
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

7.12.2023 8:43:42 gen. propose a theory выдвинуть теорию (Jeremy in Minneapolis, Minnesota, proposed a theory that the population is being deceived by the deep state and globalist managers of control. The images of UAPs that have been shown to the public could be computer generated, he speculated. • Scientists have proposed a new theory that unites two of the biggest, and most contradictory, concepts in physics: Einstein’s theory of general relativity and quantum theory. coasttocoastam.com, vice.com)
7.12.2023 6:13:35 gen. corner sb. загнать кого-л. в угол (After several attempts at removing the critter from the tree, it finally released its grasp and fell to the ground, which kicked off a strange showdown wherein Ingram reportedly chased the animal around her home for an astounding 30 minutes as it took refuge under various pieces of furniture while she was in hot pursuit. The bizarre battle came to an end when she was eventually able to corner the creature and "tackle him like an NFL football player." coasttocoastam.com)
7.12.2023 5:07:25 gen. be diligent about не лениться (+ gerund: Before North Arm, Olga lived in a one-bedroom apartment in an older Metrotown building. While she loved the location, Olga worried about losing her home. Demolition of affordable, older buildings in Metrotown crept ever closer to her home. She was diligent about renewing her housing applications. For over 15 years Olga applied for co-op housing. She was starting to think that it would never happen. -- не ленилась и каждый год снова подавала заявление на субсидированное жильё bchousing.org)
7.12.2023 5:02:04 real.est. affordable building здание с низкой арендной платой (о многоквартирных домах, где квартиры сдаются только внаём: New, permanent housing: Before North Arm, Olga lived in a one-bedroom apartment in an older Metrotown building. While she loved the location, Olga worried about losing her home. Demolition of affordable, older buildings in Metrotown crept ever closer to her home. bchousing.org)
7.12.2023 4:58:53 welf. on a fixed income на пенсии или на пособии (о доходах лиц: Each member has a say in the decisions affecting their home. Meant for folks on fixed incomes, rents at North Arm are affordable. Monthly housing charges are not more than 30% of gross income. bchousing.org)
7.12.2023 4:41:32 gen. have a say in the decisions участвовать в принятии решений (Housing co-ops are nonprofit, self-governing organizations. The Community Land Trust of BC (CLTBC) co-manages the building with North Arm members. Each member has a say in the decisions affecting their home. bchousing.org)
6.12.2023 11:57:08 gen. sign up for подряжаться на (Значение: принимать на себя обязательство выполнить какую-либо работу; наниматься на работу на определённых условиях (Викисловарь): "Vancouver firefighters attended 9,000 overdose calls in 2023" -- "This is not what firefighters signed up for undoubtedly as their career choice and not a sustainable solution to our growing drug addiction issues." "Firefighters hate it. I know a couple. Tired. Jaded. Cynical. Band-aid solutions for the gov't is not what firefighters thought they’d be doing." "So true. I’ve spoken to some too. It’s demoralizing to do that day after day and be yelled at for “ruining a high” or treated to violence for saving a life." (Twitter))
6.12.2023 11:09:33 disappr. tax grab грабёж под видом налога (о действиях правительства: Indeed....and the NDP couldn't tolerate the Liberal revenue neutral carbon tax. So much so they raised it four times that they now ADD $-Billions annually to their tax coffers. Yet none of it seems to find its way to "Climate-Change" mitigating efforts. Just another cynical NDP tax grab. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 10:49:27 disappr. complete eyesore полное уродство (A big-box store planned for this heritage area will be a complete eyesore, according to local residents.)
6.12.2023 10:49:01 disappr. downright ugly полное уродство (No surprise here, they are downright ugly and furthermore not a place I'd want to be if an earthquake hits this place. Typical of this region however where developers pretty much run roughshod and city councils fold like a cheap accordion. Not hard to see how municipal government is both incompetent and corrupt. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 10:45:44 idiom. run roughshod переступать (on sb. -- через кого-л.: to completely ignore the opinions, rights, or feelings of others. He achieved success by ruthlessly running roughshod over anyone who got in his way. (Merriam-Webster): “After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” • Typical of this region however where developers pretty much run roughshod and city councils fold like a cheap accordion. Not hard to see how municipal government is both incompetent and corrupt. citynews.ca, vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 10:30:36 gen. appreciation любовь (We are driven by our passion for the arts and an appreciation for creativity.)
