
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.12.2023 3:03:37 cliche. I will bet you sth. спорим на что-л. (I will bet you a cheeseburger! But if you win I will buy it tomorrow, okay?)
17.12.2023 2:51:24 intell. cover-up намеренное сокрытие сведений (Investigative journalist Leslie Kean even sued NASA under the Freedom of Information Act and while the space agency was ultimately ordered to search for the records, their whereabouts were never determined. Some believe that the documents were hidden or destroyed as part of a cover-up, while others believe that it was more likely to be the US Air Force, not NASA, that had possession of the files. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.12.2023 2:47:21 gen. within a short space of time вскоре (Several locals, including members of the fire department, went out to investigate the scene and found an odd acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface. Within a short space of time there were reports of an intense military presence at the crash site with army officials ordering civilians away from the scene while the object was being loaded onto a truck. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.12.2023 2:47:21 gen. within a short space of time вскорости (Several locals, including members of the fire department, went out to investigate the scene and found an odd acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface. Within a short space of time there were reports of an intense military presence at the crash site with army officials ordering civilians away from the scene while the object was being loaded onto a truck. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.12.2023 2:39:31 gen. small town небольшой город (Despite the sightings being fairly widespread, however, it was the small town of Kecksburg in Pennsylvania that would become most closely associated with the incident. unexplained-mysteries.com)
16.12.2023 11:58:07 gen. gummy гливкой (о каше: Make oatmeal with milk (or a non-dairy alternative) versus water. Water will also make the oats more gummy instead of creamy.)
16.12.2023 11:36:50 gen. have another read of перечитать (I will have another read of the services agreement.)
16.12.2023 11:36:10 gen. all the more beautiful ещё прекраснее ("A rainy night had been followed by a glorious morning, and the heath-covered countryside, with the glowing clumps of flowering gorse, seemed all the more beautiful to eyes which were weary of the duns and drabs and slate grays of London." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) -- казалась ещё прекраснее)
16.12.2023 11:35:05 cliche. give it more thought ещё подумать (I have to give it more thought. – Я ещё подумаю. • Let's give this more thought. – Давайте над этим ещё подумаем.)
16.12.2023 11:29:54 inf. all right ещё как ("Maybe you oughtn't to have done that," she said. "Maybe I won't go through with it, now." "You'll go through with it, all right. (...) Your fingerprints are on that gun." (Raymond Chandler) – я не хочу проходить через всё это. – Ещё как пройдёшь / Пройдёшь как миленькая)
16.12.2023 11:14:35 idiom. flush with cash денег хоть отбавляй (First-time buyers are getting help from the Bank of Mom and Pop which is now flush with cash from single-family home sales. )
16.12.2023 11:13:59 idiom. roll in the stuff денег хоть отбавляй (He's rolling in the stuff!)
16.12.2023 11:12:42 contempt. rhetoric демагогия (spout empty rhetoric – заниматься демагогией)
16.12.2023 11:12:00 gen. sound advice дельный совет (He provides sound advice on investments.)
16.12.2023 11:07:54 fig. the case is falling apart дело разваливается (The case against the accused started to fall apart after a few days.)
16.12.2023 11:07:29 formal matter of the utmost importance дело первостепенной важности (The prime minister called it a matter of the utmost importance.)
16.12.2023 10:56:50 immigr. citizenship by birth гражданство по рождению (acquired Australian citizenship by birth)
16.12.2023 10:11:10 transp. during peak periods в часы пик (Trains will run every 3-4 minutes during peak periods.)
