
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

2.01.2024 6:45:49 cliche. plan on собираться (+ gerund -- заняться чем-л.: How’s the snow at Eagle Mountain? Planning on going snowboarding sometime this week, anyone who’s been there in the past few days, is it bad? -- Собираюсь съездить покататься ... (Reddit))
2.01.2024 6:00:58 inf. make the yellow проскочить на жёлтый свет (You can finish your left after the red. It's better than getting hit. My first collision taught me this. Turned at a late yellow into someone speeding up to make the yellow. 100% fault on me. (Reddit))
2.01.2024 5:45:37 psychol. tokens знаки внимания (For women, he said, estrogen levels could be balanced by regular hugging, touch, massage, and other small tokens from their partners. But as we age this all changes. (coasttocoastam.com) -- и другие небольшие знаки внимания)
2.01.2024 5:43:10 psychol. committed relationship постоянные отношения (между партнёрами: He said that the highest levels of testosterone are found in single men, followed by men in a committed relationship, then married men without children, while married men with children had the lowest testosterone levels. This, he claimed, was because love hormones trigger more estrogen production in men; which, he said, is why it's important for men to find time alone to recharge. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 5:40:16 psychol. alone time время наедине с самим собой (Gray explained the importance of proper testosterone and estrogen levels in men and women – respectively – and how they could be balanced. One way, he noted, was through supplements. But, he said, other natural ways of replenishing testosterone in men were by spending time in "the man cave" and enjoying alone time and hobbies, or by engaging in physical activities and exercise. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 5:37:23 gen. appropriate taxes соответствующие налоги (The mayor was concerned that real-estate speculators weren't paying appropriate taxes.)
2.01.2024 5:36:38 gen. appropriate entry соответствующая запись
2.01.2024 5:36:12 formal conform to guidelines соответствовать утверждённым рекомендациям (An owner seeking to demolish or remodel one of the homes in the designated heritage area will have to conform to architectural and colour guidelines provided by the city.)
2.01.2024 5:35:42 formal comply with provisions соответствовать условиям (The project complies with redevelopment provisions of the implementation plan and public realm guidelines.)
2.01.2024 5:35:07 gen. conform to the popular notion of соответствовать общепринятым представлениям о ("...whether or not it conforms to popular notions of what is politically correct" (Vanity Fair))
2.01.2024 5:34:14 construct. meet standards соответствовать нормам (Speaking in an interview from a cafe in Kitsilano, he said the projects of the day succeeded because they met city standards for “complete communities” – required to provide amenities like park space, childcare, schools, sustainability and transit to meet residents’ needs beyond a roof over their heads. “The big difference is Sen̓áḵw doesn’t have to meet those standards [for including amenities]. cbc.ca)
2.01.2024 5:30:29 gen. proper соответствующий норме (John Gray, the author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, joined host Connie Willis in the first half of the show to discuss restoring gender balance for lasting love in relationships. Gray explained the importance of proper testosterone and estrogen levels in men and women – respectively – and how they could be balanced. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 5:24:55 busin. give an estimate сделать предварительную оценку стоимости (работ)
2.01.2024 4:52:56 gen. in comfort в удобной обстановке (Working from home: Archibald M. Low, a British scientist, imagined something that sounded eerily like the internet in his 1924 book “Wireless Possibilities.” “What a help to the man who objects to a large city! Why could he not conduct his business from his house in comfort instead of having his spats washed every week in order to maintain his financial reputation.” beaconjournal.com)
2.01.2024 4:49:10 tax. extravagance in government расточительность государства (U.S. Sen. William E. Borah, a Republican from Idaho, blamed “extravagance in government” for oppressive taxes on Americans. • Расточительность государства и сфера его деятельности beaconjournal.com, infopedia.su)
2.01.2024 4:41:57 gen. rapid advance of science ускоренное развитие науки (Sir Kingsley Wood, a British politician speaking at a 1924 dinner in London, told his audience that “there was no doubt that by 2024 the average expectation of life would be at least 100 years old, and a person at 75 would be a comparatively young man.” He expected the rapid advance of science would ensure that the future grandchildren of those at the dinner would live many years longer than those present. He declined to speculate whether that future generation would be happier than the previous ones. beaconjournal.com)
