
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

11.12.2023 9:12:26 gen. outburst выплеск эмоций (The minister said he was sorry about the outburst.)
11.12.2023 9:12:03 gen. pay by installments выплачивать частями (You can pay income tax by installments.)
11.12.2023 9:09:07 gen. pay a fee выплатить денежное вознаграждение
11.12.2023 8:58:35 law, contr. be liable for обязан выплачивать (ABC Inc. shall not be liable for any payments based on any amounts which arise or result from any of the prohibited conduct set out in Section 3. – не обязана платить)
11.12.2023 8:54:43 law, contr. lock-in обязательные деловые отношения (A lock-in is an arrangement according to which a person or company is obliged to deal only with a specific company. This may result in the No Lock-In clause in a contract.)
11.12.2023 8:54:03 gen. must обязательное требование (A Master's degree in engineering, mathematics, economics, accounting or finance is a must.)
11.12.2023 8:52:34 angl. fish on рыба на крючке ("Is that two fish on?" "That would be awesome, unfortunately… tally is zero. Rods set with down riggers but not shaking, so no fish." (FB))
11.12.2023 8:47:14 cliche. you can bet on it обязательно
11.12.2023 8:46:15 gen. I definitely will обязательно ("Give me a call when it's ready." "I definitely will.")
11.12.2023 8:41:10 inf. subject + sure + will обязательно ("If you need anything, just let me know." "I sure will." – Обязательно.)
11.12.2023 8:40:19 gen. has an obligation to act обязан действовать (Council has an obligation to act in the best interests of the community as a whole.)
11.12.2023 8:28:03 inf. on the hook обязан покрыть убытки (Kevin hit a gas line and now he's on the hook for the damages.)
11.12.2023 8:25:27 gen. having an obligation under the law обязан по закону (They have an obligation under the law to provide the service.)
11.12.2023 8:22:39 gen. have legal obligation обязан по закону (The government insists GP Rail has legal obligation to repair and maintain the facility until 2029.)
11.12.2023 8:21:41 gen. have an obligation under the law быть обязанным по закону (They have an obligation under the law to provide the service.)
11.12.2023 8:16:52 gen. all sorts of ways всевозможные способы (There's all sorts of ways that we can deal with this.)
11.12.2023 8:16:16 gen. in a variety of different ways всевозможными способами
11.12.2023 8:15:53 sarcast. is that a pig flying by my window? все волки в лесу сдохли!
11.12.2023 7:31:57 police evidence вещественные доказательства (look for evidence = искать вещественные доказательства)
11.12.2023 7:25:16 police piece of evidence вещественное доказательство (рекомендую применять этот термин при указании конкретного ВД, e.g.: misplaced a key piece of evidence)
11.12.2023 7:24:06 gen. dancing function вечер танцев (My fondest memories come from going to different dancing functions and participating in the dancing with Anita. – Мои самые приятные воспоминания связаны с различными танцевальными вечерами)
11.12.2023 7:20:53 HR evening crew вечерняя смена (speaking of workers only: "This is Adam Wilson. Hello to all the evening crew!' 'Haha! Hello to Adam from the evening crew!")
11.12.2023 7:13:42 gen. support financially поддерживать материально
11.12.2023 7:12:25 formal maintain eye contact поддерживать зрительный контакт (смотреть в глаза, напр., с водителем, переходя дорогу)
11.12.2023 7:11:12 gen. keep the house in order поддерживать в доме порядок (To keep his house in order, William hired a distant relative named Annie to work as his housekeeper.)
11.12.2023 7:09:49 formal communicate поддерживать диалог (We communicate with the voters in a number of ways.)
11.12.2023 7:08:00 formal communicate вести диалог (We communicate with our shareholders openly and honestly. – Мы поддерживаем открытый и честный диалог с нашими акционерами.)
11.12.2023 7:06:26 formal select with certain criteria in mind вести отбор с учётом (Entries were selected with several criteria in mind. -- Отбор вёлся с учётом нескольких критериев.)
