
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.11.2023 6:08:40 gen. major notes тезисы (Major notes from the press conference: ...; ...; ...)
17.11.2023 6:08:40 gen. major notes основное (Major notes from the press conference: ...; ...; ...)
17.11.2023 5:46:34 fig. one's doing чьих-либо рук дело (The disappearance of the monolith was later confirmed by the Bureau of Land Management, who indicated that it was not their doing. – это не их рук дело coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:45:12 fig. one's doing дело чьих-либо рук (Since the proposal was Evgeny's doing, his new fiancée was seemingly given a proverbial slap on the wrist in the form of an $11 fine. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:41:25 fig. blow over рассосаться само собой (Nonetheless, the officers instructed the couple to come to the police station later that evening for further questioning. Perhaps thinking that the matter would blow over, the couple made the rather ill-advised decision to simply ignore the directive and, when they headed to work the next day, the pair were promptly arrested. -- полагая, что проблема рассосётся сама собой coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:39:13 gen. visit sb.'s workplace прийти на работу к кому-л. (According to Evgeny, cops visited the couple's workplace the following day to question them about what had occurred at the subway station. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:36:18 gen. country's capital city столица страны (The strange case reportedly began on November 7th when the young man, named Evgeny, surprised his girlfriend with a 'dinner' of fruit and drinks served atop a card table at the VDNKh station in the country's capital city. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:33:42 cliche. take issue не согласиться (with sth. – с чем-л.: A magical moment wherein a Russian man proposed to his girlfriend at a Moscow subway station turned into a nightmare for the couple after authorities took issue with the romantic gesture and wound up arresting the duo. • I'm going to take issue with that. – Не могу с этим согласиться. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:13:38 idiom. find oneself in hot water нарваться на неприятности (The impromptu 'meal' culminated with him asking for her hand in marriage and, when she agreed, a small celebration erupted among commuters watching the unique scene unfold. Alas, Moscow police were less enamored with the display and, as a result, the couple soon found themselves in hot water with the law. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:10:22 gen. musty rag затхлая тряпка (тряпка, издающая неприятный, затхлый (разг. задохнувшийся) запах: Having lost sight of the odd interloper when it ventured into the brush, the pair bravely drove to where it had been on the side road so that they could further investigate the situation and were struck by "a pungent smell which they described as rotting compost mixed with musty rags." coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 5:06:36 traf. cruise along ехать на малой скорости (The grouse-hunting effort required them to cruise along at a rather slow pace, which proved to be fortuitous as it allowed for Suzy to notice something unusual along an adjoining trail. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2023 0:44:56 gov. Top Work Unit Winner передовик труда (почётное звание, указано под контактной информацией госслужащего в эл. почте: 2022 Top Work Unit Winner)
16.11.2023 11:47:30 mil. thuds of explosions разрывы (снарядов: The soldiers stood in a courtyard, smoking and listening to the whizzing of shells overhead and thuds of explosions in the distance. nytimes.com)
16.11.2023 11:41:48 gen. simple fool простофиля (You got scammed again, you simple fool!)
16.11.2023 11:39:39 gen. sleep through проспать (It's a great romantic movie but my husband slept through it. Can you imagine?)
16.11.2023 11:39:28 gen. sleep it off проспаться ("You'd better come in and sleep it off," he said in a weary sort of way. "Can you walk?" (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.11.2023 11:35:13 gen. stalling проволочки (e.g., in the legislature when debating a bill or by a defence lawyer)
16.11.2023 11:33:12 tech. carry out a test / tests проводить испытания (on a machine/a component – машины/детали )
16.11.2023 11:22:08 inf. kerfuffle over шумиха по поводу (the kerfuffle over that silly remark by the human resources minister)
16.11.2023 10:21:49 gen. tip well щедро давать на чай (Your bartender knows a lot of secrets. Tip him well if you want your secrets to stay secret...)
16.11.2023 10:14:31 inf. play around with экспериментировать (We’re showing the steps using standard white slabs, but feel free to play around with colours and types of stone to achieve the look you like!)
16.11.2023 10:14:06 inf. play around with пробовать (разные варианты: We played around with other ingredients and recipes. -- пробовали)
16.11.2023 10:12:08 fig. bring out пробудить (These sublime poems are certain to bring out the romantic in anyone.)
16.11.2023 10:03:05 gen. by another name только под другим названием (This is just a tax hike by another name. – только по-другому называется)
16.11.2023 10:00:22 cliche. have a good relationship поддерживать хорошие отношения (with – с: Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. mysteriousuniverse.org)
16.11.2023 9:12:25 gen. on top of one another один поверх другого (stack easily and securely on top of one another)
16.11.2023 9:11:30 cliche. the same way одинаково (I don't think you can classify everyone the same way.)
