
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

27.12.2023 5:21:18 construct. align with привести в соответствие с (требованиями, кодексом, нормами, стандартами: Phase 1a of the redevelopment includes demolishing the northern part of the existing office building. That will be followed by refurbishing the building’s façade and updating it to align with building code and safety standards, according to the report. (burnabynow.com))
27.12.2023 5:19:32 construct. refurbish the building's façade отремонтировать фасад дома (That will be followed by refurbishing the building’s façade and updating it to align with building code and safety standards, according to the report. (burnabynow.com))
27.12.2023 5:17:55 cliche. I'm all for я обеими руками за то, чтобы (I'm all for fixing the gigantic drug problem in Vancouver, but if we are going to pay approximately $7,500 a year for heroin addicts to get their fix then why do diabetics have to pay for their own meds? It's not like they chose to be a diabetic. Where is the common sense here?)
27.12.2023 5:16:06 cliche. I'm all for я полностью за то, чтобы (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com))
27.12.2023 5:16:06 cliche. I'm all for я полностью поддерживаю (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com))
27.12.2023 5:05:03 traf. traffic is at a complete standstill движение полностью стоит (Another week, another multi building, 40-60 story residential tower project announced. In 10 years..... When traffic is at a complete standstill in Burnaby....don't blame the renters. (burnabynow.com) • – Движение стоит полностью, проезжаем по газону и трамвайным путям, – сообщают автолюбители. (samara.kp.ru) • Почти полностью стоит движение на улице Советской Армии — от улицы Телефонной до Павловского тракта. (amic.ru))
27.12.2023 5:02:43 traf. traffic is at a complete standstill автомобили практически не двигаются (Another week, another multi building, 40-60 story residential tower project announced. In 10 years..... When traffic is at a complete standstill in Burnaby....don't blame the renters. (burnabynow.com) • Утренние пробки в Барнауле достигли отметки семь баллов. На некоторых участках автомобили практически не двигаются. (amic.ru))
27.12.2023 5:02:21 traf. traffic is at a complete standstill транспорт полностью стоит (Another week, another multi building, 40-60 story residential tower project announced. In 10 years..... When traffic is at a complete standstill in Burnaby....don't blame the renters. (burnabynow.com))
27.12.2023 3:08:48 bus.styl. we appreciate your patience благодарим вас за терпение (стандартная фраза из службы поддержки клиентов: A customer service representative will be in touch as soon as possible to address your concerns. We appreciate your patience and look forward to helping you with your inquiry.)
27.12.2023 3:04:13 gen. be in touch with связаться с (Thank you for contacting us! A customer service representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible to address your concerns. -- свяжется с вами • If you are still unable to login, no need to reply again, we'll be in touch soon. -- скоро с вами свяжемся)
27.12.2023 2:04:43 gen. restore to working order привести в рабочее состояние (Crabble Mill, at River, two miles north-west of Dover, is a watermill that was built during the Napoleonic Wars to grind flour for the local garrison. It was recently restored to working order. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
27.12.2023 2:04:43 gen. restore to working order отремонтировать (Crabble Mill, at River, two miles north-west of Dover, is a watermill that was built during the Napoleonic Wars to grind flour for the local garrison. It was recently restored to working order. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
27.12.2023 1:56:01 sport. sport parachuting парашютный спорт (The former Lympne airfield is now a centre for sport parachuting. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
27.12.2023 1:50:47 cliche. I don't follow you я вас не понимаю
27.12.2023 1:50:27 cliche. I don't follow you я не понимаю вашу мысль
26.12.2023 12:21:34 law relinquish one's claim отказаться от претензий (to – на (территорию): Munro, a lawyer, accepts that Sen̓áḵw isn’t subject to the city’s normal consultation process because it’s on reserve land, which was granted to the Squamish Nation in 2000, along with $92 million, for relinquishing its claim to Kits Point and other lands. vancouversun.com)
26.12.2023 12:20:31 market. opt out отказаться от получения информации (по электронной почте)
26.12.2023 12:19:55 market. opt out of receiving отказаться от получения (You can opt out of receiving these offers for one year using this online form.)