6.12.2023 9:45:15 gen. be left out of sb.'s will остаться без наследства (Have you been disinherited? Have you been left out of your parents' will? Did your siblings get more than you? -- Вас обошли при распределении наследства? / Вас оставили без наследства?)
6.12.2023 9:37:27 disappr. totally out of control полный беспредел (The rental prices situation is totally out of control in this city. – У нас в городе творится полный беспредел с ценами на арендное жильё.)
6.12.2023 9:37:03 disappr. out-of-control corrupt mess полный беспредел (What is the point of all those towers other than housing new Asian immigrants so the developers and builders can continue to grow their wealth tremendously at the expense of everyone else in the region? BC is an out of control corrupt mess that is densifying only for the sole purpose of making gov, developers, realtors, banks, and builders rich. How did we get here? Why are we sacrificing our beautiful province and communities for this selfish greed of a few? -- творится полный беспредел vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 9:31:19 real.est. land costs рыночная стоимость земли (под застройку: Land costs in Burnaby are moderate compared to Vancouver.)
6.12.2023 9:31:19 real.est. land costs инвестиционная стоимость участка (под застройку: Land costs in Burnaby are moderate compared to Vancouver.)
6.12.2023 9:17:14 gen. wage earner человек, живущий на одну зарплату (не имеющий никаких иных доходов; аналог русского "бюджетника", но может работать в частной компании: No normal wage earners can afford a luxury condo selling for an astronomical $2,000 a square foot. • But the author of the book Sick City: Disease, Race, Inequality and Urban Land, adds, “I was also hoping we would get housing that was affordable for area wage earners, and was designed to integrate into surrounding neighbourhoods.” Condon believes Concord Brentwood, plus Vancouver’s vast Oakridge Park luxury condo development, “are, sadly, very unaffordable. And they operate as isolated real estate investment islands, poorly integrated with surrounding neighbourhoods.” vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 9:10:40 real.est. waterfront promenade набережная (scores of apartment towers along a waterfront promenade on False Creek -- вдоль набережной)
6.12.2023 9:10:22 real.est. seawall набережная (в городах: enjoying a jazz quintet down on the Seawall)
6.12.2023 9:09:06 real.est. waterfront promenade городская набережная (scores of apartment towers along a waterfront promenade on False Creek -- вдоль набережной)
6.12.2023 9:06:53 real.est. development company строительная компания (The ten towers are being constructed by Concord Pacific, Canada’s largest development company.)
6.12.2023 9:00:41 real.est. walkable neighbourhood удобный для ходьбы микрорайон (The new Brentwood Town Centre conglomeration of 40- to 60-storey concrete highrises, most of which have been erected in the past decade, is not really connected to or serving the wider community. And it’s not creating a walkable neighbourhood. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 9:00:41 real.est. walkable neighbourhood удобный для пешеходов микрорайон (The new Brentwood Town Centre conglomeration of 40- to 60-storey concrete highrises, most of which have been erected in the past decade, is not really connected to or serving the wider community. And it’s not creating a walkable neighbourhood. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 8:55:03 real.est. tower dweller житель многоэтажного здания (While some new tower dwellers are obtaining panoramic views from their often-pricey condo balconies, the roughly two-kilometre stretch along the Lougheed thoroughfare is often loud and congested with cars and trucks, he says. Many towers don’t really connect to pedestrians at ground level. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 8:55:03 real.est. tower dweller житель высотного здания (While some new tower dwellers are obtaining panoramic views from their often-pricey condo balconies, the roughly two-kilometre stretch along the Lougheed thoroughfare is often loud and congested with cars and trucks, he says. Many towers don’t really connect to pedestrians at ground level. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 8:55:03 real.est. tower dweller житель высотного жилого дома (While some new tower dwellers are obtaining panoramic views from their often-pricey condo balconies, the roughly two-kilometre stretch along the Lougheed thoroughfare is often loud and congested with cars and trucks, he says. Many towers don’t really connect to pedestrians at ground level. vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 7:38:22 archit. tower cluster высотный микрорайон (There is a lot packed into the new tower cluster at the south foot of Cambie, which its commercial operators call “Marine Gateway on the Canada Line.” It’s at the often-jammed intersection at Marine and Cambie, where 20 lanes of cars and trucks converge. • Politicians, he said, are being prodded to “implement the Hong-Kong model of city building, where developing huge tower clusters at transit stations provide much or all of the funding to build its subways.” Condon would not object to Hong Kong-style development if it created affordable housing. But housing in congested, geographically squeezed Hong Kong is arguably the most expensive in the world. vancouversun.com, vancouversun.com)
