
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

20.12.2023 8:17:05 cliche. never say never никогда не зарекайся
20.12.2023 8:09:02 nautic. tow отбуксировать (Since the 32-foot-long carcass was too big to be buried and its stench was becoming potentially dangerous for nearby residents, the decision was made to tow the remains back out to sea. – отбуксировать обратно в море)
20.12.2023 8:07:49 fig. elite collection отборная коллекция (Poe's numerous macabre short stories that make up an elite collection of horror and science fiction literature)
20.12.2023 8:00:18 gen. mainstream media господствующие СМИ
20.12.2023 8:00:07 gen. mainstream media главенствующие СМИ
20.12.2023 7:58:45 gen. main reason for sth. главная причина чего-л.
20.12.2023 7:57:15 gen. chief topic of conversation главная тема беседы (It was the chief topic of conversation at the dinner table.)
20.12.2023 7:57:15 gen. chief topic of conversation главная тема разговора (It was the chief topic of conversation at the dinner table.)
20.12.2023 7:50:49 HR career milestones главные этапы трудовой биографии
20.12.2023 7:49:48 gen. premier source главный источник (This plant is one of North America's premier sources of health.)
20.12.2023 7:48:25 pets pet гладить (животное: Diddy is still skittish about being picked up. You should pet him very gently. – Его нужно гладить очень осторожно.)
20.12.2023 7:47:13 inf. did a double take глазам своим не поверил (I did a double take when I got the assessment for my home and saw that the land value had been hiked 35 per cent over last year while the home itself was valued 10 per cent higher.)
20.12.2023 7:46:02 idiom. keep a close eye глаз не спускать (on sb. – с кого-л.: Mike will be here at six. Until then keep a close eye on her. -- глаз с неё не спускай.)
20.12.2023 7:40:07 build.mat. tilework плитка (об отделке)
20.12.2023 7:40:00 build.mat. tilework керамическая плитка (об отделке)
20.12.2023 7:16:48 gen. highly nuanced которому свойственно множество тонкостей ("The Japanese language is highly nuanced and fraught with endless, diplomatic shadings of politeness and intent." (The New Yorker, Aug 16, 1999) /)
20.12.2023 7:12:44 cliche. long story short короче говоря (My ex-wife when we were married didn't like my cat because it didn't like her very much. Cat threw up on the couch and even though I cleaned it up she threw the cat out for the night and wouldn't let me let her back in. Cat disappeared. There were coyotes in our neighborhood. Long story short, bitch killed the cat. (Twitter))
20.12.2023 7:08:43 busin. introduce запустить марку (новое изделие)
20.12.2023 7:07:40 idiom. get things off the ground запустить проект (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." (vancouverisawesome.com) )
20.12.2023 6:47:59 gen. have a healing effect излечивать (Crushed parsley applied to the bruise clears black and blue and has a healing effect.)
20.12.2023 6:45:37 cliche. needless to say that излишне говорить, что
20.12.2023 6:44:27 gen. present one's own opinion изложить своё собственное мнение (Trained interpreters should not present their own opinions.)
20.12.2023 6:44:27 gen. present one's own opinion излагать своё собственное мнение (Trained interpreters should not present their own opinions.)
20.12.2023 6:36:16 fig. leave one's mark оставить свой отпечаток (Lewes – A thousand years of history have left their mark on the county town of East Sussex. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- оставили свой отпечаток / след)
20.12.2023 6:33:13 trav. leave one's hotel unaccompanied одному / одной выходить на улицу (We were warned that because of the riots it was dangerous to leave our hotel unaccompanied.)
20.12.2023 6:32:01 trav. jumble of medieval streets запутанные средневековые улочки (There are the remains of a Normal castle, a jumble of medieval streets and a variety of buildings in local materials, most of them Georgian. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
20.12.2023 6:07:10 hist. lead sb. in revolt возглавить восстание кого-л. (against sb. – против кого-л.: But Lewes's biggest role in English history came when, in 1264, Simon de Montfort lead the barons in revolt against Henry III and took him prisoner at the Battle of Lewes. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
20.12.2023 6:01:01 hist. rally under восстать под предводительством (The route leads past Mount Harry, site of the Battle of Lewes in 1264 when Henry III was beaten by the barons who rallied under Simon de Montfort. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
20.12.2023 5:44:47 gen. common purpose единая цель (rally (transitive verb): to muster for a common purpose -- ради единой цели (Merriam-Webster))
20.12.2023 5:40:42 gen. rally провести митинг (Opposition groups were denied permission to rally in Pushkin Square. – было отказано в проведении митинга)
20.12.2023 5:39:57 gen. rally собраться на митинг (Despite the pouring rain, about a hundred West End residents rallied to call on the city to save the 115-year-old mansion from demolition that would make way for a 17-story building.)