16.11.2023 9:09:43 inf. bundle up одеться потеплее (They aren’t kidding about that Arctic air mass moving in. I was just on my balcony, having a coffee in the sun and in the space of 5 minutes the breeze picked up and it suddenly got too cold and I had to come in. Bundle up folks! (Twitter))
16.11.2023 8:58:00 gen. check одёрнуть (check someone pretty sharply – резко одёрнуть кого-либо)
16.11.2023 8:57:36 fig. gripped by fear одержимый страхом
16.11.2023 8:53:24 formal regular responsibilities обычные обязанности (... for performance of their regular responsibilities)
16.11.2023 8:52:11 gen. regulars обычные посетители (ресторана, кафе: A pub landlord will rely upon his “regulars” for a steady income. These are the people who will pop in to the same pub night after night and form the core of the clientele. (quora.com) • "Не обращая внимания на взгляды обычных посетителей заведения, ..." – А.С. Грин)
16.11.2023 8:50:12 gen. everyday people обычные люди (stories featuring profiles of everyday people – портреты обычных людей • Looking at these photos one might wonder if Prince William and Duchess Kate can really be called everyday people.)
16.11.2023 8:48:06 inf. read a ton читать запоем (He's reading a ton, he's doing math, he's really at the top of his class.)
16.11.2023 8:47:41 gen. sneezing fit чихота (He got a sneezing fit. – На него напала чихота.)
16.11.2023 8:38:20 arts. lifelike painting на картине, как живой (known for his ability to create lifelike paintings)
16.11.2023 8:36:20 fash. casual на каждый день (casual clothing – одежда на каждый день • casual dresses / pants – платья / брюки на каждый день)
16.11.2023 8:35:41 polit. resolve a conflict найти решение конфликта (resolve the national conflict over native vs. non-native land use)
16.11.2023 8:34:24 gen. result найти своё выражение (in – в: Our passion for and experience in Thai cuisine resulted in The Taste of the Golden Lotus, a collection of 500 exquisite recipes.)
16.11.2023 7:31:01 gen. provide a rational explanation найти разумное объяснение (for sth. – чему-л.: "I don't entertain the paranormal," he said. "I think everything has a rational explanation, but, for better or worse, the Bermuda Triangle captures people's imaginations." "When we find those ships, we can provide a rational explanation for their losses, and share that it's not an abstract thing, this triangle with 'mystical' properties. These are human stories." unexplained-mysteries.com)
16.11.2023 7:27:37 idiom. another day at the office обычный рабочий день (There are few mysteries as enduring as the Bermuda Triangle – an expanse of ocean in the North Atlantic that spans the area between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Over the years the region has become synonymous with the unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes – often with no trace of them or their crews ever being found. For Michael C. Barnette, however, spending time in the Bermuda Triangle is just another day at the office. Star of the returning History Channel series The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters, Barnette has spent many years locating and exploring the various shipwrecks found in the region. unexplained-mysteries.com)
16.11.2023 4:27:45 police pop-up protest несанкционированная демонстрация (100 police officers were deployed to a Chinatown restaurant where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was dining on Wednesday to deal with a pop-up protest after dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war had surrounded the eatery. • Politics Briefing: Trudeau exits B.C. lounge under heavy police protection as he’s jeered by ‘pop-up’ protesters (theglobeandmail.com))
16.11.2023 4:12:02 police maintain order поддерживать общественный порядок (“The Vancouver Police Department supports everyone’s right to peacefully assemble and to express their views. When protests occur, our primary role is to maintain order, to facilitate a peaceful environment for people to express themselves, and to respond to unlawful behaviour if it occurs,” Addison said. citynews.ca)
15.11.2023 13:40:19 gen. use a washroom пойти в туалет ("One man was sleeping on a piece of cupboard, saying he was tired from a night of collecting cans and bottles, only to have them stolen when he left them outside to use a washroom." (Vancouver Courier))
15.11.2023 13:38:41 gen. go out to eat пойти в ресторан ("We would go out to eat and she wouldn't say a word the entire time we were at the restaurant." (Discover Magazine))
15.11.2023 13:36:48 TV pick up a channel поймать канал (We even picked up four additional digital channels that we didn't have before – for free!)
15.11.2023 13:34:50 gen. I'll check it out пойду проверю
15.11.2023 13:34:04 brit. go to a cinema пойти в кино (We went to a cinema in the Edgware Road.)
