
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

18.12.2023 11:56:02 gen. perfectly well aware прекрасно известно (You are perfectly well aware of the facts of the affair. -- Вам прекрасно известно о фактах данного дела.)
18.12.2023 11:54:03 fig. leverage преимущество (It's just wrong for the president to use this tragic case to obtain political leverage. – добиться преимущества)
18.12.2023 11:53:10 gen. benefits and drawbacks of a plan преимущества и недостатки плана (discussed the long-term benefits and drawbacks of this investment plan)
18.12.2023 11:52:01 gen. scorn презрительно отнестись к (When the film was released (to much fanfare), it was scorned by German critics. – к нему презрительно отнеслись / вызвал презрительную реакцию / презрительные отзывы)
18.12.2023 11:49:00 gen. scoff at презрительно относиться к (If you ever mention God or Spirit in a scientific setting, your colleagues will scoff at you.)
18.12.2023 11:45:36 gen. be contemptuous of презрительно относиться к (When asked, he was contemptuous of the idea that the Big Pharma “vaccines” were intentionally engineered for the purpose of mass depopulation using one or more of these Deep State bio labs. )
18.12.2023 11:45:36 gen. be contemptuous of презрительно отнестись к (When asked, he was contemptuous of the idea that the Big Pharma “vaccines” were intentionally engineered for the purpose of mass depopulation using one or more of these Deep State bio labs. )
18.12.2023 11:43:17 gen. be contemptuous of с презрением отнестись к (When asked, he was contemptuous of the idea that the Big Pharma “vaccines” were intentionally engineered for the purpose of mass depopulation using one or more of these Deep State bio labs.)
18.12.2023 11:39:00 gen. be contemptuous of отнестись с презрением к (When asked, he was contemptuous of the idea that the Big Pharma “vaccines” were intentionally engineered for the purpose of mass depopulation using one or more of these Deep State bio labs.)
18.12.2023 11:35:18 gen. principally прежде всего (for the most part; chiefly (Oxford Dictionary) : "he was principally a landscape painter" (Oxford Dictionary))
18.12.2023 11:26:22 gen. terrible mood ужасное настроение (У меня ужасное настроение. – I am in a terrible mood.)
18.12.2023 11:25:53 gen. scramble прилагать все усилия (to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for possession of something : Independent retailers of all kinds are scrambling to stay afloat during the pandemic. (BC Business Magazine))
18.12.2023 11:25:38 gen. scramble стараться изо всех сил (to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for possession of something (Merriam-Webster) : I was late for work, had to scramble to catch up on my orders, and was just in a terrible mood all morning. (Reddit))
18.12.2023 11:25:27 gen. scramble спешить изо всех сил (to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for possession of something (Merriam-Webster) : scramble for front seats | Independent retailers of all kinds are scrambling to stay afloat during the pandemic. (BC Business Magazine))
18.12.2023 11:16:37 inf. sit tight and wait it out отсидеться ("The cops will be there by now. I don't know what they will make of it. We just have to sit tight and wait it out." (Raymond Chandler))
18.12.2023 10:55:29 gen. chipped-off отбитый (The corner of the iron-cast tub was chipped off. – Уголок чугунной ванны был отбит.)
18.12.2023 10:53:20 ed. excellence особые успехи (Excellence in Arts Award – стипендия "За особые успехи в области искусства")
18.12.2023 10:46:38 gen. it was obvious выяснилось, что (The order was incomplete. We ordered 20 boxes but when we checked the consignment, it was obvious that we hadn’t got them all.)
18.12.2023 10:24:08 gen. check into one's reputation проверить, какой репутацией пользуется (кто-л.: Be sure to check into the builder's reputation before a presale.)
18.12.2023 10:23:53 gen. check into one's reputation выяснить, какая репутация (у кого-л.: Be sure to check into the builder's reputation before a presale.)
18.12.2023 10:19:52 gen. follow up проверить результаты (on sth.)
18.12.2023 10:18:49 el.com. review one's order проверить заказ (You will be able to review your order before you complete your purchase.)
18.12.2023 10:15:21 busin. run a background check проверить биографию, образование, кредитную историю, послужной список и пр (соискателя вакансии, потенциального квартиросъёмщика/арендатора, невесты/жениха и т.д.: We run background checks.)
18.12.2023 10:12:13 gen. blank spot in one's memory провал в памяти (Those who are found aren't saying much, they can't explain what happened to them because they have blank spots in their memories.)
