
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

23.11.2023 6:32:20 traf.contr. knowledge test теория вождения (экзамен на водительские права)
23.11.2023 6:28:29 org.crime. cater to wealthy clients предоставлять услуги богатым клиентам (Two man and three women are charged with operating a sex ring that catered to wealthy clients.)
23.11.2023 4:53:56 cliche. struggle с трудом сводить концы с концами (говоря о доходах, расходах и ценах: As others have said, a degree in what? That will make a big difference. I’ve seen people struggle on $100k with a family here, and find those in the $150k+ bracket to be fairly comfortable, but still quite a few renting. (Reddit) • You can have a Masters/PhD and still struggle in this city. I've been trying here for months to land a job with no luck. (Reddit))
23.11.2023 4:48:09 HR labour market shortage дефицит трудовых ресурсов (However, it really needs to be known by potential newcomers to Canada – there is no labour market shortage right now. Unemployment is creeping up and pretty much every industry is seeing far more applicants than they have jobs to offer. Stay where you are or reset your expectations. (Reddit))
23.11.2023 4:42:02 inf. scrape to get by с трудом сводить концы с концами (In eight months, he had gone from an unknown artist scraping to get by to an international superstar.)
23.11.2023 4:37:54 cliche. it comes down to всё сводится к (Personally I’ve encountered very stressed newcomers and some who are doing as well as anyone else, it came down to the job they were able to get. One thing they all seemed to have underestimated was the cost of groceries. They prepare for the rent, they get blown away by the cost of some of our basics, even underwear. (Reddit))
23.11.2023 4:18:42 fig. blessed with повезло (Though the initial journey was tough, our family is blessed with a very supportive network of friends and family.)
23.11.2023 4:18:03 idiom. have a stroke of luck повезти (He had a tremendous stroke of luck. – Ему невероятно повезло.)
23.11.2023 4:17:37 cliche. get lucky повезти (But even basic apartments are super expensive. If you get lucky you’ll get a house share but that’s also very competitive. -- если тебе повезёт (Reddit))
22.11.2023 11:11:11 el.com. vintage под старину (о предметах обстановки, интерьера)
22.11.2023 8:18:20 cliche. for some reason I thought мне почему-то казалось, что ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter))
22.11.2023 8:18:20 cliche. for some reason I thought я почему-то думал, что ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter))
22.11.2023 7:46:15 archit. break up the massing преодолеть монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter) )
22.11.2023 7:46:15 archit. break up the massing нарушить монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter) )
22.11.2023 7:27:21 trav. give sb. a tour провести экскурсию для кого-л. ("I need to come see this very soon, and all of Portlands. I'm due to go North for a visit with Nick Schultz and we can stop by here." "I would love to give you the Portlands grand tour when you are up here. Let me know." (Twitter))
22.11.2023 7:27:21 trav. give sb. a tour устроить экскурсию для кого-л. ("I need to come see this very soon, and all of Portlands. I'm due to go North for a visit with Nick Schultz and we can stop by here." "I would love to give you the Portlands grand tour when you are up here. Let me know." (Twitter))
22.11.2023 7:14:02 gen. be personally involved лично участвовать (in sth. – в чём-л.: The President has been personally involved in the negotiations.)
22.11.2023 7:14:02 gen. be personally involved принимать личное участие (in sth. – в чём-л.: The President has been personally involved in the negotiations.)
22.11.2023 6:43:40 vulg. not know one's ass from a hole in the ground ни хрена не смыслить (I love Billie Eilish, but she doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground on this one. -- она ни хрена не смыслит в том, о чём говорит (Twitter))
22.11.2023 6:29:25 cliche. what I would give я отдал бы всё, что угодно, чтобы (+ infinitive: What I would give to escape reality right now and be down on the Oregon Coast watching the waves crash along the Shore again... I could watch this for hours and never get bored. The angrier the Ocean, the calmer it makes me feel... (Twitter))
22.11.2023 6:18:10 gov. relief облегчение бремени (для категорий нуждающихся граждан, налогоплательщиков, страдающих от завышенных налогов и т.п.:: The Liberal government’s fall fiscal update does not provide any relief for taxpayers, according to the opposition.)
