
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

7.01.2024 11:41:31 busin. calculate annually высчитывать один раз в год (Credits are calculated annually and allocated on a per phone line basis. – высчитываются один раз в год)
7.01.2024 9:38:54 gen. rip one's earrings right off one's ears вырвать из ушей серёжки (Not much you can do. My grandma was mugged, the guy ripped her earrings right off her ears and police didn’t do anything, maybe they will find the guy if your dad got a good description of him. (Reddit))
7.01.2024 9:33:36 gen. beat up badly сильно избить (My brother got attacked and beat up badly at Metrotown one month ago. Sunday night, 6pm as well. Police are on it but was also a random attack. Our justice system needs change! -- На моего брата напали и сильно избили в Метротауне (Reddit))
7.01.2024 8:51:00 inf. you make it sound like если тебя послушать, то можно подумать, что (You make Lethbridge sound like Edmonton, Regina or Winterpeg! I prefer Maple Hills over those three any day! (Reddit))
7.01.2024 8:34:55 fig. in the grips of во власти (кого-л., чего-л.: Jane recounted a disturbing experience with her daughter, who had an unsettling connection with an entity named Lisa. Years ago, the family had moved into a house where the daughter claimed to interact with Lisa, a girl who had been beaten to death by her mother in a room down the hall. Strange occurrences, including the daughter's eerie behavior and the unexplained deaths of dogs in the pool, led to a visit from a parapsychologist who identified seven to eight entities in the home. The expert urged Jane to leave the possessed house immediately. Her daughter, now 40, remains distant and cold, and Jane suspects still in the grips of Lisa. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 8:07:34 esot. eerie behavior странное поведение (Jane recounted a disturbing experience with her daughter, who had an unsettling connection with an entity named Lisa. Years ago, the family had moved into a house where the daughter claimed to interact with Lisa, a girl who had been beaten to death by her mother in a room down the hall. Strange occurrences, including the daughter's eerie behavior and the unexplained deaths of dogs in the pool, led to a visit from a parapsychologist who identified seven to eight entities in the home. The expert urged Jane to leave the possessed house immediately. Her daughter, now 40, remains distant and cold, and Jane suspects still in the grips of Lisa. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 8:00:39 gen. calculate высчитать (Jim in Delaware referenced Revelation 13:18 and the calculation of the number of the beast, associating it with Elon Musk. He mentioned attempting to calculate Musk's name in both the Greek and Hebrew alphabets, arriving at the numerical value of 666. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:55:37 relig. dark forces нечистая сила (демоны: Bean described a pivotal moment when he decided to turn away from a destructive path, embrace faith, and make God the priority in his life. This transformation marked the beginning of his journey into demonology, spiritual warfare, and helping others break free from dark forces. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:41:33 cliche. pivotal moment решающий момент (Bean described a pivotal moment when he decided to turn away from a destructive path, embrace faith, and make God the priority in his life. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:41:33 cliche. pivotal moment переломный момент (Bean described a pivotal moment when he decided to turn away from a destructive path, embrace faith, and make God the priority in his life. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:38:05 relig. demonic attack нападение нечистой силы (Cornelius phoned in to describe a demonic attack that occurred during a council meeting in Alexandria, Louisiana. -- которое произошло во время заседания муниципального совета (coasttocoastam.com) • He recounted his own traumatic events from his childhood, detailing demonic attacks on his family, his near-destruction, and the miraculous transformation that occurred in his life. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:34:47 cliche. emphasize the importance подчеркнуть значимость (Bean emphasized the importance of personal experience in building trust with trauma survivors and establishing a bond to help them. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 7:29:32 cliche. firmly believe that твёрдо убеждён в том, что (He believes his work is a calling that God has placed on his life to help people become free from evil. Despite not knowing the reasons behind these experiences, he firmly believes that his own past sufferings were instrumental in preparing him for his current role. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 6:20:12 gen. become free from освободиться от (He believes his work is a calling that God has placed on his life to help people become free from evil. -- помочь людям освободиться от нечистой силы (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 6:14:32 gen. break free освободиться (from – от: Spiritual warrior Bill Bean discussed his life and transformation, and how he helps others break free from demonic influences. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 6:11:04 gen. break free from освободиться от (Spiritual warrior Bill Bean discussed his life and transformation, and how he helps others break free from demonic influences. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 5:16:42 cyber. mind-to-mind communication device устройство для телепатического общения (The first mind-to-mind communication device hits the market, enabling silent conversations through neural interfaces. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 5:16:33 cyber. mind-to-mind communication device устройство для телепатической связи (The first mind-to-mind communication device hits the market, enabling silent conversations through neural interfaces. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.01.2024 5:13:42 pejor. and the same to you with knobs on и вам того же с присыпочкой (в ответ на обидное замечание или отказ в просьбе; the same to you but even more so: "Lose some weight, you whiney fat fool." "And the same to you, with knobs on.")
