
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

5.01.2024 3:34:34 gen. commotion беспорядок (Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. According to Webber, the ghost was particularly mischievous as "it would do things like take theater scripts and put them in a neat pile in some obscure room." -- устраивал в доме беспорядок coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:27:14 gen. commotion сумбур (an agitated disturbance (Merriam-Webster))
5.01.2024 3:12:36 formal enlist обратиться за помощью (к кому-л.: Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. -- обратиться к священнику coasttocoastam.com)
4.01.2024 12:11:25 gen. unexpected непредвиденное (*the ~*: BalanceProtector Max can help pay down or pay off your credit card balance if the unexpected were to happen. Easy to apply and you can cancel at any time. -- если случится что-то непредвиденное)
4.01.2024 12:05:52 insur. charge a monthly premium взимать ежемесячную плату (за финансовые или страховые услуги: What It Costs: We charge a monthly premium of $1.20 per $100 of your account balance, to a maximum account balance of $25,000 (plus applicable taxes). No premium charged if you have an account balance of less than $10 on your statement date. Easy to apply and you can cancel at any time.)
4.01.2024 12:05:52 insur. charge a monthly premium брать ежемесячную плату (за финансовые или страховые услуги: What It Costs: We charge a monthly premium of $1.20 per $100 of your account balance, to a maximum account balance of $25,000 (plus applicable taxes). No premium charged if you have an account balance of less than $10 on your statement date. Easy to apply and you can cancel at any time.)
4.01.2024 11:55:11 insur. monthly premium ежемесячная плата (What It Costs: Monthly premium of $1.20 per $100 of your account balance, to a maximum account balance of $25,000 (plus applicable taxes).)
4.01.2024 11:32:40 navig. moored starboard side ошвартованный правым бортом (to: A starboard side view of a cruise ship moored starboard side to the Nile River bank (rmg.co.uk) • ошвартованное правым бортом пассажирское судно)
4.01.2024 9:39:43 idiom. in a twinkling глазом моргнуть не успеешь
4.01.2024 9:39:32 idiom. in the twinkling of an eye глазом моргнуть не успеешь
4.01.2024 9:39:04 cliche. in an instant глазом моргнуть не успел (также "глазом моргнуть не успеешь": The oversized eyes shone green, and the legs were bent backwards at a “severe angle to the body.” Tim was apparently paralyzed with fear in the presence of this unearthly monstrosity, but in an instant the thing was gone and the dread dissipated. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
4.01.2024 9:34:46 idiom. every bit as такой же, как (... as ... = equally as ... (Cambridge Dictionary): Opponents of the war are considered every bit as patriotic as supporters. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Among these bizarre accounts are tales from all over of what appear to be some sort of thin, pale beings, often hunched over, crouching, and crawling as if from a nightmare, that have come to be collectively known as "Pale Crawlers," and which are every bit as creepy as you might imagine. -- такие же страшные, как вы могли бы вообразить (mysteriousuniverse.org))
4.01.2024 9:33:03 idiom. every bit as так же, как (... as ... = equally as ... (Cambridge Dictionary): It is clearly possible to love an adopted child every bit as much as a biological child. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- так же сильно, как родного • ... environmentally-friendly cleaning agents can work every bit as well as those that are full of harmful chemicals (Cambridge Dictionary) -- так же хорошо, как те, в которых полно вредных химических веществ)
4.01.2024 9:16:20 gen. have no tolerance for нетерпимо относиться к (Mike was clearly upset about Bob’s death, but if the date on Canada’s Missing website is correct, Bob died 18 months before Mike went missing. His leaving home likely had more to do with being caught smoking weed, which especially bothered his older brother Butch who was in the Airforce and had no tolerance for drugs and long hair. evelazarus.com)
4.01.2024 9:05:27 gen. given the times если учесть, какие тогда были времена (“I don’t know whether he just walked away or if somebody picked him up. I really don’t know and nobody I know has heard a word since,” says Art. “I don’t think there was any kind of a major police investigation given the times. In the late ‘60s, kids just took off all the time.” evelazarus.com)
4.01.2024 8:53:35 idiom. add weight to придать веса (также "придать вес": The credibility of the Hills, who were both respected community members—Betty was a social worker and Barney worked for the U.S. Postal Service—added weight to their story. • "Он сказал это громко и отчётливо, чтобы придать вес сказанным словам." ; "...а во-вторых, чтобы немного придать веса своим словам" ; "активно жестикулировали, стараясь придать веса своим словам" (из рус. источников) twitter.com)
4.01.2024 8:44:02 gen. observe through binoculars рассматривать в бинокль (Curious yet anxious, they stopped the car multiple times to observe the object through binoculars. twitter.com)
4.01.2024 8:06:09 auto. go off the road улететь в кювет (A school bus in Pender Harbour went off the road and flipped over just after 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to authorities. (ctvnews.ca) • "Всё произошло буквально в доли секунды, нужно было быстро принимать решение и получилось, что мы улетели в кювет и перевернулись." (из рус. источника))
4.01.2024 8:01:43 inf. messed up in the head не всё в порядке (She must be really messed up in the head to pull a stunt like that. -- У неё точно не всё в порядке с головой, если она такое отколола.)
