
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

28.12.2023 8:51:01 gen. spare no expense не пожалеть денег (The corporate sponsors have spared no expense to look good. – не пожалели денег, чтобы предстать в лучшем виде)
28.12.2023 8:50:13 inf. not cut someone any slack не пожалеть (Robin's really mad at you, she's not cutting you any slack this time.)
28.12.2023 8:48:04 formal verbal and written устные и письменные (types of evidence)
28.12.2023 8:46:44 ed., subj. Oral and Written Communication устная и письменная речь
28.12.2023 8:37:32 psychol. establish good relationships with people around установить хорошие взаимоотношения с окружающими (someone)
28.12.2023 8:33:58 gen. develop a relationship наладить отношения (with – с: Sales were not initially impressive with only $352 coming in after the initial five-hour broadcast, Circosta revealed. Within 90 days we made a million dollars in a single day, he added. Circosta believes it took a while to develop a relationship with the audience and to familiarize them with ordering from television — a concept that was foreign at the time. (coasttocoastam.com))
28.12.2023 8:31:40 gen. engage наладить общение (Singing is a beautiful way of engaging with your baby.)
28.12.2023 8:30:50 gen. carry an obligation налагать обязательство (A mortgage pre-approval is absolutely free and carries no obligation to purchase. – не налагает обязательств по покупке дома)
28.12.2023 8:29:36 fig. on the edge of a precipice на краю пропасти (standing on the edge of a precipice)
28.12.2023 8:29:10 gen. on the edge of a sofa на краешке дивана (settling nervously on the edge of a sofa)
28.12.2023 8:14:03 disappr. rip off наживаться на (ком-л. = rip someone off: Government accuses petrol stations of ripping off consumers. UK says retailers may not be passing on price cuts. • Green Valley Road is slowly plugging up all day. And yet they allow more and more development. Let the infrastructure catch up. Make the developers pay for more. They are making billions and are ripping us off.)
28.12.2023 7:40:33 disappr. be up to one's old habits снова взяться за старое (Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart is up to his old habits: parading petty grievances around like serious issues. This habit is long past being tiresome and is completely unbefitting someone who held top job in our country’s third largest city. (nationalpost.com))
28.12.2023 7:32:45 cliche. it's up to you как хочешь (реакция на вопрос о действии)
28.12.2023 7:20:47 gen. do translations заниматься переводами (Do you do Uzbek translations? – Вы переводите с узбекского?)
28.12.2023 7:16:19 gen. do good work выполнять полезную работу (The Senate does good work, it does not need to be abolished.)
28.12.2023 7:16:19 gen. do good work заниматься полезной работой (The Senate does good work, it does not need to be abolished.)
28.12.2023 7:14:00 gen. fulfil one's obligations выполнять свои обязательства (The federal government must fulfil its skilled immigrant obligations.)
28.12.2023 7:13:19 law, contr. carry out one's obligations under this Agreement выполнять свои обязательства по Договору
28.12.2023 6:50:30 gen. meet formal requirements выполнять формальности
28.12.2023 6:43:19 gen. do things in their proper order делать всё по порядку (Hold on, hold on. I'm the guy who likes to do things in their proper order, okay?)
28.12.2023 6:42:32 emerg.care do CPR делать искусственное дыхание (***просто поразительно, как у некоторых пользователей хватает нахальства воровать чужие примеры -- неужели так трудно подыскать свой пример??*** -- on sb. – кому-л.:: “She did not have a pulse, so they did CPR on her and got a pulse back and she actually woke up on scene,” O’Riordan said. (Burnaby Now) )
28.12.2023 6:30:59 busin. front costs on one's own брать на себя расходы (до перечисления аванса, предоплаты: Surely nobody would want to front all those costs on their own. – Никто не захочет брать не себя все эти расходы.)
28.12.2023 6:27:19 rude bullshit брехня (обычно просто BS: Don't give me that bullshit!)
28.12.2023 6:23:10 gen. rise to one's full height выпрямиться во весь рост (... a man riding along a track saw a strange creature on all fours drinking from a creek. It was covered with grey hair, and witness George Summerell's first thought was: 'What an immense kangaroo'. But, on hearing the horse's feet on the track, it rose to its full height, of about 7 feet, and looked quietly at the horseman. Then stooping down again, it finished its drink, and then, picking up a stick that lay by it ... disappeared among the rocks and timber 150 yards away. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
28.12.2023 5:50:57 gen. in a man-like way как человек (о поведении: Another close encounter between 'Yeti' and native took place in late January 1987, when a seventeen-year-old youth living in a village in northern Kashmir (India) stepped outside at 9.30 p.m. carrying his fire-pot (a clay pot containing embers) and was attacked by a 4-foot hairy creature standing on two legs. He hit it with the fire-pot, it squealed and ran away. Two villages who heard the squeal and looked out saw the creature tunning away on two legs, and jumping a ditch in a man-like way. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- перепрыгнул через канаву как человек.)
