
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

15.01.2024 5:24:52 inf. mess with заводиться с (занятием, работой: "My family and I recently moved into an older home. We’d like to do some renos on the house (reno-ing our mudroom to add a washer/ dryer and adding a back patio off it as well). Some parts of our house are not built to code; will this affect whether we can get a permit for the mudroom/patio? Or are we better off to try our luck and do the work without a permit?" "If you're home has been illegally extended, without a previous permit and inspection, you'll be setting yourself up for a large bill. I'd keep quiet, and add the laundry, but do not mess with any decks/add-ons that are visible from outside" -- не заводись ни с какими верандами или пристройками, которые будут видны снаружи (Reddit))
15.01.2024 4:32:45 inf. do some renos сделать небольшой ремонт (My family and I recently moved into an older home in Maplewood. We’d like to do some renos on the house -- reno-ing our mudroom to add a washer/ dryer and adding a back patio off it as well. Do we need a permit? (Reddit))
15.01.2024 4:21:57 gen. lug up a flight of stairs затащить наверх по лестнице (I just finished lugging a king-sized mattress up a flight of stairs. I need a drink.)
15.01.2024 4:05:30 commer. retail shelving unit стеллаж (для розничной торговли, для товаров/продуктов)
15.01.2024 3:29:34 idiom. on one's own dime за свой счёт (I had to ship the headphones on my own dime ($50 dollars w/tracking number and insurance). • You think they covered the shipping? Nope. I had to do it on my own dime.)
15.01.2024 3:26:33 fig. dominate заслонять собой остальных (участников или конкурентов: One show dominates the annual awards ceremony.)
15.01.2024 2:03:43 insur. cover оплачивать (Our insurance doesn't cover dental appointments.)
15.01.2024 1:55:46 insur. cover включать в себя услуги (What does my health and dental plan cover?)
15.01.2024 0:56:00 cliche. sort out the issue навести порядок в этом вопросе (One of my front teeth snapped off the other day and I was quoted £2k to get it fixed. I will never understand how dentists get away with charging so much to fix one tooth. The government needs to sort out the NHS dentistry issue as quickly as possible. (mirror.co.uk))
15.01.2024 0:56:00 cliche. sort out the issue разобраться в этой проблеме (One of my front teeth snapped off the other day and I was quoted £2k to get it fixed. I will never understand how dentists get away with charging so much to fix one tooth. The government needs to sort out the NHS dentistry issue as quickly as possible. (mirror.co.uk))
15.01.2024 0:47:47 gen. take a closer look at приглядеться к (Cat Thompson, 49, couldn't believe her eyes when she took a closer look at her photo of the sunset that she'd taken outside a branch of Tesco in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire. Cat Thompson took a break from unloading her shopping in the car park of her local Tesco when she stopped to snap the beautiful blue, pink and purple sky. It wasn’t until later, when Cat had put the picture on her family WhatsApp group that her loved ones pointed out a ring-like structure hovering amid the clouds. mirror.co.uk)
15.01.2024 0:41:55 trav. conduct tours проводить экскурсии (Lee Hampel purchased land in rural Wisconsin and found out there were many unexplained entities living there. Among the cryptids he claims to have seen on his land is the Dogman, which he estimates to be seven feet tall. Lee conducts tours for up to 20 people, showing them photos and taking them on a hayride around his property. (coasttocoastam.com) • Сегодня, по словам депутата, объявить себя гидом и проводить экскурсии фактически может любой. • Можно ли проводить экскурсии без лицензии? (из рус. источников))
15.01.2024 0:33:49 formal rationalize найти разумное объяснение (Trying to rationalize such cases is not easy. In fact, it's pretty much impossible. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • The Rivington Village Green Tea Room, a charming café near Bolton, UK, has become a center of attention due to a series of mysterious incidents, the latest involving a flying milk jug caught on camera. Despite attempts to rationalize the incident, such as checking for vibrations or external factors, the mysterious happenings continue to perplex and entertain those associated with the tea room. (coasttocoastam.com))
14.01.2024 22:28:55 publ.util. city crews дорожные службы (City crews are working hard to keep roads and bridge clear from snow and ice. • As snow continues to fall across Vancouver, all available city crews are out salting and plowing major routes. • Не стоит переживать за дорожные службы. Они одинаково работают, как по единой методичке. В разгар стихии их нет. Горожане сами справляются как могут. (sevastopol.su))
14.01.2024 22:18:35 traf. vehicle spun out автомобиль занесло (от spin out: Why do rear-wheel drive cars spin out more easily than front-wheel drive cars on snow or ice? • Emergency vehicles struck by spun-out cars as Metro Vancouver drivers struggle to navigate snow.)
