
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

14.12.2023 9:40:06 gen. increase one's odds повысить вероятность (of sth. – чего-л.: Our suite is nothing special. It's in decent shape and clean, but it's small. We priced it below comparable units we saw on Marketplace to ensure a good response / increase our odds of finding the right long term tenant. But we're not crazy below market. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 9:36:36 cliche. in decent shape в приличном состоянии (Our suite is nothing special. It's in decent shape and clean, but it's small. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 9:29:50 cliche. first off прежде всего (перечисляя основные моменты: First off, I owe you a heck of an apology. • First off, congratulations on the new addition to your family! • This is our 5th time looking for a tenant in the past ~10 years. This time has been wildly unlike the others. First off, the response has been overwhelming. Well north of 100 replies in less than 24 hours. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 9:26:38 cliche. I felt я подумал, что (говоря о решении: The experience has been shocking enough that I felt it might be useful to current housing hunters if I shared some experience of what it was like on our side of the table. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 9:23:52 gen. be in the making готовиться (The bill was two years in the making. – Этот законопроект готовился два года.)
14.12.2023 9:21:17 gen. put together готовить (I’m putting together a downloadable booklet for adults to go with our 10-Year Banking Plan. Currently, the only booklet we have is geared towards new parents, so we’d like to get this second version up as soon as possible. • I’m actually just putting together the files you’ll need for the quarterly report and am planning to send them out ASAP.)
14.12.2023 9:18:37 gen. plan on готовиться (о планировании своих расходов, бюджета: Plan on the cost of living to double every 10 years. -- Готовьтесь к тому, что стоимость жизни будет удваиваться каждые десять лет.)
14.12.2023 9:17:23 gen. plan on рассчитывать (расходы, бюджет: Plan on the cost of living to double every 10 years. -- Рассчитывайте свой бюджет / свои расходы с учётом того, что стоимость жизни будет удваиваться каждые десять лет.)
14.12.2023 9:08:47 n.amer. winter cheer новогоднее настроение (напр., украшенные лампочками деревья и фасады зданий, рождественские гимны по радио или хора на улице, благотворительные акции помощи бездомным в декабре и т.п. приметы Рождества и Нового года: Vancouver trees go dark after spreading winter cheer for three decades. A grove of trees near English Bay that is usually illuminated with a massive string of lights has gone unexpectedly dark this year, and local residents want answers. dailyhive.com)
14.12.2023 9:08:47 n.amer. winter cheer рождественское настроение (напр., украшенные лампочками деревья и фасады зданий, рождественские гимны по радио или хора на улице, благотворительные акции помощи бездомным в декабре и т.п. приметы Рождества и Нового года: Vancouver trees go dark after spreading winter cheer for three decades. A grove of trees near English Bay that is usually illuminated with a massive string of lights has gone unexpectedly dark this year, and local residents want answers. dailyhive.com)
14.12.2023 9:08:47 n.amer. winter cheer праздничное настроение (напр., украшенные лампочками деревья и фасады зданий, рождественские гимны по радио или хора на улице, благотворительные акции помощи бездомным в декабре и т.п. приметы Рождества и Нового года: Vancouver trees go dark after spreading winter cheer for three decades. A grove of trees near English Bay that is usually illuminated with a massive string of lights has gone unexpectedly dark this year, and local residents want answers. dailyhive.com)
14.12.2023 7:40:00 inf. packed битком набитый (об общественном транспорте: The train was packed before it reached Columbia Station. • Vancouver’s 99 line, North America’s busiest bus route and quite possibly the hottest. Despite arriving every two minutes, the bus is constantly packed, with the heat blasted so high you think you’re in a sauna. Avoid at all costs, especially at rush hour. twitter.com)
14.12.2023 7:31:50 disappr. peep заглядывать в чужие окна (... Now the issue isn't that you're seen so much as who is seeing it and who is recording it on their phones. And phones have excellent zoom now. We just caught a guy this week filming a lady changing. These creeps are up in those towers every day watching for hours. We have weekly meetings about this every week and still consistently catch dudes peeping. It's ***ed up and we are trying to stamp it out. Ya'll just closing your curtains in the early hours will really help keep you safer. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 7:27:34 cliche. a very special message особый привет (for – кому-л.: Hey I just wanted to drop by and maybe offer some advice. If you live near a tower under construction I would very much advice closing your blinds or curtains in the early morning. I saw this because there are people up in the towers working really early. Like as early as 5 am. And if your curtains are open they see everything. ...Oh and a very special message for the Asian fella out of the King George towers area. We're not really sure if your trying to start a fire in your lap or practicing some self love. But either way bud get some ***ing blinds 'cause me and the fellas really hate working that side of the tower, while you work yours. (Reddit) -- Особый привет передаём ...)