26.12.2023 11:51:29 gen. scrap the plan, plans отказаться от плана, планов (A high school rugby team from Surrey has had their dream trip to England turn in to a nightmare. (...) By the time the team got to London, they could only play one game before everything else was cancelled because of the outbreak. Plans to visit historic sites around Europe also had to be scrapped. citynews1130.com)
26.12.2023 11:50:30 gen. go cashless отказаться от наличных денег (в расчётах: " When Grounds for Coffee's Kitsilano location went cashless earlier this year, owner and founder Dan Hilton expected a slight drop in sales. Instead, the coffee shop experienced a significant boost. " (Vancouver Courier))
26.12.2023 11:49:49 gen. break the habit of years отказаться от многолетней привычки ("A rummy thing. It had been my intention, after exchanging these few civilities, to nod carelessly and leave the fellow. But it's so dashed difficult to break the habit of years." (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.12.2023 11:43:35 gen. enormous amount of money огромная сумма (You pay an enormous amount of money to see the game that everyone else can watch for free on TV.)
26.12.2023 11:43:07 gen. huge issue огромная проблема (It's a huge issue in the industry.)
26.12.2023 9:56:45 gen. get legal advice обратиться за советом к юристу (After hearing the submissions, council went into a closed meeting to get legal advice.)
26.12.2023 9:56:20 gen. get legal advice обратиться за помощью к юристу (After hearing the submissions, council went into a closed meeting to get legal advice.)
26.12.2023 9:53:22 immigr. make a refugee claim обратиться за политическим убежищем
26.12.2023 9:53:08 immigr. claim refugee status обратиться за политическим убежищем
26.12.2023 9:47:44 slang cuteness няшность (cuteness overload = няшность зашкаливает)
26.12.2023 9:41:32 gen. current generation нынешнее поколение
26.12.2023 9:40:27 cliche. well, how about it? ну как, согласен?
26.12.2023 9:30:38 cliche. well, for goodness' sake! ну, знаете, это уже слишком! (выражая возмущение)
26.12.2023 9:29:57 cliche. well, for goodness' sake! ну, знаете! (выражая возмущение)
26.12.2023 9:28:27 inf. what's the big deal about that? ну и что здесь такого особенного?
26.12.2023 9:27:54 gen. you have some memory ну и память у тебя
26.12.2023 9:27:22 inf. here's a nice state of things! ну и дела! (expressing shock or amazement)
26.12.2023 8:55:52 gen. pick up налаживаться (Business is picking up after the flooding. – Дела налаживаются / идут на лад.)
26.12.2023 8:51:03 gen. work out наладиться (I hope your new job works out for you. -- Надеюсь, у тебя всё наладится на новой работе. • I hope things work out for you and Katie. -- Надеюсь, у вас с Кэти всё наладится.)
26.12.2023 8:45:09 gen. improve наладиться (The kids will have to stay indoors until the weather improves. – пока погода не наладится)
26.12.2023 8:34:29 gen. keep it hidden скрыть (That's why all the secrecy, they try to keep it hidden.)
26.12.2023 8:34:29 gen. keep it hidden скрывать (That's why all the secrecy, they try to keep it hidden.)
26.12.2023 8:23:40 inf. take off не работать (в определённые дни: I will only take Dec. 25th off. I will work all other days of the week during the holiday, except I may take off New Year's day. Not sure yet. – буду отдыхать / не работать)
26.12.2023 8:20:48 gen. got beaten up был избит (You might get beaten up for sticking your nose into their deals. – Тебя могут избить, если будешь совать свой нос в их дела.)
26.12.2023 8:20:20 cliche. has been known был замечен ранее в некоем поведении (+ infinitive: Warren has been known to frequent the Downtown East Side to feed his addiction, so his presence in the area on that night may be easily explained.)
26.12.2023 8:18:19 gen. ex-convict бывший каторжник (the fortunes of ex-convict Jean Valjean. – бывший каторжник Жан Вальжан)
26.12.2023 8:17:34 gen. past clients бывшие клиенты (You should talk to his past clients about quality of work.)