14.01.2024 21:24:57 traf. cannot make it up the hill застрять на подъёме (из-за гололёда, снега: A layer of ice has made for tricky going across the city Friday morning. You’re better off walking on Main Street than waiting for a bus. Buses can’t make it up the hill from Terminal Avenue to Broadway. • Автобусы улетали в отбойники, троллейбусы застревали на подъемах, водители возмущенно рассказывали, кто, сколько и где стоял на превратившейся в стекло дороге. (sevastopol.su/))
14.01.2024 21:07:58 publ.transp. use public transport пользоваться услугами общественного транспорта (The only time I use public transport is when I’m on vacation in a city with public transport.)
14.01.2024 21:07:39 publ.transp. use public transit. пользоваться услугами общественного транспорта (There is no national survey on how much Canadians use public transit.)
14.01.2024 21:07:07 publ.transp. use public transportation пользоваться услугами общественного транспорта (How often do you use public transportation? • Прошедший день подарил севастопольцам массу эмоций – и самых радостных, и вовсе нет. Последние выпали на долю тех, кому в этот день пришлось сесть за руль или воспользоваться услугами общественного транспорта. (sevastopol.su))
14.01.2024 20:43:14 traf. traffic транспортные потоки (в рус.яз мн. ч., в англ. только ед.ч.: Roads are snow-covered but from what I can see on my webcams, traffic seems to be okay. • Сотрудники Госавтоинспекции продолжают оказывать помощь водителям на дорогах: регулируют транспортные потоки и вызывают техслужбы и эвакуаторы. • The decision was made to protect the lives of the police that would be standing out directing traffic.)
14.01.2024 20:31:18 gen. minor injury незначительная травма (The injuries were minor and the boy should be back home within the next few days. • A 89-year-old Vernon man is lucky to be alive after his van plummeted 50 metres down an embankment on Highway 97 Friday – and landed upright. The driver suffered minor injuries. -- получил незначительные травмы)
14.01.2024 20:25:33 traf. spun out развернуло (на обледеневшей дороге: Eastbound Interstate 90 reopened at North Bend shortly after 9 a.m. Friday after about 30 semitrucks spun out, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation. -- фуры развернуло • Emergency vehicles struck by spun-out cars as Metro Vancouver drivers struggle to navigate snow. (CTV News) • Так, на дороге в районе кольца Бельбек движение парализовали два большегруза. Водители из-за снежных заносов не справились с управлением, и фуры развернуло так, что они заняли обе полосы движения. (sevastopol.su))
14.01.2024 20:10:56 idiom. shine a light on высветить (проблемы, недостатки, нечто малодоступное, истинное положение дел: This week we shine a light on this secret industry with a list of the top 50 hedge fund chiefs and their wealth. (Sunday Times) • Just yesterday he announced he would hold a review to 'shine a light' on tax avoidance if elected. (The Sun))
14.01.2024 20:04:12 idiom. shine a light on problems высветить проблемы (He announced he would hold a review to shine a light on tax avoidance and other problems if elected. • Ночной пожар в Стрелецкой балке высветил проблемы хаотичной застройки Севастополя. (sevastopol.su))
14.01.2024 8:16:18 gen. during operation на этапе эксплуатации
14.01.2024 8:14:19 gen. really common обычное дело ("I asked them if paying with a bank draft was okay and they told me it was, but they need to go with me to my bank when I get the bank draft. They will go into the bank with me, but won't stand looking over my shoulder. Is this a new standard?" "This is really common. I work as a bank teller across from a Subaru dealership, and it happens all the time now. Bank drafts can be easily forged." (Reddit))
14.01.2024 7:49:30 gen. regular thing обычное дело (We have several here as well. Skunks are pretty much a regular thing, as are raccoons. I’ve never been sprayed but we have startled each other coming through a hedge in the dark. Pretty simple to just back away. (Twitter))
14.01.2024 7:49:12 gen. regular occurrence обычное дело (I was in shock about the state of Wreck Beach this morning. Spoke with the city employees and they said it's a regular occurrence and takes them a few hours to do the clean-up. People, we need to do better and respect this planet. (Twitter))
14.01.2024 7:48:34 gen. common thing обычное дело (Oh yeah. That's a common thing among aboriginals here, as well as gas sniffing and AIDS.)