15.11.2023 13:30:19 gen. informative show познавательная передача (I love listening to Coast to Coast AM. What an informative, thought-provoking show!)
15.11.2023 13:25:55 gen. make a call on a cell phone позвонить по мобильному телефону (At 1:45 pm the victim made a call on her cell phone to her father saying that she was on her way to the cottage and would arrive in Anmore in about an hour. )
15.11.2023 13:25:00 gen. call someone from work позвонить с работы (Did he call you from work? – Он звонил тебе с работы?)
15.11.2023 13:13:32 gen. upfront and honest честно и откровенно (честно и откровенно вести себя, честно и откровенно сказать: I appreciate how upfront and honest you've been.)
15.11.2023 13:12:57 gen. gab away чесать языком (I'm on a crosswalk and this lady in a white SUV is gabbing away with a friend and not looking.)
15.11.2023 13:12:29 gen. be itchy чесаться (My nose is so itchy! -- Как у меня нос чешется!)
15.11.2023 13:11:32 gen. streak черта характера (He has a mean streak. • This kindly streak really impressed me.)
15.11.2023 13:10:32 gen. find inspiration черпать вдохновение (The artist finds inspiration in everything from sea shells and driftwood on the beach to insects, trees and plants in her garden.)
15.11.2023 13:08:26 gen. by the back door через чёрный ход (go out by the back door)
15.11.2023 13:05:01 gen. huge interest огромный интерес (Внимание: артикль и предлог: There's A huge interest IN this case. – Имеется огромный интерес К этому делу.)
15.11.2023 13:03:55 jarg. give the flip talk огрызаться ('And don't give me any of the flip talk,' Webber said. 'I don't like it.' (Raymond Chandler) – И не огрызайся.)
15.11.2023 12:59:38 gen. give a big thank you передать большое спасибо (On behalf of my family and my team, a big thank you to ABC Oil for your contribution to our community and young athletes.)
15.11.2023 12:57:30 formal convey one's compliments передать благодарность (to – кому-л.)
15.11.2023 12:55:36 gen. tell her I hope she's feeling better передай ей, пусть выздоравливает
15.11.2023 12:53:12 bible.term. outward appearance наружный вид (Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7 – King James Bible).)
15.11.2023 12:51:46 archit. ledge наружный карниз (здания: My buddy is back. He's back, look at that! I left him a piece of bread on the ledge yesterday and he's a clever guy, so I'm going to see if I can feed him right now... All right, here we go. This is one clever seagull. The ledge at the Waterfront Fairmont, 20th floor. He's come to get some bread. And he got it. He's pretty good at this, actually. One more piece, buddy, and that's breakfast for you.)
15.11.2023 12:47:05 humor. delicately nurtured слабый пол (обязателен the ~: I remember Freddie Widgeon, one of the most chivalrous birds in the Drones, telling me how there was an alarm of fire once at a seaside hotel where he was staying and, so far from rushing about saving women, he was down the escape within ten seconds of the kick-off, his mind concerned with but one thing--viz., the personal well-being of F. Widgeon. As far as any idea of doing the delicately nurtured a bit of good went, he tells me, he was prepared to stand underneath and catch them in blankets, but no more. (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.11.2023 12:46:51 humor. delicately nurtured женский пол (обязателен the ~: I remember Freddie Widgeon, one of the most chivalrous birds in the Drones, telling me how there was an alarm of fire once at a seaside hotel where he was staying and, so far from rushing about saving women, he was down the escape within ten seconds of the kick-off, his mind concerned with but one thing--viz., the personal well-being of F. Widgeon. As far as any idea of doing the delicately nurtured a bit of good went, he tells me, he was prepared to stand underneath and catch them in blankets, but no more. (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.11.2023 12:36:54 ed. teaching practicum педагогическая практика ("The teaching practicum is an exciting part of the Bachelor of Education program because it is the time when teacher candidates put theory into practice alongside an experienced professional teacher. (UBC Faculty of Education site ubc.ca)
15.11.2023 12:36:27 bank. packet пачка денег, скреплённая бандеролью (break the packet – разорвать бандероль (на пачке с банкнотами); an unbroken packet – пачка денег с целой бандеролькой)
15.11.2023 12:17:14 gen. concern основание для беспокойства (Heavy rain over Vancouver Island is slowly but surely making its way to the Lower Mainland. If this persists, the next few hours will be really wet! Wind is also a concern during this weather event. (Twitter) -- вызывает беспокойство / озабоченность)
15.11.2023 12:16:13 gen. cause for alarm основания для беспокойства (The system is working as it should, there's no cause for alarm at this point. -- оснований для беспокойства на данный момент нет)
15.11.2023 12:11:17 contempt. dirty rotten scoundrel отпетый подлец
15.11.2023 12:10:23 fig.of.sp. seared отпечатавшийся (в памяти: On this day in 1963, my uncle was killed by an assassin’s bullet. I was in 3rd grade at the time. I was taken out of class and sent home. This day is forever seared into my heart and mind. (Maria Shriver) -- навсегда отпечатался)
15.11.2023 12:03:54 gen. Never mind all that это всё неважно (All right, all right. Never mind all that. – Ладно, ладно. Это всё неважно.)