16.12.2023 8:38:27 charit. make a generous donation to a hospital foundation щедро пожертвовать на больницу (вариант, приведённый рядом, не применяется)
16.12.2023 8:18:32 gen. make an occasional sth. время от времени делать что-л. (model is used with nouns: This 5-foot apeman 'moved and sounded like a human, yet it wasn't'. It moved slowly past, making an occasional 'hoo' noise, and had obviously not noticed the mycologist lurking close by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 7:58:44 gen. night was approaching дело было к ночи (Night was approaching, so he climbed into a large tree. Suddenly he heard a loud cry, somehow like a man's, which was coming closer. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 7:58:44 gen. night was approaching приближалась ночь (Night was approaching, so he climbed into a large tree. Suddenly he heard a loud cry, somehow like a man's, which was coming closer. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 7:35:56 gen. further south дальше на юг (north, east, west: The frontal system is moving further south.)
16.12.2023 7:32:03 gen. retirement покой на старости лет (*sg*: He worked hard all his life dreaming of a retirement filled with ease and delight.)
16.12.2023 7:25:35 cliche. will have heard of наверняка слыхали о (Most people will have heard of the Yeti, the Bigfoot and the Sasquatch but very few have seen any of these hairy man-beasts. -- Большинство людей наверняка слыхали о ...)
16.12.2023 7:22:20 gen. suggesting что говорит о (The house was not haunted, but a jug of milk had been seen to levitate, empty itself and smash, suggesting some source of psychokinetic energy in the house. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 7:18:32 gen. at the time of the full moon в полнолуние (At the time of the full moon, the singing was louder and was heard nightly. One of the witnesses recorded it, and the singing was preceded by a faint voice crying for help. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 7:16:15 gen. during the full moon в полнолуние (A University of New Orleans study says that 81 percent of mental health professionals believe that humans are prone to unusual behaviors during the full moon.)
16.12.2023 6:47:18 disappr. hell-bent on во что бы то ни стало (determined to achieve something at all costs (Oxford Dictionary): "Please -- before you kill someone -- slow down!! Look all ways to see for pedestrians!!! You are going to kill someone!" "Seems looking around or even caring if the traffic light is red, is just too much trouble for the driver hell-bent on going as fast as possible from A to B." (Twitter))
16.12.2023 6:42:53 gen. use foul language нецензурно выражаться (He is known to use foul language in meetings, then ostentatiously excuse himself when he realizes that a "lady" is present.)
16.12.2023 6:42:31 gen. use bad language нецензурно выражаться (In a poltergeist outbreak at Leesburg, Florida (SA), which began early in 1978, unexplained voices were heard on the phone. A strange voice would interrupt a normal phone call, identify the person on the phone in the house and give other relevant information, sometimes using bad language, as seems to be the habit of vocal poltergeists. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
16.12.2023 6:15:06 idiom. throw some light on/upon прояснить (Perhaps your wife can tell us something which may throw some light upon the matter. Can we talk to her?)
16.12.2023 6:14:53 gen. make clearer прояснить (Not clear enough still? I will do what I can to make it clearer.)
16.12.2023 6:14:19 idiom. throw light прояснить (cast / shed / throw (some) light on sth. (Merriam-Webster): The police are asking anyone living in or near Aylesbury who can throw any light on the mystery to contact them.)
16.12.2023 5:11:15 idiom. jump on the bandwagon подхватить идею (to join an activity that has become very popular (Cambridge Dictionary))
16.12.2023 4:57:30 mil. complete rout полный разгром (a rout = a disastrous defeat (Merriam-Webster): To the east, Stirling's massive castle high above the Forth looks down towards the battlefield of Bannockburn, where in 1314 Robert the Bruce put the English under Edward II to flight. The complete rout of the English forces secured Scotland's independence. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.12.2023 4:53:09 hist.fig. put the English to flight обратить в бегство англичан (To the east, Stirling's massive castle high above the Forth looks down towards the battlefield of Bannockburn, where in 1314 Robert the Bruce put the English under Edward II to flight. The complete rout of the English forces secured Scotland's independence. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.12.2023 4:44:35 gen. in the estimation of по оценке (In the estimation of several financial experts, the settlement could be as much as $250 million.)