11.12.2023 7:03:00 gen. write the minutes вести протокол
11.12.2023 7:00:58 fig.of.sp. countless examples бесчисленное количество примеров (While many think of a near-death experience as a personal event, Moody says that he has countless examples of NDEs shared by loved ones and even attending medical personnel. coasttocoastam.com)
11.12.2023 6:59:21 fig.of.sp. obsessive безграничный (obsessive adherence to craftsmanship and quality)
11.12.2023 6:34:51 real.est. rent prices стоимость аренды (As a longtime landlord and property manager, it's bizarre to me that someone would forego guaranteed rental income to be an Airbnb property... especially with today's rent prices. Am I missing something here? (Twitter) -- особенно при нынешней стоимости арендного жилья)
11.12.2023 5:46:46 gen. pay huge costs идти на огромные затраты (for sth. – из-за чего-л.: "I am living in Seattle and it seems every member of staff is miserable and no where has enough staff. How have ya’ll skipped the worker shortage?" "Employers don’t have to pay huge costs for medical insurance is one reason." (Reddit)))
11.12.2023 5:46:46 gen. pay huge costs идти на огромные расходы (for sth. – из-за чего-л.: "I am living in Seattle and it seems every member of staff is miserable and no where has enough staff. How have ya’ll skipped the worker shortage?" "Employers don’t have to pay huge costs for medical insurance is one reason." (Reddit)))
11.12.2023 5:41:40 gen. pay huge costs выплачивать огромные суммы (for sth. – за что-л.: "I am living in Seattle and it seems every member of staff is miserable and no where has enough staff. How have ya’ll skipped the worker shortage?" "Employers don’t have to pay huge costs for medical insurance is one reason." (Reddit))
11.12.2023 5:36:24 gen. worker shortage нехватка рабочих рук (I am living in Seattle and it seems every member of staff is miserable and no where has enough staff. How have ya’ll skipped the worker shortage? (Reddit))
11.12.2023 5:36:24 gen. worker shortage нехватка рабочей силы (I am living in Seattle and it seems every member of staff is miserable and no where has enough staff. How have ya’ll skipped the worker shortage? (Reddit))
11.12.2023 4:44:54 gen. beyond human perceptual reach недоступный человеческому восприятию (He further suggested that these phenomena might already exist but are typically beyond human perceptual reach until the environment adjusts the "receiver" to perceive them. coasttocoastam.com)
11.12.2023 4:39:29 antenn. tune into настроиться на (приём информации, передачи: Prof. Betty said that we take who we are into the next life and that while we are here, our brains "can be thought of as an electromagnetic television set that tunes into information," and consciousness is not a simple product of the neurons and other cells that comprise its structure. (coasttocoastam.com) • He joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss how the electromagnetic environment in that region might play a role in people experiencing unusual phenomena (...) by allowing them to tune into different perceptual channels due to the area's complex magnetic history. coasttocoastam.com)
11.12.2023 4:33:55 gen. set oneself up for настроиться на (Think before you make that New Year's resolution to lose 25 pounds by May – you could be setting yourself up for disappointment.)
11.12.2023 4:29:47 law, contr. thereto в отношении его, её (ABCTV does not endorse any Provider Content and disclaims all liability relating thereto. )
11.12.2023 4:15:12 brit. silly ass осёл (о человеке)
11.12.2023 4:14:24 brit. silly ass! вот осёл! (Silly ass!)
10.12.2023 12:23:45 gen. the worst of it is that хуже всего то, что ("The worst of it is that I only bought the pair last night in the Strand, and I have never had them on." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.12.2023 12:18:48 gen. colouring цветовое исполнение (We released this new colouring two years after our original design was established.)
10.12.2023 12:17:53 sarcast. for starters цветочки (The neighbours' calls were just for starters. Before long, the front lawn was packed with TV crews from all over the US, Europe and even Japan. – Звонки от соседей – это были ещё цветочки, а вот когда перед домом появились...)
10.12.2023 12:12:46 gen. take a job with устроиться на работу в (I stepped into a dung-hole the last time I took a job with a company I didn't know anything about, so I'm not quite ready to sign anything just yet.)
10.12.2023 12:09:50 gen. work out устроиться (Hopefully, it'll all work out for you. – Надеюсь, у вас всё устроится.)
