
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

3.12.2023 6:35:19 cliche. to_prevent sth. во избежание чего-л. (To prevent unauthorised access, we maintain appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information and data stored on our system.)
3.12.2023 6:32:06 law, contr. for avoidance of doubt во избежание сомнения (For avoidance of doubt, “Products” does not include Berries. )
3.12.2023 4:41:19 rel., christ. divine intervention Промысел Божий (His daughter was on the same flight as her future husband, a renowned Scottish neurosurgeon, who later performed a successful surgery on her. John marveled at the coincidence, suggesting it to divine intervention.)
3.12.2023 4:31:54 cliche. at one's workplace у себя на работе (She shared a story about finding at her workplace not one, but two hardback books of Poe's complete collection, which she believed to be valuable. -- о том, как она нашла у себя на работе coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 4:29:12 fig. having a strong connection тесно связанный (to sth. – с чем-л.: Ruth from Maryland expressed gratitude to George for playing his version of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" on the show, as she is from Baltimore and has a strong connection to Poe's works. coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 4:25:01 cults channel вызывать дух (Ventura highlighted other influential figures like Pearl Curran, known for channeling an entity named Patience Worth and providing perspectives on how the spiritualist movement empowered women's voices in an era when societal restrictions limited their opportunities. She touched upon the Society for Psychical Research's interest in figures like Leonora Piper, who allegedly channeled various personalities while under scrutiny from skeptics aiming to authenticate psychic phenomena. coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 4:02:41 gen. historical instance пример из истории (Ventura delved into historical instances related to seances, citing Mary Todd Lincoln's involvement in conducting seances at the White House. coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 3:56:20 fig. highlight запоминающийся момент (напр., в трудовой биографии)
3.12.2023 3:46:50 fig. highlight важное событие (of some events in a time interval)
3.12.2023 3:46:16 fig. highlight особо выделить (Ventura highlighted the hidden aspects often overlooked in paranormal investigation shows, pointing out the edited content fails to depict the extensive time and patience required during seances. coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 2:49:30 gen. course of direction направление движения (A change in the environment, such as water underground that shifts its course of direction, can lead to a build-up of pressure that stresses the wall. -- при изменении направления движения подземных вод)
3.12.2023 2:43:22 cliche. at the top of the list на первом месте в списке (кандидатов на должность, возможных причин случившегося и т.п.: Defects in the shotcrete, such as insufficient thickness or poor consolidation in and around the tieback anchor plates, are an obvious first place to look for possible causes, he said. “That’s got to be at the top of the list of potential causes,” he said. “Shotcrete being that it’s like this onsite-injected concrete, the variability is very high. If the person doing the job isn’t going a great job, it can very quickly not be good quality.” vancouversun.com)
3.12.2023 2:38:04 found.engin. spray onto surface напылять на поверхность (The short video shows a crack that grows larger until a big piece of the wall breaks off and tumbles down, followed by a rush of soil until “large chunks of essentially plain concrete come falling off the wall,” he said. Adebar said the wall was made of shotcrete, which is a form of concrete that is sprayed onto surfaces from a nozzle, as opposed to being poured into forms. vancouversun.com)
3.12.2023 2:35:14 found.engin. shoring wall подпорная стена (котлована под многоэтажное здание: A full investigation will likely take months, but engineering experts and others in the building industry say a number of factors may have led to the dramatic collapse of a shoring wall at the development site of a high-rise condo in Coquitlam. vancouversun.com)
3.12.2023 2:29:01 found.engin. pour dirt засыпать землю (Dirt is poured into an open pit foundation for a high-rise building under construction.)