20.12.2023 3:30:21 inf. breakfast joint кафе, где подают завтрак (Two Westwood breakfast spots are closing: The Westwood breakfast scene recently took a hit with a 35-year-old De Dutch announcing its closure, and now another long-standing breakfast joint announced it’s closing, too: Denny's.)
20.12.2023 3:30:21 inf. breakfast spot кафе, где подают завтрак (Two Westwood breakfast spots are closing: The Westwood breakfast scene recently took a hit with a 35-year-old De Dutch announcing its closure, and now another long-standing breakfast joint announced it’s closing, too: Denny's.)
19.12.2023 11:05:47 gen. seek the advice of обращаться за советом к (Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional.)
19.12.2023 11:01:05 formal receive a reprimand объявлен выговор (The officer received a written reprimand and had to review the policies surrounding gun use.)
19.12.2023 10:57:09 gen. is in need of repairs нуждается в ремонте (The Second Narrows Bridge is in need of repairs.)
19.12.2023 10:55:23 cliche. I'll see you then! Ну, до встречи! (after agreeing on a time of meeting)
19.12.2023 10:52:55 cliche. bring it on! ну давайте уже! (поддерживая план, проект, замысел: A third crossing? Bring it on! We've been waiting for it for years.)
19.12.2023 10:50:34 cliche. certainly not! ну вот ещё! (Married? Certainly not! -- Замужем? Ну вот ещё!)
19.12.2023 10:48:30 cliche. there you go ну, вот видите (commenting on an earlier statement / fact / news)
19.12.2023 10:48:12 cliche. well, there you are ну, вот видите
19.12.2023 10:46:42 gen. moral arguments нравоучения
19.12.2023 10:43:25 gen. sleepover ночёвка у друзей (термин обычно относится к детям или подросткам: On October 1, 1993, 12-year-old Polly Klaas was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Petaluma, California, during a sleepover with two friends. The abduction occurred while her mother slept soundly in the room next door. This was the rarest type of all kidnappings — a stranger abduction from the home — and it triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, along with a media frenzy. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 10:35:32 inf. though зато (added at the end of a phrase: "Yeah, it was really bad. Better now, though." – "Да, это было ужасно. Зато теперь лучше." • "We don't do transmissions. We do engines, though – all sorts." – "Мы не ремонтируем коробки передач. Зато выполняем ремонт моторов всех видов." )
19.12.2023 10:05:06 fig. plug a hole заткнуть дыру (As a citizen and a taxpayer, I don't want the government to plug that hole with my money. – затыкало эту дырку моими деньгами)
19.12.2023 10:04:40 rude put a sock in it! заткни свою варежку!
19.12.2023 10:00:45 inf. on a company dime за счёт компании (travelling on a company dime)
19.12.2023 9:43:41 gen. you look familiar ваше лицо мне знакомо
19.12.2023 9:39:58 police District Office of Internal Affairs районный отдел внутренних дел (напр., Советский РОВД г. Казани)
19.12.2023 9:39:58 police District Office of Internal Affairs РОВД (напр., Советский РОВД г. Казани)
19.12.2023 9:38:14 idiom. put one's life on the line рисковать жизнью (These officers put their lives on the line every day for us. – каждый день рискуют жизнью ради нас)
19.12.2023 9:37:17 gen. it is too great a risk риск слишком велик
19.12.2023 9:36:19 textile fabric design рисунок ткани (contemporary and classic fabric designs)
19.12.2023 8:55:50 gen. it is lightly raining идёт небольшой дождь (Right now it is lightly raining and 7 degrees.)
19.12.2023 8:39:45 gen. had родила (My sister had triplets. • After I had my daughter in January, the headaches had pretty much stopped but now they've come back. )
19.12.2023 8:38:53 health. delivered родившая (About 80% of recently delivered women have experienced some form of baby blues, which includes depressed mood and crying spells.)
19.12.2023 8:37:30 gen. in an even tone ровным тоном ("Spare no money," she said in a dead, even tone. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.12.2023 8:37:03 gen. in a steady voice ровным голосом (... said in a calm steady voice)
19.12.2023 8:36:01 gen. risk walking through рискнуть пройти через (опасное, неблагополучное место: I risked walking thru that disaster at Crab Park awhile back. Counted over 120 bikes and bike frames. (Twitter))
19.12.2023 8:29:37 gen. let us venture it рискнём ("I don't suppose they remember faces in so busy a place. Let us venture it." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
19.12.2023 8:28:44 gen. take the chance рискнуть (They took the chance and won. -- Они рискнули и победили.)