22.11.2023 6:15:56 gov. relief поддержка (финансовая; напр., для категорий нуждающихся граждан, налогоплательщиков, страдающих от завышенных налогов и т.п.: The Liberal government’s fall fiscal update does not provide any relief for taxpayers, according to the opposition.)
22.11.2023 5:44:20 gen. get out выбраться из дома (Nice shots, Brad. Glad you were able to get out!)
22.11.2023 5:29:12 gen. extremely uncommon крайне необычный (Marine zoologist Anna Hall was surprised to see the photograph Bryant captured but said sea lions do hunt octopus. “To see that at the surface is extremely uncommon. Fantastic photo,” said Hall, who noted that in all her years on the water, she’d never seen a battle between an octopus and a sea lion at the surface. timescolonist.com)
22.11.2023 5:24:12 cliche. it makes sense теперь я понял-а (timescolonist.com)
22.11.2023 5:09:26 archaeol. raid совершать набеги на (Marzulli also described a find which he referred to as the 'Nephilim Lance,' which was discovered by a hiker in Michigan. Weighing 28 lbs, the object was speculated to be a weapon used by "the red-haired six-fingered giants," who, according to Native American lore, raided their villages. Marzulli had a small piece from the object lab tested, and while the results were inconclusive, isotopic ratios suggested a possible Middle Eastern origin. coasttocoastam.com)
22.11.2023 5:05:54 archaeol. megalithic structure мегалит (Marzulli traveled to Peru and observed that some of the ancient megalithic structures there are so pristine and heavy (60-100 tons) that it is puzzling how they were transported from a quarry some 40 miles away. coasttocoastam.com)
22.11.2023 3:37:43 idiom. up to the task способен справиться (be ~; с работой, поставленным заданием или задачей: Home is where the warmth is. Make sure your furnace or fireplace is up to the task this winter. Our services guarantee a snug and comfortable home. Contact us for a free estimate. (Twitter))
22.11.2023 1:44:11 cliche. doomed to failure заведомо провальный (Заведомо провальная затея. Мало кто из обеспеченных людей захочет ночевать вдали от моря, возле оживленной трасы и железной дороги. В результате выйдет хостел для студентов, зато с лепниной. sevastopol.su)
21.11.2023 10:54:46 account. top-up доплата (к ранее выплаченной основной сумме)
21.11.2023 10:53:05 busin. on commencement в начале проекта (Normally a payment of one third is made on commencement, an equal installment after 20 days, and the balance on arriving at 45 days.)
21.11.2023 10:50:38 formal since в настоящий момент (относительно к действиям в прошлом: The problem has since been fixed. -- В настоящее время неполадка устранена.)
21.11.2023 10:49:26 gen. preordained outcome заранее определённые результаты (The presidential election in this country is nothing but a hack job with the preordained outcome. -- Выборы президента у нас -- это заказной проект, при котором результаты предопределены заранее.)
21.11.2023 10:40:27 cliche. keep the chin up! выше нос!
21.11.2023 10:39:43 arts. intricate embellishments вычурные украшения (intricate gold-tooled embellishments)
21.11.2023 10:38:07 formal listed above вышеуказанный (Is there anyone listed above who is staying at this address temporarily and who has his or her main residence located at another address in Canada?)
21.11.2023 9:47:16 publ.transp. zone fare charge доплата при пересечении границы зоны (Since I had time and wanted to save a bit of money for the heck of it I decided to get off at Joyce and walk to Patterson to skip the zone fare charge. (Reddit) -- чтобы сэкономить на доплате при переезде в другую зону)
21.11.2023 9:05:55 n.amer. out front перед домом (The taxi driver was waiting out front, leaning on the horn. • She walked out into the main room and squinted out the window, watching a green truck park out front. • We have to keep windows closed since the construction started out front.)
21.11.2023 8:57:45 gen. underneath the staircase под лестницей (There is an odor coming from underneath our staircase coming up. Is there anything going bad in the closet in the hallway or anything producing an odor down there? Is is quite a pungent smell.)