14.12.2023 7:21:01 inf. drop by заглянуть на минутку (Hey I just wanted to drop by and maybe offer some advice. If you live near a tower under construction I would very much advise closing your blinds or curtains in the early morning. Now the issue isn't that you're seen so much as who is seeing it and who is recording it on their phones. And phones have excellent zoom now. We just caught a guy this week filming a lady changing. These creeps are up in those towers every day watching for hours. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 7:14:07 cliche. I like ... better мне больше нравится (I lived in Mexico and the few things I miss are: weather, the beaches and colour of the ocean. Overall I don’t miss it that much though. I like Montreal better. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 6:47:09 inet. post разместить объявление (to a website – на сайте: Our long-term tenant gave notice to move elsewhere. We posted to Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 6:29:13 gen. moose meat лосятина (The icy winds and subzero temperatures of winter could come at any moment. Soon, snow would cover the landscape and make foot travel virtually impossible. To survive, Campbell would have to hunker down. But a few tubs of ramen and a Wal-Mart tent wouldn’t cut it; without a larder filled with moose meat and a well-chinked shelter, Campbell was as good as dead. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 6:25:49 trav. go on a hike отправиться в пеший поход (mensby.com)
14.12.2023 6:25:49 trav. go on a hike сходить в пеший поход (mensby.com)
14.12.2023 6:20:36 gen. foot travel пеший переход (напр., границы или через тайгу: The icy winds and subzero temperatures of winter could come at any moment. Soon, snow would cover the landscape and make foot travel virtually impossible. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 6:07:03 gen. regardless как бы там ни было (Regardless, somewhere out there, he got himself into trouble. Travel in any direction from Carey Lake would have been slow, difficult, and dangerous. Did Campbell surprise a bear, fall into a beaver pond, or get caught in a freak snowstorm? No one knows. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:45:00 gen. nagging wife занудная жена (He may have spent a month poking around every clump of dwarf birch looking for a secret door to the command center. Or, like a bad deer hunter trying to escape his nagging wife, Campbell’s quest could have been an excuse for some alone time in the wilderness, to tramp around in the woods on a mission that really didn’t need a resolution. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:45:00 gen. nagging wife жена-зануда (He may have spent a month poking around every clump of dwarf birch looking for a secret door to the command center. Or, like a bad deer hunter trying to escape his nagging wife, Campbell’s quest could have been an excuse for some alone time in the wilderness, to tramp around in the woods on a mission that really didn’t need a resolution. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:39:11 gen. know for sure точно знать (I don't think we'll ever know for sure. – Мне кажется, точно мы никогда это не узнаем.)
