
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

19.11.2023 10:28:00 food.ind. freshly ground свежего помола (freshly ground beans • freshly ground espresso)
19.11.2023 8:44:15 disappr. messy house свалка (What a messy house! I told Trevor and Chris they should get a cleaning lady but they just let it go as usual. Trevor just grinned at me and said, "Messy boy, huh?" – Не дом, а какая-то свалка.)
19.11.2023 8:38:32 gen. hike резко повысить (The new mayor of Surrey is threatening to hike property taxes by 55 percent if the police force is not disbanded.)
19.11.2023 8:36:27 gen. have a harsh conversation резко разговаривать (с кем-либо; with someone: Everyone has some pretty harsh conversations once in a while, and I'm no exception.)
19.11.2023 8:34:54 inf. boost резко увеличить (boost your revenue potential – резко увеличить свои доходы)
19.11.2023 8:08:23 gen. have sb. distressed расстраивать (That's not what has me distressed. – Меня не это расстраивает.)
19.11.2023 8:07:20 cliche. feel bad расстраиваться (Their house sold in 48 hours, without ever going to multiple listing. (…) Rose said he has no illusions about what will likely become of his home on St. Denis and doesn't feel bad about it. "A family has to decide what is right for it," he said. – не расстраивается по этому поводу (vancourier.com))
19.11.2023 8:02:20 real.est. get one's home organized расставить всё по местам (в доме: Be sure to de-clutter and get your home organized before an open house.)
19.11.2023 8:00:50 gen. inquiries расспросы (First thing they'll do they'll come to my office. And I don't need any inquiries at work. -- Мне не нужны никакие расспросы на работе.)
19.11.2023 7:52:25 archaeol. dig раскоп (Archaeologists have found two Medieval horn and antler chess pieces during the final stages of a dig in Northampton town centre. (BBC))
19.11.2023 7:50:56 sarcast. take one's bows раскланяться ("It works this way: Warn the public you are about to do something unpopular, and pull the old switcheroo by producing something not as bad. Then take your bows and proclaim yourself a hero!" (Michael Smyth, The Province))
19.11.2023 7:49:29 gen. smashed nose расквашенный нос (He had a smashed nose and two missing teeth.)
19.11.2023 7:48:35 inf. get the goods раскопать компромат (на кого-либо – on someone: That wasn't a bad idea getting the goods on Stanton's wife, huh?)
19.11.2023 7:47:17 gen. take over одолевать (His creative urges started to take over. – Eго стали одолевать творческие стремления.)
19.11.2023 7:33:11 gen. no relation однофамилец (a story on Jennifer Lawrence and an interview with 'Hunger Games' director Francis Lawrence (no relation))
19.11.2023 6:55:28 ed. on recess на перемене (The children were on recess, most were on the playground when it happened.)
19.11.2023 6:54:51 gen. highly sought-after наперебой приглашают (о популярном исполнителе и т.п.)
19.11.2023 6:51:17 adv. increasingly popular набирающий популярность (our increasingly popular collection of men's underwear)
19.11.2023 6:49:29 inet. Internet-based на базе интернета (services)
19.11.2023 6:48:23 tech. based на базе (-based = на базе ...)
19.11.2023 6:46:54 fig. sausage grinder мясорубка (go through a sausage grinder: "I know what this sausage grinder is all about. I know that he's going through this sausage grinder because he cares about the future of the United States of America." – Herman Cain)
19.11.2023 6:45:41 lit. major master мэтр (Le Pomponnier’s legacy is not that of a major master.)
19.11.2023 6:44:45 anat. erector spinae мышца, выпрямляющая позвоночник (The erector spinae or spinal erectors is a set of muscles that straighten and rotate the back. wikipedia.org)
19.11.2023 6:41:26 gen. didn't I see you before somewhere? мы, кажется, с вами где-то встречались?
19.11.2023 6:39:05 Canada Office of Emergency Management МЧС (***возможный краткий вариант для перевода российского МЧС: the Minister for the Office of Emergency Management)
19.11.2023 6:35:03 gen. plague one's sleep мучить во сне (the appearance of the menacing thing which plagued his sleep every night – мучила его во сне)
19.11.2023 6:33:12 gen. abusive мучитель (вместе с существительным: the siblings' abusive alcoholic father)
19.11.2023 6:32:30 gen. conscience is bothering мучает совесть (someone: My conscience is bothering me over some car batteries I threw in the garbage.)