6.12.2023 7:27:49 polit.econ. trickle-down effect эффект перетекания богатства (relating to the idea that poor people experience positive effects when rich people get richer and spend more money: "The Westernized elite dominate economically, but there is no trickle-down economic benefit to the urban poor." "Trickle-down economics posits that tax cuts for the wealthy indirectly enrich others." (Cambridge Dictionary): Taxpayer funding of the Canada Line subway made possible the Oakridge project, he said, but it’s largely marketed to the investor class, domestic and foreign. While some hope for a trickledown effect from such expensive units, Condon doesn’t see any evidence that’s likely. • Ничто не указывает на то, что «эффект перетекания богатства», создаваемого в результате реализации программ количественного смягчения, на самом деле существует. vancouversun.com, rambler.ru)
6.12.2023 6:36:33 real.est. unaffordable недоступный по цене (Critics of a proposed subway to UBC say it will lead to yet more unaffordable luxury housing being built. (vancouversun.com))
6.12.2023 5:06:24 fig. crack the case раскрыть преступление (However, the perpetrator managed to evade the undercover cops, leading authorities to install cameras overlooking the location, which ultimately cracked the case. Upon viewing the footage following yet another incident, police were surprised to discover that the 'ne'er-do-well' behind the spree was just a neighborhood dog named Billy. coasttocoastam.com)
6.12.2023 5:02:50 cliche. all right всё в порядке (one is all right -- у кого-л. всё в порядке: I should probably call the babysitter to make sure the kids are all right. – убедиться, что у них всё в порядке)
6.12.2023 5:00:46 cliche. doing fine всё в порядке (He's doing fine. -- У него всё в порядке. • A dog in South Carolina wound up needing rescue after it managed to get its head stuck in the dryer vent of a home. The pooch's owners quickly discovered what their dog had gotten himself into and called upon police for help. Fortunately, they wrote, the dog is "doing fine," while "probably looking to see what else he can get into for the day." coasttocoastam.com)
6.12.2023 4:50:38 disappr. inept people бездари (having or showing no skill, incompetent | often implies complete failure or inadequacy (Merriam-Webster) |)
6.12.2023 4:18:52 gen. storm ненастье (When the storm was over, ... -- Когда ненастье стихло, ...)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать бизнес (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать предприятие (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать коммерческую деятельность (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать деловую деятельность (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать компанию (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать производство (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать свою фирму (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать своё дело (strategies to expand your business)
6.12.2023 4:16:09 busin. expand one's business развивать предпринимательскую деятельность (strategies to expand your business)
5.12.2023 11:17:01 gen. in real life в жизни (Michael Landon may have spread a Christian message through his character on the show, but in real life, he identified as Jewish. His real name was Eugene Maurice Orowitz, which is pretty telling.)
5.12.2023 11:16:05 cinema off-set в жизни (Despite that the storyline depicted Liz and Norma to be rivals in the movie, the two actresses were very good friends off-set.)
5.12.2023 10:30:37 cliche. especially given that особенно если учесть то, что
5.12.2023 10:28:35 gov. policy directive положение (напр., Положение ЦБ РФ №262-П от 19.08.2004г. "Об идентификации кредитными организациями клиентов и выгодоприобретателей в целях противодействия легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма")
5.12.2023 10:27:11 cliche. let's face it положа руку на сердце
5.12.2023 10:21:56 gen. things положение дел (a general state of affairs: Things are even worse now for the automotive industry. • There's no crystal ball in real estate but for now things seem stable.)
5.12.2023 10:20:24 inf. thing то, в чём человек хорошо разбирается (That's my thing, I know what to do. – Я же как раз в этом разбираюсь , я знаю, что нужно делать.)
5.12.2023 10:20:09 gen. things особенности (One of the many remarkable things about the human newborn is that they enter into the world ready to learn any language they're given.)
5.12.2023 10:02:56 law under the supervision of a parent под присмотром родителя (under the supervision of a parent or guardian)
5.12.2023 10:01:11 gen. presided by judge под председательством судьи (presided by judge NN -- под председательством судьи НН)
5.12.2023 9:55:50 cliche. touch on a subject затронуть тему (How do people just vanish with no clues to what happen? Finally someone has finally touched on that subject providing hundreds of bone-chilling, hair-raising cases of people who have vanished without a trace. – затронул эту тему)
5.12.2023 9:44:34 cliche. generate considerable interest вызывать значительный интерес (from sb. – у кого-л.)