2.01.2024 4:34:30 gen. a hundred years from now через сто лет (Perhaps he was being facetious, but Frank L. Ferraro mapped out a clear vision of the future in a 1924 letter to the New York Daily News. “Has anyone ever stopped to think how this country will be a hundred years from now? Just imagine: We will have a woman president, woman politicians and police,” Ferraro wrote. “As women will occupy all the highest positions, naturally men will be compelled to do all the labor; those who are not physically fit for such arduous jobs will have to stay home and wait on the babies (or mind the pets).” beaconjournal.com)
2.01.2024 4:29:26 gen. usefulness of польза от (Professor E.L. Furlong, curator of the vertebrate collection at the University of Southern California, worried that horses — yes, horses — might be on the brink of extinction by 2024. “Daily the tractor and the automobile are taking the place of the horse in rural life,” he told an interviewer. “As the usefulness of the horse passes, so will the necessity for his existence. beaconjournal.com)
2.01.2024 4:02:35 gen. bonus points дополнительные очки (Sentient sourdough starter wins the Nobel Prize in Fermentation for groundbreaking research on bread consciousness. Baguette sales plummet as a result. -- Bonus points to Bard for having the most sense of humor of the bots we asked! (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 3:56:25 cliche. pun intended не случайная игра слов (Flying cars will finally take off (pun intended) with several major companies unveiling practical models for personal transportation and travel. Air taxis will become common in major cities. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 3:45:36 tech. equipped with state-of-the-art technology оснащённый новейшим технологическим оборудованием (The hotel will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and will offer breathtaking views of the Earth. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 3:45:13 tech. equipped with state-of-the-art technology оборудованный по последнему слову техники (The hotel will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and will offer breathtaking views of the Earth. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 3:44:34 tech. equipped with state-of-the-art technology оснащённый по последнему слову техники (The hotel will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and will offer breathtaking views of the Earth. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 3:35:00 cyber. mind-to-mind communication device устройство для общения силой мысли (The first mind-to-mind communication device hits the market, enabling silent conversations through neural interfaces. (coasttocoastam.com) • В России готово к производству устройство для общения силой мысли. Прибор «Нейрочат» вернет возможность общения тем, кто утратил ее в силу обстоятельств или не имел ее от природы. Серийное производство устройства начнется во II квартале 2019 г. (neinvalid.ru) • Устройство для общения с помощью силы мысли "Нейрочат", созданное российскими разработчиками, запущено в серийное производство. (masterok.livejournal.com))
2.01.2024 2:59:51 cyber. mind-to-mind communication device аппарат для мысленного общения (The first mind-to-mind communication device hits the market, enabling silent conversations through neural interfaces. (coasttocoastam.com) • В России готово к производству устройство для общения силой мысли. Прибор «Нейрочат» вернет возможность общения тем, кто утратил ее в силу обстоятельств или не имел ее от природы. Серийное производство устройства начнется во II квартале 2019 г. (neinvalid.ru))
2.01.2024 2:35:17 gen. kick off the new year начать новый год (с чего-л.: To kick off the new year, we asked several popular AI chatbots to make some wild or imaginative predictions for 2024. (coasttocoastam.com))
1.01.2024 12:50:21 gen. show oneself off проявить себя (в положительном смысле: As a minister of public works, she showed herself off really well.)
1.01.2024 12:41:49 inf. we're good for now пока всё есть (продукты, припасы: "Do you guys need anything?" "No, thanks. We're good for now.")
1.01.2024 12:27:37 cliche. I'm with you on that one полностью согласен с вами в этом вопросе
1.01.2024 11:23:01 gen. do a terrible job угробить (The student painters did a terrible job on the walls.)
1.01.2024 11:19:00 gen. do a terrible job из рук вон плохо справиться (The prime minister has done a terrible job handling this crisis.)
1.01.2024 11:14:43 gen. get one's chores done покончить с делами (I got my Saturday chores done just in time for the game.)
1.01.2024 10:39:10 gen. not happy with недоволен (The Russian defenceman was unhappy with his playing time. – был недоволен)
1.01.2024 10:33:43 commer. Boxing Week неделя рождественских распродаж (начиная с 26 декабря: Our Boxing Week Sale Is On!)
1.01.2024 10:30:15 real.est. principal residence недвижимое имущество, используемое для проживания большую часть года (Trading big city living for the Whistler vibe is quite common. I have a number of baby boomer clients who sold their Seattle, Vancouver, Portland or Victoria properties and bought a principal residence here in Whistler.)