7.01.2024 5:12:54 pejor. with knobs on с присыпочкой (реакция на отказ в просьбе или оскорбление; the same to you but even more so: "Lose some weight, you whiney fat fool." "And the same to you, with knobs on." – «И вам того же с присыпочкой.»)
7.01.2024 4:55:54 HR efficiently perform one's duties справляться со своими обязанностями
7.01.2024 4:55:42 HR handle one's duties справляться со своими обязанностями
7.01.2024 4:52:22 busin. keep up with demand справляться со спросом (We can't keep up with the demand. – Мы не справляемся со спросом.)
7.01.2024 4:51:53 busin. keep up with demand поспевать за спросом
7.01.2024 4:51:00 gen. feel sympathy посочувствовать (She added: 'He has thrown away so much. He can't see me because of a restraining order and he hasn't been seeing the children. But it's hard to feel any sympathy.' -- ему трудно посочувствовать dailymail.co.uk)
7.01.2024 4:49:01 gen. next door to по соседству с (о здании: We're on Hastings St, next door to Fortuna Bakery.)
7.01.2024 4:48:33 gen. next door to рядом с (о здании: It's the grey one next door to the yellow one, see?)
7.01.2024 4:47:31 gen. ordinary citizens рядовые граждане (two Zimbabwean spies posing as ordinary citizens)
7.01.2024 4:46:09 fig. run-of-the-mill prisoner рядовой заключённый (He never was one of the run-of-the-mill prisoners, he was a leader. -- Он никогда не был рядовым заключённым, он был лидером.)
7.01.2024 4:33:14 gen. great value выгодно (Highly recommend these seaplane tours, they're great -- and great value at just $125 per person. -- прекрасные экскурсии на гидросамолёте, и очень выгодно, всего по $125 с человека)
6.01.2024 11:43:16 gen. exquisitely crafted изящный (an exquisitely crafted bijou -- изящная вещица)
6.01.2024 11:35:34 gen. and ... to boot и к тому же (It rained every day and it was cold to boot. • He said they'd lower the price of the car by $1,000 and throw in air conditioning to boot. (yourdictionary.com))
6.01.2024 11:34:53 gen. and ... at that и к тому же ("I went to the door and looked out. I could hardly believe that it was really morning. But it was, and a dashed good morning, at that." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.01.2024 11:02:43 gen. long overdue давно пора сделать (Such a move is long overdue. • Everybody is now at the table and hopefully we’re going to be able to come up with solutions. This is something that I think is long overdue.)
6.01.2024 11:00:54 inf. long time since I did sth. давненько я не делал что-л. (a shortened form of "It's been a long time": "Long time since I was on a case with no reporters jumping around. Somebody must have whispered in Sheriff Petersen's ear. They kept it off the teletype." (Raymond Chandler)) )
6.01.2024 10:52:35 cliche. for quite some time давненько (I haven't seen him for quite some time. – Я его давненько не видал.)
6.01.2024 10:25:13 fin. make the final payment внести окончательный платёж (on – за: Argentina has made the final payment on a multi-billion-dollar loan it took out in 1979 to refinance the country's airline industry.)
6.01.2024 10:24:44 busin. make one's payment внести платёж (After you have made your payment, please notify our Sales Department immediately by calling 1-888-XXX-XXXX. – После внесения платежа ...)
6.01.2024 10:21:02 PR give back to the community внести свой вклад на благо своего города (***не только заниматься благотворительной деятельностью, но и создавать рабочие места или выкупить старинное здание, предназначенное к сносу и т.п.)
