartagena in 1708 is believed to have been carrying treasure worth billions of dollars. (Reuters))
8.11.2023 7:32:08 gen. pretty quickly довольно быстро (That earlier stall on the Alex Fraser is gone, they've cleared it up pretty quickly.)
7.11.2023 11:39:26 gen. tree-shaded square тенистый сквер (Lincoln's Inn – This tree-shaded square surrounded by barristers' chambers is the heart of Lincoln's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, which is entered from Chancery Lane through a 16yh-century gatehouse. (AA Illustrated Gudie To Britain))
7.11.2023 11:32:17 meteorol. wide range between high and low temperatures большая амплитуда колебания температур (The mixture of hills and plains in the Home Counties creates a variety of weather patterns. There is a wide range between high and low temperatures. (AA Illustrated Gudie To Britain))
7.11.2023 10:37:16 zool. immune to snake venom обладающий иммунитетом к змеиному яду (Speaking of possums... A marsupial that is very beneficial. Basically almost a rabies-free (it is extremely rare that they can carry the virus) critter that eats pests such as bugs, actual rodents, and even venomous snakes. Yep, pretty much immune to snake venom. youtube.com)
7.11.2023 10:37:16 zool. immune to snake venom невосприимчивый к змеиному яду (Speaking of possums... A marsupial that is very beneficial. Basically almost a rabies-free (it is extremely rare that they can carry the virus) critter that eats pests such as bugs, actual rodents, and even venomous snakes. Yep, pretty much immune to snake venom. youtube.com)
7.11.2023 10:14:23 gen. intense colours насыщенные тона ("You managed to capture all the hues!!" "The rain made the colours look more intense." (Twitter))
7.11.2023 10:14:23 gen. intense colours насыщенные краски ("You managed to capture all the hues!!" "The rain made the colours look more intense." (Twitter))
7.11.2023 9:37:24 formal large issue крупная проблема (The opposition justice critic says this points to a larger issue in our justice system. -- это указывает на более крупную проблему)
7.11.2023 7:49:43 inf. stupidly по дурости (Long story short, my brother-in-law’s suitcase was left on the baggage claim carousel at YVR. He does not travel often, as he stupidly packed his medication in his checked luggage. (Reddit))
7.11.2023 7:21:34 inf. muck up испохабить (do something badly or ineptly; mishandle something (Oxford Dictionary): Сложно послевоенным архитекторам было сделать угловые соединения зданий, получилось довольно спорно, прошли по острию, но так испохабить красоту, как это смогли украинские архитекторы и решалы по запросу украинских предпринимателей, надо было очень постараться. sevastopol.su)
6.11.2023 11:22:45 cliche. make a fortune озолотиться (make a fortune in real estate)
6.11.2023 8:30:32 cliche. know for sure наверняка знать
6.11.2023 7:12:55 humor. live off of жить на одном (Would you live off of chocolate if you could, Michelle? -- Ты смогла бы прожить на одном шоколаде?)
6.11.2023 7:06:15 paint. rich red густого красного цвета (a rich red background)
6.11.2023 7:05:47 paint. deep blue густой синий цвет
6.11.2023 6:58:33 fig. get on the track выйти на след ("I searched Marvis Bay like a bloodhound, but nobody came forward to claim the infant. (...) It wasn't till, by another inspiration, I thought to ask the sweet-stall man that I got on the track." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.11.2023 6:55:38 publ.util. trash pickup вывоз мусора (при необходиости, муниципальными машинами коммунального хозяйства или подрядчиками муниципалитета)
6.11.2023 6:54:35 publ.util. garbage collection вывоз мусора (регулярный вывоз коммунальными службами: The City provides garbage collection services to residential—houses, duplexes, apartments, condos and townhomes—and commercial facilities—businesses, schools, religious buildings. We collect garbage, recycling, yard trimmings and food scraps.)
6.11.2023 6:01:38 idiom. be onto sth. открыть что-л. важное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people.))
6.11.2023 5:38:09 idiom. be onto sth. найти что-л. подходящее (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster) ||| также be onto a good thing: If I could convince my dad, I knew I was on to something. He hates going on vacation anywhere else but his parents' farm in Nova Scotia.)
6.11.2023 5:33:26 idiom. be onto sth. найти что-л. новое (to have discovered or produced something new and interesting: "With the new show, we were onto something big." (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people. • This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here.)