3.12.2023 1:43:29 soviet. naval officer военмор
3.12.2023 1:42:00 gen. naval officer военный моряк
2.12.2023 13:08:26 construct. crash обвалиться (It seemed there was already damage on the wall at the beginning of the video and the contractor was able to get people out, he said. He thinks the speed at which the wall crashes is a result of it not being reinforced concrete. Defects in the shotcrete, such as insufficient thickness or poor consolidation in and around the tieback anchor plates, are an obvious first place to look for possible causes, he said. -- скорость, с которой обвалилась стена vancouversun.com)
2.12.2023 12:52:40 found.engin. excavated site котлован (“I’m a concrete structures expert … so when I saw the video, I thought, ‘Wow, that’s unbelievable.’ The wall is designed to help protect the sides of an excavation while the building foundation is built in the hole. Vancouver developer Amacon confirmed in a statement that a section of a shoring retention wall failed at its project on Foster Avenue and North Road, where it is building a 40-plus-storey condo tower. This resulted “in soil falling into the excavated site and a cavity in the soil in the area adjacent to the property.” vancouversun.com)
2.12.2023 12:29:40 lit. flow sluggishly лениво течь (о реке: 'He flicked the horse with his whip, and we dashed away through the endless succession of sombre and deserted streets, which widened gradually, until we were flying across a broad ballustraded bridge, with the murky river flowing sluggishly beneath us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.12.2023 12:20:40 cliche. nothing could be further from the truth дальше этого от истины нет ничего
2.12.2023 12:12:57 trucks commercial trucking community шофёры-дальнобойщики (собирательно, как категория шоферов: According to the Minister of Transportation Rob Fleming, the next phase of widening Highway 1 between 264 Street and Mount Lehman Road will serve the population of the Fraser Valley and the entire commercial trucking community. “The Fraser Valley is growing fast and we are building infrastructure that people need. We’re taking action to relieve congestion for drivers, to make goods movement more efficient and to accommodate more sustainable transportation options.”)
2.12.2023 12:12:57 trucks commercial trucking community дальнобойщики (собирательно, как категория шоферов: According to the Minister of Transportation Rob Fleming, the next phase of widening Highway 1 between 264 Street and Mount Lehman Road will serve the population of the Fraser Valley and the entire commercial trucking community. “The Fraser Valley is growing fast and we are building infrastructure that people need. We’re taking action to relieve congestion for drivers, to make goods movement more efficient and to accommodate more sustainable transportation options.”)
2.12.2023 12:01:56 trucks commercial truck driver дальнобойщик (Дальнобойщик: просторечное название профессии водителей большегрузных автомобилей (грузовиков, автопоездов, фур), перевозящих грузы на дальние расстояния. (Википедия): A commercial truck driver transports cargo between locations in large vehicles like tractor-trailers. Your job as a commercial truck driver may take you between local warehouses, residences, or businesses to make deliveries, or your routes might extend across state lines, around the region, or all around the country. ziprecruiter.com)
29.05.2024 4:13:13 trucks commercial truck driver шофёр-дальнобойщик (Просторечное название профессии водителей большегрузных автомобилей (грузовиков, автопоездов, фур), перевозящих грузы на дальние расстояния. (Википедия): A commercial truck driver transports cargo between locations in large vehicles like tractor-trailers. Your job as a commercial truck driver may take you between local warehouses, residences, or businesses to make deliveries, or your routes might extend across state lines, around the region, or all around the country. (ziprecruiter.com))
2.12.2023 11:48:30 traf. stretch участок шоссе, дороги (The plan is to add an HOV lane and make other upgrades on Highway 1, which is only two lanes in both directions through that stretch. -- на этом участке citynews.ca)
2.12.2023 6:50:00 ed. Master's степень магистра (I hold a Bachelor's Degree in History and am currently in school to receive my Master's in Education.)
2.12.2023 6:49:06 ed. a master of XYZ degree степень магистра (from [a university]: Peter has a master of business administration degree from Simon Fraser University’s Segal Graduate School of Business and has served as a mentor in the program.  portvancouver.com)
2.12.2023 6:44:39 cliche. be actively engaged принимать активное участие (в – in: Dr. Elliott is Director of Clinical Trials and BC Diabetes. He has authored more than 60 scientific papers and is actively engaged in 15 ongoing research projects.)
2.12.2023 6:44:22 cliche. actively participate принимать активное участие (Our department actively participates in anti-corruption initiatives.)
