
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

12.01.2024 8:15:38 gen. military intelligence данные военной разведки (Krona, the network of agents she was a member of, was responsible for passing on high-class military intelligence, including plans for Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of Kursk. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 7:44:29 gen. alongside вместе с (It is believed she was recruited as a KGB agent by her manager, Heinz Hoffmeister, who was already working for Soviet intelligence. Her husband, the film director Georg Jacoby, is thought to have spied alongside her. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 7:42:00 intell. recruit as a KGB agent завербовать в качестве агента КГБ (It is believed she was recruited as a KGB agent by her manager, Heinz Hoffmeister, who was already working for Soviet intelligence. What Rökk’s role was, and specifically what information she might have passed on to Moscow, remains unclear. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 6:55:12 gen. best-loved любимейший (Jane Austen is one of the best-loved English novelists. • One of Germany’s best-loved postwar actors has been exposed as a Soviet agent following the declassification of top secret intelligence documents. Marika Rökk, who was banned from acting for two years for her apparent closeness to the Nazi regime, had in fact been working from the 1940s onwards for a reconnaissance network passing Third Reich secrets to Moscow. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 6:51:02 Makarov. people with mental issues душевнобольные
12.01.2024 6:51:02 Makarov. individuals suffering from mental issues душевнобольные
12.01.2024 6:46:50 gen. mentally unwell душевнобольной (Who knows though, he could absolutely be mentally unwell? (unexplained-mysteries.com))
12.01.2024 6:44:55 gen. bright enough хватает ума, чтобы (+ infinitive: A wack job? Bright enough to try and get that cheddar from the fancy crowd. -- Псих? Однако ему хватило ума заработать за счёт этих важных персон. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
12.01.2024 6:36:12 inf. wack job псих ((US) a crazy or extremely eccentric person: He can't even get his story straight on his retirement rank or years of service. His DD214 is buried but I guarantee the reason for his discharge was a section 8 and it would be buried because of that due to medical privacy regs... More proof that his DD214 says he's a wack job. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
12.01.2024 6:32:22 mil. retirement rank звание при выходе в отставку (He can't even get his story straight on his retirement rank or years of service. His DD214 is buried but I guarantee the reason for his discharge was a section 8 and it would be buried because of that due to medical privacy regs. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
12.01.2024 6:29:28 disappr. can't even get one's story straight завраться (on sth. -- по поводу чего-л.: He can't even get his story straight on his retirement rank or years of service. His DD214 is buried but I guarantee the reason for his discharge was a section 8 and it would be buried because of that due to medical privacy regs. -- Он хоть бы уже врал одно и то же по поводу того, в каком звании вышел в отставку. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
12.01.2024 6:19:02 fig. prominent крупного калибра (According to reports, Grusch gave a talk to a number of 'Wall Street bigwigs' and intelligence community officials. (...) Now according to an anonymous attendee, Grusch recently gave a secret talk in New York to a group of investors, CIA and FBI officials, tech entrepreneurs and other prominent individuals. (unexplained-mysteries.com) -- и другими фигурами крупного калибра)
12.01.2024 6:12:33 idiom. enter the public eye привлечь к себе внимание общественности (Grusch, who previously worked with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and held top-level clearance at the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, entered the public eye back in 2023 when he made the startling claim that the US government had long been in possession of "intact and partially intact vehicles of non-human origin". (unexplained-mysteries.com))
12.01.2024 6:09:02 inf. Wall Street bigwigs воротилы с Уолл-стрит (According to reports, UFO whistleblower David Grusch gave a talk to a number of 'Wall Street bigwigs' and intelligence community officials.(unexplained-mysteries.com))
12.01.2024 5:58:35 gen. latest evidence последние факты (Journalist and investigator Kristi Piehl shared the latest evidence in the string of nationwide deaths that may have been caused by the "Smiley Face Killers." (coasttocoastam.com))
12.01.2024 5:58:25 gen. latest evidence последние данные (Journalist and investigator Kristi Piehl shared the latest evidence in the string of nationwide deaths that may have been caused by the "Smiley Face Killers." (coasttocoastam.com))
