
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

31.12.2023 9:41:18 inf. just a couple пару штук ("How many do you want?' 'Just a couple.")
31.12.2023 9:40:58 polit. party official партийный чиновник
31.12.2023 9:40:22 polit. national convention партийный съезд (в пределах одного государства)
31.12.2023 9:36:58 TV impression пародия на (I found his Bill Clinton impression very funny.)
31.12.2023 9:32:47 inf. spot парковочное место ("The driver is stopped, waiting for a spot. One opens up two spots behind them and they obviously spot it. Instead of driving forward and around to safely get to the spot, they put their tank in reverse because they are afraid they will lose the spot." (burnabynow.com))
31.12.2023 9:28:58 idiom. can do it on one's head пара пустяков (I can do it on my head, you know. – Для меня это сущий пустяк / пара пустяков. )
31.12.2023 8:39:14 idiom. dilemma палка о двух концах (face a tough dilemma)
31.12.2023 8:38:01 fig. tapestry палитра (пали́тра, -ы, ж. Совокупность красок, красочных сочетаний в отдельной картине, в творчестве художника.: Happy Italian Heritage Month! Join us as we commemorate the immeasurable contributions of the Italian community to our city. The rich legacy, vibrant culture, and exquisite culinary traditions create a diverse tapestry in Vancouver. (Twitter) -- богатая / разнообразная палитра • Медиатор не делит жизнь на черное и белое, палитра – очень разнообразная. (from a Russian source) • Статья "Ценностная палитра современного российского общества" (from a Russian source))
31.12.2023 8:36:03 immigr. application kit пакет документов для заполнения (содержащий бланки заявлений, инструкции по заполнению, контрольный список и пр.)
31.12.2023 8:15:42 psychol. have an attachment ощущать привязанность (to – к: "Like many others who love character homes, I have a sentimental attachment to these often quirky but beautiful abodes. New houses can't replicate the soul of these homes. Seeing it gone forever just left me feeling gutted." (Kim Pemberton, The Vancouver Sun))
31.12.2023 8:14:27 gen. smooth feel ощущение гладкости (I like the simplicity of this notebook, the smooth feel of each new page.)
31.12.2023 8:11:54 gen. feel stressed ощущать на себе тяжесть (When feeling stressed, young moms need to look after themselves so that they can meet their babies' needs.)
31.12.2023 8:11:54 gen. feel stressed ощущать перегрузку (When feeling stressed, young moms need to look after themselves so that they can meet their babies' needs.)
31.12.2023 8:03:28 gen. be on the receiving end ощутить на себе (Have you ever been on the receiving end of road rage?)
31.12.2023 8:03:11 gen. experience first-hand ощутить на себе (As a commuter, I have experienced it first-hand.)
31.12.2023 8:02:39 gen. feel first-hand ощутить на себе (As a commuter, I can feel your frustration first-hand.)
31.12.2023 7:00:50 gen. put a dollar tag оценить в деньгах (You can't put a dollar tag on these things. – Такое нельзя оценить в деньгах.)
31.12.2023 6:48:59 disappr. ne'er-do-well охламон (A New York town bordering Lake Champlain celebrated the site's legendary lake monster 'Champy' this week by way of a new historical marker to replace the previous plaque which had been stolen by ne'er-do-wells nearly one year ago.. – похищенную какими-то охламонами год тому назад coasttocoastam.com)
31.12.2023 6:46:37 idiom. put on ice охладить пыл ("Don't tell me that a girl like Corky, accustomed to giving Hollywood glamour men the brusheroo, couldn't put Gussie on ice, if she wanted to." (P.G. Wodehouse))
31.12.2023 6:46:15 gen. in full panic mode охваченный паникой (In full panic mode, the swindler flees the hotel, leaving his passport behind.)
31.12.2023 6:42:44 law covered охваченный (by the provisions – условиями, положениями (закона, договора))
31.12.2023 6:41:05 cliche. run the gamut охватывать широкий круг
31.12.2023 6:40:53 cliche. run the gamut охватывать широкий спектр
31.12.2023 6:40:42 cliche. run the gamut охватывать широкий диапазон
31.12.2023 5:58:05 inf. poo-poo охаивать
31.12.2023 5:57:11 gen. get paperwork done оформлять документы (I get so busy running around meeting customers, getting paperwork done, so I forget to eat.)