2.12.2023 6:44:06 cliche. be heavily involved принимать активное участие (in sth. – в чём-л.: Peter was heavily involved in the port authority’s work with local partners to identify and secure funding for a suite of off-terminal trade enabling infrastructure projects throughout the region. portvancouver.com)
2.12.2023 4:29:59 relig. cast out изгнать (злых духов: Later, she learned to cast out evil spirits by calling out the name of Jesus, though she warned that dark entities can sometimes return even after being cast out. -- после того, как их изгнали coasttocoastam.com)
2.12.2023 4:22:44 gen. become more aware of лучше осознать (Anxiety can also help us become more aware of our emotions and to recalibrate them when needed, as well as to understand the feelings of others. coasttocoastam.com)
2.12.2023 4:22:44 gen. become more aware of лучше прочувствовать (Anxiety can also help us become more aware of our emotions and to recalibrate them when needed, as well as to understand the feelings of others. coasttocoastam.com)
1.12.2023 12:47:40 gen. not to the liking не по вкусу (of sb. – кого-л.; be ~: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не по вкусу соседям vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 12:43:03 gen. not fancy не по вкусу (There are voters who don't fancy Christy Clark and the Liberals but who could never bring themselves up to vote for the NPD and their high taxes agenda. – которым не по вкусу)
1.12.2023 12:41:54 cliche. be not to the liking не устраивать (of sb. – кого-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не устраивает соседей vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 12:41:16 cliche. be not to the liking быть не по вкусу (кому-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не по вкусу соседям vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 12:38:46 gen. be not comfortable не устраивать (with sth./ sb.: If you're not comfortable with your mortgage, you're not going to be comfortable with your house.)
1.12.2023 12:18:01 gen. dip to record lows опуститься до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 12:18:01 gen. dip to record lows упасть до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 12:12:24 cliche. like it that way устраивать (кого-л., что-л.: Politicians don’t directly control one of the biggest factors in housing costs — mortgage rates. And they mostly like it that way, because it gets them off the hook for being blamed for prices soaring or, recently, flattening. -- их в целом это устраивает, так как это освобождает их от ответственности vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 11:07:26 real.est. housing supply количество жилплощади (Supply: This is the component that developers and their allies push hardest, since it serves their interest to lobby for the most efficient, inexpensive way to build more housing “supply”. But on its own, more supply won’t come close to solving affordability. As Yan and many others rightly ask: Who will the new housing supply be for? For wealthy investors seeking palaces and $4-million luxury view condos? Or for local workers desperate for three-bedroom homes in which to raise a young family? vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 10:20:10 real.est. housing supply жилищный фонд (Supply: This is the component that developers and their allies push hardest, since it serves their interest to lobby for the most efficient, inexpensive way to build more housing “supply”. But on its own, more supply won’t come close to solving affordability. As Yan and many others rightly ask: Who will the new housing supply be for? For wealthy investors seeking palaces and $4-million luxury view condos? Or for local workers desperate for three-bedroom homes in which to raise a young family? vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 10:17:54 real.est. worsen the housing crisis. усугублять жилищный кризис (This week, Leger published a poll showing three out of four Canadians now believe Ottawa’s much higher immigration targets are worsening the housing crisis. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 9:29:29 cliche. things are rough несладко приходится (Unlike Metro Vancouver, the San Francisco region also has the fourth-highest median household incomes in North America. Indeed, median wages in the California city come in at the equivalent of about $145,000 Cdn., 61 per cent higher than $90,000 in Vancouver. In other words, while things are rough for would-be homeowners in the San Francisco area, they are horrible for those squeezed out of the Metro Vancouver market. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 6:40:41 busin. targets запланированные показатели (работы по графику, строительства, развития отрасли и т.п.: This would be the basis for housing targets for each member community within which the targets currently being set by the provincial government could be assessed and monitored. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 6:40:41 busin. targets намеченные показатели (работы по графику, строительства, развития отрасли и т.п.: This would be the basis for housing targets for each member community within which the targets currently being set by the provincial government could be assessed and monitored. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 6:22:22 idiom. all hands on deck совместные усилия (It's a complex issue, so we need all hands on deck to address it.)