12.01.2024 4:55:09 cliche. touch on a topic коснуться темы (There is another topic I'd like to touch on... – Мне хотелось бы коснуться и другой темы... • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.01.2024 4:50:58 cliche. touch on a topic затронуть тему (There are other topics I'd like to touch on. – Мне хотелось бы затронуть и другие темы. • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.01.2024 4:18:09 ufol. disc-shaped в форме диска (The nurses watched as the disc-shaped craft slowly drifted off on a southeasterly course, disappearing behind the grove of trees bordering the facility just as two additional nurses arrived, missing the entire show. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • Ancient artwork depicts disc-shaped craft with non-humans on top of them, she continued, and ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome all had stories about interactions with beings from the stars. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.01.2024 4:11:02 cliche. dating back to начиная с (A man in his 70s who was caught videoing up the skirts of young girls at a Burnaby mall has numerous convictions of sexual assault, child pornography, juvenile prostitution and failing to comply with bail conditions dating back to 1987. -- начиная с 1987 года)
12.01.2024 4:10:39 cliche. dating from начиная с (The Myreton Motor Museum at Aberlady has a collection of old bicycles and motor vehicles dating from 1866. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
12.01.2024 3:25:48 cliche. stay safe, stay warm берегите себя, одевайтесь потеплее (A quick reminder to think of your pets (bring them in) and check on people who might be vulnerable in this abnormally cold weather. Stay safe, stay warm! (Twitter))
12.01.2024 2:42:16 idiom. as thin as a rail худой как велосипед (The expression "skinny/thin as a rail" comes from the fact that all rail species can laterally compress their bodies and walk through the marsh without moving a blade of grass. The Virginia Rail is a reclusive bird of fresh and saltwater marshes, and is usually seen only when it comes out to feed on mudflats. (tn.gov/twra/wildlife/birds/waterbirds/virginia-rail): He eats like a horse, and yet he's as thin as a rail. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Она худая как лисапет, хочется накормить. (из рус. источника))
12.01.2024 2:35:43 cliche. make no sense вызывать недоумение (Makes no sense. / This makes no sense. -- Это вызывает недоумение.)
12.01.2024 2:30:57 cliche. enjoy your trip! желаю вам приятной поездки! (Enjoy your trip!)
12.01.2024 2:21:42 cliche. have a nice trip! желаю вам приятной поездки! (Have a nice/good trip and a safe return home! = Желаю вам приятной поездки и благополучного возвращения домой!)
11.01.2024 11:38:23 crim.law. convicted and sentenced by a criminal court осуждённый уголовным судом
11.01.2024 11:36:44 gen. keen intelligence острый ум (из англ. источника)
11.01.2024 11:35:05 idiom. at a premium остро не хватает
11.01.2024 11:30:12 math. ordinary differential equations обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения (An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an equation that involves some ordinary derivatives (as opposed to partial derivatives) of a function.)
11.01.2024 11:18:12 disappr. come knocking заявиться без приглашения (In 1959, developers came knocking. In those days, they didn't tell you what they were going to develop. They just knocked on our door one night and said, ‘We don't want your house, we just want your property.' Two years later they built Lakeshore Mall on our land.)
11.01.2024 10:43:54 gen. during supper за ужином ('Holmes said little more, but the picture of the old roysterer seemed to have a fascination for him, and his eyes were continually fixed upon it during supper.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
11.01.2024 7:32:02 food.ind. rancid ёлкое (о сливочном масле: Butter will go rancid if exposed to light, heat or air.)
11.01.2024 7:31:17 biochem. go rancid ёлкнуть (I like rice bran oil because it absorbs well and it's very stable, so it doesn't go rancid. – масло не ёлкнет)
11.01.2024 7:29:57 gen. just barely еле-еле (о расстоянии)
11.01.2024 7:29:28 gen. ever so slowly еле-еле (Traffic on Hwy 1 creeping ever so slowly between Gagliardi and Kensington – еле ползёт)
11.01.2024 7:27:15 gen. ride piggy-back ездить на закорках (о ребёнке: Ryker's mom is training for the Trailblaze Challenge, where participants hike 40 km in one day to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. (...) And Ryker is helping his mom train by riding piggy-back on her practice hikes. (NEWS 1130))
11.01.2024 7:25:58 trav. go to the seaside ездить к морю (We always go to the seaside in August.)
11.01.2024 7:23:43 st.exch. shares fell акции упали (BBTV’s shares fell from $14 per share at the start of 2021 to less than $1 by the start of 2023.)
11.01.2024 6:52:27 gen. die of fright умереть от страха (Huntsman's Leap, half a mile west, is a great fissure in the cliffs. According to legend a horseman once jumped the narrow gap, 130 ft above the sea, but died of fright after the feat. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- умер от страха)
11.01.2024 6:47:48 inf. it's horrible what's happened там такое -- просто ужас (It's horrible what's happened. They have at least $40,000 worth of damage.)