18.12.2023 10:07:53 gen. aspiring пробующий свои силы (в чём-либо: What advice would you give to aspiring authors in our community? – ...тем, кто пробует себя на литературном поприще / делает первые шаги в литературе)
18.12.2023 9:58:03 gen. in a strange land на чужбине (It was impossible to refuse the request of a fellow-countrywoman dying in a strange land.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.12.2023 9:57:37 gen. in foreign lands на чужбине
18.12.2023 9:55:23 busin. be allocated начисляться (Credits are calculated annually and allocated on a per phone line basis. – начисляются)
18.12.2023 9:54:40 gen. starting next week начиная со следующей недели (Starting next week, the public will be able to access the new swimming pool and gym.)
18.12.2023 9:54:11 gen. as of tomorrow начиная с завтрашнего дня (As of tomorrow, your bus ticket is going to cost $4.25 to travel in one zone.)
18.12.2023 9:54:03 gen. beginning tomorrow начиная с завтрашнего дня (Beginning tomorrow, a ban on talking and driving goes into effect. – вступает в силу)
18.12.2023 9:50:17 gen. new ways нововведения (We've had to rethink how we do our jobs as the pandemic is still very much front and centre in our lives, but it looks like some of the new ways will stick. – похоже, некоторые нововведения останутся с нами надолго)
18.12.2023 9:48:55 lit. horror story новелла ужаса (создатель жанра "новеллы ужаса")
18.12.2023 9:48:26 market. new releases for the season новинки сезона (As always, our new releases for the season are showcased at the front of our catalogue.)
18.12.2023 9:45:03 gen. lack of time нехватка времени (due to a lack of time – с связи с нехваткой времени)
18.12.2023 9:34:53 gen. employment ramifications неприятности на работе (for a whistleblower: Concerned about employment ramifications, "John" asked that his identity be protected.)
18.12.2023 9:29:30 cliche. not getting the message не доходит (Canada has a serious drinking problem, including drinking and driving, many are not getting the message. Impaired driving is a serious criminal offence! Well done, VPD Traffic Unit! -- до многих людей не доходит (что нельзя садиться пьяным за руль) (Twitter))
18.12.2023 9:26:10 inf. newish to town недавно переехал (в город; the usual expression is "I'm new to ...": I'm newish to town, why does nobody ever swim at Waterfront Park? I’ve looked at the water quality charts and it doesn’t look that bad... is there something I’m missing? (Reddit))
18.12.2023 9:24:49 gen. keep sb. awake не давать спать (Hear that? That's my husband keeping me awake – again! His snoring is terrible! – не даёт мне спать)
18.12.2023 9:24:07 gen. keep sb. up at night не давать (кому-л.)спать по ночам (Don't let the sounds of dripping water keep you up at night. Book a plumber now!)
18.12.2023 9:23:20 idiom. get in the hair не давать спокойно жить
18.12.2023 9:20:04 gen. is not going to happen не будет (That referendum is not going to happen. – Этого референдума не будет.)
18.12.2023 9:18:52 gen. discreet suit неброский костюм (wearing a discreet gray suit)
18.12.2023 9:08:38 gen. small-space небольшой (An outstanding perennial, its continual flowering habit from late spring through fall is of huge value, especially in small-space urban gardens.)
18.12.2023 9:03:32 law, contr. pursuant to applicable law на основании существующего законодательства
18.12.2023 8:15:33 formal having arrived at this conclusion придя к этому заключению (Having arrived at this conclusion, we now proceed further.)
18.12.2023 8:13:19 cliche. you can do better than that придумай что-нибудь более убедительное
18.12.2023 8:13:07 cliche. you can do better than that придумай что-нибудь получше
18.12.2023 8:10:48 gen. come over for a visit приехать в гости (When it's not rush-hour traffic, it only takes my friends about 10 minutes to come over for a visit.)
18.12.2023 8:10:25 gen. come over for a visit навестить (When it's not rush-hour traffic, it only takes my friends about 10 minutes to come over for a visit.)
18.12.2023 8:09:33 real.est. get one's home organized навести порядок в доме (Be sure to de-clutter and get your home organized before an open house.)
18.12.2023 8:08:06 gen. start crying заплакать (All of a sudden she just started crying.)
18.12.2023 8:06:13 gen. smoky odor запах гари (The fire has been put out but there may be a lingering smoky odor for some time.)
18.12.2023 7:48:21 gen. I get frustrated мне обидно ("We're hard workers," says McDonnell. "Alex is a plumber doing manual labour all day here on the North Shore. I work full-time at my family's contracting firm. We make good money, and we save. But we haven't reached the point of being able to put a down payment on the type of starter home we want. And every time we pay rent, we get frustrated that we're making money but doing nothing to help build our future." – нам становится обидно nsnews.com)
18.12.2023 7:45:19 cliche. that doesn't make me feel any better мне от этого не легче ("They say now there's all sorts of checks and balances in place." "That doesn't make me feel any better.")