1.12.2023 6:22:09 idiom. all hands on deck всеобщие усилия (Housing is a national crisis. The number of people living on streets or in tents in parks is gut-wrenching. Rents are spiralling beyond the ability of working people to afford them. We need all hands-on deck for this crisis, but the problem right now is that the federal and provincial hands are running around the deck promoting a blizzard of arbitrary measures. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 6:19:33 hist. wartime industries оборонные предприятия (During and after the Second World War, homes were built quickly for workers near wartime industries and for returning service personnel. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 6:13:53 fig.of.sp. gut-wrenching ужасающий (The number of people living on streets or in tents in parks is gut-wrenching. Rents are spiralling beyond the ability of working people to afford them. The idea that a young couple could get an education and a good job and buy a family home is an elusive dream. vancouversun.com)
1.12.2023 5:40:29 idiom. be out and about быть не дома (по делам, по работе; иногда просто не переводится, подразумевается обычная активность человека – "regularly going out of the house to work, take part in social activity, etc, esp after an illness" Collins English Dictionary; "active; doing the things you usually do" Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus; "well enough to come and go, especially after an illness. For example, I'm glad to see you're out and about again.": When I am out and about, one thing I always bring is my tablet. – С собой я всегда ношу свой планшет. • It's not even a nice place to live anymore. Between the congestion, the noise, planes and fear of what can happen to us when we are out and about, we are looking forward to leaving soon. – ...когда мы выходим из дома / когда мы выходим на улицу • The room was small, but as we were out and about during the day, this was just fine. • It felt quite similar to London, in terms of plenty of gyms around the area, and most people seemed active that I saw out and about. Maybe the reason they can afford a health service is that obesity is less of an issue up here. medium.com)
1.12.2023 5:32:19 gen. main difference основное отличие (Vancouver ... attracts the homeless population more than others. In terms of the amount, I found it similar to most other places. The main difference was there did appear to be a culture of taking drugs directly in public more so than anywhere else I have been, which made it feel a bit less safe. medium.com)
1.12.2023 5:15:24 gen. come summer с наступлением лета (When the snow flies, Grouse Mountain is a winter wonderland offering outdoor skating, snowshoeing, skiing and snowboarding. Come summer, Grouse Mountain is a hiker's paradise with trails including the famed Grouse Grind. (Youtube))
1.12.2023 5:02:21 gen. sore knee больное колено (sore также применяется для некоторых частей тела, не всех: Today on a work break, I walked to the top level of the stairs. Simply exercising a sore right knee in recovery. (Twitter))
1.12.2023 3:24:53 gen. fly an airplane управлять самолётом ("You take the controls." "I don't know how to fly an airplane!" "That's nonsense! Anybody can fly a plane." ("It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", 1963) • Kenneth Arnold's sighting occurred in Washington state while he was flying his private airplane, and because it was in the aftermath of WWII, he felt responsible for alerting the press about the advanced technology he witnessed. coasttocoastam.com)
1.12.2023 3:22:25 airsh. craft летательный аппарат ("They were dressed in tight-fitting suits of the same material that covered their heads but their hands were bare and I noticed how human they looked. Their flesh seemed just like ours." At this point Kendall observed that the odd craft was "tilting" toward her. mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.12.2023 3:22:04 airsh. aerial craft летательный аппарат (Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting of nine mysterious aerial craft)
1.12.2023 3:17:19 int.rel. entanglement вмешательство (нежелательная вовлечённость, запутанное состояние дел; аналог: СВО: In the first half, he looked back on America's involvement in various conflicts like Afghanistan and Iraq, and how those efforts backfired to some degree. Now, the Taliban is back in power, al Qaeda still exists, and Americans still are affected by the global jihad, like the recent Hamas attacks, he noted. Further, the US entanglements in the Middle East have reshaped the map of the world, "making it rife for either violent or terrorist groups," he lamented. coasttocoastam.com)
1.12.2023 2:35:47 law by virtue of в силу того, что (No provision of this Agreement will be construed against either Party by virtue of that Party having drafted and prepared this Agreement.)
30.11.2023 9:58:01 gen. in our home у нас дома (We don't have A/C in our home.)
30.11.2023 9:57:42 gen. at our house у нас дома (We met at our house.)
30.11.2023 9:55:25 cliche. a man of the world умудрённый житейским опытом человек
30.11.2023 9:50:40 immigr. value сумма оценки (Securities: Status: LOST | Tag #: – | Type: PASSPORTS | Value: $0)
30.11.2023 9:43:41 gen. thrust sth. into one's hand сунуть кому-л. в руку что-л.