11.01.2024 6:45:02 mil., arm.veh. tank firing range танковый полигон для боевых стрельб (Much of the countryside is part of the Green Hills tank firing range; there are notices warning of times during which firing will be in progress.)
11.01.2024 6:39:45 trav. spectacular walk тропа с впечатляющими видами (нвпр, вдоль берега: There is a spectacular walk along the cliffs 2 miles further west to Elegug Stack, a massive limestone pillar covered with seabirds in the breeding season. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
11.01.2024 6:26:57 gen. tread lightly ходить осторожно ("Baby Toads Crossing. Please Tread Lightly." (a sign in a park))
11.01.2024 6:26:57 gen. tread lightly осторожно ходить ("Baby Toads Crossing. Please Tread Lightly." (a sign in a park))
11.01.2024 6:17:58 gen. fatal crash ДТП со смертельным исходом (A portion of the Lougheed Highway was closed for several hours Sunday evening due to a fatal crash.)
11.01.2024 6:17:28 contempt. filthy little person дрянь
11.01.2024 6:16:49 pets feline friends друзья-кошки (пример из русского интернета: Занятие по воспитанию эмоциональной отзывчивости младших школьников к явлениям живой природы. Тема: «Наши друзья-кошки».)
11.01.2024 6:15:10 proverb you can never have too many friends друзей не бывает слишком много
11.01.2024 6:14:40 gen. camaraderie дружба между товарищами
11.01.2024 6:07:23 gen. country house outside Moscow дача под Москвой (from a US source)
11.01.2024 5:46:52 gen. be married against one's will выдать замуж против воли (to – за: The “Lady in Black” was considered the daughter or niece of the “Russian governor,” who was once famous in Sitka for her beauty and grace. The girl was married against her will to an unloved man. On the first wedding night, the bride disappeared. (anomalien.com))
11.01.2024 5:26:16 space mothership космический корабль-база (вмещающий более мелкие аппараты: There is a possibility that extraterrestrial motherships and smaller probes may be visiting planets in our solar system, the head of the Pentagon’s unidentified aerial phenomena research office noted in a report draft shared Tuesday. (militarytimes.com) • He also revealed that he and his family will soon visit a three-mile-wide mothership from the Sirius star system, and he plans to document the trip. The craft, he claimed, will be cloaked 50 miles up in our atmosphere when he makes the journey. (coasttocoastam.com))
11.01.2024 4:21:07 parapsych. telepathic connection телепатическая связь (Author and speaker Tom T. Moore has a telepathic connection with guardian angels. In the first half, he shared the latest telepathic messages he's received for 2024 and beyond, and how people can tap into the angelic realm using meditation techniques. -- поддерживает телепатическую связь (coasttocoastam.com))
11.01.2024 4:00:40 gen. offer a guess высказать догадку (Many commenters offered guesses as to what sort of fish the beast is, including conger eel, long tail moray and green moray. dailystar.co.uk)
11.01.2024 3:48:30 idiom. chalk sth. up to списать на (She doesn't even bother to say thank you, but I just chalk it up to bad manners and try not to let it bother me. • Woods reportedly had been more quiet than usual that day, which most just chalked up to tiredness. • Вроде и на «плохую погоду» не списать — дороги сухие, снега толком не было, а тем не менее горожане долго не могли добраться до пунктов назначения. (sevastopol.su) mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.01.2024 1:43:39 subl. uplifting возвышающий душу (Estuella's art is filled with a mysterious, uplifting sense of beauty.)
10.01.2024 11:31:50 gen. brewed tea заваренный чай (Brewed tea is different from instant tea in that you steep tea leaves in water for a certain amount of time before drinking the beverage. • Я лично предпочитаю слабо заваренный чай и обязательно с лимоном. (из рус. источника))
10.01.2024 11:21:48 gen. quiet day спокойный день (о работе; тж. о дорогах (т.е. без аварий): We had a quiet day at work, no issues. • It's quiet on all major routes. The Massey Tunnel is quiet right now.)
10.01.2024 11:09:12 gen. doesn't even exist вообще не существует (Don't look that way. Pretend he doesn't even exist. – Не смотри в ту сторону. Сделай вид, что его вообще не существует.)
10.01.2024 9:23:13 cliche. I owe you an apology я должен перед вами извиниться
10.01.2024 9:22:21 gen. I would tend to doubt it я в этом сомневаюсь (Whether Area 51 exists or not, I don't know. I would tend to doubt it.)