14.01.2024 7:42:36 cliche. I can see that я могу это понять ("I asked them if paying with a bank draft was okay and they told me it was, but they need to go with me to my bank when I get the bank draft. That last part threw me for a loop. They explained it was because they have been dealing with an increase of scams this is their new policy. They will go into the bank with me, but won't stand looking over my shoulder. Is this a new standard?" "I can see that. Bank drafts can be forged. It's risk management for them. I think the bank has a right to return payments with forged signatures years later." (Reddit))
14.01.2024 6:50:13 polit. politically engaged участвующий в политической деятельности ("Politically engaged Canadians express dismay over the ouster of Jim Wilson from Liberal caucus.")
14.01.2024 6:32:48 polit. politically engaged политически активный
14.01.2024 5:48:56 immigr. get sb. a green card устроить "зелёную карту" кому-л. (I was first transferred by the company I worked for and got a temporary L1 work visa. I quit the job shortly after and hired a lawyer who got me a green card. I finally got my U.S. Citizenship very recently. There is such a shortage of skilled workers here since a massive amount of baby boomers retired/left the work force after Covid. The companies here are desperately seeking workers and willing to pay the legal fees for green cards. (vancouversun.com))
14.01.2024 5:38:48 immigr. obtain a visa through work получить визу благодаря работе (It has become harder to get into the U.S. So your story needs more context. You have US citizenship? Your spouse does? You obtained a visa through work (hard to get now) or you are exceptional at something? Or you bought a business? (vancouversun.com))
14.01.2024 3:04:41 gen. run an economy управлять экономикой (There’s no guarantee that a smarter and better educated government would do what’s best for the average Canadian, but that’s where democracy would come in and we’d get to vote for someone we believe would serve our interests, but only from a pool of candidates that have proven with objective exams that they have a basic competency in topics relevant when running an economy. Just speaking French and not looking too bad should not be enough ever again. (vancouversun.com))
14.01.2024 1:00:28 gen. form a coherent thought связно выражать свои мысли (The success and the value of your comment is directly proportional to the downvotes from the NDP voters who cannot form a coherent thought and continue to enjoy hospital lineups, terrible transportation, dysfunctional ferries, dead druggies, incompetent truckers, water failures, power failures and failure failures. (vancouversun.com))
14.01.2024 0:37:28 publ.transp. trolley cable троллейбусная линия ("There is a cable in the middle of the road all along my block with tape along the sidewalks that says "Danger Electrical Hazard". Looks like a trolley cable gave out." "Trolley cables are down on Davie near Cardero." (Reddit) -- обрыв троллейбусной линии / троллейбусного провода)
14.01.2024 0:30:46 gen. set to medium выбрать среднюю температуру (в обогревателях, электроприборах: I’ve put a heating pad under my hummer feeder, set to medium it keeps the nectar from freezing all day. (Twitter))
14.01.2024 0:30:46 gen. set to medium поставить на среднюю температуру (в обогревателях, электроприборах: I’ve put a heating pad under my hummer feeder, set to medium it keeps the nectar from freezing all day. (Twitter))
14.01.2024 0:27:12 gen. gazetteer алфавитный перечень в конце книги (справочной информации по содержанию книги)
13.01.2024 23:41:37 gen. topic of conversation тема для разговоров ("(...) this extraordinary case, which was the one topic of conversation through the length and breadth of England." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – стала единственной темой для разговоров • This is a topic of conversation with everyone I meet daily – from the dog park, in my offices, with random strangers waiting for coffee. It's how terrible the cost of living is for what you get in Vancouver. I've had three families I know move in the past two years, searching for a better cost of living. I'm about to do the same. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 21:12:30 gen. not that safe небезопасный (As someone who grew up in Vancouver I’ve seen to go from a fun, thriving city to a virtual ghost town. The nightlife has dried up and it’s not that safe being out at night. -- ходить по ночам небезопасно (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 21:12:13 gen. not safe небезопасный (As someone who grew up in Vancouver I’ve seen to go from a fun, thriving city to a virtual ghost town. The nightlife has dried up and it’s not that safe being out at night. (vancouversun.com) -- ходить по ночам небезопасно)
13.01.2024 21:06:46 inf. weed shop магазин по продаже марихуаны (и изделий из конопли: The nightlife has dried up and it’s not that safe being out at night. So many boarded up storefronts in the shopping districts with the exception of Starbucks and weed shops. Homeless and hopeless bodies lying on every corner with their piles of junk. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 20:54:52 fig. solution to спасение от (Could AI be a solution to loneliness or will it make things worse? -- Может ли ИИ стать спасением от одиночества ...? unexplained-mysteries.com)
13.01.2024 20:25:23 inf. unjabbed невакцинированный (во мн.ч. и с the: I fled a week before Jr closed the border to the unjabbed. -- Я бежал из страны за неделю до того, как Трюдо-младший закрыл границы для тех, кто не стал вакцинироваться. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 20:19:17 gen. account for учитывать (These numbers do not account for foreign nationals. -- Эти цифры не учитывают иностранных граждан.)
