
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

29.11.2023 7:06:17 disappr. make a mess of things намудрить (My heart does go out to the younger generation that are just starting out. We have definitely handcuffed them by making a mess of things. vancouversun.com)
29.11.2023 1:18:47 inf. way, way, way back давным-давно (Lethbridge says his uncle and cousins were travelling near Cartwright in January a few years before the Black Tickle incident when they saw big swirling lights above them for a few moments before they disappeared. "People have reported unusual sightings way, way, way back, and the same as elsewhere in the world," Lethbridge said. cbc.ca)
28.11.2023 10:29:30 media. tight security усиленные меры безопасности (Security is tight at the summit.)
28.11.2023 9:50:11 polit. under one's watch при (ком-л. : о сроке правления политика: What’s really surprising, and sad, is how close the election was, and we almost had him again. (...) Surrey was lawless under his watch with home construction, so it’s not surprising that group of people would be behind him for mayor. reddit.com)
28.11.2023 9:49:23 hist.fig. in the reign of при (царе или короле: Teynham: The first place in Kent where apples and cherries were systematically grown, in the reign of Henry VIII, and still a good starting place for a blossom-time tour through the Kent orchards in the spring. (Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- при Генрихе VIII)
28.11.2023 9:34:41 gen. hoodwink водить за нос (to deceive by false appearance (Merriam-Webster): For sure... capitalism's working out great for the 1%, isn't it.....take a look around. You've been hoodwinked. -- Вас водят за нос / Вас одурачили. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 9:27:45 gen. tear down a home / house снести дом ("This is the second time that me and my children have been displaced just because a development company wants to come down and tear down our homes," said Debbie Cook, a resident of Blueberry Place for the last 12 years. • The rest is all multifamily homes with laneway houses and they often tear down beautiful old homes to do it. -- и ради этого они сносят / ломают прекрасные старые дома vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 9:22:15 cliche. it's all about всё дело в ('The cost of rent in Edmonton is nearly $1,400 cheaper than in Vancouver.' 'That's because no one wants to live in Edmonton, it's all about supply and demand. Have you been to Edmonton in February? A $1,400 discount doesn't seem like enough...')
28.11.2023 9:21:54 cliche. the issue is всё дело в (The issue is immigration. It is destroying Canada's residential architecture, traditions and way of living, all in the service of allowing diaspora populations to live in Canada.)
28.11.2023 9:18:33 cliche. and to top it off и вдобавок ко всему прочему (Dunbar was full of houses maybe not quite as small as the one you describe, but not much bigger. People raised families there, usually with more kids than people tend to have now. They've been torn down, huge places built...I've gone through the open houses and been appalled to find more bathrooms than bedrooms, (can no one share anything anymore?), plus all the rooms you describe and sometimes another media room or exercise room. And to top it off, they're often empty most of the year. Or being used for Air B&B. Even the lots are paved. Just helping climate change along! vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 9:11:02 gen. set a fire устроить пожар (также start a fire: Police think an arsonist has set at least four fires in Stanley Park since Thursday. • Before leaving the scene, the murderer set a fire in order to obfuscate any evidence of their identity. • "Nothing wrong with condos/apartments. Much more efficient in terms of heat. Everybody doesn’t have to have a garden and grow food. That’s what supermarkets are for." "Until one of your inept neighbors starts a fire and burns down all 76 units in the building. Ask me how I know. Went from a 700 sq. ft. condo which burned down, to a 3300sq. Ft mountain-side house. Never going back to living like an ant in a tiny colony." -- пока один из твоих безмозглых соседей не устроит пожар vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 9:04:32 disappr. concrete box бетонная коробка (Condo towers are not just 'stacks of small homes." A home isn't just a box for a human resource to eat/sleep/poop in, in between working and using mass transit. A home includes land for a garden, space to sit outside and have dinner in the summer, etc. etc. A home is not a concrete box in a density dystopia. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 9:01:37 rude smart piece of shit умник (Tell your smart piece of shit I'm not going to do it! Get it?)
28.11.2023 8:41:48 disappr. sprinkled generously щедро приправленный (with sth. – чем-л.: Can anybody trust, rely on what is published in main stream media, when even "environmental porn" is dishonest, not believable, finger-pointing, narcissistic and sprinkled generously with self-congratulatory tone. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 8:39:48 disappr. yes-sayer подхалим (That reminds me all those celebrities, politicians that pour crocodile tears about the environment and global warming but live in huge houses, many houses all over the globe, drive the biggest SUVs many can buy, and travel around in private jets with large entourage of well paid yes-sayers. -- вместе с большим штатом хорошо оплачиваемых подхалимов vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 8:35:58 sarcast. go figure как это понимать? (The author has a rather cumbersome, boring, personal story to tell that in the end does not make any sense. He tells people that they should live in small houses, and blames everybody around for not saving the planet. However, he himself lives on relatively large square footage of 1000sf+/person. Go figure. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 8:26:39 gen. for whatever reason неизвестно почему (2,700 sq ft, last child just moved out and for whatever reason his wife doesn’t want to downsize. Makes no sense.)