4.01.2024 7:59:08 cliche. it's been some time прошло уже немало времени (Dear ICBC, it's been some time and no word on my counter claim. You can scroll through our interactions on this matter. It's been some time and nothing!!! Why do I even pay monthly to ICBC for no results??? (Twitter))
4.01.2024 7:20:20 idiom. out of sb.'s price reach не по карману (BC is now phasing out new gas vehicles 5 years early. EVs are out of most Canadians' price reach. Trudeau's mega f*** up of all time. Everyone will be forced to buy old cars, which puts out more emissions. I understand our situation, but don't destroy Canada just to look good. (Twitter))
4.01.2024 7:10:52 inf. it's weird странно (It's weird. Some things I write aren't posted while others are. (Twitter) – Странно.)
4.01.2024 7:05:40 inf. quirky немного странный (quirky Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle)
4.01.2024 7:05:27 inf. geeky немного странный (о человеке)
4.01.2024 7:00:48 gen. I find it annoying that меня раздражает то, что (I find it annoying that I'm able to share some things not as negative, but others fail to post being kind and positive. (Twitter))
4.01.2024 6:58:08 gen. I find ... annoying меня раздражает (I find all these notification sounds annoying. I wish I knew how I can turn them off. – Меня раздражают эти сигналы оповещения. Если бы я знал, как их отключить!)
4.01.2024 6:50:32 cliche. keep it going! продолжайте в том же духе!
4.01.2024 6:49:50 cliche. keep it up! продолжайте в том же духе! (My hubby and I had a great time. Weather cooperated (little rain) and allowed us to walk and bike everywhere, including around Stanley Park and False Creek, took a ferry to Granville Island, went skiing on Mt. Seymour. Food was fantastic, the city was clean and we felt safe. Great job and keep it up! (Reddit) -- Молодцы, продолжайте в том же духе!)
4.01.2024 6:37:18 gen. gets an undeserved bad rap for незаслуженно ругают за (We're from San Francisco, and Vancouver, like SF, gets an undeserved bad rap for the unhoused, drugs, and being dirty. It is indeed a great place, despite what all the negative Nellies would have you believe. (Reddit))
4.01.2024 6:22:56 bank. at a higher rate по более высокой ставке (Our mortgage is renewing this year at a higher rate.)
4.01.2024 3:13:05 gen. live audience зрители (in front of a live audience – перед зрителями)
4.01.2024 3:12:39 cinema patron зритель в кинотеатре (Dec. 29 (UPI) -- Workers remodeling an Atlanta movie theater found something surprising behind a wall: a wallet that had been lost by a patron 65 years earlier. upi.com)
4.01.2024 1:31:43 gen. alone сами по себе (“Elevated borrowing costs alone aren’t enough to dissuade buyers.”)