5.12.2023 8:48:51 adv. less is more меньше – значит больше (an advertising campaign slogan)
5.12.2023 8:25:43 gen. presumably можно допустить, что (Guys with a hundred million dollars live a peculiar life, behind a screen of servants, bodyguards, secretaries, lawyers, and tame executives. Presumably they eat, sleep, get their hair cut, and wear clothes. But you never know for sure. (Raymond Chandler))
5.12.2023 8:22:55 gen. fade from view исчезнуть из поля зрения
5.12.2023 7:18:39 gen. styled уложенный (о волосах: I reach out my hand to touch her hair, styled in elegant, sculptural waves. (Globe and Mail))
5.12.2023 7:09:17 gen. contact обратиться в (by contacting the User Support Services – обратившись в службу поддержки Пользователей)
5.12.2023 6:36:57 gen. reach out to обратиться в (seek to establish communication with someone, with the aim of offering or obtaining assistance or cooperation: You can also reach out to a community policing office with your questions.)
5.12.2023 6:34:54 gen. reach out to обратиться к (seek to establish communication with someone, with the aim of offering or obtaining assistance or cooperation: You can reach out to your member of Parliament.)
5.12.2023 6:15:10 gen. main topic of sb.'s speech главная тема выступления (Jobs was the main topic of President Obama's speech.)
5.12.2023 5:23:27 TV newscast выпуск новостей (Veteran anchorman Tony Parsons does his final local newscast for the station at 6 p.m. • Hi there! Jason McGill from Global BC News here. Whereabouts in Kelowna is it? And is there a chance we can use this video for our newscast tonight?)
4.12.2023 12:33:29 disappr. outsized ambitions гипертрофированные амбиции
4.12.2023 12:29:31 saying. good things come in small packages хорошего -- понемножку
4.12.2023 11:48:04 gen. rampant drug abuse разгул наркомании (It's the BC NDP and their pro-drug policies. Vancouver has become a cesspool thanks to the rampant drug abuse. Theft is the byproduct. Problem is left-wingers. (Twitter))
4.12.2023 11:32:23 gen. heal the sick исцелять болящих (The tomb stands on supports above the ground, and there is no obvious explanation for the annual flow of 80-150 gallons. This water is placed in small phials and is used to heal the sick. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
4.12.2023 11:20:54 gen. in composition по своему составу (images that cry tears indistinguishable in composition from human tears)
4.12.2023 11:13:35 gen. straightforward explanation простое объяснение (straightforward: uncomplicated and easy to do or understand: There seems no straightforward explanation for the hailstones at Remiremont that were seen by multiple witnesses to fall slowly to the ground.)
4.12.2023 10:48:38 gen. search hard enough хорошенько поискать (If we search hard enough, we'll find it.-- если хорошенько поискать)
4.12.2023 10:08:48 gen. of whom из которых (Thousands of people have claimed to have been abducted, of whom only a small proportion enjoyed the experience.)
4.12.2023 9:08:46 gen. emerge вылезти (from – из: More recently, in May 1985 a crocodile emerged from a storm drain in Cairns, Queensland (Australia), and grabbed the leg of a passing man. He was wearing cowboy boots, and so was not injured. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
4.12.2023 8:01:28 gen. conceivably теоретически (Conceivably some of these craft might be capable of travelling just as easily under water as in the air. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
4.12.2023 8:01:28 gen. conceivably можно допустить, что (Conceivably some of these craft might be capable of travelling just as easily under water as in the air. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
4.12.2023 7:19:33 gen. fit into categories укладываться в категории (Some reports do not easily fit into these simple categories. -- с трудом укладываются в эти простые категории • Но все эти размеры укладываются в категорию полутораспальных и подходят для одноименных комплектов постельного белья. beauttel.ru)
4.12.2023 6:50:52 gen. describe in brief вкратце описать (Describe in brief what you saw on that occasion.)
4.12.2023 6:01:15 immigr. exempt from the visa requirements не требуется виза (La La Land citizens visiting Canada are among the nationalities that are exempt from the visa requirements to enter the country.)