31.12.2023 5:55:47 fin. credit arrangements оформление кредита (Credit arrangements are finalized in consultation with the buyer and the seller.)
31.12.2023 5:54:54 immigr. visa processing оформление визы (We strive for shorter visa processing times. – сроки оформления виз)
31.12.2023 5:54:07 busin. set up the arrangement оформить схему (напр,, передачи недвижимости в собственность: "So far this year, McNeil has assisted over twenty clients set up the arrangement. The process involves creating a holding company for the investment and renting the property out until the child becomes an adult.")
31.12.2023 5:53:33 law, contr. execute a written agreement оформить соглашение в письменной форме
31.12.2023 5:52:40 gen. book оформить заказ (No payment until 2024 if you book and finance with us. • Call Daddy's Roofing and book your next roofing project with us.)
31.12.2023 5:44:59 law, contr. execute a contract оформить договор (***Once all parties to a contract have signed it, it is deemed executed and comes into effect.)
31.12.2023 5:40:50 gov. legal surname at birth официальная фамилия при рождении
31.12.2023 5:40:37 gov. legal name at birth официальная фамилия при рождении
31.12.2023 5:40:03 law, contr. written acknowledgement официальное подтверждение в письменном виде (Upon receipt by You of a written acknowledgement of ..)
31.12.2023 5:38:52 formal designated официально признанный (designated as – официально признанный в качестве)
31.12.2023 4:26:08 gen. from a Christian viewpoint с точки зрения христианства
31.12.2023 4:26:08 gen. from a Christian viewpoint с христианской точки зрения
30.12.2023 12:12:42 formal give a written request обратиться с просьбой в письменном виде (A general leave of absence of up to two months may be applied for by giving a written request to the immediate supervisor.)
30.12.2023 11:56:25 gen. important part важное звено (Our dry-dock facility is an important part of the West Coast marine industry, servicing the vessels we all rely on for transportation, safety and movement of goods. (nsnews.com))
30.12.2023 11:46:58 inf. heavy-hitter крупный учёный (We've invited one of the heavy-hitters in today's astrophysics, Prof. Harold Wilkinson, to talk about this discovery.)
30.12.2023 11:44:51 gen. prominent authority крупный авторитет (не в криминальном смысле: Prof. Adolf Kreussler, a prominent authority in endocrine disorders)
30.12.2023 11:43:28 inf. big guys крупные компании (We can’t compete with the big guys, of course.)
30.12.2023 11:41:16 gen. big event крупное событие (The Olympic torch relay is a big event for a town with a population of 5,000.)
30.12.2023 11:40:18 gen. considerable crime крупное преступление ("This is a considerable crime and we are going to use all resources to solve it," Chief Constable Palmer said.)
30.12.2023 11:38:07 journ. big case крупное дело ("The Lennox case started out big, but by that morning it was a Part Two item." – Raymond Chandler)
30.12.2023 11:37:35 food.ind. coarse grind крупного помола (coarse grind black pepper = перец чёрный крупного помола)
30.12.2023 11:35:34 gen. expansive opportunities обширные возможности (covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide-ranging (Oxford Dcitionary))
30.12.2023 11:33:42 gen. ransack the home обчистить дом (He attended open houses posing as a high-end investor and would return later to ransack the home.)
30.12.2023 11:31:35 gen. go door-knocking обходить соседей (с целью сбора подписей/средств или выяснения обстоятельств: The scouts went door-knocking to collect money for the Haiti earthquake victims.)
30.12.2023 11:31:19 gen. go door-knocking обойти соседей (с целью сбора подписей/средств или выяснения обстоятельств: The scouts went door-knocking to collect money for the Haiti earthquake victims.)