4.01.2024 0:47:21 cliche. there is ongoing debate ведутся дискуссии о том (возможно с whether: There is ongoing debate whether vitamin D3 “cholecalciferol” is better than vitamin D2 “ergocalciferol” at increasing blood levels of the vitamin. (hsph.harvard.edu) • В современном мире долгое время ведутся дискуссии о том, какая экономическая модель является лучшей для обеспечения благополучия и процветания наций. (из рус. источника))
3.01.2024 12:02:57 gen. as the sun went down на закате (It was beautiful down at the pier this evening as the sun went down. The norwester was a little chilly. (Twitter))
3.01.2024 11:52:55 fig. need the nudge нужно подтолкнуть (на действия: "Point taken. Thanks for the nudge!" "Sometimes we all need the nudge. I sure know I do." (Twitter))
3.01.2024 11:46:57 cliche. point taken согласен с вами (по поводу чего-л.: Point taken about the pressure factor, but I can't help feeling that the studying philosophy can afford the student useful tools when it comes to interpreting philosophical texts. • "Despite the cold and wind, I urge you to enjoy a walk today. The beauty is undeniable, big whitecaps on the water, and it's not cold. As someone who has worked from home for over 25 years, I know the importance of seizing sunny moments!" "Point taken. Thanks for the nudge, out I go!" (Twitter))
3.01.2024 11:36:20 publ.util. harsh restrictions жёсткие ограничения (Ski season is looking more like a spring season. If we don’t get snow I expect we will have harsh water restrictions in 2024. (Twitter))
3.01.2024 11:30:37 inf. not a chance ещё чего ("These chocolates were left outside my door. Do you think they were from my Amazon driver? Also, would you eat them?" "Nope. Not a chance." (Twitter))
3.01.2024 11:15:12 comp. & partnerships staff memo инструкция для сотрудников компании
3.01.2024 11:11:21 cliche. no ... to speak of говорить не приходится (о чём-л.; с отрицанием: Fortunately, there was no structural damage to the overpass or debris to speak of. (CityNews 1130))
3.01.2024 7:49:11 lgbt come out as gay объявить о своём гомосексуализме (A number of A-listers have come out as being part of the LGBTQ+ community in 2023. The Last Of Us star Bella Ramsey came out as gender fluid this year, while Stranger Things actor Noah Schnapp came out as gay and the new Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa, came out as queer in August – although he stopped short of defining his sexuality. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 7:43:59 Russia showbiz personality шоумен (хороший вариант для устоявшегося "рунглишизма": There will be unexpected deaths among showbiz personalities. Not all age-related. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 7:36:07 UK strip of one's title лишить титула (While Buckingham Palace quietly removed Harry’s HRH title from their website, and legislation to strip Harry and Meghan of their titles was considered in parliament, neither they or any other royal have been stripped of their titles. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 7:31:20 int.rel. tensions heightened напряжённость усилилась (Tensions between China and Hong Kong heightened in 2023, as China cracked down on dissent. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 7:24:57 gov. nursing strike забастовка медсестёр (Polling by YouGov found that 63% of adults support nursing strikes, 61% support striking ambulance staff, 58% support striking junior doctors and 45% support striking senior doctors. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 7:20:36 idiom. the real deal самый что ни на есть (a thing that is absolutely genuine or authentic; the real thing (idioms.thefreedictionary.com))
3.01.2024 6:13:50 gen. long-term dispute давние разногласия (Some of the most disruptive strike action has come to an end this year, with the RMT union accepting a deal last month to end the long-term dispute over pay and conditions. (metro.co.uk) • Все давние разногласия и противоречия сегодня могут обостриться. (vk.com))
3.01.2024 6:09:39 fig. leave sth. as a question mark оставить под вопросом (Without the data, we’re going to have to leave this one as a question mark. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 6:07:09 gen. seek out employment заниматься трудоустройством (своим: But the Office for National Statistics doesn’t track vacancies within agriculture, so it’s hard to know whether the jobless have been seeking out employment in this sector. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 6:05:55 gen. seek out employment искать работу (But the Office for National Statistics doesn’t track vacancies within agriculture, so it’s hard to know whether the jobless have been seeking out employment in this sector. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 6:03:30 gen. allotment огород (Gardens will be dug over and allotments will be even more popular. – while allotments are indeed popular, it doesn’t look like that popularity has increased during 2023. (metro.co.uk))
3.01.2024 5:56:16 fig. squeak past с большим трудом пройти (о законопроекте: The PM faced a revolt within his own party as he lost support over his rejigged Rwanda bill after their original plans were deemed unlawful – but he clung onto power as the bill squeaked past with a majority of just 44. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 5:55:37 fig. squeak past еле-еле протиснуться