26.12.2023 8:16:52 gen. visit those parts бывать в тех краях ("I don't know if you have ever been to the Rockies.' 'No, I've never visited those parts." – никогда не бывал в тех краях)
26.12.2023 7:14:11 auto. drained car battery разряженный аккумулятор (Thank you so much for helping me start my car! I was having a stressful and shitty day and my car battery was drained because I was a dummy and left my lights on. But you got my car started within a minute! (Reddit))
26.12.2023 6:29:19 gen. take a punch получить пинка (In October, a man captured a video of a kangaroo as it tried to drown his dog. Mick Moloney had to rescue his dog Hutchy from the Murray River in Victoria, Australia, after a male eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) held Hutchy's head underwater. Moloney got Hutchy to safety but took a punch from the kangaroo for his efforts. livescience.com)
26.12.2023 6:24:29 gen. act in weird ways странно себя вести (Humans continued to disrupt and destroy the natural world in 2023, putting many animals under pressure and causing some to act in weird ways. livescience.com)
26.12.2023 6:24:29 gen. act in weird ways проявлять странное поведение (Humans continued to disrupt and destroy the natural world in 2023, putting many animals under pressure and causing some to act in weird ways. livescience.com)
26.12.2023 6:21:38 gen. build from the ground up полностью построить (дом: If you have minimal money, building yourself is key. Schools like Wild Abundance can teach you how to build a tiny house from the ground up. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 6:17:41 gen. commit to решиться на (sth. – что-л. серьёзное: Before you commit to living in any kind of tiny house, travel and stay in a few. Get a feel for what you like. -- прежде чем вы решитесь businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:58:03 modern downsize one's life отказаться от лишних вещей (When people tell me that they're thinking of living tiny, I tell them to start by downsizing their lives. Get rid of things you don't need that don't serve you. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:55:36 gen. poverty threshold уровень доходов, ниже которого не взимается подоходный налог (*не* официальный термин налогового ведомства: I have committed to not paying federal taxes therefore I earn less than the poverty threshold, which is $11,000 a year. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:52:19 gen. catch a ride ехать пассажиром (After food, I spend the most on getting around: trains, buses, or paying for gas when I catch rides with people. -- когда меня подвозят businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:40:57 gen. vary greatly сильно отличаться друг от друга (The power of fireballs can obviously vary greatly, for some people have been struck by them, but not injured so severely as the man at Gatineau Point who was knocked unconscious. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") • My expenses vary greatly. Most of my money goes to food. If I am traveling, I spend more on food. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:15:11 gen. second-hand materials бывшие в употреблении строительные материалы (The Orlando tiny house cost less than $1,500 to build, including all the materials, which were sourced second-hand. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 5:00:41 gen. cost $... to build строительство обошлось в (The Orlando tiny house cost less than $1,500 to build, including all the materials, which were sourced second-hand. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:54:04 gen. connect with наладить связь с (My next tiny house was in Orlando. The goal was to commit a year to eating only foods that I had grown or foraged. I was working on a book on this topic while I was there. Before moving to Orlando, I connected with a homeowner who had agreed to let me build a tiny house on her property. She was letting me live in her garden and giving me an extension cord connected to her power. Electricity was a huge bonus, allowing me to have a deep-chest freezer and use my laptop. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:51:40 gen. huge bonus огромное преимущество (Before moving to Orlando, I connected with a homeowner who had agreed to let me build a tiny house on her property. She was letting me live in her garden and giving me an extension cord connected to her power. Electricity was a huge bonus, allowing me to have a deep-chest freezer and use my laptop. businessinsider.com)
1.06.2024 7:05:08 gen. host поселить у себя (в доме или на участке: I bought it and put a callout on Craigslist and to my 5,000 Facebook friends: "Hello community, I'm looking for someone who has an unused backyard and would benefit from hosting me and my tiny house. In return, I can help you transition to a more sustainable life." Jim responded and I lived in his backyard for a year. (businessinsider.com))
26.12.2023 4:29:16 gen. wrong end foremost с конца ("Come, come, sir," said Holmes, laughing. "You are like my friend, Dr. Watson, who has a bad habit of telling his stories wrong end foremost." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
26.12.2023 4:27:31 cliche. it's gone for good с концами (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. • Now, I only use cash, so I don't need a bank account. If it is stolen, it's gone. I will never own a house or rent an apartment, so I don't need credit. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:26:53 cliche. it's gone for good уже не вернёшь (Once it's gone, it's gone for good.)