21.11.2023 8:48:48 formal since позже (It has since been determined that my model of camera was one of many affected by defective CCD sensors. – Позже было установлено ...)
21.11.2023 8:42:40 idiom. not go down without a fight не сдаваться до последнего (The beleaguered Mayor of Surrey is not going down without a fight and is threatening a legal challenge.)
21.11.2023 8:11:44 commer. cross-border cooperation трансграничное взаимодействие
21.11.2023 8:09:43 gen. old-school традиционный (о методах или взглядах)
21.11.2023 8:01:04 trav. luxury health resort санаторий класса люкс (stay at a luxury health resort)
21.11.2023 7:55:38 gen. least successful самый неудачный ("Second Chorus" (1940) was Astaire's least successful musical and Shaw's final film. – Vanity Fair)
21.11.2023 7:51:55 gen. vary all over the place самые различные (о данных, цифрах, оценках: “Again, we have seen numbers floated around by the mayor that vary all over the place. The reality is this: we put $150 million on the table and that was based on numbers supplied by the City of Surrey on the difference between the RCMP and the Surrey Police Service. We had that vetted by Deloitte and what needs to happen now is for that transition to continue,” he said. citynews.ca)
21.11.2023 7:48:01 cliche. little chance маловероятно (If someone says "There's little chance", it means it is not highly probable that it will happen, so one should not count on it.: Legal experts are saying a new legal challenge by Mayor Brenda Locke is a waste of money and a waste of time and has little chance to succeed. • There's little chance we're going to see any snow this weekend.)
21.11.2023 7:15:29 cliche. play a critical role играть решающую роль (Our loyal customers tell us that our products have a critical role to play in their work. – играют решающую роль)
21.11.2023 7:14:56 inf. chip at one's emotions играть на чувствах (Stop chipping at my emotions.)
21.11.2023 4:16:50 cliche. be key иметь ключевое значение (to sth. / gerund – для чего-л.: Taking into account your current financial obligations is key to developing a customized lending solution that works for you. -- имеет ключевое значение)
21.11.2023 4:09:38 cliche. play a pivotal role играть важнейшую роль (Saint Jerome, in 384, exhorting the young Eustochium, said: "Read often, learn all you can. Let sleep envelop you, the scroll still in hand; when your head falls may it do so on a sacred page." Also, books and reading have always played a pivotal role in Christianity, which has earned it the term “religion of the book” through the success of its strategy of using books and textual propaganda medievalists.net)
21.11.2023 4:08:41 cliche. be key играть важнейшую роль (to – в: Taking into account the geopolitical situation ... is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. -- Учёт геополитической ситуации играет важнейшую роль в проведении исследований на высоком уровне и в установлении истины coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2023 3:58:16 gen. hold sb. off with gunfire отстреливаться от кого-л. (On the evening of August 21, 1955, five adults and seven children arrived at the Hopkinsville police station claiming that small alien creatures from a spaceship were attacking their farmhouse, and that they had been holding them off with gunfire "for nearly four hours". Two of the adults, Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor, claimed they had been shooting at a few short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the doorway or peered into the windows. wikipedia.org)
21.11.2023 3:53:31 gen.eng. transgenic humans трансгенные люди (Rapuano said that many abductees, like himself, report having genetic material collected, which could be used for in vitro fertilization type experiments. He said this doesn’t necessarily mean the creation of alien/human hybrids, but could be the editing of human genes, and the creation of transgenic humans. These transgenic humans could then introduce those edited genes into the wider population through natural reproductive means. coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2023 2:48:47 cliche. go public сделать достоянием гласности (with sth. / about sth.: Grusch, who has reported that he was made aware of the US Government's recovery of alien bodies and spacecraft, is the victim of the government's obstruction of attempts to learn the truth, as well as retaliation for going public with this knowledge, argued Sanchez. -- сделал достоянием гласности / обнародовал эти сведения • He told Knapp he hoped going public about his own abduction experiences would encourage other scientists who had seen UFOs or been abducted to come forward, and those who hadn’t to look at these experiences objectively. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2023 2:45:51 ed. peer-reviewed прошедший экспертную ревизию (The peer-review process subjects an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field (peers) and is considered necessary to ensure academic scientific quality. ( www.usgs.gov): The hearing centered around questioning the director of AARO, Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick advocated for a deliberate, peer-reviewed approach to the investigation of UFOs. • ... who holds a Ph.D. in neuropharmacology, and has authored, or coauthored thirty scientific articles in peer-reviewed medical journals singularfortean.com, coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2023 2:40:53 meteorol. heavier winds усиление ветра (Heavier winds are expected for tomorrow. • «... ожидается усиление северо-западного ветра» -- heavier north-westerly winds are expected)