13.01.2024 8:40:37 idiom. pull up stakes перебраться на новое место (But there’s no evidence that faster population growth raises GDP per capita, which is the best measure of living standards. In other words, the highest migration rate in the Western world isn’t necessarily helping most Canadian families get ahead. So more than a few are pulling up stakes to find somewhere more attractive to prosper. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:38:50 fig. get ahead зажить лучше (But there’s no evidence that faster population growth raises GDP per capita, which is the best measure of living standards. In other words, the highest migration rate in the Western world isn’t necessarily helping most Canadian families get ahead. So more than a few are pulling up stakes to find somewhere more attractive to prosper. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:36:04 fig. juice подпитать (Williams believes Canada’s federal politicians are motivated to bring in a record number of immigrants, foreign students and other guest workers to “juice” GDP growth. And all those bodies do provide more consumers of goods, services and housing. But there’s no evidence that faster population growth raises GDP per capita, which is the best measure of living standards. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:29:36 idiom. set up home устроиться (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:29:36 idiom. set up home устраиваться (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:29:36 idiom. set up home осесть (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:29:36 idiom. set up home оседать (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:18:19 fig. queue up for становиться в очередь за (чем-л.: “We’re right at the back of the pack,” Williams says. “You don’t need to be an economist,” he says, to recognize living standards are going sideways or down for a lot of people. “Canadians have figured out for themselves that the economy isn’t performing very well. They’ve seen that in their personal lives, when they try to buy groceries, pay their rent, pay their mortgage, pay all their taxes and queue up for health care.” (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:13:29 demogr. population boom демографический взрыв (Meanwhile, at the national level, about 35,600 people have left Canada altogether. That’s the disturbing counterpoint to Canada’s main narrative, which is that the country is undergoing a population boom because an unprecedented number of foreign nationals have been invited to the country. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 8:08:50 idiom. stretch one's money further повысить свои покупательские возможности (в пределах бюджета: Vernon Mayor Victor Cumming is highly aware that a lot of British Columbians are on the move. He’s getting to know the young parents who come to his mid-sized Okanagan city from Metro Vancouver to escape extreme housing costs and to stretch their money further while enjoying easy access to outdoor recreation. “They get a much higher quality of life for much less money,” Cumming said, noting many new families show up in the school system when their children are ready to enter Grades 3 and 4. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 7:49:14 gen. mid-sized средний по размеру (It's a mid-sized city in the Okanagan.)
13.01.2024 6:29:25 gen. gusting to с порывами до (о скорости ветра: Arctic Outflow winds now N 72km/h gusting to 86km/h (45-53mph))
13.01.2024 5:50:36 idiom. I felt down у меня было плохое настроение (I felt down, so I decided to go out and capture some photos, only to find that the outdoors mirrored my mood with its own shade of blue. (Twitter))
13.01.2024 5:45:32 gen. maybe that's not going to be that bad может быть, обойдётся (Snow was coming down hard ten minutes ago, now it slowed up. Maybe that’s not going to be that bad. (Twitter))
13.01.2024 5:42:00 gen. blurry photo нечёткий снимок
13.01.2024 5:42:00 gen. blurry photo нечёткая фотография
13.01.2024 5:38:28 gen. clear off прочистить от (sth. off sth. – что-л. от чего-л.: Spare a thought, and try to help if you can, for Anna’s hummingbirds, struggling in -12C temperature and blowing snow -- unexpectedly cold! Our hummingbird feeder is underneath the eaves of our front window, and sheltered by two walls, and still the blowing snow got in there to block the feeder holes! Had to clear snow off feeder holes so they could eat, and they were grateful! (Twitter) -- приходилось прочищать отверстия от снега)
13.01.2024 5:05:04 gen. clear off счищать с (sth. off sth. – что-л. с чего-л.: clear snow off the porch -- счищать снег с крыльца)
13.01.2024 4:50:15 gen. air out one's clothes проветривать вещи
13.01.2024 4:48:23 gen. men's pants мужские брюки (We're experiencing a greater need for donations at this time, specifically we're looking for men's coats, men's pants, long johns, warm socks -- these are the essentials in this brutally cold weather.)