6.01.2024 10:19:09 cliche. in a very few words в нескольких словах (Moffitt explained the state of things in a very few words.)
6.01.2024 9:58:44 inet. go online войти в интернет
6.01.2024 9:57:17 inet. go online зайти в интернет
6.01.2024 9:52:43 inet. go onto the internet зайти в интернет (в рус. языке пока нет устоявшегося стандарта: The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. (mysteriousuniverse.org) bolshoyvopros.ru)
6.01.2024 9:52:43 inet. go onto the internet зайти в сеть (в рус. языке пока нет устоявшегося стандарта: The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. (mysteriousuniverse.org) bolshoyvopros.ru)
6.01.2024 9:52:43 inet. go onto the internet выйти в интернет (в рус. языке пока нет устоявшегося стандарта: The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. (mysteriousuniverse.org) bolshoyvopros.ru)
6.01.2024 9:52:43 inet. go onto the internet войти в интернет (в рус. языке пока нет устоявшегося стандарта: The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. (mysteriousuniverse.org) bolshoyvopros.ru)
6.01.2024 9:52:43 inet. go onto the internet подключиться к сети (в рус. языке пока нет устоявшегося стандарта: The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. (mysteriousuniverse.org) bolshoyvopros.ru)
6.01.2024 9:17:04 jewl. drop out of the setting выпасть из оправы (“I love its color,” she tells BBC News. “A lot of the time, we don’t see the colors of the past because clothes don’t survive and enamels drop out of settings.” smithsonianmag.com)
6.01.2024 9:14:27 gen. completely unlike совершенно непохожий (на что-л.: Though many curious objects have been discovered in Norfolk, Geake says the gilded cap is “completely unlike” any other find. BBC News reports that it has been declared a treasure, and the local Norwich Castle Museum expressed interest in acquiring it, despite its unknown purpose. -- совершенно непохож на другие находки smithsonianmag.com)
6.01.2024 6:59:55 gen. respectable job приличная работа (Estep also touched on the phenomenon of 'serial killers next door'-- murderers who hold down respectable jobs and are sometimes well-liked in their community. One of Britain's most prolific killers, Dr. Harold Shipman, murdered hundreds of his patients with fatal overdoses.(coasttocoastam.com))
6.01.2024 6:56:22 idiom. red flag признак опасности (A bank employee will never call you at home and solicit any funds, so that's a red flag right away. • 90% of this kind of intimate murder is carried out by "an aggressive controlling domineering male," he cited, and usually there are red flags in advance, but they aren't always acted upon. (coasttocoastam.com))
6.01.2024 6:56:22 idiom. red flag предупреждение об опасности (A bank employee will never call you at home and solicit any funds, so that's a red flag right away. • 90% of this kind of intimate murder is carried out by "an aggressive controlling domineering male," he cited, and usually there are red flags in advance, but they aren't always acted upon. (coasttocoastam.com))
6.01.2024 6:48:08 esot. ghostly monk призрак монаха (Visitors to St. Boltoph’s Church in Skidbrooke have reported seeing a ghostly monk on the site, seeing odd lights and hearing sounds of storms in calm weather, and hearing strange, unexplained noises at night.)
6.01.2024 6:32:30 gen. failed actor несостоявшийся актёр (также о художнике, писателе и т.п.: Failed actors/models, what's your story? • What do you do as a failed artist? • Being the Daughter of a Failed Artist. • You can no longer become a failed writer because you've failed at everything else. • Имени и фамилии несостоявшегося лицедея никто не помнил, но выяснить это было уже делом техники. (из рус. источника))
6.01.2024 6:21:02 cliche. be fine with sth. не возражать против (чего-л.: The finance minister says he's fine with an audit.)