21.11.2023 2:35:42 traf. safe driving conditions безопасное движение (вариант safety traffic, приведённый рядом, ошибочен: оперативно реагировать на изменения, чтобы обеспечить безопасное движение -- provide safe driving conditions on the roads )
21.11.2023 2:31:31 meteorol. heavy snow falling идёт обильный снегопад («В настоящее время идут обильные снегопады в районе Ангарского перевала, работает дорожная техника, проезжаемость обеспечена. Умеренные снегопады идут в Бахчисарайском и Симферопольском районах, ситуация находится под контролем» sevastopol.su)
21.11.2023 2:25:16 idiom. bend to sb.'s will подчиняться чьей-л. воле (“After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” citynews.ca)
21.11.2023 2:25:16 idiom. bend to sb.'s will прогнуться под кого-л. (“After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” citynews.ca)
20.11.2023 9:47:28 disappr. soft on crime гуманный (излишне мягкий, либеральный: о подходе к преступности: Isn't the bleeding heart, soft on crime approach wonderful? You wanted it; you got it. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:44:27 gen. disposable income свободные деньги (после вычетов, уплаты налогов и пр.: But she worries about her neighbours. Her store is large and established, so she can afford to hire security guards and buy anti-theft shutters. But many smaller shops might not have that disposable income, and she fears some will close. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:40:48 gen. break-in artist взломщик (Mike Goretzki, who owns two Ford dealerships in Nelson and Kimberley, said he’s been the victim of break-in artists stealing tires again and again. The tire thefts cost him as much as $20,000, but it’s a loss he absorbs because his insurance deductible is too high for each individual claim. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring шокирующий (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring травмирующий (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring неприятный (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring болезненный (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring тягостный (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring тяжёлый (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:36:12 gen. jarring удручающий (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:29:07 gen. stolen goods ворованное добро (The owner of a Surrey convenience store is accused of buying stolen goods from homeless people and encouraging them to steal.)
20.11.2023 9:28:55 gen. stolen goods украденные вещи или товары (In response to retail crime, the VPD launched Project Barcode last spring, arresting 355 thieves targeting businesses, and then last month arrested another 258 suspects and recovered $57,000 in stolen goods. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:25:22 police retail crime воровство в магазинах (In response to retail crime, the VPD launched Project Barcode last spring, arresting 355 thieves targeting businesses, and then last month arrested another 258 suspects and recovered $57,000 in stolen goods. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:25:22 police retail crime кражи из магазинов (In response to retail crime, the VPD launched Project Barcode last spring, arresting 355 thieves targeting businesses, and then last month arrested another 258 suspects and recovered $57,000 in stolen goods. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 9:20:31 HR fill a position заполнить вакансию (Talbot said she hopes crime may drop as a result of Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim’s promise, when he was elected a year ago, to hire 100 new police officers and 100 mental-health nurses. Vancouver Coastal Health said this week that only 8½ of these new nursing positions have been filled in the last year. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 8:04:39 cliche. nowhere near enough ничтожно мало (о сумме: Downtown Van has formed a safety task force to push governments for solutions, and has a meeting scheduled with B.C. Attorney General Niki Sharma, Talbot said. She is grateful the province pledged in July $10.5 million to help businesses with vandalism repairs and prevention measures, but added “it’s nowhere near enough money” to meet the demand. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:55:53 cliche. under the current conditions в нынешних условиях (“We’re hearing more concerns around the well-being of staff,” Talbot said. “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to operate under the current conditions.