28.12.2023 5:37:26 gen. abortive attempt неудавшаяся попытка (также "неудачная попытка": It is the local people whose encounters are more likely to be eyeball to eyeball, as happened in July 1974 to a Sherpa girl tending yaks near Pheriche in Nepal. While sitting near a stream, she heard a noise and turned to see a Yeti with black and red-brown hair, large eyes and prominent cheekbones. It grabbed her and carried her for a short distance, dropping her as she screamed and struggled. This Yeti's abortive attempt to kidnap a young girl is interesting, because in Canada there have been a few similar reports of people being kidnapped, and also from China, where peasants have claimed they were raped by hairy wild women. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
28.12.2023 5:22:44 gen. make out a shape различить очертания (We watched the creature for twenty minutes in the moonlight, which was bright enough to read by, and could make out a long neck and a pair of bat-like wings through binoculars.)
28.12.2023 4:52:15 gen. details of a conversation подробности разговора (What's particularly interesting about this, he noted, is that people later reveal accurate details of a conversation or things they saw when they were unconscious or in a coma, which indicates that consciousness can be separate from the body. coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 4:43:30 gen. religious and cultural backgrounds вероисповедания и культуры (testimonies of people from different religious and cultural backgrounds -- людей различных вероисповеданий и культур)
28.12.2023 4:33:01 disappr. profit off наживаться на (Collinge cited cases where even when people are dutifully paying off their student debt, they can never catch up and, over the years, end up paying thousands and thousands of dollars in interest beyond the original loan amount. He believes that the government should not be profiting off student loans, and that most student debt should be forgiven, as a large percentage of it will never be paid off anyway. coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 4:29:09 gen. cite a case привести в пример случай (Collinge cited cases where even when people are dutifully paying off their student debt, they can never catch up and, over the years, end up paying thousands and thousands of dollars in interest beyond the original loan amount. -- привёл в качестве примеров случаи, когда ... coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 4:22:20 law exempt from не подпадающий под действие закона (be ~: Federal student loans have been exempt from consumer protection and bankruptcy laws, "so it's really become a license to steal." coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 4:22:11 law exempt from на который не распространяется законодательство (be ~: Federal student loans have been exempt from consumer protection and bankruptcy laws, "so it's really become a license to steal." coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 4:11:04 disappr. payoffs откаты (He first investigated student loan debt after graduating with $35,000 in loans and saw corruption and payoffs in the system. coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2023 3:34:29 skateboard. be a good skateboarder хорошо кататься на скейтборде, доске (My ten year old is a good skateboarder and wants to find a great indoor park here in the Greenwood area. Any ideas? (Reddit) • Вам надоело бесцельно кататься на скейтборде, в то время как ваши друзья каждый день осваивают новые впечатляющие трюки на доске? (intrends.ru))
27.12.2023 13:04:31 gen. choose one's words more carefully осторожнее выбирать слова (Several members of B.C. Provincial Court’s bench have been warned to choose their words more carefully after the chief judge examined hundreds of complaints this past year. (nsnews.com))
27.12.2023 13:04:31 gen. choose one's words more carefully быть осмотрительнее в выражениях (Several members of B.C. Provincial Court’s bench have been warned to choose their words more carefully after the chief judge examined hundreds of complaints this past year. (nsnews.com))
27.12.2023 12:54:03 health. fee for service платный (from a letter to patients: We as family physicians, "primary care physicians", are expected to provide administrative support and services as well as medical care in a fee for service structure which does not meet the needs of running a full service family practice.)
27.12.2023 12:52:48 gen. user-pay платный (User-pay work stations and streaming services will be offered by a third party at no cost to the city.)
27.12.2023 12:48:39 gen. at a lower cost при меньших затратах (This would allow municipalities to build additional shelters as needed in half the time at a lower cost.)
27.12.2023 12:19:42 gen. have a negative impact on отрицательно отразиться на (Many parents believe online learning has a negative impact on educational quality. – отрицательно отражается на качестве образования)
27.12.2023 12:16:54 gen. with finesse деликатно (провернуть что-л.)