19.11.2023 6:32:07 gen. guilty conscience gnawing мучает совесть ("Guilty conscience doing its stuff, no doubt – gnawing, as these guilty consciences do." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.11.2023 6:30:26 disappr. shady deals мутные дела ("партнеры" по его мутным "коммерческим" делам)
19.11.2023 6:27:19 gov. municipal structure муниципальное образование (Local Government: Municipal Structures Act -- Местное самоуправление: Закон о муниципальных образованиях)
19.11.2023 6:25:08 gen. fake weapon муляж оружия (Security personnel failed to detect fake smuggled weapons in 67 attempts out of 70.)
19.11.2023 6:16:06 arts. multimedia art мультимедиа-арт ("Мультимедиа-арт – синтез художественных практик и новых технологий для создания современного визуального языка")
19.11.2023 6:15:02 inf. ordeal мука (I attempt to wake Tyler up at 7:15 and get him into the shower by 7:30 a.m. This is an ordeal as he is hard to wake up but gets into the shower rather easily. – Это мука)
19.11.2023 6:13:44 gov. Driver Licensing Office МРЭО (Find your nearest ICBC driver licensing office using our online locator.)
19.11.2023 6:06:20 mus. musical composition музыкальное произведение (Mozart’s musical compositions continue to inspire people from all walks of life.)
19.11.2023 6:05:28 gen. genre of music музыкальный жанр (My favourite genre of music is Rock ’n’ Roll.)
19.11.2023 6:03:13 tradem. family of brands группа торговых марок (Part of the Dawson Family – it’s meant to imply that XXX is part of a larger family of brands, including ZZZ, YYY and UUU. – Подразумевается, что XXX относится к группа торговых марок, в которую также входят ZZZ, YYY и UUU.)
19.11.2023 6:02:29 relig. yet to come Грядущий (the Buddha "yet to come")
19.11.2023 4:34:41 gen. scramble for наперегонки броситься (scrambled for front seats -- наперегонки бросились занимать места в первых рядах)
19.11.2023 4:30:14 law thereto прилагаемый к нему (an Offer to Purchase and any fully executed amendments and or addendums thereto)
19.11.2023 4:28:07 gen. that involves при котором применяется (They use a technology that involves spraying a durable solid lacquer finish in virtually any colour.)
19.11.2023 4:24:39 idiom. go to great lengths прикладывать все усилия (In this market, some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive to buyers.)
19.11.2023 4:23:05 obs. molest прикасаться без разрешения (к женщине: "He always kept his distance and did not molest me in any way, but still it certainly was very odd." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
19.11.2023 4:22:17 gen. at every opportunity при каждой возможности (My brother goes boating at every opportunity. He just loves boating on the Fraser and off the coast.)
19.11.2023 4:20:28 gen. turn oneself in to police прийти с повинной
19.11.2023 4:17:39 gen. bond with подружиться с (From the get-go, we know that Sandler's character will bond with the kid because he's an overgrown kid himself.)
19.11.2023 4:15:45 gen. seven consecutive games семь раз подряд (The Canucks have now lost seven consecutive games. – проиграли семь раз подряд )
19.11.2023 4:13:34 idiom. at hand под рукой имеется ('... seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) -- когда под рукой имеется простое)
19.11.2023 4:11:24 gen. anyone can learn / do под силу каждому (освоить который под силу каждому – that anyone can learn)
19.11.2023 4:00:31 notar. transferable с правом передоверия полномочий (о доверенности; ***пример был изначально предоставлен нашей фирмой, затем авторство было удалено другим пользователем***: This Power of Attorney is not transferable. – Полномочия по настоящей доверенности не могут быть передоверены другим лицам.)
19.11.2023 0:22:17 cliche. chances are slim вероятность невелика (The chances of us being able to go out and find that particular animal again are very, very slim. (KPNX 12News, Phoenix, AZ))
18.11.2023 12:47:19 welln. jogger бегунья (В Москве задержали иностранца, который пытался изнасиловать бегунью в парке.)
18.11.2023 12:37:10 bank. wire payment банковский перевод (If you need to send or receive money quickly and safely, a wire payment (also called a wire transfer) can be the most reliable option.)