26.12.2023 4:22:52 gen. it takes a lot of work нужно хорошо поработать (чтобы добиться некоего результата: It takes a lot of work to break free from capitalism. Before starting this journey, I owned my own marketing company. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:18:59 gen. put through tests подвергать испытаниям (I've put myself through multiple tests over the years to bring attention to living more sustainably like only eating food I foraged or grew for a year. I don't own a cellphone, only a laptop to write from. -- подверг себя многочисленным испытаниям businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:15:57 gen. commit to small changes начать с малого (I committed to small changes in the beginning, and my journey took off from there. businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 4:02:14 energ.distr. off the grid не подключённый к электричеству (также к природному газу, муниципальному водоснабжению и канализации: о доме или о сознательно выбранном образе жизни: As the host and producer of Discovery's Homestead Rescue, Raney, and his two children, Matt and Misty, use their farming and building expertise to help others who seek to live off the grid. In the first half, he shared tips for self-sufficiency and the off-the-grid lifestyle (living without electrical power) • I live off the grid in a tiny house and freed myself from capitalism. I don't have a cell phone or ID, and I don't pay taxes — here's how. coasttocoastam.com, businessinsider.com)
26.12.2023 3:35:04 USA do one's national service служить в армии (On Easter weekend 1978, Army Corporal Dawie van Jaarsveld was doing his national service at Oudtshoorn army base 100 miles from Uniondale, he was on his way there to spend the holidays with his girlfriend. His journey took him along the N9. daynesdiscoveries.com)
26.12.2023 3:31:58 gen. compile stories собирать истории (Trapper Jack has for 20 years been compiling stories of amazing synchronicities-- accounts that defy logic and often include real-life narratives of what appear to be angelic interventions, healings, and miracles. coasttocoastam.com)
25.12.2023 11:41:11 radio we're up against the clock время заканчивается (отведённое на передачу)
25.12.2023 11:40:24 gen. waking hours время до сна (throughout his/her waking hours – всё время до сна)
25.12.2023 11:39:49 auto. non-peak times время до или после часа-"пик" (Try to travel at non-peak times.)
25.12.2023 11:38:01 immigr. temporary resident временно проживающее лицо
25.12.2023 11:36:45 gov. stay temporarily временно проживать (Is there anyone listed above who is staying at this address temporarily and who has his or her main residence located at another address in Canada? – временно проживает по этому адресу)
25.12.2023 11:34:28 gen. slam врезаться (в – into: "1 dead in a head-on crash at Hwy 1 and Mountain Hwy Saturday. A pickup crossed into the eastbound lane and slammed into a Modo car which then caught fire." (Twitter))
25.12.2023 11:22:54 gen. rear-end врезаться сзади (в идущую впереди машину: RCMP say a 70's Volkswagen convertible rear-ended a Toyota Land Cruiser on Maywood Street. The driver of the Volkswagen was thrown from the vehicle and died at the scene.)
25.12.2023 11:07:18 inf. kind of hasty впопыхах (Suitcases were packed kind of hasty.)
25.12.2023 11:06:39 gen. in aid of a charity в пользу благотворительной организации (They're holding a concert in aid of some kind of adopt-a-whale charity.)
25.12.2023 11:05:40 sport. for в пользу (The Canadian curling team is going against Norway, it's now 2:0 for Canada.)
25.12.2023 11:02:48 cliche. well underway в полном разгаре ("It's hard not to smile when you see fuzzy goslings start to appear around Vancouver. The resident Canada goose breeding season is well underway and proud geese can be seen strutting around parks and lakes showing off their gaggle." (Vancouver Courier))
25.12.2023 11:02:05 busin. in good order в полном порядке (for example, confirming receipt of files: "Received in good order, thank you!")