27.12.2023 12:10:50 gen. do whatever I want with it делать с ним всё, что хочу (That's my time, and I can do whatever I want with it. -- я могу с ним делать всё, что хочу)
27.12.2023 12:09:33 gen. multitask делать несколько дел одновременно
27.12.2023 12:09:03 idiom. make heavy weather делать из мухи слона ("So snap into it, my lad. I can't see what you're making all this heavy weather about. It doesn't seem to me much to do for a loved aunt." (P.G. Wodehouse))
27.12.2023 12:08:43 idiom. blow things out of proportion делать из мухи слона
27.12.2023 12:03:39 gen. put money away for retirement делать сбережения на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
27.12.2023 12:02:20 gen. put money away for retirement копить сбережения на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
27.12.2023 11:59:33 gen. put money towards откладывать деньги на (When you own a 20-foot home, it's a better lifestyle. You can afford to travel or put money towards the kids.)
27.12.2023 11:58:47 real.est. scrap a project отказаться от проекта (In 2016, a development application for the mixed-use rental project was expected to be filed in early 2017. That never happened, and the project is in limbo but not yet scrapped.)
27.12.2023 11:56:43 law, contr. disclaim all warranties отказываться от всех гарантий (...and disclaim all warranties and conditions)
27.12.2023 11:54:54 immigr. citizenship renunciation отказ от гражданства
27.12.2023 11:54:23 law, contr. disclaimer отказ от гарантий (пункт договора, следующий за перечнем предоставляемых гарантий)
27.12.2023 11:48:40 law, contr. for the term of one year сроком на один год
27.12.2023 11:45:32 gen. bring pleasure доставлять удовольствие (bring esthetic and emotional pleasure to the viewer)
27.12.2023 11:42:51 gen. give sb. a great deal of pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие (They look down the vista of the years and see these chronicles multiplying like rabbits, and the prospect appals them. But against this must be set the fact that writing Jeeves stories gives me a great deal of pleasure and keeps me out of the public houses. (P.G. Wodehouse) – доставляет мне большое удовольствие)
27.12.2023 11:40:56 gen. make uncomfortable доставлять неприятные ощущения (In case of a bad rash, warm water may make the baby quite uncomfortable. – При сильной сыпи тёплая вода может доставлять ребёнку неприятные ощущения)
27.12.2023 11:34:32 gen. go to достаться (о награде: JKL Development won the final award of the evening, Custom Home Builder of the Year. Multi-Family Home Builder of the Year and Residential Community Builder of the Year went to Surrey-based FGH Construction. – достались)
27.12.2023 11:33:39 gen. be passed down to достаться по наследству (sb.: The Victorian tea set was passed down to us from my husband's grandmother.)
27.12.2023 11:32:16 bus.styl. accomplish one's goals достигнуть поставленных целей
27.12.2023 9:52:50 law reach a settlement достигнуть соглашения о выплате ("When Fonda returned from her Italian adventure, she finalized her divorce from Hayden, reaching a $10 million settlement." (Vanity Fair) – добилась выплаты компенсации в размере 10 миллионов долларов)
27.12.2023 9:50:20 fig. excel in достигнуть вершин (excelling in painting, sculpting, architecture and poetry)
27.12.2023 9:49:24 econ. at capacity достигнувший уровня плановой загрузки (Transit ridership has levelled off as the system is generally at capacity.)
27.12.2023 9:20:08 econ. at capacity на уровне запланированной загрузки
27.12.2023 9:19:56 econ. at capacity эксплуатируемый на уровне запланированной загрузки (об объекте: The current Horseshoe Bay terminal is at capacity and some of its infrastructure will soon need to be replaced, noted a BC Ferries press release.)
27.12.2023 9:17:51 gen. remarkably well на удивление успешно
27.12.2023 9:16:12 gen. strained smile натянутая улыбка ("She is thin to the point of being frail, and deep parentheses frame her strained smile." (Vanity Fair))
27.12.2023 9:15:13 gen. about $... worth of на ... тысяч (говоря о стоимости: "Tame's eyes welled as she listed what they lost: laptops, passports, wallets, IDs, bank cards, camera, GoPro, iPad – about $12,000 worth of gear, along with irreplaceable photos and videos of the couple's time together in Canada. They do not have insurance for the items." – North Shore News)
27.12.2023 9:13:22 rude a hell of a mess натуральное свинство (make ~ = устроить ~)
27.12.2023 9:11:33 gov. within the State of на территории штата (within the State of Florida – на территории штата Флорида)
27.12.2023 9:08:12 gen. on set на съёмочной площадке (I love doing commercials but it is a huge commitment, a lot of driving back and forth and being on set, which, as you would know, are very, very long days!)