4.12.2023 6:00:52 immigr. visa-exempt не требующий визы
4.12.2023 5:58:39 welln. alternative health нетрадиционные методы лечения
4.12.2023 5:49:45 idiom. at low water на мели ("It is very customary for pawnbrokers in England, when they take a watch, to scratch the numbers of the ticket with a pin-point upon the inside of the case. (...) There are no less than four such numbers visible to my lens on the inside of this case. Inference – that your brother was often at low water." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.12.2023 5:48:18 law, contr. in any media на любом носителе (... or to display such content in any media, for commercial or non-commercial purposes)
4.12.2023 5:47:37 law on any ground на любом основании ("(..) Similarly, no Party waives any right to object on any ground to use in evidence of any of the material covered by this Protective Order." – Kyle C. Bisceglie)
4.12.2023 5:47:23 gen. for any reason на любом основании
4.12.2023 5:44:55 gen. put mustard намазать горчицей (And put plenty of mustard on the sandwiches! – И намажь побольше горчички на бутерброды!)
4.12.2023 5:44:12 gen. you were much missed нам вас очень не хватало
4.12.2023 5:38:35 bus.styl. team members сотрудники коллектива (When you arrive, please inform one of our team members that you have an appointment.)
4.12.2023 3:22:51 gen. do laps on one's bike наматывать круги на велосипеде (Just a nice quiet Sunday afternoon bicycle ride doing laps in the city park.)
4.12.2023 2:27:49 disappr. materialistic mindset потребительство (McKenna described his journey from a self-centered, materialistic mindset to a spiritual awakening that shifted his focus from self-interest to helping others. coasttocoastam.com)
4.12.2023 2:27:49 disappr. materialistic mindset материализм (McKenna described his journey from a self-centered, materialistic mindset to a spiritual awakening that shifted his focus from self-interest to helping others. coasttocoastam.com)
4.12.2023 2:27:49 disappr. materialistic mindset вещизм (McKenna described his journey from a self-centered, materialistic mindset to a spiritual awakening that shifted his focus from self-interest to helping others. coasttocoastam.com)
4.12.2023 2:27:49 disappr. materialistic mindset материализм (McKenna described his journey from a self-centered, materialistic mindset to a spiritual awakening that shifted his focus from self-interest to helping others. coasttocoastam.com)
4.12.2023 2:27:49 disappr. materialistic mindset вещизм (McKenna described his journey from a self-centered, materialistic mindset to a spiritual awakening that shifted his focus from self-interest to helping others. coasttocoastam.com)
3.12.2023 8:27:13 found.engin. excavation pit котлован (Others added that a change in the environment, such as water underground that shifts its course of direction, can lead to a build-up of pressure that stresses the wall. Adebar, however, said in this case that the soil that crashed to the bottom of the excavation pit appeared in the video to be quite dry. “That suggests there wasn’t a big buildup of water behind that caused it, unless it started fracturing a day ago and all the water leaked out.” vancouversun.com)
3.12.2023 7:03:23 gen. put засы́пать (Open the lid, put the wild bird seeds, sunflower seeds for birds into the bird feeder, close the lid, and then hang the bird feeder under the eaves or in the garden. -- засы́пать семена и семечки подсолнуха)
27.05.2024 4:03:23 gen. drift off to sleep засыпа́ть (In the hypnagogic state (just before drifting off to sleep) the mind can be particularly suggestible, so that is an excellent time to hold a thought of what you really want, he noted. -- перед тем, как вы засыпаете (coasttocoastam.com) • One such case involves a man named Ventura Muñoz, from Colmenarejo, Madrid, Spain. One night he was drifting off to sleep when he was pulled from its clutches by a “deep voice” calling out to him. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
3.12.2023 6:58:49 cliche. didn't get не получилось сделать что-л. (+ infinitive: "Went to the Aberthau Pottery show." "Nice! We saw that, but didn't get to drop in." "That's too bad. There was some beautiful work on show." -- не получилось / не удалось зайти (на выставку) (Twitter))
3.12.2023 6:57:30 cliche. didn't get не удалось сделать что-л. (+ infinitive: "Went to the Aberthau Pottery show." "Nice! We saw that, but didn't get to drop in." "That's too bad. There was some beautiful work on show." -- не получилось / не удалось зайти (на выставку) (Twitter) • We didn't get to see Puffins on this trip unfortunately. -- К сожалению, нам не удалось увидеть тупиков в эту поездку.)
3.12.2023 6:57:15 cliche. didn't get a chance не удалось сделать что-л. (+ infinitive: Sorry for calling so early but I didn't get a chance to call last night. -- Прошу прощения за ранний звонок, но вчера вечером не удалось позвонить.)

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