28.11.2023 8:24:02 gen. oversized огромный (Bob's collection showcases the 15 must-have tools of any hand-binder, from the screw punch to his oversized scissors. • Many of those oversized houses sit empty for much of the time.)
28.11.2023 8:21:53 cliche. you're the one это вы (I suggest you're the one missing the point. -- А я считаю, это вы не понимаете, о чём идёт речь.)
28.11.2023 8:16:47 gen. get a loan взять кредит (Well, maybe if we got a loan we'd be able to afford this trip.)
28.11.2023 7:48:41 real.est. detached home отдельный дом (частный, без общих стен с соседними домами: Starting next year, all landlords who rent out a detached home or duplex will have to purchase a $570 house rental business licence. They will also have to pay a one-time $50 application fee. • Plus concrete is inhumane. It's like living in a cave, with no bounce. Even where you put down wooden floors, they don't feel the same. I much prefer detached wooden homes, as would anyone who had any sense of aesthetics. -- отдельные (отдельно стоящие) деревянные дома vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 7:03:05 real.est. acreage участок (в дополнение к дому; обычно за городом: As a contractor I once worked on a new build for a couple that was retiring to a big acreage in Oak Valley. The house they were building was 20,000 sq. ft. -- большой участок)
28.11.2023 6:59:02 real.est. offshore buyers зарубежные покупатели (недвижимости; то же, что и foreign investors: Bigger is a status symbol for off shore buyers. A sign of wealth. But need to rent out 6 of the 9 bedrooms to survive. • Hard working Canadians are happy to own a 2-3-bedroom house with a yard. Sadly, they are all being bulldozed by offshore buyers to build 9-bedroom, 9-bathroom monster houses, which they will live in for ONE year, then sell to launder their money. No Canadian could afford nor want it. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 6:35:10 gen. out of character несоответствующий (общепринятым требованиям или традициям: And even though the country frets over mortgage rates and housing shortages, you find many owners, with their eyes focused on resale values, building their homes to maximum allowable limits, and which are often out of character to the neighbouring houses around them — a jarring unneighbourliness of no concern, it seems, to city planners. vancouversun.com)
28.11.2023 5:24:30 gen. how many floors up are you? на каком вы этаже? ("How many floors up are you?" "19. They come up to my feeder regularly." "I have a pair on the 24th floor. Winter is when they really need the feeders." (Reddit))
28.11.2023 4:56:02 gen. keep detailed records of вести подробный учёт (And keep detailed records of all expenses, so you can prepare your income tax return at the end of the year.)
28.11.2023 4:55:23 gen. keep meticulous notes вести подробный учёт (of sth.: Evans also kept meticulous notes of his years working and traveling with the Beatles, and had finished a manuscript of his own before his tragic death. coasttocoastam.com)
28.11.2023 4:55:23 gen. keep meticulous notes вести подробные записи (of sth.: Evans also kept meticulous notes of his years working and traveling with the Beatles, and had finished a manuscript of his own before his tragic death. coasttocoastam.com)
28.11.2023 4:55:23 gen. keep meticulous notes подробно записывать (of sth.: Evans also kept meticulous notes of his years working and traveling with the Beatles, and had finished a manuscript of his own before his tragic death. coasttocoastam.com)
28.11.2023 4:44:53 gen. take sth. seriously серьёзно относиться к (The locals take the threat so seriously that they have even fired shots at suspected Pelacaras and their craft with shotguns, and heard their shots bounce off something metallic. coasttocoastam.com)
27.11.2023 11:53:59 gen. like that of напоминающий (The witnesses heard a sound like that of a bottle being emptied.)
27.11.2023 11:46:56 auto. speed up прибавить газу (When the policemen speeded up, the yellow light did so too.)
27.11.2023 11:36:58 gen. speck соринка в глазу
27.11.2023 11:29:53 gen. varying greatly сильно отличающиеся друг от друга
27.11.2023 10:04:36 gen. induce into a coma ввести в кому (Of course that’s by design. Governments are very insecure of their power and in order to maintain it, they need to induce the population into a coma with drugs.)