6.11.2023 5:31:33 idiom. be onto sth. найти что-л. особенное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster) ||| также be onto a winner: "I think she's onto a real winner with this song.(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here.)
6.11.2023 5:29:22 idiom. be onto sth. открыть что-л. ценное (также be onto a winner: "I think she's onto a real winner with this song. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English): This formaldehyde test looks really interesting. You know, you might be onto something here.)
6.11.2023 5:28:43 idiom. be onto sth. найти то, что нужно (having done or discovered something important, special, etc.: "When the crowd responded to the show so positively, we realized we were onto something." (Merriam-Webster): If I could convince my dad, I knew I was on to something. He hates going on vacation anywhere else but his parents' farm in Manitoba.)
6.11.2023 5:26:25 idiom. be onto sth. найти что-л. важное (having done or discovered something important, special, etc. (Merriam-Webster): Speaking of the pandemic fears, Prof. Hadden was definitely onto something about how the government messes with the heads of ordinary people.)
6.11.2023 5:22:44 idiom. be onto sth. найти что-л. интересное (также be onto a good thing -- to have discovered or produced something new and interesting: "With the new show, we were onto something big." (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English))
6.11.2023 5:21:09 idiom. be onto sth. напасть на что-л. стоящее (также be onto a good thing -- having done or discovered something important, special, etc.: "When the crowd responded to the show so positively, we realized we were onto something." (Merriam-Webster))
6.11.2023 2:58:08 gen. the results of the analysis have come back результаты анализа готовы (While they didn't witness the creature themselves during their journey, the pair did find and retrieve what they believed to be possible physical evidence in the form of some hair samples which they later submitted for DNA analysis to find out whether or not they belonged to an unknown species. Now, several months later, the results of that analysis have come back. unexplained-mysteries.com)
6.11.2023 2:29:06 rus.usg. excuses отмазки (All the Excuses That Didn't Work to Get Me Out of Jury Duty • Пошли отмазки. -- Now they're looking for excuses. newyorker.com)
5.11.2023 11:51:44 rel., christ. Blessed Virgin Mary Божья Матерь (*the ~*: "In St. Bruno, Quebec, children on a farm saw a cloud come from the sky, from which came the Blessed Virgin Mary who spoke to them about peace and brotherhood; late July 1968." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 11:51:44 rel., christ. Blessed Virgin Mary Матерь Божья (*the ~*: "In St. Bruno, Quebec, children on a farm saw a cloud come from the sky, from which came the Blessed Virgin Mary who spoke to them about peace and brotherhood; late July 1968." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 11:50:11 rel., christ. Blessed Virgin Mary Богородица (*the ~*: "In St. Bruno, Quebec, children on a farm saw a cloud come from the sky, from which came the Blessed Virgin Mary who spoke to them about peace and brotherhood; late July 1968." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 11:45:07 gen. stream with myrrh мироточить (In Montreal an icon from Mount Athos began to stream with myrrh in November 1982. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 11:19:36 gen. scorched grass выжженная трава (a circular area of scorched grass)
5.11.2023 11:09:24 logging cut timber заготовлять пиломатериалы (Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd. (DMI) was the owner of forest tenures in Alberta under which it was licensed to cut timber from designated provincial Crown land.)
5.11.2023 11:04:59 gen. develop образоваться (о кожном заболевании: The second witness who touched the craft later developed blisters on his hands. -- на руках образовались волдыри)
5.11.2023 9:42:15 gen. bounce up and down раскачивать вверх-вниз ("...Also at Emerald, a man-beast (Yowie) which left footprints 12 inches long, pursued a witness and bounced his car up and down; August 1973."(Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 9:37:28 gen. multicoloured разноцветный (also spelled "multi-coloured": The multicoloured rocks on this Pacific Ocean beach on the outside of Nootka Sound are incredible. The wonderful perfection of nature at work. -- разноцветные камушки • a multi-coloured fireball)
5.11.2023 9:12:36 gen. light up освещать (о направленном луче прожектора: Connie described seeing a beam of light shine through the surrounding trees, and turn on and off again as it lit up each tent at her camp site and the truck where she slept. • "Near Ferndale, brothers saw a disc-shaped UFO pass overhead, lighting up the valley, before landing nearby." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- осветив долину coasttocoastam.com)
5.11.2023 9:07:37 gen. get out of достать из (Can you get the ball out of the net, please?)