6.01.2024 6:18:08 gen. unsuccessful несостоявшийся (How does it feel to be an unsuccessful artist? (Quora) • 8 Surefire Ways to be a Completely Unsuccessful Artist • Имени и фамилии несостоявшегося лицедея никто не помнил, но выяснить это было уже делом техники. (из рус. источника))
6.01.2024 6:12:02 gen. sport красоваться (to display or wear usually ostentatiously: sporting expensive new shoes (Merriam-Webster): С одного снимка улыбался Дед Мороз, а на его пальцах красовались тюремные татуировки. (из рус. источника))
6.01.2024 6:03:25 gen. lace добавить небольшое количество (спиртной напиток или снотворное в кофе (to lace one's coffee = to add a dash of liquor to the coffee | laced a guard's coffee with a sedative), острый ингредиент, приправу в блюдо (a sauce laced with garlic) (примеры из Merriam-Webster) и т.п.: Пока мальчик сидел под кроватью, а родители "отдыхали", гости вынесли из квартиры все деньги и сбежали. Позже экспертиза показала, что в алкоголь они добавили клофелин. (из рус. источника))
6.01.2024 5:37:28 penitent. investigation is ongoing следствие продолжается (into – по делу о: Corrections Canada spokesman said the investigation into the incidents is ongoing.)
6.01.2024 5:30:20 gen. outstanding feature отличительная черта (Regular fenestration, flat roofs and ornamented, heavily bracketed cornices are outstanding features of this style. • Зато выяснили ценную деталь: потерпевший вспомнил, что на пальцах Деда Мороза есть синие наколки — отличительная черта не раз побывавших за решёткой уголовников. (из рус. источника))
6.01.2024 5:20:59 gen. take off скрыться (The driver did not stop to investigate and took off leaving the elderly victim on the road. -- скрылся (с места происшествия) • Пока Дед Мороз держал хозяина на прицеле, Снегурочка складывала в сумку ценные вещи. Затем бандиты крепко связали партработника — жены и детей дома не было — и скрылись. (из рус. источника) = took off)
6.01.2024 5:12:14 gen. point a gun at держать кого-л. на прицеле (The sadistic gang pointed a gun at her baby's head. Caroline was strangled after being tortured and having a gun pointed at the head of her 11-month-old baby Lydia their Athens home. • Правда, на этот раз вместо снотворного налётчики использовали охотничий обрез. Пока Дед Мороз держал хозяина на прицеле, Снегурочка складывала в сумку ценные вещи. (из рус. источника) thesun.co.uk)
6.01.2024 5:06:54 pris.sl. tip off about давать наводку на (Burglars in Greece who tortured a Brit mum to death may have been tipped off about £13,000 in cash being kept in her house, it was reported. Cops fear the gang may have been told about the cash kept in the house • Во-первых, грабежи произошли в одном районе. Во-вторых, все потерпевшие водили детей в один садик. Значит, наводку на богатые квартиры мог давать кто-то из сотрудников дошкольного учреждения. (из рус. источника) thesun.co.uk)
6.01.2024 4:41:53 gen. surviving houses уцелевшие дома (George Square was laid out in 1781. The finest of its surviving houses of that period is Nostell House, built by Robert Adam.)
5.01.2024 10:05:19 gen. can see clearly хорошо видно (I'm going to place this new fascinating device in front of me so that you can see clearly. – чтобы вам было хорошо видно)
5.01.2024 10:04:49 gen. easily visible хорошо виден (The arms of the creature were held tightly to its body. What looked like long claws that resembled the talons of an eagle were easily visible. The claws were estimated to be about 8-10 inches in length. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- были хорошо видны)
5.01.2024 10:00:30 cliche. as it is само по себе (A man and his girlfriend were reportedly driving along a rural road when they saw some movement near the side of the road. They originally thought the figure was a naked man crawling along on the ground, which was already odd enough as it is, but as they approached they realized that it was even much stranger than this. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- что уже само по себе было странно)
5.01.2024 9:40:58 gen. shine one's flashlight at sth., sb. посветить фонариком на что-л., кого-л. (When he shone his flashlight at the sphere, he would claim to have seen a “a dark figure that appeared to be crawling away.” (mysteriousuniverse.org))
5.01.2024 9:27:36 cliche. be fine with sth. не возражать ("Am I able to temporarily park on my lawn if I am a renter? City crews will be doing some paving out front tomorrow so I need to move my van. Is it even legal?" "City won't care as long as your landlord is fine with it. It is usually the neighbours that complain." -- если ваш хозяин не возражает / не против (Reddit))