13.01.2024 4:13:01 gen. warm up греться (Sitting in my car warming up listening to the news about the cold weather. -- сижу в машине, греюсь (Twitter))
13.01.2024 4:08:29 gen. look it up поискать в интернете (информацию: Odd looking ship in the port today. I looked it up and it looks like it transports cars. Oriole Car Carrier. (Twitter))
13.01.2024 4:08:29 gen. look it up найти в интернете (информацию: Odd looking ship in the port today. I looked it up and it looks like it transports cars. Oriole Car Carrier. (Twitter))
13.01.2024 3:18:50 eng. operations функционирование (These actions interrupted a smooth flow of operations at the power station. -- Эти действия привели к нарушению бесперебойного функционирования станции.)
13.01.2024 3:17:49 busin. operations работа (operations in cold weather conditions • YVR officials say they are working to repair the leak and operations were not affected. -- это не отразилось на работе аэропорта)
13.01.2024 1:14:56 gen. mathematical formulae математические формулы (Equally strange was the fall of papers on to North Greenbush in the Albany area of New York (USA) which was witnessed by Bob Hill, manager of radio station WHRL, on 24 July 1973. He watched them flutter slowly down. He managed to retrieve a couple of sheets and found them to contain complex mathematical formulae, but his later research did not manage to track down their owner. -- сложные математические формулы (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.01.2024 0:41:45 forg. fused оплавленный (In 1930, a partly fused iron bar fell from the sky during a thunderstorm at Hunstanton, Norfolk (England), striking a chimney. -- частично оплавленный (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.01.2024 0:33:40 fig. field day благодать (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 0:32:27 fig. field day рай (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 0:30:04 fig. field day малина (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 0:29:12 fig. field day мечта (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 0:28:19 fig. field day отсутствие ограничений (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com))
13.01.2024 0:24:01 fig. field day раздолье (These arbitrary development entitlements are a field day for land speculators, who even now will be buying and selling land based on the development potential that has been created. The speculators will be long gone before any housing is built, leaving local government holding the bag for providing previously unplanned services to these areas. (vancouversun.com) • And what about the golf balls which fell from the skies over Punta Gorda, Florida (USA), on 3 September 1969? There were literally hundreds of them rolling around the streets -- a field day for golfers but a mystery for the police who could find no one who had lost the balls or could throw any light on their strange arrival in Punta Gorda. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
13.01.2024 0:06:46 humor. so much for hospitality! вот вам и гостеприимство! (The alligator fell at Evansville, Indiana (USA), on 21 May 1911: 'During the hard rain here today an alligator two feet long fell from the clouds and, landing on the step of the home of Mrs Hiram Winchell, tried to crawl in at the front door. The visitor was killed by Mrs Winchell and several other women with bed slats.' So much for Indiana hospitality! (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
12.01.2024 23:21:32 gen. foul smell зловоние (It had a flat, black shiny face, with two big yellow eyes and a hole for a mouth. It just stared at me and I stared back. We seemed to stand there staring at each other for about 10 minutes before it suddenly gave off a foul smell that made me vomit --then it just made off sideways and disappeared. -- испустил зловоние, от которого меня стошнило (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
12.01.2024 20:12:26 cliche. on a massive scale в гигантских масштабах (A Victoria hospitalist is warning that if the province opens up access to a greater variety of highly addictive and potent opioids without a prescription or supervision, new addictions will occur “on a massive scale.” Dr. Mark Mallet was reacting to a call by chief coroner Lisa Lapointe this month for prescription-free access to a wider array of quality controlled opioids and stimulants to reduce illicit drug overdose deaths. -- новые случаи наркозависимости будут происходить в гигантских масштабах / достигнут гигантских масшабов nsnews.com)
12.01.2024 20:10:23 gen. toboggan down the hill скатиться с горки на санках (Well, most municipalities know how to plan for winter, the City of Vancouver runs on thoughts and prayers for anything snow-related... they do nothing. We live on a hill and I think we might just skate or toboggan down the hill today. (Twitter))
12.01.2024 20:05:54 gen. go tobogganing кататься на санках (Yesterday we went tobogganing with the kids on Mt Seymour. – поехали с детьми кататься на санках)
12.01.2024 19:41:39 n.amer. downtown деловой центр города (On Jan 3, 1974 a Home Oil Barge blew up in Coal Harbour killing 3, rattling windows in downtown Vancouver and sending clouds of black smoke into the sky. • My father was downtown when it happened. • With all due respect to New Westminster Police Department Sgt. Sanjay Kumar, I do not understand how he can claim the downtown area of New Westminster is a safe place to be given the numerous incidents of violence reported in that area in recent months.)