10.01.2024 9:21:48 cliche. I have no doubt about that я в этом не сомневаюсь
10.01.2024 9:19:43 gen. I have wondered about that я всегда задумывался над этим (Really? I've wondered about that.)
10.01.2024 9:16:49 law, contr. express conflict явное противоречие (In the event of an express conflict between such service agreement and these Terms of Service ...)
10.01.2024 9:14:33 gen. I'm absolutely thrilled я в полном восторге (The game was awesome! I'm absolutely thrilled! – Я в полном восторге! )
10.01.2024 9:11:58 gen. thrilled в восторге (The game was awesome! I'm absolutely thrilled! -- Я в полном восторге!)
10.01.2024 9:10:06 gen. win-win for everyone в выигрыше остаются все (It's a win-win for everyone. – При таком раскладе в выигрыше остаются все. )
10.01.2024 9:04:11 disappr. completely and utterly в высшей степени (As a parent, I find it completely and utterly appalling.)
10.01.2024 8:02:49 chem. conduct an isotope analysis осуществить изотопный анализ (Their work involved making high-tech scans and conducting a lead isotope analysis of the buckles to determine their composition, as well as three-dimensional scans to see how closely-related the four buckles really were to one another. vice.com)
10.01.2024 7:56:38 archaeol. Slavic deity древнеславянское божество (For example, the snake appears on Avar artifacts symbolizing creation and in Slavic mythology to mean coming from the earth. The frog, on the other hand, could represent a Slavic deity of fertility or a woman who has just given birth. vice.com)
10.01.2024 7:42:58 gen. astounding необыкновенный (Initially, workers earned around $70 per day to help him with the excavation, but that rate rose to a whopping $500 as the hole got deeper. To that end, the pit ultimately reached an astounding 130 feet deep until he reached a large rock that stopped him in his tracks and left him considering the use of dynamite to continue the project.-- шахта достигла необыкновенной глубины в 130 футов coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 7:42:19 gen. astounding ошеломляющий (Initially, workers earned around $70 per day to help him with the excavation, but that rate rose to a whopping $500 as the hole got deeper. To that end, the pit ultimately reached an astounding 130 feet deep until he reached a large rock that stopped him in his tracks and left him considering the use of dynamite to continue the project. -- шахта достигла ошеломляющей глубины в 130 футов coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 7:31:36 gen. pour one's life savings into потратить все свои сбережения на (According to a local media report, the unfortunate incident that occurred last week began started sometime over a year ago when João Pimenta had what he described as a "prophetic dream" wherein a spirit revealed to him that a vast amount of gold could be found buried under his kitchen floor. Over the next year, neighbors recounted to the media, Pimenta poured his life savings into the pursuit, including selling his other properties to buy equipment and fund the dig. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 7:18:44 gen. dream wherein сон, в котором (According to a local media report, the unfortunate incident that occurred last week began started sometime over a year ago when João Pimenta had what he described as a "prophetic dream" wherein a spirit revealed to him that a vast amount of gold could be found buried under his kitchen floor. -- вещий сон, в котором coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 7:14:31 gen. beneath the floor под полом (A Brazilian man dug a staggering 130-foot-deep hole beneath his kitchen floor in search of buried treasure, but his epic quest ended in tragedy when he plummeted into the chasm and perished. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 7:10:58 gen. make sure sth. shows чтобы было видно (Fold this cover page at the dotted line above and insert it into the envelope. Make sure that our address in the box below shows through the envelope window. -- таким образом, чтобы было видно адрес)
10.01.2024 7:09:51 gen. make sure sth. shows чтобы был виден (Fold this cover page at the dotted line above and insert it into the envelope. Make sure that our address in the box below shows through the envelope window. -- таким образом, чтобы был виден адрес)
10.01.2024 7:06:49 cliche. make sure that таким образом, чтобы (в инструкциях: Fold this cover page at the dotted line above and insert it into the envelope. Make sure that our address in the box below shows through the envelope window. -- таким образом, чтобы был виден адрес)
10.01.2024 7:00:23 gen. in the way that таким образом, чтобы (Finding a way to illuminate the second and third floors in the way that the lamps allowed the residents to avoid any light pollution at night was our main focus.)
10.01.2024 6:59:50 law, contr. so as таким образом, чтобы (... provided, however, that such court or proper authority shall have the power to change and interpret such provision so as to best accomplish its objectives within the limits of applicable law or applicable court decisions ...)