5.01.2024 9:15:49 HR fair wage справедливая оплата труда (*a ~*; не обязательно зарплата, ставка оплаты вообще: $20/hr given the work sounds fair to me. I babysit families I used to work with (former early childhood educator) and I only charge $20/hour. I feel like if it's babysitting and not nannying, it's a fair wage. (Reddit))
5.01.2024 9:07:31 gen. real-life story житейская история (a heart-warming real-life story -- житейская задушевная история)
5.01.2024 9:03:39 HR workforce accommodation жильё для рабочих (Bridgemans Services Group (Bridgemans) has been selected to provide on-site workforce accommodation for Woodfibre LNG’s liquified natural gas (LNG) export project near Squamish, BC, beginning spring 2024. (woodfibrelng.ca))
5.01.2024 8:40:53 auto. come around a corner выехать из-за угла (In the spring of 2001, a high school senior was driving home from work in Piton, Maine, when he came around a corner and caught something gaunt and grey in his headlights near a guardrail. The skin of the thing was apparently slick and shiny, with no noticeable hair and no clothing on, and its eyes were a burning yellow. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • The coupé came carefully around the corner. (Raymond Chandler) -- острожно выехал из-за угла )
5.01.2024 8:01:29 gen. issue of a magazine номер журнала (the latest issue of The Economist magazine – последний номер журнала "Экономист")
5.01.2024 7:52:03 ed. high school senior старшеклассница
5.01.2024 7:51:46 ed. high school senior старшеклассник (In the spring of 2001, a high school senior was driving home from work in Piton, Maine, when he came around a corner and caught something gaunt and grey in his headlights near a guardrail. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
5.01.2024 7:47:20 gen. come charging in ворваться (в дом, комнату: "The first commotion I heard were the blue boys banging on the front door," he said. "About seven or eight of them came charging in. They had their guns pulled and were yelling 'What's going on!' They dragged us into the backyard and made us lie down on the grass.")
5.01.2024 7:44:48 gen. wooded area небольшой лес (в условиях города или пригорода; лесок: On December 14 around 11 p.m. he heard some loud, crashing sounds coming from the wooded area between his home and Oak Lake Road and went to investigate. He is now missing and his family is seeking help in finding him.)
5.01.2024 7:29:05 coll. technologies used применяемая технология (for sth.: Christian Slavin founded Zapatat in 2009 with the aim of revolutionizing the field of tattoo removal by making it more accessible, safer, and more convenient for people. He joins Connie Willis (info) to discuss some of the worst tattoos he has been asked to remove, the technologies used for tattoo removals, and the main reasons why people use his services, and it's often not what you think. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.01.2024 7:24:26 cliche. efforts were rewarded усилия были вознаграждены (In subsequent years, speculation surrounding the strange disappearance of the weathervane swirled in large part thanks to the work of historian Michel Sabatery, who often wrote about the odd tale. His efforts to keep the story alive were rewarded this past November when he received an unexpected package containing the stolen piece. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.01.2024 7:17:18 inf. burn donuts нарезать круги ("He was doing what exactly at 2 a.m. in Walmart's parking lot?" "Burning donuts.")
5.01.2024 7:14:58 inf. do some donuts нарезать круги (At this car meet this mustang decided to do some donuts and it ended in a way he wasn't expecting! • B Омске юный любитель дрифта решил показать своим друзьям, как он умеет нарезать круги на парковке. (из рус. источника))
5.01.2024 7:04:40 cliche. have a better idea of лучше представлять себе (положение дел: On Jan. 4, WLNG spokesperson Sean Beardow told The Squamish Chief that the ship will be spending the upcoming weeks at the Seaspan facility in North Vancouver undergoing its final few refits, loading equipment and undergoing inspections. After that is done, the company will have a better idea of when it will arrive in Squamish. (nsnews.com) • Повышая уровень своей экологической грамотности мы сможем лучше представлять себе последствия наших каждодневных поступков и выборов для окружающей среды.(из рус. источника))
5.01.2024 6:45:30 gen. I wonder what sb. is doing интересно, что кто-л. делает (Look, there's Phil over there. Hmmm, wonder what he's doing in these parts... -- Интересно, что он делает в этих краях...)