30.11.2023 8:06:23 formal be committed to неустанно стремиться (to sth.- к чему-л.: For twenty-five years we have been committed to bringing top-quality medical care to our patients. -- неустанно стремимся)
30.11.2023 8:01:09 cliche. constantly seek неустанно стремиться (As a contemporary artist, I constantly seek to enhance my practice by experimenting with other mediums such as printmaking, installation, textiles, ceramics, and human and animal body parts.)
30.11.2023 7:58:56 cliche. had hardly не успел ..., как (+ past participle + before: He had hardly been in the house five minutes before the police arrived. – Не успел он пробыть в доме и пяти минут, как приехала полиция. • "The hall door had hardly slammed behind our visitor before Holmes had descended the stair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
30.11.2023 7:57:56 cliche. hardly had ... than не успел ..., как (Hardly had the Count departed London than the owner of the hotel received a call from his banker that the Count's cheque had bounced. – Не успел граф отбыть из Лондона, как ...)
30.11.2023 7:53:32 gen. not lose sight of the fact that не упускать из вида то, что (Don't lose sight of the fact that your home is a long-term investment.)
30.11.2023 7:53:19 gen. not lose sight of the fact that не упускать из вида тот факт, что (You shouldn't lose sight of the fact that your home is your biggest investment.)
30.11.2023 7:38:48 gen. fight back against отбиться от (нападающих на кого-л.: "Yet one may wonder if there are those who have actually managed to fight back against these sinister beings, to overcome the supernatural fear they emanate and manage to chase them off. If some accounts are to be believed, this is not only possible, but has already happened on rare occasions." – удалось отбиться от ЧГД mysteriousuniverse.org)
30.11.2023 7:37:48 derog. rough characters отбросы (I sobered up in a recovery house on the Downtown East Side so I’ve seen some rough characters but nothing like what I saw today on East Pender near Hastings.)
30.11.2023 6:47:19 cliche. your guess is as good as mine спроси что-нибудь полегче
30.11.2023 6:39:25 formal be in possession of располагать (информацией или чем-л. материальным: US government possesses a 'variety' of alien bodies, claims David Grusch. Grusch, who previously worked with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and held top-level clearance at the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, entered the public eye earlier this year when he made the startling claim that the US government had long been in possession of "intact and partially intact vehicles of non-human origin". unexplained-mysteries.com)
30.11.2023 4:43:15 appr. check this out! вот это да! (Check this out!! A pod of five stunning orcas came to swim right along the seawall park and put on quite the show! They were chasing harbour seals! • Wow check this out! Epic battle between octopus and sea lion off Vancouver Island captured on video. youtube.com)
29.11.2023 11:36:47 gen. in the back of the car на заднем сидении машины (She screamed out in her fear, waking her husband who was sleeping in the back of the car. -- разбудив мужа, который спал на заднем сидении)
29.11.2023 11:21:12 gen. in the back seat на заднем сидении (The officers found the 15-month-old sitting in the back seat of the truck.)
29.11.2023 11:18:14 fig. go on опираться на (In truth, it is difficult to be certain of anything with cases like these: all we have to go on are the witness reports. -- нам приходится опираться только на отчёты свидетелей (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.11.2023 11:05:19 construct. upgrades улучшения (Upgrades coming to Burnwood Station! ✓Better lighting and PA system ✓Better accessibility ✓New retail space ✓Canopies will be added to the mezzanine to better protect passengers from the weather.)
29.11.2023 11:04:40 gen. do a better job улучшить показатели (The sales are down but if we apply this new method we should be able to do a much better job of that. – значительно улучшить показатели)
29.11.2023 11:04:27 busin. improve the performance улучшить показатели
29.11.2023 10:34:46 cliche. a year before за год до этого (It had a man's body and was well over 7 feet from head to toe, with a similar wingspan. The sergeant told him that another guard had seen something similar a year before. -- что за год до этого нечто подобное видел другой часовой (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.11.2023 10:29:05 gen. onlooker подглядывающий (без разрешения, без ведома кого-л.: John approached them and held the hand of one. The three of them began to walk down the road, but the fairies suddenly noticed the hidden onlookers, and ran away. -- заметили, что за ними тайком подглядывают, и убежали (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.11.2023 10:22:04 cliche. get close подойти близко (to sth., to sb. – к чему-л., к кому-л.: It's too hot, you can't get close to it. -- Он слишком горячий, к нему нельзя близко подойти.)
