
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

25.11.2023 8:24:24 inf. mom молодая мать (Moms need lots of support during that time.)
25.11.2023 8:20:54 contempt. talk drivel молоть чепуху
25.11.2023 8:19:21 agric. dairy operation молочная ферма (A fire that destroyed much of a dairy operation and killed two cows in Agassiz overnight has been ruled as accidental.)
25.11.2023 8:18:52 gen. your timing is impeccable момент был выбран безупречно (Many thanks for the cheque, your timing is impeccable – it's the end of the month, and we're trying to make my rent, don't you know!)
25.11.2023 8:08:32 gen. uncompromising несговорчивый (Michelangelo possessed a severe and uncompromising genius.)
25.11.2023 8:07:44 cliche. hang in there! не сдавайтесь!
25.11.2023 8:06:54 cliche. keep at it! не сдавайтесь!
25.11.2023 7:59:13 rude shove it! иди ты знаешь куда? (реакция на предложение, что-л. неуместное или глупое)
25.11.2023 7:56:28 gen. get away from me! иди отсюда! (You're harassing me! Get away from me! – Не приставай ко мне! Иди отсюда!)
25.11.2023 7:54:53 gen. it's snowing hard идёт сильный снег
25.11.2023 7:39:32 HR ability to focus способность сосредоточиться
25.11.2023 5:41:19 gen. unerringly безошибочно ("His trained senses enabled him to read my thoughts unerringly." – позволили ему безошибочно прочесть мои мысли (P.G. Wodehouse) )
25.11.2023 5:34:24 gen. feel different по-другому смотреть (на какой-л. вопрос: I'm not a Kits resident so maybe I'd feel different if I lived near there, but I don't see an issue with noise, traffic and density.)
25.11.2023 5:27:24 busin. operate a restaurant заведовать рестораном (Lindberg said he and his wife Lauren would continue to own and operate the Wharf Restaurant and will be adding a new wine and tapas space this summer.)
25.11.2023 5:26:47 law willful false заведомо ложный (willful false advertising)
25.11.2023 1:04:10 traf. set of lights светофор (но обычно просто the lights: Turn left at the first set of lights (Renfrew St). Follow Renfrew to the third set of lights (First Avenue East). (Twitter) • I just spotted a pesky dump truck broken down along Grandview Hwy Eastbound just before the lights at Boundary Road.)
24.11.2023 10:39:21 inf. nutcase ненормальный (a foolish or eccentric person (Merriam-Webster); also spelled "nut case": Date Helen? You gotta be kidding. She's a nut case. I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole. )
24.11.2023 10:25:20 inf. loony не все дома (We passed a policeman on our way out of the coffee shop but we both agreed not to mention it to anyone, we both have good jobs and families and don’t want to be looked at as loonies. Anyway, I'll never forget that day and I know I’ll never go into the woods again. -- мы не хотим, чтобы нас считали за ненормальных / говорили, что у нас не все дома • the enigmatic, charismatic – and frankly often loony – ex-Beatle John Lennon bfro.net, dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 10:13:56 gen. Dimensional Number размер (DN: DN can be said to refer to Dimensional Number (DN), as in DN 25 means 25mm)
24.11.2023 10:13:37 gen. size range размеры (in the DN15 to DN80 size range – для размеров с DN15 по DN80)
24.11.2023 10:11:43 polygr. interior layout разметка страниц
24.11.2023 9:03:57 contempt. without substance бессодержательность (Rococo-style artwork is dismissed by some as excessively florid and without substance.)