30.12.2023 11:27:23 archit. window dressings наличники и другие резные наружные украшения дома (по-видимому, обобщающий термин; follow the link to see an illustration: elaborate window dressings flickr.com)
30.12.2023 11:25:18 tax. taxes and fees налоги и сборы
30.12.2023 11:24:50 tax. net income tax налог на чистую прибыль
30.12.2023 11:24:22 tax. return налоговая декларация
30.12.2023 11:15:26 gen. set-up расклад (= организация чего-л.: At CPA Canada, the most common scenarios Mr. Oakey worries about involve Canadians who had their names added to the title of a family member’s home. That includes adult children who hold title to their aging parents’ homes for the sole purpose of simplifying the eventual transfer of the property. Such a set-up is likely be deemed a bare trust, which would trigger a T3 filing requirement, according to Mr. Oakey. -- при таком раскладе (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 11:13:37 notar. establish a trust оформить доверительное управление имуществом (The concern with the new tax-filing requirements is that they would also apply to what’s known as “bare trusts,” in which the trustee can only act at the direction of the beneficiary, with no independent powers or responsibility over the property. What’s tricky about bare trusts is that there is no requirement to sign paperwork to formally establish one or set out the parties’ intentions. (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 11:13:04 law consult a lawyer обратиться за юридической консультацией (Some may also need to consult a tax lawyer to clarify whether and how the new rules apply to their situation, amounting to another significant expense, Mr. Foreman said. (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 11:12:23 gen. skirt the rules обойти правила (But while the regulations are aimed at those who use trusts to skirt the rules, they threaten to trip up swathes of Canadians who may not even be aware that they are deemed to be part of a trust. (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 11:11:54 tax. tax-filing requirements налоговые требования (The concern with the new tax-filing requirements is that they would also apply to what’s known as “bare trusts,” in which the trustee can only act at the direction of the beneficiary, with no independent powers or responsibility over the property. (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 11:08:09 gen. arrangement ситуация (The same holds for parents who hold title to their adult children’s home because they co-signed their mortgage. It’s an arrangement that’s becoming increasingly common as first-time home buyers struggle to qualify for a mortgage on their own amid high interest rates. (Globe and Mail))
30.12.2023 10:19:31 real.est. transfer the title to a home переписать дом на кого-л.
30.12.2023 9:38:57 gen. more than meets the eye сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд (There is more in this than meets the eye. – Здесь всё сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.)
30.12.2023 9:38:09 inf. a bit of a challenge сложновато (Yeah, that was a bit of a challenge.)
30.12.2023 9:33:27 gen. what's tricky about ... is that сложность заключается в том, что (The concern with the new tax-filing requirements is that they would also apply to what’s known as “bare trusts,” in which the trustee can only act at the direction of the beneficiary, with no independent powers or responsibility over the property. What’s tricky about bare trusts is that there is no requirement to sign paperwork to formally establish one or set out the parties’ intentions. As a result, many Canadians without access to sophisticated tax advice are likely unaware that they are deemed to be part of a bare trust and thus required to file a T3 return, Mr. Oakey added. (burnabynow.com))
30.12.2023 9:23:30 gen. tricky с подвохом (a tricky question)
30.12.2023 8:52:13 gen. significant ощутимый (The new year holds new tax-reporting obligations that will likely result in paperwork and significant costs for many taxpayers, accountants are warning. -- ощутимые расходы)
30.12.2023 7:33:16 trav. departure from the airport вылет из аэропорта (Departures from the Abbotsford airport start at 7:15 a.m. and operate every two-and-a-half to three hours until the final departure at 8 p.m. (burnabynow.com))
30.12.2023 7:25:10 jarg. I dig that я это понимаю (Life is weird. I dig that! -- Жизнь -- странная штука, я это понимаю.)
30.12.2023 7:21:58 gen. I am not going to have any of that sort of thing я этого не потерплю (Well, I wasn't going to have any of that sort of thing, by Jove! I'd seen so many cases of fellows who had become perfect slaves to their valets. (P.G. Wodehouse))
30.12.2023 7:20:16 gen. I had been on the point of saying that я чуть не сказал, что (I paused because I had been on the point of saying that I saw Ken that night.)