29.11.2023 10:03:19 cliche. in poor shape в плачевном состоянии (Adoption requests came from as far away as New Zealand, but Frank the Tank, a 17-kilogram tortoise found wandering in a Richmond bok choy field last month, will be staying in B.C. Despite being surrounded by leafy greens, Frank was in poor shape when he was found in early October, suffering shell rot and respiratory problems due to being out in the cold. citynews.ca)
29.11.2023 10:02:09 cliche. in poor shape не в лучшем виде (Adoption requests came from as far away as New Zealand, but Frank the Tank, a 17-kilogram tortoise found wandering in a Richmond bok choy field last month, will be staying in B.C. Despite being surrounded by leafy greens, Frank was in poor shape when he was found in early October, suffering shell rot and respiratory problems due to being out in the cold. citynews.ca)
29.11.2023 9:59:13 cliche. for privacy reasons чтобы избежать ненужного внимания (Adoption requests came from as far away as New Zealand, but Frank the Tank, a 17-kilogram tortoise found wandering in a Richmond bok choy field last month, will be staying in B.C. Kahlee Demers, manager at the Maple Ridge Community Animal Centre, says the shelter received an “enormous amount” of emails from people seeking to adopt Frank. She says the sulcata tortoise was taken by ferry to his new home on Monday although his new family didn’t want to be identified for privacy reasons. [photo] citynews.ca)
29.11.2023 9:59:13 cliche. for privacy reasons чтобы избежать непрошенных гостей (Adoption requests came from as far away as New Zealand, but Frank the Tank, a 17-kilogram tortoise found wandering in a Richmond bok choy field last month, will be staying in B.C. Kahlee Demers, manager at the Maple Ridge Community Animal Centre, says the shelter received an “enormous amount” of emails from people seeking to adopt Frank. She says the sulcata tortoise was taken by ferry to his new home on Monday although his new family didn’t want to be identified for privacy reasons. [photo] citynews.ca)
29.11.2023 9:53:57 cliche. is badly needed очень нужен (Abbotsford mayor says this project is badly needed and was promised by the NDP during the 2020 election. A budget of $2.34 billion has been approved for widening work through this stretch of Highway 1.)
29.11.2023 9:49:36 geol. prospecting поиски месторождений (for sth.: "Поиски месторождений урана и тория аэрорадиометрическими методами и интерпретация гамма-аномалий")
29.11.2023 9:23:22 gen. prospect for искать месторождения (The two geologists were prospecting for uranium in the Chinati Mountains.)
29.11.2023 9:23:08 gen. prospect for искать залежи (The two geologists were prospecting for uranium in the Chinati Mountains.)
29.11.2023 8:03:44 gen. on skis на лыжах (Rescue crews did not arrive until the next morning, the only way in – on skis.)
29.11.2023 8:01:39 gen. people in trades квалифицированные мастера (в разных специальностях, общий термин: ремонтники, слесаря, электрики, сантехники, кровельщики и пр.: Hey guys. So here's my situation. I did plumbing back in 2006 – 2010. The recession hit, and a lot of work dried up at the time. I ended up finding work in another field, and have been at that job since. Lately I've been really at a crossroad in life, and feel like my ticket that I worked really hard for is being wasted away. So here's a question for people in trades right now. Would it be hard for a 41 year old to find work in plumbing again? Please help a brother out. (Reddit))
29.11.2023 7:13:31 gen. multitalented наделённый разнообразными талантами (a gifted and passionate multitalented young man)
29.11.2023 7:09:18 formal is entitled наделённый (to sth. – чем-л.: … is a Canadian citizen and, as such, is entitled to all the rights and privileges … – наделён всеми правами и привилегиями... -- наделён всеми правами и привилегиями)
29.11.2023 7:06:40 disappr. make a mess of things натворить бед (My heart does go out to the younger generation that are just starting out. We have definitely handcuffed them by making a mess of things. vancouversun.com)
29.11.2023 7:06:30 disappr. make a mess of things наделать ошибок (My heart does go out to the younger generation that are just starting out. We have definitely handcuffed them by making a mess of things. vancouversun.com)

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