3.01.2024 5:17:23 polit. cling onto power цепляться за власть (The PM faced a revolt within his own party as he lost support over his rejigged Rwanda bill after their original plans were deemed unlawful – but he clung onto power as the bill squeaked past with a majority of just 44. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 5:15:52 polit. keep hold of power удержать власть (Well, Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives have managed to keep hold of power this year, despite numerous by-election losses and the sacking of Home Secretary Suella Braverman. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 5:14:42 polit. keep hold of power удержаться (Well, Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives have managed to keep hold of power this year, despite numerous by-election losses and the sacking of Home Secretary Suella Braverman. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 5:12:59 polit. hang on удержаться (у власти: The government will hang on but will be under ever-increasing pressure to grip the economy. Further devaluation of the pound will not be acceptable. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 5:03:52 real.est. commercial rent стоимость аренды помещения (What is the average commercial rent per square foot in Ontario? Ontario office price per square foot in 2022 was $30.07 on average. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений")
3.01.2024 5:03:18 real.est. operating costs of a commercial lease стоимость аренды помещения (What are the operating costs of a commercial lease? Examples of valid operating costs include property taxes, property insurance, maintenance, utilities, landscaping (which includes snow removal), and garbage collection. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений")
3.01.2024 5:02:17 real.est. lease costs стоимость аренды помещения (Apart from the base rent, lease costs may also involve numerous incidentals. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений")
3.01.2024 4:55:26 cliche. not quite make it не дотянуть (Sarina Wiegman was reportedly tipped to receive an honorary Damehood if she’d managed to lead the Lionesses to victory, but sadly the team didn’t quite make it and there’s no sign of their coach receiving the honour this year. -- к сожалению, команда не дотянула до титула metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 4:51:56 cliche. it doesn't look like непохоже, что (Although the occasional person here and there might be turning their garden into a farm, we’ve not seen this on a wider scale, so we think this one is a miss from the Asparamancer. Plus, while allotments are indeed popular, it doesn’t look like that popularity has increased during 2023. metro.co.uk)
3.01.2024 4:36:05 polit. portend an election victory предвещать победу на выборах (Intriguingly, she later revealed to a British news outlet that "it won’t be Kamala Harris," which would seem to portend an election victory for GOP candidate Nikki Haley. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.01.2024 4:27:47 cliche. something of a нечто вроде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.01.2024 4:25:54 cliche. something of a в некотором роде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) • Thomas 'Hoggy' Hogg, owner of the Blue Note Jazz Club, is something of a music legend in Bay City. – считается в некотором роде легендарной личностью)
3.01.2024 3:15:09 gen. another day в другой день (If your call is not urgent, you may wish to call another day.)
2.01.2024 11:32:51 gen. hike поход в горы (That was one stupid hike. Taking a 112lb dog up and down a mountain in a 35C heat is idiotic. If you want heat stroke, fine. Just leave your pet at home. Same goes for people who run and bike with their dogs in this heat. Idiots. (Reddit))
2.01.2024 11:28:31 cliche. waste one's life потратить жизнь впустую ("Recently, I was alone in an elegant hotel suite with Cary Grant. My life has not been wasted. Sure, it was a Sunday morning, and we only had coffee. And actually we were alone for only a few minutes while his wife went downstairs to mail a letter. It doesn't matter. There are only two good reasons to become a reporter: to help change the world or to meet Cary Grant." (Carrie Dolan, the Wall Street Journal))
2.01.2024 11:27:10 inf. make it snappy! поторапливайся!
2.01.2024 11:26:27 inf. snap it up! поторапливайся!
2.01.2024 11:14:53 gen. traffic flow поток машин (или просто traffic)
2.01.2024 11:13:25 gen. make a quiet sneak потихоньку улизнуть (He made a quiet sneak for the railway station.)
2.01.2024 11:12:15 gen. easy потихоньку (о действии, требующем острожности: Easy, easy... – Потихоньку, потихоньку...)
2.01.2024 11:11:31 idiom. on the sly по-тихому (idiom: secretly, in a clandestine or furtive manner: "Many residents remain proud of Canada for bucking prohibition, but a lot still buy cannabis on the sly. Access is limited and taxes and other issues mean high-quality bud can cost nearly twice what it did before legalization." (Gene Johnson, Elaine Thompson, Rob Gillies / AP)) • • Как выяснилось, сейчас к строительству приступили не по-тихому — владелец обращался за разрешением к Севгосстройнадзору, но получил отказ. И всё равно начал стройку. sevastopol.su)
2.01.2024 10:51:51 law, contr. Procedure for Out-of-court dispute resolution Порядок досудебного урегулирования споров
2.01.2024 10:45:48 gen. older более ранний (Some of our older items have been removed from this season's catalogue.)