27.11.2023 8:25:47 welf. collect an allowance получать пенсию (о государственных служащих: After just 45 days in office, Liz Truss is eligible to collect a yearly £115,000 for the rest of her life. Sweet deal.)
27.11.2023 7:05:33 AI. deploy on the battlefield применить в условиях боевых действий (The New Scientist reported in October that AI-controlled drones have already been deployed on the battlefield by Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion, though it's unclear if any have taken action resulting in human casualties. businessinsider.com)
27.11.2023 6:59:41 AI. human input участие человека в принятии решения (The deployment of AI-controlled drones that can make autonomous decisions about whether to kill human targets is moving closer to reality, The New York Times reported. Lethal autonomous weapons, that can select targets using AI, are being developed by countries including the US, China, and Israel. The use of the so-called "killer robots" would mark a disturbing development, say critics, handing life and death battlefield decisions to machines with no human input. -- без участия человека businessinsider.com)
27.11.2023 6:39:56 psychol. fade from collective memory исчезнуть из коллективной памяти (о событии, происшествии: In 2014, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 captured the world's attention as it seemingly vanished without a trace. For weeks, it dominated conversations, but with time, it gradually faded from collective memory. coasttocoastam.com)
27.11.2023 5:19:36 cliche. be right подойти (for someone – для кого-либо: If you have a place you think could be right for us please feel free to contact me via email.)
27.11.2023 5:14:11 idiom. fit the bill подойти (по своим качествам, по уровню требований и т.п.: Lots of places doing lunch before the holidays. Hawksworth, Chambar, Blue Water might fit the bill? Hard to narrow down without a location or food preference. -- могут подойти (Reddit))
27.11.2023 5:10:56 gen. take sb. to / for lunch повести пообедать (в ресторан, кафе: My startup has been doing really well and I want to take all four team members to lunch between 12 and 5 sometime. Do you guys have any suggestions for places downtown that are really nice for $100 – $150/per person? (Reddit))
27.11.2023 5:06:23 gen. take sb. out for / to dinner повести в ресторан (Two days later, I took her out for dinner. – пригласил / повёл её в ресторан)
27.11.2023 2:27:02 meteorol. hurricane-force wind ветер ураганной силы (a wind, not necessarily a hurricane, having a speed of more than 72 mph (32 m/sec): the strongest of the winds (Collins Dictionary): Средиземноморский циклон принес в Крым штормовую погоду с ливнями и ветром ураганной силы до 40 метров в секунду.)
26.11.2023 13:11:35 demogr. average age of women having children средний возраст матери при рождении первого ребенка (Family size and fertility rates have fallen. Marriage rates have declined dramatically. The average age of women having children has risen, and extraneous factors like divorce, environmental concerns and debt load have all contributed to smaller families. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 13:10:50 demogr. average age of women having children средний возраст женщин, решившихся завести первого ребенка (Family size and fertility rates have fallen. Marriage rates have declined dramatically. The average age of women having children has risen, and extraneous factors like divorce, environmental concerns and debt load have all contributed to smaller families. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 13:04:37 cliche. rank third in the world находиться на третьем месте в мире (Canada, in terms of living space per person, ranks third in the world, surpassed only by Australia and the U.S. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 13:04:12 cliche. rank third in the world занимать третье место в мире (Canada, in terms of living space per person, ranks third in the world, surpassed only by Australia and the U.S. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 12:50:07 gen. heat the place with a wood stove отапливать дом печкой на дровах (We heated the place with a wood stove. We raised three children there. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 12:41:28 real.est. rent from снимать у кого-л. (жильё: Of all the homes I have lived in, the largest was 2,500 square feet. But my favourite of all the homes I have lived in was the smallest. It was 800 sq. ft. My wife and I rented it from a family friend. It started life as a net shed of a fish company that had long ago gone under. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 12:36:59 gen. rent from взять напрокат в (For only $50 per day you can rent a board and a wet-suit from one of local surf shops.)
26.11.2023 12:31:43 gen. go off to university поступить в университет (в контексте: уйти из родительского дома: Until I went off to university, I grew up in a two-storey house with 1,200 square feet of floor space. vancouversun.com)
26.11.2023 11:42:31 gen. fill one's cheeks набивать обе щёки (о животных: Though the chipmunk might not have viewed the leaves as payment, Adam still senses that his kind gesture isn't taken for granted. "I definitely think they appreciate the help filling their cheeks," he said. "That comes as its own reward." thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 11:33:25 gen. pile кучка (He decided to make their acquaintance. Adam began leaving the occasional pile of nuts out for the chipmunks to munch on, a friendly gesture to help keep their bellies full. And from there, they began to trust him. -- начал оставлять кучку орехов thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 10:19:36 gen. make one's acquaintance познакомиться (A couple of years ago, shortly after moving into his house, TikTok user Adam discovered he had some incredibly adorable neighbors. They were chipmunks, living happily around his property. He decided to make their acquaintance. Adam began leaving the occasional pile of nuts out for the chipmunks to munch on, a friendly gesture to help keep their bellies full. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 9:09:46 gen. linked связанные между собой (Arson squad investigators believe all four fires deliberately set in Stanley Park are linked. -- связаны между собой)
26.11.2023 8:57:58 gen. character своеобразие (Even in the downtown area full of skyscrapers and 5-storey buildings, you can still find beautifully restored, well-maintained detached heritage homes in the West End, adding more character to this already amazing city.)
