
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

25.12.2023 5:04:23 gen. as a lucky charm как талисман (Coley Hall was the original owner of the Vancouver Canucks in 1945, and a legendary tough guy. So it’s perfectly fitting that on Oct. 5, 1951, he donned a colourful tie that featured a couple of hockey players about to clobber each other over the head with their sticks. Hall wore it to the Canucks’ home-opener as a lucky charm. Alas, the Canucks were stomped 8-2 by Victoria, so he may never have worn it again. -- надел его как талисман vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 4:58:27 fash. gaily-patterned весёлой расцветки (Костюмчик весёлой расцветки — пост пикабушника. ... Трусы ярко-веселой расцветки сшили для костромичей в СВО. (из российских источников) • Coley Hall was the original owner of the Vancouver Canucks in 1945, and a legendary tough guy. So it’s perfectly fitting that on Oct. 5, 1951, he donned a colourful tie that featured a couple of hockey players about to clobber each other over the head with their sticks. The tie was a gift from the daughter of prominent local businessman Austin Taylor. According to a story in the Vancouver News-Herald, Kathleen Taylor found the “gaily patterned” tie in New York and gave it to Hall when she ran into him at the racetrack in Vancouver. -- галстук весёлой расцветки vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 4:53:22 gen. perfectly fitting вполне уместный (Coley Hall was the original owner of the Vancouver Canucks in 1945, and a legendary tough guy. So it’s perfectly fitting that on Oct. 5, 1951, he donned a colourful tie that featured a couple of hockey players about to clobber each other over the head with their sticks. vancouversun.com)
24.12.2023 11:55:45 tech. high-functioning высокофункциональный (high-functioning environments)
24.12.2023 11:49:13 respect. highly regarded высокочтимый (The highly-regarded Chief of Police must have known how controversial this decision would be. )
24.12.2023 11:29:33 gen. national counterparts проживающие в других городах (страны, напр., поставленные в равные условия: "In one question respondents were asked to choose any or all out of 14 attributes or habits they would consider a first date deal breaker. Across the board – from showing up late to eating with mouth open, from talking about money to not picking up the tab – B.C. women ticked off more no-nos than their national counterparts." (The Province, February 14, 2014))
24.12.2023 11:26:10 gen. live a life прожить жизнь (Peter has lived a good life.)
24.12.2023 11:05:25 gen. get through life прожить жизнь (--Thank you, Abysslooker, for directing my attention to a typo.: "It seems the easiest way to get through life is just accept it and live in the moment." -- Willie Nelson)
24.12.2023 10:26:24 disappr. attitude гонор (That teen who sold you groceries is full of attitude. • If you get on her bad side, this girl will make your life a living hell. She's got quite the attitude, so don't make her angry. • Not friendly bank teller, had a bad attitude. -- с гонором)
24.12.2023 8:52:00 busin. custom по индивидуальному заказу (изготовленный, выполненный)
24.12.2023 8:19:44 cliche. to_say is an understatement сказать, что -- это ничего не сказать (Checked out the new seafood place in Lincoln Square… to say it is popular is an understatement. Had to wait in line for two hours if you can believe it! (Twitter))
24.12.2023 7:40:22 comp., net. the issue has now been resolved неполадка устранена (The issue has now been resolved. -- В настоящее время техническая неполадка устранена.)
24.12.2023 7:39:43 comp., net. the issue has now been resolved проблема устранена
24.12.2023 6:09:31 cliche. I'm fine with that я не возражаю
24.12.2023 6:09:20 cliche. I'm fine with that я не против
24.12.2023 6:09:09 cliche. I'm fine with that меня это вполне устраивает
24.12.2023 6:07:23 cliche. it just blows me away! меня это просто поражает! (expressing anger, indignation)
24.12.2023 6:06:49 inf. it just boggles my mind меня это просто поражает (expressing frustration)
24.12.2023 6:06:11 gen. this isn't exactly what I'm looking for меня это не совсем устраивает
24.12.2023 6:05:29 gen. I have always wondered about that меня это всегда интересовало (какой-л. вопрос)
24.12.2023 6:03:30 gen. cheque is fine меня устроит чек ("Cheque or cash?" "Cheque is fine.")