10.01.2024 4:52:37 avia. fly past пролететь мимо (A remarkable air traffic control recording from late last month features the moment when a puzzled pilot reports that a thirty-foot-tall triangular object just flew past his aircraft. The strange incident reportedly occurred on December 20th during a flight from Pittsburgh to Maryland. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2024 2:21:45 inf. low-grade сорный (Так что готовьтесь к массовому потреблению считавшихся ранее сорных сортов рыбы, к тому же еще искусственно выращенной в водах Хуанхэ. (sevastopol.su))
10.01.2024 1:55:15 gen. fishery рыбопромышленная отрасль (возможность восстановления рыбопромышленной отрасли Севастополя (sevastopol.su))
10.01.2024 1:20:48 meteorol. weather event метеособытие (A major weather event is anticipated to impact our region in the next 24-72 hours. Be prepared for varied and changing road conditions.)
10.01.2024 1:20:48 meteorol. weather event погодное событие (A major weather event is anticipated to impact our region in the next 24-72 hours. Be prepared for varied and changing road conditions.)
9.01.2024 10:32:35 gen. be completely unaware понятия не иметь (of / that: We were completely unaware that alternatives existed. – Мы понятия не имели, что были какие-то другие варианты.)
9.01.2024 10:14:55 cliche. be difficult помотать нервы (fter a long time she pulled her head back but kept her arms around my neck. She was starry-eyed. "I meant to all the time," she said. "I just had to be difficult. I don't know why." (Raymond Chandler) -- Мне просто хотелось помотать тебе нервы.)
9.01.2024 10:13:05 gen. race down the corridor помчаться по коридору (He raced down the corridor and into a lavatory. -- помчался по коридору)
9.01.2024 10:06:54 gen. take painstaking care проявлять исключительную заботу (with – o; напр., о качестве исполнения задания)
9.01.2024 10:05:47 gen. treat each case individually проявлять индивидуальный подход ("Rather than a flat "no" to pet owners, landlords should interview prospective tenants with pets and treat each case individually. There are many responsible pet owners with well-behaved pets and they should not be treated in the same manner as people with large, dangerous dog breeds." (The Province))
9.01.2024 10:04:40 gen. treat each case individually подходить индивидуально к каждому случаю ("Rather than a flat "no" to pet owners, landlords should interview prospective tenants with pets and treat each case individually. There are many responsible pet owners with well-behaved pets and they should not be treated in the same manner as people with large, dangerous dog breeds." (The Province))
10.06.2024 1:40:53 cliche. good time подходящий момент (Is this a good time to talk to your dad? • "Do you think sometime between 4 and 5 pm would be a good time to drop off the game tickets?" – "Yes, I think it would be a good time indeed!" • If you're thinking of selling your home, next year might be a good time. • Is now a good time to invest?)
9.01.2024 9:27:57 inf. be thick плохо соображать (I'm sorry, I'm just being thick today. – Я сегодня плохо соображаю. У меня сегодня голова плохо соображает.)
9.01.2024 9:27:33 fig.of.sp. be cloudy-minded плохо соображать (напр., после сна: It appeared about one hundred feet away, and I slowly approached it. I was out here for observing animals, and I was still slightly cloudy-minded from sleep. So as I got close it started screaming again. -- я ещё плохо соображал со сна (mysteriousuniverse.org))
9.01.2024 9:22:10 gen. dead dry leaves сухая листва (There were dead dry leaves on the ground which made loud crunches as I went. I had believed it would scare any animals away when I was setting up my base for the night. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
9.01.2024 9:17:49 auto. take that route ездить этой дорогой (I told my wife about the encounter and went to bed. I decided to never to take that route again. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
9.01.2024 9:14:38 auto. take home this road ездить домой этой дорогой (That's the road I take home from work every day. – Я каждый день езжу с работы этой дорогой.)
9.01.2024 9:03:18 gen. make a full recovery полностью поправиться (A day later and the dog hadn't returned. Another day passed, and still no dog. Then on the evening of the third day, her dog hobbled out of the woods, its body covered in cuts and lacerations. It also had a lot of caked blood around its mouth. That dog made a full recovery and ended up living three years after its fight with the Crawler. -- Овчарка полностью поправилась и прожила ещё три года (mysteriousuniverse.org))
9.01.2024 9:01:05 gen. hang limp обвиснуть (She pulled her head out of the water to see her police dog with its vice-like jaws firmly clamped around the crawler's upper forearm. The arm hung limp, and she could tell it had been broken. The Crawler tried and failed to lift the dog but lacked the strength to do so. -- рука бессильно обвисла (mysteriousuniverse.org))

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