10.12.2023 11:38:33 gen. start a scuffle устроить потасовку (устроили потасовку с охраной)
10.12.2023 11:30:39 rude make a hell of a mess устроить натуральное свинство (Aside from making a hell of a mess when they drop their leaves and flowers, jacarandas are one of the prettiest trees around.)
10.12.2023 11:19:20 gen. fix a leak устранить утечку (The gas leak on Denman has been fixed but traffic is still slow between Comox and Barclay. – утечка устранена)
10.12.2023 11:18:26 formal reconcile inconsistencies устранить несоответствия (reconcile inconsistencies in the Zone Bylaw by applying the same requirements)
10.12.2023 11:11:26 construct. lift into place with a crane установить с помощью подъёмного крана (The cabins are trucked into your location and lifted into place with a crane.)
10.12.2023 11:07:29 house. set the timer установить таймер (I set the timer on my stove for 90 minues.)
10.12.2023 10:48:50 gen. speak intelligently умно выражаться (He cannot speak intelligently on that. In fact, some people in his office even claim he cannot speak intelligently at all. – вообще ничего умного не может сказать)
10.12.2023 10:29:46 gen. at my house у меня дома (He is at my house.)
10.12.2023 10:29:38 gen. at my place у меня дома (Laura, did you see a black zippered vest at my place on Friday? I don't know what I have done with it. I'm hoping maybe you saw it somewhere.)
10.12.2023 10:26:25 gen. makes me dizzy у меня кружится голова от ("Don't come close to the cliff's edge!" "I can't. The height makes me dizzy.")
10.12.2023 10:25:56 cliche. I'm having trouble у меня не получается (что-то сделать)
10.12.2023 10:23:03 gen. the old adage applies уместно привести старое изречение (With telemarketers, the old adage applies: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.)
10.12.2023 10:19:52 inf. stuff one's face уминать за обе щеки (with some food; тж. "уплетать за обе щеки" - означает "с аппетитом есть что-либо". Прежде всего с аппетитом, жадно, не обязательно много. 'More)
10.12.2023 10:17:18 gen. I had a child у меня родился ребёнок (I grew up in Saskatchewan, but after college I moved to Newfoundland to work at a mill. I figured I’d stay two years and then move back to my hometown. But I met my wife, had a child, became production manager, and spent more than 15 years there.)
10.12.2023 10:14:34 gen. take a day trip съездить на один день (We took a day trip to Whistler last week. It was great! – Мы съездили на один день в Вислер.)
10.12.2023 10:12:38 gen. it is the fad right now сейчас в моде (It is the fad right now for parents to use Baby Sign.)
10.12.2023 10:12:08 inf. I'll have a check сейчас проверю
10.12.2023 10:11:59 inf. I'll have a check сейчас посмотрю
10.12.2023 10:10:37 gen. clandestine project секретный проект (clandestine projects such as underground cities and coast-to-coast underground high-speed railway network)
10.12.2023 10:10:06 immigr. sex trade секс-торговля (PERMIT CONDITIONS:: Not valid for employment in businesses related to the sex trade such as strip clubs, massage parlours or escort services.)
10.12.2023 10:09:10 gen. mudslide селевой поток (Два селевых потока обрушились со склонов в Партените, неся с собой грунтовые массы. • A mudslide at Exit 202, caused by torrential rainfall, shows a bridge section of the highway snapped off and collapsed down to the river bed below. globalnews.ca)
10.12.2023 9:50:28 real.est. increasing demand for растущий спрос на (There's increasing demand for units in Greenville and Maple Grove as young families move east looking for space.)
10.12.2023 9:46:10 idiom. take it for granted that рассчитывать, что (I took it for granted that he would easily agree to the plan. I was wrong.)
10.12.2023 9:09:33 idiom. put up a front создавать видимость (to take on a false or deceptive appearance (Merriam-Webster): He wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his name's Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a dog hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it. (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.12.2023 9:07:20 adv. make memories создавать воспоминания (Start making memories with our scrapbooks!)