15.11.2023 12:00:59 gen. it is an option это возможно (It is an option if she will let you.)
15.11.2023 12:00:06 gen. you can tell это видно (He's an expert, you can tell.)
15.11.2023 11:59:27 gen. it doesn't suit you это вам не к лицу (Don't be sulky. It doesn't suit you.)
15.11.2023 11:41:34 gen. incorrect interpretation неверное толкование (incorrect interpretation of unfamiliar terms.)
15.11.2023 11:29:49 gen. our native land наша Родина (our beloved native land – наша любимая Родина)
15.11.2023 9:21:31 gen. show off демонстрировать (detailed renderings showing off the techniques of Kyo-Satsuma)
15.11.2023 9:13:53 commer. upsell навязать товар подороже (persuade a customer to buy something additional or more expensive (Oxford Dictionary) : "how to upsell without turning off your customer" (Oxford Dictionary) • People sometimes think that a salesman just wants to upsell you, but I assure you this is not the case.)
15.11.2023 9:08:48 idiom. lie through one's teeth нагло лгать (tell an outright lie without remorse (Oxford Dictionary))
15.11.2023 9:06:37 disappr. the gall наглость (Only municipal politicians would have the gall to vote themselves a 25 per cent pay increase two weeks before an election. – иметь наглость)
15.11.2023 9:02:26 tools drill bit set набор свёрл (Titanium Coated High Speed Steel Drill Bit Set)
15.11.2023 9:01:44 nautic. on board of a ship на борту судна (правильная полная форма)
15.11.2023 9:01:18 philos. set of ethical instructions набор этических правил (a coherent set of ethical instructions)
15.11.2023 9:00:55 philos. set of ethics набор этических принципов (a set of ethics by which the ancient Romans lived their lives)
15.11.2023 8:55:47 gen. by week's end к концу недели (A Colorado judge is expected to rule in a similar case by week's end.)
15.11.2023 8:36:54 cinema filmmaking community кинематографическая среда (in the filmmaking community – в кинематографической среде)
15.11.2023 8:26:41 arts. draughtsmanship манера рисунка (his simplified draughtsmanship – упрощённая манера рисунка)
15.11.2023 8:26:07 gen. young boy мальчик (Zack is a very happy, content, observant young boy who likes to explore everything.)
15.11.2023 8:25:20 affect. ewe lamb малышка ('To him, Bertram was a creature of the underworld who stole bags and umbrellas and, what made it worse, didn't even steal them well. No father likes to see his ewe lamb on chummy terms with such a one.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.11.2023 8:24:35 affect. tiny tot малышок
15.11.2023 8:23:51 inf. not a whole lot мало что ("Hey, what's going on?" "Oh, not a whole lot." • Not a whole lot has changed since then. -- С тех пор мало что изменилось.)
15.11.2023 8:21:28 cliche. as if ... not + adj + enough мало того, что (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. -- Мало того, что дети получили психическую травму ... (coasttocoastam.com))
15.11.2023 8:19:01 gen. be easy on fuel мало расходовать бензина (It's cost effective, easy on fuel, and people are always coming over to ask about it.)
15.11.2023 8:18:46 gen. get good gas mileage мало расходовать бензина (I bought this used car and it gets good gas mileage, but there's this grinding noise I get every time it comes to a stop.)
15.11.2023 8:16:18 gen. young girl малолетняя девочка
15.11.2023 8:15:51 gen. very few of us мало кто из нас (The reporter is obviously writing for multi-millionaires. There are very few of us who build $599,000 "cottages.")
15.11.2023 8:12:08 gen. it's unlikely that маловероятно, что (It's unlikely you're going to have a major incident like this and not end up with litigation.)
15.11.2023 8:11:29 gen. tiniest little малейший (Tiniest little error can make a lot of difference in this sport. – малейшая ошибка)

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