1.01.2024 8:51:42 polit. retaliate предпринять ответные меры (Stocks are rallying after China said it would not immediately retaliate.)
1.01.2024 8:51:20 polit. retaliate ввести ответные меры (Stocks are rallying after China said it would not immediately retaliate. )
1.01.2024 8:50:06 polit. put a moratorium on ввести мораторий на (Members of Renters' Alliance Against Renovictions are still occupying 2438 Rosser Avenue and continuing to demand the city put a moratorium on all demolitions of older rental buildings.)
1.01.2024 8:49:19 sec.sys. punch in a security code ввести код доступа (в помещение, закрытую зону, для сейфа и пр.: "On a recent visit to our old Altamont stomping grounds I encountered huge hedges shielding private properties which didn't signal "welcome." Kids said they had to learn how to punch in a security code to enter their friend's yard. I'm glad not to be raised here today. While obviously more upscale than in my youth, something communal has been lost on the way." (nsnews.com))
1.01.2024 8:47:53 fire. impose a fire ban ввести запрет на разведение костров (The Saskatchewan government has imposed a fire ban in much of the province.)
1.01.2024 8:40:01 cliche. lose touch with перестать поддерживать отношения с (Patty from Enterprise, Oregon, claimed she was a cousin of Norma Jean Baker, a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe. Patty described Monroe as strong-headed and a bit mischievous, and confessed "she even tried to get me to go to Hollywood with her once." She lost touch with her cousin after she gained fame and said the family was stunned when Monroe was found dead. Patty told George she believes Monroe was killed. coasttocoastam.com)
1.01.2024 8:36:42 media. iconic прославленный (iconic Hawaiian shirts • other iconic pieces of footwear housed in Spain’s Museo Calzado in Elda)
1.01.2024 8:34:20 gen. allow sb. to go in front of sb. пропустить вперёд (в очереди: He chose to wait outside while the two guys went into the bathroom. John allowed another person to go in front of him and watched as that person eventually exited the restroom while the other two guys still had not come out. John finally entered to find no trace of the two guys. "It's almost as if they didn't exist," he suggested, noting he could find no other way out of the bathroom. coasttocoastam.com)
1.01.2024 8:28:40 gen. paid up проплачен (No need to worry, your domain is registered / paid up until 27-May-2020, so you can safely ignore this aspect of the invoice.)
1.01.2024 8:28:11 inf. blow one's paycheck пропить зарплату
1.01.2024 8:27:51 inf. blow one's money on booze пропить деньги (Downtown beggars are the same sorry individuals eternally whining for your spare change after they've blown their dole money on booze and drugs.)
1.01.2024 8:27:05 gen. imbued with hatred пропитанный ненавистью
1.01.2024 8:26:39 idiom. throw the book at sb. прописать ижицу
1.01.2024 8:08:56 philos. pervade пронизывать (the Tao that pervades the world we inhabit)
1.01.2024 8:07:51 gen. smuggle пронести тайком (что-л.)
1.01.2024 8:02:14 gen. finesse изящество (*in performing a delicate task*)
1.01.2024 8:01:00 gen. finesse деликатность (*in performing a delicate task*)
1.01.2024 7:59:36 gen. do great business дела идут прекрасно (у предприятия, о сбыте продукции | ***in the Progressive!***: Hi Karl, I'm mailing a sample of the product today. Sorry about the delay but Nice&Clean has been doing such great business we've been swamped. -- дела идут настолько хорошо, что мы не справляемся с заказами)
1.01.2024 7:55:09 design. decoration декоративное искусство
1.01.2024 7:54:09 design. ornamental design декоративная композиция
1.01.2024 7:52:39 law outstanding warrant for one's arrest действующий ордер на арест (The watchful resident – who was up and looking out the window at 2 a.m. Sunday morning – called the RCMP after seeing four people behaving suspiciously in an alley behind her home on St. Padraig Avenue. Police arrived to find that one of the men and one of the women in the alley had outstanding warrants for their arrest and both were breaching court orders, said Corp. Fred Snowdon, spokesman for the Surrey RCMP detachment.)
1.01.2024 7:46:13 law, contr. then действующий на тот момент (... unless either Party provides written notice of non-renewal or termination to the other Party at least 30 days prior to the end of the then current term.)