26.11.2023 7:59:21 cliche. mean business на полном серьёзе (говорить, сказать: She wasn't kidding, she meant business. • If you do happen by a coyote while on the trails with your pet, pick the pooch up immediately and let the coyote know you mean business. Always make some noise. Scare the coyote off at all times. We don't want coyotes to become habituated to us. – дайте койоту понять, что вы не шутите)
26.11.2023 7:56:49 disappr. miserable failure полный провал (His strategy has been a miserable failure.)
26.11.2023 7:56:16 cliche. miserable failure полный неудачник (Nothing says Obama is a miserable failure like this latest executive order.)
26.11.2023 7:55:28 gen. completed loop полный круг (The completed loop represents a desire to find unity and peace within your soul.)
26.11.2023 7:54:50 gen. miss the whole point полностью упустить смысл (You're missing the whole point. – Ты вообще не улавливаешь, о чём я говорю.)
26.11.2023 7:53:12 gen. grasp the entire meaning полностью уяснить значение ("(...) I think I shall be able to show you that even now you have not grasped the entire meaning of this business, which presents some features which make it absolutely original in the history of the crime." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
26.11.2023 7:52:23 gen. full knowledge полные данные (In a meeting with Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Vander Zalm, McMillan said: "Community plans, with firm zoning densities would provide every property owner with full knowledge, right from from the start, about municipal intentions for all areas of the municipality." (BC Business Week) -- предоставить полные данные)
26.11.2023 7:44:20 gen. make an absolute commitment полностью посвятить себя (The key to success for slimming down is making an absolute commitment to a lifestyle change for the rest of your life.)
26.11.2023 7:39:31 cliche. a friend of a friend знакомый знакомых (When I was younger there was a friend of a friend…he was from Australia here on a one year work visa, he had never left the downtown peninsula in the whole year! (Twitter))
26.11.2023 7:32:17 gen. be fully healed полностью выздороветь (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 7:32:17 gen. be fully healed полностью поправиться (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:56:00 gen. appreciate выразить благодарность (The fox was incredibly excited to be going home, and as soon as his rescuers opened his crate, he leapt into the air and bounded away. But before he disappeared into the wild, he made sure to look back and take a moment to appreciate the people who saved his life. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:56:00 gen. appreciate отблагодарить (The fox was incredibly excited to be going home, and as soon as his rescuers opened his crate, he leapt into the air and bounded away. But before he disappeared into the wild, he made sure to look back and take a moment to appreciate the people who saved his life. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:50:32 charit. supporter спонсор (“The client wanted to share the video of him evading capture because it demonstrates just how clever he is, a trait we saw right away in our care. He put our staff’s creativity to the test as we strived to keep him entertained and safe during his stay. His medical care and rehabilitation were funded by generous supporters who responded to our specific request for funds to help care for mange foxes. Thank you!” -- Лечение и реабилитация лисёнка были оплачены щедрыми спонсорами thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:47:18 gen. fund оплатить (“His medical care and rehabilitation were funded by generous supporters who responded to our specific request for funds to help care for mange foxes. Thank you!” -- Лечение и реабилитация лисёнка были оплачены щедрыми спонсорами thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:35:07 formal be committed to взявший на себя обязательство (I could not attend the debate because I was at a meeting with some senior voters living in the riding, which was planned prior to the notice of Tuesday night's debate. I am committed to attending the Board of Trade meet-and-greet next Monday." – взял на себя обязательство присутствовать на ...)
26.11.2023 4:34:56 formal be committed to приверженный принципам
26.11.2023 4:33:09 formal be committed to не отступать от своей цели (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually.)