14.12.2023 5:36:26 gen. know for certain знать наверняка (With the captain’s report everything came together — secret bases, government cover-ups, global warfare, ancient aliens, pyramid power — to create the story of the Black Pyramid. The story that Campbell, if he followed any of the internet lore, surely planned his summer vacation around. No one knows for certain if Campbell believed any of this. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:36:26 gen. know for certain точно знать (With the captain’s report everything came together — secret bases, government cover-ups, global warfare, ancient aliens, pyramid power — to create the story of the Black Pyramid. The story that Campbell, if he followed any of the internet lore, surely planned his summer vacation around. No one knows for certain if Campbell believed any of this. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:33:33 gen. draw unnecessary attention привлекать к себе ненужное внимание (Imagine a weapon powerful enough to disrupt global communications, perfectly positioned to strike any major power in the Northern Hemisphere. Building standard military base infrastructure — roads, LZs, a Buffalo Wild Wings — would only draw unnecessary attention to it. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:33:17 gen. draw unnecessary attention привлекать к себе нежелательное внимание (Imagine a weapon powerful enough to disrupt global communications, perfectly positioned to strike any major power in the Northern Hemisphere. Building standard military base infrastructure — roads, LZs, a Buffalo Wild Wings — would only draw unnecessary attention to it. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:29:46 gen. perfectly positioned идеально расположенный (Imagine a weapon powerful enough to disrupt global communications, perfectly positioned to strike any major power in the Northern Hemisphere. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:09:10 radioloc. source of the disturbances источник помех (Throughout the 80’s, the captain worked on top-secret radar installations in Alaska. For years, he noticed that a mysterious, massively powerful source of electromagnetism near Lake Minchumina was disrupting his base’s aircraft and communications. Now, after seeing the results of the Chinese tests, the captain realized the source of the disturbances — a massive underground pyramid-shaped structure in the heart of Alaska that was not shown on any map or satellite imagery. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:06:41 gen. massively powerful мощнейший (Throughout the 80’s, the captain worked on top-secret radar installations in Alaska. For years, he noticed that a mysterious, massively powerful source of electromagnetism near Lake Minchumina was disrupting his base’s aircraft and communications. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:05:04 radioloc. radar installations радарная установка (Throughout the 80’s, the captain worked on top-secret radar installations in Alaska. For years, he noticed that a mysterious, massively powerful source of electromagnetism near Lake Minchumina was disrupting his base’s aircraft and communications. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 5:01:24 phys. be tuned to a frequency настроиться на частоту (If the results of the nuclear test were true, and there was a giant pyramid beneath the center of Alaska, then its powers would undoubtedly be immense, capable of emitting energy waves that could make an outhouse in Fairbanks smell like springtime or produce mind-blowing orgasms a thousand miles away on the outskirts of Dawson City (as long as you and your partner are tuned to the pyramid’s frequency of course). anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:58:59 phys. emit waves излучать волны (If the results of the nuclear test were true, and there was a giant pyramid beneath the center of Alaska, then its powers would undoubtedly be immense, capable of emitting energy waves that could make an outhouse in Fairbanks smell like springtime or produce mind-blowing orgasms a thousand miles away on the outskirts of Dawson City (as long as you and your partner are tuned to the pyramid’s frequency of course). anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:54:54 gen. foul odor неприятный запах (According to internet gurus, the unique shape of a pyramid resonates energy that even in a palm-sized object made of base quartz, can tenderize meat, improve your sex life, and eliminate foul odors from your bathroom. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:52:43 gen. have a special allure особенно привлекать (Then, in the early 90’s, came the real evidence for the Black Pyramid. Scientists studying shockwaves from a 1992 Chinese underground nuclear test recorded a grainy, pyramid-shaped spot of interference 700’ below the surface of Interior Alaska. Age, origin, and function: unknown. Pyramids have a special allure in conspiracy theory and the New Age. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:49:41 avia. with the same tank of fuel на одном баке (топлива: In the 1930’s, General Billy Mitchell, the so-called “father of the US Air Force.” saw that Lake Minchumina — about forty miles north of where Campbell landed at Carey Lake — was equidistant to the major urban-industrial centers of the Northern Hemisphere. That meant, with the same tank of fuel, a B-52 taking off from the shores of Lake Minchumina could strike Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, Paris, or even New York. In modern warfare, General Mitchell had shown that the middle of nowhere could become the center of everything. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:45:16 cliche. depending on who you ask в зависимости от источника (информации: First, the Black Pyramid fits neatly into the pantheon of paranoid inducing military installations in Alaska. The most infamous of these is the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, located just outside of Fairbanks. Depending on who you ask, HAARP is a high-frequency transmitter used to remotely set off earthquakes to topple Venezuelan dictators, control the world’s climate and undermine the fossil fuel industry, or help scientists study the ionosphere. Take your pick. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:40:08 cliche. make perfect sense иметь вполне разумное объяснение (Along with some basic camping gear, Campbell brought a hefty cache of food stored in plastic tubs and a two-way satellite communicator to check-in with his wife and kids. He planned to spend the next four months alone smack-dab in the center of Interior Alaska. And his reasons for starting his search deep in the Alaskan wilderness, if you follow the nebulous logic of conspiracy theory, make perfect sense. -- имеют вполне разумное объяснение anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:28:31 cliche. make perfect sense иметь вполне логичное объяснение (Along with some basic camping gear, Campbell brought a hefty cache of food stored in plastic tubs and a two-way satellite communicator to check-in with his wife and kids. He planned to spend the next four months alone smack-dab in the center of Interior Alaska. And his reasons for starting his search deep in the Alaskan wilderness, if you follow the nebulous logic of conspiracy theory, make perfect sense. -- вполне логичны / имеют вполне логичное объяснение anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:15:00 gen. is rumoured по слухам (+ infinitive: Owned by 352431 B.C. Ltd., the $14-million home is rumoured to be inhabited by Larry Yung of the China International Trust and Investment Corp. -- a company owned by the Chinese government and founded by Yung's father, Rong Yiren, in 1978. (vanmag.com))
14.12.2023 4:14:07 gen. rumoured to be по слухам (But Campbell wasn’t there for fun, he was on a mission. On the long flight from Talkeetna to Carey Lake, while the vast green carpet of the boreal forest floated beneath them, the usually shy Campbell told his pilot Jason Sturgis how he planned to spend his summer. Campbell had come to Carey Lake to search for something that, until now, only existed in the darkest, least updated corners of the internet: the Black Pyramid, a massive underground structure rumored to be four times the size of the famous Cheops in Egypt, and thousands, if not millions of years old. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:09:36 fig. smack-dab самый что ни на есть (обычно говоря о затерянных местах, глухомани: On May 27, 2020, 41-year-old Nathan Campbell hired a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly him to a small lake in the northwest corner of Denali National Park. He planned to spend the next four months alone smack-dab in the center of Interior Alaska. -- в самой что ни на есть глухомани, в самом центре внутренней части Аляски anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 4:00:18 avia. book a charter plane заказать чартерный самолёт (online)
14.12.2023 3:58:58 avia. hire a charter plane нанять частный борт (Man went to Alaska to look for the Black Pyramid and went missing -- On May 27, 2020, 41-year-old Nathan Campbell hired a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly him to a small lake in the northwest corner of Denali National Park. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 3:58:58 avia. hire a charter plane нанять частный рейс (Man went to Alaska to look for the Black Pyramid and went missing -- On May 27, 2020, 41-year-old Nathan Campbell hired a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly him to a small lake in the northwest corner of Denali National Park. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 3:58:58 avia. hire a charter plane взять в аренду чартерный самолёт (Man went to Alaska to look for the Black Pyramid and went missing -- On May 27, 2020, 41-year-old Nathan Campbell hired a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly him to a small lake in the northwest corner of Denali National Park. anomalien.com)
14.12.2023 3:58:58 avia. hire a charter plane нанять частный самолёт (Man went to Alaska to look for the Black Pyramid and went missing -- On May 27, 2020, 41-year-old Nathan Campbell hired a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly him to a small lake in the northwest corner of Denali National Park. anomalien.com)
13.12.2023 12:30:29 idiom. fall on deaf ears остаться без внимания (of a request, complaint etc.)
13.12.2023 12:20:33 formal contingent определяемый конкретными обстоятельствами (providing contingent responses)
13.12.2023 12:19:06 gen. seminal определяющий (Kafka's seminal work, "The Metamorphosis", continues to be highly regarded and studied worldwide.)
13.12.2023 12:14:22 gen. in an optimum manner оптимально (We need to learn to manage these resources in an optimum manner. -- оптимально распоряжаться этими ресурсами)
13.12.2023 12:06:06 inf. upbeat оптимистично настроенный (about – по поводу: Americans are more upbeat about their economy than a year ago.)