24.12.2023 6:01:26 cliche. it dawned on me меня осенило (After visiting Point Roberts several times a week for a number of years it dawned on me I should move here and focus my professional real estate energies in an area I truly loved.)
24.12.2023 5:54:33 auto. give a boost подзарядить аккумулятор (от другого автомобиля, электровелосипеда и т.п.: Carmen's car had a dead battery the other day. Fortunately had an ebike handy to give it a boost. (Twitter))
24.12.2023 5:45:34 gen. exhaust fans вытяжная вентиляция (And there's super loud parkade exhaust fans running where they put the tables for people to sit. They are so loud you can hear them a block away. -- работает вытяжная вентиляция (Twitter))
24.12.2023 5:34:34 dig.curr. initial appeal привлекательность на начальном этапе (What was the initial appeal of cryptocurrencies? -- В чём состояла привлекательность криптовалют в самом начале?)
24.12.2023 3:43:56 gen. vast implications масштабные последствия (The implications of Whale-SETI are vast. It not only enriches our understanding of marine life but also provides insights into the evolution of communication and intelligence. earth.com)
24.12.2023 3:43:56 gen. vast implications значительные последствия (The implications of Whale-SETI are vast. It not only enriches our understanding of marine life but also provides insights into the evolution of communication and intelligence. earth.com)
24.12.2023 3:18:57 gen. snowbound засыпанный снегом (If people or vehicles are snowbound, they cannot go anywhere because of heavy snow. (Collins Dictionary): The village became snowbound. -- Деревню засыпало снегом. (Collins Dictionary) • Special greetings to the millions of people who are snowbound tonight, as the snow is still falling at the rate of an inch per hour.)
24.12.2023 3:15:54 gen. snowbound отрезанный от остального мира (из-за снегопада: prevented from traveling or going out by snow or snowy weather; covered in snow or inaccessible because of it (Oxford Dictionary) | (of vehicles or people) unable to travel because of heavy snow, or (of roads) not able to be travelled on or reached because of heavy snow (Cambridge Dictionary): Special greetings to the millions of people who are snowbound tonight, as the snow is still falling at the rate of an inch per hour.)
24.12.2023 3:06:15 fig. nuts-and-bolts физический (по своей структуре: He said they were known as “transmorphic entities” in the MJ12 documentation, and, “are pure mind energy (that) come from another dimension.” He said while there are some nuts-and-bolts UFOs – like the craft that crashed near Roswell, NM – others are simply a manifestation of these non-corporeal entities. coasttocoastam.com)
23.12.2023 10:18:12 esot. drain one's energy высосать энергию (из кого-л.: She also recounted a disturbing encounter with an MIB, who appeared in her bedroom and attempted to drain her energy like a vacuum. However, after a bit of struggle, she was able to seize her power, and oust the entity. coasttocoastam.com)
23.12.2023 10:17:31 esot. drain one's energy выкачивать энергию (из кого-л.: A time to start saying "no" to people, places and things that drain your energy.)
23.12.2023 10:17:31 esot. drain one's energy выкачать энергию (из кого-л.: A time to start saying "no" to people, places and things that drain your energy.)
23.12.2023 10:08:52 disappr. have the audacity хватать наглости (+ infinitive -- сделать что-л.: After what happened he has the audacity to greet me in the lobby every morning and sneer! -- хватает наглости / нахальства • ... and then she had the audacity to ask if I wanted regular or decaf. -- хватило наглости / нахальства)
23.12.2023 10:08:52 disappr. have the audacity хватать нахальства (+ infinitive -- сделать что-л.: After what happened he has the audacity to greet me in the lobby every morning and sneer! -- хватает наглости / нахальства • ... and then she had the audacity to ask if I wanted regular or decaf. -- хватило наглости / нахальства)
23.12.2023 9:43:07 cliche. hang on! держись! (Hang on Toronto, the winter is making a comeback tomorrow!)