5.01.2024 5:37:19 merch.nav. port of call заход судна (Мы сделали два захода -- в Карачи и в Александрию. • On its way to Vancouver, MV Isabelle had ports of call in Spain, Panama and Guatemala before arriving in Vancouver on Jan. 3. -- заходило в Испанию, Панаму и Гватемалу (nsnews.com))
5.01.2024 5:31:39 HR worker accommodation жильё для рабочих (напр., занятых на строительстве: The ship will serve as worker accommodation for the construction of the Woodfibre LNG (WLNG) plant.)
5.01.2024 5:31:39 HR worker accommodation жилые помещения для рабочих (напр., занятых на строительстве: The ship will serve as worker accommodation for the construction of the Woodfibre LNG (WLNG) plant.)
5.01.2024 5:26:52 cliche. it's not so much дело даже не в (чём-л., а в чём-то другом: It's not so much the road conditions on a snow day that's dangerous, it's more so the utter insane interpretation of Newtonian laws of physics of too many drivers who can't believe their car on balding all-season tires is undriveable. (Reddit))
5.01.2024 5:20:40 disappr. absolute nightmare настоящий кошмар ("Visiting next month, how are the road conditions when it snows?" "If it snows the whole city is an absolute nightmare. It's usually best to walk or stay where you're at." (Reddit))
5.01.2024 5:16:44 disappr. insane! сдуреть можно! (от чего-л.: Anyone else been hearing humming noise around our building? It's been driving me nuts and I finally found where it's coming from. It's a vent at the entrance to the underground parking but it carries all the way to the 17th floor! Insane! (Reddit))
5.01.2024 4:57:08 gen. going rate нормальная цена (quoted for a service or job: Hi all, I was recently quoted roughly $3300 for a root canal with crown at AARM dental and was wondering, is this seriously the going rate for this treatment? I will probably not go ahead with the treatment as a result of both the cost and the fact that my dental coverage does not even cover that amount. I'm literally not able to afford this and will have to hope that the pain does not get any worse. (Reddit))
5.01.2024 4:57:08 gen. going rate обычная стоимость (quoted for a service or job: Hi all, I was recently quoted roughly $3300 for a root canal with crown at AARM dental and was wondering, is this seriously the going rate for this treatment? I will probably not go ahead with the treatment as a result of both the cost and the fact that my dental coverage does not even cover that amount. I'm literally not able to afford this and will have to hope that the pain does not get any worse. (Reddit))
5.01.2024 3:59:06 gen. during the conversation в ходе беседы (The British impresario shared the remarkable tale in an interview with the newspaper The Telegraph. During the conversation, the subject turned to the six theaters that he owns in London and if they might be haunted. coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:57:45 gen. during the conversation в разговоре (The British impresario shared the remarkable tale in an interview with the newspaper The Telegraph. During the conversation, the subject turned to the six theaters that he owns in London and if they might be haunted. coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:50:02 gen. put sth. in a neat pile аккуратно складывать в стопку (Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. "I did have a house in Eaton Square which had a poltergeist," he surprisingly revealed. According to Webber, the ghost was particularly mischievous as "it would do things like take theater scripts and put them in a neat pile in some obscure room." coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:37:09 gen. commotion путаница (a sudden, short period of noise, *confusion*, or excited movement (Merriam-Webster): Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. "I did have a house in Eaton Square which had a poltergeist," he surprisingly revealed. According to Webber, the ghost was particularly mischievous as "it would do things like take theater scripts and put them in a neat pile in some obscure room." -- устраивал в доме путаницу coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:34:34 gen. commotion беспорядок (Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. According to Webber, the ghost was particularly mischievous as "it would do things like take theater scripts and put them in a neat pile in some obscure room." -- устраивал в доме беспорядок coasttocoastam.com)
5.01.2024 3:27:14 gen. commotion сумбур (an agitated disturbance (Merriam-Webster))
5.01.2024 3:12:36 formal enlist обратиться за помощью (к кому-л.: Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. -- обратиться к священнику coasttocoastam.com)
4.01.2024 12:11:25 gen. unexpected непредвиденное (*the ~*: BalanceProtector Max can help pay down or pay off your credit card balance if the unexpected were to happen. Easy to apply and you can cancel at any time. -- если случится что-то непредвиденное)

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