2.01.2024 10:43:11 gen. pint glass бокал пива (Patrons at a pub in Wales were understandably shaken when a pint glass on their table suddenly exploded and the proprietors of the establishment suspect that it could have been the handiwork of the building's resident ghost. The spooky scene was reportedly captured by a security camera at the Coniston Tavern in the community of Nuneaton. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2024 10:38:31 gen. pint of beer бокал пива (The proprietor of a purportedly haunted pub in Britain believes that a mischievous ghost is behind a recent incident wherein a patron's pint of beer inexplicably fell off of a table. The strange event reportedly occurred last month at The Ring O Bells tavern in the English town of Kendal and was captured on video by the site's security system. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2024 10:23:51 gen. good experience положительный опыт общения
2.01.2024 10:20:46 gen. tree canopy полог леса (Penniston recounted getting the call and heading to check out reported activity in the woods near the east gate at RAF Woodbridge. He described seeing a dome of light over the tree canopy and lights within the forest, which he initially thought was fire from a downed aircraft. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2024 10:20:20 idiom. is well underway полным ходом идёт
2.01.2024 10:02:30 gen. make a case for обосновать (Taking all of this into account, it's difficult to make a case for water fluoridation on public health grounds. • To provide more customers for struggling west-side businesses and restaurants, Wilkinson, Eby and the two researchers agree a case can be made for increasing population density.(vancouversun.com))
2.01.2024 9:35:31 poetic embark on приступать к (As Seaspan embarks on several weeks of public engagement as part of the Port Authority’s process for Vancouver Drydock’s water lot project, we want to respond to your most recent editorial and related news article about our proposal. -- Приступая к ... ( nsnews.com ))
2.01.2024 9:28:24 fig. hit it quick and hard навалиться (Luckily, assistant fire chief Gareth Michael and a crew of firefighters were already nearby on a training exercise when multiple 911 calls started coming in for a home on the 2300 block of Dunlewey Place. “We hit it quick and hard and managed to put the fire out quickly,” he said. -- Мы сразу навалились, и нам удалось быстро потушить пожар. (nsnews.com))
2.01.2024 9:24:13 nautic. extra sailing дополнительный рейс (парома: Are there any extra sailings between Swartz Bay and Tsawwassen on weekends? – дополнительные рейсы)
2.01.2024 9:23:38 busin. until the work is fully completed до полного завершения работ
2.01.2024 8:27:22 inf. pump sb. with a bullet всадить пулю в кого-л. (... the glamorous Pupetta Maresca, who married a soon-to-be-deceased mobster named Pasqualone. She was pregnant and 18 at the time when she shot the man who'd ordered a hit on her husband, pumping him with 29 bullets. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.01.2024 8:23:49 law.enf. on an outstanding warrant в розыске (Police arrived to find that the man in the alley was on an outstanding warrant for his arrest and was breaching a court order, said Corp. Franco Aquilini, spokesman for the Lytton RCMP detachment.)
2.01.2024 8:19:21 fig. family affair в роду у ("это у кого-л. в роду": Cooking is a family affair in the Trasolini household. Everyone enjoys cooking – Grampa Luigi, Grandma Maria, son Damiano, his wife Sylvia, and their three kids – Brian, Griffin and Sienna.)
2.01.2024 8:16:05 gen. time passes время проходит (Time passes, people pass, and I don't think we will ever know the truth about what happened. -- Время проходит, люди уходят)
2.01.2024 8:15:22 gen. it was getting on for midnight время приближалось к полуночи (It was getting on for midnight when I pulled into the driveway.)
2.01.2024 8:04:49 gen. it snowed a ton навалило много снега (A long winter.... remember when it snowed a ton in late November? Who knew it would still be snowing in late February! (Reddit) • За ночь навалило много нового снегу, деревья оделись в белое. (А.П. Чехов, «Бабье царство»))
2.01.2024 7:37:20 polygr. machine book-binding машинные способы скрепления (листов)
2.01.2024 7:36:47 police getaway car машина, предназначенная для побега
2.01.2024 7:34:08 traf. spun-out car машина, которую занесло, развернуло (Very slippery on the roads, people are spinning out. We have multiple spun-out vehicles on all major routes. Slow down out there. Please. Especially when the weather is like this. • Double bus spun out blocking the whole street in Norgate.)
2.01.2024 7:29:39 gen. mainstay градообразующее предприятие (Производственное предприятие, на котором занята значительная или основная часть работоспособного населения города или посёлка. (Википедия): Wallace Shipyards was once the mainstay of North Vancouver's economy -- 10,000 people worked here during the Second World War. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
2.01.2024 7:29:09 arts. gradation of tints градация тонов (profusion, depth of tone and magical gradation of tints)
2.01.2024 7:27:55 gen. willingness to help готовность помочь (Thank you very much for your willingness to help.)
2.01.2024 7:07:51 gen. fix the road ремонтировать дорогу ("Kent Street bike route could use some repairs (and love). Maybe in 2024?" "Nuh, it will be 2025. The city isn't going to fix any roads because there's no snow potholes this year." (Twitter) ")

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