16.12.2023 4:44:14 gen. it is estimated that по оценкам (It is estimated that one in seven clicks on an online ad is fraudulent. • It is estimated that a quarter of the population of Wales speak Welsh as naturally as they do English -- and there may be a few thousand people who speak Welsh only. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
16.12.2023 3:56:46 neol. de-clutter избавляться от ненужных вещей, одежды (So, I was de-cluttering today and decided to let go of some clothing which is in good condition but I don’t see myself wearing them anymore. Please suggest places where I can donate them? (Reddit))
16.12.2023 3:55:47 neol. de-clutter убрать всё ненужное (в доме: Be sure to de-clutter and get your home organized before an open house.)
15.12.2023 10:04:02 gen. take a sip of coffee отхлебнуть кофе ("There was some cold coffee left in the pot, and I took a sip to restore my equanimity." (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.12.2023 10:03:07 gen. from the centre out от центра наружу (You should wipe the baby's eyes from the centre out. – движением / двигаясь от центра наружу)
15.12.2023 10:02:21 nautic. pull out отчалить (Out of Horseshoe Bay, the 2:30 pulled out full.)
15.12.2023 10:01:29 gen. agree partly отчасти согласен (I agree partly with what you're saying. – Я отчасти согласен с вами.)
15.12.2023 9:53:19 gen. help loosen coughs отхаркивающее (Eucalyptus leaf is used for infections, fever, upset stomach, and to help loosen coughs. – как отхаркивающее)
15.12.2023 9:52:07 gen. absolutely love it очень по душе (I absolutely love this kind of weather, especially in early April! – Мне такая погода очень по душе, особенно в начале апреля.)
15.12.2023 9:50:19 idiom. go a long way towards очень облегчить (A little preparation goes a long way towards having fun at a birthday party. -- очень облегчит)
15.12.2023 9:49:31 gen. thanks in large part to в большой степени это заслуга
15.12.2023 9:49:02 cliche. most of the time в большинстве случаев (The baby can identify the mother as someone who can figure out, most of the time, well enough what the baby needs.)
15.12.2023 9:48:32 cliche. in a broader sense в более широком смысле
15.12.2023 9:30:32 busin. options варианты (We'll carefully consider the options. – Мы внимательно рассмотрим имеющиеся варианты.)
15.12.2023 9:28:47 idiom. at the height of в самый разгар (At the height of the Depression, this project gave 150 local men steady employment. • At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, as major global cities shut down, the bustling streets of Vancouver went quiet. Business shuttered. Malls were empty. theguardian.com)
15.12.2023 9:28:05 idiom. at the height of в самый (at the height of rush hour– в самый час-пик)
15.12.2023 9:21:05 cliche. you can have it можешь забрать его себе
15.12.2023 9:20:54 cliche. you can have it можешь оставить его себе
29.05.2024 9:27:26 gen. conceivably в принципе (о способности, возможности, допустимости: In the first half, Pulitzer Prize–winning former reporter for the Boston Globe, Fred Kaplan, discussed how our lives and the nation's infrastructure are dependent on digital technology, which is leaving American security vulnerable to malicious hackers that can conceivably wreak destruction from their keyboards. – в принципе способны (coasttocoastam.com))
15.12.2023 8:24:32 ecol. carbon neutrality углеродная нейтральность (We strive for carbon neutrality. – Мы стремимся к достижению углеродной нейтральности.)
15.12.2023 8:24:07 energ.ind. carbon-based fuels углеродные виды топлива
15.12.2023 8:23:05 idiom. in the public eye у всех на виду ("The daughter of Henry Fonda – the actor who as Abe Lincoln, Tom Joad and Wyatt Earp came to embody the classic American hero – she has lived out her whole life in the public eye, held always to what she felt was an impossbile standard." (Vanity Fair))
15.12.2023 8:10:30 HR resign for personal reasons уволиться по личным обстоятельствам
15.12.2023 8:09:38 HR resign voluntarily уволиться по собственному желанию (He was asked to voluntarily resign from his senior management job.)