12.01.2024 10:29:28 gen. melt slightly чуть подтаять (Side streets are skating rinks! Snow that fell earlier, melting slightly, is now freezing with temps at -8°C/17°F. If you live on a side street and don’t have proper tires, don’t try driving.. you won’t get up a hill. (Twitter) -- чуть подтаял и теперь подмерзает)
12.01.2024 9:32:38 traf. sheer ice сплошной лёд (на дорогах: Davie Street totally closed. West End side streets sheer ice. It's a mess out there people. (Twitter))
12.01.2024 9:27:14 gen. all night весь вечер (A very rough commute because of the icy conditions, it has been like this all night.)
12.01.2024 8:56:51 humor. darling любимчик (the media darling • the cyber darling of the sports world)
12.01.2024 8:56:12 sarcast. the boss's pet любимчик начальника
12.01.2024 8:43:36 gen. keep up the pretence успешно притворяться (The two-year work ban imposed on Rökk at the end of the second world war as punishment for the close relationship she had with the inner circle of the Nazi leadership may have helped her keep up the pretence. (theguardian.com))
12.01.2024 8:43:36 gen. keep up the pretence притворяться (The two-year work ban imposed on Rökk at the end of the second world war as punishment for the close relationship she had with the inner circle of the Nazi leadership may have helped her keep up the pretence. (theguardian.com))
12.01.2024 8:40:11 gen. keep a close relationship поддерживать тесные отношения (with – с: The two-year work ban imposed on Rökk at the end of the second world war as punishment for the close relationship she had with the inner circle of the Nazi leadership may have helped her keep up the pretence. Or she managed to keep a close relationship with both regimes. (theguardian.com))
12.01.2024 8:40:11 gen. keep a close relationship находиться в тесных отношениях (with – с: The two-year work ban imposed on Rökk at the end of the second world war as punishment for the close relationship she had with the inner circle of the Nazi leadership may have helped her keep up the pretence. Or she managed to keep a close relationship with both regimes. (theguardian.com))
12.01.2024 8:31:15 cinema acting career работа в кино (In 1951 Rökk announced she was giving up her acting career after 16 years. Newspapers at the time said that she wanted to devote herself to running a boutique selling authentic Swiss woollenware in Düsseldorf. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 8:15:38 gen. military intelligence данные военной разведки (Krona, the network of agents she was a member of, was responsible for passing on high-class military intelligence, including plans for Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of Kursk. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 7:44:29 gen. alongside вместе с (It is believed she was recruited as a KGB agent by her manager, Heinz Hoffmeister, who was already working for Soviet intelligence. Her husband, the film director Georg Jacoby, is thought to have spied alongside her. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 7:42:00 intell. recruit as a KGB agent завербовать в качестве агента КГБ (It is believed she was recruited as a KGB agent by her manager, Heinz Hoffmeister, who was already working for Soviet intelligence. What Rökk’s role was, and specifically what information she might have passed on to Moscow, remains unclear. theguardian.com)
12.01.2024 6:55:12 gen. best-loved любимейший (Jane Austen is one of the best-loved English novelists. • One of Germany’s best-loved postwar actors has been exposed as a Soviet agent following the declassification of top secret intelligence documents. Marika Rökk, who was banned from acting for two years for her apparent closeness to the Nazi regime, had in fact been working from the 1940s onwards for a reconnaissance network passing Third Reich secrets to Moscow. theguardian.com)

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