1.01.2024 7:45:30 law, contr. worldwide действующий во всех странах мира (You grant to ABC Inc. the following transferable, sub licensable, worldwide, and royalty-free rights.)
1.01.2024 7:44:35 HR policies in place действующие правила (внутри организации, напр., при найме)
1.01.2024 7:44:05 busin. AFT действующая в качестве доверительного управляющего для ("Компания ABC International Pty Ltd, действующая в качестве доверительного управляющего для XYZ Offshore Trust")
1.01.2024 7:41:51 law shall remain in effect действует (условие контракта: "shall remain in effect until December 31, 2050, inclusive.")
1.01.2024 7:32:03 busin. conform to guidelines действовать согласно утверждённым рекомендациям
1.01.2024 7:02:59 idiom. play ball действовать согласно правилам (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit))
1.01.2024 7:02:59 idiom. play ball играть по правилам (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit))
1.01.2024 6:43:51 health. limited mobility ограниченная подвижность (Законодательство Европейского союза о лицах с ограниченной подвижностью • Lynn Canyon is a better option as long as you're able to hike a bit and climb some stairs and are okay on slippery roots. Obviously, not a great spot for people with limited mobility. (Reddit))
1.01.2024 6:29:15 gen. set off fireworks запускать фейерверки ("I know it's NYE and not raining but PLEASE don't set off fireworks!!! my dog is terrified and I also have a fussy baby, I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm dreading tonight." "Unfortunately the people that have plans to set off fireworks are not going to read this post." (Reddit))
1.01.2024 5:47:13 cliche. -wise в том, что касается (Local residents say they're opposed to the "behemoth 60-storey tower" and want something more reasonable height-wise. – в том, что касается высоты здания • Among Keller's predictions: The year's first half will be bumpy economically and job-wise, though the second half looks better. -- что касается рабочих мест coasttocoastam.com coasttocoastam.com)
1.01.2024 5:26:41 formal as to по поводу того (Please note: This service makes no recommendation as to which visa is appropriate for you or whether you would be granted any visa.)
1.01.2024 5:06:36 gen. on the outskirts of a town на окраине города (the discovery of a Knights Templar cave hidden in a remote area on the outskirts of a small Brazilian town)
1.01.2024 3:28:35 cliche. a short distance from недалеко от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com)
1.01.2024 3:28:35 cliche. a short distance from на небольшом расстоянии от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com)
1.01.2024 3:24:57 gen. make a huge difference привести к огромным изменениям (Some of these longevity breakthroughs may not yet be available to the public, but those like diet, water, and exercise can make a huge difference. dailymail.co.uk)
1.01.2024 3:22:22 gen. make a huge difference изменить ситуацию в огромной степени (Some of these longevity breakthroughs may not yet be available to the public, but those like diet, water, and exercise can make a huge difference. dailymail.co.uk)
1.01.2024 3:19:26 gen. disconnect разладица (a lack of or a break in connection, consistency, or agreement: "a huge disconnect between the nation's capital and the rest of the country" (Merriam-Webster): "В качестве незадачливого вокалиста он подавал надежды не играя: разладица меж тем, что мнилось певцу, и тем, как спелось, была подлинной, неигровой." (Л.А. Рыбак "Леонид Куравлёв") • Many frustrated residents of Canada's third-largest city are saying that there's a real disconnect between their taxes going up and the core services like garbage collection, pothole repair, proper policing and so on not being provided. • The disconnect between housing supply and demand has long been cited as a primary contributor to the housing affordability issue, but many would argue that short-term rentals (STRs) like Airbnb, Vrbo, and FlipKey also play a key role (altusgroup.com))
1.01.2024 3:18:55 gen. disconnect несоответствие (Many frustrated residents are saying that there's a real disconnect between their taxes going up and the core services like garbage collection, pothole repair, proper policing and so on not being provided.)