18.11.2023 12:35:29 elect. run for president выдвигаться на пост президента ("Я выдвигаюсь на пост президента России." – K.C.)
18.11.2023 12:31:28 lit. landmark piece выдающееся литературное произведение (The Gulistan is a landmark piece of Persian prose.)
18.11.2023 12:30:27 auto. charge passengers off the books класть выручку себе в карман (в ущерб хозяину: Drivers on break can pick up street hails and charge them off the books. – подбирают по дороге пассажиров, а выручку кладут себе в карман)
18.11.2023 12:26:32 contempt. and his ilk и ему подобные (Jack Layton and his ilk)
18.11.2023 11:26:58 canad. trash panda енот (This trash panda was roaming around last night. • Trash panda control box art twitter.com, twitter.com)
18.11.2023 11:18:24 cosmet. give one's lips a fuller appearance сделать губы пухлыми (For a caller wondering why her lips had thinned as she aged, he advised using collagen peptides to give them a fuller appearance. (coasttocoastam.com) )
18.11.2023 11:12:22 gen. travel by bus ехать на автобусе (The athletes were travelling by bus to the ski resort when the accident happened.)
18.11.2023 10:53:04 law constitute an integral part являться неотъемлемой частью (The Annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral part of the Agreement.)
18.11.2023 10:52:07 gen. represent a high point являться кульминацией (The Persian Safavid-style designs represented a high point in the art of the book.)
18.11.2023 10:49:18 busin. excel as an example of являть собой великолепный пример (We endeavour to excel as an example of good corporate citizenship.)
18.11.2023 10:48:48 law be solely owned by являться исключительной собственностью (согласно договору: shall be solely owned by – являются исключительной собственностью)
18.11.2023 10:46:52 law belong exclusively являться исключительной собственностью (to (person or company) – кому-л.: such payments shall thereupon belong exclusively to ABC – перейдут в исключительную собственность ABC)
18.11.2023 10:16:05 construct. second home загородный дом
18.11.2023 9:48:44 law right to free speech право на свободу слова (You should realize that the right to free speech implies a responsibility to speak the truth. hrights.ru)
18.11.2023 9:43:38 gen. legality правомочность (Оператор Сервиса не регулирует и не контролирует правомочность сделки Пользователя с Получателем платежа)
18.11.2023 9:42:38 law be entitled to do so правомерно поступить (A BC Supreme Court judge has concluded a buyer who backed out of a deal to buy a $6.5-million mansion was entitled to do so because a restrictive covenant significantly impacted potential uses. – поступил правомерно)
18.11.2023 9:41:05 gen. do в самом деле (+ verb; для выражения усилительного значения: If underwater civilizations do exist, all they need fear from mankind is that we will pollute them out of existence. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- в самом деле существуют / действительно существуют)
18.11.2023 9:40:03 cliche. do действительно (+ verb; для выражения усилительного значения: If underwater civilizations do exist, all they need fear from mankind is that we will pollute them out of existence. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") – действительно существуют • I do want to help you. • You do have small veins. • These gloves do come in black, I didn't know that • He told Cheryll that evidence from his personal experiences and career work with terminally ill patients had convinced him that God and life after death do exist. – действительно существуют (coasttocoastam.com))
18.11.2023 8:50:59 audio.el. make a tape recording записать на магнитофон
18.11.2023 8:49:49 audio.el. make a tape recording записать на плёнку (He knew that the cops were making tape recordings of his conversations with his cellmate.)
18.11.2023 8:48:49 audio.el. capture on tape записать на магнитофон (Psychic researchers who came to investigate the hauntings also captured unusual voices on tape, some of them having an apparent connection with the [hospital's] location. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
18.11.2023 8:48:49 audio.el. capture on tape записать на плёнку (Psychic researchers who came to investigate the hauntings also captured unusual voices on tape, some of them having an apparent connection with the [hospital's] location. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
18.11.2023 8:43:37 scient. award of a doctorate присвоение докторской степени (The guests were celebrating the award of a doctorate to one of their friends, and about 60 people were present. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
18.11.2023 7:56:26 esot. haunting появление призрака (The church dates back many centuries, and seems a likely place for such a haunting. We can only wonder what the ghostly monk was asking for. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
18.11.2023 7:51:14 cliche. we can only wonder можно только догадываться (The church dates back many centuries, and seems a likely place for such a haunting. We can only wonder what the ghostly monk was asking for. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
18.11.2023 7:46:04 gen. far-fetched фантастический (unlikely and unconvincing; implausible; very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe (Cambridge Dictionary): Such technology is not as far-fetched as we might imagine. • This possibility is not far-fetched. • I find this explanation rather far-fetched. • Ничего фантастического в этом нет, было бы желание.)