23.12.2023 9:42:13 gen. maintain a respectful distance держаться на почтительном расстоянии (Notice in a pharmacy: To be considerate of our patients' privacy, please maintain a respectful distance.)
23.12.2023 9:34:47 disappr. plenty of money around деньги нашлись (на что-либо: "The fact that a large chunk of money will be spent on a new treatment plant that will take sewage treatment only to a secondary stage, rather than tertiary level, is unacceptable in modern times. (...) There was plenty of money around to hold the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, but not enough money for adequate sewage treatment." (nsnews.com) – на это деньги нашлись)
23.12.2023 9:33:08 gen. the value of money decreases деньги обесцениваются (When the interest rate doesn't go up, the value of money decreases meaning you need more money for the same food and services. The bank of Canada says, starve, cause people who have a mortgage are getting a brake now while everyone else ends up with increasing food prices. (Twitter))
23.12.2023 9:17:36 fig. vision дар предвидения
23.12.2023 9:16:37 gen. will not get away with sth. даром не пройдёт (He won't get away with that. – Ему это даром не пройдёт. • She won't get away with that. – Ей это даром не пройдёт.)
23.12.2023 9:13:52 cliche. you don't mean that? да ты что! (expressing disbelief, shock, amazement)
23.12.2023 9:13:09 cliche. no way! да ты что! (expressing disbelief, shock, amazement)
23.12.2023 9:11:40 quot.aph. he is a good man, who can receive a gift well дарёному коню в зубы не смотрят (He is a good man, who can receive a gift well. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) )
23.12.2023 9:08:26 poetic advent of springtime приход весны (The trees, the birds, the flowers are all embracing the advent of springtime with fresh green leaves, happy chirping and bright colours.)
23.12.2023 9:07:52 gen. attach прицепить (It is important to securely attach a trailer to a car as a trailer that hasn't been securely attached can break loose and prove to be a hazard on the road.)
23.12.2023 9:06:48 gen. get sb. used to sth. приучить к (The government is trying to get the public used to this new tax.)
23.12.2023 9:05:22 gen. play date приход детей в гости для игры (How often do you host play dates?)
23.12.2023 9:00:18 law, contr. other than: за исключением следующих: (for any reason other than: i. ...; ii. ...; iii. ... -- по любой причине, за исключением следующих: ...)
23.12.2023 8:59:12 law, contr. except as hereinafter described за исключением нижеприведённых условий
23.12.2023 8:50:53 busin. stakeholders заинтересованные лица
23.12.2023 8:48:37 formal engagement with заинтересованность в (the author's engagement with serious issues affecting his country and the world today – заинтересованность автора в серьёзных вопросах)
23.12.2023 8:47:15 gen. stake заинтересованность (Parents are those with the biggest stake in what happens at school board, so we welcome the decision to allow video recording of school board meetings. – Родители больше других заинтересованы в том, что происходит ...)
23.12.2023 8:45:36 gen. mirror-world зазеркалье (in the mirror-world of American politics – в зазеркалье)
23.12.2023 8:43:57 rude snotty зажравшийся (в некоторых случаях, осуждающе)
23.12.2023 8:30:18 gram. tall oak-tree высокий дуб (различия между употреблением high и tall)
23.12.2023 8:25:52 gen. bring up fears высказывать опасения (Similar fears about the new policy were brought up in Quebec and some European countries, but the companies easily adapted. – высказывались опасения)
23.12.2023 8:24:54 formal voice one's objections высказать свои возражения (Hopefully, more residents will voice their comments and objections through the newspaper and by letters to council and Mayor Lipman.)
23.12.2023 8:23:58 idiom. have one's say высказать своё мнение (Have your say: Have questions, thoughts or ideas? Let us know how we can shape and grow our communities together during our public consultation.)