24.11.2023 8:59:47 gen. conventional format общепринятые рамки (artifacts and discoveries that don't fit into the conventional format -- которые не укладываются в общеспринятые рамки)
24.11.2023 8:46:12 gen. grown-up повзрослевший ("(...) a whole slew of new Oregonian celebrants who missed diaper duty but are now ready to have a beer and watch the game with a grown-up Junior" (The New Yorker))
24.11.2023 8:45:16 gen. at an inflated price по вздутой цене (sell something at an inflated price)
24.11.2023 8:42:33 gen. tale повествование (a captivating tale of justice, political upheaval, romance and betrayal)
24.11.2023 8:41:40 gen. post a sign повесить объявление (лист бумаги: There was also definitely a COVID-19 patient mixed in with the rest of us, too. A "DROPLET PRECAUTIONS" sign was posted on their room curtain. Not much else appeared to be done in terms of keeping the rest of us safe. The curtain wasn't even closed properly. burnabynow.com)
24.11.2023 8:25:16 gen. for illegal purposes в незаконных целях (use for illegal purposes – использовать в незаконных целях)
24.11.2023 8:17:17 cliche. how about ...? а что, если ...? (+ subject + verb [making a suggestion]: City of Vancouver has no shortage of methods to take your hard earned money. Proposing mandatory parking permits, tolls into downtown and now this garbage. How about we take the necessary funding out of their salaries? (Twitter))
24.11.2023 8:14:05 gen. physical torture пытки (In the first half, Erik The Mind Control Guy, a frequent caller to the show, joined Connie Willis to talk about his claims of surviving regular mental and physical torture by the US military while in the Army as a young man. -- подвергался психическим и физическим пыткам coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2023 8:09:22 inf. decent путный (Finally something decent. I'll take it. -- Наконец что-то путное.)
24.11.2023 7:58:28 folk. cluck cluck ко-ко (звукоподражание – о курице)
24.11.2023 7:54:43 brit. some bits кое-что (A touch of nostalgia for me, as I was a student at L’institut de français in Villefranche back in the 90s. I had fabulous time. Some bits have changed since then, and others not so much. -- кое-что изменилось с тех пор)
24.11.2023 7:43:33 gen. be the home of размещаться в (требует перестройки конструкции: Since 1948 the rebuilt Herstmonceux Castle has been the home of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. -- в замке размещается)
24.11.2023 7:31:24 forg. drive the hammer приводить в действие молот (Water was channeled from two ponds to drive the forge hammers.)
24.11.2023 6:22:52 gen. oddly enough как ни странно (One of the most mysterious cases was that of Fordham student Patrick McNeil, who disappeared after leaving a Manhattan bar in 1997. His body was discovered fifty-five days later in the East River, 12 miles from the spot where he was last seen. Oddly enough, the coroner listed the cause of death as drowning, although a medical examination of the body indicated that he had died on land, suggesting a police cover-up similar to numerous other urban disappearances of young men.) • Suggesting that the strange saga of the mystery monoliths is far from over, a third such object has now been found atop a mountain in California. The piece, which was reportedly discovered on Wednesday morning by hikers on Pine Mountain in the city of Atascadero, appears nearly identical to object in Utah which sparked what might best be called the 'monolith madness' that has unfolded over the last two weeks here in the United States and, oddly enough, Romania. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2023 6:21:55 gen. strangely как ни странно (Meanwhile, Chapman — crazy stalker or robot assassin — lives on. Strangely, if Strongman’s theory is true, he has managed to survive three decades in one of America’s most violent prisons despite the dangerous information he must still possess. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 6:10:40 gen. bring down свергнуть (He wrote songs, he played the guitar, he had some funny ideas. He made us laugh. He was irreverent. But he wasn’t about to bring down capitalism. He was doing much too well out of it himself for that. Grumbling to an aide one day about soaring business expenses, he was reminded: ‘Imagine no possessions, John.’ Lennon shot back: ‘It’s only a bloody song!’ -- Но он не собирался свергать капитализм. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:37:21 inf. show-off нарцисс (Lennon was a mad and maddening genius, a showman and a show-off. But he was a dreamer, not a doer. He wrote songs, he played the guitar, he had some funny ideas. He made us laugh. He was irreverent. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:32:45 police cursory police investigation поверхностное расследование (There had to be another shooter involved, Strongman insists. He suggests that a CIA plant who worked at the Dakota building was the real killer. What increases his suspicion is the cursory nature of the police investigation after Chapman’s arrest. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:29:23 intell. plant внедрённый агент (для спецзадания: ‘In fact, if any of them came from him it was miraculous because Chapman was standing on Lennon’s right and, as the autopsy report and death certificate later made clear, all Lennon’s wounds were in the left side of his body.’ There had to be another shooter involved, Strongman insists. He suggests that a CIA plant who worked at the Dakota building was the real killer. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:20:03 ammo shots came from выстрелы были произведены (кем-л.: ‘The bullets slapped into Lennon’s body so closely together that pathologists later had trouble marking out the different entry points. If all of these shots came from Chapman, it was a miraculous piece of shooting. In fact, if any of them came from him it was miraculous because Chapman was standing on Lennon’s right and, as the autopsy report and death certificate later made clear, all Lennon’s wounds were in the left side of his body.’ dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:14:12 intell. patsy простой исполнитель (обвиняемый в преступлении, на которого списывают вину: With Chapman, the CIA could have drawn on its long experience of using mind-controlling drugs and techniques such as hypnosis to produce assassins who would eliminate trouble-makers, and ‘patsies’, the fall guys on whom such killings could be blamed. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:12:58 intell. fall guy простой исполнитель (обвиняемый в преступлении, на которого списывают вину: With Chapman, the CIA could have drawn on its long experience of using mind-controlling drugs and techniques such as hypnosis to produce assassins who would eliminate trouble-makers, and ‘patsies’, the fall guys on whom such killings could be blamed. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:05:06 inf. hang around остаться на месте (If Chapman looked like a zombie, as he hung around after the killing and waited for the police, it was because that was exactly what he was. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 5:05:06 inf. hang around оставаться на месте (If Chapman looked like a zombie, as he hung around after the killing and waited for the police, it was because that was exactly what he was. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:54:45 sarcast. some вот вам и (He gets to this controversial conclusion by contesting many of the so-called ‘facts’ about the case — including the basic assumption that Chapman was a Beatles and Lennon fan. Strongman writes that, until the weekend before the killing: ‘Chapman, the supposed Lennon “obsessive” and “fan of fans”, did not own one Lennon single, book or album. Not one. Some “fan”, some “obsession”.’ dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:52:39 sarcast. some как вам такой ... ? (He gets to this controversial conclusion by contesting many of the so-called ‘facts’ about the case — including the basic assumption that Chapman was a Beatles and Lennon fan. Strongman writes that, until the weekend before the killing: ‘Chapman, the supposed Lennon “obsessive” and “fan of fans”, did not own one Lennon single, book or album. Not one. Some “fan”, some “obsession”.’ dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:51:24 cliche. talk about something как вам такой ... ? (At 800 cars per day, that means there’s only one car every two minutes – and we’re worried about that? I can assure you that this is not negatively impacting our extremely privileged quality of life on Delbrook Ave and we certainly don’t need to spend tax payer’s money to redesign the road or paint bike lanes! Talk about first world problems! nsnews.com)
24.11.2023 4:47:39 gen. conventional view общепринятая точка зрения (So the story went. But, with the 30th anniversary of Lennon’s death next week, a theory has resurfaced that challenges this long-held conventional view. Though seemingly far-fetched, if true it would startle and appal the millions of fans who still idolise Lennon. -- теория, которая ставит под сомнение эту давно устоявшуюся, общепринятую точку зрения dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:40:46 gen. stalk подстеречь (If you stalk a person or a wild animal, you follow them quietly in order to kill them, catch them, or observe them carefully. (collinsdictionary.com): But revelations of Lennon’s vast wealth and burgeoning business empire turned Chapman’s hero-worship on its head. He felt betrayed, personally insulted. He stalked and shot his erstwhile hero out of a weird sense of retribution — coupled with a desire to be famous for something. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:40:46 gen. stalk подстерегать (If you stalk a person or a wild animal, you follow them quietly in order to kill them, catch them, or observe them carefully. (collinsdictionary.com): But revelations of Lennon’s vast wealth and burgeoning business empire turned Chapman’s hero-worship on its head. He felt betrayed, personally insulted. He stalked and shot his erstwhile hero out of a weird sense of retribution — coupled with a desire to be famous for something. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:34:23 cliche. pointless death бессмысленная смерть (To a world shocked by Lennon’s violent and seemingly pointless death, it became clear that Chapman was a delusional nerd. He took drugs and was psychologically disturbed. dailymail.co.uk)
24.11.2023 4:11:58 gen. trudge behind плестись сзади (Yoko hurried on ahead, nodding blankly at a stranger in the shadows — there were always fans and hangers-on lurking outside the Dakota for a glimpse of their hero. Her husband trudged behind and had taken three or four strides when a voice called out: ‘Mr Lennon?’ The star slowed and then turned to look. dailymail.co.uk)
23.11.2023 11:06:59 cliche. is all about всё решает (Origami is all about symmetry. – В искусстве оригами всё решает симметрия. )
23.11.2023 11:06:20 cliche. it's all up to всё решает (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock sailings have been cancelled because of high winds, and there could be more cancellations – it's all up to Mother Nature!)