13.12.2023 12:05:33 commer. wholesale оптовые закупки (Wholesale Contacts – Контактная информация по оптовым закупкам)
13.12.2023 12:04:04 gen. emptying out опустение (But how does the west side's emptying out relate to larger factors, like macro economics – particularly the trans-national movement of money? vancouversun.com)
13.12.2023 12:03:10 poetic night has settled опустилась ночь (на – upon: 'The last red streaks had faded away in the west and night had settled upon the moor. A few faint stars were gleaming in a violet sky.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – на западе догорели последние красные штрихи, и на поросшую вереском пустошь опустилась ночь)
13.12.2023 12:01:42 soc.med. tweet опубликовать твит ("Собчак опубликовала издевательский твит о Поклонской")
13.12.2023 11:52:58 gen. be slightly different несколько отличаться (from: Slightly different meaning here – ...)
13.12.2023 11:52:26 gen. a number of instances несколько случаев (a number of instances where skiers have inexplicably gone missing in U.S. national parks)
13.12.2023 11:44:30 inf. be just shy of немного недотянуть (Today's temperatures just shy of record, with 27°C along the coast and close to 35°C inland. )
13.12.2023 11:42:33 cliche. few немного найдётся (Few cities so seamlessly blend antiquity and modern urban glamour the way Rome does.)
13.12.2023 11:41:54 gen. a little bit differently немного иначе (When I talk to my seven-month-old son, I speak a little bit differently than I speak to other adults or even older children.)
13.12.2023 11:02:48 arts. sweet background нежный фон (against a sweet pink background – на нежном розовом фоне)
13.12.2023 11:02:11 gen. fondly refer нежно называть (Mrs. Hatton fondly refers to her children as her "dumbbells".)
13.12.2023 11:01:05 gen. look after sb. tenderly нежно заботиться о ("And when I became very ill after contracting a disease from some oysters I ate in Barbados, she looked after me tenderly." – Michael Winner)
13.12.2023 11:00:30 real.est. vacant building нежилое здание (In late 2016, a vacant building, which used to house a McDonald’s restaurant at the corner of East Hastings and Penticton, was demolished, leaving another empty lot. )
13.12.2023 10:58:42 psychol. denial нежелание признать факты
13.12.2023 10:57:53 idiom. spare no pains не жалеть сил ("In the meantime spare no pains, Mr. Detective! I beg you to leave no stone unturned to bring him safely back." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Не жалейте сил!)
13.12.2023 10:53:20 cliche. that's it for me today на сегодня я закончил работу
13.12.2023 10:53:06 cliche. that's it for me today на сегодня я отработал
13.12.2023 10:51:54 law, contr. at your own risk на свой собственный риск (... and you transmit such information to us at your own risk.)
13.12.2023 10:51:07 law, contr. in its absolute discretion на своё полное усмотрение (has the right and option to approve, in its absolute discretion, ...)
13.12.2023 10:49:56 law Failure to comply with Income Tax Act нарушение налогового законодательства ("The accused committed an offence of Failure to comply with Income Tax Act, contrary to section 238(1) Income Tax Act.")
13.12.2023 10:48:04 immigr. border jumper нарушитель границы (***PLEASE NOTE: "frontier" cannot not be used in this context, the correct term is "border": "Police have arrested an alleged border jumper who managed to drive all the way to Vancouver's west side before crashing. According to the Vancouver Police Department, a man in his 20s allegedly drove a blue pickup truck with Oregon plates through a border crossing without stopping. Shortly before 8:30 a.m., Surrey RCMP notified the VPD that the suspect was speeding towards Vancouver, and officers in the city located the vehicle around 16th Avenue and Oak Street." (globalnews.ca))
13.12.2023 10:45:58 law, contr. violate a duty нарушить обязательство (toward – перед; similar to an obligation: "do not and will not, directly or indirectly, violate, infringe or breach any duty toward or rights of any third party")
13.12.2023 10:44:13 gen. invade someone's privacy нарушить право на личную жизнь (Information that could unreasonably invade the privacy of other persons has been removed.)
13.12.2023 8:52:34 gen. live at others' expense жить за чужой счёт (A sponger is a person who lives at others' expense. -- который живёт за счёт других)
13.12.2023 8:49:34 gen. neighbourhood жилой район (For the folks who live in the leafy Montecito neighbourhood in Norwood a rash of crimes this past week was really felt. -- живут в тенистом, зелёном районе)
13.12.2023 8:43:37 gen. careful finishing тщательная отделка
13.12.2023 8:42:27 busin. due diligence тщательная проверка (вполне применимо в общем смысле, вне текста контрактов)
13.12.2023 8:40:11 gen. make a most careful examination of тщательнейшим образом осмотреть (The inspector made a most careful examination of the crime scene.)