23.12.2023 8:22:35 gen. speculate высказать догадку (A virtual menagerie of paranormal prowlers have been observed, he told Cheryll. These include hooded beings, gnome-like creatures, Greys, Reptilians, and Shadow People, who, rather than being wispy and ethereal, have been able to move objects and cause pain or injury. Goerman suggested that these non-human attackers have a telepathic 'knockout' ability to make people go back to sleep. He speculated that their agenda likely involves some kind of parasitic vampirism or feeding. coasttocoastam.com)
23.12.2023 8:21:35 idiom. give sb. a piece of one's mind высказать всё, что накипело (Drivers who had been prevented from crossing the bridge during rush hour around 7:30 a.m. got out of their cars and began giving two protesters who had parked a van across both lanes of traffic a piece of their minds. nsnews.com)
23.12.2023 7:15:35 idiom. give sb. a piece of one's mind высказать всё, что думаешь (о ком-л.: Drivers who had been prevented from crossing the bridge during rush hour around 7:30 a.m. got out of their cars and began giving two protesters who had parked a van across both lanes of traffic a piece of their minds. nsnews.com)
23.12.2023 7:14:22 idiom. give sb. a bit of one's mind высказать всё, что думает (He has given her a bit of his mind. – Он высказал ей всё, что он о ней думает.)
23.12.2023 7:12:39 fire. use the jaws of life высвободить жертву ДТП из повреждённого автомобиля с помощью гидравлического инструмента
23.12.2023 7:11:30 account. proceeds from the sale of выручка от продажи (e.g.,: proceeds from the sale of property, tools and equipment)
23.12.2023 7:04:04 publ.transp. shift's fares выручка за смену (таксиста)
23.12.2023 7:02:33 idiom. bail out of trouble выручить из беды (I would hope that they are not just bailing this kid out of trouble and she carries on. She needs to be held accountable. She should be looking for a job and each $ she is paid goes directly back to her parents until the $20,0000 is paid off.)
23.12.2023 6:36:52 idiom. make the cut попасть (to be among the players allowed to continue playing (Merriam-Webster) – в результате отбора: The mother of a 12-year-old boy wants to know why there's no room for her son at a local high school this fall while five international students from Asia still make the cut.)
23.12.2023 5:49:25 cliche. takes forever черепашьим ходом (Pros: It's a very green neighborhood. Lots of old trees and fully canopied streets. Cons: It takes a long time to get anywhere that isn't the university or the neighborhood. If you work downtown, getting there takes forever because you have to drive through the whole city. An extra hour of sleep lost in the morning and an extra hour in the afternoon drive wasn't something I enjoyed. (Reddit))
23.12.2023 5:37:35 cliche. takes forever в час по чайной ложке
23.12.2023 5:08:01 arts. true value настоящая стоимость (предмета искусства: The dealer has denied knowing the item’s true value, claiming that he undertook considerable research following valuations by three separate auctioneers. • Сегодня для определения стоимости произведений искусства используются разные методы. artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:58:36 cook. boil until tender варить до готовности
23.12.2023 4:55:27 commer. proceeds of the sale деньги, полученные от продажи (various legal moves that involved freezing the proceeds of the sale artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:54:20 commer. proceeds of the sale средства, полученные от продажи (various legal moves that involved freezing the proceeds of the sale artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:54:20 commer. proceeds of the sale вырученная от продажи сумма (various legal moves that involved freezing the proceeds of the sale artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:54:20 commer. proceeds of the sale вырученные от продажи средства (various legal moves that involved freezing the proceeds of the sale artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:54:20 commer. proceeds of the sale сумма, полученная от продажи (various legal moves that involved freezing the proceeds of the sale artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:48:55 gen. in the attic на чердаке (часть дома под крышей: An elderly French couple have just lost their case against a second-hand dealer, after parting with a rare African mask that had been gathering dust in their attic. The dealer paid the €150 ($165) for the precious Ngil mask, which was made by the Fang people of Gabon, before sending it to auction where it fetched €4.2 million ($4.6 million). artnet.com)
23.12.2023 4:41:24 gen. Darwinian ideas дарвинизм (Simmons has a B.S. in Zoology, has completed the coursework for a master’s degree in microbiology, and is board-certified in internal medicine and disaster medicine. For 30 years, he was an ardent supporter of Darwinian ideas; however, now he claims the data supporting this theory is scientifically untenable. -- был ярым приверженцем дарвинизма coasttocoastam.com)
23.12.2023 4:07:05 cliche. is considered считается (Fresh corn is considered a starchy vegetable, but dried corn is considered a grain. Botanists classify corn in the fruit family. • Although Vancouver hasn't topped the list of the world's most livable cities since 2011, our city is still considered one of the best places in the world in which to live. favfamilyrecipes.com)
23.12.2023 4:01:38 cook. rinse with cold water промыть холодной водой (It doesn’t need to be completely thawed. Place it in a colander and rinse with cold water until ice is no longer present.)