19.12.2023 8:16:34 gen. there's no recourse at all никакой управы на кого-л. нет (_a source of help in a difficult situation (Oxford Dictionary): I can absolutely relate, I lived in a smoke-free condo complex and it made absolutely zero difference… people below us continued to smoke. There’s no recourse at all unless you are able to catch them in the act and report the specific unit number to the strata. We lived with it for years…Best thing we did was move away. (Reddit))
19.12.2023 8:15:42 gen. there's no recourse at all обращаться за помощью бесполезно (recourse: a source of help in a difficult situation (Oxford Dictionary): I can absolutely relate, I lived in a smoke-free condo complex and it made absolutely zero difference… people below us continued to smoke. There’s no recourse at all unless you are able to catch them in the act and report the specific unit number to the strata. We lived with it for years…Best thing we did was move away. (Reddit))
19.12.2023 7:35:27 archaeol. date установить возраст (to: Members of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology are conducting a study of 5,000-year-old man-made stone piles submerged in Lake Constance, an alpine lake that borders Germany, Austria and Switzerland. One of the piles between Lindau and Wasserburg has so far been dated to between 3500 and 3200 BC during the Neolithic period, however, the purpose of the monuments is speculated. ampproject.org)
19.12.2023 7:22:15 cliche. it seems like похоже (может стоять в конце фразы в более разговорном варианте: A three-alarm fire on West 4th, another fire in Marpole. Lots of work for firefighters tonight, it seems like.)
19.12.2023 7:12:32 sarcast. clearly your memory is going у вас с памятью явно не в порядке
19.12.2023 7:12:32 sarcast. clearly your memory is going вас явно память подводит
19.12.2023 7:11:30 cliche. seriously wrong явно не в порядке (Something seriously wrong with the Kindle version. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 16, 2023. Was looking forward to reading this. Sadly most of the pages in Kindle are blank. Hopefully just a glitch and the author can reload the manuscript. I am sure Mark has written an interesting account of this incident. So this is no criticism of his work, just the current version of the Kindle. amazon.com)
19.12.2023 7:11:06 cliche. seriously wrong серьёзные проблемы (Something seriously wrong with the Kindle version. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 16, 2023. Was looking forward to reading this. Sadly most of the pages in Kindle are blank. Hopefully just a glitch and the author can reload the manuscript. I am sure Mark has written an interesting account of this incident. So this is no criticism of his work, just the current version of the Kindle. amazon.com)
19.12.2023 7:06:57 cliche. read in one sitting прочитать за один присест (A great book. I read it in one sitting but it's an essential read for anyone interested in the phenomena. Really well researched too. amazon.com)
19.12.2023 7:02:46 ufol. UFO researcher уфолог (In the second half, British UFO researcher and author Mark Olly joined George to discuss his new book on the 1983 Llanilar UFO crash in Wales, a case he and others have dubbed "Europe's Roswell." Mark told Knapp that the case parallels Roswell in many ways. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:42:43 police issue a radio alert объявить тревогу по рации (That included discussion of how the media portrayed and the public perceived Polly’s father, the use of Ryder and other celebrities as a tool to keep the story in the public eye, and mistakes made by the police in the early stages of the abduction; such as not issuing a radio alert of the abduction that could have saved her life. That call, ironically, was made due to fears that the media would get the story over radio scanners. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:38:40 police hunt a false lead идти по ложному следу (This was the rarest type of all kidnappings — a stranger abduction from the home — and it triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, along with a media frenzy. By the time it was all over, actress Winona Ryder would even offer a reward for Polly’s safe return; a move investigative journalist Kim Cross said police asked her to walk back for fears it would draw opportunists and waste resources hunting false leads. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:38:40 police hunt a false lead пойти по ложному следу (This was the rarest type of all kidnappings — a stranger abduction from the home — and it triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, along with a media frenzy. By the time it was all over, actress Winona Ryder would even offer a reward for Polly’s safe return; a move investigative journalist Kim Cross said police asked her to walk back for fears it would draw opportunists and waste resources hunting false leads. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:24:35 journ. manhunt розыск преступника (On October 1, 1993, 12-year-old Polly Klaas was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Petaluma, California, during a sleepover with two friends. The abduction occurred while her mother slept soundly in the room next door. This was the rarest type of all kidnappings — a stranger abduction from the home — and it triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, along with a media frenzy. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:24:35 journ. manhunt поиск преступника (On October 1, 1993, 12-year-old Polly Klaas was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Petaluma, California, during a sleepover with two friends. The abduction occurred while her mother slept soundly in the room next door. This was the rarest type of all kidnappings — a stranger abduction from the home — and it triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, along with a media frenzy. coasttocoastam.com)