13.12.2023 8:16:51 HR keep on the payroll держать в штате (сотрудника: The Hilltop corporation had kept Tanuzzi on the payroll for 15 years but nobody at Hilltop seemed to know what, if anything, he had done for them in those 15 years.)
13.12.2023 8:15:38 idiom. keep sb. abreast of the latest developments держать кого-л. в курсе последних новостей
13.12.2023 8:13:01 cliche. keep sb. up to date держать в курсе (We will keep you up to date on that. – Будем держать вас в курсе.)
13.12.2023 8:12:31 cliche. keep sb. posted держать в курсе (I will keep you posted. – Буду держать тебя в курсе. • We'll keep you posted on our progress.)
13.12.2023 8:11:59 cliche. keep sb. updated держать в курсе (We would like to introduce this new newsletter we will be using to keep you updated on what's happening in the Defence Intelligence Unit nationally and in your region.)
13.12.2023 8:11:41 cliche. keep sb. informed держать в курсе
13.12.2023 8:07:12 trav. little village деревушка (Next we drove into a gorgeous little fishing village just south of San Benedetto.)
13.12.2023 7:22:40 cliche. you've got it backwards на самом деле всё наоборот (You’ve got it backwards.)
27.05.2024 4:06:55 gen. put поселить (в номер гостиницы или на новое место: Opening the doors of the Presidential Suite at the Waldorf Towers, Fonda immediately starts apologizing for the palatial accommodations. 'They were booked solid, so they put us here,' she says, adding with a vague gesture in the direction of several large rooms tastefully appointed with antiques (...)" (Vanity Fair) – нас сюда поселили • That is a nice piece of land with great views. Could put a lot of people there. -- Там можно поселить много людей (vancouversun.com))
13.12.2023 7:12:41 cliche. please! да будет вам! (expressing sarcastic disbelief)
13.12.2023 7:11:28 cliche. oh, come on да будет вам! (нести чушь: Oh, come on. MST is considering the "needs" of the wealthy first and foremost. All other considerations are secondary. Who else will be able afford to live there? vancouversun.com)
13.12.2023 7:06:56 gen. language выражения (формулировки, использованные в документе: The language in MST's press releases reminds me of Humpty Dumpty's comment in "Alice in Wonderland": "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean." vancouversun.com)
13.12.2023 6:45:57 disappr. token чисто символический (They're in business to turn a profit, and they're not developing this project out of compassion for the needy, the working poor, the underhoused, or any of the other categories of those most in need of affordable housing. Nor, I might hand, for the hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who are going to lose their homes as the Broadway Plan and Eby's diabolical mass-upzoning plans remake the city. There may be a token subsidized-housing component, but I guarantee you it will be no more' than a hundredth of what's need in Vancouver alone. It's no wonder MST is partnering in Jericho with the high-end, hard-nosed Aquilinis. They're two peas in a pod. -- чисто сиволический компонент из субсидированных квартир vancouversun.com)
13.12.2023 6:38:17 gen. turn a profit получить прибыль (Cannabis companies are optimistic they can turn a profit in this economy. • MST are developers, plain and simple. They're in business to turn a profit, and they're not developing this project out of compassion for the needy, the working poor, the underhoused, or any of the other categories of those most in need of affordable housing. vancouversun.com)
13.12.2023 6:13:03 gen. housing development жилой дом (многоквартирный: tear down a run down old hotel to build a new housing development -- построить новый жилой дом)
13.12.2023 6:09:55 gen. residential building жилой дом
13.12.2023 6:07:44 gen. residence жилой дом (The prison, if built, would be too close to residences and an elementary school.)
13.12.2023 6:07:01 construct. new housing development новый жилой дом (In Nanaimo the developers can't tear down a run down old hotel to build a new housing development because there needs to be an archeological dig first, where of course this will never end. When is the archeological dig going to be done for this development or are archeological digs only necessary for colonist developments? vancouversun.com)

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