23.11.2023 11:02:47 insur. contribute to the pension plan отчислять взносы в пенсионный фонд (Both employee and employer contribute to the Pension Plan based on a percentage of the employee's gross pay, at rates established by the Plan.)
23.11.2023 11:02:04 gen. see distinctly отчётливо видеть ("Father David, however, did see the creature. In a shaky and trauma-filled fashion, he admitted: "Something very terrible was in the room." Father David added: "I saw it very distinctly. It was simian just like you described it, Mr. Ward, and very diabolical. It vanished directly as I prayed. It won't trouble you again." – Nick Redfern)
23.11.2023 10:57:29 gen. out in the country за городом (My husband and I moved to Langley 20 years ago and still live in the same house. We always feel like we are out in the country – great air, strawberry picking, pumpkin hunting, fresh blueberries, picnics and tea parties.)
23.11.2023 10:57:10 gen. out of town за городом (Do you prefer to spend your summer time off locally or out of town? – на лето уехать за город )
23.11.2023 10:50:27 idiom. push underground загнать в подполье (Charging $12,000 for a licence is ridiculous. This is just going to push it underground.)
23.11.2023 10:49:14 humor. get outside заглатывать (a sparrow getting outside a large, tasty, pink worm)
23.11.2023 10:38:11 law, contr. until the date до истечения (until the date one month after which the notice was given – до истечения одного месяца после получения уведомления)
23.11.2023 10:34:18 proced.law. pending completion of the investigation до завершения расследования (While the Coroner's Service hasn't identified the remains pending completion of the investigation, the Davies family confirmed police said it was indeed Betty.)
23.11.2023 10:33:10 gen. answer to отчитываться (I only have myself to answer to. – Я ни перед кем не отчитываюсь, кроме самого себя.)
23.11.2023 10:31:53 gen. submit a report отчитываться (о доходах: You are only required to submit a monthly report if you have received income from a job, or have changes in your income or circumstances. -- подавать ежемесячный отчёт / отчитываться каждый месяц)
23.11.2023 10:30:19 gen. submit a report подавать отчёт (You are only required to submit a monthly report if you have received income from a job, or have changes in your income or circumstances.)
23.11.2023 10:28:20 gen. see sth. come true дождаться (They finally saw their dreams come true.)
23.11.2023 8:49:12 humor. whilst waiting for дожидаясь (A three-inch-long flying cockroach landing on my table – not what I was expecting to see whilst waiting for my meal! • Don't you love that these young ladies are getting in the mood with their reindeer hats, Rudolph noses and red mittens, whilst waiting for the Santa Claus Parade to begin?)
23.11.2023 8:47:37 cliche. is going to get sb. into a lot of trouble до добра не доведёт
23.11.2023 8:44:24 construct. finishing поверхностная отделка (напр., стен декоративной штукатуркой)
23.11.2023 8:40:33 comp.graph. rotate повернуть боком (изображение)
23.11.2023 8:39:47 hist. via the Silk Road по Великому шёлковому пути (Europe got its silk via the Silk Road from China. – Шёлк попадал в Европу по Великому шёлковому пути из Китая.)
23.11.2023 8:26:03 gen. thereof его ("Air Canada customer service... or lack thereof?" (a news headline) – … или его отсутствие / ... или отсутствие такового )
23.11.2023 8:20:15 obs. dime a dozen дюжинный ("Обыкновенный старичок, дюжинный, много нас таких-то" – А.Н. Островский)
23.11.2023 8:19:49 idiom. dime a dozen пучок за пятачок ("таких на любом базаре пучок за пятачок")
23.11.2023 8:16:27 gen. trivial incident пустяковый случай (I consider the complaint to be over an extremely trivial incident. You are making a mountain out of what was literally a molehill.)