26.11.2023 4:26:30 cliche. bring sb. to safety спасти (от опасности: Despite being sick, the mystery animal was incredibly clever and managed to evade being captured for weeks. But his rescuers refused to give up and finally succeeded in bringing him to safety. -- наконец им удалось спасти его thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:20:19 fig. Good Samaritan добрая душа (When a Good Samaritan noticed an animal living in and around their backyard, they were immediately concerned. The thin, hairless animal was hard to identify, but clearly needed help. The homeowner hatched a plan to try and catch the animal and get him to safety — but that proved to be much easier said than done. thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:19:38 gen. Good Samaritan добрый человек (When a Good Samaritan noticed an animal living in and around their backyard, they were immediately concerned. The thin, hairless animal was hard to identify, but clearly needed help. -- Когда один добрый человек заметил thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:11:21 zool. grow back отрастать (“After 43 days in our hospital, he had recovered outstandingly, and his beautiful new coat was beginning to grow back,” the center said. “Anyone could see that this fox was more than ready to return home, and so as soon as our vets were confident he no longer needed supportive care, back to the wild he went.” -- начала отрастать новая шкурка thedodo.com)
26.11.2023 4:02:14 gen. defeated foe поверженный враг (The other type of ritualistic cannibalism, exocannibalism, is often seen as a means of terrorizing or expressing dominance over a defeated group. This type of cannibalism also includes the idea of absorbing the prestige or power of a defeated foe by consuming their body. coasttocoastam.com)
25.11.2023 11:00:54 notar. on file на хранении (напр.: имеется на хранении запись акта о заключении брака ¹ 1234)
25.11.2023 11:00:09 law located in находящийся на территории (The Services are controlled and offered by ZYX from facilities located in Canada.)
25.11.2023 10:54:49 gen. along the way на ходу (I'm often surprised when Francesca might say a few things in Italian, it sort of comes out of nowhere, after she visits her grandparents. So she picks it up along the way. – подхватывает слова на ходу)
25.11.2023 10:54:15 auto. running "на ходу" (машина: We'll give you cash for your junk car, running or not.)
25.11.2023 10:50:06 cliche. any way you look at it как ни крути
25.11.2023 10:29:18 gen. within the hour не прошло и часа, как (Within the hour, my phone rang and the caller who identified himself as a police constable Hicks informed me that they had found my wallet.)
25.11.2023 10:27:54 gen. hardly a day goes by without не проходит и дня, чтобы (Hardly a day goes by without someone reporting a UFO sighting over our city.)
25.11.2023 10:25:17 gen. keep confidential не разглашать (посторонним: If you decide to participate in the survey, your feedback is kept confidential – не будут разглашены)
25.11.2023 10:23:52 gen. tough choice непростое решение (When you live on a limited income, you have to make tough choices.)
25.11.2023 10:23:16 cliche. for a purpose не просто так (Anyway, I got into this accident on my way to the airport so I missed the flight. And you know what happened to everyone on board. You call it a coincidence but I believe these things are sent to us for a purpose.)
25.11.2023 10:11:23 gen. put the money in the wrong place тратить деньги не на то, что нужно (YVR is putting the money in the wrong place – they have bought $2 million worth of artwork while Bellingham spent the same kind of money to lengthen the runway so now you can fly direct to Hawaii.)
25.11.2023 10:02:16 cliche. Tragically Трагичен тот факт, что (Tragically, it was only after his suicide that the world truly embraced the author’s greatest literary accomplishment.)
25.11.2023 9:58:47 gen. give it away проговориться (Don't give it away yet. – Не рассказывай всё сразу.)
25.11.2023 9:58:02 econ. predict demand прогнозировать спрос (It can be hard to predict demand for a product or service in this market.)
25.11.2023 9:56:57 busin. anticipated прогнозируемый (the anticipated growth rate)
25.11.2023 8:37:05 construct. entranceway подъезд (в многоквартирных домах (из статьи о РФ в журнале на англ.яз.) -- их описательный термин)
25.11.2023 8:35:29 inf. fudge подшаманить (fudge statistics / figures / data)
25.11.2023 8:33:44 cliche. play tricks подшучивать (on – над: Apparently, Bozho liked to play tricks – overturning canoes, startling swimmers and tickling sunbathers' feet dangling in the water – but never harmed any human. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
25.11.2023 8:29:41 idiom. my lips are sealed я буду нём как рыба ("One night, as Charles [Bronson] had a shower and I stood with Jill on the balcony of their suite, she whispered: ‘I've told Charlie we were friends. I didn't tell him about the rest of it. Whatever you do, don't tell him.' ‘Jill,' I said, ‘my lips are sealed. This is the safest secret in the world.' " (Michael Winner))
25.11.2023 8:26:43 traf. slick road мокрое покрытие ("причиной столкновения стало мокрое покрытие и туман" • 8 Tips for Safe Driving on Slick Roads)

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