1.01.2024 2:54:21 gen. higher odds повышенная вероятность (In a study of over 11,000 people over 30 years old, scientists at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute found that higher sodium levels were linked to higher odds of chronic diseases like heart failure and stroke compared to people in the mid-range. dailymail.co.uk)
1.01.2024 2:51:43 welln. extend the lifespan увеличить продолжительность жизни (The study participants with higher sodium levels were also more likely to die younger. Previous work showed that proper hydration can extend the lifespan by as much as 15 years. dailymail.co.uk)
31.12.2023 12:41:48 gen. bargain priced по дешёвке (The reality is that no government has the means to house the entire nation. If the NDP promised bargain priced rentals for $300 per month forever, then I want that too! I'll sell my place and take the government freebies! Hell yeah! (Twitter))
31.12.2023 12:40:37 gen. take to social media to share поделиться в соцсетях (своими мыслями или пережитым: After one homeowner shared her chilling experience, several other residents of Kirby took to social media to share similar tales all featuring a mysterious woman repeatedly knocking on the front door or crying into the home's mail slot at around three or four a.m. and asking to be let inside. (coasttocoastam.com))
31.12.2023 12:38:51 gen. affect подействовать на (sb., sth. – кого-л, что-л.: 'My dear Watson,' said the well-remembered voice, 'I owe you a thousand apologies. I had no idea that you would be so affected.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) -- «Тысячу извинений. Я и не представлял, что это так на вас подействует.»)
31.12.2023 12:32:49 logop. Baby Sign детский жестовый язык
31.12.2023 12:30:19 formal preschool-age children дети дошкольного возраста (medicalnewstoday.com)
31.12.2023 12:29:21 gen. children with дети от (someone – кого-л.: She had three children with him. – У неё от него трое детей.;)
31.12.2023 12:23:28 lit. crime fiction детективный жанр (Some literary novelists write crime fiction. – работают в детективном жанре)
31.12.2023 12:22:57 gen. piece of clothing деталь гардероба (из репортажа НТВ: "На юношах-первокурсниках вообще ничего нет – обувь не в счет. На девушках – всего лишь одна деталь гардероба, и та, что называется, последняя.")
31.12.2023 12:21:14 formal provide insight детально проанализировать (вопрос, тему: The experts provided more insight on the issue.)
31.12.2023 12:20:52 formal provide insight подробно рассмотреть (вопрос, тему: The experts provided more insight on the issue.)
31.12.2023 12:13:37 brit. be bitchy перемывать кости ("Mary's looking heavier, isn't she? After the break-up with Brian. Sure no wonder, she was devastated. Poor thing. • Being bitchy, but passing it off as concern dailyedge.ie)
31.12.2023 12:10:19 gen. move to перенести на (другой день, другое время: We have a client that's decided to launch his site tomorrow, and we're madly working on some final pieces – could we move our appointment to Monday, you name the time? – сам выбери удобное время)
31.12.2023 12:09:32 fig. fast-forward перенестись вперёд (в рассказе: Fast-forward 17 years... Eric is now in Grade 12, and has been accepted into university for this coming fall. – Теперь перенесёмся на 17 лет вперёд ...)
31.12.2023 11:45:05 gen. have an attraction for each other почувствовать влечение друг к другу (Although Stefan and Carolini had an instant attraction for each other, neither were eager to break unwritten golden rule of transit: don’t talk to fellow riders. (...) “And then on the same night, when we came back, we were on the same SeaBus again,” says Stefan, “and this time there were a lot less people so it was really easy to pick her out and, and definitely was a lot of eye contact between the two of us.” Still, neither were quite ready to strike up a conversation. (translink.ca) -- сразу же почувствовали влечение друг к другу)
31.12.2023 11:39:00 arts. original artwork первоисточник (с которого пишутся копии)
31.12.2023 11:38:04 law, contr. Original Term Первоначальный срок действия Договора
31.12.2023 11:36:34 gen. first первенец (I never experienced the same grief for Jeremy as I did with my first, though it was a loss just the same.)
31.12.2023 11:35:41 law, court first appearance первая явка в суд
31.12.2023 11:35:13 welf. Old Age Security pension пенсия по старости (term used in Canada)
31.12.2023 11:33:01 welf. Pension Fund of Russia Пенсионный фонд России (the ~)
31.12.2023 11:29:13 arts. dreamscape пейзаж из снов (exploring dreamscapes and wordscapes of the human mind)
31.12.2023 11:28:57 arts. wordscape пейзаж из слов (exploring dreamscapes and wordscapes of the human mind)
31.12.2023 11:27:31 gen. head lice педикулёз (September is the peak season for head lice in schools across Canada.)

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