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:55:53 cliche. under the current conditions в этих условиях (“We’re hearing more concerns around the well-being of staff,” Talbot said. “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to operate under the current conditions.” vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:53:31 gen. feel demoralized поддаться унынию (“It’s easy to feel demoralized, particularly when the need to address the issues is urgent and acute. But I do believe if all levels of government work together, we can turn things around,” Talbot said. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:51:34 gen. get crime under control обуздать преступность (It’s why dozens of businesses have created a new coalition, SOS: Save Our Streets, to send an urgent message to governments: get crime under control. They say they’re losing millions of dollars due to theft and damage, and must raise prices to cover those losses, which they estimate costs consumers $500 annually. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:48:40 gen. proprietor of a restaurant владелец ресторана (It’s a dilemma facing large and small retailers and restaurateurs across B.C. They include the proprietor of a restaurant in Nelson who was threatened by an unruly customer in a terrifying moment witnessed by her two young sons. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:48:40 gen. proprietor of a restaurant хозяин ресторана (It’s a dilemma facing large and small retailers and restaurateurs across B.C. They include the proprietor of a restaurant in Nelson who was threatened by an unruly customer in a terrifying moment witnessed by her two young sons. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:46:24 gen. staff продавцы (в магазине: Staff have learned to “step back” to de-escalate the situation, but it’s still intimidating. • The staff at the store regularly fed these semi-tame ducks with bread during their daily lunch break. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:44:06 gen. anti-theft shutters защитные ставни (на окнах, витринах магазинов: The Gourmet Warehouse, a popular specialty food store in East Vancouver, now has security guards posted out front and anti-theft shutters on its windows. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:41:52 gen. keep criminals out защититься от преступников (Restaurants and store owners have hired security guards and installed metal blinds to keep criminals out, but want longer-term solutions — or they say they may be forced to close. vancouversun.com)
20.11.2023 7:30:28 commer. metal blinds рольставни для витрин (металлические)
20.11.2023 6:07:54 idiom. grab one's attention привлечь чьё-либо внимание ("I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. "We saw the water rippling as if something was swelling, and that is what grabbed our attention," he said. – именно это привлекло наше внимание / именно поэтому мы и обратили на него внимание unexplained-mysteries.com)
20.11.2023 6:07:19 formal create awareness привлечь внимание (обычно говоря о проблеме)
20.11.2023 6:06:27 adv. highlight привлечь внимание (к: We would like to highlight our new products. -- привлечь внимание к нашей новой продукции)
20.11.2023 4:59:06 gen. be uncomfortable чувствовать себя неловко (People tend to be uncomfortable talking about money.)
20.11.2023 4:58:17 gen. feel uncomfortable чувствовать себя неловко (Some scenes could have you watching through your fingers if you feel uncomfortable about full-frontal male nudity.)
20.11.2023 4:00:17 gen. bargain самый дешёвый (из всех, что есть в продаже: I never buy bargain detergents, they have lots of water in them.)
19.11.2023 10:48:09 radio caller слушатель радиопередачи, позвонивший в студию (We have the first caller on the line. What is your question for Dr. Weiss?)
19.11.2023 10:42:01 gen. happened to be somewhere случайно оказался (Я случайно там оказался. – I just happened to be there.)
19.11.2023 10:41:51 gen. just happened to be there случайно оказался (I just happened to be there. – Я случайно там оказался.)
19.11.2023 10:41:08 gen. find incidentally случайно обнаружить (I found incidentally that my wife is terrified of spiders. – случайно обнаружил)
19.11.2023 10:40:40 inf. or anything случайно не (Is everything all right? You're not sick or anything? -- С тобой всё нормально? Ты случайно не заболела?)
19.11.2023 10:37:42 auto. inadvertently hit the gas случайно нажать на газ (Just after 9:15 a.m. an 89-year-old woman on the 2300 block of Elmwood Avenue was trying to back out of her driveway when she inadvertently hit the gas and accelerated through her garage door. Damage costs are still being estimated.)
19.11.2023 10:31:42 traf. turn onto свернуть на (I'm trying to turn left from Willingdon onto the Lougheed Highway and the lane is blocked off. What do I do?)

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