23.12.2023 3:47:13 cliche. passed away from a brief illness скончался после непродолжительной болезни (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com)
23.12.2023 3:44:31 cliche. it is with deep sadness that we share the news that с глубоким прискорбием сообщаем (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com)
22.12.2023 11:41:19 idiom. throw a tub of cold water on окатить холодной водой (The premier immediately threw a tub of cold water on her junior minister's idea.)
22.12.2023 11:39:33 bible.term. covers оклад (Gospel covers – оклад Евангелия)
22.12.2023 11:32:53 gen. have a sneaky beer or two украдкой выпить пива ("There was a church in this village and behind the church was a small wooded area and fields, where we used to generally mess about and have a sneaky beer or two." mysteriousuniverse.org)
22.12.2023 11:32:53 gen. have a sneaky beer or two тайком выпить пива ("There was a church in this village and behind the church was a small wooded area and fields, where we used to generally mess about and have a sneaky beer or two." mysteriousuniverse.org)
22.12.2023 11:23:59 gen. stress перегрузка (During times of stress, some people tend to just break down. You need to learn some simple breathing techniques to relieve that stress.)
22.12.2023 11:22:49 gen. speak переговорить (to sb. – с кем-л.: So I spoke to Kevin and here's what we'd like to propose for changes ... -- В общем, я переговорил с Кевином ... )
22.12.2023 11:14:36 idiom. go overboard перегнуть палку (with: to do something too much, or to be too excited or eager about something: I don't think there'll be more than six people eating, so I wouldn't go overboard with the food. -- так что я не стал бы перегибать палку cambridge.org)
22.12.2023 10:35:18 gov. First Assistant первый заместитель (Michelle Jones served as the First Assistant County Attorney.)
22.12.2023 10:34:40 ed. inaugural class первые ученики (The first school to be built in the downtown area in over two decades, Maywood Elementary welcomed its inaugural class of 520 students in September. – школа приняла первых учеников)
22.12.2023 10:32:32 gen. explorer of the great beyond первопроходец (His passion for exploring the great beyond led him into a career combining archaeology, extreme diving, mountaineering, and Buddhist philosophy.)
22.12.2023 10:30:00 gen. choosy переборчивый (My kids have become less choosy when it comes to eating their veggies. – уже не так перебирают, как раньше)
22.12.2023 10:29:22 inf. get tight перебрать (She got a little tight at my birthday party and passed out under the table. – немного перебрала)
22.12.2023 10:26:36 gen. refer to as обозвать (оскорбительно: Brown's lawyer Julie McIver added in her letter to the district that Brown is offended some officials have referred to him as 'the old hoarder'. "My client is already in a fragile and distressed state of mind because his home is being taken away from him and all of his possessions, papers, books and records are being placed in jeopardy," she wrote. – обозвали его старым скопидомом (nsnews.com))
22.12.2023 10:05:44 gen. revitalized обновлённый (The once-downtrodden Portside is now a vibrantly revitalized neighbourhood of boutiques, art galleries and restaurants.)
22.12.2023 10:02:56 gen. wind around обмотать ("I wound his scarf around my neck and went out to the dinette to switch off the light." – обмотал шею шарфом (Raymond Chandler) )
22.12.2023 10:01:58 gen. exchange a few civilities обменяться любезностями ("A rummy thing. It had been my intention, after exchanging these few civilities, to nod carelessly and leave the fellow. But it's so dashed difficult to break the habit of years." (P.G. Wodehouse) – обменявшись любезностями)
22.12.2023 10:01:18 gen. share ideas обменяться творческими идеями

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