27.12.2023 9:06:23 gen. points моменты ("проведёный анализ позволяет выделить следующие моменты")
27.12.2023 9:05:30 media. up-and-coming creative talents молодые таланты (Now celebrating 55 years, Skuratoff is known for showcasing work from up-and-coming creative talents as well as renowned artists.)
27.12.2023 9:04:49 gen. new parents молодые родители (created with new parents in mind – созданный для молодых родителей)
27.12.2023 9:04:17 gen. young, able-bodied people молодые, здоровые люди (What I hate about taking SkyTrain is watching young, able-bodied people not give up their seats to seniors.)
27.12.2023 9:03:34 gen. trooper молодчина (Returning to the burning building, Main and Robertson found another woman inside a smoky second-storey suite and walked her to safety outside. "I spoke to her after, and what a trooper she was. She was having a cigarette and saying she was fine," O'Riordan said. burnabynow.com)
27.12.2023 9:02:33 gen. excellent job! молодчина! (реакция на результат: Excellent job! -- Молодчина!)
27.12.2023 8:59:09 cliche. well done! keep it up! молодец, продолжай в том же духе! (Well done! Keep it up!)
27.12.2023 8:55:21 inet. video content информационная видео-продукция (term used in contracts)
27.12.2023 8:42:33 inet. query tools инструменты для создания запросов (automated query tools)
27.12.2023 8:40:45 law, court title of court инстанция суда
27.12.2023 8:39:34 mus. instrumental performance инструментальное исполнительство (предмет, в муз. образовании)
27.12.2023 8:33:13 pediatr. thrive благополучно развиваться ("I have spent my career as a professor of pediatrics and epidemiology, really focused on the field of child development, how children grow and thrive, or don't thrive." Dr. Tom Boyce)
27.12.2023 8:32:44 formal reach some place in safety благополучно добраться
27.12.2023 8:31:10 gen. thank you kindly благодарю вас (за комплимент: Thank you kindly.)
27.12.2023 8:27:45 inf. I hear you я вас понимаю (т.е. понимаю ваши обстоятельства)
27.12.2023 8:25:24 cliche. take your time я вас не тороплю (Just take your time. – Я вас не тороплю.)
27.12.2023 8:24:29 tel. I can't hear you я не слышу вас (по телефону)
27.12.2023 8:20:46 gen. I'm just wondering why я не понимаю, почему (I'm just wondering why you're yelling at me. – Я не понимаю, почему ты на меня кричишь.)
27.12.2023 7:43:52 inf. I'll make this quick я по-быстрому выскажусь
27.12.2023 7:42:57 gen. I'll think about it я подумаю ("Hey, Ashley, want to go to a movie this weekend?" "I'll think about it.")
27.12.2023 7:42:28 cliche. I am entirely at your service я полностью к вашим услугам ("I am entirely at your service," said Sherlock Holmes, ringing the bell. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
27.12.2023 6:38:40 journ. quotable часто цитируемый (While I have noticed Yan’s colourful use of language for a few years, I’ve also been hesitant about pulling back the curtain on the local media dependence on the smart, quotable analyst. thetyee.ca)
27.12.2023 6:31:24 gen. data-heavy насыщенный сложной для восприятия информацией (his data-heavy pieces -- его статьи, насыщенные сложными для восприятия данными/ информацией)
27.12.2023 6:27:02 gen. international press иностранная пресса (I’ve interviewed Yan about a dozen times, as have many local journalists and international press such as the New Yorker and the New York Times. thetyee.ca)
27.12.2023 6:25:08 gen. have a wide variety of interests интересоваться широким кругом тем (Yan, 43, who worked as a planner for Bing Thom Architects before taking his current role as the director of the City Program at Simon Fraser University in 2016, has a wide variety of urban interests, with a sense of social justice permeating his work. -- его интересует широкий круг тем/вопросов городского развития thetyee.ca)
27.12.2023 6:22:18 inf. local history buff историк-краевед (He’s a go-to for journalists as a housing analyst, but Yan is also a local history buff and a keen researcher of demographics and race, with a love of food that leads him to explore the edges of cities. thetyee.ca)
27.12.2023 6:19:49 gen. crank up the furnace прибавить отопления (в доме/квартире)
27.12.2023 6:19:39 gen. turn the heat up прибавить отопления (через домашний термостат)
27.12.2023 5:44:58 cliche. keep up the great work! молодец, продолжай в том же духе! (Keep up the great work!)

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