18.12.2023 7:44:44 cliche. I am honoured мне оказана честь (+ infinitive)
18.12.2023 7:41:55 cliche. I get that all the time мне об этом постоянно говорят ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time.")
18.12.2023 7:38:22 cliche. I don't really care мне всё равно (I know I believe it. I don't really care if anybody else believes it.)
18.12.2023 7:30:39 gen. as arranged как было условлено (I met him as arranged, in the lobby of the Century Plaza.)
18.12.2023 7:29:46 gen. as if unwillingly как бы нехотя ("The peephole in the door swung back. I saw Degarmo holding up his shield. Slowly and as if unwillingly the door was opened. He went in." (Raymond Chandler))
18.12.2023 7:26:28 law, contr. shall govern имеет преимущественную силу (To the extent this paragraph conflicts with any provision of your service agreement with XYZ or any other agreement with XYZ, this paragraph shall govern.)
18.12.2023 7:26:06 law, contr. prevailing имеющий преимущественную силу (на данной территории: in compliance with the prevailing laws – в соответствии с законами, имеющими преимущественную силу)
18.12.2023 7:24:13 commer. in stock имеющийся в продаже (о товарах, продукции)
18.12.2023 6:36:33 gen. this is not unusual в этом нет ничего необычного (Today's M4.9 earthquake 220 km NNW of Los Angeles was felt across much of the state, to distances of ~400 km. More than a dozen small aftershocks have been recorded so far. This is not unusual.)
18.12.2023 6:31:29 tech. perforated со сквозными отверстиями
18.12.2023 6:25:16 gen. hone in on приближаться к некой точке (Not many hunters know that if they get lost, they need to fire three round to call for help, and someone should hear that, and they slowly hone in on that signal.)
18.12.2023 6:19:55 cliche. for years to come много лет (These elegant necklaces and rings are sure to be treasured for years to come.)
18.12.2023 6:19:26 cliche. for years to come на долгие годы (Our journals will preserve your contents for years to come.)
18.12.2023 6:18:14 cliche. well, well! надо же! (expressing amazement)
18.12.2023 6:14:53 gen. trusted companion надёжный товарищ (a trusted companion along life’s journey – надёжный товарищ на жизненном пути)
18.12.2023 6:09:14 idiom. come down the pike надвигаться (US: to appear or be noticed for the first time (Cambridge Dictionary) | When something comes down the pike, it happens or occurs (Collins Dictionary))
18.12.2023 6:08:47 idiom. come down the pike приближаться (US: to appear or be noticed for the first time (Cambridge Dictionary) | When something comes down the pike, it happens or occurs (Collins Dictionary))
18.12.2023 6:01:26 cliche. a war is ongoing идёт война (Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed covered up NASA reports about a UFO destroying a rocket and anomalous data from Mars and Venus, as well as an odd military/UFO incident that suggests a "secret war" is ongoing between humans and some other intelligence. – идёт тайная война coasttocoastam.com)
18.12.2023 5:59:28 cliche. is ongoing идёт (Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed covered up NASA reports about a UFO destroying a rocket and anomalous data from Mars and Venus, as well as an odd military/UFO incident that suggests a "secret war" is ongoing between humans and some other intelligence. – идёт тайная война coasttocoastam.com)
18.12.2023 5:56:30 inf. non-starter идея, обречённая на неудачу (Putting a modern fridge or fridge freezer in an unheated garage or outhouse/outbuilding is pretty much a non-starter and you are asking for trouble by doing so. – затея обречена на неудачу / на провал)
18.12.2023 5:54:04 polit. idea-driven идейный (a squad made up of idea-driven fighters from various regions – сформированный из идейных бойцов)
18.12.2023 5:50:29 gen. perfect match идеальный партнёр (Monica told me she decided to break up with Kevin. Now she's going to wait for the perfect match.)
18.12.2023 5:49:41 gen. perfect solution идеальный выход (If we could put this modular home in the backyard, that would be the perfect solution.)
18.12.2023 5:47:04 arts. capture perfectly идеально передать (дух, атмосферу, красоту и т.п.)
18.12.2023 4:52:06 gen. drain out стечь (в поддон: To keep roots evenly moist and to reduce nutrient loss from excess water, use a container with drainage holes in the bottom and place a tray under the container. This way extra water can drain out, preventing overly moist soil, which can lead to rotted roots.)