18.11.2023 7:36:51 fig. speak to находить отклик в душе (Many of Laurel Burch's paintings contained handwritten verses that spoke to her.)
18.11.2023 7:35:38 cliche. classic work on this subject классический труд на эту тему (But as the psychic researcher G.N.M. Tyrrell commented when describing the 'perfect apparition' in his classic work on this subject, "Apparitions": 'The apparition might speak to us, and possibly it might go as far as to answer a question; but we should not be able to engage it in any long conversation.' -- в своём классическом труде на эту тему (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") • В своем классическом труде «Состояние человека» писатель Томас Китинг рассказывает интересную притчу. (vk.com))
18.11.2023 3:49:39 inf. beat traffic избежать большого потока транспорта (попутного: Ski Traffic to Whistler: New-ish to town, wanting to ski Whistler a bit this winter. What time would I have to leave the North Shore to beat traffic to Whistler on weekends? I've heard after the merges in Squamish it can get quite bad. (Reddit))
17.11.2023 12:55:43 gen. text текстовка (I got nine texts from this number within two hours so I had to block it. -- За два часа мне прислали девять текстовок с этого номера, поэтому пришлось его заблокировать.)
17.11.2023 12:53:40 gen. text message посылать текстовки (He was text messaging the first three clients when I came back into the office.)
17.11.2023 12:33:50 gen. text присылать текстовки (You can call or text me at this number.)
17.11.2023 12:32:30 gen. text текстовать (You’re not allowed to text while driving.)
17.11.2023 12:29:51 formal text обмениваться текстовыми сообщениями (She was texting when she collided with the other vehicle.)
17.11.2023 8:08:44 contempt. cheap piece of garbage дешёвка (о предмете: Waste of money. I bought this and it was a cheap piece of garbage and not worth the money at all! I threw it out! (Twitter))
17.11.2023 8:03:55 fig. become more entrenched укорениться (об обычае, практике и т.п.)
17.11.2023 8:02:51 fig. become more entrenched укрепляться (politically, economically, etc.)
17.11.2023 8:00:47 gen. etched украшенный травлением (etched metal)
17.11.2023 7:56:41 confect. garnish украшать кондитерское изделие (Spread Orange Cream Cheese Filling between layers and on top and sides of cake. Garnish with pecans, if desired. )
17.11.2023 7:54:13 confect. top украсить сверху (To serve, slice cake in half and fill with half the whipped cream. Top with remaining whipped cream and strawberries. )
17.11.2023 7:52:16 gen. who had / has / have у которого / которой / которых (A local dogwalker who had six dogs die in her care after leaving them in a hot truck last summer has pleaded not guilty.)
17.11.2023 7:51:40 gen. stocked укомплектованный (Sure, my workshop isn't quite as stocked as Kevin's but he's a company manager and I'm not.)
17.11.2023 7:50:46 media. non-committal уклонившийся от чёткого ответа (Mayor McGrath was non-committal when asked by Coun. Bill Jepsen if he was considering running for a third term as mayor in the upcoming municipal election. "I'm considering next week going to Tahiti for nearly three weeks," he said. "I'll be contemplating over my martini, I'll be taking a walk in the sand." – не дал чёткого ответа)
17.11.2023 7:49:56 fig. fit oneself in the scheme укладываться в схему (These facts don't seem to fit themselves in the scheme.)
17.11.2023 7:36:10 gen. tighten regulations ужесточить правила (A Vancouver landlord is shocked to discover his property on Airbnb and urges the government to tighten short-term rental regulations. Despite the landlord contacting both the city and Airbnb, the listing remains active. (Twitter))
17.11.2023 6:11:58 publ.transp. put down tracks укладывать рельсы (для трамвая: LRT is around 5-10x as expensive per km because you have to put down tracks and that also involves utility work. (Reddit))

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