5.11.2023 9:06:02 gen. be contemporary with жить в одно время с ("Mammoths were once widespread, their remains having been found in Europe, and they were also contemporary with man." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 9:02:01 zool. thick-billed penguin толстоклювый пингвин
5.11.2023 8:57:27 gen. memorial to the writer памятник писателю (A memorial to the writer Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) stands near 24 Cheyne Row, home to the 'Sage of Chelsea' for 47 years. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
5.11.2023 7:52:36 gen. will prove to be окажутся ("The discovery of Megamouth proves beyond doubt that unknown creatures of very large size are awaiting discovery in our oceans, and it is possible that some of them will prove to be prehistoric survivals." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
5.11.2023 7:44:48 gen. slimy thick liquid густая жижа (точный аналог: a slimy, thick liquid)
5.11.2023 7:38:42 lit. Romantic эпохи романтизма (William Blake, the legendary Romantic poet)
5.11.2023 7:31:31 gen. cause the problem являться источником проблемы (“If you’re having a problem with your water or sewer system – and you don’t know what is causing the problem – call us first, before you call a plumber,” the district’s website states. (northshorenews.com))
5.11.2023 7:00:17 gen. clearly doing it with sb.'s blessing явно действует с одобрения (I agree, he's clearly doing it with the boss's blessing.)
5.11.2023 6:47:45 gen. allude to the idea затронуть идею (of – чего-л.; в беседе: Wilson also alluded to the idea of a third crossing in Burrard Inlet.)
5.11.2023 6:43:26 gen. human traits особенности человеческого организма (He mentioned the possibility that aliens may have engineered human DNA by combining it with DNA from other species, creating the human race. Joseph suggested certain human traits, like skin reactions to sunlight, could be evidence of this genetic manipulation. coasttocoastam.com)
5.11.2023 6:34:54 gen. finish serving one's sentence отбыть срок (Hoffman finished serving his sentence in 2018.)
5.11.2023 6:34:54 gen. finish serving one's sentence выйти на свободу (Hoffman finished serving his sentence in 2018.)
5.11.2023 6:10:19 esot. reptilian beings рептилоиды (Rhodes mentioned that reptilian beings might be coexisting with humanity underground, possibly for their own safety and to monitor human activities. He shared the story of the Lizard Man of Bishopville, South Carolina, as an example of encounters with reptilian creatures. This story involved a young boy's encounter with a creature that matches the physical description of reptilian beings. "When he got back home, he was so scared he couldn't talk... he started going into a fit," Rhodes said. The local sheriff, a who investigated the case, emphasized that the swamps in the area are difficult to access, making it possible for unknown creatures to reside there. coasttocoastam.com)
4.11.2023 10:46:22 gen. boldly venturesome безрассудно храбрый (According to a story well known among older locals, a janitor at the University of Maryland’s medical department was told that he would be paid $15 for bodies that could be used in the anatomy lab. As the legend went, the greedy Uncle Perry began a career of murder and body-snatching. “While the story persisted,” Frederick’s paper The News continued, “none but a boldly venturesome person dared to risk his body out of the house after sundown…” atlasobscura.com)
4.11.2023 10:35:14 gen. very true истинная правда (выражение согласия с собеседником: It is very true, my friend. Very true. – Истинная правда, друг мой.)
4.11.2023 10:15:58 real.est. under asking за меньшую цену, чем первоначально была запрошена (Records show that on a similar-sized lot two houses away, a 2017-built, Raymond Russell-designed, 4,000-square-foot luxury home sold in December 2018 for $13 million on the nose – $1.98 million under asking.)
4.11.2023 10:13:59 gov. deputy head заместитель начальника (The Deputy Head is the head of a federal government institution accountable to the Minister and through the Minister to Parliament for all institution activities and for achievement of institution results.)
4.11.2023 10:12:24 journ. item заметка в газете ("The Lennox case started out big, but by that morning it was a Part Two item." – Raymond Chandler)
4.11.2023 10:12:11 journ. piece заметка в газете
4.11.2023 9:43:33 gen. spot in the distance заметить вдали (I was just walking through the castle gardens and I spotted something in the distance. When I looked closer I could clearly see the four dark humps in the lake. – заметил вдали)
4.11.2023 8:39:29 gen. go ahead and давай (encouraging to take an action: You want to call the cops? Go ahead and phone them up! I can't wait for the cops to knock on your door. – Ну давай, звони.)