18.12.2023 4:48:12 gen. wobble зашататься (Whole building wobbled. -- Всё здание зашаталось. • Yes! Nobody else in the house felt it but I was lying still on the couch and it wobbled around a bit. • Wobbled in my computer chair! -- Подо мной зашаталось кресло. • Felt the building here in Brentwood wobble as I was lying on the couch. • One of glass panels started to wobble in my unit. Super weird. (Reddit))
18.12.2023 3:52:35 gen. get things moving сдвинуть с места ("The project (...) had been on the drawing board for 30 years before a surge in demand for gas from booming Asian countries finally got things moving." (The Economist))
18.12.2023 3:52:03 idiom. get traction сдвинуться с места (часто в отриц. форме: несмотря на все усилия: Am I looking for a job the wrong way? Over the summer I moved from Manitoba to Vancouver. I have several years of experience in my field (creative marketing) and haven't been getting any traction despite applying for multiple jobs a week. Is there something I'm missing? Are personal connections really the only thing that can get you attention in this city? (Reddit))
18.12.2023 3:41:53 gen. do laundry стирать (в стиральной машине: A 16-month-old Abbotsford girl fell 2.4 metres onto her home's driveway Tuesday evening while her mom was doing laundry downstairs. • "I was doing laundry last night and when I went to put the clothes in the dryer I had water everywhere. It took us forever to figure out where it was coming from. It is coming out of the bottom of the washing machine." • Missed it completely. We've been doing laundry, as well as running the dishwasher, so the quake was likely masked by that stuff.)
18.12.2023 2:44:33 gov. heritage site объект культурного наследия
18.12.2023 2:44:16 gov. real.est. heritage building объект культурного наследия
17.12.2023 10:31:14 gen. know sb. by name знать кого-л. по имени
17.12.2023 10:24:12 fire. blaze caught пламя занялось (***ATTENTION: User alikssepia stole my entry for caught = занялось, so I am reposting it separately***: The five hectare blaze was sparked by lightning that smoldered and then finally caught. )
17.12.2023 9:05:12 mech.eng. become jammed заклинить (If the blades become jammed, stop the motor.)
17.12.2023 9:01:23 gen. get off at заканчивать работу в (speaking of time: I get off at four. – Я заканчиваю в четыре.)
7.06.2024 2:59:31 police targeted shooting заказное убийство (с фатальный исходом: RCMP have confirmed it was a targeted shooting and there is no threat to the public. • «По предварительной информации, совершено заказное убийство», — уточнили в ведомстве. (из рус. источников))
17.12.2023 6:36:58 brit. hit-job заказная статья (с целью оклеветать, опорочить, принизить и т.п.: In September, the New York Times was forced to issue a correction for a hit-job on the Royal Family after it fudged inflation data and stoked recession fears. The embarrassing climbdown came after some readers threatened to cancel their subscriptions over their vicious coverage of the Queen just days after she died aged 96. dailymail.co.uk)
17.12.2023 3:21:21 sport. athletic title спортивный разряд (Oleg was granted the Master of Sports of the U.S.S.R. title. – Олег получил спортивный разряд "Мастер спорта СССР")
17.12.2023 3:20:39 gen. sports game спортивный матч (хотя обычно говорят просто game: The whole family attended the sports game.)
17.12.2023 3:15:30 cloth. training top спортивная майка (для спортзала: men's training tops)
17.12.2023 3:04:45 gen. argue with спорить (someone – с кем-л.: I'm not sure I want to argue with a school trustee who has posed with a Colt .45 on the cover of a magazine.)
17.12.2023 3:03:37 cliche. I will bet you sth. спорим на что-л. (I will bet you a cheeseburger! But if you win I will buy it tomorrow, okay?)
17.12.2023 2:51:24 intell. cover-up намеренное сокрытие сведений (Investigative journalist Leslie Kean even sued NASA under the Freedom of Information Act and while the space agency was ultimately ordered to search for the records, their whereabouts were never determined. Some believe that the documents were hidden or destroyed as part of a cover-up, while others believe that it was more likely to be the US Air Force, not NASA, that had possession of the files. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.12.2023 2:47:21 gen. within a short space of time вскоре (Several locals, including members of the fire department, went out to investigate the scene and found an odd acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface. Within a short space of time there were reports of an intense military presence at the crash site with army officials ordering civilians away from the scene while the object was being loaded onto a truck. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.12.2023 2:47:21 gen. within a short space of time вскорости (Several locals, including members of the fire department, went out to investigate the scene and found an odd acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface. Within a short space of time there were reports of an intense military presence at the crash site with army officials ordering civilians away from the scene while the object was being loaded onto a truck. unexplained-mysteries.com)

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