15.12.2023 8:08:00 gen. lead astray уводить в сторону (At times the technique, putting biography ahead of analysis, leads the author astray. (The Economist))
15.12.2023 6:48:53 gen. gum up забиться (Undissolved detergent is likely to gum up your washing machine. – забьётся / засорится из-за нерастворившегося стирального порошка)
15.12.2023 6:47:02 gen. plug up забиться (о трубе, стоке)
15.12.2023 6:44:59 inf. chockablock забитый под завязку (with – чем-л.: "a room chockablock with furniture and plants")
15.12.2023 6:25:39 gen. ways порядки ("From her I learned the ways of the house." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Благодаря ей я усвоил порядки в (хозяйском) доме.)
15.12.2023 6:24:37 gov. reference number порядковый номер (as in: присвоение даты и порядкового номера входящей корреспонденции)
15.12.2023 6:22:56 gen. Russian for по-русски ("Sem" is Russian for 'seven'.)
15.12.2023 6:21:53 gen. chop into pieces порубить на куски
15.12.2023 6:19:24 disappr. disorganized безалаберный
15.12.2023 6:19:00 disappr. scatty безалаберный
15.12.2023 6:18:39 disappr. scatterbrained безалаберный
15.12.2023 6:16:52 gen. driving clouds бегущие по небу облака ("(…) I looked through a blurred pane at the driving clouds and at the tossing outline of the wind-swept trees" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.12.2023 6:15:51 brit. poor blighter бедолага (The audience started to heckle the poor blighter, and he stopped in the middle of a sentence.)
15.12.2023 6:15:11 inf. poor old egg бедный старичок
15.12.2023 6:12:03 bank. Bank Account Details банковские реквизиты (Bank Details means the institution number, transit number and bank account number of a Person or Company.: To receive money, you typically need to provide the following bank details: 1. Account number: This is the unique number that identifies your bank account. 2. Routing number: This is a nine-digit number that identifies your bank or financial institution. 3. Account name: This is the name on the bank account in which you want the money to be deposited. 4. Bank name: This is the name of your bank or financial institution. 5. Bank address: This is the physical address of your bank or financial institution. 6. SWIFT/BIC code (for international transfers): This is a unique code used to identify banks and financial institutions in international money transfers.)
15.12.2023 6:05:24 gen. banking information банковская информация (Remember to inform us when your move or when your banking information changes.)
15.12.2023 6:03:32 gen. glass canning jar банка для консервирования
15.12.2023 6:03:07 gen. mason jar банка для консервирования (стеклянная: Wide Mouth Quart (32 oz.) Mason Jars with Lids and Bands, for Canning and Storage)
15.12.2023 5:59:17 gen. criminal underworld бандитское подполье
15.12.2023 5:56:25 gen. mess with баловаться (чем-л.: Finally caught the culprit who has been messing with our patio furniture... a raccoon! Any tips for getting them to go away and never come back?)
15.12.2023 3:29:44 cliche. in a worst-case scenario в самом худшем случае (In a worst-case scenario, a moderate earthquake on the Vancouver Island fault would create a potential tsunami that would impact not only Victoria but also Vancouver, Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, and Tacoma. dailyhive.com)
15.12.2023 3:06:08 n.amer. downtown area центр города (in the downtown area -- в центре • I used to live in PoCo but worked in the downtown area, and the drive to and from work everyday was the worst. The burbs are cost-effective in terms of housing, but you’ll lose time, higher vehicle costs and your state of mind will suffer. (Reddit))
15.12.2023 2:53:50 traf. drive at posted limit ехать с максимальной разрешённой скоростью (First time here and I can’t seem to understand the driving etiquette here. When driving on Hwy 1 even though I was driving at posted limit, seemed like I was hampering traffic flow as everyone was overtaking me. Sometimes there was 70 posted but everyone was going at 90. (Reddit))
15.12.2023 2:53:40 traf. drive at posted limit управлять автомобилем с максимальной разрешённой скоростью (First time here and I can’t seem to understand the driving etiquette here. When driving on Hwy 1 even though I was driving at posted limit, seemed like I was hampering traffic flow as everyone was overtaking me. Sometimes there was 70 posted but everyone was going at 90. (Reddit))
15.12.2023 2:53:21 traf. drive at posted limit ехать со скоростью, не превышающей установленного ограничения (First time here and I can’t seem to understand the driving etiquette here. When driving on Hwy 1 even though I was driving at posted limit, seemed like I was hampering traffic flow as everyone was overtaking me. Sometimes there was 70 posted but everyone was going at 90. (Reddit))
15.12.2023 0:46:50 hotels front desk портье (Has the hotel done anything about this? Did you report this to the front desk? The hotel should give you an answer. -- Вы сообщили об этом портье?)