23.11.2023 8:15:15 relig. path to enlightenment путь к просветлению (have portrayed the path to enlightenment)
23.11.2023 8:15:07 philos. way to enlightened living путь к просветлению (ancient, contemporary and indigenous wisdom traditions, all pointing the way to enlightened living)
23.11.2023 8:13:54 gen. he / she'd better not пусть только попробует (a threat)
23.11.2023 7:39:43 traf. traffic tie-up дорожный затор ("Yesterday, the offer of free salt caused people to take more than they were allowed, traffic tie-ups around the fire halls and, of course, frustration when the city ran out of what some are now calling ‘white gold.' " (News 1130))
23.11.2023 7:36:05 gen. costly process дорогостоящий процесс (It's often a long and costly process.)
23.11.2023 7:35:00 cliche. come with a high price tag дорого обходиться (Steep real estate prices mean that more than ever, homebuyers are seeking quality renovation solutions that don't come with a high price tag.)
23.11.2023 7:34:26 gen. high-end grocery store дорогой продуктовый магазин (I never shop at Nesters, it's a high-end grocery store.)
23.11.2023 7:31:23 gen. be prized for цениться за (Amber has been prized throughout history for its richness and depth of colour.)
23.11.2023 7:30:06 gen. object of one's inquiries цель расспросов ("He wanted to know the object of my inquiries..." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
23.11.2023 7:28:47 trav. destination цель поездки (город / страна)
23.11.2023 7:28:05 formal purpose of one's trip цель поездки (The purpose of my trip to Fort Myers was to meet my new business partners.)
23.11.2023 7:23:11 cliche. have an equal say высказать своё мнение на равных условиях (с оппонентами предложения: Given this was done without the usual process that allows all residents to have an equal say (it came out of nowhere and was handled rapidly) it's still possible Mayor and Council may reconsider, and not pass the motion until all residents can speak to it. (nsnews.com))
23.11.2023 7:18:12 gen. dog path дорожка для собак (без поводка, за сеткой; параллельно дорожке для людей в зоне для гуляния: Dogs are already allowed on the seawall on their dog path. Also important missing context: WV is uniquely 50% seniors. The issue is some dog owners don't want their dogs to have to walk on the dog path (they also have miles of other available dog paths and parks in WV). (nsnews.com))
23.11.2023 7:07:42 cliche. be good приносить пользу (for sb., sth.: Quitting smoking will be good for your health. • Cassidy argued that dog ownership is good for people’s mental health and that dogs are a good conversation starter. (nsnews.com))
23.11.2023 6:44:55 gen. devoted entirely целиком предназначенный (to – для: This section on our website is devoted entirely to our partners.)
23.11.2023 6:44:18 gen. devote oneself entirely целиком посвятить себя (He gave up his own life to devote himself entirely to his daughter's tennis.)
23.11.2023 6:43:56 law, contr. in whole or in part целиком или частично
23.11.2023 6:43:07 gen. aims in life цели в жизни (one's aims in life)
23.11.2023 6:35:38 gen. a variety of topics ряд тем (In the latter half, paranormal investigator Howard James addressed a variety of topics, including time travel, famous time slips, doppelgangers and the so-called Men in Black. -- затронул ряд тем)
23.11.2023 6:35:21 gen. a variety of topics ряд вопросов (In the latter half, hypnotherapist and past life regressionist Dr. Bruce Goldberg talked about a variety of topics, including the Philadelphia Experiment, whether we live in a matrix, antigravity research, and the theory of biocentrism. -- затронул различные темы / целый ряд тем / ряд вопросов coasttocoastam.com)
23.11.2023 6:35:08 gen. a variety of topics различные темы (In the latter half, hypnotherapist and past life regressionist Dr. Bruce Goldberg talked about a variety of topics, including the Philadelphia Experiment, whether we live in a matrix, antigravity research, and the theory of biocentrism. -- затронул различные темы / целый ряд тем / ряд вопросов coasttocoastam.com)
23.11.2023 6:34:22 ed., subj. theoretical basics теоретические основы (Theoretical Basics of Biotechnology)
23.11.2023 6:33:14 electric. linear electric circuit theory теория линейных электрических цепей

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