10.12.2023 9:06:55 law, contr. cause interference создавать помехи (cause interference with our rights or property)
10.12.2023 9:02:37 gen. be designed создаваться (The Mounties say in this case the Amber Alert worked exactly as it was designed to. -- именно так, как была задумана / как она создавалась • The athletic school was designed as a community place where kids as young as five could get into sports.)
10.12.2023 8:52:27 gen. shine light посветить (shine light into the box – посветить в ящик (фонариком))
10.12.2023 8:50:54 cliche. regret it to this day по сей день жалеть (She regrets it to this day. – по сей день жалеет об этом)
10.12.2023 8:48:00 cliche. give sb. a hint подсказать (Any guesses where I am? I’ll give you a hint – this city has a harbour, there's lots of British style buildings around, and I can see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. That's right, I'm in beautiful Victoria, B.C.! -- Я подскажу: ...)
10.12.2023 8:38:28 gen. stop by заехать ненадолго (I stopped by for a test drive at Dave's Mazda.)
10.12.2023 8:37:11 gen. stop by заехать на минутку (If you stop by at Kensington Square after 3:30, we could meet there.)
10.12.2023 8:31:12 gen. wonder задумываться (Investors often wonder what they can do to improve their success – especially during a time when markets and the economy seek more stable ground. -- задумываются над тем, что они могут предпринять)
10.12.2023 8:28:34 fig.of.sp. wrapped up in thought задумавшийся
10.12.2023 8:17:42 gen. think about the consequences of задуматься о последствиях (Before you make that choice, you need to think about the consequences of the choice that you make.)
10.12.2023 7:53:37 gen. seek one's attention добиваться внимания (*one's* attention: By plopping down on your keyboard every time you sit down to your laptop to try and actually get some work done, your cat could be seeking your attention.)
10.12.2023 7:52:44 gen. canyon floor дно ущелья (The 30-year-old man from Ontario who climbed over the fence to retrieve his debit card, lost his footing and fell to the canyon floor below where he died.)
10.12.2023 7:49:53 auto. pre-owned с пробегом (pre-owned vehicles)
10.12.2023 7:48:34 archit. design спроектировать (designed a golf course – спроектировал поле для гольфа • Robert Adam designed the Florentine, shop-lined Pulteney Bridge in Bath.)
10.12.2023 7:15:27 gen. make sure that создать условия для (It is the responsibility of legislators, industry and community to make sure that the increase in population is provided for.)
10.12.2023 7:14:21 gen. out of anger со зла
10.12.2023 7:13:56 cliche. set the standard создать эталон (for – чего-либо (о человеке))
10.12.2023 7:13:46 cliche. set a standard создать эталон (By creating Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle set the standard for the detective genre. He had set a standard to which other authors could only aspire. – задал эталон детективного жанра)
10.12.2023 7:12:07 gen. contemplative state of mind созерцательное настроение (The decorative patterns put the observer into a contemplative state of mind – создают у зрителя созерцательное настроение)
10.12.2023 7:05:43 gen. things to do делá (Sorry can't stay, got tons of things to do before the stores close.)
10.12.2023 7:05:26 gen. errands делá (“Roger's late.” “Oh, he's running a few errands after work.” – Он поехал по делам после работы.)
10.12.2023 5:44:19 gen. be designed задумываться (The Mounties say in this case the Amber Alert worked exactly as it was designed to. -- именно так, как была задумана / как она создавалась / именно так, как рассчитывали, что она будет работать)
10.12.2023 5:42:46 cliche. take it for granted рассчитывать (на что-л.: I took it for granted that she would easily agree to the plan. I was wrong.)
10.12.2023 5:35:05 arts. design создавать изобразительные работы (о художнике: He also continued to design for a number of theatre companies.)
10.12.2023 5:17:18 gen. in droves в большом количестве (listeners answered in droves • penguins are dying in droves • fans have turned up in droves)
10.12.2023 4:18:56 gen. wet weather дождливая погода (This is a richly satisfying walk, though a challenge in wet weather. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • Wet weather for the rest of the week.)
10.12.2023 4:12:39 gen. long-held hypothesis устоявшаяся теория (The unique find delivers some hard evidence for a long-held hypothesis: As they grew, tyrannosaurs adapted to hunt and eat different types of prey during different stages of their lives. smithsonianmag.com)

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