25.12.2023 11:01:13 formal to the full extent в полном объёме (... use that information to the full extent permitted by law)
25.12.2023 10:59:07 gen. fairly decent вполне приличный (She's got a fairly decent resume.)
25.12.2023 10:49:17 law, court file a claim for compensation предъявить требования о возмещении ущерба (The victim has filed a claim for compensation. )
25.12.2023 10:45:32 formal pursue cost recovery for damages взыскать сумму причинённого ущерба с виновника ("The BC Wildfire Service and RCMP investigations did not uncover sufficient evidence to identify the person whose actions started the Elephant Hill wildfire. Therefore, it was not possible to lay charges or pursue cost recovery for damages caused by this fire," says a BC Wildfire Service release. The fire started on July 6, 2017, about 2.5 kilometres southeast of Ashcroft. It eventually burned 191,865 hectares in the south-central Interior region. citynews1130.com)
25.12.2023 10:44:37 gov. fine взыскать (Кировский райсуд Уфы взыскал с рэпера Моргенштерна* 35,5 тысячи рублей за судебные и почтовые расходы – fined)
25.12.2023 10:43:59 account. charged взысканный (the following amounts charged, levied, paid or payable)
25.12.2023 9:01:17 gen. good evidence убедительные доказательства (In just three months (from July 1 to Oct. 1), Canada added an extra 430,635 people. Naturally, you can’t add this many people all at once without it having knock-on effects. And there is good evidence that the immigration surge is a prime contributor to the skyrocketing cost of Canadian housing. vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 8:55:14 real.est. maintenance fee взнос за капремонт (многоквартирных домов)
25.12.2023 8:54:20 real.est. maintenance fee взнос на капитальный ремонт (многоквартирных домов)
25.12.2023 8:13:22 gen. make profit приносить прибыль (A business needs constant management to ensure it makes profit.)
25.12.2023 8:10:14 food.serv. take one's order принять заказ (у кого-л.: The AI will take your order now: World's first restaurant exclusively staffed by robotic cooks that flip burgers and make fries says it's ready to launch in California dailymail.co.uk)
25.12.2023 7:47:29 HR stint временная или непродолжительная работа (a person's fixed or allotted period of work: "his varied career included a stint as a magician" (Oxford Dictionary): After a stint at The Calgary Albertan he came back to Vancouver to join The News-Herald in the 1950s, but after The News-Herald folded in 1957 he became a full-time commercial photographer. -- проработав какое-то время в газете vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 7:41:26 busin. become a full-time полностью посвятить себя (какой-л. работе или роду деятельности: After a stint at The Calgary Albertan he came back to Vancouver to join The News-Herald in the 1950s, but after The News-Herald folded in 1957 he became a full-time commercial photographer. • That was how I became a full-time dad. vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 7:37:11 busin. full-time полностью посвятивший себя (о роде деятельности: After a stint at The Calgary Albertan he came back to Vancouver to join The News-Herald in the 1950s, but after The News-Herald folded in 1957 he became a full-time commercial photographer. vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 7:32:22 hotels deny a room отказаться поселить (в номере: Here is a famous shot of Louis Armstrong after he was denied a room at the Hotel Vancouver. ...McGinnis worked for The Province in the late 1940s, where he took his most famous photo, a shot of jazz great Louis Armstrong playing his trumpet on top of his baggage after being denied a room at the Hotel Vancouver, which didn’t allow Black people in the 1940s. vancouversun.com)
25.12.2023 7:29:35 chem.ind. treat with обработать (чем-л.: treated with ... -- обработанные ...)
25.12.2023 7:01:11 fig. behind-the-scenes скрытый от посторонних глаз (leaked photographs of behind-the-scenes work at the nuclear facility)
25.12.2023 5:04:38 gen. as a lucky charm на счастье (Coley Hall was the original owner of the Vancouver Canucks in 1945, and a legendary tough guy. So it’s perfectly fitting that on Oct. 5, 1951, he donned a colourful tie that featured a couple of hockey players about to clobber each other over the head with their sticks. Hall wore it to the Canucks’ home-opener as a lucky charm. Alas, the Canucks were stomped 8-2 by Victoria, so he may never have worn it again. -- надел его на счастье vancouversun.com)

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