15.12.2023 0:38:11 gen. as a cost-saving measure в целях экономии (Areas that were considered too far gone to repair were usually sealed off instead of being demolished as a cost saving measure. unexplained-mysteries.com)
14.12.2023 11:51:40 cliche. have a good relationship with находиться в хороших отношениях с (Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. • My partner and I lived in her parents' basement suite for something like 5 years while we were saving to buy a place. No way in hell would we have been able to afford to buy in 2023 if we didn't have that leg up in terms of rent savings. If you have a good relationship with your kids, and you both treat each other like adults and respect each others space boundaries, it's not always bad 'moving out' to only 8ft away from your parents. (Reddit) mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.12.2023 11:31:02 HR screen candidates отбирать кандидатов (LinkedIn can be a depressing cesspool of self-promotion. But I can confirm that a LinkedIn profile goes a long ways as we screened candidates. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 11:30:32 HR select candidates отбирать кандидатов (Selecting candidates involves two main processes: shortlisting, and assessing applicants to decide who should be made a job offer.)
14.12.2023 11:13:17 gen. introduction рассказ о себе (при знакомстве: Which brings me to how to stand out in a very crowded field: In a world where you are competing with 100's of others, my best advice is to introduce yourself with a well-crafted introduction. If you come in with a good intro, you're in the top 10%. If you have a good online presence the landlord can validate, you're probably in the top 5%. (Reddit) -- представиться, изложив хорошо подготовленный рассказ о себе рассказом)
14.12.2023 11:07:31 inf. goofball недоумок (Make sure your public socials match the image you are trying to portray. If you tell a story about being a quiet and respectful working professional, I don't recommend a FB Profile or Insta showing you as a goofball with questionable lifestyle choices. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 11:07:31 inf. goofball балбес (Make sure your public socials match the image you are trying to portray. If you tell a story about being a quiet and respectful working professional, I don't recommend a FB Profile or Insta showing you as a goofball with questionable lifestyle choices. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 10:10:11 gen. well-crafted хорошо подготовленный (для какой-л. цели, напр., произвести хорошее впечатление на владельца съёмной квартиры: It's probably 'no shit Sherlock' to observe that the rentals market is tighter than it's ever been. Which brings me to how to stand out in a very crowded field: In a world where you are competing with 100's of others, my best advice is to introduce yourself with a well crafted introduction. There are simply too many 'good' replies from high quality candidates to take time to get more info out of the low quality replies. (Reddit))
14.12.2023 10:06:40 gen. well-crafted добротно сделанный (Well-crafted design is highly sturdy and always holds its shape! – Добротно сделанная конструкция ...)
14.12.2023 10:06:24 gen. well-crafted добротно сделанный
14.12.2023 10:06:12 gen. well-crafted сделанный на совесть (Well-crafted design is highly sturdy and always holds its shape! – На совесть сделанная конструкция ...)
14.12.2023 9:54:03 real.est. rentals market рынок арендного жилья (It's probably 'no shit Sherlock' to observe that the rentals market is tighter than it's ever been. What I wasn't prepared for was the magnitude of change in the past 3 years. As a parent, my kids will be in this mess in a few years too. It's shocking and depressing. (Reddit))

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