30.12.2023 7:19:08 gram. I just about я чуть не (+ simple past: I just about shouted "Hallelujah" when I heard the President say that. – Я чуть не закричал ...)
30.12.2023 7:16:05 cliche. I have a good idea я хорошо представляю (что происходит: I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо представляю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит.)
30.12.2023 7:13:33 gen. after much deliberation хорошо всё обдумав
30.12.2023 6:58:17 cliche. do a good job хорошо выполнить задание (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time.)
30.12.2023 6:58:17 cliche. do a good job хорошо выполнить работу (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time.)
30.12.2023 6:54:17 brit. nothing the matter, I hope? я надеюсь, ничего не случилось? (Nothing the matter, I hope, sir?)
30.12.2023 6:53:34 gen. I can arrange it я могу это устроить (My brother has connections. You want to meet Britney? I can arrange it.)
30.12.2023 6:53:04 gen. I can see if я могу узнать (If you still need some assistance, let me know, I can see if anyone I know can help you.)
30.12.2023 6:46:48 gen. never occurred to me я и не подумал об этом
30.12.2023 6:44:39 cliche. I find that я заметил, что (I find that my six-month-old son really likes the shower. – Я заметила, что ...)
30.12.2023 6:44:04 gen. I would be for it я за (Smoke-free parks and beaches? Great idea. I would be for it. )
30.12.2023 6:39:55 gen. perceived мнимый
30.12.2023 6:38:16 gen. it's not a big deal for me мне это нетрудно сделать (+ infinitive: It's not a big deal for me to do that, it's just that I have to call our VP on a statutory holiday. -- Мне это нетрудно, просто мне придётся звонить нашему ВП в выходной.)
30.12.2023 6:35:13 gen. I have a small experience with this мне это немного знакомо (Last year Mike and I designed a brochure for a law firm in Richmond, so I have a small experience with this.)
30.12.2023 6:25:48 cliche. I'm just wondering мне бы хотелось знать (I'm just wondering what this is going to cost.)
30.12.2023 6:25:35 cliche. I'm just wondering мне бы хотелось узнать (I'm just wondering, how expensive is it to run a gas fireplace in our state?)
30.12.2023 6:25:11 cliche. I'm just wondering мне просто интересно (I'm just wondering, how much do our MPs get paid?)
30.12.2023 6:22:50 gen. at all хоть немного (Do you play golf at all, Mr. Hawksley? – Вы хоть немного играете в гольф, мистер Хаксли? • If you're at all sick, stay away from people before you pass it on to others. )
30.12.2023 6:21:21 gen. map out ahead of time заранее планировать (Looking at your email below, do you usually map this out ahead of time for larger projects like this?)
30.12.2023 6:20:14 gen. received advance notice заранее проинформирован ("might not receive sufficient advance notice of the nominations")
30.12.2023 6:19:43 gen. apologize in advance заранее принести извинения (We apologize in advance.)
30.12.2023 6:14:18 gen. buy sth. in advance заранее купить
30.12.2023 6:13:34 gen. warn in advance заранее предупредить (A concern about possible conflicts between the existing MacMullen School and owners of the pricey new homes was raised by principal Kevin Partridge. He said the school was hoping potential owners could be warned in advance about noise potential through some kind of formal notice.)
30.12.2023 6:10:06 gen. have it ready подготовить (No worries! I'll have it ready for Friday. – подготовлю к пятнице)
30.12.2023 6:09:27 gen. preparation classes подготовительный курс (Last Sunday of the month at 12.30 p.m. Preparation classes are mandatory for both parents and godparents. To be enrolled you must contact the Parish office personally and present the child’s Birth certificate.)
30.12.2023 6:08:12 idiom. drop the ball подвести (кого-л. -- to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for (Cambridge Dictionary))
30.12.2023 6:04:47 gen. under the guise of medical treatment под видом лечения (He secretly abused his female patients under the guise of medical treatment.)
30.12.2023 6:03:27 gen. undersea подводный мир (the marvels of outer space and undersea)
30.12.2023 6:03:00 gen. to_sum things up подводя итог сказанному (So, to sum things up, ...)

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