4.11.2023 8:20:56 gen. appalling отвратительный (State-run restaurants offer appalling food and service, according to tourists who visited the island.)
4.11.2023 8:19:12 inf. gross гадость (That's so gross! -- Фу, какая гадость!)
4.11.2023 8:04:06 gen. crafter самоделкин (someone who makes decorative objects with their hands, especially as a hobby: "She is a keen crafter who enjoys making jewellery and fabric bags. " (Cambridge Dictionary): Building a magic trap for fruit flies is a fun DIY project. So get ready to awaken your inner crafter!)
4.11.2023 6:08:14 inf. bashing охаивание ("That's foolish talk. Affordable housing and public transit will only bring the riff-raff and the street urchins, not to mention the unwashed masses to our exclusive West Van." "Uh-oh, looks like West Van bashing time again." (Reddit))
4.11.2023 6:04:29 law, court indict выдвинуть официальное обвинение в совершении преступления
4.11.2023 6:02:41 law, court indict официально обвинить в совершении преступления (в суде)
4.11.2023 6:01:20 law, court indict предъявить официальное обвинение (The federal grand jury indicted Borelli and Puzzi on charges of conspiracy, extortion, money laundering, and racketeering.)
4.11.2023 5:47:55 gen. at so late an hour в такой поздний час ('I looked at the clock. It was a quarter to twelve. This could not be a visitor at so late an hour.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) )
4.11.2023 5:46:27 idiom. in this vein в таком ключе (The Free Dictionary: In a particular way related to that which is being discussed. | If you do something in that (or this) vein, you do it in the same distinctive manner or style. (UsingEnglish.com): ...so they're doing it in this vein -- и вот в таком ключе они действуют)
4.11.2023 5:23:18 gen. put in the horse запрягать лошадь ("I had hardly finished when Holmes returned with the news that the boy was putting in the horse." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.11.2023 5:20:52 fig. hardwired запрограммированный (Are men hardwired to be unfaithful? – запрограммированы • We are hardwired to see our lovers smile, and then when our lovers smile at us and we smile back at them, we get a release of endorphins. – запрограммированы)
4.11.2023 5:20:28 fig. pre-programmed запрограммированный (Newborn babies come pre-programmed to imitate their parents in everything from facial expressions to human speech. -- запрограммированы)
4.11.2023 5:10:20 inf. get fuelled заправляться (плотно поесть: If you want to get really well fuelled in the morning, you should try this new cereal.)
4.11.2023 5:09:59 auto. pump gas заправляться (на АЗС: "I was pumping gas and heard about six gunshots," she said. "They were clearly gunshots.")
4.11.2023 5:06:05 gen. short-tempered person вспыльчивый человек (Richard's family insist that the two had left on their trip on good terms and that he was not a violent or short tempered person at all.)
4.11.2023 4:45:12 idiom. don't always see eye to eye взгляды не всегда совпадают (It's no secret that the Chinese and Americans don't always see eye to eye.)
4.11.2023 4:41:58 cliche. take a balanced approach взвешенно подходить (to sth. – к чему-л.)
4.11.2023 4:39:06 gen. at the back of the building в задней части здания (Room 137 is at the back of the building.)
4.11.2023 4:10:31 gen. challenges трудности (Anybody who has renovated understands the challenges of the traditional cost-plus contracting method. What happens is contractors quote low to get the business but later tend to build in extra cost overages as the project gets underway.)
4.11.2023 4:08:38 idiom. rough waters неспокойный период (We're in some very rough waters and quite dangerous times in the United States over this next year. coasttocoastam.com)
4.11.2023 3:58:58 gen. outlook прогноз (the prospect for the future: "the deteriorating economic outlook" (Oxford Dictionary): In the first half, using various methods of astrology, he shared an outlook for the end of this year and 2024, as well as offered readings for callers. -- поделился своим прогнозом на конец года coasttocoastam.com)
4.11.2023 2:05:01 inf. crammed with полно́ (The city is crammed with guys who ignore the cell phone ban while driving.)
4.11.2023 2:04:42 obs. come, come по́лно ("You – you insult me, Mr. Holmes." "Come, come, madam, it is useless. Give up the letter." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
4.11.2023 2:03:54 gen. lots полно ("Any fish in the lake?" "Lots. Mostly bass, also steelhead and sockeye.")

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