19.12.2023 6:11:00 gen. overall wage "грязными" (заработок до вычетов: I make 60k in Vancouver, with a 19% increase over the next 5 years. But with the overall wage with overtime I make about 70k less than I did in Fort St. John. Despite wage differences, with how much I have left in the account after the bills are paid, you would have to make approx 350k in Vancouver to equal the standard of living I had out of town. (Reddit))
19.12.2023 6:01:07 coll. people of colour расовые меньшинства (POC -- отличные от белого населения: "Plus moving to smaller towns isn’t always the best option for someone of colour as most of those small towns tend to be a bit redneck-esque, so while that was a great option for you, not everyone likes the idea of living in forest fire territory where work is limited, rent is just as bad if not worse than in Vancouver and anyone not white gets looked at cross eyed." "POC were more accepted out of town than in the city I found. The main difference being everyone just minded their own business. I didnt believe it myself. And all my buds up there of color agreed." (Reddit))
19.12.2023 5:36:43 inf. trade-off одно хорошо, другое плохо (There’s always a trade-off, perhaps some things there are cheaper, the houses are more affordable, but other things are more expensive because you’re in the boonies -- like food, heating and hydro, mileage/wear and tear on vehicles since you’re driving more to get anywhere. (Reddit))
19.12.2023 5:28:58 gen. put kids through university оплатить учёбу в университете своим детям (I can make the same money in a nicer town and just actually enjoy life, buy a home, put kids through uni, vacation, retire, maybe even help the kids buy a home. In this city, with these crazy housing prices, it's just not possible. (Reddit))
19.12.2023 4:49:34 gen. on one's way back на обратном пути (I want to get my friend a bottle of Jameson Crested whiskey, but it seems to only be sold in Ireland (apparently it’s sold at the airport). If anyone is willing to bring some on their way back, I would reimburse you. Would love to work something out. (Reddit) • We stopped at Big Joe's for a couple of quick ones on our way back home from the concert.)
19.12.2023 3:53:54 cliche. wishing you a speedy recovery! желаю скорейшего выздоровления!
18.12.2023 12:36:20 auto. cover проехать расстояние (We'll cover roughly 25 miles or 40 kilometres.)
18.12.2023 12:34:42 transp. get to ... by public transit проехать на общественном транспорте (You can get to VanDusen Botanical Garden by public transit. Take the No. 17 Oak from Downtown.)
18.12.2023 12:33:32 busin. long history продолжительный опыт (based upon its long history of ... – опираясь на продолжительный опыт работы в сфере ...)
18.12.2023 12:32:55 cinema follow-up продолжение фильма (a movie follow-up (to an earlier movie))
18.12.2023 12:32:21 gen. go year-round продолжаться круглый год (Our contracting and design work goes year-round.)
18.12.2023 12:31:34 gen. be ongoing until продолжаться до (Roadwork on Knight Street, that will be ongoing until March. – будет продолжаться до марта)
18.12.2023 12:30:33 lit. remain in print продолжать издаваться (The book remains in print. – Книга продолжает издаваться.)
18.12.2023 12:29:14 gen. continues to be продолжает оставаться (Franz Kafka's novella "The Metamorphosis" continues to be highly regarded and studied worldwide.)
18.12.2023 12:28:24 gen. make it past продержаться дольше (по времени: Neither of us made it past thirty seconds. – Ни я, ни она не смогли выдержать больше полминуты.)
18.12.2023 12:26:29 mil. move up the ranks продвигаться по службе (The colonel was slowly moving up the ranks until February 2010 when he was arrested for these murders and sexual assaults.)
18.12.2023 12:25:49 real.est. up for продаётся за (установленную цену: Currently there is a one-bedroom condo in the Concord Oceanview Village Suites that is up for just $795,000. It is an amazing investment rental property generating a 5.5 per cent return on investment.)
18.12.2023 12:19:27 gen. send someone on their way отправить восвояси (A ticketless woman, who had reportedly lived at Pearson International Airport since mid-April, was moved out and given a bus ticket yesterday. Peel Regional Police sent the woman on her way after receiving a call from an airport employee who saw her sleeping on a suitcase.)
18.12.2023 12:17:20 slang biff off отправиться восвояси (British slang: I turned him down like a bedspread, so he just biffed off.)
18.12.2023 12:16:39 inet. submit an opt-out request отписаться от рассылки
18.12.2023 12:13:34 formal file a complaint направить жалобу (with – в: file a complaint directly or anonymously through a toll-free telephone or an online form)
18.12.2023 12:12:42 gen. re-direct направить (в какую-л. сторону: It is a very sobering view of the direction in which some individuals appear to be trying to re-direct the world.)
18.12.2023 12:09:02 gen. prompt напомнить (сделать что-либо: I will do my best to remember to e-mail you after each completed shift, but please prompt me, if you don’t hear from me. – напоминай мне, если не дождёшься письма от меня)
18.12.2023 12:05:57 inf. check in напомнить о себе (I know you asked me not to call any more but I thought, ah, it's been a couple of months and I think I'd better just check in.)

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